Just an Average Romance


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She didn't even realize that she had verbalized it out loud. Luke smiled at her and then insinuated his forefinger into her panties and felt her gloriously warm and wet pussy for the first time. Of course, for him, this was old hat. He had been with many girls and a couple of adult women so this was just different.

She gasped at the first contact of someone, other than herself, stroking her bare flesh. Her pubic hair was sparse enough that she had never considered shaving so he had no barrier to work through. His index finger was soon rubbing her erect little "man in the boat." Stacey orgasmed almost immediately and had to grab his hand before he could make her sore. "Please stop for a minute. That was too intense and I have to catch my breath."

Luke knew that he was close to the prize so he relented and just held his finger on the tip of her clit and slowly moved it around while he sucked on her neck and gave her shudders of pleasure from that different erogenous zone. He gave her a new hickey to show her friends. He hoped to have the chance to put one closer to her vagina before the night was over. That would surprise her friends in the locker room. He almost chuckled at the thought.

Soon she was ready again and his fingering became more vigorous after soaking his digit in her pussy secretions first. Lubrication was paramount in this form of manual sex. She was starting to pant and wiggle her hips with the stimulation. Luke continued to whisper little comments in her ear. The warm breath alone was a stimulus. The words of how he wanted her to feel so good and how he wanted to be her main man and how wet her pussy was and how heavenly he thought her breasts were just added to the sensation.

This time as she climbed toward that peak and was ready to fly off the cliff of pleasure he worked slower at times to build her intensity and her need. When she started to complain a little about how she needed orgasm or quit for the night Luke felt it was the right time. Her bodice was down and her full skirt was up as she lay back on the soft leather seat. Her virginal pussy was open and wet from her orgasm and his expert manipulation. By the time she realized what Luke was up to his cock head was getting wet as he rubbed her lips and nubbin. As she regained her equilibrium and was in the process of stopping him he suddenly lunged forward and impaled her tight virgin pussy on the first stroke.

She cried out at the sudden intrusion and the loss of her hymen but the pain quickly disappeared and Luke made sure to pound his pubic bone against her clit on the in strokes and then wriggle his pelvis against hers before pulling back and then impaling her again. She shook with the sensation of his fucking and the ferocity of his hammering thrusts. It was just starting to feel good when he froze with his cock buried as deep as he could and then he shuddered and groaned as he let forth his semen into her raw gash.

He then pulled out leaving a string of semen from the end of his cock to her vagina. He collapsed back as Stacey tried to figure out what she was supposed to do now. She was still sexually excited but frustrated at the same time. This was followed by a mental picture of how wanton she must look with her tits on display and her pussy wide open and semen starting to leach out while her dress was up over her head. She closed her legs and pulled the skirt of her dress down. She was horrified at what had occurred. She was not ready to go all the way with any boy, not even someone she thought she was in love with.

Luke looked over at his latest conquest and gave her a satisfied smirk. "Hey, Baby, wasn't that the greatest thing ever? You are a fine fuck. It has been worth the wait but now we can fuck all the time."

Stacey couldn't believe what she was hearing. Luke had gone from whispering sweet loving comments into her ears as she was getting turned on by him to this crass kid who just wanted to fuck. Her mood changed quickly.

She sat up and tried to cover her bare breasts. Sex was now the furthest thing from her mind. "Take me home now, Luke. I need to get there as soon as possible."

Luke tried to comfort her but his comments on how they could fuck all the time wasn't setting well with the newly deflowered former virgin.

Stacey got the top of her dress is some semblance of order and then rapped on the partition. When it came down she told the driver to take her to her home and gave him her address. Luke shrugged his shoulders at the glance he got from the driver. He would humor her tonight. After all, he got to plant his sperm deep in her pussy while the newly used muscles fluttered around his shaft. She would remember this for the rest of her life. He would talk her into a repeat session soon.

Chapter Three

Stacey was able to slip into her parents' house without being spotted as they were under the impression that she was going to attend the sponsored all night post-prom party and would not be home until daybreak. She threw the gown into the trash can and hoped her mother wouldn't take too close a look at it as it was stained and seams were strained in spots. She then took a long shower to wash herself clean and used the handheld sprayer to give herself an impromptu douche to clean out any remaining semen. Her panties were quickly hand washed in the shower also and put in a hamper immediately wrapped in a towel to dry somewhat. Stacey did her own laundry so she figured her mother wouldn't see the offending intimate garment.

Stacey then was able to sleep due to exhaustion, just like every other person who attended the Saturday night extravaganza. She didn't sleep due to being sexually sated. An orgasm was the last thing she wanted at the end of this weekend. When she woke it was late afternoon and she needed to get up and do some studying before classes on Monday.

Of course her mother, Rachel, wanted to know everything about the prom. She fondly remembered her own prom many years before when she had shined as the prom queen and her boyfriend, now her husband Richard, was crowned prom king next to her. She remembered the post prom parties also and also the room they had shared at a local motel where the couple had worked to perfect their lovemaking skills. They had given each other their respective virginities months before and this night of nights was the first time they got to sleep together in a real bed. Richard had asked her to marry him that night even though they did not get married until after college.

Stacey didn't know about everything that her parents did on their prom night but was able to tell her mother about the gowns, the fantastic banquet, the dancing, and of course about some of the antics that went on. Some of the kids had arrived quite drunk and were barred from entering. The boys that were guilty but their dates were not would not find life very fun in the next few weeks as a many couples split because the girls were allowed in and then went stag while their juvenile boyfriends sat out in the parking lot and got drunker thinking about how they had been planning on getting lucky until they failed the sobriety test.

Even the girls who were looking forward to a night of romance with the promise of making love to their soul mates were now despondent. Their plans were ruined because their boyfriends had to drink that night of all nights. Why couldn't they wait until graduation to get shit faced? Nobody looked forward to fucking on graduation night.

They had a good laugh about how immature some boys were and how some girls just wanted the limelight. Stacey didn't talk much about Luke and what they had done in particular. She also didn't let her mom know when she got home. She let everyone assume she had been at the post prom party all night.

She slept better Sunday night and was ready to head to school on Monday a little earlier than usual. Luke usually picked her up but she decided to walk to a friend's and get a ride from there. It was a good thing. When she got to school she found that Luke had already moved on. He was chatting up a freshman in his attempt to score at least one more notch on his bedpost before graduation.

Stacey wasn't too upset except for the rumors the Luke started about how she was a frigid bitch and a lousy fuck. She kept her head high and her friends close for the next week until a new juicy tidbit of gossip got everyone's attention.

Just prior to graduation Luke tried to get Stacey to repeat their prom date. He chatted her up after deflowering the freshman and found her to be lacking. He knew that Stacey would ultimately be a better sex partner with more experience and he was intent on helping her acquire the necessary experience. He was soon disabused of his notion of a repeat when Stacey very publicly dressed him down and then left him with aching nuts when she kneed him violently. Everyone in the hallway had a good laugh at his expense.

Chapter Four

Stacey had an uneventful summer post high school graduation. She helped as a counter person assisting customers in her father's tire and auto repair main building and occasionally ran parts to the other stores in his chain. She was always a happy person who tried her best at her job but she also was mature enough to realize that her job was at best redundant and only existed because she was the boss's daughter. Stacey wasn't really spoiled. She showed up for work on time and helped out with any task that needed done but she was privileged and knew it. She always had a car to drive, titled in her name of course, but paid for by daddy. She always had cash to spend and a credit card that she didn't have to pay off.

She could knock off work early on occasion to go to some function with her girlfriends. She dated rarely and never really clicked with any boy again. Luke had made her distrust most boys. She was willing to date someone older but he would have to be more mature. Since she was going to the local university she assumed she would meet a more mature individual there and so was in no hurry to date.

When classes started in the fall she was in for a new educational experience. She thought she knew the campus well as it was located in her hometown but soon realized it was almost like a foreign country. There was this sudden mix of people that included students, faculty, and even staff that were a very diverse population from around the world. Her first day in line to sign up for classes and find schoolbooks made her swivel her head from side to side to try and catch all of the languages, dialects, slang expressions, modes of dress, skin colors and types of people she would be attending school with.

There were a few of her high school friends there but they were taking different classes and she soon found that they were building new relationships and didn't have as much time for hanging out as when they were in high school. She also decided that she might try to continue her clarinet but carving out that time was very hard to do. Only the music majors seemed to have the time to actually practice and perform. She had quickly decided that the color guard practice times were during required class time so that extracurricular activity was out.

Her chosen field of study, Marketing, was one that she felt her dad could use to enhance the family business. The tire and auto repair shops were incorporated but only as a family corporation. As an only child Stacey felt that she would have to learn whatever she could so she could help the business grow. Daddy, Thomas Jenkins, would teach her how to run the business his way when it was time but she knew that he was weak on marketing the business to get the maximum return on his advertising dollar.

The classes were interesting and she had to study but, still, she didn't have to study all of the time. As mentioned before she could still help out at the stores to make a little spending money but she didn't have to worry about tuition, books, and living expenses. She had even opted to live in the dorms instead of commuting from home each day. During Rush Week she did finally decide to join a sorority. Her extra hours would then be spent helping there. She made it through the hazing process, one that wasn't nearly as arduous as when her mother had pledged to the same sorority many years before.

When they compared notes about the initiation process Rachel was glad that Stacey didn't have to do as many subservient tasks as she had been made to do when she rushed a sorority in college. Rachel withheld the most nasty memories from her daughter as she was not proud of how she had to debase herself to make it into the sorority. Most of those types of activities were now illegal and the sorority members knew better than to abuse pledges that much any more.

Stacey went on occasional dates in college. Their partner fraternity and the sorority held various events that required dates so each girl worked to get a fraternity brother or a different classman to take to the said event. There were many dances and concerts sponsored by the Student Affairs Council that got the boys to ask young women to attend with. All of those were platonic. There were also the study times that turned into pizza fests where a group would order a bunch of pizzas for a break and then some people would pair off when eating and just hang out together. All in all Stacey was a busy person her freshman year and not ready for any entanglements.

At the beginning of her sophomore year she met Thadeus. She wasn't one to swoon over meeting the star quarterback and that was what attracted him to her. At a fraternity get together he saw her across the room and she didn't seem to notice the crowd of women trying to get close to him. Thad always thought it a little hilarious how crazy some women would get when trying to get a man's attention. At a party, if he was stag, there could always be a fight between a couple of girls who had decided that he was the one for them. Some fights actually became physical and he soon learned to stay away from the fingernails and sharp teeth when trying to separate them.

Thad was another young man who was privileged. His athletic abilities had made life easier for him since junior high school. Once he made the starting lineup of any team his friends, classmates and even teachers seemed to go out of their way to assist him with homework, studying, and even test taking. Now that he was in college the work was a little harder and more of the instructors were immune to his popularity but, with Communications his major, life wasn't all that hard. Even away games weren't detrimental to his studies since the internet allowed the college to make classes available for all of the student athletes.

The change from high school to college sports was a shock. Where, in high school, he participated in multiple sports over the year, he found college athletics, even in this smaller university, to be very focused on a single sport per player. He might still swing a bat in an intramural ball game or run with the track team to maintain his conditioning but he still went to team meetings and was coached year round in football. This was more like a real job, not a pastime. After chaffing on the sidelines his freshman year he was chosen as the starting quarterback his sophomore year. He was being coached and advised on how to stand, throw, look for open receivers, run if necessary, and how to read the defense. There were new plays every week. Game films were studied so that the maximum knowledge could be gleaned about opposition players. He had played on the scout team his freshman year so he had to play like the opposition team against the varsity team. That was a bruising eye opener.

But, still, he was a big man on campus. Where ever he went he was recognized and lauded. He expected to be noticed and when a person, particularly a coed, didn't seem to be impressed then something was wrong and had to be corrected. Stacey was one of those wrongs.

He left the group and approached Stacey. He didn't even know her name so, instead of making some arcane remark, he just asked her for her name. He introduced himself and then started the conversation by asking her major and other nice to know information. Soon the two were chatting much to the chagrin of the other coeds who wanted a piece of the quarterback.

This beginning led to dates and Thad was experienced enough to let her take the lead on how quickly they progressed. Besides, if he needed to get some sexual relief, there were many coeds waiting for his booty call. He didn't go without relief very long.

Their relationship progressed from simple movie nights to going to an underage bar since neither was of age to drink. His NCAA rating also needed to be considered at all times. He had a part time job that provided some spending money. He had a full ride scholarship so he didn't have to worry about housing, tuition and books. Even his fraternity fees were paid through a separate scholarship. He just needed some cash for dating and clothes.

Coincidently his part-time job was in the store that Mark also worked at. The store made it a point to hire staff that could show off its clothing lines the best so only in shape and average sized people were employed. Thad only wanted to be a salesperson as it got him some exposure to the public. He didn't feel the need to explore the entire company as Mark did.

Thad was 6 foot 1 inch tall, a good height for a quarterback. He was also right around 200 lbs in weight and muscular enough to handle tackles by 300 lb linemen. His blonde hair and piercing blue eyes made him a poster boy for college athletics. His picture and image had been used many times by the NCAA in their advertising campaigns. He had also been featured in various sports magazines as an up and comer. He was going places in everyone's mind.

Stacey didn't care about Thad's image. She was intrigued that he didn't seem to be too caught up in the hype. He would nonchalantly talk about endorsements and various interviews as though they didn't really mean much to him. Of course, he couldn't profit from any endorsements yet but he was already well versed in how the public relations world worked. He had an agent, not paid yet of course, that was keeping him grounded and within NCAA rules. He intended to sign with him as soon as he graduated even though it was a few years down the road.

Stacey and Thad had a good relationship. They would go out and Stacey insisted on paying for the meal half of the time. It didn't violate NCAA rules and didn't hardly dent her allowance from her parents and let them go out twice as often. They could walk around the campus on nice nights, catch a movie in the dormitory lounge, find a game of some kind on TV, play some video games (Stacey was good at that so Thad was challenged all of the time), or just find a quiet place and neck for a while.

Thad was mature enough that he didn't need to mark his territory on Stacey like a high school punk would do. Any hickeys he might bestow would be unnoticeable while clothed. With the clothing choices of some of his dates placement was a little difficult. He liked to suck a nice round one near his date's pussy or right on the cheek of her ass when he could. Most of the girls liked that but Stacey was different. She had gone through the whole experience with Luke and did not look forward to any repeat activity like that. She liked when Thad nibbled on her neck. It actually made her shiver when someone kissed her neck and ears. Nibbling was even more stimulating. Sucking a hickey was just painful after a few moments.

Chapter Five

Their relationship progressed, albeit slowly according to Thad, to a physical relationship. Stacey did not want a repeat of Luke where she was just a notch on the bedpost of a stud. Thad and she continued to go on dates and progressed from a simple goodnight kiss to necking on a couch while watching a movie to slowly undressing each other and exploring each other's body.
