Just One Glance


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Sara had known she would be unable to remain seated, and came to her feet as soon as Brad came into the room. What had been the first impact of his face? Ruggedness, well the same could be said for the rest of his body. His hairless broad chest, and muscled stomach told her he was an active man. Her eyes moved down to observe his penis rising to point at her even as she watched.

Sara could not resist pointing and, hopefully, realising how she was feeling, she asked, "Out of control?"

Brad glanced down, and back at her. Yes, his erection had been almost instant with his admiration of her body, but was he out of control as on their other meetings? There was no doubt, with any naked lady in front of him, there had to be a modicum of desire. But had they been able to avoid that mad desperation that they had known?

Sara tried to read the expression on Brad's face as he took a step towards her. She had initially half raised her arms in case it was to be instant embrace, and there were stirrings deep inside her that she was hoping to keep restrained. Dare they hope that a corner had been turned? She needed to know as she took a step forward and said, "Good, Brad. Touch me, just touch me."

Brad had been wondering about the best approach since it seemed there was a change in their past pattern. Now, tentatively, he reached out his right hand to stroke his fingers down the slope of her left breast.

Brad's touch had the same effect as putting a lighted flame to a fuse. Sara almost collapsed completely into his arms as their mouths came together in a, so familiarly, frenetic kiss, and their bodies meshed together. Brad managed to keep his hand open on her breast, while she groped wildly for his erect penis. They both staggered sideways to collapse onto the bed.

That action momentarily broke their connection, causing Sara to wonder whether she could delay the hot impulses that racked her lower body so that she could, even briefly, enjoy the surprising sensation of Brad's lips and tongue on her nipple. Plus there was the sheer magic of being skin to skin. Restraint would be a massive step, but she knew the sensuality would be too much.

Brad, aching to plunge into Sara's so familiar territory, had managed, as they fell to the bed, to nuzzle his face against her breasts. Taking a nipple into his mouth, had been a massively bold move, and now, he'd allowed his hand to trail down over her belly towards her bush, knowing from the pulses in his scrotum that he needed to get there before— That was the moment that Sara's hand clutched tightly and tugged urgently on his erection.

"Oh, Brad—" Sara gasped, the touch of his fingers had been too much in her delicate state, and as she felt him respond to roll between her thighs, she was wondering whose need had been greatest.

Brad could have consoled her that there wasn't much in it. As soon as her fingers had closed on his prick there was only one direction he wanted to go. But, already, since there had been some advances in their passion, he was wondering how he might make more of his time inside Sara.

Breathing heavily, Sara had Brad's erection poised against her vaginal opening. Just before releasing him to plough up into her, to fill her, and lift her to such familiar heights, she too had wondered how this next sequence might be extended before orgasm took them. Releasing him was like sending some mighty rocket deep to her heart. The traversing of his rod inside her was exquisite.

Brad, having a male variation on what Sara was experiencing, just loved the lush, easy slide of his solid prick in the moist, welcoming heat of Sara's deep long cavity. Cautiously he drew back, and plunged again. For the first time, he became aware of Sara's breathing, fast and heavy, almost gasping. Was she so near? Brad thought he might risk a couple of further strokes. That would be something of a record.

Sara could not believe how weak she was feeling. She was weak in a very pleasant sense, weak enough to explode under the next thrust of Brad's steely rod. Her breath was gasping out of her. God, was he really going for a third stroke? And as that loving penis worked up to her cervix once more, Sara knew she was gone. All the portals of delight were opened as her senses went berserk.

"Oh, Brad—oh,yes-I'm --Oh, oh."

Sara's heaving and bucking, allied to her wild cries, surprised, yet delighted Brad. Joint orgasm might be the ideal, but in this session, he had surpassed everything that had gone on between them before. Sara had climaxed, was still in the throes of it. Yet he had more to give. The sheer delight of that thought started to bring him to a head. But he knew he could manage at least one more push.

Sara was very aware of being out of it, deep in her own orgasm, for longer than ever. Her amazement came when she realised that Brad was travelling harder inside her. He hadn't climaxed with her. She wasn't sure whether to be glad or sorry, but as Brad's stiffness rode up into her twice more and then, at last, hit that very frantic final discharging inside her, she was glad, very glad. Sara heard her own loud grunt as Brad's orgasm drove him into her with enough strength to almost give her a second lift.

Brad was overjoyed. He had managed to withhold as Sara went into her personal climax, but as he was able to continue, he could tell by the sounds coming from her that she had enjoyed his renewed strength. Were there real reasons for hope now? Brad lay back with the unbelievable comfort of Sara's naked body warm against him as they each recovered from their recent passion.

"Have we made ground?" he asked at last.

"Have we made love?" Sara said, still sounding a little breathless. "Shouldn't that be the question?"

Brad looked into her reddened face, "And the answer would be?"

"Almost." As she spoke Sara sat up and leaned over him, "Oh, Brad, there were so many positives. We didn't rush at each other."

Brad nodded, "Maybe because we had taken time to talk."

"Being naked maybe helped," she affirmed, her hand stroking across his chest. "But that first touch set me away."

"Now do we wait to see whether the urge hits us again?" Brad asked.

"It always has," Sara admitted, but she leapt from the bed, determined to make the situation as natural as possible. "But, do you mind if I use your shower?"

Just a little surprised Brad said, "Not at all. Need a hand?"

The sight of her standing there, her naked body glowing, a mock scolding look on her face, had Brad fearing that he could be enjoying this too much, as Sara said, "Better not—let's just pretend everything is normal."

Brad lying on the bed, and Sara enjoying the splash of the shower, each had that word 'normal' on their mind. Brad feared normal could mean that they just liked each other without any physical desire. Was that possible after all they had experienced together? Sara was hoping for a clear resolution, so they could really use that word, 'normal', for their relationship.

Keeping their heads turned away from each other, 'just in case', they exchanged places. When showered and dried, Brad returned to the bedroom, trying to contain himself and any urges that might invade him, he was surprised to find that Sara had found a thin bed sheet and lay completely covered up to the neck. Her eyes were bright as, without looking at him, she said, "Just come and lie outside the sheet, and hold my hand."

Doing as she suggested he asked, "A test?"

"Sort of. Trouble is, I'm not sure whether I want it to work or not."

Brad knew exactly what she meant. If they could just lie together, it could mean that all desire for each other was gone. If they only took a few moments before they were locked together once more, it could indicate that, well, maybe a slight progress had been made.

Lying flat on his back, alongside her, separated by the thin sheet, her cool fingers clasped in his, he outlined those thoughts. Waiting for her answer, Brad stared up at the ceiling, listening for any tell-tale signs in her breathing. There were none.

Reality seemed to want to impinge upon the way Sara's thoughts ran, and she told Brad, "I'm so hopeful of the progress we've made, but I fear we'll hit somewhere in the middle of all this."

"Okay," Brad said, "as long as that means we're still intimate."

Sara nodded, without looking at him, and said, "But I think a nice, slow development through kissing, touching, caressing should be our goal."

"Oh, yes," Brad said fervently. They lay on their backs with only their fingers touching. After a while Brad wondered how long they should continue this test. It was then that he noticed two things. First Sara's fingers had slackened on his. At the same time, her breathing, came to his attention.

He recognised the significance in her breathing while they were physically active. So what had drawn his attention to it at this time? It was rather deep guttural, regular in and out. He had heard that sound before in other situations. My God, it was the breathing of someone asleep.

Cautiously, Brad sat up and looked down into her sleeping face, eyes lightly closed, lips barely parted from which emitted that obvious sound. He was so tempted to lean down and kiss those lips. Of course, she'd said she hadn't slept well, that and their recent activity had obviously caught up with her.

Could anything be more natural? Satisfied, Brad lay back, held her hand, occasionally allowing his thumb to stroke over hers. He thought he might sleep himself, but knew he wouldn't. He was floating on the delightful notion that somewhere, somehow, they might have a controlled future.

Brad wasn't sure how long they lay like that, but he became aware that while his thumb was gently stroking Sara's, her fingers had begun to move over the back of his hand. Electrical fibres seemed to send tickling impulses up his arm.

He raised his head to look into her face. Wide green eyes were bright upon him, brighter as her lips bestowed a warm smile. Brad could do nothing but bend to place his mouth on those full lips.

The kiss was long, slow and deliberate. Sara closed her eyes under the sheer pleasure of it. She hadn't been sure what would happen when she woke up, but the gentle stroke of his thumb had been delicately inviting. The response of her own fingers had obviously grabbed his attention. Now this kiss. Not passionate, in no way desperate, no tangling of tongues, although she would respond to a gentle probe from his with a tender search of her own

Brad was equally pleased with the mutual balance of gentility in the kiss. Cautiously, he placed his left hand across her, to lay it on her waist where he could feel her body warmth under the covering sheet. No jerking reaction came from Sara except, maybe greater pressure of her lips on his. Surreptitiously, he allowed his hand to slide up to cover her right breast, a rapturous sensation in spite of the sheet.

A rapturous sensation was definitely what Sara experienced as Brad's hand moved on her breast. Fearfully she realised that if that sheet had not been there she may have lost control by now. The triggers were still all on alert. That twitching between her thighs, pleasurable as it was, had to be contained. Sara was well aware that Brad had moved things forward during their last session. She was determined to play her part in getting their relationship right.

Relationship? It was the first time her mind had driven along that path. A future together? Is that what she-? That was the moment that she jerked as Brad's hand moved slowly across her belly, over her pubic area, and onto her upper thigh where his fingers curled lightly as though to probe her groove.

It was the moment, too, when Brad, well aware of the risks, broke their kiss, placed his lips close to her ear, and whispered, "Easy, Sara. Nice and easy. No rush, no push, unless you wish it."

"And I will wish it, probably very soon," Sara almost grunted her response.

Brad had one small idea which he hoped might help Sara extend her time. Leaning over her now, his fingers becoming aware of the moistness under the blanket he looked into her eyes and said teasingly, "I do notice that I'm being left to do all the work. All I've had is a few strokes along my back."

Sara looking up at him, noticing his teasing tone, seeing the impudent smile on his face, was impelled to push herself up, heave Brad onto his back, and kiss him with some passion. Her hands patrolled his shoulders, belly and thighs, trying hard to keep her mind away from his steely erection. Yet she remained very much aware that it was there, jutting out hungrily, and that awareness brought familiar tingles to her insides.

Her movement had dislodged the sheet from much of her body, and Brad's fingers reached up to cover a naked breast. Sara gasped as she broke the kiss and she fought her body spasms.

Was it that caress, or something else, that provoked her next unexpected gesture? Knowing exactly what affect it might have on both of them, she had no power to resist. Leaning over him, she slid down over his belly and without any delay enveloped his erect penis in her mouth. Momentarily, that delightful warmth was filling her mouth, but only one cautious suck, and Brad's whole body jerked violently, an action which spilled him from Sara's mouth as she fell to one side.

"Oh, God, Sara, what have you—? That was—We have to—"

Sara realised exactly what they had to do? But had they failed the test? As Brad's body loomed between her parted thighs, she briefly took in his masculine face, etched with concern and desire. She had lost contact with his penis but sensed that he had it poised for entry.

"Can you-" God her breathing was difficult. " -be slow?" This was their only chance of making something new of this, she was sure. Above her, Brad's worried face, creased in a crazy grin.

He was thinking, 'What a question.' Yes, he could be slow, but with Sara eagerly awaiting his entry, he could guarantee nothing, although a steady approach had been his intention. Wasn't it the first time that he had been in charge of that entry? His penis weighed heavily in his own fingertips, as he guided that purple headed rogue between moist labia to nestle against her vaginal portal. Hope this is slow enough, Sara.

Sara was trying valiantly to subdue her anticipation. She was very aware that, beyond her control, the vaginal muscles along her entire length were already flexing. Brad's iron hard rod had pushed between her lower lips, and was poised now. Slowly, Brad, gently, Brad, delicately Brad. One inch, his penis had stretched her walls to be one inch inside her. Already it was a delight. The urge to heave up and force it onwards was massive, but she had to remain strong.

The slowness of that first inch had tested Brad's resolve. Being inside her was, as ever, so enervating, the need to give her all of it was massive. A second inch, and then another, and he was maddeningly aware of her vaginal muscles tugging at his penis like tentacles. So wonderful the sensation, so clinical was this need for control. At least her hips weren't flexing him upwards, and her breathing, although heavy did not sound desperate. Could they really get beyond their limit?

Even as Brad was asking himself the question, Sara was having grave doubts. Brad's entrance had been exquisitely slow, just as she wanted, but now he was there almost halfway into her, and she could sense the throbbing of his erection as it filled her, so immense, so demanding. Her hips and whole interior had demands of their own. If only she could get past this point. Oh, God, he was pulling back. Her vaginal muscles were on fire, as just as suddenly, she was aware of his rod driving with more force into her. Could she--could she--ride this?

Brad knew he was almost completely inside her. Instead of pushing to the ultimate, he deliberately drew his penis back, before immediately giving a more forceful thrust. He sensed the tension in her body, and knew delaying her might be unkind. Her breathing, deeper now, told him she demanded release.

His erection drew back once more, and Brad realised Sara had held on further than ever before. He ploughed upwards to full stretch, but as he did, and without any thought governing his action, his head lowered to a breast and his tongue lavished over her nipple.

Every muscle in Sara's body had already been tense. She had been pleased to guide herself through those initial stages of Brad's slow plunge inside her. Control was good, had been her encouraging thought, even though the mental concentration was challenging.

Then, came that one extra lunge, which was lifting enough, but allied to his tongue on her breast, Sara's muscles, so recently tensed, just went wild. Her arms wrapped tightly around Brad, as her hips heaved up at him, her thighs spread then tightened on his, her breasts pushed up into his face, until, momentarily, Sara was almost sitting up. Her body was out of control, yet, amazingly her orgasm was still building. But, it was oh so near.

Sara's frantic breathing, her gasps, and then the sheer madness of her bodily contortions, told Brad everything. In fact, the heaving of her hips around his erection had been electrifying, and had loosened any extra intentions he may have had. Along came that familiar build up way back at the base of his penis. Keen to be correct, he had time to grunt, "Yes?"

Sara was so relieved to hear his question, that she almost shouted, "Yes. Oh, yes!" Brad's wild onslaught almost lifted her up off the bed as he made three swift forceful jiggles with his solid rod, and Sara was happy to take them and surrender to her own fiery release, so all enveloping after the tension.

Together they heaved together, the one wanting to be totally inside the other, that other longing to take it all in. Their vocal cries of pure joy must have been heard way down the corridor, Brad thought.

At last, once more, they were lying together, sated, sweated, clinging. Sara managed to sigh the first comment, "I moved a long way."

"You did. You were wonderful."

"But all the tenseness in holding on—"

"We're being too clinical, perhaps?"

She raised her head to smile down at him, "But the release at the end makes it so worthwhile. Think we're getting better?"

"Obviously, do you-?"

Brad was interrupted by the zing zing sound of a cell phone. Sara sat up, "Mine," she whispered, "Can only be Jennifer."

She slid from the bed and trotted naked to where her handbag lay on a table. Brad loved the movement of her. No twitches, just pleasure at seeing her like that, and she was so easy with her nudity.

Jennifer's call was to ask if Sara could beg a lift home in Brad's car, because Sam hadn't a lift. Jennifer could take Sara's car and they could travel in privacy.

"Meaning I'd be in the way," Sara told Brad.

Brad smiled, the idea already appealed to him. "Another good test for us?"

"It will be."

And it was. For, at just before three o'clock, as Brad carried his bag to his car, a quick glance at Sara, sitting, as arranged in the rear seat, told him that familiar lower region urges still existed.

Eyes wide, Sara had stared back at him, and she too, knew that stirring deep down had not diminished. As Brad drove away from the hotel they talked briefly about it and then, for a time, completely changed the subject. With Sara sitting directly behind Brad, they talked about the weather, the views, and their respective houses.

Brad drove past his own house and Sara voiced her approval when she saw the white painted frontage of the place.

When Sara had directed him to where she lived, Brad was delighted with just how easy the route between the two residences was. By the time they reached Sara's, they had both admitted that meeting on a regular basis might clear their problem