Just Roomies


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Then we both turned our gaze to the window and listened to the sounds of the storm still wailing away outside. Looking anxious, she bit into her lip and winced. "I'm guessing it hasn't blown over yet?"

Brushing back the hair from her eyes, I shook my head. "No. But hopefully it'll move on soon. This happens every summer, as the weather heats up. There's a path they usually follow, churning up from the Philippines to Hong Kong, then on to mainland China, hopefully getting weaker as it goes." She nodded, studying my face as I explained.

"But what happens to all the people that live on their boats? I can't imagine it would be safe to be out on the water now."

"Well, there are a couple of typhoon shelters, one near your office in Causeway Bay, and another in Aberdeen. So, they can head there."

"Oh, I'm glad to hear that. I'd hate to think of anyone having to face a storm like this, out on the water."

Then her gaze softened, and suddenly her face broke into a grin and she threw her arms around me, squeezed me tight against her, and then pulled back, smiling into my eyes. "Thank you so much for letting me come in here and stay with you last night. I'm not usually such a scaredy-cat. But when I heard, whatever that was slamming against the window, I was so afraid it was going to come crashing in on me, I think I flew out of bed without my feet ever hitting the floor." She flinched. "And somehow, I wound up in here with you."

"Well, at least we'll be safe in here," I said, gently stroking her back as I gazed into those big baby blues, wishing with everything I had that I could touch my lips to hers, give in and kiss her.

Heaving a sigh, she nodded. "Well, I probably should get up and get a shower. Hopefully, once the storm has passed, I'll be able to get home to see what's happened to my place."

Watching her crawl out of bed, still half wrapped in the sheet, I kind of hated to see her go. It had been a while since I'd enjoyed the feel a warm, soft woman in my bed. Though nothing had happened, it was still nice just having her close, and having the pleasure of breathing in the sweet scent of her while we slept.

Looking adorable with her hair a little mussed, Ava stopped in the doorway, looked back at me, and pointed toward the kitchen. "I've got some bread for toasting, some eggs, and fresh orange juice in those bags we carried in last night. We should probably use what I brought to make breakfast. I won't be long in the shower, and I'll put it together as soon as I'm done."

Nodding, I said, "Sure," and decided, while she was in there, I should probably grab a quick shower, too.

Freshly showered, I walked into the kitchen, and laughed as I looked into the bags on the counter and realized why it felt like she was carrying home four bags of bricks.

Ava walked in just then, and trying not to laugh, I cocked an eyebrow. "I thought you said you didn't have any pets."

Biting into her lip, she winced, looking a little guilty. "I don't. But there's a mamma cat with kittens and a few wild dogs with pups that live around my building. And a few of us feed them. With the storm coming, I thought I'd better stock up to make sure they'd have enough to eat."

I couldn't help but smile as I shook my head, amazed. What a sweetheart. Though she had to be really scared, facing her first tropical storm, she still took the time to stop and pick up enough food to make sure all the wild things around her building wouldn't go hungry.

Deciding it best to let it drop, I asked, "Tea or coffee?" Though I fully intended to drive her home -- or at least back to her old place, hoping she'd now decided to move in here with me -- so she wouldn't have to lug everything into another taxi.

As we finished our delicious cheesy-scrambled eggs, toast, tea and juice, I looked over at her, and asked, "So, you said you work in Causeway Bay?" Figured it was a good way to find out what she did for a living, without having to come right out and ask her.

She nodded, and set down her tea cup. "I work in advertising, at the same company I worked for in Toronto."

"And they transferred you here?" I imagined she had to be really good at her job, because hardly anyone was hiring expats anymore, since there was more than enough local talent to fill almost any company's needs. Considering how young she looked, I knew they had to have been pretty impressed with her, to move her out here.

It took her a moment to answer. Looking a little uncomfortable, she finally looked up at me, and told me what was worrying her. "The agency moved me here six months ago. But I'm not sure if they're going to keep me, or not. I noticed right away that this office is kind of old school. Especially the creative director, who won't accept that things need to change, in order for them to stay current. And that we need something more relevant to offer their clients. So, I may end up being told that I'm going back to Toronto."

I hated the thought of her going back home, since we were just getting to know each other -- and getting pretty cozy, too.

I almost blurted out, 'Don't worry, we'll work something out, so you won't have to leave.' But I didn't want to risk scaring her off, if she thought I was trying to interfere in her life.

"So, what radical ideas are you trying to push, that they're objecting to?" I said, with a waggle of my eyebrows, so she'd know I was only teasing.

Though she kind of laughed, she got serious again as she explained what she was having to deal with. "My office has all these ads they've won awards for, hanging all over the office walls, that they're really proud of, and rightly so. All of them are really beautiful and iconic. I'm sure you'd recognize a lot of them.

"They're a testament to what they've been able to accomplish in the past. It's a really big-name agency, with offices world-wide. And they've worked on campaigns for a lot of international clients for things like watches, luxury cars, and all kinds of high-end designer clothes, and all the latest phones and tech gadgets. But I've been brought out here to try and explain to them that in order to stay profitable, and relevant, they have to realize that trends are changing. The younger generation, who are becoming the ones we're trying to sell to, don't usually subscribe to newspapers or buy magazines, like their parents did. And most don't even own a TV, since they do everything on their phones or tablets, and their smartwatches.

"So, I've been trying to convince the creative director, who's been digging in his heels, and refusing to hear me out, that social media platforms, celebrity influencers and whatever anyone's watching online, is the way to go, to market whatever we're trying to sell.

"But he's stuck in the past, insisting on doing the same old same old, running nothing but expensive print ads and sixty second spots on TV. Our clients might as well be throwing their advertising dollars out the window, since hardly anyone is even seeing what we're doing for them anymore."

I nodded, impressed. "I've noticed the trend, too. And we're starting to look at different ways of targeting prospective buyers."

"So, you're in sales?" she asked.

I shrugged. "Sort of. I work for my uncle, and our company's involved in all kind of things, including developing land here and across Asia. We've got a few new condo buildings for sale here in Hong Kong now, that we're trying to promote."

She nodded. "Then you should consider getting a local celebrity to mention your buildings, to create some buzz."

"Yeah, I guess that's something we could look at."

Heaving a sigh, she explained the rest of what was going on. "That was another thing I did, that got me in trouble. Our receptionist put a call through to me from an up-and-coming designer, Mavis Choi. She does these incredibly elaborate bridal gowns, like nothing I've ever seen. Really high-end stuff. But since she's just starting out, she said she doesn't really have the budget to get her gowns featured in any of the popular bride's magazines."

I reached for my cup and asked, "So, what did you suggest?"

"While I had her on the phone, I looked up celebrity engagements. And I nearly fell out of my chair when I realized that that morning the press was all abuzz because Cindy Tam, the biggest pop star in Hong Kong, had just gotten engaged to her boyfriend, Ronny Lam, who has got to be one of the biggest action stars in all of Asia."

Ava pulled out her phone, and showed me the picture of them both happily smiling, with him holding her hand out, showing off her big, sparkly engagement ring.

"Holy crow, that's some rock," I blurted, imagining it must have cost him a small fortune.

She took a longer look at the picture and nodded. "I know. It's got to be at least five karats."

As she put her phone down, I asked, "So, how did that help the designer?"

She flashed me a wry little grin. "Simple. I suggested Mavis reach out and introduce herself to Cindy, and send her a few pictures of the type of gowns she makes. And if Cindy liked what she saw, I told her all she had to do was offer to design something one of a kind, just for her. Free of charge of course, in exchange for the blushing bride telling the press the name of the talented designer who'd created her dress for her big day. And if Cindy agreed, she'd probably be able to give her more free press than she could ever dream of. Of course, once her fans heard her gushing about her dress, I knew that brides all over the world would be clamoring to get their hands on a Mavis Choi gown, just like the one they'd be seeing their idol Cindy Tam wearing.

"Mavis was so blown away by the idea, that she got on the phone while we were talking, to see how she could get in touch with her. She promised me if it worked and that once it all fell into place, she'd come in and sign a contract so we could do all her ads, for online, print, and everywhere else."

"And did it work?" I asked, sitting on the edge of my seat, she had me so intrigued.

Smiling coyly, she nodded. "Like a charm. Only problem, the Managing Director and Creative Director got wind of what I'd done, and called me on the carpet for going over their heads. Said I should have run it by them first. But when I explained how it worked, and told them that Mavis was planning on coming in to sign on with us, Cameron Davidson who runs the agency, jumped up, shook my hand, congratulated me and suddenly decided it was a stroke of genius. But no surprise, Jimmy, the Creative Director, just muttered under his breath, glaring me down. Even after the managing director told me he was fine with what I'd done, Jimmy still said I should be fired, or at least sent back to Toronto for trying to run my own show. And he said he wasn't about to change the way they did things, because of some young chick who probably learned everything she knew on YouTube."

"Cameron knows I've got my Masters degree in Media studies, but I knew there was no point in trying to explain that to Jimmy."

"Well, you could always come and work with me," I said, before I'd even had a chance to think. Again, I'd surprised myself, since I was never this impulsive.

Luckily, Ava just laughed, hopefully thinking I was kidding. "Well, I think I'll wait and see if I get my walking papers, first. And if it happens, I guess I'll have to decide what I want to do. I really do enjoy living here. It's such an interesting city, and I kind hate the idea of having to leave after only six months."

I hated the thought of her leaving, too. Already, it felt like I'd known her forever, she was just so easy to be with. And the thought of never seeing her again, didn't really sit very well.

Now I just hoped she'd agree to be my flat-mate, so we could get to know each other even better.

By late afternoon the sun was starting to peek out between the clouds, the wind had died down and the rain had nearly stopped. Thankfully, the typhoon was on its last legs and probably moving onto mainland China.

I knew with how quickly the city pulled itself back together after one of these big storms, that the crews would already be out clearing the fallen trees and debris from the roads. So, hopefully by tomorrow we'd be able to drive out to Shek O to see how her flat had weathered the storm.

After we'd shared a pot of tea and a few cookies, I suggested a tour of the building, hoping to convince her to stay. "We'll head to the roof first," I suggested, "then see the basement after."

Still in our shorts and T-shirts, we took the elevator one floor up. As I swiped my pass card, I explained that I'd have to get her one, to get to the other areas of the building. Once the door slid open and we stepped outside, when I turned to look at Ava, I loved the way her eyes lit up the moment she saw the long rectangular swimming pool surrounded by potted shrubs and flowers, that had probably just been put back in place.

"Wow. This is like an oasis up here. You're so lucky you've got this right upstairs, so you can swim whenever you want."

"Well, it might not have the feel of the sun and sand at your beach, but I do enjoy being able to come up here to swim a few laps. And at night, it's even nicer going for a dip under the stars." Her eyes lit up with a smile when I said that, as she tipped her face up to gaze up at the bright blue sky, now that the storm had passed.

I nodded at the pool that I noticed it had already been cleaned. "And just think, if you decide to move in, this would be yours to enjoy, too."

She bit into her lip, eyeing the crystal-clear water. "Well, you've really got me tempted now." Smirking, instead of telling me why she didn't think it would work out, she gave me hope as she looked up at me and started ticking off all the reasons why she was considering moving in with me: "Well, this really is a perfect location, so much closer to my work. And I just love the apartment. My bedroom's absolutely amazing. And I can't believe you've even got this big, beautiful swimming pool right up here on the roof." Then she wiggled her eyebrows, and flashed me the cutest smile. "And I think I'd have the perfect roommate, too."

Smiling right back, I reached for her hand and gave it a tug. "So, is that a yes?"

She nodded, looking a little giddy. "It's a yes. I would love to live here with you, Andrew."

I'm not sure why I felt so relieved, since technically, I didn't really need a roommate. Although, I couldn't deny that I already loved the idea of us sharing the same space.

We turned our heads as the elevator doors slid open, as my big, burly, white-blond neighbor Gunther stepped out. Striding toward us, his face lit up with an appreciative smile as his gaze slid over Ava. Though he spoke to me, I noticed that his eyes stayed locked on her. "Hey, Andrew, how's it going?"

"Good, and you?"

"Can't complain. I just made it home before the worst of the storm hit last night, and it looks like you did, too."

I nodded at Ava. "Yeah, Ava and I shared a cab, and got in just as the wind was really starting to pick up." Though I wasn't about to tell him that that was the first time we'd met. "By the way," I said, smiling at her, as she was looking back and forth curiously, between us. "This is my new roommate, Ava. And Ava, this is our neighbor, Gunther, who lives across the hallway."

His pale, blue eyes dancing with amusement, Gunther shot me a look of disbelief. "So, this lovely lady... is your new roommate?"

I nodded. "She is. And as soon as the roads are clear, we'll be driving out to get her things. Actually, she just moved in last night."

"Well, I hope you'll enjoy living with us, Ava," he said, extending his hand. As he covered her hand in his, he leaned in and murmured against her ear, "And if you'd like, I'd be more than happy to show you some of the nicer places to eat in the area."

Then no doubt to try and impress her with how ripped he was, he made a big deal out of flexing his muscles as he peeled off his T-shirt, giving her an eyeful of his sun-bronzed physique. In addition to be being a gym rat, and a notorious ladies' man, since I'd never seen him with the same woman twice, I'd also heard he enjoyed things a little on the wild side. So, no surprise, I wasn't exactly thrilled at the idea of him asking my new roommate out for dinner.

I guess, not too sure what to make of our tall, muscle-bound neighbor, as he eyed her like a juicy piece of sirloin, even giving her a flash of his teeth, Ava took an anxious step towards me.

Staring Gunther right in the eye, I slid my arm around her waist, which only made him laugh, since I imagined he thought he could have any woman he wanted. Though, I really hoped it sent a message that Ava was off-limits, at least as far as I was concerned.

Even if we were only going to be roommates, I didn't like the idea of a guy like him sniffing around her. Considering he had a reputation for enjoying three-ways, and dirty no holes barred weekends in Thailand, I knew he wouldn't exactly be her type.

"If you want, we could come back for a swim tonight, when it's not so hot. But why don't we head down now and take a look at the gym?" I suggested to Ava, as Gunther was doing some stretches, getting ready to dive in.

She turned and looked at me, surprised. "Seriously? This place has even got its own gym?"

She looked so shocked, I laughed. "Yeah, it's in the basement. It's not huge, but it's got everything you'd probably need for a workout. Especially since it's so hot and humid here most of the year, it's nice to have a place to get some exercise inside."

When we got downstairs, Ava seemed impressed as she looked around at all the equipment and how clean and tidy everything looked.

A kid up on the rock-climbing wall, smiled down and gave us a wave, and we waved back. His mother, working out on an exercise bike, while keeping her eye on him, nodded hello, and we both said, "Hi."

As Ava smiled up at the boy, she nodded as I remarked, "You'll notice the people are pretty friendly in here."

Watching the boy climb up to the top, she said, "You know, that's something I've always wanted to try."

"Well, how about if I spot you?"

Grinning, she shrugged and said, "Sure."

Man, what a dumb idea that was. Now I was staring up the shorts I'd given her to wear that we were way too big on her, and gaping open pretty enticingly as she spread her legs to get a foot hold to start her climb. Looking up, clear as day I could see the sweet curve of her ass, and her tiny white lace panties, snug enough to show off her camel toe.

I rolled my eyes. Just what I needed, to be sporting a boner now. Looking anywhere but at her, I tried not to think of how sweet she'd look out of her clothes, on her back gazing up at me while I kissed those pretty lips and pushed my way inside her.

Annoyed with myself, I shook my head to try and banish all the kinky thoughts bombarding my brain. No matter how pretty, or hot she was, I reminded myself we had an agreement that I knew I had to stick to, whether I liked it or not. I had to get it in my head that we were just flatmates and nothing more, as I forced myself to try to ignore the fact that she was a woman, and a very beautiful, sexy one at that.

When we got back to the flat, I headed for the shower, 'To take care of things,' after watching her sweet ass climb up that wall, I pretty much had to. At least if I didn't want to scare her, with how hard she'd got me.

While I was in there washing up, Ava offered to make us dinner. When I told her to wait, that I'd help, she shook her finger at me, making me laugh as, hand on hip, she informed me, "Hey, mister, if we're going to be roommates, we're going to have to share the workload, too. I don't mind cleaning around and doing the cooking if you're okay with taking care of things like laundry and putting out the garbage."