Jill's World Ch. 05


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"I did not agree to do this!" I screamed.

Courtney slapped my face. "You will do it Carrie. And we will discuss the details of how you are going to do it at lunch." She turned back to Rebecca. "See you in second period. Be sure to get everyone you need to be there. This is it Rebecca, I mean it. I will join Carrie in publicly destroying you if you go back on this."

"Whatever, I'm not afraid of you Courtney." Rebecca sneered. "But, I can live with this."

"How big of you." Courtney said, sounding bored. "Okay, leave me with the slut if you don't mind."

Rebecca slammed her elbow into my side, driving the wind from my belly, on the way out, and stomped through the door.

I looked behind me to make sure she was gone and then ran up to Courtney, still cuffed, and kissed her cheek. "You were brilliant."

Julie looked at us as Courtney uncuffed me. "You planned that?" She asked incredulously.

"It was mostly Carrie's idea." Courtney explained. "Of course, she owes me a lot of money now." She laughed. "But, we made payment arrangements already."

"And you didn't think you could share this with me?" Julie asked angrily.

"I needed your honest reaction Jules, I'm sorry." I explained. Wrists free, I gave Julie a hug. "I'm going to be free of that cunt Jules. I had to be free of her, you get that don't you?"

Julie sighed. "Yes, I suppose I do. So, what is your payment arrangement?"

Courtney giggled. "She owes me the money. Interest is lunches, games, you know, all the things a little slut like Carrie needs to make her little pussy wet, until the principle is paid in full. Should be around ten thousand dollars once you add my stylist, a limo, and all the rest I promised her."

Julie laughed and shook her head. "Well, invite me from time to time."

Courtney laughed. "I'm sure you can take whatever you want from Carrie whenever you want it."

Courtney slapped my ass on the way out. "See you in class, slut. Ciao Julie."

"I'm kind of pissed you didn't trust me on this." Julie said as Courtney departed.

"You'll get over it." I smiled. "I wanted to tell you Jules, I was just afraid one of us would blow our reactions and didn't want to add yours to my concerns."

"Well, you both fooled me, and Rebecca too, from what I can tell." Julie smiled and kissed me. "Good move Carrie, I'm proud of you."

I kissed her then and we quickly ended the kiss and went to checking our faces in the mirror when we heard the door open.

"Yeah, that should do it." I winked at Julie in the mirror and turned towards the door. A few freshman girls were walking in, looking all timid and what not and I giggled, trying to remember if I was that scared of high school in my freshman year.

Julie was right behind me and we walked together to our first period. Rebecca sat there looking smug. I looked towards her, then quickly looked away, as if I was embarrassed by what transpired. Not to seem too superior. I was not going to enjoy this humiliation at the end of school today at all. But, it needed to happen. And I was, perhaps foolishly, hopeful that it would end our problems once and for all.

Sara looked up at me with a quite miserable expression on her face. I offered her a weak smile. My heart went out to her. I hadn't seen the pictures or videos they had, but if the visual was anything like the sound, it was humiliating. I went over to her and found that the other three girls all had a nervous look on their faces, occasionally glancing over at a smirking Rebecca.

"Listen," I whispered. "It ends today. I need the four of you at the flagpole out front right after the bell rings, and everything will be forgiven, and we will agree to leave them alone, and they will agree to leave us alone."

"What are you ... What is she going to do to you Carrie?" Jen asked quietly.

"I agreed to it. Just don't try to stop it. Be there, witness it, and everything will be over." I looked at Sara who was crying silently. "It's okay Sara, your pics will be deleted, I promise."

She hugged me tight and whispered, "I'm so sorry I got you into this mess Carrie. I told her it was all my idea."

"It's okay Sara. It would have happened sooner or later anyway. Let it go, and we are good, you don't owe me a thing. I'm sorry for whatever they put you through. It's me she hates, not you."

As we hugged, I got a sense that the other three girls felt upset about the arrangement of me taking it on the chin for them. "Really, Cat, Jen, Gina, it's over with the cheerleaders. I will do what I have to do, and we will go back to just being friends, without this silly rivalry." I offered them a smile, and we had a big group hug.

The bell rang, and Julie and I settled into our seats. A bit of light flirting, brushing each other's hands, eye contact followed by a giggle or a smile, legs touching now and then, but mostly just paying semi-attention in class. I heard Rebecca mention my name and laughing now and then, but I ignored it.

We parted ways in the hall, and I walked to Mr. Thatch's class. Karen would be there, in fact, she waited for me at the door and smiled at me. She was quite beautiful, if I was being honest. She wore a pair of yoga shorts that, pretty much told the world what a fabulous ass she had. On top, she wore a very tight half shirt. In reality, I should have been extremely flattered at her interest in me. She was ... well... gorgeous.

"Hey Carrie!" Karen greeted me at the door.

I smiled. It was not entirely forced. "Hi Karen."

She walked up close to me. "I heard something is going to happen after school." She whispered. "It really bothers me that Rebecca hates you so much. I thought you were a great asset to the squad."

I rolled my eyes at her. "Get out. I was the worst one by far."

Karen frowned. "No, you weren't Carrie. You picked it up fast. I mean it."

I shrugged. "Anyway. Try not to think less of me. I'm doing what I have to do to keep the peace."

The frown didn't leave Karen's face. "Why do you think I'm asking you out Carrie?"

Interesting question. "Honestly, I don't know Karen. At first, I thought it was just because Farin and I broke up, and maybe there are too few lesbians in school. But, I really don't know then, why you wouldn't have gone after Farin. She's prettier than me. Better body, more flexible, more experience."

Karen laughed. "You think far too little of yourself. I aim to change that." Then she just turned and went inside the class.

Well, that had me totally and completely confused. I stood there dumbfounded for a few seconds, before going in and taking my own seat. Karen smiled at me as I looked at her, but she was not flirting really, just smiling nicely. Courtney interrupted my thoughts, as she slid into the desk next to me.

"Sooooooo princess, how about a nice foot massage?" She giggled and kicked off her shoes, and put her feet on my thigh.

I rolled my eyes at her. "Really Courtney?" I asked.

"Unless there is some other part of my anatomy you would prefer to rub." She giggled.

I started massaging her feet. Like the rest of Courtney, her feet were damn near perfect. As feet go. She had socks on, and after a few minutes, she took them off and had me rubbing her bare feet. Her toenails were perfectly pedicured and painted, with French tips and hot pink.

She was texting the entire period. Rebecca was texting the entire second period. If I dared to look at her face, she would wink at me or swipe her tongue along her lip. So, I basically looked at my book, Mr. Thatch or her feet for the entirety of the class.

At five minutes to bell, she thanked me and had me put her socks and shoes on. I heard whispers and giggles, but I ignored them. After what I had been through, being mocked for a foot rub seemed just silly.

As I started to get up and grab my books, I caught Karen's eye. Or she caught mine is probably more accurate. She smiled at me and made a 'call me' gesture with her hand, while mouthing the words silently. Rebecca was there next to her and scowled at her.

"What the hell do you dykes see in her anyway?" She said, loud enough for me to hear.

I just laughed to myself and headed out behind Courtney.

Courtney grabbed my wrist and drug me over to the side of the traffic. "You know, I really am starting to think you are a total slut Carrie. Can you keep it in your panties today? Seriously." She gestured at Karen.

I rolled my eyes. "It wasn't my idea. Kind of being forced." I whispered.

"Well, try not to look like you are working your way through the entire cheer squad, slut." And she kissed my lips a quick, but soft peck. She giggled, "Farin, Julie, me and now Karen. Some guys are getting pissed at you." She laughed, before heading to her next class.

I didn't like the attention we got, but knowing how Courtney can be, this was really mild. I expected after the deal I made with her to borrow money to appease Rebecca, that she would be really obnoxious about it, but so far, she was being quite tame.

I rushed into the crowd and headed to see Julie in Social Studies. "There's the squad slut now." I heard Farin's voice quite clearly above the din in the hall. I cringed. I understood her bitterness, but the stabs still hurt. I didn't acknowledge her, though it took all my will not to look her way.

Julie was already seated when I walked into the room. She smiled at me and whispered when I sat down. "So, are your panties wet? Did you and Karen make out in class?"

I laughed. "NO!" I said loudly.

She giggled. It was super cute.

"Aww, you must be sad." She pouted and then she stopped teasing me and we fell into the wondrous world of Miss Simms. A lot of sarcasm there, if you missed it.

Julie and I walked together to Biology with a bit of friendly joking at my expense, and I started to contemplate lunch today as the minutes ticked on towards the bell. Courtney would expect me to start paying up for her loan and her role in my freedom from Rebecca.

"Are you... um... joining us for lunch?" I blushed in a whisper to Julie at five minutes to the bell.

Julie giggled. "If I'm invited I will, but that is Courtney's thing, not mine, so I won't invite myself. It would be a bit rude."

"Okay." I couldn't think of anything better to say. I was torn between wanting Julie there and not wanting Julie there.

"I'm looking forward to our hot date at the lesbian session tonight." Julie giggled.

I laughed. "Aren't you afraid they will turn you?"

"I already know the only person who could turn me." Julie quipped. I blushed.

At the end of Biology, Julie looked at her phone when it vibrated. "I got an invitation to lunch." She winked at me.

I wanted to squeeze her hand, but it felt awkward to do so. Instead I smiled a wide grin. Then, the bell rang, and we headed off to deposit our books, and grab something to eat. Courtney met us at our lockers. "I have your lunch, let's go." She said with a mischievous grin.

Now, I thought we were headed to her favorite classroom, so I almost led the way, but Courtney started heading down the hall to the back exit of the school.

"Courtney, we can't leave the school, we'll be suspended!" I exclaimed.

Julie looked a bit concerned as well. "Are you sure about this Courtney?"

Courtney just laughed. "You can't tell me you two have never skipped school?" She looked for our reaction, which was an unspoken no. Courtney shook her head. "Jesus, what angels you are." She laughed. "But, we will be back before lunch is over, don't worry."

She was carrying a bag and led us out the door and towards the football field. She kept walking and we kept following. "So, one hundred dollars a week... ten thousand dollars... I think you are going to be under my thumb until you are twenty, huh Carrie?" She giggled.

"I will pay you more than that when I can Courtney." I answered.

"Nope, terms are set, no pre-payments accepted." Courtney giggled. "Of course, Julie, you and I will have to come to an understanding, after Jill is done with her, I mean."

Julie squeezed my hand. "I want in." She said.

"What?" Courtney turned confused.

"I want in on it. I'll pay you half the money and we share her." Julie said.

I turned on Julie. "Julie, you don't have to ... I mean, you know you have me anyway."

Julie looked at me and laughed softly. "Oh, I know. But, I don't want Courtney having a superior position. So, I will put up half the money, and your ass is mine too."

Courtney looked at Julie thoughtfully for a minute. "You know, you should save your money Julie. I wouldn't get in the way of you and Carrie. Just, borrow her from time to time."

"I know she's good for it." Julie smiled.

"Wait a minute." I interrupted. "Where the hell are you going to get five thousand dollars Julie?"

"I have some money saved up from ..." Julie started before I interrupted her.

"Fuck no!" I shouted. "You are not taking your college money for this. I will not allow it Julie Petrili, I mean it. Absolutely not!" I was yelling at her, and she looked at me sternly.

Julie looked around us, we had walked a good way from the school, and nobody else seemed to be outside. She took me by the arm with a surprising grip on my wrist and sat down, yanking me off balance to fall over her lap. Then she started smacking my ass really hard!

"What the ... OW!" I yelled as her hand struck my ass.

Courtney was watching and laughing softly at the whole exchange.

"You are not going to tell me what I can and can't do Carrie!" Julie yelled as she struck my ass hard over and over again. "Do I make myself clear?" She added with more slaps to my stinging butt.

"Damn... OW... Okay okay." I answered, rolling off her lap.

"She's right Julie, you shouldn't use your college money for this. Look, it doesn't even put a dent in my life. Let me take care of it. You can still do whatever you want with her, clearly." Courtney told her.

Julie rolled her eyes at both of us. "You know what my biggest fear is right now?" The question was rhetorical, it was clear she was going to answer it herself. "That I lose my best friend to all this madness."

"Julie..." I started and she cut me off.

"Shut it Carrie. You kept that entire debacle with Darla from me. From ME! Your best friend in the fucking world. So, just shut up right now and let me finish. You have changed so much in the last month and I wasn't a part of it. Do you know what I would give to have had you confide in me over the past weeks? I felt so betrayed, you have no idea how bad I felt finding all that shit out after the fact. So, to guarantee that you are in my life for the next two years, I will work this summer, and part time during college, to make up the lousy five thousand dollars, that I know will be better spent here, than a couple of classes at college."

Courtney grinned at her. "I have to admit it Julie, you have a great point. Agreed then."

And Courtney and Julie shook on it as if I had no say in the matter. "Wait!" I interrupted.

"Too late Slutball. It's done." Julie said. "Just take your clothes off and be quiet, while we discuss your future." She laughed at that last part and I just huffed, but soon all three of us were laughing.

Courtney looked back at the school. "Seriously though Carrie, lose the clothes."

I looked at them both and they were smiling, but not laughing anymore. "We are still in the open." I protested.

"Yeah, what would you get out of being naked in private?" Courtney asked.

"You two are putting me on, right?" I asked, suddenly not so certain.

They both frowned at me. "You are seriously going to back out of your agreement, already?" Julie asked in a disappointed tone.

"Couldn't..." I began, but their faces were impassive. "Fine!" I said and took off my shirt. I hoped they would stop me, but they didn't.

"You know, the freshmen have gym this period. I had planned to be up by the bleachers by now, you might want to hurry it up before they come outside." Courtney smiled.

I looked back at the school, and started to have a panic attack. "Please ..."

"No!" Julie and Courtney said together.

I quickly pulled off my bra, then my skirt and finally my panties, crouching there on the side of the football field in just my shoes. They just stood there watching me. So, I quickly pulled off my shoes and socks and then they started walking towards the bleachers again. I gathered my clothes in my arms and held them against my chest and waist, leaving my ass exposed to the world.

"So, there really isn't time left to do anything with her after school." Julie began. I had no say and really, when you are naked in the middle of the school yard, your opinion doesn't seem very important, even to your own mind.

Courtney looked back over her shoulder at me and giggled. I was struggling to keep up, my feet being bare. I kept looking behind me to see if the freshman came outside. I was a nervous wreck. I mean, what would I even do if they came outside? There was nowhere to hide. The only thing I could hope for is that Julie and Courtney let me get dressed quick.

"So, it's mostly just Sundays outside of school and I'm sure she'll have to spend some time with her parents." Julie continued. "Should we divide the day in half at school, or just enjoy her together?"

I was fuming. It was like they were planning to account for every second of my time. I felt my whole life being negotiated away like I was property. Not to mention that I was hyperventilating from being outside naked.

"You know, she doesn't need to hear this." Courtney interrupted.

"You're right." Julie smiled, and they stopped and turned around. "Give me the clothes Fitch. Then, run, do not walk or jog, but run your ass up to the far end of the field and sit on the bleachers, facing the visitor side, knees one foot apart. We will fill you in when we get there."

I opened my mouth in surprise. I was about to say something, but I didn't know what it would be. I didn't trust myself to speak. I looked at them with begging eyes, but they just smiled at me. Julie held her hands out expectantly. It was like a terrible dream that I was trying to shake out of. I knew I had agreed to this, but I thought it would be a little... less.

"Fine!" I yelled at them and handed Julie my clothes and ran, looking back over my shoulder to see if anyone was coming out of the school. I kept Julie's instructions and ran, thinking the faster I got farther from school, the less chance anyone would be able to tell I was naked.

"Nice ass Slutball!" Courtney shouted so loud I knew if anyone was outside, they would have heard it and looked in her direction.

I panicked a little then, looking back over my shoulder. There was a parking lot and the tennis courts and another fifty yards between me and the school and I had just gotten to the main football field. I was holding my breasts in my left arm to keep them from painfully bouncing all over the place. Then, I really started to freak out. The gymnasium door opened and far off in the distance, I saw bodies start to exit the gym.

From that distance, they were small, not tiny. I could make out that it must have been the freshmen coming out because they were so short. I made an 'eep' sound, to nobody in particular, and turned and ran as fast as I could to put some more distance between me and the school as soon as possible. I could hear their voices, not any words, but just the distant sound of voices as they came outside.

My heart was pounding in my chest about a thousand beats per minute. I ran and ran, like the bleachers were going to be my safety net. If someone had been timing me, it was probably the fastest fifty-yard dash of my life. I didn't look back again, what was the point? At least from the distance, they would only be able to not quite make out my white ass as I sprinted for the bleachers. Maybe they would think I was wearing a white pair of white shorts where my bikini line was.