'Just' Jane Ch. 13


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Elaine pulled out the company credit card. If Poole saw this he would be furious. I know, I've seen him go ballistic for charges to his company's entertainment account for half of this.

On the cab ride back to the hotel Elaine was getting a bit touchy feely. Nothing blatant so I chalked it up to her being a bit wasted. By the time we reached the elevator Elaine had calmed down. When Elaine asked me come in and help her unzip her dress I happily agreed.

Elaine opened the door and stepped aside for me to enter. Her suite was not only impressive it was massive. I stood near the door as Elaine closed it and flipped the dead bolt. Walking past me she headed to the bedroom.

"I should be going." I called out. "Do you still need help with your dress?"

"Why yes I do Jane, thank you." Elaine appeared with two glasses of wine. "Here undo me and we'll have a night cap before you go.

Elaine sat down the glasses. And turned her back to me. My antennas were up now but except for the minor offenses in the cab Elaine has been a perfect host. Was she really this nice? Was Tina right, had I misjudged Elaine?

I reached out and lowered the zipper on her dress. Elaine wiggled out and threw the garment like a rag to the closest chair. Standing in just a black G-string and her black lace bra Elaine looked over her shoulder.

"Now the clasp if you don't mind." She smiled.

I hesitated as the awkwardness of it settled in. Still not willing to offend Elaine over such a simple request I reached up and released the clasp of her bra.

"Ahhhhhh." Elaine sighed. "God I love them but they can be such a burden."

Elaine tossed the bra with the dress and massaged her massive tits in front of me. I was just about to suggest I leave without the night cap when Elaine started back to the bedroom.

"Let me get something to cover up with." She giggled.

When she disappeared inside the bedroom I chastised myself for being so suspicious. Why didn't I trust her? Elaine has been polite and generous the entire night. Sure she was dressed like a hooker and all eyes were on her.

Was I just jealous? Did I even care if strangers ogled her and not me? If Elaine was really that bad why hadn't she shown her hand earlier? Hell she didn't even invite me in the bedroom.

Just the Elaine emerged in what I can only describe as a fishing net. Only this kind of net isn't for the fish you find in the water. It covered nothing.

"Jane you haven't touched your drink." Elaine handed it to me as she took a sip of hers.

I too took a small sip just to be polite then moved to the only furniture not covered with clothes, the couch.

"Tina tells me you give a wonderful back rub." Elain smiled. "Would you mind?"

Again my antennas warned me, but since Elaine merely sat on the couch with her back to me I thought how rude it would be not to.

I started at her neck like I did with Tina. Elaine cooed and praised me was my fingers moved lower on her back. The fishnet cover was not ideal for a massage so it was no surprise when Elaine dropped it over her shoulder exposing her upper back.

I was almost to the part where the material hung below Elaine's shoulder blades.

"So are you in love with her?" Elaine suddenly asked.

"I'm sorry?" I replied in shock.

"Tina, do you love her or are you just her slut?" Elaine turned to face me.

I was so stunned I didn't know how to respond.

"So you are just her slut." Elaine replied. "Well now you're my slut."

With that Elaine attacked my lips and thrust her tongue in my mouth before I knew it was happening.

I pushed back as hard as I could but Elaine was bigger and stronger. I turned my head breaking the kiss.

"Stop this." I yelled.

"That's it play hard to get. You've strung me along all night slut now it's time show me some love."

"String you along? I wasn't stringing you along. I was just trying to be nice." I insisted.

"Really slut? I saw you staring at my tits all night. Well here they are bitch. Ten times bigger than that slut Tina's" Elaine wiggled them in front of me.

Yes I looked at your tits, how could I not, how could anyone not? They were on display all night" I explained. "Elaine, please stop and think about this. Tina is your partner. You're in business together." I pleaded.

"I have thought about it." Elaine hissed. "I want to know what makes you so special, and I want to know now."

Elaine thrust her lips against mine for the second time. I was ready for this and moved aside quickly. Her tits mashed against me as she started to unzip my dress.

I pushed and wiggled as the material pulled over my shoulders.

"This is going to happen slut, sooner or later." Elaine pulled the top of my dress down exposing my tits. "It might as well be sooner than later."

With all my strength I pushed Elaine and the sound of material ripping filled the room. Just then my phone ran in my purse.

"Let me go!" I yelled.

Pushing Elaine to the floor I grabbed my purse and quickly answered my phone.

"Poole!" I cried out relieved.

"Jane? Are you ok?" Poole asked surprised by my outburst.

"Just a minute, I'll be right with you." I muted my phone and looked at Elaine as she picked herself up from the floor.

"Poole wants to know if I'm ok?" I glared at Elaine.

She looked at me, my dress ruined and my tits exposed. My hair was frazzled and my lips bruised from her attacks.

"Get out of here slut." Elaine turned and headed to the bedroom.

I took Poole off of hold as I headed to the door.

"I'm fine." I lied. "I'm just saying goodnight to Elaine that's all."

"Elaine?" Poole asked knowing how we felt about each other.

"Tina is out with Mr. Park and his team on a big deal. Elaine invited me to dinner." I explained.

"Just the two of you? I would pay to see that cat fight!" He joked.

I was walking down the hotel hallway half naked to my room. I smiled thinking he would be right. Knowing it could devastate Tina if she found out I decided not to tell Poole.

'You never know, but I want to see the money first." I joked back.

I entered my room and closed the door and locked it. I filled Poole in about the day and why he probably couldn't get ahold of Tina. I promised to have her call first thing in the morning.

Only after Poole hung up did I see a text I missed from Tina not ten minutes before Poole called.

'still in a meeting, don't wait up, see you in am, luv T'

It was not so easy falling asleep this night.

I'll never get over the feeling of Tina slipping in bed with me. She smelled fresh, damp and intoxicating at the same time. Her hand pulled met tight as she kissed the back of my neck.

"Waky, waky slut." Tina nuzzled in closer still.

"I't's too early." I moaned looking up at the clock.

"I know my love but I need you." Tina grabbed my tit and squeezed.

"In that case..." my mood turned lighter.

"I need you Jane but not that way just now." Tina pinched my nipple. "Mr. Park has an early flight and wants to see us before he goes."

"Us?" I turned to Tina.

"Well me, but I miss you, so I hoped you would come too." Tina rolled out of bed shaking her ass at me.

Picking up a robe she slipped it back on her naked body and came back to the bed.

"I promise we can spend the night together." Tina leaned in and kissed me. "I'm going to go call Poole while you get ready."

In the taxi Tina filled me in on her meeting last night. It was well after midnight when she got back to the room. It's now just before seven and Tina has been up well over an hour.

The meeting with Mr. Park was in a conference room at the hotel he was staying at near the airport. I was impressed Mr. Park was happy to see me, even more so that he remembered me in the first place. He wasted no time in getting right to the point.

Mr. Park wanted to move forward with several business deals in the US and wanted Tina to coordinate them. I listened intently as they spoke and watched as his associates wrote everything down. At one point Mr.Park got his figures confused, I politely corrected the mistake as his associates leafed through several pages of scribble.

Tina looked at me and winked knowing Poole would have been proud if he were here. With the last day of the show opening soon Tina and I wrapped up the meeting and rushed back to the convention center.

"Poole told me you had dinner with Elaine last night?" Tina asked as we walked quickly up the steps.

"We did." I replied smiling not knowing how much she knew or approved.

"Well I'm glad Elaine took my advice. I told her you would be willing..."

"You suggested it?" I asked shocked. "But why..."

"Don't worry you'll be my slut tonight!" Tina embraced me just before we reached our booth.

I wanted to slap Tina I was so upset. Tina all but admitted she pimped me out to Elaine last night. Why would she do that without asking my opinion first? Then there was Timothy or whatever his name was the night before. Tina didn't even mention him.

Maybe he didn't tell her how bad that all went? It doesn't really surprise me, men's egos can be like that. He probably bragged how great it was. Maybe Tina is just waiting until we have time to discuss the not so juicy details?

The crowd was much lighter today but I was still busy until lunch time. Elaine approached and pulled me aside.

"You and Tina were up early. What did you tell the bitch?" Elaine squeezed my arm.

"I didn't tell her anything!" I snapped back pulling my arm free.

"That's good because I'm going to tell her you were a perfect slut." Elaine sneered as she pointed her finger at me. "I just set up a meeting at six for Tina. I want you in my room naked at the same time SLUT."

"We both know nothing happened Elaine. Other than you destroying a dress she bought me." I hissed.

"I'll just tell her we couldn't control ourselves you were so horny to jump in my bed." Elaine boasted.

"That's not what happened and you know it!" I protested.

"Maybe not but I told you it's going to happen sooner or later slut. Tonight it is going to happen so get over it."

"What if I tell Tina what really happened?" I threatened Elaine.

"Go ahead. Who is she going to believe, her business partner, or her slut?" Elaine challenged me. "Oh, did I tell you Tina insisted I ask you to dinner? Why do you think she did that? Slut."

"I don't know?" I snorted in defiance.

"Look Jane I'm not asking you to marry me, just eat my pussy like a good slut would." Elaine said as she walked away.

Suddenly I was sick to my stomach. Elaine all but confirmed Tina pimped me out. I'm surprised she didn't know about the guy the night before. I tried to go back to work that afternoon but everytime I saw Elaine she just reveled in my misery.

Being Sunday I knew Poole was with Max. Tina was nowhere to be found she was so overwhelmed. I'll admit I panicked when I called Lela.

"Jane!" Lela answered her phone right away.

"Lela I need your help." I blurted out.

I lied and told her I was sick and wanted to come home right away. Back in my hotel room I quickly packed and caught a cab to the airport. Lela had booked me on the first flight she could and assured me she would be at the airport to pick me up.

I made her promise not to tell Poole or Max until I got home. Knowing she doesn't drive I suggested she take a cab. I was going to suggest she call Cassie or Cody but I couldn't face them just yet. Just before I got on the plane I sent a text to Tina to tell her I was on my way home early and I would not have access to my phone. I then turned it off and took my seat.

Lela was waiting right outside the secured area.

"Jane!" I heard her call out from across the room.

Lela and I met in the middle with a big hug and a quick kiss. It was the happiest I had been in days. Lela took my hand and waited at the carousel for my luggage. Each taking one we headed for the exit.

"You don't look sick." Lela stopped just inside the door. "I talked Tina she didn't know you were sick?"

All that euphoria vanished as I turned to face Lela. I will never forget the look of disappointment on her face.

"You're right Lela I did mislead you. I'm sorry." I looked up from the ground as I apologized. "I'm not really sick but I needed to leave and I didn't know how else to explain it."

"You should call Tina." Lela hugged me. "But first I know someone that can help."

"You did?" I looked around to see if I missed anyone in the terminal. "Did you bring? Max? Poole? One of the girls?"

"I did better than that." Lela giggled. "She's waiting for us at her place."

"She?" I said mostly to myself.

"Give me a kiss then we can go." Lela negotiated.

Even at times like this she finds ways to get her way.

"Just a kiss?" I teased her letting her know I was being played.

"Maybe two?" Lela giggled.

We settled on one long passionate kiss. Someone walking by suggested we get a room. Lela led me out to the short term parking to a large black Lincoln. The trunk popped open and a man greeted us the put my luggage in the car. He opened the door so Lela and I could both slide in.

Knowing we were monitored Lela and I talked only of the convention. Soon we were on the outskirts of town heading to place I had visited before. The building is in a giant horseshoe nestled on the grounds of a beautiful golf course.

"Maureen?" I asked Lela

She just smiled wide and nodded. Maureen is my Grandmother, my mom Kate's mother, and the three boys Mark, Luke, and of course Poole. She's so busy I rarely see her outside of family functions so I'm surprised to be here during this time of conflict.

My grandmother may have been involved with the company at one time, but now, well into her eighties, Maureen is known for being more of a socialite. Warm and comforting Maureen is liked by everyone and speaks ill of no one. Still very vibrant and active you almost need an appointment to see her.

Lela and I walked in the senior living lobby and was surprised when we didn't need to check in. Everyone seemed to know Lela as we headed to Maureen's private unit. The multi-level building is a mixed use of independent and semi-assisted living. There is a hallway on the inside of the horseshoe if you will, and small condo like units jutting out the back to face the golf course.

Light and airy, the place had a vibrant feel even though the residence were all of retirement age. It looks expensive and is, but half of the units are reserved for seniors with limited funds. Another one of Poole's mandates. The other rules are you must be older than seventy, no family allowed overnight without written permission, and... you must be single. That's right, no married couples at this facility.

Maureen's place is one of the few units with two bedrooms and two full baths. There was a kitchenette even though meals were provided. Lela guided me to Maureen's room and knocked on the door. We didn't wait long when the door opened. With a broad smile and outstretched arms my grandmother greeted us both.

Maureen is an older version of my mother Kate. Medium height, large full breasts just above a small bulging stomach the results of birthing four children. Ample hips tapered to slender thighs and bird like legs and delicate feet. A kiss to my cheek and a smothering hug was her signature greeting.

Lela and I participated equally in the tradition before Maureen closed the door. Without a care in the world and a bubbly personality Maureen was known for making everyone's world a better place. Maureen led us out to the shaded patio and offered us each a glass of iced tea. I looked out at the beautifully manicured golf course and could understand the draw of living here.

"Now tell me what all this drama is about." With Lela beside me Maureen sat down across from us.

I looked at Lela and then my grandmother. She had never been this blunt before, but then there was never any need to I realized.

"I don't know how much you know..." I hesitated.

"Darling the moment you left that airport the phone lines have been burning up. Lord knows if they don't have unlimited call plans what their bills will be?" Maureen laughed. "All I know is you stirred up a hornet's nest, what I don't know is why?"

I looked at Lela not knowing where to start. Lela reached over and took my hand. When my grandmother didn't react I realized Maureen knew more than she was letting on.

"It's complicated..." I started. "...lately I have been feeling unsure where I stand with certain people." I explained.

"Poole?" Maureen pressed.

"And now Tina." I admitted.

"What happened at that convention?" Maureen asked patiently.

I filled in Lela and Maureen about the events leading up to me ending up here. Lela never let go of my hand and didn't interrupt once. Maureen listened just like Poole would asking few but leading questions.

"So what did Tina say when you told her about the Timothy and Elaine?" Maureen asked exasperated.

"I never got the chance to..." Maureen rolled her eyes at this point. "...we were all so busy..."

"So you ran away once again?" Maureen accused me. "What did Poole say when you told him?"

I looked at Lela and back to my grandmother. "I haven't told him either." I admitted.

Maureen rolled her eyes again.

"So two of the people that love you the most you didn't talk to?" Maureen asked exasperated.

"That's the problem. Do they really love me?" I protested. "I'm not so sure anymore."

"I love you Jane." Lela piped up.

"Oh Princess I know." I hugged this innocent player in my decadent life. "I love you too, I really do."

Lela pulled me tight and spoke softly.

"Poole and Tina love you."

"I thought so too." I hugged her back. "It's just he's never told me that."

Lela and I let go after I kissed her cheek. Maureen sat back in her chair and took a deep breath.

"Baby would you mind if Jane and I talk privately." Maureen address Lela. "Coretta will be furious if she finds you came and didn't stop in and see her."

"Ok mom." Lela happily replied.

Lela popped up letting go of my hand as she headed to the door. I looked at Maureen and then back to Lela. Did she just call her mom? As the door closed my brain was just registering the implications when Maureen spoke.

"What kind of slut are you?" She hissed. "You ungrateful bitch. You break that man's heart, years later he lets you back in his life and you threaten to break it again?"


"But nothing! Boo hoo, Poole doesn't tell me he loves me?" Maureen mocked me. "He's never told Tina he loves her and you don't see her running away."


"Or are you just after his money?" Maureen accused me.

"I'm not after his money!" I yelled.

"Well you better not be, because he doesn't have any!" Maureen yelled back.

"That fool probably doesn't have a dime unless Max is running that too." Maureen suggested. "Do you know he sold the Ferrari his dad left him and gave it away for some college fund or some other damned charity?"

"I knew he sold the car." I admitted. "I don't care about what he did with the money."

"You don't? Then tell me slut do you still want him or not?" Maureen pointed her finger at me.

"YES!" I shouted at my grandmother.

"Then why are you here? Why aren't you telling Poole this?" Maureen leaned back in her chair again. "Why didn't you tell Tina about what went on these past few days?"

"I don't know? Lela brought me here. I was hoping you knew. I've tried asking Poole but it's like he's hiding something." I stood up and started pacing. "One time he told me it wasn't his secret to tell. As for Tina it's like she is building a life away from Poole. Why would she do that? She is madly in love with him."

Maureen looked deep in my eyes. A slight smile crossed her face.