John and Jill Ch. 07


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John just replied, "I accept your apology, Amy, let's just forget it." Amy turned and walked back into the store.

"What a lily-livered, pussy-whipped, wimp. Man, do you know how long that bitch has been riding roughshod over all of us? She treats us like crap most of the time and you let her off that easy? You think she would've done that for any of us?" Todd, one of the delivery workers said with an unbelievable tone.

"Todd, you just have to know when to quit when you're ahead. Why keep swinging after the bell's already rung? Do you kick a dog when it's down, too? If someone's good enough to apologize to me, I'm man enough to accept it and go on. Besides, I have to work with her. It's the better part of valor. "

Amyleese spent the rest of the day giving John a wide berth. John was actually in a good mood the rest of the day, because he sold some furniture. He went out and had a few beers that night in celebration with some of the warehouse guys.

The next week, Amyleese watched as John sold some expensive Amish furniture to a newlywed couple that was just starting out in their lives together. John advised them to buy something, that although normally cost prohibitive, would last for years and help their finances in the long run.

Amyleese listened to John point out the different points of sturdy construction and beauty that sold the pieces of furniture to them. She was amazed at the fact that, after listening to his sales presentation, she would've purchased the furniture as well. John worked on salary and commission, as did Amy. Although she didn't want to have to ask, she swallowed her pride and spoke to John close to closing time.

"John, I don't feel we're really competitors, but I need to ask a favor. I think we're both in this to help grandfather in his business and this isn't personal. I've watched you sell furniture here over the last two months and you are a natural. Could you explain some of your selling points and techniques you use to highlight the construction of our furniture to the customer? I really feel that our sales would benefit from me knowing some of those items. Would that be a great problem for you?"

"Why no, Amy, it wouldn't. It would be the least I could do for the fine way you welcomed me here to the company."

John sarcasm wasn't lost on her, and she took the verbal shot to the chin without response and just continued on. "Fine, can we start now; I know it's late in the day and you probably have things to do?"

"I don't know, let me check my calendar," as he looked down at his watch and then started showing her several things on several pieces in the store and pointed out the different points of interest that would make an expensive piece of furniture and make the customer want to spend the money.

Amyleese actually took notes and he jokingly said, "There'll be a quiz tomorrow morning at 10 o'clock sharp. Don't be late and don't forget an apple for the teacher." John just smirked at her before he left and went home.

Thursday morning when they got to work, Amyleese was looking quite apprehensive and was actually studying her notes on her legal pad she wrote on the day before.

At 10:00 AM on the dot, John called Amyleese over to a piece of furniture and began asking her questions. She was able to answer every question correctly without hesitation. John was amazed that she was able to remember everything he had told her with an overt confidence. At the end of the Inquisition, she gave him that wonderful smile that almost melted his heart. She walked back into the salesman's office and came back and handed John the biggest and brightest red apple he had ever seen, and handed it to him with a smile and laugh.


Later, when a customer came in, John motioned for her to start her pitch. He stood close enough to be unobtrusive, but to hear her pitch to the customer. He marveled at the confident way she discussed the finer points of construction and the beauty of the furniture and the customer bought the item. It was a dining room table that she sold as a package with the chairs and a hutch. She discounted the price for the package and both the customer and Petor were happy.

John was overtly surprised when Amyleese came running over and jumped onto him hugging him. John hugged her back as she said, "God, John, that was such a rush. I couldn't believe how smoothly I was able to make that sale. You are really a talented salesman, thanks for the advice."

"Any time, Amy, glad to help."

"Why don't we go out and have a beer tonight to celebrate your star pupil graduating?"

"Normally I'd accept, Amy, but I kind of have a date tonight. Alderson Orange is heading back east and we're having a goodbye dinner and party later. I promised Wheels and Skates we'd make a night of it."

Amy replied tersely, "Well I sure wouldn't want you to disappoint the felons," as she turned and walked away from John.

John said to himself so only could he could hear, "Well, it's nice to things are back to normal." He finished out his day and went home to shower and dress for the evening. He picked up the girls at their motel and they went to Jack's steakhouse for their dinner.

John told the girls to order anything they wanted, so Wheels got the filet and Skates had lobster. Skates admitted she had never had lobster and always want to taste it. John watched on in wonder as she cracked the lobster and dipped it in butter to taste it for the first time. She was so excited she actually giggled like a little girl, while marveling at the flavor. John ate his shrimp scampi and enjoyed his meal with the girls.

When they got back to Mainstays, the DJ was in full swing. There were a lot of people dancing, including Amyleese and her posse. The four girls watched as John danced with the two band members with lustful abandon. They almost took all over the entire dance floor while working themselves into a frenzy of arms and legs. Wheels and Skates were dancing a sexy ritual, gyrating around John like he was a pagan virgin and was about to be sacrificed.

Finally, when Wheels pulled John's head down for a passionate kiss, she whispered something in his ear. He turned, with both girls looping their arms in his and they walked out the bar. The sexy sashaying of their asses left no doubt to anyone as to what was about to happen.

Amyleese was incensed and immediately spouted, "That fucking bastard, he really is a prick, isn't he? He's just another man with his brain in his dick isn't he?"

"What do you care? You don't like him, remember?" Connie said as she reminded her friend of her words of a few nights ago.

"Connie, are you that daft? Of course I like him. He really is a decent guy and shouldn't be traveling with those type of women."

"Well, then you should have done something about it, Amy. It's a little late now, he may be a hollowed out husk by tomorrow morning," Connie laughed as she looked at her friend's perplexed face.

"Well, all I can say is, fuck him, he can have those two jail birds."

Connie just looked at her good friend and said, "Don't worry about it, plenty of fish in the sea."


John woke up between two sirens, as Wheels and Skates stirred in bed. They both woke up and started working on John's erection. They had had quite a session during the night, including straight sex, anal with Wheels and straight fucking Skates while she ate John's cum out of Wheels. After washing John's cock off, Skates displayed her oral talents to get him hard again so he could fuck her. She was still the tightest piece of ass, pardon the pun, he ever experienced. She was even tighter than Wheels' ass. She was still able to take him all in and came continuously over five minutes of hard fucking. Wheels came from her anal fuck and John let her milk him until he filled her bowels.

The double oral of his awakening cock had him at full mast in a couple of minutes. Wheels must've won the toss, because she climbed aboard and began grinding John like there was no tomorrow as Skates worked her tongue at their union. The dual stimulation was too much for John and he unloaded. As Wheels pulled herself off John's softening spike, Skates was there to suck the cum from Wheels' saturated pussy.

"Oh Meester Jone, I'm going to mees your tasty cume. You fuke so gude, my pussy never be same."

"I agree Meester Jone," Wheels mockingly agreed with her friend, "You are a fuck of a lifetime. I'm going to miss you and those fantastic bedroom skills of yours. Take care of this little fella," she said as she shook his now limp appendage.

"You ladies are sure a pair, Wheels. I don't think Kentucky is gonna be the same. Skates, I've been trying to get you to call me just John and now it's too late. You're leaving. I'll miss you ladies"

Wheels just looked at him with a smirk and said, "You bet your ass you will, cowboy." Everyone took a shower and got dressed. Both girls gave John their email address and cell numbers, but didn't hold out hopes of communications. All three realized the hardships of such communications.

Wheels looked at John and said, "Now maybe you can get something going with that blond bombshell or her friend the ice queen. I've seen that girl shoot down more guys in that bar than anybody; her and her blond friend both. They both have the hots for you, you know?."

"Yeah, sure Wheels, "John said sarcastically in reply.

They all said their goodbyes and John walked out of their lives. Both girls cried as they realized that someone very special was walking away from them. No one had ever treated them as good as John and they knew it.


Amyleese watched a very disheveled John walked into work the next morning. It didn't go unnoticed that he was wearing the same clothes he had on the previous night. Since John started working at the store he always wore a tie with his shirt. He went in back and came out with a different shirt, but the same tie as yesterday. She knew exactly what had gone on and was none too pleased.

She walked up to John and said sarcastically, "Always take a change of clothes with you. You look like you've been rode hard and not even put away. Did you fuck the felons last night?"

"Well, Amyleese, if it's any of your business, as a matter of fact I did. Those two are sexual dynamos and I was glad to partake of their carnal nature. Maybe that's what you need, to get laid. Then maybe we could get someone to remove that stick from your ass."

John just turned and walked away from her as she said, "You Big Son of a Bitch!" It was directed at his back, because he wasn't having any of it. He had enough of her bad moods and realized no job was worth this environment. He went into Petor's office.

"Petor, I'll worked out a two weeks, but that's it. Putting up with your granddaughter's bullshit is too much grief."

Petor just laughed at him and said, "She get under big man's skin, hey? You like her much I think, big John? Take upper hand, all women pain in ass. My Petra drive me crazy. Sometime I want to kill her, but love her, mostly. You must like Amyleese much to be this angry. You not leave this job, I want you stay. You love this job, not let little girl run you off. She more afraid of you. That why she treat you this way. Stay with it young man, Petor have faith in you. You man's man. I need you stay."

John just looked at the man who had endeared himself to him and said "Okay Petor, but only for you."

"For Amyleese, too, big John, I think," the old man said laughingly as John walked back out of his office.

The rest of the day John was walking on egg shells and staying away from Amyleese. When she asked him to eat lunch with her, he flatly refused saying, "No thank you, you need an appetite to eat and your shitty mood would be enough to kill most."

His refusal destroyed Amyleese in a most hurtful way. She realized, however, that she only had herself to blame.

John's crappy day only got worse when the buzzer on the door went off for customer entering and he noticed Amyleese talking to a familiar looking woman. When John got closer he was flabbergasted. There in front of the counter stood his former friend Mac. She had a rather large portfolio case with her and when she saw John she almost jumped.

Amyleese was speaking in a friendly tone to Mac as John walked up.

Mac interrupted her conversation with Amyleese to say, "So this is where you been hiding for the last year, John? Do you work here?"

"Yes I do," John replied with as much vehemence as he could muster in his voice.

"I was explaining to your coworker here that I would like to put some of my paintings on your walls on consignment. I'll give you 25% on any paintings you sell to your customers. It would be a win-win for both of us."

"Amyleese I don't own the place, but if I did, I could tell you I'd rather hang a velvet Elvis painting than any of this cunt's artwork."

"Now why don't you get the fuck out of here, you're stinking up the place," John directed this time at Mac.

Mac turned and ran out the door, leaving her portfolio, with Amyleese closely behind her. John watched as Amyleese grabbed a fitfully sobbing Mac's arm and tried to comfort her.

John stuck his head out the door and threw Mac's case out onto the parking lot and said, "Watch yourself, Amyleese, get close enough and she'll have her hands down your pants. Why don't you leave, you dike bitch?"

Mac just sobbed louder while being comforted by Amyleese. John couldn't believe his eyes, never seeing Mac that emotional, even at the loss of a parent. Even that didn't crack John's hard heart and he could care less. Amyleese walked back in with several framed paintings and looked coldly at John.

"How dare you talk to a vendor like that? She is correct; it is a win-win proposition for us. Grandfather and I have been talking for some time about putting some paintings or decorations on the walls anyway. This is a chance to make us some money in the long run. I can't believe you talked to her that way."

John knew that Amyleese was only doing this to piss him off and he let her know by his look that she was an idiot. He had had enough of her and laid into her.

"Let me and ask you a question, Amyleese? If you had a friend that you thought was really close to you and she broke up your marriage and betrayed you, how would you treat her?"

"Well explain it to me, I can listen," Amyleese replied as she noticed the hurt and anger in John's eyes.

"It's a story I'll someday tell, but not to you, " John replied as he turned and walked away.


At this particular time, Jillian Sinclair was lost in deep thought while sitting in her office at her store downtown. She was finally hitting the big time in her business and was gaining a lot of contracts with the elite in Culver. This was, in part, thanks to her dad calling in favors but mostly to due her hard work, growing skills and expertise. Jill was proud of her work, as were her friends and even her parents. Boston still resented her marrying John and turning her back on the family business, but she was his daughter.

She was able to increase her inventory of window treatments and add a service for reupholstering furniture to meet the customer's wishes. Most of her patrons liked her sense of style and took her suggestions as gold. She still heard nothing of John and had no clue as to where he was. She thought she might give up the search that she was doing on the Internet. She found no joy in her hunt.

She knew her father could help with his vast resources, but knew better than to ask. Boston Sinclair hated John and was more than glad to be rid of him. Jillian knew he would never lift a finger to help find her ex-husband.

Jillian dated occasionally and even relented to sleeping with a few when her horniness got the best of her. None of them stuck, however, and she never found anyone to fill the void left when John divorced her. She got the impression she was going to be alone for the rest of her life.


John left work at Rans' and decided he needed a drink. He went home and took a much-needed shower and donned a fresh set of Dockers and a polo shirt. He entered Mainstays and noticed the place was hopping. There was a new band and the place was packed with university students. John was finally able to find a table when a few people left and he sat to enjoy the music and ordered a beer. When Barbara Ann brought him his St. Pauli Girl dark, he took one of the biggest slugs she'd ever seen him toss.

"You know, John, we have several bottles of that in the back? We'll not run out, you can have more."

"Barb, please give me a Boff with everything and keep the SPG coming, I've had the day from hell."

"It'll get better honey, it will always get better, " as she walked off to make the rest of her rounds.

Out of John's peripheral vision, he noticed Amyleese and her friends sitting in her usual booth. His first thought was to leave, but he changed his mind. Fuck her, he wasn't leaving. He was going to enjoy his drinks and his food and go home and get some rest.

Connie saw John and turned impishly to her friends and said, "Don't wait up girls, this may take all night," as she sashayed away in the direction of John's table.

Amyleese was boiling; a fact not missed by her other two friends. Josie just looked at her and said, "Why are you so angry Amy? Didn't you tell her to go forward if she wanted to? She's your best friend and you're angry because she's going after what she wants. If you wanted him, you should've told her."

"I don't want him; she's just acting so blatant about it. You think she would have some self-respect."

Amyleese looked on with disdain as Connie sat down at the table across from John. John obviously offered the seat to her with a motion from his arm. Amyleese had to admit that Connie really looked striking tonight. It would be hard for any man to resist her friend.

John asked Connie if she wanted something to eat and she said she'd take some fries. John pushed the basket over to Connie as he finished his Boff burger as quickly as he could. He took a pull off of his SPG and looked over at Connie. He had to admit she was a beautiful lady and he could do a lot worse; although he didn't really know her that well.

"Do you care for a dance, sweetie?" Connie asked as she looked John right in the eyes with her baby blues.

John looked into her eyes and saw nothing but passion. John replied, "No thanks, Connie, I'm really whipped tonight. I was just going to drink my beer and eat before I head home to get some much-needed rest."

Connie wasn't having any of it and she reached over to grab John's hand to hit the dance floor. John started to get his second wind, but didn't expect it last too long.

As the beat began a rhythmic thumping, Connie turned around to push her backside into John's crotch in a reverse twerking. Amyleese looked on, seething the entire time. Nature being what it was, John began hardening from the feeling of Connie's soft ass. She was grinding herself onto John's erection, while looking over her shoulder with a devilish smile. She knew exactly what she was doing and was reveling in it.

When the song ended, a slow tune started playing and Connie put her arms around John's neck and looked deeply into his eyes. She straddled John's leg with her crotch and was pushing tightly against him. John could feel her heat even through the fabric of his pants. On top of this, she was pushing her luscious breasts against his chest so hard that he could feel her nipples through the material. Her breathing got ragged enough that John could feel it on his neck.