Jessica's New Life Ch. 07


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Just at this moment Jess knew that she was definitely that certain sort of girl.

"Think she'll ring?" asked Antwan, looking after the Black girl as she left after sharing a long kiss with Jackson.

"Probably, she's certainly got potential. I hope so, my ebony vids are always hardest to cast. I can turn away 99 out of 100 white chicks want a sample - I got them queuing round the block - but real quality sistas need some seduction and to be treated right."

Jackson was answering Antwan but Jess was aware that the porn star's attention had already switched to her. His eyes scanned her face and then her body before he gave a small nod and a smile. His little almost unconscious signals of approval had an immediate effect on her, a wave of euphoric warmth seemed to move through her body and she felt the dampness of her pussy as her nipples valiantly fought their way to erection despite the material of her bikini top.

Jackson noticed the tell-tale bumps made by her nips and brought his dark brown eyes up to lock with her blue-grey ones. He gave that slight smile again.

"We have you booked for the tour of personal appearances at my clubs next month, right?" asked Antwan.

His question broke the mood - Jackson was nothing if not the thorough professional. "Yeah. Looking forward to it as always - your clubs are real fun and besides I already got three call-backs from girls here who are right on that route."

"Damn you've gotta hard life Jackson!" laughed Antwan.

Jackson pointedly looked at Jess and then back at Antwan, "Don't seem you're doing too badly, maybe we can talk about that later."

Antwan nodded with a knowing smile. "Business good?"

"Can't complain - I make an indecent living doing what I'm very good at. The vids may get pirated all over the web but I enjoy making them and its all good publicity for the website, merch and appearances."

"Jess, go check out the merch," said Antwan, "see how the business operates." It was obvious he wanted to talk to his friend alone.

Jess went. It was pretty much what you'd expect but her eye was drawn to one corner of the table where there was a small pile of long boxes with Jackson's smiling face on them. She looked closer and realised that they were the sex toys modelled on him that the black girl had mentioned.

"Like to see one outta tha box - don't worry it ain't been used," smiled the young Black woman behind the stand.

Soon Jessica was handling perhaps the biggest dildo that she had ever seen. It had to be thirteen inches, certainly bigger than any man could ever be. That had to be quite a struggle for any girl to ride - but it would be fun trying! She thought she might buy one when they got home and perhaps take a look at some of Jackson's videos. She'd read they were unusually popular with women and the long nights between her weekly visits to the club could get lonely.

"You like what you see," came Jackson's velvet voice into her ear.

"Very impressive, Mr Hammer," she replied, "but a little flattering I think."

He moved beside her. "Hold the toy in your left hand and put your right hand out."

She obeyed him, knowing what was coming next. She felt the warmth and the weight of his cock as he laid it across her palm. It was already nearly hard and she watched as the warmth of her hand made it grow a little more. She was lost for words, he was fucking enormous. She held the dildo against his real dick and gasped at the realisation that Jackson had his toy beat by a good inch.

That deep chuckle came again. "They downsized the toy a little - thought it might scare folks off buying."

"They were fucking right," said Jessica, staring mesmerized at the ebony shaft in her small white hand. She almost automatically gave it a little wank and the monster started to rise fully erect - it was ready to fulfil its natural role, it was ready to fuck!

"Whoa there," laughed Jackson, "you gonna get us arrested girl." He carefully hid his cock back in his loose pants and pulled his shirt down over the cock-head that still defiantly poked out from his waist-band and against his tattooed chest.

Then he had Jessica held against him and she felt the still-hard column of meat reaching far up her body. He kissed her and their tongues entwined for a few seconds before he broke contact and then nuzzled her ear, whispering to her.

"You know I said only 1 in 100 white girls interest me?"

"Yes," she breathed.

"Well its more like 1 in 1000, but guess what?"

"Am I one?" she asked quietly.

"Top of the list, baby, TOP of the list."

She leaned away a little. "I don't know if I could take that ... you are fucking huge."

He leaned in and kissed her again. She felt a big hand enter her bikini bottoms. A finger crooked its way between the lips of her soaking pussy.

"Black cocks go in, Black babies come out," breathed Jackson. "Where a Black baby can come out then any Black cock can go in. I'll prove that to you if it takes me all night - when you give yourself to me then you'll take it all, balls-deep."

Antwan watched as Jessica shuddered her orgasm and Jackson took her in a long soul-kiss. He smiled and then looked at his heavy gold wrist-watch. It was time to get back to Boca - there were preparations to be made.

A Suburban Interlude

"Oh God, you mean HER!" The vinegar-faced old woman virtually spat her contempt with every word. "We don't need her sort bringing nig - er, coloured folks into our community. There are decent folks and families with kids here."

Emily Szostek was taken aback. What was the old witch talking about? Emily had been trying to reach her friend for two days to talk about what she'd seen at Don Parson's, she thought Jess might be in real trouble. Finally, she'd come here and had been ringing on her friend's door-bell with no reply. She was getting really worried so she'd enquired after Jessica Clarke at the neighbouring house and this had been the response.

"Well, I think she has got an African-American boyfriend," said Emily hesitantly.

"Boyfriend," the woman cackled uproariously as if she was going to burst, "BOYFRIEND! That shameless jezebel has a different nig - er, coloured man, round here every week. A non-stop stream of them." She lowered her eye-lids and almost whispered, "I think she might be, you know, a prostitute. Before she moved in she told us she was a lawyer, the brazen lying whore."

Emily shook her head but the old woman had got up to speed now - venting the fury that had been building up for so many months. "You want to know where she is - a big nigger in a flash car came and picked her up and took her away. Her pimp I bet, he certainly looked the part. Well he's welcome to her and I hope he doesn't bring her back." She nodded her defiance at the modern world and then spat on the floor before slamming her door.

Emily drove home - what was she supposed to do now? She daren't talk to her husband about it until she knew the truth - that wouldn't be fair on poor Jessica. But how could she find out the truth; she had no connection to this new life that her friend had apparently become ensnared in.

Then it happened. The moment that would change young Emily Szostek's life forever. She realised that she did know someone who was part of Jessica's new life, she knew old Don Parsons.

That evening her husband Phil was busy working on a report for work Emily was equally hard at work in the kitchen. If you needed an excuse to visit an old retired work colleague what better than to do some baking for him. She knew that her talk with Don would have to be private so she would go alone this time. Don's neighborhood was safe and she really felt that visiting Don on her own was what she needed to do.

Emily was working on making her pastry but her mind was elsewhere. She was contemplating what tomorrow would bring - when she went to see Don, to see Don alone.

Oh God, it was ridiculous! She was a married woman and Don was almost old enough to be her grand-pa, he was also ... Black. This couldn't happen. Just thinking about being with him alone couldn't be enough to make her pussy drool with anticipation. Thinking about him just couldn't make her horny like this. Perhaps Phil could...

She almost felt the pressure of her lust deflate. She liked Phil as a person but he couldn't meet this particular need of hers. She shook her head. She couldn't risk going to see Don and that was final. She really couldn't, she'd have to make that decision she told herself. It would be incredibly stupid to go to see Don - everything in her background and her experience told her that it was the last thing that she should do. No, there was no way she could justify going to see Don tomorrow - except that she was feeling now things she hadn't felt in four or five years. She felt wanted and she felt desirable and she felt very hungry for more of the same.

Then Emily returned to making her pastries and checking the first set of bakes in the oven. She wanted everything to be perfect for Don tomorrow.

Lights, Cameras, Action

The suite that Jessica shared with Antwan was three floors up and front-and-centre of the hotel. It had been a very busy two days preparing for the first zebra party tonight. Hundreds of newbies would be initiated into the joy of interracial love. She sort of felt romantic about that as she leaned on the rail of the suite's balcony and looked at the seething mass of humanity below her.

The event would start in about an half hour's time. The sun was nearly down and Jessica had barely noticed that the natural light was giving way to the flood-lights illuminating the front of the hotel. Small lights lit up banners advertising Antwan's event at the club next door but the real focus of the lights, courtesy of that man's careful preparations, was the stunning redhead on the balcony.

Jessica had only sub-consciously noticed that the crowd was a little different to those gathered in front of the hotel on the days and nights before. It was, if anything, even noisier - but the noise was a little more high-pitched. It was overwhelmingly girls in front of the hotel now. The other change was that the small male minority were almost all African-American.

She thought that if things stayed that way then those boys were going to be worn out by tomorrow. She smiled to herself - she knew men. Most of them would arrive five minutes before the party was due to start. Experienced girls would probably be the same. These girls had come early to check out what was going on. Most of them would be hesitant, thinking they would just see what was happening and then perhaps leave. Some would have sneaked away from their friends, scared to admit their interest in Black men. Others would have come as a little group of 'sisters', offering mutual support and security in such a strange new world. Always circling were those few Black boys in the crowd - the wise ones who knew that the early playa catches the prime pussy. They were making connections and putting down markers.

Jessica looked out over the sea of youthful vitality. She wished that she could send a message into the mind of every unsure or frightened young woman out there. 'Be brave and do it. Go into that club and explore what the world can offer you. If it's not for you then fine but don't get old and grey and always regret what you might have had.'

She stood holding the balcony rail with her two hands and slightly leaned against its ironwork. The harsh heat of the sun was gone but this early evening was beautifully warm - even in her skimpy black-and-white patterned bikini.

She heard the glass door behind her open and thought that Antwan was coming to join her. But Antwan was busy supervising the final preparations in the club. The movement behind her attracted some of the crowd below to look up and she saw girls nudge their friends and one or two even point. Strange - Antwan was a fine figure of a man but he shouldn't get that sort of reaction at first sight.

A large Black hand softly landed on each of her hips and breath ticked her ear as he spoke. "Hello again, Jess, you just too fine to keep away from."

It was Jackson Hammer. No wonder the girls were looking - even if they didn't recognise him they had to know that they were watching a master of his trade.

The hands eased down until his thumbs were hooked in the strings of her bikini bottoms. Jackson didn't have to say any more and Jess didn't want to say anything in case she broke the tension. She knew what was about to happen - together they were going to send that message to the waiting crowd below.

Jess shimmied her body a little, just enough movement to signal her happiness with what was about to happen. She heard a pleased, 'hmmmnn', behind her and then felt him smoothly kiss her neck sending shivers of anticipation through her body. His fingers moved down a little and pulled her bikini bottoms down just an inch or two. Enough to expose her whole butt at the back but just the top of her pussy in front.

Jessica was dimly aware of the noise in the street below kicking up a notch and a sea of white faces now staring up at the perfectly illuminated scene playing out above them. She even saw the lights of seemingly hundreds of phones being held up - every one recording pics or vids of her and Jackson.

It raced through her brain that in the modern world those pics and vids would be all over the internet before the night was over and that no technology was protecting her identity on these new images. It would only be a matter of time before her secret sexual obsession was exposed to everyone who knew her. At that moment Jackson Hammer's big black hand cupped her pussy and one probing finger found its way inside. She arched her back a little in pleasure and turned her head to share a deep kiss of urgent yearning with the man behind her.

The noise of the crowd rose another notch but Jess wasn't hearing it anymore. She was tuned into her body and the man with her, the man who was perhaps the ultimate Black bull. If her old life went down in flames then so be it. She wanted what he was going to give her and nothing was going to stand in her way. If everyone knew that she was a white slut for hard Black cock then fuck it - that is just what she was and everyone else would have to live with it or get out of her way.

She turned and held the sides of his powerful chest, still kissing him hungrily. His hands clamped hard over the exposed pale flesh of her buttocks as she pressed her body against the big bulge already there in his pants. It reminded her that Jackson could be very gentle but he didn't always have to be. She realised that she didn't really want him to be gentle - she wanted to feel his power, all of it.

Their lips still locked, Jackson lent down slightly to pull the string of her bikini bottoms and leave them fluttering down from the balcony into the watching crowd below. She knew that he was so smooth because he had done this a LOT, she would just be another in an incredibly long line of his sexual conquests. She didn't care - she wanted to feel the benefit of all that sexual confidence and experience.

The crowd noise rose again as the beautiful woman with her auburn hair streaming down her back was left naked from the waist down. They were all watching now, the big female majority were eager for the main event. The woman was cute but they wanted to see Jackson naked and in all his glory.

Well Jackson Hammer knew the virtues of teasing his audience but he also knew that women shouldn't be kept waiting. He had Jessica pressed against him, swapping saliva and letting her feel just how far up her body she could feel the hard bulge of his cock. His big hand was working her pussy hard now and she knew how wet she was for him.

Finally, almost painfully, she felt him break their kiss and he looked into her eyes. Nothing was said but she knew what he wanted by sexual telepathy. She turned and faced the crowd before folding her arms on the railing and resting her head on them as she looked out with a blissful smile on her face.

Jessica felt Jackson's mouth at her hungry cunt. He didn't eat her out or seek to pleasure her. He was exploring, sensing, detecting whether the woman in front of him was sufficiently turned on, sufficiently wet, for him to have his sexual way with her. Could she be fully receptive of all he had to offer her. Almost without thinking about it Jessica eased each of her feet out a little until her legs were spread apart for him. The invitation was clear and brazen.

Jackson's mouth left her pussy and then she heard high-pitched squeals from the girls crowded in the street below. Jess knew that he had shucked off his pants, the only clothing he had been wearing. Now the girls could all see just what made Jackson Hammer so famous and now they knew for sure what he planned to do with it.

She looked down and saw the dark mass of his hand on the front of her thigh, holding her in position. She knew the other would be lining the head of his huge Black cock up ready to take her defenceless unprotected pussy. She was shivering with unrestrained lust even before she felt his cock start to push its way past the lips of her cunt.

She bit her lip and looked down for a moment in concentration, there was a little pain mixed in among the waves of sensation emanating from her pussy. This man was very thick and very long and very intent on her feeling and taking every inch of him.

She looked up again but now her eyes were wide and her mouth was open as she panted for breath. Jackson was getting what he wanted and it was almost too much for her. He used small strokes - each pushing just that little further until he was exploring places that no other man had ever reached. She suddenly realised that he was going to bottom out inside her, that she just couldn't take him all. He was just too damn big. Then she felt the muscles of his stomach hit her buttocks and knew what that meant. She had done it - she had taken him all.

"Yeahhhhhh," purred a resonant voice behind her, hardly audible over the surging crowd screaming their approval of the events on the balcony. She felt so full, full of his strong Black physicality, and now he began to move inside her. Long, deep, unhurried strokes, all that hard black cock and all those years of experience allowing him to bring her to the edge of orgasm within seconds. She no longer cared where she was or who she was or what she was doing. All that mattered was that big Black cock and how it was making her feel. She arched her back and gasped at the fresh sensations when new areas of sensitivity were exposed to his ever more insistent thrusts.

A black finger hooked into the string of her bikini top and pulled its knot open. The two small pieces of cloth fell forward and her breasts swung free to move in rhythmn to his fucking. A new cheer rose from those gathered below - this time a deeper roar. It seemed some more of the young Black men had arrived and were enjoying the show. Jess didn't care - all that mattered was Jackson Hammer and what he was doing to her.

For a moment her eyes seemed to glaze over and she rested her face back against the cooling ironwork of the balcony. The wave of pleasure rose to a peak and then started to recede but that hard insistent thrusting didn't stop. As one climax finished she felt the stirrings of pleasure begin to build again almost immediately. She raised her head again and couldn't help laughing. Jackson was a machine, a big beautiful Black machine, and he showed no signs of slowing down any time soon. This time she almost whimpered as her climax hit and put her hand to her head as she struggled to control the feelings within her.

Jackson felt the woman tense a little and he pulled back. His hard cock twitched, still ready and eager for more. He'd been watching the crowd and had seen some leave but far more stay, transfixed by the live sex show being performed for them. Life as a sexual performer could all too easily become jaded. He hated the thought of relying on viagra to get him through a scene. Careful selection of co-stars and new scenarios were the keys to keeping his performances fresh and powerful. This lewd public display was something brand new even for him and this woman was the perfect sexual partner.