Junction Pt. 02


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Jace smiled, "If you had been up for it, I would have taken you back to bed and would not have left for 3 days."

She smiled and started jerking him off again and then pulled just the head into her mouth as she ran her tongue over the slit. She wanted to really taste it this time. She kept that up for 25 minutes before he shot off again and filled her mouth this time.

She sighed as there was a knock on the door, "I have your dinner, you 2."

He hobbled to the door and unlocked it. She looked at him standing there and erect she looked at her daughter, "Do I need to separate the 2 of you?"

Rayne shook her head, "The astral plane did that for 6 months. I was getting him some release. Only things we talked about, mother."

He got back into bed. Her mother nodded, as he crawled back into bed and she set down the tray of food. Helen looked at Jace, "Something else to feed her in bed. Don't lock the door. We will knock and wait to hear your request for us to enter."

Helen looked down again, "How long until that thing goes down?"

Jace shrugged, "Never timed it. The morning I left I was still hard until I drove into Weser Province. Once there I put the power cores up to full speed and the lights on. Travel time from the Marshals Office until Weser Provence. I left around noon from the Marshals office. I guess it was 8 hours as we had to get things onto my vehicle."

He was back in bed, covered but he left a tent.

Rayne snapped Helen out of it, "He asked. 'What does 'being entitled' buy you?' I showed him what you did for me."

Helen nodded, "After my second son died. She was still in the hospital so it was bittersweet. We got her that and both of us a 25-year live extension plan. We got those extensions 19 years ago. That knocked us out of the 'Entitled ranking because our holding fell below that mark.

It can be done for several things. Including buying the right to have a second wife if you need one in the future or more. Your father and I considered it but we never found the right woman. Yes, we interviewed to check on that.

While she was still in the crib and nursery stage. We started with a series of nannies and more. He got a couple of them pregnant in the process but that was always the risk. We had not found one before we got the life extensions and we needed to do that first."

Rayne looked shocked, "You brought women into your bed?"

Helen smiled, "34 of them at that time. Some were extremely talented in the bedroom. But they were talented for one of us and never both of us. 11 moved on with children. They would get rewarded for their children. That was hard on us as we had just finished the Sylvia contract 14 years before that. He does not have your staying power but he can get the job done. He never got the scales. From what I heard she enjoyed it that night."

Rayne looked at her mother, "Mother!"

Helen laughed, "You advertised it to half the neighborhood at one point. It had all been rather muffled noises before that."

Jace looked at Helen, "That was when she decided to ride my cock with her ass for almost 3 hours. She thought that was a good idea and I had no complaints."

Rayne punched him in the arm as her mother laughed, "She gets that from me. I enjoy good anal sex with someone who knows what they are doing. In fact, I just enjoy sex. Richard knows what he's doing. We have a silence stone in our room, keeps sounds from leaving the area, but sound still comes in if you have it set to that. Else you can block it out in both directions.

You 2 ever get married you will get one as a wedding gift. The baby monitors still work through one by the way. Another thing you can do is buy a home in one of the more upscale neighborhoods in a gated community.

You have to be careful with that because you fall out of being entitled and they will want you to move. We lived in one for the first 10 years of her life, then we sold our home and had this one built for us. It took them that long to 'force us' to look to relocate. We had the home being built so they had to be patient.

We are over 80% of the way back to being considered entitled again. We are not worried about it. I got my children the second time around. The career military was no place to try and have children for either of us. We attended a few 'officer barracks parties.' That was code for an officer orgy."

Rayne looked, at her mother, "I took part in a couple but we just called it a 'barracks party'.

Jace shook his head, "We were restricted, being in the program, from any outside sexual contact other than what was authorized at the CGR facilities only. Did you both have the birth control implant they used?"

Rayne laughed, "Yea, I forgot the part where it is a suppression device to keep you from releasing eggs while in our 2-year stint. Then it took 3-6 months for it to wear off. When it does it releases several for the first few cycles. You, lucky man, caught me on my first cycle after it wore off, which means they are on hold again during all of this. I will be very pregnant for many years if we keep going."

Jace nodded, "All of yours I will get to know."

Rayne smiled, "All of ours. Before you ask, those parties happened twice during my service; at least that I attended. One was after our co-ed unit was cleared to have sexual relations within the service only. I lost my virginities on that night; my anal to the woman who had the bunk over me.

She had a strap-on and knew next to nothing about doing anal, preparation, and lube. I put the brakes on anyone messing with my ass again until you. I also found I enjoyed the company of women as well so if you want to add a second into our relationship, I am all for exploring the idea. Maybe even a third."

He smiled, "Now would be the time to interview if you were not restricted. That way when one is restricted the other is available for me to fuck the daylights out of."

Helen laughed, "You have no idea how horny she is right now. I had to confiscate her toys from her room. Doctor's orders. She is set for home delivery when it occurs if she goes to 8 months. That means 2 months in bed.

Earlier and she will have to be in the hospital. That is likely for the number she has as she might have to have a c-section. The healing from that is quicker with regeneration shots."

Jace's secure line went off and they ensured they were covered enough and he answered it. He saw the Minister of Defense who looked at him, "We did find a correlation with a group of doctors. Two of whom had the mind control units installed into them as well.

The problem is it reprograms the mind. We would have to use one to reverse the process and we have no idea what they were required to do. Even our telepaths had a hard time getting into their minds.

The augmenters and injectors were all created outside of our State. The King is working restitution from those businesses involved. That is all I can tell you. On a business end, you have to treat them as hostile if you find them."

Jace nodded, "I am going to get Rayne to try and add the detection of those augmenters and injectors into my bio scanning unit. If not her then her employer."

Rayne shook her head, "Former employer. I had not completed a year with them before having to go out on medical. I will look at them closer and see if they can be added on now. I have a workshop in the room next door. My mother knows what to bring over and she is talented in magic too."

The Minister ended the call. Helen came back with a tray of material on one that had extra-long legs to get over her swollen belly. She asked Jace, "Your bio-monitor?"

He pulled one from his bag, "A spare." He got the augmenters and injectors and her mother picked one up.

Helen shook her head, "Magic has a signature. Especially Draconic Magic. These mind control ones were added on top of the ones for the communications. Only dragons could create them and in numbers, but I am seeing two different draconic signatures. Two different species I have not worked with from what I can tell.

I have only worked with gold enchanters and a visiting Silver enchanter once who showed off their wares to the military brass. We were allowed to examine the work. They knew we could not do it as it was draconic magic but it was a matter of draconic pride if you will. Allowed them to flaunt their talent.

The injectors could be made from any factory anywhere in the world. By themselves, they could be used to pacify a hostile population. Make them more docile. Just about any Royal Family would potentially look at that research.

As would many entitled races and some entitled individuals if that was their 'area of expertise.' Not Sylvia, she focused on genetics and people manipulation when we had to deal with her."

Jace received a message from an unknown source. He looked at it and it was the specification for the 950 processors in field trials now. They made several areas of improvement. Including a thinner rail cage to add in an extra augmentation slot. He looked at the cost, without trade-in and it was 25,000 DC's installed.

He looked at the signature on the message and nodded, "Someone I knew from CGR, He did all of my processor upgrades. I went through 5 of them. Two were because of mission damage. He does work on the side and has 'entitled lines' if you will.

He has a line with the local manufactures for those in the entitled community he works with. All of my existing augmenters would work in this one. He could do it on an outpatient basis and he is a licensed doctor. One of the few I trust, to a point. He could tell me about my leg and any injector or augment crystals they might have available that I have missed hearing about.

If I did this, I would want your mother along. She can validate all of the crystals and injectors before they install them. I'd want her scrubbed in if you would. Some blood but this should slide into the carriage the whole unit sits in. While I am out of work would be the time to do it."

Jace contacted the number. She looked up at the screen and smiled, "Well if it not our latest entitled resident. Dr. Bowman said you might call."

Jace nodded, "I would like to get a complete list of injectors and augmenters he is offering. I also want my own wizard checking all augmenters and crystals before they go in. Tomorrow afternoon at the Marshals office.

The Marshal's Doctor needs to do an evaluation and tell me what to expect and when I can start rehabbing on my leg on my own. They might have to remove several hundred pieces of shrapnel from inside my body while I am there as well."

She sent him 2 files and he highlighted 3 augmenters he wanted; one was almost straight up tech. With that, he could drop the sat phone and bring up an encrypted line over an existing connection and encrypt both with military-grade encryption restricted to military Spec-Ops and law enforcement. The doctor's sales lady looked, "You do not want the latest in bio-monitors?"

Jace sighed, "I am having one upgraded to pick up a series of injectors and augmenters I came across in the field. I am not at liberty to discuss them but your bio-monitor likely does not cover them and it is not upgradeable. They are listed as sealed.

I do not need a personal monitor for my own heart rate and blood pressure to be displayed constantly. I am not a doctor so being able to scan for diseases and cancer screening seems overkill. It might have limited use at a field office. I could swap them around.

Alright, add one of those on the list. Let him know that his manufacturer needs to keep an item upgradeable for those in law enforcement and not lock us out. We might want to add in functionality to search for explosives or drug screening."

She held up a finger. She came back a moment later, "I contacted the manufacturer without giving your name though they could guess who would be asking for one for law enforcement.

They can release an unlocked one to you so your wizard can add the additional items, to let you screen for them. I mentioned drug screening and they have a newer unit just coming out that can do that as well 7,000 DC's more for that one on the same bio-monitor which is 8,000 DC's without that added mod."

Jace sighed, "Do it. 15,000 DC's for a crystal is steep. Working in the wilds I want to know what someone might be hopped up on performance enhancers to ego enhancers."

She laughed, "Ego enhancers?"

Jace sighed out, "Drugs do not enhance performance but make them have delusional of invincibility. They feel no pain regardless of injury or just puts them on a trip, they feel like a 10-meter tall juggernaut instead of a field mouse. Those who just need serious medical help and not necessarily a bullet in the head."

The lady laughed, "Will you be wanting to trade anything in?"

Jace nodded his head, "Yes, I might as well trade in the 910 processor I have; it will mount into the structure. Tell him to make sure to match my eye color."

She smiled, "That is 67,000DC's for what you have listed. He is off from his other job; I am not allowed to say where even though he said you know where. He will see you tomorrow. He will meet you there at 1 in the afternoon."

Helen nodded, "I will take us and Richard can watch over her for a change. A little father-daughter time." Jace ended the call.

Helen took the dishes out as they had finished eating. Jace put his head on the pillow and looked over at Rayne, "I will slide down a bit so my leg is not on your abdomen at all and wrap an arm around you. Sleeping with someone on bed rest is new to me."

Rayne laughed, "That makes 2 of us." She moved over and laid her head on his arm and chest, "This works."

He laughed and they went to sleep that way while he held her breast tenderly.


Jace was up 6 hours later as his heightened sense of hearing picked up the sounds. He grabbed his gun and moved out. He could hear them on the steps, At least 3 of them. The lights were out as power to the home had been cut. He crawled to the door and cracked it.

Just enough to see 3 in black garb with infrared goggles in place. He shut his infra-red off and he had a magical flare go off above them. They turned and pulled goggles as it burned their eyes. He held onto the door frame as he was on one knee to steady himself. He shot through the arm of the frontman and then through the second one's chest. Before doing a center mass shot into the stomach of the first one.

Jace went prone and crawled forward as they fell down the stairs into a heap upon the landing. He switched to the laser at that point as they both went down the steps in that heap upon the third person. He knew Richard would have heard the Judge as would any neighbors. He put them all in a telekinetic wall as the bottom that prevented them from standing or moving away. He heard 2 more shots from a marshal service revolver and a burst of machine-gun fire.

Jace contacted the Marshal's Office. He got an operator and spoke to her, "Officer in need of assistance, Commander, Marshal Cooper's home. An unknown number of assailants. Three are detained in need of medical and backup. This is Captain, Marshal Jace Rivers, Badge number 84937, Alert the Director and get us some support."

The operator responded, "We are dispatching marshal's and local law enforcement to his home now."

Jace called down, "Richard, Helen?" He heard back, "We are alive. I took a couple of shots. Your gun gave me enough warning to get my armor on. Helen rolled to the other side of the bed and snapped one guy's neck with magic. He had a machine gun."

Jace sighed, "I called it in. I got three trapped on the stairs in a force shield. At least two wounded. I am picking up three of those 5,000 Ki units. One almost full, the other two lost a few hundred points. Those Ki units are in the right leg. If those guys have them then shoot them in the right thigh unless you got them gift-wrapped."

Coop laughed, "I got 2 down here working on healing from the damage. They are cuffed. I will grab my badge and the door before the locals kick the door down. Helen is pulling Ki units from both legs. My old processor picked up the fact they had some technology."

They heard gunfire outside and a crash. Coop commented, "Sounds like they found the sixth man in this assault team."

A couple of minutes later Jace heard Richard talking at the door. Jace released the shield as he slammed a telekinetic fist into the ones on the floor. Jace got back on one knee as Rayne put his necklace on. Jace summoned his armor up as they looked at the three of them smashed into the wreckage of what had been the stair landing, all of them were out cold.

He slid down and disarmed them. He then pulled off masks. "He looked at one man and cut out the units from both legs on all three of them. Then he put another round into the chest of the third guy, followed by two more. He registered dead.

Coop came over, "What happened?"

Jace looked over to the screen and sighed, "they cut power." He threw up his holoprojector with the warrants on that one. "200,000 DC bounty Yang Province. Dead."

He then threw up another 45 wanted posters for that one man, "Totals out to 1,275,000DC's by killing just him. He was wanted by that City-States province dead. You know that is an attack on a Royal family when you see a death warrant. The other 2 are small-time, bring your 2 over and we will run them one-by-one."

He threw up warrants on all of them from over 30 provinces each. Jace sighed, "This was a major hit squad. Someone wanted me dead or captured. Likely to capture or an underground bounty. They could have just RPG'ed the house to kill me. To send 6 into a house occupied by 2 marshals. We got these 5 to the toon of 2,495,000 DC's. I say we split the bounties on them."

Richard chuckled, "Alright by me."

Jace looked over, "Strip them down, I pulled those Ki units, Right and left legs. Need to do any augmenters. Two of them have 910 cybernetic units. I get a scalpel; those will slide right out with the augmenters." Rayne tossed down just his medical kit.

Jace looked up, "Bed rest, remember?"

Rayne nodded and got back into bed. He looked at those two, "You can eject those eyes, or I will cut out the whole unit to get to the augmentation crystals."

They looked at each other as he moved to the first one with the scalpel and he ejected the unit. He pulled it open and yanked out the augmenter tray and shoved it back in none too gently. He did the next one and he stood defiant until Jace started cutting. Then the asshole ejected the eye. He pulled those augmenters. He pulled all of the Ki cells from the 5 they captured.

Jace handed the augmenters off, "Check for those new augmenters. The one Jace killed he pulled the entire 930 unit he had installed from his head then the crystals out of it. He had the 6 ki units from these 3. He then worked the other 2 that Helen led out. She carried their Ki units. They had 54 cred chits on them all full and a few partially used. All at 25,000DC value.

Jace sighed, "These guys were bankrolled."

He handed one unit to Helen, "I am curious about this one."

Helen looked at it, "They all just had that uplink crystal; without the mind control function. He cut open the chests and pulled their augmentation units. He handed those over to her. Helen shook her head, "Only new items were those comm crystals.

Jace looked at the marshals who stood there shocked, "Take them away now. We want receipts for the warrants signed over to both Marshals Richard Cooper and Marshal Jace Rivers.

He collected up the cred chips and handed the partial units over to Helen, "Consider that payment for renting us out a room and bringing this kind of problem into your home. 93,000DC's in those 4 chips."

She laughed, "You could buy a home for that."

Jace nodded, "I will and you might need a new one as well. The bounty money should put you into the entitled ranks again. The man I shot was 1 of 4 suspects I had pegged for Avalon wilds activity. The number 2 in value on my list. He should not have tried this; that smacked of desperation."
