Jess was a Bitch Ch. 04


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Jess splashes toward him. He starts to open his arms but her fist connects with his left cheek hard enough for him to see stars. She doesn't let up. She pummels his chest with her fists until he can get his arms around her. She's screaming at him the entire time.

"Asshole! Stupid jerk, asshole! What the fuck is wrong with you! Was that on purpose? You pouty little fuck! I fucking hate you! Hate you! You could have drowned! What would I tell mom and dad? Huh? Fucking asshole!"

The words stop as abruptly as her flying fists. She quits struggling against his hug and sobs against his chest.

Behind her, he sees Travis and his wife exchange looks. Jess had referred to "my" parents earlier. Perhaps they'd assume she was still talking about her parents when she said, "mom and dad". At least she hadn't said, "our parents". He could see the thought in their glances. He didn't care. Jess needed him. He'd deal with the others later.

"I was just floating. I wasn't on purpose. I was wondering if I was drifting out too far just as you yelled. I was fine, Jess. Remember how dad took us into a riptide, on purpose? How he showed us how to swim out of one? The only thing that worried me was that you'd coming racing out, thinking I needed help and then I'd have to worry about you."

"Fuck you," Jess mutters against his chest, still sniffling. "I can swim circles around your sorry ass. Jerk."

"I'm sorry, Jess. I didn't mean to scare you. Honest."

They both know that's a lie but she lets it pass.

"Uh, not to interrupt or anything but it seems to me you two could use a drink. How about it? Let's go in, relax, toss back a couple of brews. What'd ya say?" The predatory smile is off Travis' face. All Jon sees is concern. It's mirrored on Caitlin's face. "Come on, Jess," she whispers. When Jess steps away, Jon lets her. She wipes at her nose with her arm, grimaces and then ducks beneath the water. When she surfaces, she allows Caitlin to take her by the arm.

"You okay, bro? You look a little shaky, if you don't mind me sayin'."

"No, Travis. I'm not okay. I'm a total fuck up."

"Hmm, maybe. I don't know you that well, so I can't really comment, can I? But even fuck ups can enjoy a beer or a margarita."

Jon holds up his arm, showing Travis his wrist band. "Beer only."

Travis snorts. "Out here or in the bar, not in your room." He glances at Jon. "Or, in our room." He starts to hit Jon on the shoulder but instead settles for a quick squeeze. "Come on. I'm getting all pruny. Let's go in. If you don't want a beer. Cry in your coke." Jon gives him a sharp glance. Travis shrugs, offers a half smile of apology. "Come on, bro. Let's go."

They make their way toward the shore, pausing to let the surf roll past them.

"Jess is your sister, isn't she?"

Jon nods silently.

"Fuck, brah."

Jon feels another quick squeeze of his shoulders. It's oddly comforting.


Travis waves at one of the serves as they make their way to the cabana. "Negra Modelo," he calls. "Quatro, por favor." The server nods. Jess and Caitlin are sitting on the end of the chaise. Caitlin has thrown a towel around Jess' shoulders. Jess is shivering. Caitlin's look is hard. "Not cool, Jon, not cool at all."

"I know," he acknowledges softly. "I didn't mean to scare you like that. I got lost in my head and wasn't paying attention. I know that's a stupid thing to do in the water. I'm sorry, Jess." When she nods, drops of water splash on top of her legs. He hopes it's water and not tears. He sits beside her on the chaise, carefully, afraid he'll tip it. He puts his arm around her shoulders. "I'm sorry, sis. Honest."

Jess jerks her head up. Caitlin rolls her eyes and shrugs. Travis nods. She drops her head into her hands. "Jesus, does everyone know? Is everyone laughing at us?" She jumps up and starts to run for the resort. Caitlin grabs her wrist.

"No one is laughing at you, Jess. Certainly, not us. I don't think anyone else knows. We saw you guys checking in. You don't look alike. You look exactly like your mom. Jon is a mix. You don't look alike but the two of you were a stereotype of siblings that don't get along, standing there on either side of your parents. Then, yesterday at the beach, it was like, "what the fuck". Jon was lying there with a boner and you were playing with your clit. We were like, what the hell? We were still wondering if you were just fucking with each other but at dinner it was obvious. I don't think anyone else knows you're related but all anyone has to do is catch a peek of you two making cow eyes to know you're nuts about each other."

She glances at Travis. "Then, well, I admit it, you're both so, well, hot, we thought we'd see if you had any interest in maybe trying something a little more out there, sex-wise I mean."

"You mean swinging?" Jon asks.

Travis smiles at him. "Sure, if you want to call it that. We have an open relationship. It works for us, not for others. We both need to be interested and we don't do it alone or with singles. If you could be sure a single was really single and not cheating, maybe but that's a tough one. So, for us it's been couples only."

"How long have you guys been, you know, close, I guess," Caitlin asks, then rolls her eyes at her own question.

"Two days," Jess laughs through a sob.

"What happened today?" Jess looks up at Travis like he has two heads.

"What happened today? Well, it occurred to me that what we're doing," she points a finger at herself and then Jon, "is dumb because it's doomed. It has to end so why prolong it? That only makes it harder."

"I thought you said we could wait until we got home," Jon whispers.

"I did. But why?" She starts crying again as the server brings up a bucket of beers. There are eight instead of four. "Happy hour," he explains. At that Jess' tears turn to gales of laughter. She falls back on the bed, holding her sides.

"Happy hour? Oh, that's fucking precious."

Travis pats the confused man on the shoulder, signs the check and includes a nice tip. The server hurries away, wishing there were other jobs in this part of Mexico.

Jess is rolling from side to side, laughing. Jon looks worried. Caitlin frowns. She dips a hand into the bucket of beers and slings the ice water onto Jess' belly.

"Jesus Christ! What the fuck, Caitlin? Seriously, what the fuck?"

"You're losing it, girl. I read somewhere it was a myth you were supposed to smack hysterical people. I don't recall any injunction against ice water." She looks at Jess, daring her to push it. To Jon's surprise she doesn't. "Maybe it has to end. Most love affairs don't last. Yours is certainly unusual, so is ours. We don't go out of our way to advertise we have an open marriage. Most people would sneer at us. Fuck 'em."

"Oh please," Jess huffs. "They might sneer but they can't arrest you for it."

"In some states they probably can," Travis replies, mildly, before drinking half his beer in one long pull.

"Look, don't get me wrong. I'm not telling you to do it," Caitlin says, putting her arms around Jess. "Forget the complication of being related to each other, like I said, most relationships fail anyway. I was in two or three relationships that I knew, knew for a fact, were it before I finally met Travis. I don't think that's unusual. I'm barely able to make my own life work; I'm not about to tell anyone what to do with theirs. I'm just saying, it's up to you guys to decide how hard to push this thing; that's all." She drains her beer in one long drink. "The only advice I have is, let's get shit-faced. There's nothing like a bitch of a hangover to put life's little problems in perspective."


Jess decides she is not shit-faced but she's not feeling much pain either or, at least, it's easier to ignore the pain. She's never seen Jon drunk. She has no idea if his brooding manner is typical or not. She, herself, has always been a happy drunk. She imagines she's a bit less broody than her brother but she's nowhere close to the giggly, dancing drunk she normally is. She is not so drunk as to escape the realization that, despite the giddy dancing of the past, she'd never felt happy drunk, not that she feels happy now.

Caitlin and Travis' 'room' is huge. They have a suite. The sitting area is bigger than Jon's or his parent's. Caitlin admits her parents are private jet rich. Travis comes from a background closer to Jess and Jon's. The newlyweds have done their best to keep the conversation going but the room steadily descends into silence. Caitlin tosses back the shot of tequila she's been holding and climbs up from the floor, where she's been leaning back on the front of the sofa, one arm draped over her husband's knees. She unzips a small leather bag, the kind that held CDs and DVCs before CDs and DVDs went the way of the 5.25" floppy disk. She turns on the TV and the DVD player and puts a disc in. Picking up the remote, she returns to sit on the floor by Travis' legs. She pushes the play button. She fast-forwards past the FBI warning and the 'all actors ages on file' disclaimer.

Opening scene: palm trees, beach, pull back to pool with a woman lounging in a white bikini reading a book. She looks over the top of the book and we see that she is looking at an extremely fit man, cleaning the pool.

Fuck, could it get any more clichéd, Jess wonders to herself. She has no way of knowing that everyone else is thinking the same thing. Like everyone else, the sight of the woman rubbing her breasts and her pussy, arouses both Jess' interest and her libido. Clichéd or not, the sights and sounds of sex work their magic, like they always do. There's a reason why porn is as old as history. By the time the woman, still wearing her bikini but with her nipples exposed, pulls the shirt off the pool 'boy' and begins to rub the bulge in his pants, Jess' pussy is wet. She glances over. Caitlin's top is off and Travis is massaging one of her breasts. Jess tosses off her shot and stands. She staggers a little, stepping out of her bikini bottoms. She kicks them to one side and tosses the top after them. She reaches out and takes hold of Jon's hands, lifts him off the chair where he's sitting. She unties the drawstring of his board shorts. They fall around his ankles.

"Oh, Jon, baby, those are fucking hot." She rubs the front of the tiny, and very tight, nearly see-through white Speedos he's wearing beneath his board shorts. Caitlin joins her. "Old dudes totally give these a bad rep," she purrs, rubbing her hand over the taut material covering Jon's butt. Travis moves to stand beside Jon. He puts an arm around Jon's shoulders. He feels Jon tense. "Okay?" he whispers, watching Jon's face. Jon nods.

It's Caitlin who unties the Speedos and pulls them down. Jon's cock springs free. The suit remains around his thighs, pushing his balls up. Jess twists slightly and sucks one of his balls into her mouth. He moans. Caitlin glides her lips down this shaft and kisses his other ball. His cock rests on the side of her face. She waits. Jess lets Jon's ball slip out of her mouth. She kisses Caitlin. Jon moans again as he sees the tip of his sister's tongue touch Caitlin's, before it disappears inside his sister's mouth. The kiss, the soft skin of their cheeks and softer hair, brushing over his cock and balls.

When they break the kiss, their lips ascend his cock in perfect synchrony. Jess swallows the head of his cock. Travis is rubbing his back, fingers brushing the top of his ass but no lower. Jon is too engrossed in the feel of his sister's mouth on his cock and Caitlin's tongue teasing his balls to bother to figure out he's bothered by Travis' touch. Caitlin rubs the front of her husband's trunks. Without taking his hand off of Jon's back he unties his trunks and allows them to follow to the floor. Caitlin's tongue leaves Jon's balls as she begins to go down on her husband.

She sucks Travis' cock, deep throating it. Jon's eyes dart from the sight of his cock disappearing into Jess' mouth to Travis' vanishing into Caitlin's. Caitlin stands, moves around Jess and kneels. Jess looks at Jon. His eyes are blank. She moves over and engulfs Travis' cock. Caitlin's tongue teases the V of Jon's crown. He moans, puts a hand on her head and urges her forward. She takes his cock in one slow continuous motion until he feels her nose press into his pubic hair. She sucks him, long, slow, wet strokes of her mouth and hand. His fingers clench in her hair. She pulls back, squeezes the head of his cock and he feels his orgasm fade.

"Don't cum, yet, Jon," Caitlin whispers. "I want your cock in me. I want you to cum in my ass." Jon stares, agog, at her. She laughs. "Yeah, you heard me. In my ass. Come on." She stands and takes Jon's hand and leads him toward the bed. She stops and kisses Jess. "Join us?" Jess nods. Caitlin wraps her free hand around her husband's cock. "You, too, lover."

She sits Jon on the end of the bed and pushes him flat, his feet on the floor. Her husband steps closer, squirts something in his hand and rubs it in the crack of his wife's ass. He squirts more and before Jon can react, he rubs it over his cock. It's a quick, almost clinical touch but it's the first time another man has touched him is such a way. He's trying to process this when Caitlin straddles his legs, facing away from him, grabs his cock and rubs it over her asshole. She holds him steady and pushes. "Oh, fuck," he sighs when the head of his cock penetrates her pucker. She lowers herself until she's sitting, reverse cowgirl, on top of his legs. She wiggles her pelvis.

"You like that? You like that big cock of yours in my tiny ass? I hope so; I sure the fuck do," she drawls as she uses her legs to ride his cock. Jon's hands go to her hips. He rises up on his toes and begins to fuck Caitlin. She puts a hand behind her, rests it on his belly. "Easy, baby. You aren't hurting me but I'm not ready for you to cum. Easy." She uses her hand to ease herself back on the bed. She's lying at a bit of an angle, head resting on Jon's shoulder, his cock still buried in her ass. She puts one foot on the end of the bed, reaches between her legs and spreads her pussy. She smiles at Caitlin and her husband, who's standing there stroking his cock. "Who wants a taste?"

Jon sees his sister drop to her knees. Her hands are on his legs when she leans forward. He can't see her mouth on Caitlin's cunt but he hears the sounds of her sucking. Her head lowers. He jerks, when her mouth touches his balls, pushing his cock deeper into Caitlin's ass. She groans as she reaches for Jess' head. She uses her hand to guide Jess back to her clit. She begins to bounce up and down, grinding her ass into Jon.

"Uh-huh, fuck, that's it, uh-huh, Jesus, girl, don't stop." She holds her breath, shudders and Jon feels her pussy spasm from inside her ass. "Come up here, Jess," she whimpers. "Kiss me. I want to taste my cunt on your tongue and lips. Kiss me." Jess climbs onto the bed. Before they can kiss, Caitlin beckons to her husband. "Fuck me, Travis. Sweet Jesus, I need your cock in my pussy. Fuck me. Make me cum again, lover."

Jon feels Travis' feet beside his, then he feels Travis' cock slide past his as he enters his wife pussy. It's unbelievable. It's as if the parts of Caitlin's pussy and ass that separate their cocks are no thicker than a condom. He can feel the head of Travis' cock skimming over his shaft as he fucks his wife.

"Fuck me, Jon. Fuck my ass," Caitlin whimpers. It's awkward but he uses his legs to pump his cock in her ass. "Oh, yeah, that's right, mmm. Travis, baby, hold on a sec. Keep your cock in me but let Jon fuck me for a while." With Travis not moving, Jon lengthens his strokes. It's his turn to feel the head of his cock slide over Travis' shaft.

Jess leans over Caitlin and kisses him. He can taste pussy on her lips. He turns her face with his nose and licks her cheek, licks pussy off her cheeks. She turns and he licks the other cheek.

"Fuck, girl, that's hot. Fuck. Scoot in here, let me eat your beautiful cunt."

The only way it works is for Jess to straddle both their heads. Jon kisses and licks her thigh before pulling back as far as he can for a close-up view of Caitlin eating his sisters sloppy wet pussy. The sight puts him into over-drive. He pounds Caitlin's ass, fucking her as hard as his position will allow.

"Uh-huh," she begins to whisper as Jess grinds her cunt into her face. Jon is only vaguely aware that he no longer feels Travis' cock as he fucks his wife. It's only when the bed shifts that he realizes Travis is standing on the bed. He's holding the base of his cock with one hand, offering it to Jess. He watches his sister accept Travis' cock, slick and glistening from Caitlin's pussy, without hesitation.

He cums.

Caitlin manages to get a hand to her pussy. Before Jon's cock finishes filling her guts with sperm, she's bouncing all over the bed.

Jess removes her mouth from Travis' cock, shuddering as her own orgasm rips through her body.

Travis points his cock at Jess' face. When the first jet of jizz hits her cheek, she turns her head and opens her mouth. Travis lets his cock rest on her lower lip and fills her mouth. Cum runs out of one corner of her mouth as she closes it. She slides back, off of Caitlin's face. There is no time for understanding, everything moves too quickly. Her lips touch his. Her tongue finds his mouth.

Jon's mouth fills. He swallows before he has time to grasp what it is his sister has just given him.

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pinkiebinkpinkiebinkabout 1 year ago

I’m just mad that they seemed so in love with each other and had to share people I don’t like that dynamic in incest stories

NovemberComingFireNovemberComingFirealmost 2 years ago


I’m glad you’re comfortable enough to share your own personal dynamic with the rest of us but I assure you, you don’t speak for everyone involved in an incestuous relationship. Just like ANY other relationship, sometimes sharing occurs. Physically I mean.

WargamerWargameralmost 2 years ago

You done fucked up your own story.

Incest does not and will not share. Read up yourself about it. You obviously know nothing about the dynamics of incest.

How do l know?

Well guess. I told my story here years ago.

Disappointing this divergence, but it’s your story, this chapter gets 2/5

Get it back on track

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Turbidus, you have done an interesting job of alienating me from your main two characters, I am now in little danger of identifying with them.

They, and the dramatic situations, are interesting enough to continue to read, though.

I wonder where you are going with them, I will ride for a while.

thedayafterthedayafterabout 4 years ago

I can't say that I was really surprised in this chapter as the way the story was going I had actually expected Jon and Jess to involve one or both of their parents in their relationship from the way they were interacting with their mum and dad. But I thought the story was safe from even that when, at one point, Jon thought about how old his mother looked as that seemed to end that possibility. I was surprised, and disappointed, with the inclusion of a second couple in their relationship. It was completely unexpected especially after Jon's 'gut clenching' reaction to Jess's comment about 'spoiling her for other guys' in chapter two or three. This chapter really didn't make sense to the overall story. I really thought the story was safe from adding extra people to their relationship.

I love reading sibling incest love story's and have done so for the past few years like many other readers I get disappointed when a story I start to enjoy ends up spoiled for me because the author includes someone else in the siblings relationship. I do my best to avoid reading those stories by checking the tag lines for the story/series or even jumping to the last page of a story just to see how it ends. While an author invests a lot of time writing a story a reader also invests time reading a story. I don't object to authors taking a story where they want it to go I just wish that they would warn readers up front the direction the story is going.

Whilst Turbidus did warn a the top of this chapter I'd already read the first three chapters and was into, and enjoying, the story now I've stopped reading it, didn't bother reading this chapter thanks to the commentary and won't read the rest of the series now.

It would be helpful if authors were more descriptive in the tag line in the stories list e.g. the tag line for this story is 'Jess and Jon confront a crisis' been better if it said 'Jon and Jess have a foursome' at least then we would have known the direction of the story.

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