Jessica's Change Management Ch. 13


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Okay. So did he want me to sit on his office chair with my legs spread over the armrests and my pussy exposed? That would be so daring. What if a consultant walked in? Besides, D-Rod had already put me in a similar position. This couldn't be the correct position then.

What else could it be? Did he want me to bend over his desk with the hemline of my white pencil dress pulled over my ass? It would be just as daring and just as dangerous. So it couldn't be correct, either.

Think, girl, think. Gawd! That was easier said than done. The pressure and strain wasn't really helping. I was at a total loss of ideas, which really made me feel like a stupid office bimbo.

What was the typical porn cliché for secretaries? Oh, I got it. The sexy assistant kneeling under the desk giving the executive a blowjob. That had to be it. Any man dreamed of getting his cock sucked at work, right?

Now, that I was certain I had found the correct position, I quickly walked over to Ortega's desk. Looking at it, my heart was pounding in my throat. The position was just as humiliating as the other two. It felt like it symbolized my submission to my archrival.

I had to get on my knees, though. After all, I didn't know when the smug exec and his henchman would return. I didn't want them to catch me unprepared. I had to show them that I was serious about my job fit, even if I deemed it totally ridiculous in actuality.

So I knelt down in front of the desk and crawled underneath it. Oh boy! It really felt as cliched and stereotyped as it sounded. Could you believe it? Here I was, in Ortega's office, kneeling under his desk while he led a meeting with my subordinates. I couldn't control what he was telling them. I couldn't explain myself. All I could do was to wait for the Latino snob to return.

When would that be? Who knew? What would he do? Who knew?

Time crawled at a snake's pace while I waited and waited and waited. All the while, I was left to my thoughts and me. There weren't a lot of thoughts going through my head, though, which was kinda strange. After all, so much had happened that I needed to process.

In this submissive position, however, my mind became all woozy. My thoughts started drifting off and I started thinking about all the different ways my rival and his henchman would use me. What would Ortega think about my position under the desk? Would he be positively surprised? Would he be pleased?

Actually, there was no way around it. My cocky rival had to be contend with my position. After all, the white bottom of my pencil dress tightly stretched over the curve of my bubble butt, which poked out from underneath the desk. Anybody walking into the office could see it, which only added to the submissiveness of the position.

It should definitely delight Ortega. No matter how much I tried to persuade myself, it didn't really help calming me down. Nervously, I squirmed and shifted from one knee to the other. I simply couldn't keep still. I wanted this task to be over. I wanted the wait to be over.

After the morning meeting, I had headed straight to Ortega's office. So I hadn't have time to get a coffee or some kinda different drink. Slowly, the lack of fluid made itself felt. I was getting really thirsty, yearning for something to drink. I couldn't leave my position, though. Not for something that insignificant.

Instead, I remained in my position listening to the noises around me. Everything was silent on the floor. With O'Bannon at headquarters and my office empty, the floor was lifeless like a morgue. It didn't help reducing my nervousness, though. Every little sound made me jump.

When I had lost any sense of time, the door opened. Oh man! I got scared witless and literally jumped out of my skin. Actually, I did jolt up and my back crashed against the bottom side of the tabletop. Ouch!

Kneeling under the desk, I couldn't look back to see who had entered the room. I had to wait to find out. Listening carefully, I heard footsteps coming closer. I couldn't figure if it were Ortega's footsteps or not, though.

Please let it be my rival, please let it be my rival! I prayed to myself. OMG! Unbelievable, but true. I loathed the smug exec, yet I wanted him to return, because I couldn't handle another exposure.

Eventually, a black pair of dress shoes appeared in front of me. Oh no! That weren't Ortega's shoes! No, no, no! Shoot!

From underneath the desk, I couldn't see the man's face. Who was it? One of Ortega's consultants? One of my subordinates? One of Ortega's buddies from his old-boy networks? Gawd! All these possibilities were terrible. Suddenly, the man bent down and peeked under the desk.

It was Taylor! The black intern.

Phew! I couldn't tell how glad I was to see his face. He was still around. That was a good thing. After all, he had always been the nice guy of the bunch. Maybe, he could help me in my predicament. After all, I could use any ally I could get, right?

"Good. You're in position." He stated matter-of-factly.

However, that was all he said and did. By now, my throat was so dry that I wanted to ask him for a drink. I didn't get round to it, though, because he had already left the office before I got the chance to form my question. Apparently, Ortega had sent him here to check on me. Obviously, the Latino snob didn't take me capable of understanding his silly task. So depreciating!

Whatever! I had never been so glad to see the black Footballer. Listening to his footsteps, I noticed that he remained standing in front of Ortega's door. Obviously, the smug exec had instructed him to stand on guard. So in the end, my rival wasn't as careless as I had thought. The first good thing I could say about the swellhead.

Once again, I was left to myself. All the while, my thirst got bigger and my patience smaller. This was so torturous! So much that I let out a sigh of relief when the door finally reopened. Anything was better than the wait.

I badly wanted to crawl out from underneath the desk to spot the new arrivals. I still couldn't see what was going on in the room. How many people had entered? What were they doing? Despite my urge to stand up, I remained on all fours, although I was barely able to control my horses.

Damn! As soon as Ortega returned, I would give the swellhead a good telling-off. It wasn't nice to let a fellow executive wait like that. Oh, wait! He really didn't consider me an equal colleague anymore, right? He didn't even deem me capable of being a good ass-istant for him yet. Oh wow!

Anyways, a pair of dress shoes finally appeared in front of me. Whoever it was, he acted as if he didn't notice me in my position under the desk and stepped right onto my right hand. Ouch!

When I yelped out in pain, the person stopped and bent down. A face with a toothy grin appeared. It was Justin! Of course, it had to be the intern brute. Who else?

"Oh look, the bimbo applicant's still here." He feigned surprise as if it had been in doubt.

What a dipshit! I opened my mouth to snarl at him but no words came out. He was already walking away from the desk anyways. Oh no! He couldn't leave again! I couldn't take another wait. Any taunt or jibe was better than being left alone.

Fortunately, another pair of patent-leather shoes appeared immediately afterwards. This time, they were brown and I recognized them as Ortega's shoes. Phew! I was so glad about his arrival that I totally forgot about my intention of berating him.

The Latino snob didn't say a word, though. Instead, he sat down on his leather chair and moved it closer until my head was in between his lap. Meanwhile, I heard Justin sitting down on the other side of the desk. The two men were sitting opposite each other with my kneeling body in between.

"That's a good position for a personal ass-istant, I have to say." Ortega remarked without even looking at me. "Who would have thought the ditzy doll would succeed."

Yay! I had found the right position. Nay! My archrival had doubted my capabilities. Nay! Nay! He had emphasized my new job title in the most demeaning way. Was it actually a taunt or a compliment for a bimbo, though? I could hardly tell.

"There is room for improvement, however." The smug exec quickly moved on. "That sulky face ought to be spread open. I need my bimbo ass-istant eager and ready."

Um... okay. I guess being ready for cock at all times was part of the job description. The thought of calling him out for making me wait was the furthest thing on my mind when I obediently lifted my arms and placed my hands on each side of my face. Sliding a finger into each corner of my mouth, I pulled my lips open. Basically, my middle fingers held my slut hatch open while my long, fake, sparkling French-nailed index and ring fingers framed my mouth.

Gawd! My hands were trapped. Gawd! My mouth gaped open like a puzzled idiot! Gawd! I had adopted the word 'slut hatch' from the frat boys.

Ortega, however, didn't deign looking at my hard work. Instead, he began giving Justin instructions for a presentation the intern was tasked to create. Once again, my loathed rival favored the student with a task.

I had dutifully found my position and obediently waited for their return! I was ready for cock and eagerly holding my mouth open like an idiot. Yet, Ortega wasn't paying me any kind of attention. Dang! My defiance started flaring back up. I had slipped in my reactance but it wouldn't happen again.

Yet, I remained passively kneeling under the desk while the Latino snob continued giving Justin instructions for about ten more minutes. With every passing second, I became more agitated. This wait was driving me nuts.

I was about to tap Ortega's leg to call his attention. No, better don't force it... I was about to knock on the desk to make myself heard. No, better don't risk it... I was about to call out to them. No, better don't trigger them...

I badly wanted to rebel and clamor. In the end, however, I didn't have the guts. So I remained in position. Even worse, with my lips held open, my mouth started watering and spit began dripping out. Oh shoot! I was drooling all over the place. Still, it didn't attract the guys' attention. Instead, it only increased my thirst. Jeez! I needed a drink badly. However, I needed attention worse.

"This won't work, I'm afraid." I suddenly heard Ortega exclaiming.

My heart skipped a beat hearing these words. Did I do something wrong? Was he displeased with his bimbo candidate?

My concerns were dispelled when I heard him screwing up a sheet of paper. Phew! Apparently, he was dissatisfied with the plans for the presentation.

"Uuuhhh!" I wailed a second later.

Ortega had pushed the scrunched up paper into my mouth. He was using my mouth as a wastebasket! OMG! Oh! My! God! So degrading.

He hadn't even deigned to look at me, simply assuming that I was still in place holding my mouth open. So, that was the use he had for me? Serving as his trash basket? Oh no! Oh snap!

A cold shiver ran down my spine. I felt disgusted to the max. The scrunched up paper didn't feel yukky or stuff. Mind you, it was so devaluating and so belittling. Still, it was also so unexpected and so shocking that I didn't even think about spitting it out. Completely stunned, I didn't move a bit.

Ortega didn't care anyways. Instead, he simply continued working on the presentation with Justin. He treated the incident like nothing out of the ordinary. As if he had just thrown the sheet of paper into a real wastebasket. As if it was the standard job for an office bimbo. Oh boy!

Despite my total repugnance, I remained kneeling under the desk with the paper in my mouth and my fingers spreading my lips open. Dutifully, I continued waiting for Ortega to pay me attention.

Gosh! What are you doing here, girl? I didn't really want my loathed rival to give me his attention, did I? Shoot! I couldn't deny it. Anything was better than being disregarded, even the smug exec's interest.

For the next ten minutes or so, Ortega and Justin worked on the presentation drawing up a new sheet of paper. All the time, they didn't check on me once. All the time, I dreaded my rival screwing up the next paper and stuffing it up my mouth.

"That should do it." Ortega finally exclaimed. "I want this graphic integrated in the presentation by tomorrow."

Finally! They had finished their work. They were about to focus on me.

"Oh, another meeting is calling." The smug exec suddenly said. "We're running late already."

With that, the two men got up and walked out of the office. Again! They were leaving me alone again. They were leaving me under the desk functioning as a human wastebasket. Bummer!

When the two men were gone from the office, I grumbled noisily. I was so frustrated I had to let it out. Nonetheless, I didn't dare moving. I still couldn't judge how my rival would react to such an insubordination. So I decided to play it safe and remain in my position, obediently waiting for his return.

The wait was just as torturous as the use as office equipment. Drool continued dribbling out of my mouth while my thirst increased. I should be happy, though, shouldn't I? After all, nothing had happened yet. My fellow executive -- I mean, my job recruiter - hadn't touched me yet and my job was still safe. The opposite was true, however. His total disregard vexed me to the max.

Something like another half hour passed. I was totally alone. Yet, I had stopped thinking about the situation and its consequences. Instead, I was only focused on Ortega's disregard. The few thoughts I had revolved around ways to attract his attention.

When the door eventually reopened, I didn't get a shock. Instead, I almost shook my ass and wagged my anal bead chain like a tail to greet them. Gosh! I was totally focused on Ortega returning to use me as his office bimbo.

This time, my archrival and his henchman didn't sit down around the desk. Instead, they plunked down onto the leather sofas on the other side of Ortega's office. Okay. This was new. How was I supposed to react? Should I walk over to them? Should I stay in position? I didn't know. I still couldn't judge the Latino snob.

"It appears the bimbo applicant means business. She qualified as a bimbo candidate, accordingly." The smug exec eventually announced. "We may start the ass-essment center then."

Once again, he stressed the 'ass' at the beginning of the word, pointing out that this wouldn't be a normal work sample for an assistant. What a prospect! At least, something was happening. No matter what it would be, it was better than the wait.

"OK, dollie." Justin addressed me. "The ass-essment center's pretty easy to understand, even for a yummy dummy."

Obviously, Ortega's words had been the slimeball's signal to take over and moderate the proceedings. OMG! Once again, Ortega let his henchman do the heavy lifting. An intern was executing the ass-essment. So absurd! I mean, the whole scenario was ridiculous in itself. This way, however, it was even more belittling.

"You get 3 tasks to process. Gettit, Missy?" The taskmaster elaborated. "You succeed with a task 'n you get a reward. You fail 'n you get punished. You manage to succeed in 2 tasks 'n you get the job as Mr. Ortega's ass-istant."

Oh wow! That was a lot of information. Yet, I dutifully nodded while I processed the news. Everything that mattered, though, was the fact that I needed to succeed in 2 of 3 tests.

"Let's start with assessing your skills as sexretary." The intern exclaimed. "Your first task's to file Mr. Ortega's documents."

Woah! That was short and crisp. Woah! The rude intern had just dropped another diss bomb. Sexretary? Seriously? What a sexist pun!

Whatever! Just like that, my test run for the position of bimbo ass-istant had begun. I couldn't bungled it. I had to succeed.

The task sounded kinda simple. However, it was way beneath my actual qualifications. Anybody could file some stupid documents, right? You didn't need an university degree for it. Gosh! I was a highly educated executive, and yet I had to prove that I could correctly perform such a menial task. So humiliating! So irksome!

I wasn't so sure, however, what the task included. Did he want me to take some documents off Ortega's desk and file them away? It couldn't be that easy. Should I ask them? Or should I simply do what I deemed correct? I couldn't tell. I couldn't wait and weigh my options, either. I had to react quickly.

What about the scrunched paper in my mouth, though? It was a document too, wasn' it? I bet I was supposed to dispose of it before focusing on other documents.

At least, it was a start. So I chose to take the scrunched paper to the wastebasket. However, I couldn't stand up and walk over to the trash bin, right? It wouldn't be so simple. After all, they were testing my sexretary skills.

To act like a good ass-istant, I remained on my knees and crawled over to the trash bin. Kneeling over the wastebasket, I peeked inside. It was filled with old papers but nothing else.

Nonetheless, the position was totally humiliating so I quickly spat the scrunched up paper out. When the sheet had landed on top of the paper heap, I turned around and crawled back to Ortega's desk. All the while, I saw my loathed rival and his henchman eagerly watching me.

Reaching the desk, I remained on my knees and lifted my arms to grab the only folder I could reach. With the folder in my hands, I crawled over to the filing cabinet. Checking the alphabetical order, I stowed the folder at the correct position.

Crawling back to the desk, I got onto Ortega's chair. This was still the sexretary ass-essment so I made sure to keep a submissive posture and knelt on the chair. The next minutes, I got busy sorting the various documents and papers flying around on the desk. After organizing them in different paper stacks, I started punching holes and filing them away in different folders. After that, I crawled back and forth from desk to cabinet to stow away the folders individually.

What menial work! Still, it took quite some time to get finished. When I was finally done, however, Ortega's desk looked tidied up for the first time, which made me kinda proud of my work.

That should do it for the first task. So I crawled over to the leather sofas where Ortega and Justin were seated and waited on my knees. Looking at the taskmaster, I noticed that he had produced a clipboard with a paper attached. It was an observation sheet. A typical assessment form that was used in actual assessment centers.

Oh my god! So absurd. The whole situation was totally ridiculous. Yet, he used some professional instruments, making it even more preposterous.

"The bimbo candidate remained on her knees. Check." The slimeball actually checked some tick boxes. "The bimbo candidate kept the waste paper in her mouth. Check. The bimbo candidate kept her fingers in her mouth..."


"Ooowww!" I screamed when a harsh slap hit my face.

"You made a mistake there, bimbo ditz." The rude intern reprimanded me. "You failed to fully complete the test."

Oh, no! Oh, shoot! I had tried so hard. I had tidied up the place so nicely. I had acted as the most submissive ass-istant ever. Yet, it hadn't been enough. What a blunder. I was so angry with myself. I had been such an idiot, acting so thoughtlessly. Where was my mind?

"Well, that's underwhelming." Ortega dismissively quipped in. "However, it was the first test. We may give the ditzy doll a second try."

"OK, dollie. I accidentally tossed away an important document. Return it to me." Justin followed my rival's lead. "It's a yellow sheet. Even a yummy dummy should be able to find it in the trash bin."

Um, so they wanted me to retrieve some document from the trash? Okie doke. That shouldn't be a problem.

"You may lend the bimbo candidate a helping hand this time, Justin." The smug exec added. "It appears that Missy may need every help she can get."