Jennifer Obeys!


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'Frank and Kofi,' introduced Walker. 'You know Mr Hudson, don't you boys, well this is Jennifer, she lives in Spain at the moment, and was at the game tonight. Jennifer, meet Frank and Kofi.'

The two men both moved forward to shake her hand and they glistened and smelled wonderful after their recent showers. They were also huge, athletic men, in their twenties, Kofi a stunning black man with wet, black, tight, curly hair hanging to his shoulders, and Frank a handsome man with his hair cut skin-head style like a lot of sportsmen these days. They gripped her hand and smiled, their teeth gleaming, and Jennifer felt dwarfed by their presence. She eased a little and returned the smiles, and she could tell that the two footballers were eyeing her figure without being blatantly rude.

'Sit down boys, it's nice to see you,' said Walker. 'I bet you could do with a drink –pity you only got a draw tonight, never mind, it was a good game.' The two men gulped down a lager each, their thirst obvious, and sat down. Hudson carried on.

'Now Jennifer, I don't think you can raise any objections to my request, can you. The two boys need a little relaxation after their strenuous efforts, and I'm sure they would really appreciate your kindness,' and he looked at her with a firmness that she had come to understand, and her submissive nature took over once more. Jennifer gave Hudson a simpering look, but she knew that she was cornered, in this lonely house miles from anywhere she knew, and Jennifer was aware that she was in a fait accompli.

'As I said, by the billiard table would be wonderful. If you would.'

She didn't speak or try to object any further, but sat demurely in her chair and took a deep sip from her brandy glass. Hudson had wanted her to visit him for his own personal amusement, and she had wanted to see him to satisfy her submissive nature and erotic fantasies. She hadn't expected this scenario and thoughts whizzed through her mind as to her final destiny this evening. She hadn't the nerve to cause a fuss now, and, if truth be known, she didn't really want to anyway. The footballers were tall, good looking young men, and at least she felt safe in the warm room.

Slowly, she rose from her chair and moved the few paces to the side of the huge table which was covered with a green tarpaulin sheet to protect the green baize.

'Turn and face the table Jennifer,' and she was grateful for this, as she now had her back to the four men, and she could watch the huge 6' by 6' TV screen hanging from the wall on the other side of the table. Her clothes covered her body but her gorgeous shape was still outlined quite finely, and she could still be proud of how she had kept it in trim after motherhood. She felt even more nervous as she waited for Hudson, no doubt, to speak. Sure enough ...

'Yes, Jennifer,...please do,' and she knew exactly what was implied. Now, two younger men would see her exhibit herself, two clean, gorgeous, muscular athletes would enjoy the sight of her showing off her limbs –and she shivered at the thought of her own physical attributes being admired.

Again she started on her suede skirt. It rose quite evenly up as she pulled, behind her knees, over her stocking tops and right to her waist so that, like at the football ground, all of the backs of her legs, and her tight, purple panties were on view. Her knees were almost knocking, but Jennifer still felt excited at her display, particularly at the thrill of displaying her stunning legs and bottom to the two young athletes. Hudson and Walker would manipulate her thoughts and actions and the virile young men, their adrenalin still high after their exercise, would be ideal guests at this private 'audience.'

'Would you lower your little panties down a little, please. So that we can appreciate your shapely bottom, Jennifer.'

She was in a trance, the orders and instructions entering her brain like computer data. She tried, seductively, to ease the purple pants down, but her hands shook as she moved them over her bottom and down her thighs, until at last they hung at the top of her legs, exposing the cheeks of her bottom in all their glory.

Walker had moved to the door of the room and played with the panel of switches. Suddenly all the lights went out and then only two spotlights were on, leaving the room in darkness apart from the area around the billiard table. Jennifer was brilliantly lit up and looked absolutely stunning. At the same time, as she looked at the huge screen on the wall, the picture suddenly changed from a TV programme to a shot of ...a sexy pair of legs in nylons and a stunning God, I'm being filmed, thought Jennifer.

She couldn't say anything but she shuffled her legs and looked away from the screen, stunned, not wanting to watch herself. She hadn't seen the camera previously, perhaps it was secretly hidden in one of the walls, but there was no doubt it was her ...and she shivered even more, the slight wetness between her legs returning again.

'Jennifer has children, you know. You wouldn't think so to look at that stunning bottom, would you,' started Hudson again, and now she leant forward over the table in embarrassment, relaxing on the hardness of the table. She held the skirt in place at her waist and then she heard the chairs at the coffee table behind her scrape in movement.

'Shall we gentlemen.' Jennifer didn't murmur or move, except to pant heavily.

'Peter, have you got the wooden tool,' went on Hudson, 'and I'm sure Kofi and Frank would like to hold Jennifer gently. She was such a wonderful 'trainee' the last time I met her, and it seems a shame to have to restrain her again. I'm glad you've leant forward my dear.'

Jennifer could feel her breasts heaving up and down on the edge of the table as she waited, frightened but excited, her vagina now really wet. Soft fingers grasped the pants from her thighs, and gently eased them down over her suede boots, until she was obliged to lift each foot to discard them completely. Young hands held each arm, and then Kofi and Frank were either side of her, leaning against the edge of the table lifting her head to smile at her.

'Have you been beaten since we last met, Jennifer?'

'No, Mr Hudson, not since then, no,' she whispered.

'I expect you've missed it then, haven't you?'

'Um, ummmmm...,' and she was barely audible, looking only down at the table.

'Speak up Jennifer. Have you missed being disciplined?'

'Yes, yes, I have,' and then she felt the strip of wood move gently across the twin cheeks of her bottom. She shivered again but felt wonderfully sexual and submissive as, for the first time in her life, two young men held her tightly, preventing her escape or protestation. They each held an upper arm but at the same time stroked her hair and body with their free hands. This really is submission, thought the stunning captive.

'Jennifer is a very good pupil with a wonderful pain threshold, but just in case, Frank and Kofi will ensure you can't react.' She glanced up at the screen and could see Hudson behind her, cane gently moving in the air, and then he adjusted her skirt upwards so it rested in the small of her back without having to be held in place.

'Hold firmly gentlemen,' and Whoosh... the wood screamed through the air and Jennifer felt the terrible agony as the weapon sank into her bottom with avengence.

'AAAAAAAAagggh,' uncontrollably escaped from her mouth, and the two footballers held her arms and gently caressed her hair again, trying to relieve her pain. Immediately, her bottom shook and moved with the pain, and she slumped forward onto the table. Kofi and Frank massaged her neck and back, and Frank ran his hand across the red welt that had risen on the tortured arse. What a masculine touch, thought Jennifer, so firm yet gentle and huge. The hand moved onto her back and rubbed through her clothes, and then Jennifer's suede jacket was eased from her shoulders, and put aside on the snooker table.

She was straining from the pain, but the touch across her back was so erotic that it somewhat compensated and brought a brief respite.

'Again, gentlemen,' warned Hudson, and all three of those at the table braced themselves. 'Whoosh...' and the second crack hit the beautiful soft skin just as forcefully as the first.

Jennifer went up on to the toes of her boots to try and escape the agony again, but the men held her in masculine grips and Jennifer looked at the second stripe across her bottom, so greatly magnified on the screen in front of her. She could see Walker on the screen, guiding the camera on a tripod on wheels –he was capturing all the gruesome details and able to move around at will.

'There. The second addition to your training lesson tonight, Jennifer. Do you think that's enough,' questioned Hudson.

'Yes, yes, that's enough Mr Hudson,' she almost pleaded, the stripes in her bottom sinking through her body with awesome power.

'Oh, I think at least one more, just to ensure that you're going to enjoy participating in an enjoyable evening –-and also to share your experiences with us. Don't you think that's fair, Jennifer?'

'Yes, yes, one more only, please. I can already feel the stripes right across my bottom.'

'Well, we'll see,' teased Hudson. 'Stand still, please, and open your legs as wide as possible.' The alternative was not an option so Jennifer moved her boots astride and leant on the table. She could feel her sex open and the moistness of her cunt mingle with her pubic hairs. Kofi and Frank soothed her shoulders and held the skirt high on her back. Hudson lifted... and whoosh ...the third stunning strike to the two cheeks was hit with his full force, and Jennifer whimpered briefly as she felt yet another stripe rise upon her arse.

'Ohhhhhhhh, God, Mr Hudson, please. No more, no more. You know I behave myself, don't you'

'I hope so, Jennifer, as the wicked cane is always here, isn't it?'

'Yes, yes, thank you Mr Hudson.' She kept her legs open, displaying the triple row of violent stripes across her arse, sighing heavily after the short but painful ordeal, but she quickly forgot the pain as Kofi suddenly crouched down behind her body, holding her waist with his strong hands.

His tongue was like velvet on her open cunt, licking gently at first, right along the open, wet lips, her pubic hairs brushing against his chin and mouth. It had been a long time since a strange mouth had descended down between her legs, and she stuck her bottom right out to be a grateful recipient. The rasping tongue of the black man was creating ecstasy in her vagina and when Frank started to lift her jumper over her head, Jennifer made no objection at all. The jumper discarded, Frank bent and started to tongue Jennifer's mouth, at the same time reaching behind her and undoing the matching purple bra.

Soon he was kneading those wonderful tits that hung down, aching to be mauled and abused. Jennifer opened her legs wider, stretching her feet as far as she could on the carpeted floor –

'Ohh, ughhh,' she gurgled as Kofi held the lips of her cunt apart with his fingers and lapped away at the inner walls of the luscious opening. He couldn't help following through with his tongue, and every now and then he would push into the wonderful rosebud that was Jennifer's anus, and then it would be back into her vaginal opening to send shivers through the stunning body, almost perpetually. Frank's tongue was right down her throat as he held Jennifer firmly with one hand while mauling her breasts with the other.

'Here you are, Kofi. I'm sure she would appreciate this.' Jennifer could hear Hudson talking behind her, but couldn't look up as Frank was holding her tightly as he groped away at her body, and devoured her mouth. She felt the momentary movement of her black licker behind, and sounds of tinkling and then she felt the coldness –––oooohhh, the icy coldness. It was the firm, freezing shape of an ice-cube.

Kofi pushed the first round piece of ice into the raging cunt, and it was wonderfully soothing in Jennifer's red-hot vagina. It was quickly followed by another and another –Kofi pushed each one in gently and it, in turn, pushed the previous one down to the depths of her body. On and on, filling her up –Kofi must have pushed at least six or seven ice-cubes inside her and then he started to lick at her again, pushing the cubes around, pushing his fingers into her hole to wash them all round the insides.

This was incredible and Jennifer was slowly getting the tell-tale signs welling up from the depths of her body –she wanted more to bring her to her peak. She had to gasp for breath, and let go of Frank's mouth and slumped her head against his shoulder. Still he mauled at her breasts, pulling hard at her nipples as he could see that by now she was excited.

'Bend right over, Jennifer,' and again it was Hudson dishing out the orders. Frank released her body, but Kofi carried on licking and playing with the ice-cubes at her rear. Jennifer obeyed and bent right over, with her hands on the floor, and she could see the marvellous black physique behind her, his mouth playing at her cunt. The ice felt wonderful right up inside her, moving about and bringing untold thrills to the nerves of her cunt, but then Kofi took the snooker cue from Hudson and Jennifer knew the next move.

Oh my God, no,... yes, please,... oh no...!! Kofi eased the thick end of the cue to her sodden lips and pushed gently into her body. She felt the ice knocking together inside her, as the cue pushed her cunt wide apart and sent the most cataclysmic feelings shuddering through her body.

'Christ... oh God, yes, oh yes, ummmmmm...' and Jennifer could not believe the way she was unashamedly reacting in front of these men. Never before had she shown such downright sluttishness, but she just couldn't help herself, the feelings were so overwhelming.

'Hands on the table Jennifer,' and she immediately obeyed again by lifting her arms and resting them on the side of the billiard table, her legs stretched and her arse jutting upwards, as Kofi held the wooden cue inside her.

Kofi stood now, and held the weapon inside her. The cubes slithered about inside her, melting very slowly, but the drops of water added more glorious liquid to the wash of her weeping vagina. By bending over, the cubes had remained inside her cunt, but as Kofi moved back a pace or two and played the cue gently in and out, one or two of the ice pieces slid out and crashed onto the floor. No-one cared, as the sight of this gorgeous woman being shafted with the snooker cue was such an erotic sight, and she could be seen, and filmed, by Walker, in all her sexual glory, only wearing her skirt round her waist and her suede boots over the stockings and suspenders.

Jennifer looked like a pure, rutting animal. Her hand went down to her vagina in order to ease her frustration, but Hudson's voice boomed out –

'Not yet, Jennifer, plenty of time for that –take your hand away.'

'Uuuh,sssssss,' and she was even more frustrated.

'Do you want to 'cum' Jennifer? Would you like that?'

'Yes please, Mr Hudson, I'd like that very much.'

'Well then, do you think you could satisfy these two hunky footballers. They're very virile and fit, and have just played a hard game –do you think you could get them to stay hard and enjoy your body. Would you be able to do that, Jennifer?'

She didn't know what to say, but the thought of coming to an orgasm was at the forefront of her mind, and right now she really did want some cock to satisfy her needs.

'I don't know, Mr Hudson,' she lied, remaining prim and seemingly shy. All this time Kofi was easing the rod in and out of her cunt, pushing her up onto her toes and then withdrawing a little, then back in to lift her –and Jennifer was growing more and more excited, more and more frustrated, but not wanting it to stop.

'Have you ever had two cocks, Jennifer? Have you ever played with two cocks before? I expect you have, haven't you? We'd love to hear all about it, you know.'

'No, Mr Hudson. Oh no. It was a long time ago and I can't really remember,' she tried to bluff. Jennifer knew he had this perversion of hearing all about her embarrassing past, but she couldn't, she couldn't, she couldn't, not in front of these strangers and that bloody camera that Walker was wheeling all round her –but...she did want satisfying, she wanted fucking and abusing and satisfying, deeply, urgently and hard.

'Take it out Kofi, just for a moment,' teased Hudson, and the smiling, black hunk eased the cue out of the throbbing body, and the four men watched as the sexy, delicious mother sighed with terrible frustration once more, the climb to her orgasm abruptly brought to a temporary halt.

'Oh, don't tease me, please, let me have some more, please. Mr Hudson, please let them carry on. I, I...'

'You'll what Jennifer, eh? You'll be a good girl for all of us, will you?'

'Yes, yes, I promise,' and she shivered again at what she'd just said, knowing that he was certain to take advantage now of her vulnerability.

'Hold her Frank. This is just to ensure that you don't need reminding again, Jennifer,' and Hudson swished the wooden cane through the air once more, and it cracked into the luscious arse with a resounding, lashing finality.


'Good girl, Jennifer. Now enjoy...and just do as you're told.' This time, Kofi did not need the use of the cue as he slipped down his smart slacks and his enormous, black cock was easily released from the gleaming white boxer shorts. He savoured the sight of the beautiful arse and then slid into the sodden vagina, right up to the hilt...

'AAggggggh,' The force of his powerful body hitting the back of Jennifer, almost knocked the wind out of her, but it was more than compensated by the glorious feelings right up inside her stretched cunt.

'OOhhhhh, yes, oh yes...' and she moved backwards to rub her bottom against Kofi's groin, and immediately the rhythm of a good fucking was set up.

'Ah, ah, ah,...' she moaned with each penetration –this is what she wanted, this is what Hudson wanted, they all wanted to see her being taken, taken by a cock so that she gave herself, so that she became wanton and grateful. This cock was stretching her body, filling her cunt to the extremities, and she loved being impaled on it.

'The last time you gave yourself, Jennifer, tell me about it,' and she almost didn't care what Hudson was teasing from her now. Frank took her breasts once more and began to pull hard on the nipples, and then he held her mouth and pushed her lips apart with his fingers. 'Poke your tongue out,' and she dutifully obeyed. Her wet, sensuous tongue eased out between her sexy lips, lolling around, her eyes closed as she kept up the pushing against Kofi's strong body fucking her at the rear.

Jennifer didn't speak –she savoured the two men exploring her body, controlling her movements, fucking her hard and mauling her tits. She wanted this badly, and stretched and bent and cried out as the enjoyment and wantonness rose inside her.

'Yes, yes, go on, harder, harder,' and she was so far gone that all else didn't matter.

Frank released his cock from his trousers and immediately Jennifer grabbed at it at her waist. This also was a magnificent, vibrant, youthful weapon, and she quickly took it into her hand and caressed it and rubbed it and felt the strength in its solid form. It was soon in her mouth, and Frank's hand was round her head to guide and control her, as she began to stroke the wonderful penis into and out of her mouth in rapid motions.

'Um, um, um...' she could only gurgle as the two cocks went on abusing her.

'We want to see her gentlemen. Now she is frantic and willing to grant herself to our pleasure, we need to enjoy the sight of Jennifer's mind and body in total disarray.' It was Hudson again, setting the scene for his own pleasure as well as that of Frank and Kofi, and ensuring that Walker would be able to record every moment and violation for future enjoyment.