Jessica's Change Management Ch. 13


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Woah! What a question? I was neither. Actually, both suggestions riled me up.

"I'm a business executive." I hissed in response, defiantly looking Ortega in the eye.


Ortega didn't react at all. Instead, Justin gave me a resounding slap to the face. Ouch! It stung terribly. Yet, I refrained from lifting my hand and rubbing my glowing cheek. My rival's self-complacent looks stoked my reactance so much that I decided to shoot daggers at him instead.

"Who did your makeup?" The smug exec continued asking as if nothing had happened.

"I did." I proclaimed, not really knowing why he was asking.


Ortega spat right into my face! Ugh! A fat glob of spittle landed right on my forehead. So gross! For a moment, I couldn't keep up my defiant expression, contorting my face in disgust while the drool slowly slid down my nose and my right cheek. Yikes!

"Who did your makeup?" The Latino snob asked again.

"I did it myself!" I declared again, not receding to this swellhead.


Again, Ortega spat in my face. This time, he leaned over my face, and slowly let the white, bubbly drool run out of his mouth and onto my left cheek. Even though I tried hard, I couldn't keep up my straight face at the revolting sight, grimacing heavily.

"Uuuggghhh!" I whimpered because it felt too gross for me to keep quiet this time.

"Who did your makeup?" Ortega asked for the third time, still sounding rather bored than angry.

"Um..." I needed a moment to phrase my response.

Of course, I knew that he was toying with me. He wanted me to feel his power. He would continue until I gave in and told him what he wanted to hear. Gosh! Getting spit on felt so yukky and degrading that I started wavering.

"I did it myself!" I remained reactant, though.

I felt prepared for his next spit attack. This time, I wouldn't flinch.

My cocky rival didn't spit at my face, though. Instead, he gave Justin a nod. Instantly, the slimeball started tugging on my hair yanking it left and right. Ouch! He was shaking my head like a bottle he wanted to pop. He pulled so hard it hurt. He shook my head so fast it made me dizzy.

"Uuuhh! Ooowww! Uuuhhh!" I whined loudly.

"I can hear that little peabrain rattling around inside." The smug exec exclaimed, making me whimper even louder.

With another nod from Ortega, Justin stopped yanking my head around and started rubbing the spit into my skin.

"You look quite beautiful when you rub the shit off your face, Missy." My archrival commented. "Washing off that haughty, faux-intellectual facade does wonders for you, bitchy face."

Woah! That hit home! I couldn't keep up my defiance any longer. For a moment, my face contorted into a sob.


Ortega instantly used my moment of weakness. With Justin squeezing my cheeks, the smug exec spat a huge glob of slobber right into my mouth. Barf!

"Who did your makeup?" The Latino snob asked another time.

"You did." I finally admitted with a meek voice.

Gawd! It felt so humiliating to submit to my loathed rival, especially as his self-complacent grin told me that he enjoyed every word of it. This spit attack was disgusting but the admission of his dominance was a lot worse.


Despite my surrender, Ortega added another glob of spit to my mouth. Just for good measure, I guess.

"Swallow!" He ordered and I obeyed without protest, which further drove home his victory.

When I had stuck out my tongue to show off my empty mouth, the Latino snob gave another nod and Justin reacted promptly.


Grabbing the clunky golden zipper, the intern brute pulled it down. With the zip neckline literally unfurling like the petals of a white rose, my braless funbags popped out of their confines one after the other. The neckline framed my soft fleshglobes making them spill out of my dress.

Damnit! Ortega was controlling the action without even touching me. He let his henchman do all the dirty work. It only increased his dominion, though. It made me feel like I wasn't worthy for him to lay his fingers on me.

Okay, I admit I hadn't been a good business executive lately. But the way this swellhead deemed me unworthy of his touch also implied that I wasn't a good glamour doll, either. That simply wasn't true! It annoyed me to no end.

Thus far, no guy had ever been able to stop drooling at the sight of my titties. Not Ortega, though. He didn't even make a move to grab my boobies and knead them. How did he dare? He was so full of himself it pissed me off and made my temper flare up -- yet again.

"Who dressed you up?" Ortega resumed his silly game.

"I did!" I showed my re-found defiance.

I expected my archrival to react by spitting at my face again. He wasn't so predictable, though. Instead, he gave a nod to Justin again. Grrr! These nods were driving me nuts.

Fully living out his new role as Ortega's henchman, the rude intern let my cheeks go and grabbed my pearl necklace. After pulling it off my neck, he tugged on my chestnut-golden tresses to make me bow down.

Bending over, my big, ole funbags dangled off my chest and the hem of my shiny white pencil dress rose up my legs. With another yank, Justin pushed my dress all the way up to expose my naked buns.

Oh my god! Now, the Latino snob had seen my naked boobies and my naked ass. There wasn't much privacy left for me. It felt so different from my first exposure to the interns, because it instantly made me feel inferior to my fellow executive.

I shouldn't be so embarrassed by it, though. After all, the frat boys and the 'LGZ' gang members had seen me bare-naked too, right? However, they had always taken me for a hoodrat or stripper, not a haughty, faux-intellectual colleague.

"Spread!" Justin told me, making me gulp.

He wasn't about to stop with exposing my ass. My defiance, however, outweighed my better knowledge so I didn't reach back to spread my ass cheeks open.

The intern brute didn't seem to mind, though, because he started pushing the pearls up my ass anyways. Damn! My little butthole was completely unprepared and the pearls were dry. My sphincter was too tight!

"Oh!" I grunted when the first pearl slipped up my butt.

I tried to wriggle my ass out of the way but two quick slaps to my buns stopped me.

"Ow!" I whined when the next bead got plunged up my ass pipe.

Holy shit! That stung! My ass was too tight! It was too much. The pain outweighed my pride and my hands shot back. Hastily, I spread my ass cheeks to open my ringpiece as wide as possible.

The two guys chuckled while watching my long, fake, sparkly French nails spreading my meaty butt flesh. Once again, they had managed to stifle my reactance.

Oh my gawd! Finally, it dawned on me. I had been so dumb. This had been Ortega's intent all along. He was totally playing with me. He was riling me up, only to subdue me over and over again. It constantly reinforced his dominance.

"Argh!... Argh!... Argh!..." I howled with every following pearl.

Despite my efforts of spreading my ass, my tight anal ring continued resisting the intrusion. However, the two guys didn't seem impressed with my whining. All the while, Ortega kept a straight face whereas Justin continued stuffing my ass.

Eventually, the rude intern stopped filling me with the pearl necklace and tugged on my chestnut-golden tresses to straighten me up. Brushing down my shiny white dress, he covered my naked butt back up.

With a gasp, I realized that Justin had barely pushed a third of the necklace up my butthole. My sphincter was so tight, however, that it firmly clenched the beads and kept them in place. As most of the necklace's length dangled off my ass, a third appeared under the hem of my pencil dress. Gulp! Anybody could see the pearl necklace hanging between my legs!

"What might our consultants say about that choice of garment?" Ortega wondered aloud.

No! Seriously, no! He couldn't send me out like that! He couldn't even think about it. What insolence! Once again, the swellhead managed to make me bristle with anger. Damnit! I knew that he was toying with me, but I couldn't prevent it. My temper flared up another time.

"Who dressed you up?" Ortega promptly asked me with a cockily raised eyebrow.

"I did!" I couldn't help but snarl in response.

Oh fuck! My hotheadedness wasn't doing me any good here.

Of course, Ortega reacted. What he actually did, though, was a total surprise for me. He loosened the knot of his tie and pulled it off his neck. What the heck was he planning on doing with his tie?

The smug exec didn't do anything, at least not to me. Instead, he handed the tie over to Justin who further enlarged the knot. I couldn't make sense of it. A gasp slipped out of my mouth, though, when it became clear. The rude intern pushed the knot over my titties. He laced the loop around my big, ole funbags, literally using it like a noose.

"Oh!" I grunted when Justin started pulling on the tip of the tie that dangled centrally beneath my boobies.

As it was still knotted, the loop started tightening around my fleshorbs. Umph! It squeezed my soft titty meat.

"Argh!... Ow!... Argh!..." I whined when the rude intern gave it three more tugs.

Each pull was stronger than the previous one and my poor boobies got firmly squeezed. The noose tightened around the base of my titty meat and made it bulge out obscenely.

To add insult to injury, it was a golden necktie! Fitting his snobbish demeanor, Ortega always wore some over-the-top extravagant suits and ties. Today, he had chosen a golden tie that looked like designed for my white-golden outfit. It looked like a part of the dress. Gulp!

"Who dressed you up?" Ortega asked again.

My gaze flickered and I hesitated. My eyes fell on the smug grin on Ortega's face. You could literally see the sliminess pouring out of his pores. That was all it took to reinforce my defiance.

"I did!" I blared out, although I barely managed to finish my sentence.

"Aaarrrggghhh!" I howled soon after when Justin pulled on the tie rougher than ever.

The loop tightened. My juicy juggs got pressed together. My titty flesh bulged out obscenely. Gawd! The slimeball didn't stop pulling.

My fleshglobes swelled up and swelled up. My boobies began turning red and my titty skin got pulled taut. My poor funbags got so bloated they looked like balloons ready to burst any second.

"Aaarrrggghhh!" I could only whine while looking at my swelling titties with wide-open eyes.

"Who dressed you up?" Ortega asked another time.

My boobies hurt. My mouth stood open from all the screaming. I was close to telling him what he wanted to hear. But not so fast. I wouldn't relent. Not that easily. Not like that. Something deep inside of me made me resist the swellhead repeatedly.

"I did!" I remained defiant.

I expected Justin to continue tugging on the golden necktie until my boobies were about to burst. It turned out I had underestimated Ortega, though. The Latino snob had a nasty streak about him.

Nodding in the direction of my arms, he gave Justin a new order. The rude intern followed his instruction instantly. The way they acted in sync was kinda impressive although it wasn't doing me any good.

Justin grabbed my left wrist and lifted my arm. Then he seized the silver dice charm bracelet and ripped it off my wrist. Just like that. No! Please, no! Not the bracelet. D-Rod had given it to me as a symbol. It symbolized my achievements as his petdoll.

"Who dressed you up?" My archrival asked again.

My lip quivered. I was close to crying. I wanted to say the words he wanted to hear. I was on the edge of yielding. Not like that, though. I wouldn't break at Ortega's hands.

"I did." I said with a small voice while a single tear ran down my cheek.

As soon as I had proven my continued defiance, Justin grabbed my right arm. Oh no! Oh boy! Oh shoot!

He grabbed the silver ruler charm bracelet and ripped it off my wrist. With my mouth open in shock, I watched it toppling to the ground and the levee broke. I felt like a part of me was getting torn away. I felt like I was losing D-Rod. My man's control was getting wrenched away. His protection and guidance was getting pried away. This couldn't happen! This mustn't happen! I needed my man. Now more than ever. I couldn't bear the thought of losing him.

No way, I could restrain myself any longer. Tears shot from my eyes and I started bawling heavily. I didn't have any control over it. I was broken. Ortega had finally managed to subdue me.

"Who dressed you up?" He asked.

"You did." I sniffled submissively through my tears.

The fact that D-Rod was gone and wouldn't come back to safe me finally hit home. I was at Ortega's mercy. I was his playtoy. I couldn't even look him in the eye any longer. I was inferior to him.

"Very well. Who is my stupid office bimbo then?" The smug exec continued inquiring.

"I am." I said with my head hanging down and my heart pounding louder than my voice.

This was so unreal. I had really submitted to my fellow executive. I was about to become Ortega's personal assistant. It was done. I couldn't backtrack anymore.

"Sorry Missy, couldn't hear you." My cocky rival taunted me by putting a hand behind his ear.

"Okie doke... I am your stupid office bimbo." I said louder this time.

"Very well said." The Latino snob approved. "Albeit, still incorrect. You're not Miss Bimbo yet. You only want to be Miss Bimbo."

Gosh! He wouldn't let me off the hook so easily, would he? He literally wanted me to grovel at his feet, didn't he? Only moments ago, that presumptuous behavior would have flared up my temper. After my admission of being a dumb bimbo, however, my submissiveness prevailed.

He wanted me to grovel and beg? All right, he could have that. I guess he deserved that for offering me a chance, didn't he?

"Please Sir, if I could try, would you let me work as your assistant?" I gushed out. "I mean, do you think this dumb, lil bimbo could do it?"

"Hm, I'm not so sure you're up to the task, my dear. You didn't particularly distinguish yourself thus far, I'm afraid." Ortega tossed in. "You need to pass an assessment first."

Oh my god! My rival didn't relent. He didn't deem me worthy to be touched by him, and he didn't deem me worthy to be his personal assistant, either. It was so depreciating and belittling.

However, I was still in a catch-22. If I didn't go along with Ortega's silly game, he would get me fired. If I did go along, he would savor his victory to the fullest. The first option would be the end of my career. The second option would hurt my pride but not ruin me. Actually, there wasn't much of a choice, right?

"Please sir, let me show you that I'm the bestest office bimbo ever." I finally begged my loathed rival. "Let me take your assessment, please."

'Bestest office bimbo ever'? Gawd! That sounded so silly and so bimboy. Yet, it also sounded the most honest and the most appropriate.

"OK, Miss Addams." Ortega told me. "I give you one chance to prove that you're serious about your new career. Don't make me regret it, my dear."

"First, however, I need to lead a meeting with the change management department." He explained. "I have to inform the consultants that I'm the new acting CEO."

Um... the change management department? That was my department! My archrival had convened a meeting with my team and I wasn't a part of it? He was leading my meetings now? He wouldn't let me tell my team members about the new leadership situation? What a demotion! What a reduction in rank!

"You see, bitchy face, I have to inform your team that we're conducting the restructuring program together. With me as the project lead, of course." Ortega informed me. "You're too busy arranging the first steps of the program to attend the meeting, I'm afraid."

Oh wow! In O'Bannon's absence, the smug exec was putting himself at the top of the company. He was telling all consultants that he was the acting leader now. What an insolence! However, he wasn't telling them that I had been demoted to his personal assistant. At least, not verbally. Fortunately!

"Even so, we don't want to waste time, do we? We may start, shall we?" The smug exec announced giving Justin a hand-wave.

Obviously, those were the marching orders for the intern. Once again, Ortega wasn't about to get his hands dirty. He wasn't lowering himself to conduct my assessment himself. After all, he had a henchman for that, right?

"Let's see if you're serious 'bout becoming Mr. Ortega's assistant, dollie." Justin effortlessly assumed the role of the taskmaster.

"Always remember, it's your own fault. All of this." He whispered into my ear while stepping close to me. "You 'n D-Rod, you made your play against Matt 'n left me behind like collateral damage. You warned Taylor but not me, remember?"

"If I hadn't taken a smoke on the porch when the cops pulled up, I'd gotten busted like the frat boys. I'd lost my scholarship, too." He sharply hissed under his breath. "I'll never forget that. What goes around comes around, bitch!"

Woah! So this was the reason why he was doing all of this. He had felt like a fifth wheel! He had felt left behind! Come to think of it, he wasn't so wrong. D-Rod and I had been so focused on getting rid of Matt that we hadn't given any thought to Justin. What a mistake! He seemed majorly upset. That didn't bode well for me. Gulp!

"It's a task you should be able to handle successfully, bitchface." The young henchman started explaining the test. "If not, you're career as office bimbo'll be as brief as your peabrain's small."

"Listen carefully, Missy, so you don't forget the assignment." He mocked me almost as a side note. "Find the correct position for Mr. Ortega's ass-istant and stay in it until we come back."

Ass-istant? Had he really said it like that, emphasizing the 'ass' in the word? Seriously? What a sexist pun!

While I was still busy processing the wordplay, Ortega walked out of the office taking Justin along to write the protocol. He was favoring the intern over me for this simple task. I guess my only use was to look pretty for him. What an emotional sting!

Left alone, I couldn't help but wonder what had just happened. Here I was standing in the center of my rival's office with my neckline unzipped, my naked titties exposed and tied up by a golden necktie, and my pearl necklace sticking out from under my dress. So lewd! So raunchy!

"Hihihi! Hihihi!"

Even though I was alone in the office, I giggled loudly. This situation was so absurd! Anyways, this was the least of my worries. Actually, I couldn't really grasp the scope of everything that had just gone down. All I knew for sure was that I had submitted to Ortega and his henchman Justin. I guess I was their playtoy now.

Ugh! No! With Ortega and Justin gone, my defiance flared back up. Pull yourself together, girl, and stop giggling stupidly! I chided myself.

I wasn't anyone's playtoy but my man's. I wouldn't submit to anyone but D-Rod. Here and then, I decided that I wouldn't let my rival and his henchman break me. I might suffer through their silly game, but I would be a real bitch about it. They wanted to try taming the shrew? They could have it!

Whatever! One thing was clear. I was in deep shit. My career was on the line. I could lose it all. For the moment, I had managed to keep my job. For now, I had to play along until I had managed to find a way out.

Planning my escape had to wait, though. First, I had to follow the intern's instruction, although I didn't have a clue what he meant with correct position. He had called it ass-istant position, hadn't he? Gosh! The more I said the word the more degrading the sound although it kinda fit my new job description, didn't it?

So what did an executive expect of his ass-istant? Taking messages, answering his phone, sorting and filing documents. Oh and spreading her legs, of course. I guess Ortega wanted me in a sexually receptive position then.