Jeong Park's First Frosh Ball Ch. 10


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Jeong heard Ariana moan, saw her lift herself on her toes and hold herself there for a long moment. A long moment that was followed by a whimper, after which she sank back down again. Jeong knew exactly what that felt like, and now she was having trouble breathing. Her entire body was on fire, aching, burning, melting. She wanted to be standing where Ariana was, standing with Erik doing to her whatever it was that he was doing to Ariana. She wanted to watch Erik do whatever he was going to do to Ariana.

"Yeah, you're definitely like your sister." His voice was low, husky, filled with desire.

"I am?" Ariana's voice was a breathless moan.

"Yeah, you've got a tight little cunt and big tits. And you're fucking wet." Jeong heard his chuckle. "Still a virgin too. Your boyfriend hasn't popped that cherry cunt yet, has he?"

"Noooo." Ariana's answer was a whimper.

"I thought he would've by now." Erik wasn't asking a question.

"He hasn't," Ariana moaned, her knees beginning to buckle.

"Good, because I want it," Erik grunted, strumming her clitoris, enjoying that little jerk of her hips and the resultant pressure of her sex against his hand where he cupped her. Oh yeah, Ariana was almost ready.

"Ohh...ohhh...ohhhh." Ariana whimpered again, looking down, seeing Erik's hand on her sex. Knowing what he wanted now. Feeling Erik's fingers inside her, stretching her, pressing against her channel walls, finger-fucking her, and her excitement grew as her clitoris responded to those feathery-light brushes, sending surging rushes of pleasure through her body.

Jeong wanted to whimper with Ariana. She couldn't see Ariana's sex, but between the backs of Ariana's thighs, she could see Erik's fingers slowly disappearing into her friend, emerging, shining wetly, disappearing again. She knew what that had felt like when Erik had done that to her. Unbearably good. She could hear Ariana's breathing, the strange little noises she was making, and she knew all about those noises, too. She'd made those noises herself, last night.

Now she was beginning to really believe all the stories she'd heard about Erik. Who wouldn't, when you'd been naked for him, ready to be taken, and now one of your best friends was naked in front of him, with you in the same room. Your friend who you knew had never done it with a guy. Just like me, Jeong thought, understanding exactly how Ariana felt as she watched Erik's hand between her friend's thighs. As she heard Ariana's breath coming in frantic little pants. As she heard those sobbing moans that were growing louder. As she heard the wet noises Ariana's sex was making.

The same wet noises her own sex had made for Erik last night.

As she heard Erik's voice.

"Ever been naked for a guy like this?" Erik asked, a nonchalant inquiry as he turned and guided Ariana onto her back on her own bed.

"No," Ariana gasped as his hands eased her around and down onto her bed. She hadn't, not like this, not even for Dave.

"Really, you've never been fucked?" Erik stood, turning and looking down at Ariana, removing his shirt.

"Nuh..." Sprawled limply on her back, Ariana's answer was a gasp.

Her eyes were fixed on Erik, shirtless before them both.

Jeong could see Erik was really built in a way that she hadn't noticed last night. Last night, she'd been hypnotized by his eyes. Now, she was hypnotized by his body, and she wasn't the only one. She could see Ariana was watching him too. Muscular, gorgeous six pack abs, shoulder and arm muscles that had Jeong shivering with the desire to touch him, to stroke him. Taste him. Feel him crush her body against his.

They both watched him as he unbuckled his belt and peeled his jeans off, seeing his taut leg muscles, narrow waist, slim hips. Jeong sighed without conscious thought as he peeled his boxers off, revealing his tight butt. Ariana made a different noise, one of startled surprise as his erection sprang free before her eyes.

Ariana's eyes took in his size. Her wide-eyed gaze and her sudden gasp drew a smile from him.

Jeong had seen him before. His size was no surprise to her as he moved onto Ariana's bed, lying on his side next to her, looking across Ariana towards her, his eyes catching hers.

Erik smiled, propped up on one elbow, one hand resting on Ariana's knee, easing her legs apart a little, his steely-hard erection resting on Ariana's thigh.

Jeong still sat on the edge of the opposite bed, heart pounding furiously, looking. His cock was huge, although it didn't seem as huge as it had looked last night, when she'd thought he was going to take her. It was definitely bigger than Max's though, she knew that too. Seeing Erik naked with Ariana, her insides twisted and tensed as she imagined taking that cock -- accepting Erik's full length inside her -- and then she imagined her sex as he pumped his shaft in and out of her before emptying the contents of those big balls into her. When he'd cum on her last night, there'd been so much of it. She tried to imagine that happening inside her, and she shivered, one hand unconsciously cupping herself between her legs in an instinctive gesture of protection.

On her back on her bed, looking up at Erik, Ariana wasn't imagining anything at all. She was naked, and one of Erik's hands was on her knee, parting her, exposing her sex to his eyes. Erik's cock resting stiffly on one of her thighs, huge and hard and hot, burning into her skin, his swollen cockhead almost touching the neatly trimmed little landing strip of black fluff at the base of her belly. She'd spent several long minutes that morning shaving herself there, excitedly anticipating Dave's reaction when he saw what she'd done.

She hadn't anticipated that Erik would be the first to see, and her insides clenched tight, drawing a soft gasp from her lips, and a little judder from her hips as her sex pleaded for Erik's fingers to return, and to do to her what he'd so very recently been doing.

Erik smiled across the narrow gap between the beds. Smiled over Ariana's naked body at Jeong. Her heart threatened to choke her as her eyes met his. As his finger beckoned to her.

"Come here, Jeong."

Knees quivering, Jeong obeyed without a word. She moved slowly, standing, her heart in her throat, swelling, choking her as she took half a dozen small steps that ended when she stood beside Ariana's bed, where Ariana had been standing just a minute earlier. She stood there, looking down at Ariana and Erik, acutely conscious that the clothes she was wearing were the ones Erik had picked for her. That short skirt. The black tank top. The black lace bra and G-string panties. Everything she was wearing, Erik had picked for her to wear.

"Kneel down," Erik said, his eyes holding hers, his hand sliding up Ariana's inner thigh, slowly.

Jeong knelt, her forearms on the bed, her eyes on Erik's cock, close enough for her to reach out and clasp. Close enough that if she leaned forward over Ariana and took it in her hand, she could kiss the tip. Mesmerized, she drank in the sight of him, swollen, erect, blue veins standing out along his length, the bulbous head exposed.

Erik reached out, took one of Ariana's hands in his, and curled her fingers around his cockshaft, his fingers over hers. His hand moved, slowly, moving Ariana's fingers on him, stroking himself slowly with her hand.

Ariana whimpered, a wordless little sound. Jeong glanced upwards, from Erik's cock to Ariana's face, wide-eyed, lips parted, panting for breath. Erik's head moved, lowered, his mouth engulfed one of Ariana's breasts as Jeong watched. Ariana's back arched slowly, almost reluctantly, her mouth slowly forming a rounded "O" as her head arched back.

"Ohhhhhhh." Ariana gasped.

Jeong watched, heart pounding, alive with a weird excitement that she didn't understand. She shouldn't be excited watching Ariana. Should she? But she was, and when Erik's mouth lifted from Ariana's breast, leaving her friend's skin wet with saliva, her nipple pink and swollen, she realized her own nipples were just as swollen and engorged. She watched as Erik's hand continued to slowly stroke Ariana's hand along the length of his cockshaft, his bulbous cockhead protruding from her slender fingers on each upstroke.

Jeong continued to kneel, looking across at Erik, then down at her best friend who lay there, naked. Ariana stared back up at her, eyes wide and startled. Like a rabbit's eyes, Jeong thought. A helpless little rabbit. She looked back to Erik, looked into his eyes and she knew. Knew that she too looked like a helpless little rabbit.

And Erik was the fox.

Knowing that made her no less weak, no less helpless, and just like a rabbit, Jeong remained motionless, frozen, unable to move, unable to tear her eyes away, heart pounding, her body alive with excitement. What was he going to do? Was he going to torment Ariana the way he'd teased and tormented her, last night, or was he...?

"Don't you look just completely fuckable, Ariana," Erik breathed.

"Ohhhhhh," Ariana gasped again, gazing up at him, her eyes wide.

"Doesn't she, Jeong?" Erik added, his gaze switching to her, smiling.

"Uh," Jeong gasped, unable to answer.

"Put your hands up here, Ariana, both of them, and you'll look even more fuckable." Erik removed Ariana's hand from his cock, positioning it on the bed above her head, admiring the sight.

"Yeah, that's right." He smiled down at her as he took her other hand, moving it to join the first on her bed, above her head. "You look great like that, Ariana."

His face moved closer to hers, his lips brushed hers, and then he kissed Ariana gently, slowly, his lips caressing hers, his tongue sliding into her mouth as her lips parted, as she surrendered her mouth to him.

Ariana moaned softly into that kiss, tingling, burning; acutely aware of his cock resting hotly on her thigh. Acutely aware of her own exposure as she lay before him, arms above her head, naked, his hand now cupping one of her breasts, once more teasing her engorged and tender nipple. When his mouth lifted from hers, her lips continued to blindly seek his.

"Jeong," Erik murmured, his face mere inches from hers.

"Yes?" Jeong gasped.

"Take your top off."

Heart pounding, Jeong obeyed, peeling her black tank top off, over her head, and discarding it on the floor beside her.

"I like the bra," he smiled, enjoying the sight of her full firm breasts cupped in black lace. "Take it off."

Face burning, Jeong reached behind her back, unhooked her bra, and shrugged it off, letting it drop to join her tank-top, exposing her boobs to Erik.

"Nice," he said, hand circling on Ariana's stomach before sliding downwards to cup her sex.

"Now you're going to get what you want, Ariana." It wasn't a question, and Erik didn't wait for an answer.

"Ohhhhhhhh." She moaned as his finger found her and entered her once again, sliding easily inwards, and moaning softly, Ariana got what she wanted.

"Uhhhhhhhh." Ariana's back arched as she got almost more than she wanted. A second finger pushed inside her sex. Two fingers, stretching her, probing, pressing against her channel walls. Almost too much. Almost.

"Ohhhhhhh." Somehow, he brushed her clitoris in a way that sent shivering rushes of pleasure rippling through her, holding her helplessly enthralled as she watched Jeong shrug her bra off.

"Take your skirt off." Erik watched Jeong.

"My skirt?" Jeong shivered.

"Your skirt." Erik's voice was low and filled with a desire that reverberated through Jeong. "Take it off."

Jeong swallowed, her hands moving to unhook and unzip her little skirt, letting it drop to her knees, out of his sight, leaving her in the little black G-string panties he'd bought for her.

"Ohhhhhhh." His fingers moved inside Ariana, twisting, pressing, stretching her on his probing digits. Oh yeah, she was wet and ready. Tight and wet and ready for him. Not as tight and wet as Jeong had been last night, and his cock throbbed at the thought.

"Up here, on the bed," he said, his eyes holding Jeong's, smiling as she half stood, exposing those little G-string panties he'd bought for her. He'd wondered if she'd wear them today or not, but she was, and his smile grew. She hadn't agreed, yet, but she would, he was sure of that. As sure as he'd been that he could have fucked her last night.

"That's it," he murmured. "Like me, lie on your side there, facing me."

Shivering, afraid, excited, scared, Jeong lay beside Ariana, propped up on one elbow, her body brushing Ariana's, skin against skin in a way that they'd never touched before. Ariana looked up at her, her eyes wide, her breathing shallow and fast, whimpering now and then as Erik's fingers moved inside her.

His eyes held Jeong's for a drawn out moment, and then he lowered his head and kissed Ariana again, long and slow, teasing her lips with his, his tongue dancing with hers, drawing hers into his mouth, sliding his own tongue into hers, sucking at her lips, kissing her again, on and on and on.

Ariana surrendered to that kiss, surrendered her mouth to his. She didn't surrender her sex to his fingers though. He was already there.

Erik lifted his lips from Ariana's and smiled at Jeong. "Slide your arm under Ariana, right here."

Now it was Jeong's turn to whimper as she moved the arm she was propped up on. Moved it to slide under Ariana's shoulders, so that she was pressed up against her. They looked at each other, and then they both looked at Erik. Erik looked back at them both, he smiled, easing his fingers from Ariana's sex, trailing them upwards until his hand began to circle on Ariana's tautly flat stomach, gently massaging her, kneading her a little. Ariana tensed, tensed and gasped before slowly, very slowly, relaxing, her eyes wide and scared looking.

His hand continued to caress and stroke Ariana, her stomach, her thighs, her inner thighs, avoiding her breasts or her sex. His fingers caressed her inner thighs, gentle where her skin was silky soft and tender. Jeong found her heart pounding as she watched his fingers trace their way across the tops of Ariana's thighs, circle that little black strip of silky fluff and dive downwards once more. Again and again. Ariana gasped, he bit her bottom lip, she jerked her hips a little, she rolled her head from Erik to Jeong to Erik again. When her hips bucked upwards jerkily, he smiled

"Spread your legs wide for me, Ariana." He looked at Jeong, smiled, reached over and lifted Ariana's knee, hung her leg over Jeong's, splaying Ariana open. His hand once more cupped Ariana between those now widespread legs.

"Ohhhhhhh." Ariana's reaction was a long, shivering gasp. Her body tensed. Jeong looked down to Erik's hand, watched, watched as he gently inserted a single finger into Ariana's sex, sliding it inwards, further, deeper before beginning to slide in and out. Ariana trembled against Jeong as Erik gently finger-fucked her.

Erik smiled down at Ariana, his finger inside her sex, his thumb now strumming her swollen little clitoris, watching her face as she gasped, as she moaned, as her mouth formed a rounded "o", as her body shivered, as her hips jerked against his hand where he touched her, playing her body. Playing her like a violin, and Erik knew how to play girls like Ariana, the way a master of the violin knew how to play a Stradivarius.

Jeong watched, remembering how he'd played her body last night.

Jeong remembered how she'd responded, just as Ariana was responding now.

"Ohhhhhhhh." Ariana moaned as acquiescence, her body surrendering, her mind following.

His eyes lifted, found Jeong's, and now his smile was almost wicked as he leaned forward a little, over Ariana, towards Jeong, and Jeong knew what he wanted.

She leaned forward herself, lips parting, anticipating, and then receiving, his kiss. His lips met hers, brushing, teasing, then sealing themselves to hers as his tongue possessed her mouth, gently, then hungrily. Jeong surrendered to him, the way she'd surrendered to him last night. If only he hadn't told her he wanted to share her with his friends. She'd have loved to go to the Frosh Ball with him. She'd have loved to have him be the one, but after what he'd said to her, no, no, she couldn't. She wouldn't. She couldn't. Not with all his friends.

His lips lifted from hers, brushed across her cheek, whispered words in her ear. Softly whispered words that Jeong failed to understand until he repeated them.

"Stroke my cock while I kiss you, Jeong."

His lips found Jeong's again, as Jeong's hand found his cock and clasped it gently. Silken fingers did their best to hold him, unable to wrap completely around his girth, and slowly, tentatively, as he kissed her, they began to clumsily stroke him. Hot. Thick. Long. Her delicate touch feeding that steely hardness until his cock throbbed.

"Ohhhhhh." Ariana's plaintive moan as her hips juddered drew his lips from Jeong's.

Jeong watched him, her hand still slowly stroking his cock as he looked down at Ariana. A wolf. His look? That expression sent a rippling shiver through Jeong, because she knew what Erik was. He was the wolf, she and Ariana were his prey, and he was playing with them.

"Ohhhhhh." Playing with Ariana, not her, and Jeong wanted him to play with her, the way he'd played with her yesterday. More than play. She wanted him to take her. She wanted the cock she held in her hand to take her and fuck her.

The way she knew he was going to fuck Ariana.

"Please," she whispered, and Erik heard her.

His eyes found hers. He smiled, and his lips found hers again, a gentle caress, a slow slide of his tongue into her mouth. A gentle possession, until his lips left hers and brushed her ear.

"You know what I want, Jeong," he breathed. "You, at my party after the Frosh Ball."

"Noooo," Jeong whispered, but her sex was responding. Her sex was betraying her, telling her that her body wanted what Erik was asking her to give him. Give him, and all his friends. "Nooooo."

Erik chucked. "Then you're just going to have to wait, Jeong," he murmured, teasing Ariana's clitoris with those feather light caresses that drew another long moan from her. A long soft moan of surrender that reverberated through Jeong.

Jeong wanted to surrender too.

"And do you know what's going to happen next, while you wait?" he added, looking from Jeong to Ariana.

"No." Jeong shook her head, her hand still slowly caressing his steely hard length.

"Do you know what's going to happen next, Ariana?" Erik purred.

Jeong looked with him. Looked down at Ariana's sex, exposed, Erik's hand there. Erik's finger entering her, Erik's thumb brushing her clitoris, and Jeong could see Ariana's clitoris, a little pink protrusion, exposed. Sensitive.

Ariana whimpered, a soft helpless sound of excitement. Excitement, and surrender. Ariana knew.

Jeong could see Erik's cock, too. It was clasped in her hand, she was stroking it, slowly, clumsily, her fingers clasping his girth, hugely thick and steely hard. She could see her hand. She could feel what was in her hand. Silky skin overlaying that rigidity, and her sex throbbed.

"Ohhhhhh." Jeong moaned, out loud, as Erik lowered his mouth to Ariana's breasts. Jeong watched as Erik mouthed Ariana's breasts. Her nipples were huge, large and swollen and pink against the pale olive of Ariana's skin. An olive that was lighter than Jeong's, both of their bodies contrasting with Erik's dark tan. The softness of her body a contrast to Erik's solid musculature, those ripped shoulder and chest muscles, those six-pack abs. Jeong wanted to explore those muscles, that body, with her hands and with her lips.

With her body.

Her hand, Jeong's hand, continued to slowly stroke Erik's cock.

"I think," Erik breathed, lifting his mouth from Ariana's breasts, smiling, "I think you're both enjoying this." His eyes drilled into Ariana's as his thumb played across her swollen and hyper-sensitive little clitoris.