'Just' Jane Ch. 02


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Cassie understood me better than anybody including Donald. Cassie looked at Tina and then back at me. Cassie gave me that wicked smile knowing I was guilty of something.

"So what's ending?" Cassie asked. "I hope it's not on my account." She laughed.

Walking around the island Cassie moved to me and gave me a firm kiss. When I didn't react as she expected Cassie seemed a bit confused. It only lasted for a brief moment, then tilting her head Cassie read my eyes again. Cassie then turned to face Tina.

With the boldness only Cassie had, she pulled Tina in for a kiss.

"You may not want to do that." Tina warned her.

"I'm pretty sure I do." Cassie replied.

When their lips met I became instantly jealous. It was my kiss I thought, I was the one Tina wanted not Cassie.

Tina broke the kiss off quicker than Cassie wanted.

"She tastes good doesn't she?" Cassie taunted Tina.

"I need to get these refreshments out to the others." Tina refused to answer.

Cassie reached for my gown and untied it. I stood nervously in place hoping Tina would stay and watch. Cassie looked at my disheveled top and then at my exposed pussy. Without hesitation she moved her hand and slipped two fingers easily in my cunt.

As Tina watched Cassi sucked my excitement from her fingers.

"Like I said, you taste good." Cassie now taunted both of us.

Kissing me now Cassie placed her fingers back in my pussy. I moaned through her kiss as she worked her fingers deeper. Pulling her creamy fingers out Cassie offered them to Tina. My newest lover looked at Cassie and then she looked at me as she accepted the offer.

Cassie slipped her fingers back in my pussy then ran them along my dripping slit. Pulling them free Cassie offered me my own excitement.

"We will finish this when we get home." Cassie whispered as I cleaned my excitement from her fingers.

Tina looked at me with a broad smile. Turning to Cassie she gave her a quick kiss.

"I really need to get this out there." Tina picked up the tray.

"Let me wash up and I'll help you." She said to Tina. "You need to get cleaned up before you come out, you smell like a slut." Cassie said to me.

I went to the bathroom downstairs next to the spare bedroom. It took all my will power to not bring myself off. Washing up I even brushed my teeth and rinsed with mouthwash. Joining the movie where everyone was back in their respective places I took my place on the couch.

With Lela now curled up on Poole's lap he guided me to sit beside him. Still flush with desire it took a few minutes before I was able to focus on the movie. I dare not look at Tina or Cassie knowing it would only stir those feelings again.

Finding the movie was now half over I settled in against Poole with his strong arm draped over my shoulders. I could see Lela whose big brown eyes were wide open fixated on the screen trusted Poole completely. Sitting so close to Poole I was nervous he might take liberties with me but he was a perfect gentleman. By the end of the movie I too was so enchanted with Poole I almost wish he had.

When the movie ended so did the party. We had been there most of the day and it was getting late. Besides Max and Poole had an early tee time at the golf course in the morning.

The girls and I took turns changing back in our clothes to head home. As we waited the others took the opportunities to say our goodbyes. I was the last to change when there came a knock on the door. Considering the day it came as no surprise when it happened.

With just my shorts on and the bikini top I opened the door. What was surprising to a certain degree was that Lela was with Tina.

"Someone insisted giving you her kiss in private." Tina explained.

"Please come in." I invited them. "I'm almost done in here so now's a good time." I smiled.

"Can I help you?" Lela giggled.

I was going to decline Lela's offer when I looked at Tina. With a serious look she nodded her head.

"Sure can you hand me my top." I looked at the dresser where it was folded.

Lela instead moved in front of me and slipped her hands around my back. With my arms over hers Lela reached up and undid the clasp on my bikini. Lela's hand slid along my sides under my arms until they cupped my tits.

"Can I have my kiss now?" Lela whispered happily.

I pulled her close and met her tongue half way. It was, if not one of the best, at least one of the most meaningful kisses I had ever shared. I seriously wished it had lasted longer but was afraid of how Lela might respond.

I looked deep in her dark brown eyes and saw how much this kiss meant to her.

"Thank you, that was lovely." I smiled.

Lela still holding my breasts removed her hands and looked at my tits. For a moment I thought she might suck one but Tina spoke first.

"Lela, maybe you should hand Jane her top."

Moving to the dresser Lela picked it up and helped me put it on.

"Thank you Lela, I have enjoyed our day together." I said kissing her on the cheek.

"Maybe we can do this again?" She turned to Tina.

"Of course we will darling." Tina reached out and took her hand. "You should go find Max, I need to talk to Jane alone." Tina said.

Lela left closing the door behind her. Tina turned and looked back at me without saying a word.

"So where do we go from here?" I asked emotionally.

"That depends on you and Poole." Tina replied not moving.

"Poole?" I asked confused.

"He's the one that insisted you come today. I was against it." Tina confessed.

"I don't understand? You didn't want us to come?" I replied in shock. "But you ..."

"Changed my mind like Poole said I would. Jane I didn't go to the store I was going to leave..."

"Why did you come back?" I interrupted.

"To prove Poole was wrong." Tina admitted. "But I was wrong Jane, you are everything he said you were and more." Tina grinned.

"What changed your mind?" I had to know.

"You did, Cassie did, and Cody did. Then Lela showed up and then she did." Tina explained.

"Cassie? Cody? What did they say?" I asked still confused.

"It's what I saw. Jane they love you as much as you love them. They are so...so perfect. So different and yet so...compassionate doesn't do them justice." Tina laughed. "The way they interact, not only as sisters but with you."

"And Lela?" I pressed.

"Ah, that was unexpected. There have only been three people Lela truly trusts, her mother, Poole, and of course Max." Tina pointed out. "And now you."

"So where does that leave us?" I asked again.

"On hold for now. Donald will be home tomorrow and Poole tells me there are serious issues. I expect it will take some time for the two of you to work through them." Tina suggested. "Poole and I will wait."

"Poole and you?" I had to ask.

For the first time since the door closed Tina moved in front of me. Reaching up she caressed my cheek.

"Jane, you need to take your time and think about this. The reason I left was because Poole thinks you would make a perfect slut for both of us." Tina said bluntly.

I almost fainted as Tina said the words. Steadying myself I reached out and gripped her waist.

"And what do you think?" I dared to ask.

"I think he's right..." Tina brushed her lips over mine. "...but more than that I think you know Poole's right, and want to be that slut."

I tried to kiss her but Tina moved quickly to the door.

"We will see each other in a month, no sooner." Tina opened the door. "Your kiss will be waiting for you when you leave."

Tina closed the door and I fell on the bed overwhelmed with emotions. Cassie was right I was a slut and Poole along with Tina knew it. I'll have to admit I thought about running out and announcing it to them all but then I remembered Donald.

We had been married for over twenty years and had been through some pretty rough spots before and I wasn't ready to give up on us just yet. Packing the last of my belongings I joined the others in the foyer.

Max and Lela both said their goodbyes and left. The girls and I each gave Poole a hug and a kiss to the cheek to say thank you. Cody hugged and kissed Tina on the cheek as well. Cassie hugged Tina but then kissed Tina on the lips.

Cody looked at me knowing she missed something, Poole seemed a bit surprised himself. Tina held out her arms to me and we embraced.

"Thank you again for the suits. That was very generous." I said. "Maybe we could find some small way to show our appreciation?"

"Thank you for the offer, but you did that by coming." Tina gushed.

I knew the moment she leaned in to kiss me Tina was headed for my lips. Wanting her to know I wanted this as much as her I met her half way. Tina's tongue slipped in briefly, mine replied in kind.

With what little decency I had left I let Tina's lips part from mine.

"That was a kiss!" Cassie announced.

"If she wasn't horny before she will be now. If mom's sleeping with you, I'm locking my door." Cody deadpanned.

"So what was that all about?" Cody asked as I drove us home.

"Mom's got a new girlfriend." Cassie laughed out loud teasing me.

"That's not true!" I snapped back. "Well at least not for now." I backed off slightly.

"I can't take you two anyplace, can I?" Cody sighed.

The rest of the ride home fortunately centered on the day and how much fun they had. As Cassie and Cody talked it reminded me of my youth and the time I had spent around Poole. It truly is remarkable how he relates to people of almost every age.

Poole never talks down to anyone or gossips. He has this way of drawing you into conversations no one else dares to ask and then just listens. Poole points out ideas or positions without making it sound like he's making a suggestion which is exactly what he's doing.

By the time we arrived at the house it was clear they were both infatuated with Poole and to some extent Tina and Max.

"Can we come in?" Cassie asked standing at the door of my bedroom with Cody.

"Sure." I happily agreed.

Settling in on each side of me Cassie and Cody joined me in bed under the covers.

"So what are you going to do when Donald comes home tomorrow?" Cody asked nervously.

"I'm not sure baby, he's still my husband and your father." I pointed out first. "I guess, we'll see when he gets here."

"Mom what happened between you and Poole that made you marry Donald?" Cassie whispered. "Did he do something to you?"

"You mean did Poole take liberties? No, nothing like that. Ever." I made clear.

"But he did something? Right?" Cody pressed.

That was the question I had always hoped I would never need to explain even to myself. I looked at Cassie and then Cody. Pulling them in tight I decided they should know the truth or at least most of it. It wouldn't be fair to Poole for them to think he was to blame.

"I always felt I was one of his favorites." I started. "When I was eighteen I thought for sure I was his favorite."

"But Poole still saw you as his niece?" Cassie surmised. "And now he had Tina."

"Something like that." I agreed.

I pulled the girls in even tighter. Cody slipped a hand under my top and held my tit, Cassie kissed my cheek softly.

"So you really were in love with Poole?" Cody whispered.

"I thought if I could show Poole I was an adult he would dump Tina. After I turned eighteen started dating college men. I was still a virgin, but I guess you could say I learned to love sex." I continued. "Still my choice in men wasn't the best up to that point."

I proceeded to tell Cassie and Cody a few stories I wasn't proud of. Without going into details I told them my mother, Kate, no angel herself, started to interfere with my love life. She had insisted I spend some time with Poole under the pretense he would help me find the perfect man.

Even in his mid-thirties Poole seemed to have this innate ability to play match maker. I explained that the more time I spent with Poole the more I fell in love with him.

"But he's your uncle?" Cody pointed out the obvious.

"Exactly, but that didn't deter me from throwing myself at him." I admitted.

"So you two did have sex?" Cassie sat up waiting for the next juicy detail.

"No, never." I replied much to her disappointment. "Poole turned me down. The next reunion he brought her again."

"Tina?" Cody squealed.

"Yes, she was so beautiful...she is so beautiful." I corrected myself laughing. "Well the last night of the reunion, Kate knowing how jealous I was brought Poole by to talk to me." I said, remembering it as if it was yesterday. "Well at that age I wasn't mature enough to understand what they were trying to do."

"So you married Donald." Cassie sighed.

"The day of the wedding Kate implored me to listen to Poole one last time." I said getting emotional. "I was just putting on my dress when mom brought Poole in the room. Kate sent all of the bridesmaids out and explained that she and Poole still thought it was a mistake to marry Donald. Poole even offered to cover the cost of the wedding if I called it off."

"MOM!" Cody gasped. "What did you do?"

I took a deep breath and closed my eyes not able to look at either of them. Before today, I'm not sure they would have understood how I felt about Poole.

"I took my dress off and tossed it on the bed. I pulled off my sexy panties and stood practically naked in front of Poole." The same chills went down my back as they did that day.

"You didn't?" Cody said in disbelief.

"In front of my mother I told Poole if he fucked me right then and there I would call off the wedding." I explained softly.

There was utter silence as the girls contemplated what happened after that.

"I'm sorry Jane." Cassie finally spoke.

"I'm not." I replied a bit emotional. "I have two daughters that I wouldn't have traded a lifetime of Poole's for."

Cassie moved up and kissed me firmly, when she was done Cody did the same.

"Will you both stay with me tonight?" I asked. "I don't want to be alone."

The girls did stay, Cassie offered to finish with what Tina started but I declined. Instead I agreed to tell them most of what happened between Tina and myself. Tonight, like many times in the past, I didn't sleep at first. I thought back to how my life would have been different if Poole would have taken me up on my offer. Each time I did this I would remind myself of Cassie and Cody, with them snuggled up against me, I eventually drifted into a sound and happy sleep.

It was just after six when the taxi pulled in the street with Donald. I watched as he got out with his briefcase. The driver sat his luggage on the sidewalk. Tipping him the driver headed off leaving Donald alone in the drive. I sent the girls to stay in Cassie's old apartment she had until the end of the month. I thought of going to help Donald but decided against it.

Donald is a normally a passive man and never loses his temper, except when he loses a job. Since in his mind, the fault is never his, Donald tends to lash out at those around him. So as not to upset him on his first day back I even dressed conservatively. Hoping to seduce him later I wore a lace bra and matching panties but even these were lined and showed nothing.

After Donald brought his luggage in we sat down to a dinner I had prepared. Since I chose not to talk about his trip tonight there was little else we had to talk about. Donald never asked about my new job and sadly didn't even ask about Cassie and Cody. After dinner Donald said he was taking the Corvette out for a spin. I was going to protest but since I knew it was being repossessed I figured he might as well enjoy one last drive.

Around ten Donald headed to the bedroom. I waited until I heard him come out of the bathroom to go in. I removed my slacks and top then approached the bed in just my bra and panties.

"Would you like to help me take them off?" I asked seductively.

"If you want me to." Are not the words I expected to hear?

From experience I remained undaunted in the quest to seduce my husband. Donald helped with my bra but I alone removed my panties. Dragging my tits across his bare chest I moved in to kiss him. Only on the rarest of occasions were tongues allowed and after I made the offer learned this was not to be one of them.

I snaked my way back down Donald and soon had his cock pulled free of his pajamas. The one thing Donald enjoyed more than anything was a good blowjob. I may not be the best but I've never had a complaint either.

I took Donald's cock in my mouth and slathered it with attention. Donald is just under six feet and although not fit, is not obese either. The size of his cock has never been an issue with me, based on my experience before and after we married I would say it is just a bit under average.

I enjoy giving head, and although I don't always swallow, I love the feel of hot cum spurting in my mouth. On that subject, and its only happened twice, the one thing I enjoy even more is licking fresh cum from a juicy pussy.

Donald's excitement was growing, he was starting to thrust his cock deep in my mouth. I took his whole cock and rubbed my nose against his groin. It takes a bit to get me excited when I'm doing all the work but tonight I was primed.

"Fuck me Donald." I groaned huskily.

Pulling off his cock I guided it in my greedy cunt. Donald thrusted up as I slammed down driving his cock in my pussy. I knew he preferred to be on top, but after leaving Amanda, I've learned to impose my own will over Donald.

"Fuck that pussy." I demanded.

"Jane don't." Donald pleaded.

"Then stop being a sissy and fuck me." I demanded.

Donald hated when I talked crudely while making love, I hated when he just laid back and enjoyed me riding him.

I was hoping he would grab my tits but instead Donald grabbed my hips. He wiggled below me but I could barely feel it. Then it happened.

Donald's body tensed and with a weak thrust Donald buried his cock in me and came. Disappointed once again I tried to make the most of it by lying on top of him. I tried to rub my clit on his groin but Donald's cock quickly slipped out leaving my pussy wanting.

I was willing to go as far as lick his cock clean but like usual he ran to the bathroom for a towel. I waited for Donald to fall asleep before I slipped into Cassie's room and used her vibrator to get myself off. Only then did I realize Donald didn't even notice I shaved my pussy.

"Where are you going?" Donald asked me as I finished breakfast.

"I'm leaving for work." I explained.

"At six thirty? Where do you work?" Donald asked shocked.

"I'm meeting Max at seven to workout. At eight I'll be in the office. I work for Poole." I said clearly.

"What? You said you would never work for him!" Donald yelled.

"Well that was before my husband lost his job and ended up in jail." I explained.

"That was not my fault! And I was not in jail I was just in lock up." Donald replied.

"We can talk semantics some other time, one of us has to make a living." I reminded him. "Oh and I would clean out your cars their coming to get them this week."

"Like hell they are. Those are my cars." Donald protested.

"No Donald they're the credit union's cars, since you don't have the money to pay for them and no longer work for All Corp they want them back. I agreed they could come and get them." I explained.

"You had no right! I didn't agree to that." Donald was furious as I expected.

"Well you had no right getting arrested, I'm sure I didn't agree to that!" I picked up my purse. "We can talk when I get home."

Arriving at work I headed to my changing room. Lying on the padded table were new workout clothes. I had brought some old ones but left them in the duffle bag and put on the new ones. Max was waiting for me and before long I was panting as he looked on and smiled.