Jean - The Birth of Venus Ch. 06


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"Ellen, why are you chaining me up?"

"Honey, you attacked one policeman already. This is standard procedure for violent felons when they appear in court. I also have a cattle prod if you get feisty. I'd love to watch you do the dance electric. Watching you twitch might make up for you ladies forcing me to work a double shift."

She pulled me to my feet and led me to an elevator at the end of the hall. I could only shuffle despite Ellen's hand on my arm trying to make me move faster. The elevator let us out in a holding room. The door said, Santa Teresa Courtroom - Do not enter while court is in session. The policewoman pushed me against the wall and secured my chain to an eye bolt.

"Regulations require me to search you for weapons before you enter the courtroom. I understand you had problems with being searched by Joe. I don't want a repeat. The judge won't take kindly to having his courtroom disturbed by profanity. Do you understand?"

"Where would I hide a weapon?"

"Look doll, I was a guard at the state prison for a couple of years before I landed this cushy job. I stopped being surprised a long time ago, at what dumbass broads would shove up their vagina or ass. My career would be over if you pulled a skiv out of your ass and attacked the judge. Now, are going to behave while I perform a search?"


I heard the guard open a cabinet behind me and pull on rubber gloves. She untied my top, and it dropped to the floor. I shrieked when she squeezed my breasts hard.

"Amazing! I was willing to bet they were silicone. At least, I don't feel anything hidden inside."

She untied the strings on the bottom of my suit, and it joined my top on the floor.

She said, "Spread those pretty legs for mama."

I spread my feet as far apart as the chains would allow. I watched out of the corner of my eye as she put a dab of KY jelly on her middle finger. She put one hand on my hip, and I felt the cold lubricant press against my vagina. I gritted my teeth as she worked a fat finger into my dry, tight vagina. She took her time exploring every corner of my pussy. When she was done, her hand separated my ass cheeks. A greasy finger pressed against my nether hole. I gasped when she drove her finger deep into my core.

She leaned close and hissed in my ear. "The guards in Max are going to have a lot of fun playing with your tight little pussy. I'll bet they'll have you knocked up before Christmas."

She pulled out her fingers and tossed the gloves into the trash. She pulled my suit bottom up and tied it so loose it left the top of my triangle of short pubic hair exposed. She tied the top just as sloppily. The string behind my neck was loose enough that the tops of my areolas were peeking out. The back of the suit was tied so poorly my breasts would be exposed if I bent over even a little bit.

"Please, I can't go into the courtroom like this. I'd be very grateful if you'd tie the strings tighter."

"Sorry, I was never a girl scout. That's the best I can do."

The door to the holding room opened, and the bailiff said, "You're next."

The court was in session. I saw Chris Okazaki, the Santa Teresa Municipal Judge, sitting above everyone. The last time I saw the short Asian was at my uncle's dinner party. This time he wasn't smiling. The big bailiff grabbed my bicep and led me out of the holding room to the defendant's table. Everyone in the room stared at me as I shuffled along. I heard a gasp and several whispers about my skimpy swimsuit. I stood with my back to the public. My back was bare except for a string around my upper back. My swimsuit bottom was wedged into the crack of my ass. I quickly sat down when the bailiff said, "Be seated."

Sebastián was sitting beside me with a stack of folders. He had my folder open in front of him. He wasn't smiling either. My aunt and uncle were sitting in the visitors' section behind my attorney.

The judge turned to the DA and said, "Mr. Tailor, What's next?"

Daniel said, "We are holding an arrangement for case number 76-314, the city of Santa Teresa versus Miss Jean Marie Williams. She is charged with felony aggravated assault of a police officer, resisting arrest, aggravated driving under the influence of alcohol, driving under the influence of marijuana, driving with excessive speed, failure to stop at a stop sign, possession of more than an ounce of a Schedule 1 substance with the intent to sell, public indecency, fornicating in public, prostitution, pandering and corrupting the morals of a minor."

I thought my heart would explode when I heard the list of charges. I didn't understand how they could possibly accuse me of these trumped-up charges.

The judge said, "How is the officer involved doing?"

"Your honor, officer Joseph Smith required six stitches to close the slashes to his face. He will be scarred for life. The officer also received debilitating injuries to his back when the defendant knocked him to the ground. He is on disability leave, and we have no idea if he will ever be able to resume his duties. The police chief took his statement in the hospital. We have collaborating statements from two witnesses who were within twenty feet of the defendant's car."

"How old is officer Smith?"

The DA shuffled some papers and said, "He's thirty-five, your honor."

The judge scowled at me, and I looked down at the table.

"You said she was DUI. What was her blood alcohol level?"

"Your honor, it was 0.18 an hour after she was arrested. That and the excessive speed are why we charged her with aggravated DUI."

The judges said, "Mr. Tailor, I don't understand the prostitution and pandering charges."

"Your honor, officer Joseph Smith was assigned to monitor the city beach. He has numerous photographs of the defendant with three men and a woman under the age of eighteen. The pictures clearly show the defendant having sex with two men on the beach in exchange for a large bag of marijuana. We believe it is the same bag seized from her car. She also had sex with the woman minor. The underaged woman will turn eighteen this Saturday, but legally she is still a minor. The defendant encouraged the underaged woman to have sex with the men in exchange for drugs and alcohol. The defendant smoked marijuana and drank alcohol on the city beach frequently over the three hours she was there. All of this was in a public place with young children as close as twenty feet. All of the defendant's activities are documented in photographs."

"Miss Williams, I believe we had a conversation at your uncle's house about my views on the rise in assaults on police officers. The thought that officer Smith's career might have been ended by your callous assault sickens me. If this case goes to trial, I intend to impose the maximum sentence for each count. I will also insist that the sentences be carried out successively."

Sebastián wrote on his notepad, "18 years and you will have to register as a sex offender. I'll try for a plea deal."

I stared at the number and broke out in a cold sweat. I began to shake and felt a wave of nausea rise from my stomach to my throat.

The judge turned to my attorney and said, "Mr. Ramirez how does your client plead?"

Sebastián said, "May I approach the bench?"

The judge said, "I don't see what purpose that will serve. This case looks like a cakewalk for the DA. However, I will grant your request solely to avoid any excuses for a mistrial."

Sebastián and the DA walked up to the bench. I overheard only a little of what my attorney said. His argument was based upon ideas like 'first time,' and 'spotless record.' His plea was met by vigorous shakes of the head and a frown from the judge. The DA spread his hands wide and made a comment. The judge shook his head while the DA spoke. When the DA finished, the judge put his hands over his face a minute. My heart was in my throat. The judge sat up and nodded to the attorneys. I didn't hear what he said, but I saw the hint of a smile on Sebastián's face.

When my attorney returned to his seat, he put his arm around my shoulder and whispered, "The DA offered a deal. The women's prison is overflowing, and the judicial system is under instructions to reduce the number of inmates. If you plead nolo contendere and perform community service supporting the Exposition, you will be released, and your felony conviction will be vacated. At the end of the summer, you'll be able to return to law school and get on with your life as if none of this ever happened."

I stared at Sebastián in disbelief. I felt a heavy weight lift from my exhausted body.

"I don't understand. What could I possibly do at the Exposition that would convince the judge to let me off so lightly? A minute ago, he was ready to hang me."

"The Exposition is the lifeblood of Santa Teresa. The Exposition requires thousands of volunteers. They are always shorthanded. Since Judge Okazaki is on the Exposition's Board of Directors, I appealed to his civic duty. So, I take it, you are willing to accept the plea deal?"

"Oh hell, yes."

Sebastián stood and said, "The defendant would like to accept the plea deal."

The bailiff said, "The defendant will please rise."

I stood up. I didn't care if I was nearly naked. I felt a sense of relief after the horror I had been through.

The judge said, "It is against my better judgment to offer you this plea deal. Your transgressions make me sick. However, I will yield to the appeals from both attorneys. The DA is offering a deal where you will work at the Santa Teresa Tableau D'Art Exposition during the day and return to the city jail at night. You will be required to complete 400 hours of quality community service. If you are short any hours by the end of the Exposition, you will spend a month in the Santa Teresa County Jail for every hour you are short of the required 400. If you are short more than 20 hours, the plea deal will be null and void. In that case, you will spend the next 18 years in maximum security prison. You would be eligible for parole in 12 years. Upon release, you would be required to register as a felony sex offender. Do you understand?"

"Yes, your honor."

"Until you complete your community service, you will be treated as a prisoner. As for the Exposition, I don't care what tasks they assign to you. If they ask you to clean toilets for the summer, I expect to see the toilets shine. Do you understand?"

"Yes, your honor."

"Miss Williams, if you accept this plea deal and fail in the slightest measure to keep the terms of the agreement, you will go directly to the maximum-security facility at the California Institution for Women. I want it to be clear that by pleading nolo contendere you are surrendering your right to a trial on any of the charges, in perpetuity. Now, how do you plead?"

In eighteen years, I would be forty-four. The best part of my life would be over. I stared at the table and said, "Your honor, I plead nolo contendere."

"Bailiff, I want you to return Miss Williams to the jail. Perhaps, the clerk can notify the Exposition officials during our break that she is available for assignment. Tell them, I want weekly reports on her performance. If she so much as sneezes without covering her mouth, I'm sending her to state prison. Now, I would like to take a fifteen-minute break."

The Bailiff said, "All rise."

The judge walked out, and I turned to Sebastián and shook my chains. "I'd give you a hug, but I'm afraid I'm tied up."

My attorney wrapped his arms around me and said, "Good luck, Jean. I know this isn't how you planned on spending your summer, but don't worry, it will be over before you know it. Just be careful. The judge was serious about sending you to prison at the slightest act of insubordination."

"I understand. Thanks again."

I turned to my aunt and uncle.

My uncle said, "I'll put in a good word with the Exposition staff. Hopefully, you'll enjoy your assignment."

My aunt shook her head. It looked like she had been crying. "I'm so sorry, Jean. I feel responsible. I know I told you to let out your inner hedonist, but I never expected this to happen. Is there anything I can get you?"

"I would really like to have my toiletry bag. I haven't brushed my teeth since yesterday morning. Oh, could you bring my birth control pills and my diary?"

Cathy smiled, "Have courage, Jean. I know this ruined your summer but think of it as an experience. It's not forever. I was heartbroken when they said they were going to sentence you to eighteen years. I couldn't believe my friends would do that to my niece."

"Thanks, Cathy."

The bailiff turned me over to the policewoman. Ellen led me back to the police station and brought me into a different and nicer section of the jail. She removed my chains and locked me in a cell by myself. There was a mattress pad on the bench. I laid down and fell asleep within seconds of my head hitting the bed. I didn't sleep long.

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loericsloericsabout 5 years agoAuthor
Just Innocent Public Exposition

The Santa Teresa Tableau D’Art is portrayed as a long standing and well respected Art Exposition using real actors depicting famous works of art. So in answer to the comment about public prostitution, Jean will not become a prostitute in this story. (No promises about future works one way or the other.)

Please note it is not the police who are coercing people into working as actors in the Exposition. It is the entire gang of city fathers (and mothers) including the Mayor, the President of the City Council, the District Attorney, the Municipal Judge, the President of the Chamber of Commerce, and Jean's uncle a respected real estate lawyer.

Don't blame the police officer's who are just trying to do their duty in a corrupt city.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
Police lying about charges to force women into public prostitution for the city's 'festival'?

Because that sure seems like where this story is heading.

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