'Just' Jane Ch. 02


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Back in my room a clean one piece suit was waiting for me. After a refreshing shower I stood in line for inspection. I was neither singled out or ignored by Poole and soon took my seat at my work station.

During the day Poole made his usual rounds. When he stopped to see me his hand slid across my shoulders just like the other night on the couch.

"Max said you did good this morning, hang in there, it will get better." Poole said and kissed the top of my head.

The whole thing lasted less than a minute but it was all I could think about for almost an hour.

Just before the day was over Poole stopped by my desk.

"Donald will be here at five thirty. When he leaves I would like you to join me for dinner." Poole offered.

"Where?" I asked suspiciously.

"A public restaurant, you can chose if you'd like."

"No, I trust you, at least to pick the restaurant." I teased.

"Then it's a date." Poole smiled happily.

By waiting and telling me this late Poole knew I wouldn't be worried about it all day. At five I turned in my tablet and went to my dressing room to freshen up. Waiting for me was a new one piece bathing suit complete with padding.

When I put it on it felt so strange not to feel just a thin layer of fabric. There were only three chairs waiting when I came out. Poole was in one the other two were empty. I sat opposite Poole and looked around to see who else might be here.

"When Max brings Donald I want you to sit on my thigh. My hand will be on your waist and nowhere else." Poole explained. "Try and stay calm, Donald is very agitated right now so it won't help if we escalate it."

"Ok?" I replied. "What if he gets mad I'm sitting on your leg?"

"Don't move, let me or Max handle it." Poole smiled as if he hoped Donald would. "Here they come."

I waited until they got closer and moved to sit sideways on Poole's thigh with my legs between his. Taking an open seat Max smiled right away. Donald seemed flustered by my move but didn't say anything as he took the remaining chair.

"Max, I'll let you start." Poole nodded to his friend.

"Donald I want to be clear about the situation you're in." Max started. "We have been in constant contact with Mr. Park. That you offended him is inexcusable, that you offended him while representing us is unacceptable."

"He started it." Donald lashed out. "He called me a fool!"

"Donald we have spent months working on this deal. We have invested heavily, your salary alone was a substantial outlay. You assured not only Max and myself but your mother-in-law and her brothers you could handle this." Poole replied.

"I could and I was." Donald snapped back. "Whatever Park said, he's lying."

"Whatever he said? Were lucky he's still talking to us." Max said exasperated. "Our own people, the people on your team told us what happened." Max explained.

"Then they're lying too." Donald insisted.

"Look, what this comes down to is this." Poole spoke up trying not to lose his patience. "You no longer work for All Corp or any of any of its subsidiaries, and never will again."

"That's not fair." Donald complained.

"That's a fact. Kate and my brothers voted without us." Poole said. "It's done."

"I'll sue." Donald threatened.

I was about to protest when Poole slipped his hand over my back and rested it on my far hip. Donald saw this and became even more upset which I'm sure made Poole happier.

"Are you sure you want to do that Donald?" Max sneered at my husband. "I can have you back on a plane to South Korea tonight. I'm sure Mr. Park would be happy to arrange transportation for you when you arrive."

"Oh, and of course we will send you the legal bill and expenses we procured to get you released into our custody. Along with other expenses." Poole threaten him.

"By the way Donald, when the judge finds out about the confidential information you tried to put on the internet..."

"Ok, ok, so I'm not going to sue." Donald cut off Max. "Now what?"

"Now you go home and stay out of trouble. You keep your mouth shut and stay off the computer. Jane will work with us and report back. If you fuck up you're on your own. If you can stay clean Max will see if he can find something for you to do to stay busy." Poole offered.

"Just don't expect us to give you any positive referrals." Max added.

There was a bit more but nothing worth noting. Donald eventually left, Poole and I said goodbye to Max and I went to change.

"Would you mind driving?" Poole asked.

"Sure." I agreed.

Poole seemed impressed by the car I was driving, it wasn't much but that just goes to show what he drove.

Poole and I arrived at a small family run bar and restaurant on the edge of town. Being Monday it wasn't especially busy but was still buzzing with activity. Sitting across from each other in a booth amongst the others it was definitely not a romantic setting.

"I wasn't sure you would accept my offer." Poole said after the waitress took our drink orders.

"I wasn't sure I would either." I admitted. "Why did you ask me?"

"I have my reasons, mostly to get to know you again." Poole smiled. "Why did you come?"

"I don't know, maybe I think I owe you? Maybe I have my reasons too." I sparred back.

"Jane let's get one thing clear up front." Poole shifted in his seat leaning forward. "You and the girls owe me nothing. You owe Tina nothing. We must be clear on that."

"Ok, but why?" I asked concerned.

"Because I need you to know that any help Tina, Max or I have provided is a gift, a gift with no strings attached." Poole insisted.

"And that's important because?" I questioned.

"When I ask you to do something, you'll do it because you want to, and not because you think you have to." Poole settled back in the booth.

"And now you're going to ask me to do something?" I leaned back looking in his eyes.

"I was going to later but I can do it now if you prefer?" Poole held my gaze.

My mind ran wild with all of the possibilities. It started with the most depraved of course and then mundane like a kiss goodnight. Still my body responded predictably and determined my answer immediately.

"We could do it now." I trembled in my seat.

The waitress arrived with our drinks.

"Can I take your order?" She asked politely.

I selected my meal and Pooled ordered his. When she left Poole excused himself. I watched as he went to see the manager or maybe it was the owner. As Poole headed back I could see he was carrying a gift wrapped box.

"Tina thought you might have been a bit disappointed the way things ended the last time." Poole explained setting a small gift in front of me. "She wanted you to have this."

I looked at the box, it was maybe six inches by four and maybe two inches thick. Too big for jewelry or a watch but too small for even a bikini. Always excited to get a gift I started to open it. Poole reached out and placed his big hand over mine.

"It's kind of personal." Poole warned me with a smile.

Against the wall and with high backs on the booth only one end was exposed to the other patrons. I looked around and assessed the crowd none of which seemed to be looking at us.

"So is Tina giving me this or are you?" I stopped unwrapping.

"Tina picked it out, I guess you could say I'm giving it to you." Poole confessed.

Glancing around the room quickly again I continued to unwrap the box. With another quick glance I lifted the lid and looked inside.

"I don't understand why would you give me this here?" I looked nervously around the room guiltily then quickly closing the lid. "Why now?"

"I told you there would be things I would ask you." Poole narrowed his eyes. "It was your decision to do it now."

With my hand trembling and my pussy getting wetter by the second I grasped the box tightly. I'll admit there was a fleeting thought of throwing it at Poole but then I remembered the three minutes on the counter with Tina.

"So I suppose you were going to ask me to use it." I challenged Poole.

"Originally on the way home?" Poole leaned back with a confidence and honesty only he could pull off.

"Why wait?" I taunted him.

Just then the waitress arrived with a tray. I moved the box closer to the wall making room.

"I have some bread and your salads." She said placing the items on the table.

Fortunately she was good and left without interrupting any further.

"Go ahead, I'll wait." Poole replied by not picking up his silverware.

There was humor in his voice but I could see this was no laughing matter to him. Poole's eyes studied me in detail as he sat patiently.

"Why not do it right here, that's what you really want isn't it?" I challenged Poole again.

"It would change my thinking." Poole replied not really saying yes or no.

I slid the box in front of me, lifting the lid I took out the little white orb and held it in my hand. Pushing a small button built in the side I looked up at Poole. Scooting forward I slipped my hand inside my shorts and panties. With just enough room I drug the vibrator over my clit and between my slippery lips.

My eyes never left Poole's as he continued to study my progress. With one last push my fingers guided the largest portion in my pussy with just a slight whimper. My eyes closed half way as my greedy cunt contracted and pushed the orb deep within me.

Pulling my creamy fingers from my panties I continued to focus on Poole as I licked them clean. Looking back in the box I picked up the remote and rotated the switch. The vibrations in my pussy confirmed it was on. I turned it off and held it across the table for Poole.

"If that was Tina's gift, I assume this part is yours? When it comes down to it, its control you want, right?" I asked.

"Only if you want me to have it." Poole replied solemnly.

"I'm pretty sure I've already answered that." I waved the remote.

Poole took it from me and placed it in his pocket. Picking up his fork with the same hand Poole started eating his salad letting me know he would not be using it yet.

Poole and I actually talked for most of the night. Nothing in particular stuck out, we talked about work only briefly, and our talk about family avoided Donald or Tina and only touched on the girls. Poole listens very well and yet is not afraid to take over the conversation when appropriate. The only disappointment if there was one, was my pussy waiting in anticipation for the delicious feel of the vibrator.

Actually considering the amount of time we spent together Poole only used it twice in the restaurant. The one time he did that drove me crazy was when I headed to use the restroom. With a full bladder I almost pissed my pants on the way down the hall. It turned off just in time as I entered the restroom. Heading back to the table it turned on again at the same place it turned off. I learned the remote had a limited range when Poole told me he never turned it off.

Thinking back I remembered Poole intended to give me the vibrator only for the ride home. When I changed the plan, I realized Poole had no intention of tormenting me through dinner. Poole really did want to get to know me better, and of course, later, to see if I really would accept their gift.

As we walked through the parking lot the sudden vibrations in my pussy made me squeal.

"Oh fuck!" I grabbed my crotch. "Poole turn it off before I cum!"

Fortunately Poole did but he almost fell down laughing.

"That was right behind my clit." I scolded him. "Give me that, you do that while I'm driving I'll kill us both."

Poole handed me the remote and I placed it in my purse and latched it. We talked some more about nothing in particular until we turned on his street.

"Why are we doing this? I'm married and you're happily married." I pointed out.

"Jane there is no doubt I have selfish reasons and we both know what they are. Beyond that I really do care about you and the girls. Jane you deserve so much more." Poole said sincerely.

"And you are that more?" I challenged Poole.

"Maybe, maybe not, that is for you to decide." Poole replied.

"And I'm supposed to decide while you and Tina seduce me?" I countered.

"Jane the vibrator really was because of the other day. Tina is committed to staying away for a month, more if you want." Poole explained. 'I will do the same if that's also what you want."

"But I work with you." I argued.

"You worked with Amanda for over three years and yet I don't see her around?" Poole countered.

As we pulled in his drive I had to admit he had a point.

"Come say goodnight to Tina before you go." Poole opened his door.

"But you just said." I teased him.

"You don't have to come in ..."

"Just one kiss." I laughed.

Tina was waiting for us at the front door.

"So did he give it to you?" Tina asked excitedly.

I rubbed my crotch with a big smile. "He did." I beamed.

"She put it in at the table." Poole explained.

"You didn't?" Tina squealed.

"Actually I did." I blushed

"You are a slut!" Tina gushed.

"Yeah, well, the slut better go." I convinced myself before they invited me in. "I just came to give you a kiss."

"Poole first." Tina said.

"You don't have to." Poole offered knowing our last conversation.

"Oh but I insist." I smiled broadly.

The moment he took me in his arms I knew this would be special. It was a kiss like no other, gentle yet passionate, his tongue easily found mine. As his strong arms pulled me tighter his kiss pressed more firmly. My arms tightened around his neck as my feet left the porch. Then long before I would have hoped it all ended when Poole sat me down and let me go.

"Goodnight Jane." Poole whispered looking deep in my eyes.

"Goodnight Poole." I sighed.

He closed the door behind him as he went into the house. Tina looked at me grinning.

"He still has that effect on me." Tina laughed.

"We only talked you know." I said guiltily.

"It's late, you should be getting home." Tina suggested.

"Poole said I should come say goodnight." I replied nervously.

"Is that what you want Jane, to say goodnight." Tina moved closer.

"And to thank you for the gift." I suddenly remembered.

Tina slipped her hands over my waist and moved tight against me.

"Are you sure you won't come in." Her lips brushed lightly against mine.

"I don't dare." I whimpered.

"Then kiss me now." Tina demanded.

I wrapped my arms around her neck just like Poole. My lips pressed to hers desperate to taste her again. Tina responded to my passion with hers. I felt her breast press against mine, she moved her thigh between my legs. Our tongues were dancing when Tina removed one hand from my waist.

"UUUUUGGGGGGHHHHHHHH!" I groaned as the vibrator came to life.

"I feel it." Tina said pressing her leg tighter between my leg. "I couldn't sleep knowing I didn't let you finish."

"But how?" I rested my head on her shoulder looking at my car.

"I have the second remote." Tina laughed.

I moaned as the vibrator again found the back of my clit.

"You will come for me this time slut." Tin held me tight.

I humped her leg and the vibrator now pushed deep in my pussy.

"Oh how I want to taste you again." Tina whispered in my ear. "When you left Poole fed me his cock, even after swallowing his cum I still wanted to taste you."

"Please Tina." I begged her to stop.

"Cum for me slut, it will be a month before I will have this pleasure again." Tina reminded me.

No longer able to resist I gave myself to her. Finding her lips with mine I kissed Tina again. Tina's hand went under my top and gripped my breast over my bra.

"You will never wear a bra here again slut." Tina bit my lower lip.

The vibrations started to come faster, my pussy was contracting over the wicked toy. I kissed Tina again and then broke free to breath.

"Oh I can feel your pussy slut, just like Saturday night you're right there." Tina said correctly.

"Yessss." I hissed.

"Give it to me slut, let me taste your cum, squirt for me if you must slut." Tina pushed all my buttons.

"Tina!" I shouted.

Just then my orgasm exploded in my cunt. I bucked against her, the vibrator stopped but my pussy still humped her leg. With weak arms and tired legs my orgasm continued to wreak havoc through my body.

"I've got you Jane. Enjoy it my love." Tina whispered holding on tight.

Tina led me to the steps where we sat down on the porch. I leaned against her shoulder and started to cry.

"Why are you doing this for me?" I bawled.

Tina just held me in her arms humming a soothing tune. After a few minutes I composed myself and hugged her tight. When I was composed Tina released me and gave me a gentle kiss.

"You should go it's getting late." Tina whispered.

I kissed her back and we both stood up. When I reached my car I looked back to see Tina had tears running down her cheek.

To be continued...

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SynjarMcabeSynjarMcabeover 1 year ago

After reading your prelude I didn’t want to read your stories. You sounded like you were passing the buck

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

The complexity of this story continues to amaze me, and yet it is so well written you don't even notice. Everything is so subtle, but underneath you continue to get drawn in deeper. What an amazing story so far.

AahhWhattheHellAahhWhattheHellover 2 years ago

Wonderful buildup. Tease, tease, back down, twinge of jealousy, major tease... Finally! plot thickens and end. Well played. Very well played.

ender2k2kender2k2kover 6 years ago
Really interesting characters

It is good to be reading a new story from you. Thanks

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