Just Another Cliché?

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My wife brings home her boss to meet me.
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Just another cliché?


Writers note: Short story incoming, a small amount of background, no real plot, just a scene, but there is a conclusion.

The usual disclaimers: You want a willing cuck story? Stop reading you won't find one here, you want a fuck fest where a slut wife gets gang fucked by multiple people? Stop reading you won't find it here. If you want to read about a couple dealing with a situation that has developed, then read on.


The Present:

I am sitting in my recliner reading a short story, just to pass the time, the story was about how a couple opened up their marriage, it was opened up at the insistence of the wife, when the husband objected, she told him he could fuck other women, but she would choose the women, at the start of story they were happily married and faithful to each other, and on the outside to friends and family they did seem happy, however, if you read between the lines of the story it became obvious the husband lost out, as soon as the previously faithful wife became a slut wife, for everyone except her husband.

Yes he fucked other women, but she fucked far more people than him and by the end of the story she ended up leaving him because he couldn't satisfy her anymore.

It was a sad story and to be honest, I was sorry I read the story, so I voted accordingly on the story and told the writer my honest opinion of the story, I wasn't too harsh but other comments were definitely harsher, but the strangest comments were from the people supporting the wife.

The readers in favour of the story argued she was entitled to fuck anything that moved while not having sex with her husband, but hey its not my story and its not my fantasy to watch my wife get fucked by multiple people, but it seems it is some men's idea of a dream or fantasy, personally I see it as a nightmare and my wife definitely agrees with me.

So, this brings me to why I'm sitting here, waiting for my wife, Mrs Luisa Smith, to bring her boss home to meet me. A little background about Mrs Luisa Smith and Myself.


Mr and Mrs Smith:

My wife is a highly trained PA and works for a medical company. I work for a car parts company, I am a senior warehouse operative, basically I help run the warehouse of 300 people I'm not management, but I am well respected and very good at my job.

My wife Luisa and I are both 45 years old but we could easily pass for much younger, we go to the gym regularly and we work out together, we have been married 20 years, we don't have any children, it was a mutual choice.

My wife is Mexican, and very beautiful imagine Arianna Grande but a bit taller and slightly more curves. The long black hair, the Latin American features and the Latin American temper and that is my wife.

Me? Well my job is very labour intensive and it keeps me fit and strong, I lost my hair 15 years ago, Luisa now shaves my head for me every two weeks, in my opinion there is nothing worse than seeing men cling to their hair, seeing a man with a comb over or a failed hair transplant or worse still a wig is just very sad.

Anyway the point is my wife loves my ex-Goth/biker look, yes I wear black clothes every day, yes I have a leather jacket and trousers, and yes occasionally I grow a goatee, I am medium height but I am broad shouldered and I am strong.

My family and my wife's family are fairly conservative and the way I dress does cause some raised eyebrows. But the most important person in the world to me is my wife, and over the years Luisa has proved many times over she loves me and is devoted to me, just as I am devoted to her.

Many times we have been out on dates or on holiday or wherever we are, men do try there luck, but being the polite friendly person she is, she always declines any invitations to dance or accept a drink from strange men with a smile, but she won't take any nonsense, no is definitely no, not maybe, and I am scary enough to make most men back off.

Oh and Luisa does dress in leathers at the weekend, but only at the weekend, her dress code for work is smart casual, and that is exactly how she dresses, she often tells me about the younger women wearing short skirts or almost see-through blouses to attract the men at work, but as I said she is not interested, she is the ultimate professional, work is work and her personal life is our business.

Two weeks ago a new CEO was appointed, and Luisa now works for him, the first day Luisa told me who he was and he seemed to accept she was married and good at her job.

There is one potential problem, her new boss is an ex boyfriend from years ago, well before we were a couple, Luisa told me in the first week there was no talk of their shared past or what they once had, but that changed.

His name is Dexter Wilson and, according to Luisa he is medium height a little podgy and with receding hair, he is obviously a wealthy man he drives a Mercedes SLK, an AMG custom.

He is twice divorced with two children from each marriage, he is the same age as we are. Luisa has told me all about him and how he treated her, they were in a relationship for a year when she found out he was cheating on her with four different women, and with a little recent digging its obvious his most recent ex wife left him because he cheated on her as well, he really is a serial cheater and he obviously can not control himself.

In England we have a saying about some men like this, they have "The gift of the gab." Meaning they say all the right things to anyone he talks to, and impresses them and sweet talks people, but women in particular. He is apparently very charming. This lead to a problem my wife told me about during the second week of him being there.


So on the Friday of the second week Luisa came home spitting fire as soon as she came through the door. Obviously I asked what the problem was.

"Him, that's the problem, you know he is going around telling people at work I regretted leaving him, he told my best friend Jenny, he will fuck me soon."

"I hope you told HR about this?" I said in a neutral tone.

"Yes, Gary of course I did, but they said they will investigate, and it might take a few weeks to it sort out." She said angrily.

I stood up and hugged my wife, after a few seconds she hugged me back. When she calmed down we both had a coffee and relaxed, and shortly afterwards we went upstairs to bed, I thought just to hug, well one thing I did not expect was Luisa pouncing on me, basically she threw me on the bed, stripped off my jeans and underwear and sucked my cock, then when it was rock hard she undressed me and rode my cock to two orgasms for both of us. As she came down from her orgasms she relaxed.

She rested her head on my chest and sighed happily, "Sorry Gary, I needed that, I am so angry with that arsehole. I either had to have wild sex with you to get over my anger or kill him."

I laughed, "Well I'm glad you fucked me first, anyway I'm not complaining, you were definitely going at it. So, what are you going to do about the arsehole?"

"Apart from strangle him and cut his balls off, I'm not sure." Luisa said softly, she was definitely less angry after the release of tension and stress.

We both fell asleep that night, and in the morning Luisa got dressed for work in a business suit that looked good on her, to me she always looked beautiful and very professional.

While we had breakfast she looked at me, "Gary, how would you like to talk to my ex boyfriend? Maybe explain a few things to him?"

"Well, I have never met him, so it might be interesting to meet him, why don't you bring him to the house, he and I can have a civilised talk about him harassing a married woman."

Luisa leapt up and hugged me, "Gary, I love you so much, I will tell him my psycho husband wants to talk to him, I might embellish your reputation a bit, but it might be fun if he thinks you are in a biker gang, so when I bring him home dress in your leathers, I will also dress up, and between us we can convince him to leave me alone."

So that is exactly what we were going to do, except I wanted to expand the plan slightly.


So here I am dressed in my leathers sitting in my recliner chair waiting for my wife to arrive home with her boss in tow.

I was sipping my pint of Cider, it was refreshing, I looked around the living room at the other ten couples also dressed in leathers, we all raised our glasses in salute.

The CD was playing AC/DC Highway to Hell at a very loud level, but its okay our next door neighbours, Susan and Darren were joining in with the party, obviously there was food on the table, and of course more beer and cider, everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves.

While I was at work I mentioned to a couple of the Eastern European staff if they wanted to have a bit of fun dressing up and having a house party at my house, eight male colleagues said they would enjoy having a party and also they would bring their wives and girlfriends with them, and two lesbian couples said they wanted to join the party.

So, almost all the Eastern European men are big stocky well built and mean looking men, and at first glance seeing all of us in our leathers and the women also in leathers it might be a bit intimidating, well that's the idea, and yes even their wives and girlfriends look a bit intimidating in the outfits.

In the morning Luisa for once dressed very sexily for work, she wore a short leather mini skirt and a leather waist coat that showed off lots of cleavage, she also wore knee high leather boots with a six inch heel, I took full advantage of her dressed like this, and suffice to say Luisa went off to work with a very sore vagina and arse, but she loved it.

And on purpose she left some of my cum inside her so her boss could smell me on her, also she asked me to gently leave bite marks on her chest and neck, basically telling her boss I had marked her as mine.

At midday I messaged Luisa asking her if she had convinced her boss to come home to meet me, she replied they were on their way, they will be there in five minutes.

She also said he couldn't keep his eyes off her body all day, when he first saw her at work he was practically drooling, and a couple of times he got really close to her, but she reminded him she wouldn't allow him to do anything until he spoke to me and asked for my consent.

Apparently most of the day he was a mixture of excitement and disappointment, it seems he wasn't accustomed to being told no and made to wait by a woman he was after.

The party was in full swing with the CD now playing Metallica, the Black Album, as the first cords of Enter Sandman started, Peter, one of the single men from work, was looking out the window and saw my wife's car draw up followed by a Silver Mercedes.

"Gary, they are here." he said loudly as he walked over to me.

I stood up and two of the biggest men at the warehouse, George and Felix, two brothers, who were both at least 6ft 3inches tall and both very broad shouldered stood up with me, they both walked behind me as we walked towards the front door.

Just as I got to the door my wife opened the door, she saw me and smiled then said to the men behind me, "George, Felix, good to see you again, don't go away Gary might need you in a few minutes, don't forget to growl at my boss."

"Don't worry Luisa, we have Gary's back. Its good to see you again too, anytime you want to leave Gary for a real man, let me know." Felix said looking at me and grinning broadly.

Luisa hugged me and kissed me deeply with lots of tongue, she turned to Felix, "Felix, you have no hope, you have no idea how to treat a woman, there is a reason you and your brother are both single." She said laughing at his mock hurt expression.

Just then Dexter walked up the driveway and stood uncertainly on the doorstep.

Luisa turned towards him and her smile dropped, "Dexter, this is my husband, Gary, this is Dexter, apparently he wants your blessing to take me out on a date and he has made it clear he wants to fuck me."

Felix and George looked at this podgy, almost bald headed man and laughed, George said, "Trust me Dexter, you have a snowballs chance in hell of getting Gary's approval. Why don't you just turn around and go fuck a whore."

Dexter did something I would never expect from a rational sane man, he told me in front of witnesses what he wanted to do to my wife.

He drew himself up to his full height and puffed out his chest, "Gary, I am not asking you for your approval, I am going to take your wife out to an expensive restaurant, I am going to buy her the best meal she ever had, I will then take her to a very expensive hotel, I will take her to a room and then...."

He hit the floor like a sack of potatoes. I was stood over him about to hit him again, but Luisa laughing said, "Gary my love, that punch was good enough, I think he got the message."

She reached up and put her arms around me, "Thank you, I have wanted to do that for a week, but he is my boss, and well it would probably be frowned upon if I did that, but in this case you were defending my honour."

I turned to Felix and George, "Lads, do me favour, get rid of him, find the seediest most disgusting part of town and dump his car in the middle of it, and don't forget to leave the car unlocked as he sleeps off the tap I gave him."

"Don't worry Gary, we know some very dodgy people in a certain part of town." Felix said grinning.

Various people from the house came out to see the incident. They saw Felix and George manhandle Dexter into his car. Felix drove Dexter's car and George followed in his car. Luisa kissed me again and said she was going upstairs to change into something more casual, if that was possible.

We all went back into the living room and everyone carried on with the party. Ten minutes later Luisa came into the living room wearing a cropped leather vest and a mini skirt and knee high boots, she walked through the crowd of dancers and headed towards me I was sitting in my chair drinking another pint of Cider while staring at the sexiest woman I knew or will ever know.

The guests all stopped and stood smiling as Luisa set my drink down took my hand helped me stand and curled her body around me, she then kissed me with passion, we ignored the claps and cheering from our guests.

Someone had changed the CD to a rock ballad CD, Bon Jovi's song, "In my arms tonight." started playing. We danced and swayed to the music and other couples joined in. The party was fun a good time was had by everyone, several couple's ended up having sex in various parts of the house, but this was not a swinging party, all the couple's stayed as couples, and the house was big enough that everyone found a private space to have sex, even if it meant having sex in the garden.

The night ended with everyone going home at 3am, everyone was very happy and the various couples all agreed to keep in touch.

Our neighbours were the last to leave they promised the next costume party would be at their house.

That night Luisa and I fucked and made love all night, by the morning we were both exhausted. I was awakened by a knocking on our door, I got up leaving my naked wife fast asleep under the duvet.

I put some tracksuit trousers and a t-shirt on and went downstairs. I opened the door and saw Felix and George standing on the doorstep with huge grins on their faces.

Felix gave me a newspaper, on the front page was a photo of Dexter lying naked on a bed in an obviously very seedy looking bedroom, his modesty was protected by a piece of plastic, which looked remarkably like a cock cage.

The caption beneath the photo read, "Local business man, Dexter Wilson was found this morning in the company of several male and female prostitutes who work in a part of our town, that apparently is a "Red light district" His car, a Mercedes SLK AMG model was found outside a hotel known to be a brothel, his car was found on blocks of concrete with anything of value taken out of it."

Felix and George had huge smiles on their faces, "Gary, don't worry he wasn't harmed and anything that was done to him was with his consent, well mostly with his consent, anyway we just wanted you to know he won't be bothering your wife anymore, apparently he is looking for another job."

At that point, Luisa came downstairs dressed in one of my t-shirts and a pair of my boxer shorts.

Felix and George looked at each other then looked at me and both had huge grins on their faces.

"Lads, the lady is definitely off the menu, you can look and speculate all you want but you will never get near her, remember, I'm a psycho and a very jealous husband, I could snap at anytime." I said sternly as Luisa put her arms around me.

Felix and George backed away with their hands outstretched, Felix spoke first, "Gary, sorry my friend no offence was intended, and don't worry, you are like our brother, we would never hurt you or your wife, we are just messing with you, besides, last night George and I met two wonderful ladies, and well we have a date with them tonight."

Luisa laughed and said, "Good luck to you and to them, treat them carefully and don't forget to pay them once you leave the hotel."

I gave her the newspaper and she laughed even harder, "George, Felix, thank you for this it couldn't have happened to a nicer person, that explains the text from work, apparently there will be a new CEO starting Monday, a woman, apparently, Dexter called in saying he had second thoughts about the job and gave his resignation, the board obviously saw the story as this one, and well they are going to make his life very difficult."

Luisa stepped around me and kissed the two brothers each on the cheek, then turned and went inside, as she walked up the stairs she turned around and said, "Gary, I need my back scrubbed in the shower."

She carried on walking, I turned to the brothers shook hands with them and said, "Sometimes a man has to do what a man has to do, see you both at work, enjoy your night out."

Felix gave me a USB stick, "Gary, there is some very incriminating footage on this stick, its up to you, but if you really want to make the arseholes life a misery, then post the footage on a porn site, these days no one cares who posts them. Anyway, go enjoy your shower you lucky bastard."

He put his hand on my shoulder and pushed me into the house. I shut the door and was up the stairs and naked in record time, Luisa was just getting into the shower, I stood looking her beautiful body for a moment then joined her.

Life is good I am married to a very beautiful and sexy woman, and no one will come between us.

The End.

Writer's note: Thanks for reading this short story about a couple defending their marriage, with help from friends, unlike 95% of stories in the LW and other categories on this site, I truly believe a marriage is an equal partnership, if one partner wants to change the equation and tip it in their favour the marriage is in serious trouble.

My wife, Luisa, knows I am a selfish bastard, she knows I won't share her with anyone, and vice versa. Its how we live our life. Live your life as you want, but do not preach to people about how good your alternative lifestyle and do not try to persuade people your lifestyle is better.

Okay, now you can vote your 1 star if it makes you feel better and if you are in an alternative lifestyle just move on to the stories that turn you on and are all about alternative lifestyles, my stories never will be.

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The author would appreciate your feedback.
oldtwitoldtwit5 months ago

No, your comment at the end wasn't warranted, it was a good read, not the usual by any means but it flowed.

fritz51fritz516 months ago

Nice little story.

oksideshow859419oksideshow8594196 months ago

I've really enjoyed your stories. After reading so many other authors stories sometimes get to one's mind frame not in a bad/good way just a little hiccup and then there are some authors like you that kinda reboot ones thought process. The best way to describe it would be like swimming in a pool a couple of laps underwater and the moment you break the surface and take that first breath that your lungs were fighting so hard for. At least that's the way I feel when I am done with most of your stories

(let's call it a ray of hope)


Boyd PercyBoyd Percy6 months ago

Another winner!


OOAAOOAA6 months ago

Good story! Well done! 5 stars from here ;)

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