All Comments on 'John and Mace: Final'

by DavidPatrick

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago
Is this your life story?

You once told, I think in First story this is your story, So, is this what really happened? Is there a john in your real lives? And in it u told u and ur husband are monogamous? So, is this different from your real life?

DavidPatrickDavidPatrickalmost 8 years agoAuthor
Fiction, Not Fact

Lightning In A Bottle was/is factual, and I am Mace. Juan Gets Mace(d) ventured from fact to fiction. John Opens The Bottle was/is fiction, both in the creation of John's back story and in the return to Mace. The Final Chapter is also fiction and was written to answer questions readers raised about how/why Juan left for Bogota and how/why Juan agreed to allow John back in. As for me, I have been with my husband 21 years and married for 2. We once had different rules, but we've been monogamous for the past 15 year or so. We are happily married.

MbeseMbesealmost 8 years ago
Love all your work

But this story makes very sad. I know John made the wrong choice all those year back but I think he is making another one now. I know he loves Mace, but no-one deserves a handout love or the leftovers. It makes me so sad that he has this little selfworth to be happy with this life.... I had the same choice a couple of years ago of being in a 3rd in marraige, it was the toughest choice i ever had to make, but in the end i walked away cause I knew even though he loved me A LOT, he loves the other person more and I deserve a love like that. To be loved like that - we all do. I am sorry John doesn't. This story is hartbreaking.

DavidPatrickDavidPatrickalmost 8 years agoAuthor

In John Opens The Bottle, I was torn about which direction to take it in the end. Part of me wanted John and Mace to find their way back to each other, so I thought about having Juan choose to stay in Bogota. But, I had already written that ending in Zinger, so it seemed like a copy out. So, I decided to challenge myself and force a different ending, one where John experienced some of the consequences of his cowardice but not all of them. Knowing Mace, I also did not think that, in the end, he would forsake Juan for John, no matter how much he wanted to. He's just not that kind of boy.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago
I loved it!

I am always so thrilled to see a new story from you DP! I have to say I really enjoy the reparte between you and the comments here and honestly you just become a real person , right off the screen. I am setting you a challenge. Tell us what happens to the boys (all those boys) in "the boy who wore make up". You left us hanging and it was a beautiful story with so much more to tell. Thank you

canndcanndalmost 8 years ago
Fact to fiction

I was wondering, though it's none of our business😃, if in reality you ever saw 'john' again with him seeing you happy with another. Congrats on the long-standing relationship and marriage. Too many never find that or do the work for it to succeed.

DavidPatrickDavidPatrickalmost 8 years agoAuthor
Answers to Questions

I have seen John. He's been married twice. He tried to tempt me, but I thwarted his attempt.

As for the Boy in Makeup, I am returning to that story. I am contemplating two additional parts. Part II, with Eric in college. And Part III, with Eric in law school and a possible return of Evans. It's a complex story, so the additional parts are going to take awhile.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago

You seem like such a lovely person both inside and out. Both men are lucky to have you in their life, even though in reality John is no longer an active part of your life. I am not much for taking something factual then adding later fiction to make for a neat tie up. But you did this so well! The story is perfect in the human imperfections. Your beginning hit a little too close to home and was written better than I could ever express my own life. I am so happy to see you adding more stories. And with your last comment it looks like we are in for several more treats. Thank you.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago
thanks for replying

You are actually a very good writer and you reply to all your readers questions. That's a very good quality in a writer and I sure admire you for that. And although it's not my business I really admire you and your husband for staying together for that long in a monogamous relationship and I really hope you will stay that way for a very long time to come. It really gives me hope someday I can find someone like that. Keep up good work! looking forward to your next story. Wish u good luck!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago

I have never been so emotionally invested in a story, and on Literotica of all places. This whole series has been a journey, and the authenticity really struck a chord. After 'lighting in a bottle' i had to hold back tears because i was expecting the traditional happy ending. Instead you gave the story so much more and it is tragically beautiful. The characters are so real, faults and all and it is such a change from the 'perfect' love story. Thank you so much for writing this, your style is so graceful and characters so well developed. Thank you.

DavidPatrickDavidPatrickalmost 8 years agoAuthor
Author's Response

Thank you all for your comments. Writing this series has been cathartic, as it forced me to examine long suppressed feelings. At times, it was painful. At others, it was joyful. But, always, it was emotional. You never love like you first love. But, comets are fleeting. They burn out. But, I feel closer to my past for having written about it, and I think all of you for your support, your questions, your suggestions, and your feedback.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Great story

Loved this story! A little melancholy but extremely touching. Love is love I feel, sometimes we are fortunate to experience one true love forever, sometimes a few loves through-out our lives and sometimes none at all.

I know this was not John's story, but I would really like to know what happened to the boy from John's high school? Did he find someone to love?

Thanks for sharing a tiny part of your life.

DavidPatrickDavidPatrickover 7 years agoAuthor
Answer To Anonymous About Cole

I haven't thought about Cole for some time, but . . . . I think Cole went to NYU and continued to act. After graduating, he had a passable career in theater, never becoming a star but also never going too long without work. When he was thirty, he met Paul, a quiet, shy man who worked at his family's manufacturing business and otherwise kept to himself. Surpisingly, they fell in love. They are still together in a great apartment on Horatio. They also have a bungalow in downtown Southhampton. They are Big Brothers, but have been pensive about adoption. They have two cats named after playwrights (Albee and Miller). Cole is a liberal activist estranged from his conservative midwestern family. Paul is a conservative Republican embraced by his liberal New England family. Cole and Paul fight about politics, but not much else. Cole never thinks about John.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

As a straight women-gay men think and live completely different to us! I don't know why they always say that gay men are like women??!! We're not that layered nor are we that flexible when it comes to sex or romance!

V fascinating though depressing way to live but then I'm not wired that way so?

AkshunLoveAkshunLoveabout 7 years ago
Straight women/gay men

I am a straight woman and I love a man who has an insatiable sex drive. I love sex a lot and I'm open to lots of things but my ailing health means that physically I can't give him everything he needs. I know he loves me unconditionally and we have talked so much about our relationship. I love him unconditionally too. He is who he is and I desperately want him to be happy. He spent a very long time being faithful in a marriage almost devoid of sex, impossible for a man of his libido but he did it. He's a good man and I want him to be the man he truly is, not anxious and depressed because he is repressing a huge part of himself. I don't have a problem with him having sex with other women as long as it doesn't interfere with our relationship. I doubt it ever would. He thinks I am a goddess, in no small part because I am happy for him to be himself.

When I read a story like this, the fuzzy borders of the relationship between Juan and Mace and John, I see that what is missing is the unconditional love and acceptance of who each of them truly are. It seems like an awkward, uneasy sharing of partners because it's the only way it works, not because it is what makes them all happy. Mace doesn't love the part of Juan that is hungry for different lovers, a part of him will always want Juan to change. Vice versa.

I don't think flexibility in a relationship has anything to do with sexuality or gender; it has everything to do with unconditional love and acceptance and trust. Personally, if I had my dream relationship, there would be two men and me and they would be bisexual (and hot as fuck, but hey, it's a dream so what the hell, why not?)

I will say this though...I wasn't always comfortable with open relationships in my past and that was because I had self esteem issues. I insisted on monogamy because I felt that it validated me. As I matured and sorted out my issues, I realised that I really didn't have a problem with it at all. I get that it's not for everyone and that not everyone who tries it will succeed, but unconditional love, trust and acceptance are the ingredients if you do want to try :)

Notime4thinkingNotime4thinkingalmost 7 years ago
Just what the doctor ordered . .

Doctor Juan, that is. Finally, we see some of the magic that managed to capture the heart of everybody's secret heartthrob, Keith Urban . . . I mean, Mason Davis. The part about his smile in the beginning, the openness and sincerity of his soul in his apology letter, and the grace with which he handled the matter of Jayesh . . . THESE are things that make Juan lovable. I'm so glad these traits are finally highlighted (or maybe just not overshadowed by all the people he was busy seducing). The story up to now makes much more emotional sense to me now. So much of the love, passion, angst, and longing between Carrot and Josie had been shown so far, but the matter of how Juan could come close to filling that void was . . . much less obvious. Now we get a better picture. (I'd still like to see something like a "Mace & Juan: the First Ten Years," or "the Honeymoon Phase" though. Maybe? I JUST WANT MACE TO BE HAPPY, DAMN IT! (sob))

It was also gratifying to see Mace confront some of his own failings and weaknesses. He's still got an axe to grind about John's "weakness," but maybe there's something like empathy finally starting to show up. If that's the case, who knows? Maybe forgiveness might even ever the picture someday. That would be a huge weight lifted probably, huh?

Ahh, I just really liked the way this resolved. It seems much more natural from Mace's perspective than from John's, but I can say that having the benefit of jabbing just read John's account of the events and therefore knowing what he was thinking as the events in this story transpired was great. The insight into how Mace and John viewed the various events and conversations just feels real, even if this part of the saga is complete fiction. Wonderful writing, to the point where I honestly wouldn't mind reading the Mason & Juan (+ John) Story in a cleaned-up, novel length, non-erotica (or less erotica) focused version. Erections aside, this is just good reading. I mean, maybe not Wodehouse, but still . . .

Anyway, I'm really glad I stumbled across this author and this series. It's not often that the stories here transcend notions of erotica, but it's such a pleasure when they do, and this series does so consistently.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
True acceptance

I truly enjoyed this story. I believed in the love of Mace & John but it's wrong to settle for less in life. Juan was a lovely addition. I admire their picket fence life. it's a bit sad how it ends though 'if only'. You're a great author.

ps: sad Timmy died I presume of Aids

Pitbull86Pitbull86over 5 years ago

What I would do to see you write the entire story again, but in a "what-if/alternate timeline" where John and Mace DO end up together.

Right now I just feel miserable. You're a great writer though.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
The fictional additions worsen this story, imo

There seems to be a recurring theme here that faithfulness is bad, an impossible outdated myth. Yet each character’s insistence that they love their “mates” followed by selfish carnal decisions to cheat lead to heartache, trauma and betrayal. Hmmm. Juan pledges his eternal devotion and monogamy to Mace (promising true love has reversed his long-held perceptions) but presumably steps out on him (even with best friends like Avery and Christian) and lies about it for years. Prompts the establishment of rules for cheating (uh yea that’s true love). The Cody fiasco clearly shows the flaws in this logic - let’s have a threesome in our bed, I’ll fuck him without you the next morning, oh we’ve fucked before!, it was his idea - an ultimatum to continue the affair, it’s been going on for 6 mos, and OH we’re also in love!!! That shows this marriage is a sham. And what kind of term of endearment is Puta (Spanish for bitch, slut or whore - not that it doesn’t fit Juan but who calls their husband that?). Throw in Jay, whatever the hell happens in Bogota, and oh yea John’s back and resumes their “love” for years. The final topper, Juan returns to USA and they celebrate their wedded bliss by being some weird-ass throuple and totally emasculating John (I don’t feel sorry for him at all but cmon!) as some sort of unwelcome guest/pet?! Nice retirement. No one in this story ends up feeling good about themselves, their lovers, or the choices they’ve made. Just such a sad, sordid tale ultimately.

Kmax1958Kmax1958about 3 years ago

Oh man, my second reading of this. I usually miss something the first time, and always savor the second. I’m sure you know we all want more from you. A good writer, actor, conductor, etc., always leaves the audience wanting more. Thanks again for sharing!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

It’s getting worse with each sequel… this is not love. Mace is again settling for the less. Juan can never be trusted. John is … well John. It’s sad that they adopted children. I wouldn’t want my parents to have meaning less affairs which destroys their relationship. I knew it already that they wouldn’t stay strong. It’s sad that because of people like Juan, society thinks all gays are promiscuous and cheat on their partners. He didn’t have to start a family and a committed relationship if it’s not his thing.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Honestly this is not love. They are emotionally attached but both Juan and mace want different things. Juan basically cheated on mace with his best friends and Cody. You can’t push your partners into threesome for your selfish needs. The moment you think that is when love fades. Discuss with then let them know what u want and if your partners are okay with it then start an open relationship. Juan basically chose open as an excuse for his cheating affairs. Mace as always accepts what is given but doesn’t demand what he needs. Speak out bro if u don’t people use you as they like. Juan isn’t the only man on earth mace should’ve looked for someone who meets his needs. Then there is John. Poor john became their side piece. Well his own actions led him to this.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago


It really doesn't help that a lot of the characters in this series seem to sleep a lot with others outside their relationships. I don't know if this is the writer's idea on what a relationship should be like in their perspective, but it's just surreal to see it being a bunch of "repeated mistakes" as you go through the series. Even some of the side characters' ideas of a good relationship is always "open relationship" and it left me a bit off on the chances that most of the characers got that mindset and go "wow, something feels missing in this relationship."

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Also, I just read DavidPatrick's comment on which part is fact and fiction, and no wonder Lightning in the Bottle felt way more realistic and enjoyable.

It's good that you have a proper married life, but I can't be help but be concerned on the fictional parts. I'm still checking your works later on after this, and I'm hoping you improved way more, because I have to say that the scenarios given in this series is quite painful to read. I know some people kept doing the same mistakes over and over again, and I would immediately step out of it rather than cheering them on, you get me? At least it's not a happily ever after kind of ending.

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