Jill's World Ch. 05


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"Please!" Julie cried out, breaking the silence. She was crying.

"Anything you want Julie." I answered, I knew I couldn't really give her anything she wanted while I was beholden to Jill and Sue, but outside that... a thousand times yes.

"Good." She sniffed. "No sex until I say it's okay. You can kiss her and feel her up, but I do not want her going down on you or you on her without my permission."

"Are you going to do the same for me?" I asked. I regretted it as soon as I asked.

Silence for a long time. "No." Julie answered at last. "I think I deserve to have sex with Chad to make up for Jill and Sue and Courtney."

"That's fair." I said, though I didn't really feel that way.

"I don't... love him... not like you." Julie said in answer.

"I have an out. I can leave Jill." I blurted.

Julie sighed. Loudly. Intentionally. She wanted me to hear it. "I know. I can't make that decision for you Care, though part of me wants to tell you to. Another part of me wants you to go forward because of the same reasons I wanted you to when I thought I would be there. Opportunity to explore your artistic nature, for one." She paused, sighing deeply again. "And, Care, to be honest, this has changed you in so many good ways. I mean, you are so... sexy now. You were kind of ... well ... I mean ... Carrie, I never saw you this way before Jill came into your life. So, really, I can't say it's all bad. For me or for you."

"And while I worry so much that you are going to fall out of my life, that she is going to consume your time and your heart, I have to accept that risk and do what I can to stay a part of your life until you have learned what you need to learn from her. About yourself, as well as the artistic opportunity that you deserve."

"That was pretty deep." I whispered. "You will make a great shrink one day Jules." I giggled.

Julie had a career path chosen. She wanted to be a psychiatrist, to help people. I just wanted to be an artist, so it was not a clear, approved path of vocation, at least according to my Dad. And Julie was so easy to talk to, easy to relax around. It wasn't just me. I saw it from everyone. People just naturally migrated towards her, enjoyed not only listening to her, but talking to her. She is an excellent listener.

"You here yet?" Julie asked. We had been talking for a long time and, in fact, I was five minutes from her at this point. I told her so.

"Okay, let me brush my teeth and I will meet you out front." She hung up and left me to my thoughts for the next five minutes.

I really wanted Julie to tell me to tell Jill no. I hated having this decision to make in the next thirty hours. And while I agreed with her assessment, I was in love with Julie. And she loved me back. We were friends for so long, I guess it was quite natural that if we were lesbians, we would be in love. But, was Julie? I had to think not. At best, she was bisexual. She liked guys, there was no doubt about that. But, didn't I like guys a month ago? Maybe I wasn't a lesbian either...

She was there, as beautiful as ever. She wore a powder blue skirt that fell just above her knees, a loose fitting white top with a sweeping neck line that showed a little of her slight cleavage. Julie had a gymnast's body, small breasts, small everything really, except perhaps her butt, which was very firm, as I had recently had the joy of finding out first hand. Second hand too. I giggled at my internal joke.

Julie climbed in and kissed me, right there in front of her house. And it wasn't a peck, it was a full on kiss that took my breath away and had my tongue in her mouth. We made out for a few minutes before she slowly pulled away, tugging my lower lip as she slowly drew it out and released it with a pop.

She was all smiles. She wrapped her arm inside mine and leaned against my shoulder. "I love you Carrie Fitch."

I giggled. "I love you too Julie Petrili." I turned and kissed her head before driving off.

"I don't mean to sound all... controlling, but I have more rules about you dating Karen." She smiled as she squeezed my arm.

I laughed softly. "Okay, whatever you want. I don't want to do this at all, so it doesn't matter to me."

"Good. No making out or feeling her up in school. She can feel you up all she wants, but you can not return the act. Just be her passive little girlfriend. Kissing is expected, but Frenching must be private. She can force the issue, but you never return the favor, just open your mouth and let her take what she wants without returning any effort. I have my reasons. So, for now, just do as I say."

"You have the combination to my locker. I want you to put your panties in there before you leave school every day. I want to see how wet you are getting at school. I have cleared this with Jill already, so don't worry, it won't get you in trouble with her."

"Jules..." I tried to interrupt. She smiled and placed a finger to my lips and continued.

"Pick me up every morning unless I say otherwise. I need you to get here five minutes earlier so I can properly kiss my girlfriend every morning. When we get to school, you and I will be friends, like before, like always. But, I am Chad's girlfriend in school, hide your jealousy, as I will hide mine when you and Karen become a more public item."

"Give me your phone, I'm going to read your texts while we drive and reply to them for you. If you don't want my intervention, you need to reply to them yourself from now on." Julie smiled, taking my phone.

"Jules, slow down." I sighed as she entered my code and started reading messages to me aloud.

"Speak of the devil." Julie giggled. "KAREN: I believe you Carrie, even if Rebecca doesn't. I will convince her. Don't worry! I knew you wouldn't do that to me! So excited for our date Saturday. Pick me up at 6"

"So, here we go." TO KAREN: I'm excited too! What movie are we going to see? You can pick the movie. See you in school."

"And we have a few from some girl named Julie" Julie laughed softly. "You really need to get better at reading and responding. I basically told you I was having trouble sleeping and ended up talking to Jill half the night because you wouldn't answer my texts."

"Sara says she will talk to you this morning. Apparently, she has something important to talk to you about."

"Rebecca says, Don't play stupid with me Bitch. I know you weren't there. You know exactly what I am talking about. Meet me at our old stall first thing in the morning if you want to handle this yourself. Otherwise, I will make every one of your friends regret what they did. I wonder if she includes me as one of your friends." Julie added.

"Jill confirmed that she talked to me last night. Sue is excited to see you today and tells you to be on time. Now, let's deal with Rebecca. I'm not going to reply, we will see her in the bathroom. I'm inviting Courtney."

And Julie started texting back and forth, I assume with Courtney, but I was focusing on the road and how things got to this point. I wanted Julie as a girlfriend, not a dominant. This was all making me a bit uncomfortable. I cleared my throat to get her attention.

"Yes?" Julie asked, looking up from my phone. "Courtney will be there by the way."

"Jules, I... Look, I love you, I do, why are you... I mean, it seems you are trying to be like them. I don't really ... like this control you are taking. I just... I want us to be different."

Julie looked at me for a few seconds then turned away, and wiped her cheek. I think I made her cry. I didn't want to do that.

"Okay Carrie, look, I need this. I need this because it's really all I can have right now. If there were no Chad or Karen or Jill or Courtney or Sue, we could just date like normal people. But, you have to know, that this is the only way to keep us going, while we get through this year. What's the alternative? To get together an hour, here and there, when you aren't taking care of your many other obligations? I'm sorry, that's not enough for me. If we do that, I may as well put my energy into Chad, and we can just be friends, and maybe we will reconnect after Jill is done with you. If you can think of a better scenario, I'm all ears." Julie told me with a consoling voice.

She brushed my hair back behind my ear. "Carrie, I'm not sure you can have a 'normal' relationship. After all this, I'm not sure I can either. Is there anything that I have done or told you that really is unreasonable to you? You are going to be sexually active with at least four other people. I'm going to be with Chad and occasionally you. Is the problem really that I am taking control or that you are afraid that this is what you want?"

I trembled at her touch. "I don't know Jules. But no, you aren't being unreasonable. It's just, I don't want you to think you have to be like Jill for me to love you."

Julie laughed, which made me a little mad. "I am nothing like Jill. And I don't aspire to be. If I spank your cute butt it will be with my hand because I want to touch you, not hurt you. If I have you licking my pussy it will be because I want to be with you, not to teach you some lesson. Tell you what... go with me on this for a week. If it doesn't make us both happy, we can change it up."

I gave her a weak smile and we took each other's hand and we rode in silence until we pulled into the school.

"Okay Carrie, let's go deal with Rebecca. Don't offer anything. Let Courtney and I handle it. Probably best you just be there and keep your mouth shut." Julie told me as we got out of the car.

"I'll try." I laughed.

Julie rolled her eyes. "I can tell you are going to be over my knee a lot." She giggled.

"Promises, promises." I laughed back at her.

We held hands on the way in to school. This was not unusual for us, though it felt different now. There were no stares or pointing, like when I was with Farin. This was expected. It was normal.

We walked in and said hi to a few people on the way. We headed straight for the dreaded bathroom, that I had gotten to know far too intimately over the past month. Pushing open the door, I gasped. I had expected to see Rebecca's smirking face. I had anticipated Courtney's playful smile. I had not imagined I would see Sara standing there naked except her shoes and socks.

She was looking at the floor and had clearly been crying. She made no move, as Julie and I walked into the bathroom. She only whispered, "Sorry Carrie."

"What the fuck did you do to her?!" I blurted before I could stop myself. I started towards Rebecca's smirking face, and Julie pulled back as I took in the twins, Allison and Addison, holding onto Sara's wrists, though she wasn't really struggling.

"Calm down Slutball, she wasn't hurt." Courtney offered, though I could tell she wasn't pleased with this turn of events.

"I have pictures and video if you want to see for yourself." Rebecca offered with that horrible grin on her face that I wanted to slap.

"Fuck you and your blackmail Becky. I will rip that phone out of your hand and trash it." I struggled, but not hard as Julie yanked back on my hand.

"As if you could." Rebecca laughed cruelly. "Okay, let her go, she knows the deal. Don't fucking forget what will happen if you don't do as you are told Sara. Now, get dressed and go clean up before class."

The twins let her go and Sara ran into the bathroom stall to get dressed.

"You know I love a bargain." Rebecca started. "Everyone want to leave me and Carrie alone to discuss the future of Sara's porn career?"

Courtney rolled her eyes. "She isn't going to have a porn career. Stop being so melodramatic." Then she turned to me and Julie, measuring us with her eyes. "No, I think we will stay, but maybe you should send the twins out."

Rebecca looked at me with a sneer then flashed towards Courtney. "I don't think so Court. I trust you and Julie to be civil, but you know better than anyone how violent Carrie can be. And I'm not so sure which side you and Julie would fall on if it came to a fight."

"There isn't going to be a fight." Julie interrupted. "Carrie promised."

"The bigger the web the more flies escape." Courtney answered and shrugged.

Rebecca looked unsure for a moment.

"You are an idiot sometimes Rebecca." Courtney sighed. "I'll cuff her, send your pets outside with Sara."

"Easy Courtney." Allison chimed in, talking for the first time. "We aren't her pets. And we are all friends here."

"You are right Al, we are all friends, mostly." Courtney answered. "Would you and Addison please leave the four of us to discuss the matter?"

Addison smiled. "Definitely." She was clearly uncomfortable with this and happy to leave. Allison, looked a bit less eager to depart. But, a minute later, a dressed and red-faced Sara was leaving the bathroom, I was handcuffed, and Allison and Addison offered me a sympathetic smile, on their way out.

"So, what do you want?" I asked through gritted teeth.

"A trade of course." Rebecca smiled. "You for your friends. Don't think it stops at Sara. We will do the same with your other friends." She looked at Julie for a moment and added. "Jen, Cat and Gina I mean. Julie, I like."

Julie scowled, "I'm not sure which is worse."

"Be a bit more specific." I spat.

"Enough." Courtney interrupted. "Rebecca, you have the last laugh on her. I don't get why you are still so angry about it, but let's get to the basics. What is going to appease your injured pride once and for all?"

Rebecca turned on Courtney and I thought she was going to slap her, which would have been interesting, but of course didn't happen. "I want her to be as miserable as I was that week."

"And you don't think that has happened?" Courtney asked, raising an eyebrow.

Rebecca stopped. "Yes, but not because of me."

"You should let the squad beat your ass and fuck your throat with dildos and try to draw a comparison." Courtney answered with a smile. "But, lets get past that. You still feel like Carrie has an upper hand on you. What is going to change that?"

"I'll let you know when I get there." Rebecca countered with a sneer.

"No, she has too many other obligations. What is the price Rebecca? I will be sure that Sara, Gina, Jen and Cat leave you all alone. You leave them alone. It all ends today." Courtney said.

"A month as my personal toy. No masks, no limitations. Her ass is mine at school until November." Rebecca offered.

"Too much Rebecca." Courtney smiled. "Besides, you can make your point in a lot less than that. Four hours."

"I am not agreeing to this." I spat. "What did you do to Sara?"

Rebecca grinned. She held up her phone and sent files to Julie. "Show her Julie."

Julie held out her phone and saw the clips. There were five of them. From the still at the beginning of each it was clear, she was stripped naked and posed in very compromising positions.

"Did you hurt her?" I asked, trying to control my anger.

"Look at the clip, she seems happy to me." Rebecca laughed.

I lunged forward, but let's face it, with my hands cuffed, there was nothing I would be able to do anyway. Courtney pushed me back and Julie held me back. "Stop Carrie, clearly the cuffs were wise." Courtney admonished me.

Julie played the clips, but didn't show them to me. I could hear them though.

"Take off your shirt." Rebecca's voice came through Julie's phone as she played the first clip. It was followed by a whimper from Sara and the sound of her shirt being removed. "And the bra. In fact, just strip naked. No point wasting time." Rebecca's voice came again. Then, the sound of Sara whimpering as she apparently stripped naked.

The second clip was the sound of Rebecca guiding Sara through poses, "Put your right ankle on the handrail." Whimpering and time passed. "Now, lower that leg and lift the left ankle the same way." More whimpering and time. "Turn around and spread your feet and touch the floor." Whimpers. "Spread your legs more, hands flat on the floor." Incoherent whines.

The third clip had Rebecca telling her to sit on the toilet seat and place her feet on the sides, sitting on the back of the seat. "Spread your lips and show me how you play with your clit." Whimpers and slight moans followed for a couple of minutes.

The fourth clip was more instruction. "Kneel on the floor, and put your stupid face and the floor in front of you." A few seconds passed. "Knees closer together, get your ass up as high as you can." After about thirty seconds. "Hands on your ass and spread your cheeks wide." A few seconds. "Wider." Another thirty seconds or so passed with Sara whimpering and slightly moaning in the sound.

The fifth and final clip was yet another pose. "Out here and sit in the sink, feet on the counter." About a minute of the sound of her climbing into the sink, I assumed. "Now spread your nasty pussy open." Sara whimpered. "Now, show us how you stroke your clit again." Sara moaning softly.

Courtney had joined Julie to watch by the second clip. But, they wouldn't let me see it.

"It would have been better with a professional movie camera." Rebecca grinned. "Maybe next time."

"I don't know how you coerced her to do this Rebecca, but clearly she didn't look happy about doing it." Courtney decided. "We don't have much time before the bell. I assume you realize that sharing these clips will remove any bargaining power you have. Take first period to think about what you want, what will make you delete this and anything else you have and end this vendetta once and for all. I will even throw in some cash to buy off your hurt pride, say, five thousand dollars?"

"No, you will not Courtney!" I shouted.

"Shut it Fitch, or I'll gag you." Courtney smiled at me. "I want her Becca, what's it going to cost to end this bullshit once and for all?"

"Courtney, that ... she isn't property to be sold." Julie interjected, clearly uncomfortable.

Rebecca frowned in thought. She hadn't expected this. I could see it in her face. "Okay Courtney, if you really want to bail her out, I guess I can find peace in knowing how much this will bother her. You are right, she has too many obligations to take care of my needs too. But, really, you think my pride can be bought with money? Instead of Carrie, you can be my play toy for a month."

Courtney laughed. "No. I won't do that Rebecca, and you know it. Julie would, but I don't want that either. Here is the offer, five thousand dollars, my stylist will do your hair, nails, and make-up for the prom. I'll throw in a dress, a limo and an after-party at a reasonable venue. You will be the most beautiful and popular girl at prom this year. I guarantee it."

"As for Carrie, she will apologize to you in front of the school and apologize to Brad for being a cock tease or giving shitty blowjobs, whatever you want her to say. Invite whoever you want. She will apologize and then kiss your feet in front of everyone. Her friends will be there to see her embarrass herself. And then it's done and it's over."

I glared at Courtney. "Absolutely not."

She just smiled. "That is going to be so hard for you isn't it Carrie?"

"I didn't agree to do it." I spat.

Rebecca paused in thought. "I'll think about it. I'm interested." She smirked at me.

Rebecca glared at me. "I want her in the clothes she is wearing now, minus her bra. And if you aren't loud enough Fitch, I'll make you repeat it." Then she paused, debating the deal apparently. Finally, she turned to Courtney. "I agree with you Courtney, this is a waste of my energy trying to find ways to fuck with someone who is so unworthy of my recognition. I want one more thing, nothing monetary, a final humiliation for this cunt who thought she could date my Brad."