Jamie's Story Ch. 04


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A slow smile started across her pretty lips, and she said, "Why not! Let's go!"

As I started out the door with my hand on Sarah's lower back, Janet came running over,

"Jamie! Where are you going?"

"Janet, you stay here with your buddies. Looks like you are having way too much fun to worry about me. You know the combination to my garage, and your car keys are on the kitchen counter. Just don't invite you friends into my place, please!"

"But Jamie! Wait honey! Wait I 'll come with you! Please, baby, I'll get my purse!"

I was out the door with Sarah, who looked amazing in her pink knit shirt, and white shorts. Janet yelled something to me standing just outside the pub, but I missed it. Had Janet not given me that cold, flat emotionless smile earlier, I might have stayed the course with her, and tried to salvage the day, but like I said, it turned something off in my feelings for her. It scared me!

I drove us to a restaurant Sarah liked, and had a very nice time, talking and laughing. We also discussed Janet, after Sarah brought up the subject.

I told her that Janet works for me, and I thought she was interested in more. and we had an on and off again relationship. Partly at her insistence, I dated around for a while after ending a long-term relationship, but Janet and I are having some difficulty restarting a fresh relationship—one I really wanted with her. I told her,

"Janet withdrew her support for my dating others at some point, and it led to a strange attitude that I didn't quite understand—like her behavior today at the pub—perfect example!"

I told her about Janet's insisting that I text her phone number to another man, while we were on a date, and she make a date with him later, while we were still together.

"What she's up to tonight, I wasn't sure, but we had had a very nice evening last night, and day sailing today." I said. Sarah thought for a few seconds, and as I poured her another glass of wine, she said,

"She doesn't love you Jamie. No girl who really loved you could do that to you. She really made a date with another man while you were on a date with her? There is some anger there, that she has not dealt with yet." She took a sip of wine and continued,

"Look Jamie, I am not making a case for myself, but I will just say that you can do better than her. Her shameless flirting today was a passive-aggressive move. She doesn't want to hurt you directly, so she creates events that passively do it for her."

Sarah put her hand on top of mine, looked into my eyes and said,

"Jamie, you have a face and a manner that women respond to, and I am guessing that you don't have much of a problem in that area—you got my attention rather quickly!" I listened to her analysis, and responded,

"Maybe you are right! I thought she was the one, but after today, and all the flirting she did with guys on the pier ... and now at the pub ... well, I just don't know. I guess that she built up more anger at me, than I would have thought!"

"From what you tell me about her Jamie, it seemed like she had worked so hard to get her PHD before age twenty, and launching her technical career, that she forgot that she was a girl! She clung to you when you became available, and I am just guessing that she gave you some sex right at the start.

"She felt rejected by your wanting to have some freedom, and that is the source of her underlying anger. I suggest letting her do as she wishes, since anything you two might have together, will be a long way off and take some discussion to resolve!" She said, then looked at me for a response.

"Thank you doctor, how much do it owe you for that?" I teased!

She laughed, and said, "Nothing ... call it a pro bono session. I'm sorry, I tend to over analyze things. I was an English major in college, but with a minor in psychology. I am just naturally a person who observes others like your Janet—she is very pretty Jamie, I see the attraction!"

"I suppose you are right though. I see your thought about the anger, since I put her on hold until I dated every other girl I knew. Probably a mistake!" Then changing the subject, I asked,

"Sarah, would it be too soon for me to ask you what you are doing tomorrow?"

"Well, you can always ask, dear!" She said that with a smile so I pressed ahead,

"Alright ... I'm asking!"

"I am editing a book right now, but I might be free after ... about noon ... or one tomorrow. What did you have in mind?"

"Not sure! We can start with lunch, and go from there. We are two intelligent people, I'm sure we will think of something to do! I am interested in seeing you again Sarah!"

"You have my number; why don't you call me tonight?" Then she changed subjects,

"Look, Jamie, I took the bus down to the library today, and just walked over to the pub, so would you drive me home?"

In the car, she directed me to a little park near her place. My phone was ringing and ringing so I just turned it off—I was not ready to talk to Janet yet. We got out and just walked the path, talking. We walked for quite a while, and I was happy being with this pretty girl with the bright blue eyes, that I was learning quite a bit about. I liked her right from the start!

I talked about my experiences becoming Jill, and she expressed an interest in seeing me dressed up, possibly for a girl's night out together. I told her that Jill was pretty much in mothballs, but maybe if we get to know each other better. I was pretty much over being Jill, and all that stuff was boxed up.

We lost track of time, and it started to get dark, and we headed back to the car. I drove her to a very pleasant looking apartment building, and I walked her to the front door hoping for a kiss. I always move in a little before committing myself to a goodnight kiss, just to gauge the girl's reaction.

With Sarah tonight, she let me move in enough to put my hands on her hips. This means a goodnight kiss, ninety-five percent of the time. I moved in further, and she let me kiss her. Her lips were soft, and sweet tasting, but then she pulled away and said,

"Goodnight, Jamie. Call me later if you wish! I stay up late most nights!"

I drove around for a while just thinking about Janet, before returning home. When I finally pulled in to my garage it was late, and Janet's car was gone. Her overnight bag was also gone, but there were three empty beer bottles on the kitchen counter that weren't there when we left to go sailing.

I tried to figure out what was going on with Janet. She said she loved me, but she somehow felt compelled to entertain those two men, and to have me wait on the three of them to boot! No answers were coming about a girl I thought was the light brown-haired woman in my dreams. I was alone again, and felt like another hole opened up in my heart, from the loss of Janet.

I sat in the dark ... not thinking ... not moving ... not existing!

After a long while, I called Sarah.

"Hello, Jamie!"

"I hope I am calling you too late!" I offered.

"Of course not! Just sitting here reading! I'm happy you called!" she said brightly.

We talked a little, just anything and everything. I had a mental picture of her curled up in a corner of a couch, with her feet up, smiling as she talked to me, with her glasses covering her pretty blue eyes.

She is wearing a T-shirt and panties in my mind as I talked to her. I always imagine girls that way! Her conversation was pleasant, and easy. I felt comfortable talking to this bright young woman who told me she was twenty-five. At a brief lull in the conversation I asked her,

"So, what's your schedule for tomorrow?"

"Pick me up at one-o'clock I you like. I'll be waiting outside. Let's do something fun!"

"Okay Sarah! Um, see you then!"

I turned my phone off, and slid into my bed, but couldn't sleep thinking about Janet. I really loved her—I knew it, but, I was beyond perplexed by her.

She could have explained to Fred and Terry or whomever, that she was on a date with me ... but she didn't.

She might have waited for a waitress or let these guys get their own beers and let me at least join them ... but she didn't.

She might have thought that flirting with those men on the pier and at the pub might be hurtful to me ... but she obviously didn't.

If she wanted to show me up, or to chase me away, it worked, because I was now no longer interested in pursuing Janet. When that realization hit me—that pretty Janet was no longer in my life—I cried myself to sleep for having lost such a pretty and intelligent woman.

The last time I cried over a girl was when I was thirteen, and it was Betty Sue Miller. This time, just like with Betty Sue, I was not taking the loss lightly!

I fell into a deep sleep, and I could again see my future self, with my daughter, and my younger son. They were playing, and then ran to their mother, the nebulously ghostly light brown-haired woman.

She was not any clearer, but she didn't seem to look like Janet or anyone else I knew. So, maybe someone I have yet to meet! Then she disappeared again in a wisp of smoke, along with the rest of my dream. I got up.

I wandered downstairs, and onto my small courtyard, for some fresh air wearing just my briefs. I heard a female voice calling to me loud enough to be heard, but trying to be quiet. It was Sherri, from her bedroom window.

"Jamie! Jamie! Can I come over?"

"Okay Sherri!"

She came down just as she was dressed for bed, in only a pair of panties. We sat in the kitchen talking ... well she was talking and I was staring at her bare tits. She was pulling on a bottle of beer, and I said,

"C'mon, finish your beer and come upstairs with me. I don't want to be alone tonight honey! Screwing Sherri would be good medicine for me tonight. She bounded up the stairs ahead of me, stood at the top and peeled off her panties, throwing them down to me giggling. I put them to my nose and breathed in her sweet young female musk.

I was rock hard by the time I got out of my briefs, and we moved into a clench immediately, and I was pushing in and out this sweet little thing for all I was worth. She came twice before I stiffened, and relaxed letting my viscous fluid surge up through my cock, and gush into her tiny vagina in several strong jets.

We fell asleep in each other's arms after kissing and touching, laughing and teasing, for a while, with her strong, slender arms and legs wrapped around me. We had sex once more early in the morning, and I made her breakfast. I told her that I had plans today, but I would call her later.

My phone was on and ringing again early on in the morning, and I noticed it was Janet. I let it go to message and then played the message, curious about what she had to say. She pleaded,

"Jamie, please pick up, I know you are there! Please honey, you left without saying goodbye—who was that woman Jamie? Is there something wrong baby? You know I love you, so please call me back baby, as soon as you can!"

She called back four more times during the morning, and I let them all go to message. As far as I was concerned, Janet was now nothing more to me than just an employee. I can't afford to start a serious relationship with her, only to find her in bed with someone, or several someone's later.

I even got calls from Kim and Becca about Janet. I took those calls. They were set to come to Janet's defense, until I told them what she did on our date. Apparently, she told both of them that I abandoned her and just walked off with another girl.

I had a nice discussion with each of them about Janet, and about Sarah. I wanted them both to meet and approve of her. Kim agreed readily, but Becca was a harder sell. So my bed was filling up again; with Kim on Tuesday, Becca on Thursday, so I gave Sherri Wednesday night. I was bound and determined not to be alone, until Janet was out of my head.

After I said goodbye to Sherri, I picked up Sarah at one, and we had a wonderful day together, and since I still had the combo to Bob's pier lock, and access to his boat, I suggested we use it after a nice lunch. I took her to my favorite restaurant, and some of my old baseball friends were there. I introduced Sarah to them, and they were impressed. Bob called me a 'babe magnet,' and Sarah giggled a little. They all liked her, and she readily approved of them.

At the boat, Sarah was dressed in a modest knit shirt and shorts, with a one-piece bathing suit under. She didn't pay any attention the men on the pier who watched her walk by, and on the boat, quickly pickup her end as we navigated out onto the lake.

We decided to drop anchor, and go swimming, and I gasped as Sarah pulled off her top, and wiggled out of her shorts. Her bathing suit was modest, but form-fitting—it fit her like skin! It showed a very nice curvy shape for someone so petite at about five-three.

We dove into the lake, and just played and splashed, and at one point, we found ourselves in an embrace. We just looked into each other's faces for a moment. She kissed me, and I kissed her back. Then I dunked her, and she chased me back to the boat complaining about it!

Back aboard, we were in no hurry to hoist anchor, and just settled down on some cushions, and made out for a while. I kept it fairly chaste, not wanting to scare her away, but she was very responsive to me.

She wanted to see my place, so we went back there for a couple of beers out on the courtyard after which she wanted a tour. She was impressed by my large bedroom, and she wandered out onto the small balcony through the French doors. She looked back over her shoulder, and said,

"Jamie, there is a young girl in the next courtyard, and she is ... naked!"

"That's Sherri! She is a college student who loves the Sun. She comes over sometimes, she is really kind of a nice kid!"

Then I walked up behind her at the railing, put my arms around her and as we both stared at Sherri's magnificent little brown ass, I whispered,

"I am interested in her; I'm interested in you!" She giggled, still looking at Sherri's little brown form and said,

"Jamie, that is one cute little ass! I think I'm interested in her!"

We both laughed and I reminded her, "Remember baby, I have seen your little butt. I'll take yours over hers any day!"

"Oh, Jamie! That's so sweet! A remark like that deserves a reward!"

We made dinner for ourselves, and I opened a bottle of wine. The phone rang a couple more times, but I let it go to message. Then Sarah said,

"None of my business, but the heck of it, why don't we play the message—see what she has to say." I pushed the button and Janet's tearful voice came through the speakers,

"Jamie darling, I wish you would talk to me. I am so sorry about what happened at the pub. I was so wrong to do that to you, I love you! I want to see you again! So please get rid of that skinny little blonde, and I will show you how much I care for you. Please Jamie! Alright honey. Bye!"

"Skinny blonde? Am I a skinny blonde, Jamie?" She protested.

"Well, let me see some skin and we'll see!" I said, just to see if she would.

She looked at me trying to figure out if I was kidding, but then she smiled. She pulled her knit top up over her head, unzipped her shorts, and with a sexy wiggle she, slowly slid them down, letting them drop to her feet, she stepped one foot out, and used the other one to launch her cute shorts at me.

She stood with her hands on her hip, and slowly turned for my inspection of her goods. Since she changed out of her bathing suit, she was just wearing a bra and panties. She looked at me, and I made a motion for her to continue, circling my index finger, and she smiled. She reached behind, unsnapped her bra, letting it fall from her shoulders into her hands, and threw it to me.

She put her thumbs in the waistband of her panties, looked me straight in the eyes, then turned around, and pulled them down over her lovely ass. She turned back as was just about to uncover her mons, as she slid her hands over her breasts and down over her stomach, and used her hands to lower them to her knees.

Then she did a sexy little shimmy with her knees, and they fell to her feet. I was already breathing harder, and starting to me come stiff. She bent over took them off her feet and threw them to me. She giggled, and blushed when I put them to my nose to enjoy her aroma. The she did a pirouette, with her arms out to show me the whole package. Then she put her hands on her hips, and she said with attitude,

"Skinny, my cute little ass, Janet!" I laughed, and applauded my sexy little friend,

"My God, baby! You are anything but a skinny little blonde! You are amazing!"

She came over to me, and let me put my arms around her. She was having fun being naked in front of me, and love having my hands sliding over her body. She kissed me long and sexy as my fingers played with her soft little ass, and lightly exploring her crevice. She giggled from the feeling and said,

"Uhhh, honey, that tickles." She smiled looking up at me and continued,

"Thanks to dear Janet, you are getting a piece of ass tonight, darling!" We both laughed and kissed, and touched, and fondled, and sighed as we just hugged.

She put on her knit shirt and shorts, leaving me with her bra and panties.

"Jamie, did you like the um, smell?"

"Yes! Sweet, musty, fruity, a little hint of cloves, all in about the right combination." I teased her like comparing them to a nice wine. She giggled musically at my antics,

"Good! You keep them so you have something of me after I have to say goodbye!"

After dinner, she was browsing through my books, and selected a mystery novel I wasn't sure I still had. She asked me to read to her, and she cuddled up to me as I read to her.

She was content, just to listen as she cuddled up next to me, with her legs stretched out on the couch. After about the third chapter, I saw that she was getting sleepy, I offered to drive her home, but she asked if I would let her stay the night.

She didn't have an overnight bag, so I got her a comfortable old shirt of mine, and rolled up the sleeves about four times. It covered her to almost her knees, and I was intent on settling her in the guest bedroom, but she shook her head, took my hand, and led me into my bedroom.

She slowly unbuttoned my shirt, and I could see her pretty little plumb-sized breast peeking out. I walked over and removed the shirt, letting it fall to the floor. She slid onto my bed, giving me a view of her sweet pussy from behind, with her little rosebud winking at me.

I undressed quickly, and slid into the bed as she turned onto her back.

"Jamie, I want you to taste me ... down there!"

I slid my hands down her body, and she giggled when I tickled her belly button. My lips took over, sliding down over her mound and onto her sweet little lips. She breathed in deeply when my lips touched her pussy, and as I used them and tongue to tease her clitty, and her moist lips.

I opened up her outer lips, then her frilly inner lips, and feasted on her soft moist flesh as she let her breath out in little huffs. She was soft, and pink. Her inner flesh was lush with her building moisture.

Her smell, and taste were a truly amazing cocktail of musk, natural body aroma, a little body lotion, which I have always found to be a very arousing! I moved my tongue down between the bottoms of her cheeks, and flicked it over her sweet, clean little pucker. She shuddered and moaned.

"Jamie! Jamie! Put ... put it ... in me!" she said in a state of sexual delirium. "Put it in me, baby!"

As I kissed my way back up her body, she was so open and wet, that as I kissed her breasts, and sucked her nipples into my lips, I slid myself into her, and she shuddered again, several times, moaning and just saying, "Oh, baby! Oh baby!"