Just June (and Pixie too) Ch. 06

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Temptation for June, and young love blossoms.
3.4k words

Part 6 of the 13 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 10/01/2022
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With June away, Pixie concentrated on the Artworks Café. To her delight, Lara and Jenny seemed to be bonding. Lara was mature beyond her years, and Jenny's evident delight in life made her a perfect companion - and, Pixie wondered, perhaps more?

On the Wednesday before the Sappho evening, Lara came in after class. Pixie could see there was something on her mind and was not surprised when she made a beeline for her.

"Pixie, can we talk in confidence?"

"Always darling - coffee?"


Pixie fixed them both a coffee and told Anna that she would need a bit of time with Lara. Anna grinned.

"You know she likes you Pix?"

"She's sweet, I like her."

Anna grinned and said nothing more. Like June, she could see what to Pixie always seemed oblivious, namely that there was a romantic element at play. One of June's few anxieties about her Pixie was her blindness to that sort of thing.

"So, what's up?" Pixie asked.

"Well, you know I am sort of interested in women."

"You mean sexually?"

Lara blushed most becomingly, but nodded.

"Have you?"

"No, there have been a few looks and the odd grope in the showers after swimming, but no sex."

"And no romance either?"

Lara looked a little stunned.

"You know, don't you?"

"Know what? That you like Jenny and she likes you? Yes, a girl would have to be blind not to."

"Do you know I have a crush on you too? I really, really like you."

It was Pixie's turn to colour up. Anna, who had been watching them in the intervals of serving, smiled as they both seemed to be blushing. So sweet she thought. She missed June sometimes; her common sense and directness were very much to her taste. Of course, she was with Pixie, and Anna had her boyfriend, but that did not stop her admiring June. She was collecting everything she could find in the press and magazines.

"I am very flattered Lara, but you know I am June's."

"Oh I do, but I wanted to be honest. We can still be besties, yes?"

"We can," Pixie smiled. "So, Jenny?"

"I really like her Pixie. But you know, I live at home and my parents are rather strict. They don't know about that side of me. They are okay with my coming here because it is "educational" and I make some money to go towards uni, but, well if I were ever to... and that even assumes Jenny would fancy me. I don't even know if she is gay."

Pixie smiled. It was not long ago, she reflected, that she had been in a similar situation: a mother whose religious beliefs would not allow her to even entertain the idea that her younger daughter could be gay; a demanding schedule at school and the university; and a total ignorance of how to go about meeting a woman for romance. It had all ended with her being exploited, and if she could save Lara from that fate, she would.

"Darling Lara, rest assured, my gaydar works well, and not only is Jenny gay, but she is also interested in you."

"You really think so?" Lara was almost breathless. "But I am only eighteen and she is a graduate student, she has seen so much of the world, and she is so, well, just, I guess bubbly, and sexy!"

Even as she spoke the last word, Lara blushed again.

"Oh, I said it!"

Pixie laughed.

"You did, and that's fine. Tell you what, why don't you two both have supper with me here after the Sappho Café? I can always make myself scarce if needed."

"Oh Pixie!" Lara smiled and kissed Pixie on both cheeks. "That would be so good. Thanks."

Pixie felt pleased, as she told June later, Lara so reminded her of herself at that age.

"Except she loves her athletics - and is sexually active. Just be careful Pix. You know what you are like. Lara clearly adores you, just watch out."

"I will darling," Pixie replied, knowing that June would always advise her on what was best for her.

"We have an interesting day coming up," June told Pixie. "Tomorrow is the Aubade shoot."

"Oh," Pixie teased, "you and Cara in your sexy undies making eyes at each other."

"Are you jealous, Pix?"

"No, well maybe a bit, but not cos I doubt you, I'd just love to see you in your sexy lingerie."

Smiling, June promised that she would give Pixie a private showing at the weekend.

They both slept well that night, thinking of the reunion that was to come.

Cara was already at the shoot when June got there. It always amazed June that, given the fact that she and Cara were hired for their looks, it took so much tome to make them both up, but that was part of the job, and if that was what the camera needed, so be it.

"Okay darlings," Kate said when they were ready, I suggest you retire to the dressing room and, well," she giggled, "undress."

Cara grinned.

"Great idea!"

June sighed. The woman was incorrigible. Mind you, not that June minded getting a view of Cara, and if the price was reciprocity, so be it.

The first set of underwear was, she had to admit, hot - St Tropez short knickers which seemed to grip her bum like Pixie's hands, black, lacy, and very see through, except where the gusset concealed anything too intimate. The lace, half cup bra, also black, left equally little to the imagination, and with the lace suspender belt and sheet black stockings, even June, who was always a bit sceptical of the idea that she was beautiful, had to admit, as she put on the Suola So Kate Louboutins, that she did not look too bad.

Of course, Cara was gazing at her with those cow's eyes.

"Fuck, June, you look a million dollars in that."

June smiled.

"You look pretty hot yourself, Cara, okay, let's go do this."

With Cara in white and June in black, the two did the photoshoot, with the cameraman pronouncing himself delighted. They could see from the look on Kate's face that she was equally pleased.

By lunchtime they had modelled four sets of sexy lingerie, and it almost came as a relief when the break came. To help them, Kate had ordered a takeaway lunch, which allowed the girls to relax in their robes.

"That was just great," she enthused, as they sampled the sushi. "Now, can I run you through the afternoon?"

June listened with increasing frustration, but being June, she listened. She only had to look at Cara's face to see one of the reasons that she was going to veto what Kate was describing. When Kate finished June kept silent. Both women looked at her. Taking a deep breath, she spoke.

"Can I get this straight? In order to encourage women to buy this expensive lingerie, Cara and myself are going to simulate a lesbian sex session with kisses, pretend tribbing and pretend cunnilingus?"

From the look on Kate's face, June thought, the penny was dropping.

"Well, darling, if the shoot demands it..." Cara began, but June, normally the soul of politeness, was not finished.

"No one, Cara, no one, can demand that of me - nor should you let them, Cara. We are NOT porn actresses. I get it, of course I do, modelling lingerie means we show off our bodies suitably adorned, and that's the job I signed up to. But Kate, what you just described is porn, not modelling, and I, for one, am not doing it - and," she said, looking at Cara, whom (despite some of her annoying features) she liked, "nor should you. You are better than that darling!"

Kate looked at her. In fact, what June only discovered later, was that Kate, who fancied them both, had decided to go outside her remit and the proposed "shoot" was entirely her own idea. That, as she later told Pixie, explained what had happened next. June had expected Kate to respond negatively, but she simply backed down.

"If that's how you feel my darling June, I will respect that. We'll just do some close ups of the lingerie on you and on Cara - that okay?"

Pleased, if a little surprised at the completeness of the climb down, June declared herself happy. It was only later, discussing it with the photographer after the shoot, that she discovered what Kate had been up to. She told Cara over a supper for two.

Cara, who despite her loose knicker elastic, had a heart of gold, actually thanked June.

"Look, I know you think I am a bit of a slut, but I'm really not, I just fancy the panties off you - but you were right, that would not have been us."

June, whose generosity of character was one of the many reasons Pixie loved her so much, looked at Cara and said:

"Yes. I do know darling, and we are better than that."

"Still no chance?"

"Not the slightest darling, but I think that woman over at the bar who has been eyeing you up for the last half an hour or so might give you a different answer."

Cara looked at the very attractive brunette with the curves and the dress which left little to the imagination.

"Shall I see?"

"Do, darling, I have a call booked with Pix."

"Give her my love, and tell her she is a lucky girl."

June did just that, giggling when Pixie said she knew she was.

"So, did I get that right my love, Kate wanted her own private porn shoot with you and Cara as her models?"

"You did. It explains why she backed down so easily."

"You're one in a million my love. I am glad Cara followed your lead."

"So was she," June grinned. "I think I like this dominant role with her - stops her from being too clingy."

"Oh," said Pixie, "am I too clingy?"

"No," June laughed, "you can never be too clingy for me, you're MINE!"

"Am so," said Pixie, "and tomorrow, I want to see those panties."

"Oh you will, Miss," June teased her.

Pixie told her that her supper with Lara and Jenny at the Artworks Café, although less luxurious than June's with Cara, had been more romantic.

"Oh, so you have two new girlfriends, do you?" June replied.

Pixie, who was a sucker for June's teases, almost fell for it before recovering at the last minute.

"Ohhh you!"

"Almost gotcha!" June grinned. "Tell me all about it over the weekend."

"Well," said Pixie, "I think that whatever 'it' is is probably happening as we speak, as I left them there to lock up."

"Was that wise?" June asked.

"Probably not, but it was kind," Pixie grinned in response.

In fact, Pixie was correct.

Over supper, she had noticed a frisson in the room, and after doing the washing up, she had told Lara and Jenny she needed to get back to talk to June and asked, trying to sound innocent, whether they'd mind locking up. Jenny had instantly agreed, and Pixie smiled at the eagerness with which Jenny said they'd be fine, and Pixie could go.

No sooner had Pixie gone than Jenny turned to Lara.

"I'm American, unless you have one, I am not beating about the bush, though I would about your bush. I want to make love to you. There is the studio to the side which has a comfortable bed - do you want to come with me?"

Lara, who had been very conscious of her own feelings of desire for Jenny, took a deep breath, and in a manner which Jenny would come to realised was typical of her, replied simply: "I can imagine nothing I'd like more. Lead on Macduff!"

Jenny grinned. She did like her lovers to be clever as well as pretty, and Lara met both criteria amply.

In fact, Jenny's confident facade hid her own anxieties. She was, naturally, conscious that her personality and her appearance attracted others, but Jenny was not superficial, and the last thing she wanted was what her friends might call a "fuck buddy." Jenny was a great romantic, indeed one of the things which attracted her to Pixie was the recognition that she, too, was a hopeless romantic. She admired what Pixie and June had, and however much she desired Pixie, she would never have dreamed of coming between them. But Lara, well, the more she had talked with the younger woman, the more she had recognised that she, too, was a romantic.

Lara hid her nervousness well. As a champion athlete, she was used to nerves and the need to control them, but the butterflies in her tummy were not only working overtime, they seemed to have friends in her nipples and her core who were making her tingle. As she looked at Jenny, she saw all that she could desire. What she did not want, was to fail her suitor. Being a few, but crucial years older, Jenny was no novice, she, Lara was.

What she could not know then was that it was her very inexperience which, at least in part, attracted Jenny. Jenny loved to learn, it was one reason she loved talking to and being with Pixie, who was a mine of information which she shared freely; but she also loved to share and to teach. This beautiful, virginal eighteen-year-old was willing to trust her, Jenny, to induct her into the world of love; that was something Jenny would cherish.

There was a moment, which Pixie would have recognised all too well, when the two women entered the studio and wondered who would do what next, but Jenny turned and kissed Lara, who was slightly taller. As Lara's small breasts felt Jenny's bigger ones engulf them, and as their hardening nipples met, the language of love took control.

Neither of them would quite recall how they came to be in just their underwear within moments of getting into the studio, though they did have some fun later trying to find where Lara's jeans had ended up - the answer was on top of a screen!

But Lara would never forget the moment that she unhooked Jenny's bra to free her breasts. She gasped, they must, she thought, have been at least 36D, maybe more, but it was her thick, beautiful areola which drew her fascination.

"May I?" Lara looked longingly at Jenny.

"Better," Jenny grinned, "I did not get them out for my own benefit."

Feeling the warmth of her breast as she pressed her face into it, Lara sighed and took the firm nipple between her lips, drawing it in, sucking, loving this new sensation - and Jenny's reaction.

Knowing that her breasts were the first ones Lara had sucked since she was weaned, Jenny felt both honoured and pleasured.

"Oh Lara, darling, yes, like that, yes, pull on it a little stronger, I am not made of china."

Wanting to do just that, Lara, emboldened by Jenny's words and reactions, did just that, drawing a deep sigh from her lover. She also felt Jenny's thighs open, taking that as further encouragement. So, just as she would if she was executing a particularly difficult dive, Lara took a deep breath and went for it, her hand stopping when it met Jenny's pussy.

Lara slipped her hand into Jenny's panties, loving the trim bush. As Jenny continued to moan erotically, Lara's hand slid lower, touching her swollen lips, her middle finger parting her lips. At her first feel of another woman's pussy, Lara felt her own leak copiously, and as Jenny fell back on the bed, she pressed a second finger into her and began to do what she did when she masturbated, pressing in hard.

As she felt Lara's fingers enter her, and felt her mouth pleasuring her nipple, Jenny relaxed. Her young lover was a natural, and she knew she could let her keep going.

Amazed that her older lover seemed so satisfied with what she was doing, Lara sucked Jenny's left nipple as she continued to press her fingers in, adjusting the angle so that her knuckles grazed her clit, which made her pant loudly. The feel of her fingers as they moved thought Jenny's warm, gooey wetness, turned Lara on. That was as nothing to what they did to Jenny, who squeezed on them tight.

For a moment Lara wondered whether it was too much, was she being too rough, but then as Jenny pushed herself onto her fingers, she realised that her lover wanted it harder and faster, so she gave her what she wanted.

Not sure what she had expected, but feeling that she would probably have to take the lead, Jenny was pleasantly surprised that the younger woman seemed very happy to be doing so. She wanted it harder.

"Fuck me, fuck me Lara, take my hot cunt!"

A shiver shot through Lara. Those words, in this context, so, so hot. Could she really be doing this so right and having such an effect? Well her coach always said that seeing was believing - and Lara could feel as well as see.

"Is this what my Jenny wants, her Lara to fuck her hard and deep?"

"Yes fuck, yes, it is, don't stop I am nearly..."

And with what, Jenny was there. She tensed, she screamed, she gripped her lover tight, and she came on her fingers.

Lara was in ecstasy.

Aroused beyond words, as soon as the first orgasm had subsided, Jenny gripped Lara and manoeuvred her so that the two of them could scissor. She wanted to look into her lover's eyes, she wanted to tell her what this had meant to her, how much she loved it, and her.

Not quite grasping what was needed, Lara let Jenny show her. That look in Jenny's eyes and they gazed at each other meant the world to her, and as Jenny pulled her panties off, discarding them with her own, and as they pressed together, Lara felt sensations she had never known before. As her wet, swollen lips pressed against Jenny's soaking wet pussy, and as their juices mingled, Lara felt herself almost swoon. No one had ever told her that it could feel like this.

The affection between the two young women would have delighted Pixie, as indeed it did as she came to observe their growing love, and it added dimensions beyond the purely physical to their passion and to what became their first joint orgasm.

Lara was much closer to the edge than she had realised, while Jenny had just managed to hold back a second orgasm for long enough to trib with Lara so they could do what they now did, and come together.

As they came, they both cried out in their passion, each calling the name of the other as they fell back, before cuddling up and kissing before lying there together for the longest time.

"Thank you, Lara," Jenny said as she recovered her breath and cuddled up to her lover.

"No, no, dear Jenny, thank you. That was my first time and you have made it special, so it is I who owe you thanks."

"Aww, you Brits," Jenny smiled, pulling Lara between her ample breasts, "you're so polite - it was me who owes you the thanks. You were just great."

As they lay there, Lara could hardly believe it.

"Really? It was my first time."

"Well darling, if that was the first, fuck, can't imagine how it will be next time."

Snuggling in, Lara asked.

"You will want me again?"

"You bet?"

"Don't you have a girlfriend?"

"Sort of," Jenny replied.

Lara felt a stab of disappointment.

"Oh, I see. What do you mean, sort of?"

Stopping teasing, Jenny replied:

"I mean you have to agree to be my girlfriend, but first I have to ask. Will you be my girlfriend, Lara?"

Lara felt her heart lift and she almost choked on her feelings of relief as she said, eagerly.

"Yes, yes, yes, Jenny."

As Pixie told June when she phoned to check what time her lover was getting back home:

"Whatever happened last night would warm your heart darling, the two of them have been mooning about hand in hand all morning."

"You are such a romantic little Pixie. Well, I think your match making deserves a reward. You didn't play with yourself last night, did you?"

"As if," Pixie said indignantly. "I wanted to, but I want you more."

"Good," June said, "I should be home by four, I want you upstairs - and don't bother with clothes."

"Can't wait," said Pixie, knowing she would have to. "Love you."

"Love you more," said June.

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PixiehoffPixiehoffover 1 year agoAuthor

Thank you so much Paul - and I am so glad that you "get" this xxxxx

Paul4playPaul4playover 1 year ago

A beautifully romantic and sensuous chapter!

You continue to impress us with your writing, having Kate’s misbehavior exposed in contrast to the lovely commitment of Pixie and June, and the romantic eroticism Lara and Jenny.

And all that in just a few thousand words….wow!

PixiehoffPixiehoffover 1 year agoAuthor

Thank you so much, Wiz xxxxxx

Wiz1002Wiz1002over 1 year ago

Beautifully written chapter, Pixie, as always!

PixiehoffPixiehoffover 1 year agoAuthor

Thank you, Anonymous, and #lovenothate is a good motto xxxxx

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