All Comments on 'Jack and Diane'

by fritz51

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26thNC26thNCabout 5 years ago
A little

A.little out of my wheelhouse , but a interesting story just the same.

0zed0zedabout 5 years ago
Overtones of RAAC

Literally a very far reaching RAAC! I care less for RAAC stories, but did give you a two.

ReedRichardsReedRichardsabout 5 years ago
Well, it was different . . .

. . . but it needed more character development and fleshing out. 4

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
Great little job!

Thank you for it. 5

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
I wanna say it's good.

It's solid in every aspect except the plot line itself.

You have creatures that can change time and space, but are bound by the fates?

You have creatures that obey the rule of free will, but both agree to strip a woman of her free-will and body switch her out for our Diane....cuz...reasons?

The internal logic of your world is crumbling around you. Did I enjoy the concept, the dialogue, the emotions? Yes. But when the immersion goes *poof* it's a jarring thing.

Maybe to fix your dilema you can add the woman in question has herself agreed to be killed earlier than planned, to end her affair and spare THAT other husband some pain. It'd be consistent with your world's logic.

justwetwojustwetwoabout 5 years ago

Interesting juxtaposition with Sci-Fi/Fantasy. Ellen deserved more of a back story given she was in the epilogue.

Well written but could use an editor.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
There is no do over in life.

We make mistakes and have to live with the consequences....good and bad. People cheat and all for different reasons but while men need a place, women need a reason.

Good story but it was stereotypical.

silentsoundsilentsoundabout 5 years ago
I like it.

Nice supernatural tale

PowersworderPowersworderabout 5 years ago

"for him there was no other choice"

Jack looked Angelica in the eyes and said earnestly, "So... how hot is my second wife and where do I meet her?"

And the cheating bitch burned on Lucifer's pitchfork for all eternity.


Rogn123Rogn123about 5 years ago
It turns out

Ellen was Jacks girlfriend who he had been porking for years. Diane found out and in her misery, drove her car into a fast moving freight train.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
Quirky, but interesting

To the commenter(s) who criticizes the reconciliation, the thing that distinguishes a justifiable reconciliation from a RAAC is deep repentance. In this plot, no erring wife could possibly show profound repentance more clearly that Diane did. It's fantasy, but taken on its own terms, I don't see how any one could cavil about the reconciliation.

Deserves a higher score.

sbrooks103xsbrooks103xabout 5 years ago

Okay, the supernatural bit was a unique twist, but the wife getting older turning to a younger man foe validation has been done to death. The idea that hubby's compliments don't mean anything because he "has" to say them is lame, especially because lover boy's compliments mean LESS because he's only saying them to get into her pants!

The wife also never considers that hubby might be feeling older too, would she forgive HIM if some slut succeeded in seducing him?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
At least it is different and original

Anf that says a lot about this story. Well done

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
An interesting concept.

And a novel idea but one that I think needed a longer treatment. Personally I prefer the realisation of visitation by angels or demons only becoming apparent after the fact, only discovered upon further reflection but that's just my opinion. I'm glad that someone else finds appealing the principle of reconciliation being a option when it's actually earned and the cheater genuinely remorseful. RAACs irritate with their naive irrationality.

Thanks, fritz51 for an fun read.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
Editor NEEDED!!!!!

How can he remember the "dream" if he was supposed to forget even meeting the angel?

The damn story had so many SIMPLE english mistakes I thought it was written by a newly minted illegal alien (sorry we're supposed to call you "birthright visitor with voting rights"...). Take for instance this one simple, but incorrect sentence: How can you help me and how do know I was praying?

Another issue is the jump from first person "voice" to third person. It happens multiple times.

Learn the meaning of "to, too, and two". It is one of the most basic mistakes early English users make. A simple refresher course of second grade English might be in order.

The redemptive value is interesting, but because of the "reality syndrome", I can only posit that moving one "chess piece" is not enough to determine end of game values as too many options are still on the board. It is said that the fastest super computer if deliberating the possible moves in any game of chess was started running a the time of Christ, it would still be computing... Get it?


tazz317tazz317about 5 years ago

and uses it wisely, TK U MLJ LV NV

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
Kind of cute and endearing, but should be in the Fantasy category.

Divorce is the end of a marriage, but it doesn't have to be the end of a relationship. The marriage actually ended when Dianne agreed to fuck Brad. Dianne was willing to die and be damned if it would heal Jack. She could have demonstrated that level of remorse and sorrow by agreeing to accept nothing from the divorce, and pledging to remain faithful to the marriage she destroyed for the rest of her life. Of course she would continue to try to win Jack back until he remarried someone else. She would be as open and honest about this dedication and commitment as if she were still married to him.

There have been several well written stories based on this plot idea, some ending in reconciliation and some not. And some with very clever twists. This story had the same level of wit, but used fantasy and science fiction to implement the reconciliation. So it was a good story, well written, but more Fantasy than Loving Wives.

Still, thanks for the effort.

MightyHornyMightyHornyabout 5 years ago
When a RAAC tale isn't actually RAAC...

Man, am I torn about this story.

When I finished it, it seems pretty damn obvious that it was a Reconciliation At All Cost tale... but the more I thought about it, the more inaccurate that initial take was.

It sure felt like Diane got Jack back with very little effort... Except for the fact that she GAVE UP her life and eternal soul for HIS happiness. Now, I've read a whole lot of apologies from wives after they're caught cheating, but never have I read a story about a woman going to this extreme length to atone for breaking her marriage.

So, even though it felt cheap and easy... it really wasn't! Which, when you really take the time to think about it, isn't a good thing. By her actions, we are made to understand how bad Diane felt about her adultery, but we are never made to FEEL her pain about it, which makes her sacrifice to give Jack happiness again logically believable, but emotionally bogus.

I also feel like the author sorta brush aside Diane's cheating, after Jack chose her, to focus solely on their happy reunion - weird that I have to remind you of this, fritz51, but that couple has issues! This woman has giant-sized insecurities, going on in her head, and, as good as Jack is as a husband, he obviously missed the warning sides that the love of his life was about to take a major dump on their marriage. So yes - 'wouldn't be a bad idea to get some counselling going... And, by the way, is there a reason why Ellen can give Jack kids, but Diane cannot? Together for 19 years, supposedly in love throughout that time... but no children? Even though Jack would have gotten some, each he was with another woman? Kinda wish you took the time to explain this, author...

Overall, this was... fine. I don't hate it, just wish I would care about it more. It's a weird feeling to leave a LW story where you believe that the reconciliation was earned, but still doesn't feel like it was... you know? But it is still an effort worth reading, IMHO.

johnadpjohnadpabout 5 years ago
Two American Kids Doing The Best They Can

All's well that ends well!

legsfeettoeslegsfeettoesabout 5 years ago
Love, Understanding, Forgiving

The first thing that came to mind after reading this was the O. Henry story, The Gift of the Magi. The woman sells her hair to buy him a Christmas gift while he has bought an ornamental comb as his gift for her. Basically the same idea here.

But the wife's infidelity in this story revealed to me that the husband's love was shallow. We all make mistakes. The wife made one. If he truly loved her, divorce would not leap into his mind as the first and only solution. To me, in most instances, the person cheated on must realize that he/she has somehow failed the cheater. A little self-examination is in order. There will be hurt, but counseling should be the first thing that comes to mind, not divorce. We are all human. We all err. True love would be trying to understand the cheater. True love will lead to understanding on the part of both parties and remorse for the cheater and forgiveness for the cheated party. One mistake will not destroy an otherwise solid marriage. There is no serial cheating here. If there were, the outcome could be different.

sbrooks103xsbrooks103xabout 5 years ago

You missed the key twist in "Gift of the Magi." She sold her beautiful long hair to buy him a watch fob for his treasured watch, he sold the watch to buy her a beautiful comb for her hair. They each gave up their treasure for their mates treasure.

We can have an honest debate on whether divorce should be the first and only option, but you lost me when you blame HIM for somehow failing her. She herself doesn't make that claim, blaming HER own ego for being swayed by the attentions of a younger man.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago

This story is, indeed, just like "The Gift of the Magi" insofar as both stories have a husband and a wife. /sarc/ Beyond that point, any claimed similarities are absurdly tenuous. Brooks' response to you was far too polite.

Your criticism of Jack reflects how marriage is regarded today as a relatively trivial institution by our soi disant "sophisticates". It's an attitude toward marriage that is generally both ahistorical and present only for a time in decadent, declining cultures. In better times, adultery was recognized for what it is: an act of treason against the family. Diane betrayed her vows, Jack, and her marriage.

Your view that Jack (and, evidently, any other victim of adultery) is somehow partially to blame for a spouse's adultery and belief that Jack's "proper" course of action is to seek "counseling" so that he can learn, in part, how he shares the blame for Diane's adultery are contemptible. You do, however, present a a brave, new conception of justice.

Let's see....

1. You contractually agree to deliver 20,000 units of a vaccine on a date certain, and you failed to do it because you went fishing instead. Is this material breach of contract cause to invoke contractual penalties and to sue you? Of course not! What's needed is for you and your contract party to go to "counseling" so that you both can discover how your contract party was partially responsible for your default. Besides, you only breeched your contract once.

2. You embezzle money from your employer so you can have some extra fun and are caught. Should you be fired, sued civilly, and prosecuted? Of course not! The appropriate course of action is for you and your employer to seek counseling so that both of can, in part, discover how your embezzlement is partly your employer's fault. Besides, you only embezzled once.

You say embezzlement is "against the law", while adultery isn't? (a rhetorical question folks) But that's a recent development. Historically, adultery has been against the law, which provided both civil and criminal penalties. You say that adultery shouldn't have legal penalties? Someone else could as well claim that your view makes even less sense from a social perspective than saying embezzlement shouldn't be against the law.

I actually like this whimsical little tale. It could use some polishing, but the fantasy element is used quite instructively. I believe most readers here think reconciliation after adultery is sometimes justified (true reconciliation, not just living with the adulterer until the children are grown, etc.). The fantasy element here is used to lay bare something that is generally left opaque in real life - whether there is true repentance on the part of the adulterer. The reconciliation is not justified, as one commenter seems to think, by Diane feeling "pain". Rather, it's her clear, demonstrated (1) recognition that what she did was profoundly immoral and that she has caused Jack excruciating emotional pain, (2) desire to atone for her betrayal, and (3) her obvious change of heart that means she would never do it again. In the story, these are transparent because of the fantasy device. In life they are far harder to discern. For this reason alone, the story deserves a higher score.

sbrooks103xsbrooks103xabout 5 years ago
Additional Thoughts

An interesting take on the "I'll do anything" claim that the cheaters often make.

Besides, as I said earlier, that even SHE made no charge as to any failing on his part, even if there WAS, the burden was on her to make it known to him so that he could work to correct it. If it came about that he was unable or unwilling to correct the failing, then she should woman up and get a divorce rather than cheat.

bruce22bruce22about 5 years ago
A Good Story

But who is Ellen?? Call in the police, there is something going on in the shadows here!

oldbearswitcholdbearswitchabout 5 years ago
Well done, not perfect. Original, in that it goes to the heart of atonement.

Thanks, even though I saw it coming, it was pleasant to read.

enderlocke77enderlocke77about 5 years ago
loved it

ty for the read. to bruce22 ellen was the women that would have ended up with jack if the son of satan or the angel hadnt of intervened. not that you'll come back to read for an answer. i think someone was skimming

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
That was different...

...I admittedly prefer btb type stories, but I liked this one for some reason. Now, when Jack goes and kicks Brad's ass all will be right in the universe. 5 stars. Thanx!


MattblackUKMattblackUKalmost 5 years ago
That was different

and it worked very well.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago

Not really believable, and if it was she cheated so easily the first time and will do it again

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
Re: sbrooks103x

Both of your comments are spot on. Original at least in this genre and a very good read. Thank you. Signed: BTW

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
No,, she didn't THINK about cheating

She DID cheat. Too late for anything but burn the bitch!

fritz51fritz51almost 5 years agoAuthor
To anon 8-21-19 "No,, she didn't THINK about cheating"

I don't believe you read, or at least understood the ending. Perhaps that is my fault, I wish now that I elaborated a bit more.

It ends that she never cheated, that was taken away, removed from time. What did remain was her dream where she cheated and the horror of that dream's result (divorce) alters her perspective so that she would never again feel the need to cheat.

One other person mention Jack kicking the guy's ass - Her cheating never happened, it could have, but she was given the chance to erase it & she took that option. She would have burned alive, except Jack loved her so much he accepted to live with her adultery rather than let her do as agreed. The powers that be took mercy on them and erased the adultery, but kept it as a dream to insure that the mistake would not be repeated.

Just_WordsJust_Wordsover 4 years ago
Wow! Some folks really hated this. I gave it 5*****.

I got it and I liked the story. She messed up. She got a poor second chance and her husband forgave her her sin, time was reversed, and the sin never happened. It's a lovely story. Too many here only know revenge. It was refreshing to read about forgiveness.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago


mark73107mark73107about 4 years ago

This was one of my favorite stories that I have read( I have read over a thousand stories). It was an excellent reminder of the consequences of betrayal of their wedding vows.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago

Great story...but... his wife was forty and too old to have children. Ellen his other choice was much younger and was destined to have his children. He lost out on having a family by choosing Diane. In effect he metaphysically aborted his own children, which is a high price to pay to stay with a cheater. Like a good saleswoman, the angel only let him in on the small print at the very end, after pushing him about time constraints so he wouldn't have time to think it through.

This story was a mind bender, I don't know what I would have done. Good read.

FireFox59FireFox59almost 4 years ago

Interesting twist to a cheating wife story. Well done.

SignedBTWSignedBTWalmost 4 years ago
Just A Little Ditty

About Jack and Diane. I seem to be remembering a story(ies) with a similar plot line about one person willing to sacrifice themselves to erase the pain from another person due to something that they, themselves did. Just can't quite place it, no matter, many stories have similarities. It's all in how they're presented that counts as there are only so many basic plots. Just as in a very large housing complex that uses physical keys there are going to be keys that fit other doors, it's inevitable since there are only so many combinations. What matters is what happens when the door is opened. Pretty damned good effort here Fritz. Signed: BTW

mrfox_stingermrfox_stingerover 3 years ago
To Anon 5/10/20

By choosing Dianne over Ellen, Jack aborted his children to Ellen metaphysically but by doing so, he saved another soul from damnation. The souls of the children that Ellen and Jack could have can still be born but with a different man. The price of choosing and forgiving a cheater is still better than damning a soul and having children with Ellen.

The message of the story is clear. It is difficult to forgive a cheater because we are afraid if the cheater have a remorse. We are afraid to be hurt again. The fear prevents us from rebuilding trust. Without trust, love will fade and happiness will not be possible. Jack feel so redeemed because he has proven that her wife loves her so much that she is willing to damn her soul just to see him happy.

I love this story! I hope you make more story like this for Loving Wife- Redemption category. Here's your five star.

icebreadicebreadover 3 years ago

five from me

betrayedbylovebetrayedbylovealmost 3 years ago


This wasn'i Twilight Zone material it was the Outer Limits. Enjoying both shows I thouht this tale was excellent. I have to check out more of your stuff, Author.

Five Stars

MightyheartMightyheartalmost 3 years ago


Good one but fell short of great

Needed to be a little longer. More development of the characters & plot.

More conversation.

kipling1kipling1over 2 years ago

It's always easy to regret and make good decisions later, seeing the consequences. But alas, what is done is done. This cannot be undone.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Fantastic love the ending

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Can you tell me the name of the weed you were smoking when you wrote this story? It was it your wife's creampie? For a wannabe cuck raac writer you've hidden in the closet for too long. Come out of the closet and embrace your cuckoldhood.

jimjam69jimjam69over 2 years ago

A good twilight zone story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Weird.... I gave it 3 stars

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

So she's sorry, sure, do not let her go through that but why take her back? Once a cheater always a cheater

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Was a rather shit ending. It honestly doesn't matter if it didn't happen if they remember/dreamed that it did happen.

It means the memory is there. The hurt is there. She went through with it. It doesn't matter that she later regretted it and had a mulligan.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Wow folks on here do not seem to understand redemption. Look at the sacrifice Dianne was willing to make for her husband to be happy in the future. Death and damnation. Thatbspoke volumes to Jack. And he was given the power to save her and forgive her. And out of mercy and love, he did just that. They had no idea that it would be turned into a dream. And wtf no one has had nightmares about the death or infidelity of their spouse? The memory they have is in a dream and it is NOT remotely as painful as having it in real life. Why does the author need to explain to readers how freaking dreams work? I thought us was a sad but creative twilight zone type story. Yes she fell into sin but her willingness to sacrifice her life and soul to ease her husband's pain with a future woman (Ellen) and children was profound. And Jack could have chose to burn her (literally) and find happiness elsewhere as foretold by the angel. They chose for each other and are rewarded with a dream instead of an actual occurrence. Meaning Brad never actually fucked Dianne. He only did it in both of their nightmares. Chill people!

fritz51fritz51over 1 year agoAuthor

Thank you Anon: "Wow folks on here do not seem"

Could not have explained it better myself.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

No redemption for a cheater.

HighBrowHighBrowover 1 year ago

Female angel - femdom agitprop. Male Angel - revenge.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Should have posted that in Sci/Fi. Pretty bad.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

The husband would be FAR better off letting his slut wife go to hell and trading her in for the new faithful one….a non cheater. Look……once a cheater, always one. It gets easier each time …….and here I will tell you WHY it gets easier!. When a husband forgives and / or takes back a cheating wife ………the nature of the female mind causes her to AUTOMATICALLY lose most all respect or absolutely ALL RESPECT for him. There is no way around this effect. It just IS!! Respect is an essential for fidelity and lover. Women won’t stay faithful nor love if they don’t fully respect a husband. To better understand the dynamic look only to the great English poet, Lord Byron… of his famous poems has this in it. Byron is telling his lover he is going off to war and will not listen to her pleas to stay home out of danger…..she fears his death at war. Byron’s response, “I could not love thee half so much, loved I not honor more”. If he can’t respect himself……everything else is diminished…..including his love for her. So taking back the cheating wife causes the husband to lose his self respect, hollowing out his love for her. Once she cheats all is lost. Can’t be taken back……like bullets and words. Clean break with a cheater is THE ONLY SOLUTION. Both parties necessarily lose respect. She for him, him for his self as well as for her. She casts the end in stone when she strays. Stories of reconciliation dress up a zombie of a once good relationship as if it was restored… is not. It NEVER is, it never CAN be. R. H.

AA82ndAAAA82ndAAabout 1 year ago

The site shouldn't allow Anonymous posts. 8-10 are by readers that if my dog had their brains he would still be a dog only dumber. These readers with a hard on about every mistake that is delineated in these stories are lame and weak.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

This was a great plot for a story. But I feel that the ending could have been developed more. “ Heaven can wait” and “ Here comes Mr Jordan” are examples. 3 stars.

Bry1977Bry19779 months ago

now this was a good little ditty about Jack and Diane!

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

This should be rated higher. Well written and compact. The details of her adultery are somewhat sparse since they are superseded by her decision to sacrifice. Of course it is fiction and high fantasy. But it clearly shows the difference etsren remorse (for being caught) and repentance (sorrow and atonement for bring caught). Knowing what she agreed to, he was compelled to reconcile with her and their reward, her for her selfless act of atonement and him for his mercy and compassion, was the removal of her one time stand with Brad and then remembering it as a shared dream. 5 stars!

CDRLawCDRLaw7 months ago

Somebody tell me what “femdom agitprop” is.

RuttweilerRuttweiler7 months ago
Not a funny joke

Senator Phil Bacstaber? Instantly, I realized this is not a serious attempt at an exploration of human emotion. Like naming an astronaut ‘Bill “Fly” Metothemoon’. It’s stupidly cute, and adds nothing.

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

What's dumber in this tale? The sophomoric dialogue or the poor punctuation, strange wording and spelling (e.g. cloths for clothes). Throw in the silly dialogue prefaced with the speaker's name, like this was an attempt at writing a script?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

What ridiculous crap. I would have made so she died in a fiery crash over and over and over.

oldpantythiefoldpantythiefabout 2 months ago

Seems like this could have been taken from one of the TV stories from The Twilight Zone, except they didn't do pron, lol. I know I'm dating myself as this show was on in the early 60s. Not bad for a what if kind of story. I'm almost sure I heard Rod Serling doing the voice over.....

26thNC26thNCabout 2 months ago

Liked it better the second time through.

enderlocke77enderlocke77about 1 month ago

was no love built maybe if u had flushed out the characters more. jack was a stranger. why were these ppl married?

ThmfknloreThmfknlore5 days ago

This was bullshit sounded like it was wrote by some bitch who believes in the new age bullshit a man forgiving his wife for being a slut and fucking another man not going to happen she didn't make a mistake she made a decision to fuck someone else she wanted to fuck him if she didn't she wouldn't have to all you men I wouldn't read this it will make you dumber for just reading it

ThmfknloreThmfknlore5 days ago

To the anon that said people on here don't understand redemption that posted a year ago there can be no redemption she had a choice to cheat or not she chose to fuck someone else then made a decision to sell her soul knowing he wouldn't let her it's simple this writer and apparently you are into the new age bullshit that's it's ok to cheat on your husband for they won't mind and forgive you let let you in on something that isn't really a secret that shit don't happen in real life if you cheat you're out the door and will not be forgiven once a cheater always a cheater she cheated once she will do it again cause the husband in this story is just a willing cuckold he showed her he isn't a man no straight woman will stay faithful to someone who isn't a man that's why she cheated to start with if a straight woman is married they want to be with a real man if her husband shows he is not she will cheat this story like 90 percent of the stories on this site proves that

AnonymousAnonymous4 days ago

Very weak 1*

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It's been a while since I've posted a story. I've just finished one that turned out to be very difficult to finish. I'm finishing the editing process and have yet to decide about comments, especially from anons.