Jessica's Change Management Ch. 17


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Bending my knees, my feet were turned out. Pressing my thumbs against my back bone, it pushed my hips forward in rhythm with the beat. Using my fingers, I pulled my hips back. In my squatting position, my hip section was the only thingie moving.

Forward! Forward! Forward!

Backward! Backward! Backward!

Oh wow! I was really getting into a flow here! My hips were shaking in a jerky, twisty fashion, so much that it must have looked sexy as fudge. Of course, my dancing was supported by my former team members starting to clap to the beat. This really got the attention from the people sitting in the other seating areas. Oh wow! All eyes on me!

Über-motivated, I remained in my nice squat. Getting more adventurous, I put my hands above my knees with my wrists turned out and arched my back so my hips went backwards. Then I shook my booty really quickly, making my buns wiggle. Say massive jiggle! Further arching my back, I thrust my booty out, like trying to hit the back of my head with my ass. Over and over, I stabbed my butt backwards. Say epic jiggle!

Shake! Shake! Shake!

Back! Back! Back!

Oh wow! I was twerking! I was actually twerking like a slutty dancer in a hip hop video or stuff. Gosh! Just yesterday, I had read about this new dance trend in one of those glamor magazines. Now, I was doing it myself.

Not only that, I was twerking in my super skinny, ultra shiny black wetlook leggings. That made my butt look totally bootylicious, like I literally had some epic junk in my trunk. Yay! So sassy! So provocative!

Shake! Shake! Shake!

Back! Back! Back!

I alternated between jiggling my ass and twerking my booty off until the song was over. Then it was back on a dude's lap, Damon's this time. Only for a coupla moments, though, 'cause Eric scored with the next shot.

Oh wow! The next song had just started and I was already standing on my dancing spot again. This time, though, I started in an upright position and slowly squatted down. I really dropped it down low. Deeper and deeper, I squatted while popping my ass back until my knees were almost bent in a square angle.

In this position, my booty was pushed out epically, so much that the shiny leggings got stretched to the bursting point. Of course, the consultants loved seeing that. My curvacious, voluptuous ass filling out the tight wetlook fabric. Did I mind it? As if! On the contrary, it totally spurred me on.

Remembering the article from the glamor magazine, I started getting back into an upright position. There, I dramatically dropped my right hip to the left and after that my left hip to the right. I dropped my hips to the sides as far as it would go. Then I began dropping down low again.

Back! Back! Back!


Back! Back! Back!


Actually, dropping my hips sideways, I wasn't just twerking I was doing 'da dirty booty' or whatever it was called in the article. Anyways, it was the raunchy version for sure. Of course, I didn't forget about my audience from the other seating areas, so I made sure to twerk with my ass facing all four directions before the song was over.

Twerk! Twerk! Twerk!

Shake! Shake! Shake!

Twerk! Twerk! Twerk!

Shake! Shake! Shake!

Puh! This had been exhausting. But so much fun! This had been careless. But so exciting! This had killed the last shreds of credibility towards my former team members. But it had put me in the center of attention! I was the joke of the office for sure. I was the star of the rooftop bar for sure.

Literally dancing my ass off had made me super sweaty. Drops of sweat had started dripping down my neck and into my cleavage. My corset was clinging to my titties, making my nippies stick out prominently. I so couldn't hide it.

"Whew! That was, like, totally fun, boys!" I gushed while dramatically wiping the sweat of my brow.

Oh no! My penciled eyebrows. What if I had wiped them off? What if the sweat had made them look runny? Oh Lordy!

"Could I, like, freshen up, please?" I hastily asked Shelly. "I'm, like wow, all sweaty 'n stuff, you know?"

Luckily, my mentor was so nice to allow it. However, she ordered me over to her with a wave of her finger first.

"Remember, barbie. I didn't give you permission to take a leak." She whispered into my ear.

Oh my gawd! She wouldn't let me pee. Again! Did she plan on making me pee my new and improved leggings? As if! Did she plan on making me pee myself in front of my former team members? No way!

That was a worry for later, though. Right now, I had to make sure my chola eyebrows were still in place. After all, my bitchface was an attention magnet. Tihi! So I hurried downstairs to the ladies' room as quickly as my high-heeled overknees allowed.

Checking myself in the mirror, I discovered that nothing had happened to my penciled eyebrows. Phew! They still looked as ultra fake and über-tacky as ever. Awesome! I mean, not really awesome but better than the alternative! I mean, whatever!

On my way back, though, I suddenly remembered the actual reason for me being here. I had totally forgotten about it, what with the dancing and drinking and having fun with the 'funbag boys'. Tihi!

Even though I looked in all the different areas, I couldn't find Ortega. Apparently, he hadn't arrived yet. That was kinda strange, what with Shelly making us chicks come here so early. I met somebody else, though. Entering the hip hop room, I suddenly stumbled.


Somebody had smacked my butt really harshly. Seriously?!? Turning around, I put my faux-outrage expression on. My indignation soon evaporated, though, when I made out the culprit.

It was Checo! Of course, the LGZ gang member. I had promised to meet him and his buddy here. How oblivious of me! How negligent of me!

Now, that I had run into them, however, I quickly found myself standing at the bar with a gangbanger on either side. With their baggy khakis and check shirts, they so didn't fit into this fancy, exclusive place.

"Fuckin' club. Shitty drinks! Shitty music!" Checo obviously didn't like the place lots. "Only got in here cuz I know dem bouncer."

"Ya got us in dis fuckin' club. Betta make it worth our while, puta!" He told me in no uncertain terms.

Checo's vato had been silent up till now, gazing at my boobies instead. He was smaller than me and kinda burly, although he had just been released from prison. I had never had a thingie for dudes I could look down upon. But it was what it was, right?

I bought them a shot of tequila and greedily downed mine. Whew! So buzzy! But wait! My mentor! I couldn't let her wait for so long without her getting suspicious. I had to get back to the rooftop.

"Oh boys! You, like, really don't like the music?" I babbled. "Let me, like, go to the DJ 'n ask for a song. Okie?"

Not a good excuse but better than nothing, right? At least, the gang dudes let me go for the moment so I hurried up the stairs to the rooftop. Fortunately, Shelly and the funbag boys were still there.

I had just wiggled onto Damon's lap when I noticed them chatting about me. The secretary was telling the boys about me going shopping during lunch break 'cause I got tired of my dress after half a day. At least, that was how she put it. Woah! Totally mean! Totally unfair!

However, they seemed to have a bitching time making fun of me. They didn't even need me around for that. So I swiftly excused myself again, telling them I would go get a new round of drinks.

Instead, I rushed downstairs to my Latin homies. Phew! This was über-stressful, me hustling from the funbag boys to the gangbangers back and forth and back and forth. Outta breath, I arrived at the bar in the hip hop room.

Apparently, the music had changed to the Latinos' liking even though I hadn't made that trip to the DJ. Sure enough, that Chuy dude asked me to dance with him. Jeez! I had never danced with a smaller dude before.

No way, I could say no, however, so I joined him on the dancefloor. Gawd! Dancing with this underdressed, thuggish parolee made me feel so tacky. Dancing with this small, burly dweeb made me feel so lowbrow!

Anyhow, he turned out to be a rad dancer, twirling me around freely. Woah! My nippies! They barely remained in my corset. With every twirl, I was getting exposed a bit more. Good thingie, the next song was slower and the burly Latino pulled me in close. My bulging boobies got crushed against his chest although they almost hit him in the face 'cause smaller than me. So he basically started resting his head on my titties, literally using them like fleshy pillows. Umph!

His hands found my back and slid down until they were on my ass. He kneaded my butt meat through the tight material. Not for long, though, 'cause he started pushing down my waistline. Oh Lordy! I knew my ass was spilling out over the top.

Oh Lordy! From the right angle, anybody could see my tanned butt flesh! Soon, my red lip tattoos got exposed! Soon after, Chuy had fists full of the fleshy parts that stuck out of my leggings. To top that, he suddenly started motorboating my funbags. Right on the dancefloor. Gasp!

The way we looked, the oversexed bimbo and the underdressed gangster, literally made us appear like fish outta water. The way we danced, with all the groping and skin-exposing, made us look totally outta place in this fancy it-club. Any second, I expected a bouncer to come over and chuck us out.

That didn't happen, though. Probably, 'cause Checo knew the bouncer. The fact that the dancefloor was dimly lit helped, too. Not all thingies went down totally peachy, though. Some slick swellhead, who literally looked slippery as an eel, leant over with a peeved expression when we danced past him.

"Don't you think you should tone it down?" He whispered to me. "A touch of decency goes a long way."

"Might help you bag the man with the right bank account." He added, his voice growing slightly louder. "That's what you're looking for, aren't you gold digger?"

Oh wow! What a slight! What a pretension! He was taking me for a money-grabbing trophy whore. He was taking me for a material chick. Umph! Oh wait! Considering the way I was dressed, the assumption wasn't so unreasonable.

Considering the way I danced with the Latino thug, however, I looked more like a ditch digger. You know, a bitch who couldn't score a rich dude and had to settle on a poor dude to get some kinda man at all. Gasp! Whatever! The implicit insult didn't register with me 'cause I was way too busy enjoying the dancing. So what did I do? I showed my excitement by cheering flirtatiously.

"Woo!" I rejoiced while I spun away from Chuy and right into the swellhead's arms.

"Cheer up, baby!" I exalted while flinging my arms around his neck. "Girls just wanna have fun! Woo!"

Yep! Just as you think. I sang that chorus loud and exuberantly while pushing my big, round boobies against the slick dude's chest. My over-excitement quickly shut the guy up and he focused on putting his hands on my hips to keep me close.

Anyhow, the song was over way too soon and the burly gangster was on his way back to the bar. That was my chance to make a dash to Shelly and the funbag boys, which kinda sounded like a college bro band or stuff. Tihi!

When I arrived at their seating area, they were deep in a new debate... about me of course. Oh great! This time, they argued over my bimbo styling, or more like which styling choice was more tacky. Damon and David agreed on my super long, glittery, red-to-white ombré porn claws whereas Shelly and Eric opted for my penciled chola brows. Oh wow! Great to be such a hot topic of heated debates, I suppose.

Nevermind. I had just wiggled onto Eric's lap when I got a call. Picking up, it was Ortega. He had finally arrived at the club but seemed more than annoyed that he couldn't find his ass-istant and her mentor. Hastily, I hopped off my colleague's lap and excused us chicks without telling the dudes about our boss' arrival. That was need to know basis, right?

Really quickly, me and Shelly walked downstairs to the VIP room. Oh Lordy! I just realized then and there that I had three projects running concurrently: the funbag boys on the rooftop, the gangbangers on the dancefloor, and my boss in the VIP area. All peachy... not! This was getting super stressy!

Miller, Ortega's mysterious business partner, was already with daddy in the VIP room. Apparently, they had arrived together. He was a dark-haired dude in his 40s looking way fit for his age. Most striking, though, were his cold steely eyes and strict demeanor.

As it turned out, he was the lawyer daddy had called during my ass-essment center. Remember? No matter what, Ortega took great pleasure in pointing it out. For the first coupla minutes, he had me recounting that ass-essment center in all its bitching details. Oh dang! Everything about it had been so ridiculous. The sheer reminder made me blush.

Of course, the absurdity caused me to talk more bimboy than ever. Was that even possible? As if! Told in my bimbo speak, the proceedings sounded way more silly and comical. Oh gawd! Not even for me, all the stuff I was driveling about was comprehensible. My boss obviously enjoyed the way I was straining and killing myself, so much that he broke into a sardonic smile and chuckled whenever I fluffed my lines. By contrast, his lawyer buddy was anything but amused.

"You having a good time?" He asked sarcastically in between my smattering.

"Oh, shut up, you dumb bimbo! You can't even string two sentences together." He finally burst out. "Get on your knees and let your big tits do the talking."

"Good grief, Carlos! Your ass-istant's a special kind of stupid. Where did you find such an idiot with big boobs!" Miller almost seemed frustrated. "Actually, that's the perfect name for her: idiot boobs."

Woah! That outburst shut me up quickly. Even though his crude words made me shiver, I shut up and knelt down in a heartbeat.

"It's painfully obvious you're too dumb to tell a coherent story." The lawyer turned his attention back to me. "So I'm gonna ask the questions and you respond with yes or no. Simple as that. Even an airhead like you should be able to manage that, idiot boobs!"

"Whenever you don't know the answer, you give yourself a slap to that dumbface. Gettit!" He continued when I had dutifully nodded.

Oh my gawd! The law dude was so obviously annoyed and unimpressed with my bimbo self. He acted so crude and strict towards me. It scared me, not that I would have defied any kinda order anyhow. Duh!

"So... what was the name of that workman?" He asked about the blue-collar worker I had ran into during the ass-essment center.

"Um...!" I tried to buy some time while I thought hard, or more like slowly, about the question.

"I dunno!" I finally had to admit defeat.

Oh darn! The first question and I already didn't know the answer. I had already forgotten the dude's name although it wasn't that long ago. So idiotic! So irrelevant! Stunned by my own stupidity, I silently knelt there on the ground.

"Goddamnit! You already forgot your task, you stupid cunt?" He exclaimed in desperation.

"Go on! Slap that dumbface!" He ordered. "Don't worry, there's nothing to rattle up in your head, idiot boobs."

Oh boy! What a mockery! Then again, I hadn't actually excelled with my intelligence, had I? Anyways, I had already jumped to obey before the slight even registered with me.


I had done it! I had lifted my arm and slapped my face. Owie! Oh dang! I had slapped myself harder than expected, so much that my right cheek really stung! Gosh! This was so degrading! Besides, in my current state, I wasn't so sure I would answer any kinda question correctly. Gulp! The good thingie, though? No matter if the dudes were amused or annoyed, they were totally focused on me.

They were barely acknowledging Shelly. So she ended up silently standing in the corner while I got grilled. For the lawyer, we were just two interchangeable bimbo secretaries but I was the bigger attraction with my epic stupidity. Yanay!

When Ortega noticed that the blond trophy chick was uselessly standing about, he sent her to the bar to pick up a bottle of bubbly. Woah! Say pissy mood! You should have seen Blondie's scandalized scowl. Awesome!

Then and there, I was really proud about being such a bubbly bimbo ditz. That was kinda ridiculous, what with getting grilled and slapping myself for incorrect answers. Still, I was the center of attention and Shelly was not. Yay!

Actually, I was so into it that I totally forgot about my other duties. I should have been attending to the LGZ gangbangers, 'cause I was making them wait way too long already. I should have used the chance to pick up the champagne to go and see them.

Chatting with Miller was way more fun, though. I wasn't so sure if the law dude agreed with that assessment, however. He seemed really annoyed about my bad memory, so much that he changed the subject to stuff more suited to a bimbo.

While the secretary was on her way, Miller started asking me about the newest celebrity scandals. I happily responded by bragging with my newly acquired VIP knowledge from those glamour mags. Oh wow! I had never talked about topics like this with clients or business partners. Way more interesting! Way more fun!

Oh man! How time passed. It felt like Shelly was back in a heartbeat. Still pissed-off, she put the bottle of bubbly on the table with a loud bang. I guess, Blondie couldn't deal so well with being left out. Tihi!

Just then, Miller started quizzing me about another topic. I guess I was too good with all the celebrity gossip, 'cause I barely had to slap myself anymore. Instead, he started asking me about different ways how a dumb bimbo like me could prove beneficial for a business man like him.

"Oh baby, you know, I'd be, like, your most awesome arm candy ever." I blurted out the first thingie that came to my mind. "I mean, like, look at my outfit. So flashy, so en vogue, so rad! You'd be, like, every dude's envy, like totes!"

Oh girl! Oh duh! Shelly was already the trophy chick among us. How could I forget about that? My response had been so not creative or innovative or stuff. Totally the opposite, actually. Of course, Miller wasn't impressed with my idea, either.

"Nah! You're too old. You try too hard. And you can't hold a conversation with any business partners." The lawyer disagreed.

"We already determined you're an old cunt, a mutton dressed as lamb, an idiot boobs." He cruelly drove his points home. "Thanks for playing. Next!"

Oh woah! His verbal abuse left me gasping for air. Every insult made me flinch like a slap to the face. I knew my suggestions hadn't been a rad idea. No reason to be so unfair, though! I mean, I had been called foul names before but this stone-cold dude took the cake for sure!

What a wicked way to put me in my place and make me cream my pants at the same time, though. Ugh! Silly me! The more he talked down on me and bashed me for being stupid, the more I felt the need to prove my bimbo skills to him. Gawd! His cold-blooded ruthlessness was a total turn-on. So absurd! So intense!

"Um... you know... um..." I took my time mulling over my next suggestion.

I mean, I had to be useful for some stuff, right? Of course, I was super fuckable. That wasn't what Miller wanted to hear, though. Still, I wouldn't accept that I couldn't help this stone-cold lawyer any other way.

"Let me, fer shure, entertain you!" I eventually blared out. "Oh wow! Like totally entertain you in style! I'm so, like, totally awesome with party tricks, like the bestest ever!"

Hah! Remember the way, I had amused my former team members with the quarters game? Remember the way, I had amused the frat boys with the slutty beer pong game? I really was a bitching entertainer.

"Hm," Miller weighed his head. "You might be onto something there, big-tit bimbo."