Just Give Me One Good Excuse

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Husband finds trouble on wife's leg.
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This story is not real. That means I made it up. No characters are real, I made them up also. I want to thank my mystery editor for all his fine work as usual! No words were hurt in the writing of this story. Enjoy my short story and always practice safe sex.


All the way from the plane ride, to the airport, to the taxi, to home I had a strange feeling. I can't put my finger on it but something felt wrong. Maybe I was just jet lagged or nervous being away from my wife on this business trip so long. What was to take a day or two turned into a week away from home.

I pulled into the driveway and didn't see my wife's car. I then remembered it was the 4th of July and she was going to Rebecca's party. It was about 5:00pm and I paid the taxi off (with a nice holiday tip) and brought my bags into my house. I was just leaving the downstairs bathroom when my wife came in the front door. I don't think she knew I was home yet. I dropped my bags in the kitchen when I got a drink of water so she didn't see them.

I was just going to call her best friend Rebecca to see the status of the party. Her parties were always wild but never out of hand. Some couples did flirt a little but that is all that ever happened.

My wife was talking on the phone when she walked in. "Sure I had a good time like always! ... no I don't think that is possible... well yes I did but you know my situation ... I will see and that is just a definite maybe ... good bye and maybe I will sometime." She ended the conversation just as I walked around the hallway corner and rushed to her. She had a goofy smile on her face like she was reliving a great dream that was instantly gone as soon as she saw me.

I saw a look in her eyes I never saw before. For an instant, just a brief second I saw my wife of 6 years look scared and startled, like I was interrupting her in some way from being naughty. She jumped and said I scared her. She looked at her phone in her hand and was now looking at me funny. Again it just lasted about a second but it was there. Being a good salesman I am a good reader of people and it looked like I caught her doing something she was ashamed of or afraid of me finding out. "Who was that Tanya?" I asked her.

She marshaled herself back and walked up to hug me. "It was just Rebecca talking to me about some future party she wants to have." I crushed her with a big bear hug and a kiss. She however turned sideways so I was just kissed her cheek and not her lips.

"What gives Tanya?" I asked her. " I have been away for a week now and you treat me like a distant cousin." I could see her thinking for a second and then she answered right back.

"I am sorry Greg but you scarred me when I came in and I wasn't expecting you till later tonight." She told me. "I had a few too many beers and I smell like a barbecue pit. That is all honey." she finished. She had that face on that she always gave me when she wanted to get out of being in trouble. Half smile, half wink and half a sultry look.

"OK" I laughed. "But I have missed you for a whole week and you better get up stairs and get ready. No excuses!" I said firmly but in a joking manner.

"I will need a shower and then I will join you. I smell terrible right now." she finished as we walked to our bedroom together. I got undressed and met my wife about five minutes later and joined her in the shower. She was washing up real good like she couldn't get the smell off when I got in.

Again I startled her for the second time in 15 minutes. She relaxed as I gave her a hug from behind and wedged my hard cock between her butt cheeks standing straight up. I was just pressing my body against hers and it felt great. I really missed this woman. I turned her around and gave her a passionate kiss. She returned this one right away and our tongues went back and forth with our hands grabbing anything we could squeeze or rub. I suggested we take it into the bedroom so we could get comfortable.

I basically threw her on the bed when we entered the bedroom. We were both naked and still wet. I looked down on my beautiful wife wondering how I got so lucky. She looked up like she wanted me badly too. I kissed her like I was gone a long time, which I was. We swapped tongues and I sucked hers' hard, something she loves. I now started to work my way down towards her magic spot. Suddenly she said we could just fuck and I didn't have to bother.

I told her she was clean and wet and that I was going to get her wetter. She accepted me and spread her legs. I worked my way down to her clit and started to do my best work. I love to lick pussy and I enjoy when a woman pushes you away at the end because she orgasms so hard.

I licked her several times when I saw it. I thought it was shadow or some trick of the light. Then I started to deep tongue her pussy when my eye caught it again. On the inside of her right thigh was a hickey. I went to high school and I know a hickey. I have gotten and given a few in my day. 'Mark Your Territory' flags we used to call them. This one was right on the inside middle of her thigh about 3 inches from her pussy.

I just froze in mid-lick. My wife thought I was teasing her but my mind was going through the possibilities. She could have been caught on a pool filter hole? She hated to swim and the area was right by her pussy on the very inside of her thigh. Rebecca's dog could have bitten her but it was a hickey and not a bite mark. I couldn't think of a single, not one other plausible excuse for a hickey being on the inside of my wife's inner leg.

I got up and started to dress. Tanya had a funny look like did she did something wrong or she was un-clean. I just kept putting on the clothes I came home in that were on the floor right by the bed. I looked in the mirror and I felt old and sad. The face looking back said about the same thing. I combed my hair straighten out my clothes and went to the bedroom door. All this time my wife was asking me what was wrong in a louder and stronger voice. Finally I stopped at the doorway about to leave.

"I will call you here tomorrow at noon. If you can't come up with a plausible excuse for me by then, do not ever call me again!" I almost whispered to her.

"Greg, what the hell is going on? What is so wrong?" she shouted at me.

"Just look in the mirror and you will find it. In case you can't see it check the inside of your right thigh." was all I said before I slammed the bedroom door. I grabbed my bags from the kitchen, walked out still leaving the front door open and just started to walk down the street. My car was at my workplace and I just needed to get away. My thoughts were all confused. Every thought still came back to that stupid hickey. How the hell could she get one there if she wasn't cheating on me? I was not sure she would even have an honest answer for me tomorrow or ever.

I had a shitty night at a local motel and went out early the next morning for breakfast and coffee. My appetite was not very good and I just ended up picking through my meal. I could see her cheating on me.

I had caught her a few times with some of Rebecca's friends (a few select males) who she showed a large amount of interest in. Nothing I could put my finger on but a husband knows. Finally I turned back on my cell phone and saw ten calls from Tanya and the last one from Rebecca. I decided to call her first.

"Rebecca this is Greg, can you talk to me a second? I need to ask you a few questions." I started right off after her hello.

"Greg you need to call Tanya right away. She was upset all night. It is not what you think. You need to talk to her. She hasn't cheated on you that much I know. I can't say anymore until you two talk. You owe her at least that much Greg." she finished up to me.

"OK I will call her right now but I don't know what the hell she can tell me I didn't see last night on her leg." I finished and hung up.

I looked at my phone and dialed Tanya's cell. It was 11:30am and she answered on the first ring. "Oh Greg it's you! I have been so worried about you please honey, come home and I can explain everything. I know it looked bad but I have an excuse and you said you wanted to hear it. Please come home and talk to me, please?" she finished with a plea in her voice.

"OK Tanya but if I catch you lying to me I will never see you again." I finished. "I will be over in a half hour."

Right at noon I was pulling up at my house and went in to see my wife about the mysterious hickey on her inner thigh. What excuse could she have? I couldn't think of one and I was awake all night really thinking about it.

Just before I arrived I told my boss I was not going into work until next Monday. I told him I had some personal business and he accepted my excuse with no problem. My boss still wanted me to move down south and run the Miami office so he gave me a good deal of space to do my job and have time off. I worked hard and this last trip just made millions in contracts for the company. He didn't want to lose me.

I walked in the door thinking it would be my last time as Tanya's husband unless she could come up with a miracle. She greeted me at the door with a big hug and pulled me into the living room and pushed me down on the sofa. She had a big smile on her face.

"I first want to say I love you and only you. The hickey on my leg is just that a hickey!" she finished but I just started to stand up realizing what she said really meant. "Sit down NOW!!!" she shouted at me. "You wanted an excuse so shut up and listen!

You never gave me a chance last night so shut up and let me finish. Actually I am a little embarrassed to tell you the truth. I am not sure where to begin so here goes. I was missing you when your two day trip lasted for over a week. I was masturbating thinking about you when I remembered an article Rebecca had in a magazine of hers. The article was about women who use household appliances to get off." She just let the last sentence hang. When I didn't say a word she continued.

"Some women like to get naked and rub up against the corner of the washing machine on its spin cycle. Some use their electric tooth brush as a dildo. I read about one woman who used a vacuum cleaner hose to get off. I know you are looking at me funny but I tried it while I was rubbing my clit. You wrap your hand around the end of the hose. The article said to be careful you don't put it right up to your pussy or you could do some real damage inside a woman.

I got out the vacuum cleaner and used it while rubbing my clit and pussy lips. I am embarrassed but I don't want you to think anything else happened. It felt great and increased the sensation of my finger movements. I started to cum and couldn't stop. They said to wrap power cord around your hand to unplug it if you get caught in the suction by accident. Well that is what happened. I came so hard that I let go of the hose and it sucked the inside of my thigh. I pulled the cord but it already left the hickey. I never even thought about it until you made such a big deal about it" she finished as I just looked at her.

"I love you" was all I could say to Tanya as I rushed up from the couch. The relief in my heart must have shown on my face. I picked her up and apologized to her over and over as I rained down kisses on her. "I couldn't think of a good excuse and I was so worried. Oh Tanya I love you and I am truly sorry for doubting you. I must have looked like a real goof to you?" I finished.

"You acted like any husband would without all the facts. Now let's get to bed and you can make your own suction marks on me." Tanya finished as I picked her up and brought her to the bedroom. I was relieved more than any time in my life. I was wrong and I couldn't be happier!


Two months later the mail was in my hand as I was walked back into the house. I looked over the bills and other store flyers they always send. I liked the woman on one of the covers of a fashion magazines my wife gets. The model was full figured but she was hot. I always liked hour glass figures and could not understand why any man wanted to have sex with a woman who was built like a skinny boy. Give me a real woman with curves anytime.

I reached for the front door handle when I noticed a "RECALL' stamp on the front of a letter from a manufacturer I didn't remember buying from. It was from the Suck-It-Up Vacuum Cleaner Sales Company. They were warning people who bought one of their units that the electrical cord was faulty and should be returned for a full refund. Then it hit me like a ton of bricks.

I ran into the house and rifled through my wife's desk where she keeps all the bills. She pays the bills and I only take care of all the car related stuff. It has always worked out and I saw no reason to be worried. I was worried now.

I finally found what I was looking for, my wife's charge card statements from the last 3 months. Sure enough there it was. My heart sank into my shoes as I realized just what it meant. I then raced to our closet off the main hallway. I looked down to find the old vacuum cleaner still in the back of the closet broken. I had burnt out the motor cleaning some metal chips, small bolts and some sawdust in my workshop. I should have used a shop-vacuum but I was in a hurry. The motor burned out after five minutes and it was also clogged really badly. I had done nothing to it or replaced it since last year about this time. We had all wood floors and we just used dust mops whenever we cleaned or used a small dust buster type.

I knew what I had to do right then and there. I played it cool for two days and nights. Finally after many late night trips (while she slept) and taking the time off from work I was tired but ready.

When my wife came home after work on that third day the first thing she would see was the vacuum cleaner right in the middle of the hallway. She would trip on it if she missed it. I taped the credit card receipt for the vacuum and highlighted the purchase date in yellow. I did the same to the recall letter that said she purchased the unit on July 5 at 9:24am from a big box store a day after I confronted her. I attached a bank letter keeping half the money in our account. We rented a condo so the house wouldn't be a problem. I printed her call log for her cell phone and highlighted a number that I didn't recognize but she called often. It was the same number she was talking to when she said it was Rebecca the day I came home and confronted her. I never even tried to find out if it was another man. I didn't care anymore. I just knew.

Suddenly thinking back on her phone conversation when I just arrived back home on July 4th, it all made sense. She was nervous because I caught her talking to her lover. That was not Rebecca on the phone, it was her lover. It was not even Rebecca's number. I can still see that look of a stranger when she saw me for that instant. I just knew. A husband can just tell.

I took a few pieces of furniture my grandmother had given me but left most of the other things. It is funny how many things reminded me of my wife. Everything of mine was all moved out before her hand even reached the door knob that night. She would find an empty house, no loving husband, half her money gone and this note taped to the vacuum cleaner with all the other papers and my wedding ring.

I planned the date on purpose and the fact that today was our 7th wedding anniversary was not lost on me. Tanya said something about going out to do something special tonight a couple of days ago. I hardly even paid attention to her knowing the surprise I had in store made her plans moot.


I was not sure what to say so I will just say it. I have always trusted you and loved you. That is all gone now. That 4th of July night I asked you right to your face and you lied. I can't live with another person who says they love me but do something so totally against that love.

Credit is due where credit is due though. You and Rebecca obviously made up a brilliant detailed story by the way. Your team of writers must have pulled an all-nighter to come up with that one. It fooled me for over two months and I would still not know if the vacuum recall letter hadn't arrived. I couldn't think of another plausible excuse for the hickey on your thigh but you did. Way to go Girl!

I have moved out permanently. I will have my lawyer get in touch with you but don't call or try to contact me at work or my new apartment. It will do you no good because you had your chance that night and even the next day. If you had only been honest with me from the start I might have felt different but not now. I would rather have the ugly truth than a pretty lie. "I don't cheat but I won't compete", you know I have always said that.

I used to end all my letters with I love you and kisses but this letter is different. Please read the vacuum instructions and SUCK IT!!!

Your former husband,


I went on line right after I left the house that day and looked for apartments in Miami. Some sun and a few bikinis might just do me wonders. I was finished with Tanya forever. Maybe better luck in Florida was awaiting me?


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The author would appreciate your feedback.
LechemanLecheman20 days ago

It started well and just plummeted way too quickly.

mfbridgesmfbridges5 months ago

Shit just a little more next time. That's the difference between a 3 star and a 5 star. This is a 3 star.

oldpantythiefoldpantythief6 months ago

I'm a bit disappointed that we didn't get to find out what happened when Tanya came home and found the note. Wasn't a BTB, just a guy that found out and left, end of story.

Medussa55Medussa559 months ago

Good start but incomplete

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