Just Trying To Help Pt. 01


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Kim straightened up the kitchen and I went out to their U-Haul and brought in Molly's computer to start working on it. I was afraid it needed a new motherboard. It's the main board in the computer. Hers was just done for. I went through a lot of the junk parts that I had collected over the years and found one that would work in her older model.

I didn't realize that four hours had gone by when Kim came into the den. "Dad, the hospital is on the phone. Do you want to take the call or should I wake up Molly?"

I took the call and told the nurse that Molly was still asleep. She told me to have her call her back when she wakes up. I asked if there was anything critical and she just told me to have Molly contact her. She did ease my mind when she said "There's no hurry but the doctor would like to see her in his office tomorrow."

I went ahead and set up an appointment for her. I figured Kim could go along with her. I would be working at that time. It was two in the afternoon before Molly woke up.

She came into the living room where Kim was watching TV with the kids. "My God, why didn't you wake me up? I slept the whole day away."

"Dad said to let you sleep; you needed it," said Kim.

The kids jumped up and ran to Molly. "Hi, Mommy. Are you feeling better? Kimmy said for us to be quiet," spoke Annie, as both kids were hugging their mother.

Molly replied, "I'm fine, Honey. Thank you for being quiet. You two are the best kids."

Of course it made the kids smile as they hugged their mom. I came out of the den and let her know that she had to call the hospital and that she had a doctor's appointment the next day. She would have to stay with us a little longer if she didn't mind.

"Why are you doing this? You don't even know me and you invite me into your home and watch my kids. It's like a dream and you're my Guardian Angel?"

I thought again about that e-mail where the lady called him her Guardian Angel. "Believe me, Molly, I'm no angel but don't mind helping a woman in need, especially a beautiful one," I smiled. "Why don't you have a little breakfast, if you don't mind CO-CO Puffs. It's what your kids asked for."

"A slice of toast and a cup of coffee would be nice. I take it you even went to the store and bought their favorite cereal. You and Kim are so nice. I can't tell you how much I appreciate what you've done for us."

Molly called the hospital and the nurse told her that she had low blood sugar and the doctor would talk to her more the next day. She also said that she shouldn't be driving for a few days and to get a lot of rest.

When she told us about it, we told her that she could stay with us as long as she needed. She tried to make excuses but we wouldn't listen to her arguments. When she told her kids that they would be staying a few days, the kids couldn't be happier. We had a pool and they asked if they would be able to go in it. Kim told them only if they were good and listened. They promised to be at their best.

Kim looked over at me and smiled. I think she took to these two youngsters even though she was a teenager. I never gave it much thought till now but she had always been an only child and this was like being an older sister to these kids. She baby-sat other kids and loved it.

I asked Molly about her billing job and she told me she got paid by the amount of billing she did. Of course she stopped when her computer broke down. The company she worked for liked her work and told her if she ever wanted to start back she was welcome.

She told us it wasn't a great paying job but it did bring in extra money and allowed her to be home with her kids. I told her I went and dug her computer out of the trailer and repaired it. It needed a new motherboard which is the main component of the computer. I explained to her that I saved what I could of her programs.

"Oh, my God! You are a Guardian Angel," she cried.

"If you are going to stay with us for a few days, I'll move the end-table in the living room and set you up in the corner and you can see if it works okay."

She was crying and stood up and put her arms around my neck and gave me a hug. It was totally spontaneous and she quickly backed away. "I'm sorry, but I couldn't help myself. I've never met a man like you," said Molly.

"Never be sorry for hugging me. It felt nice," I smiled. "Feel free to do it anytime."

I didn't tell her but she felt so good in my arms, even though it was only for a few seconds. I glanced over at Kim who was smiling. That daughter of mine could read my mind.

The day went fine. Kim took the kids in the pool and I got my first chance to see Molly in a swimsuit. She wore a nice one-piece suit. She sat on the steps in the water and watched the kids play.

I ordered us dinner and had it delivered. Kim and I weren't the best cooks. Molly and the kids never seemed to complain. Molly took a nap and I watched the kids for awhile. They called me Mr. Larry.

The next morning I headed off to work. I called Kim later in the day and she told me how the doctor's appointment went and would explain more to me when I got home.

I walked in the house and was greeted to the smell of home cooking. Molly was at the stove cooking dinner and Kim was helping her. The kids were playing in the living room.

"Hi, Dad. Molly is making dinner. She's showing me a few tips. Sure does smell good, doesn't it?"

After a great dinner Molly was sitting outside watching the kids play in the yard and Kim and I talked.

"Dad, I like her. She isn't like a mom but like an older sister. The doctor said she has been under way too much stress. Her blood sugar was low and he prescribed some medication. Her blood pressure was back to normal and she was told to keep doing whatever she has been doing for the last couple of days. It's been working," laughed Kim knowing that Molly has been resting at our house.

"Also, the medication he prescribed is pretty strong and she was told not to drive for at least a week. I know she's worried about it, dad. You have to talk with her and tell her it's going to be okay."

"Do you mind having her and the kids here? After all, it's your house too," I asked Kim.

"Dad, she's fun to talk to. We talk about all kinds of girl stuff that I can't talk about with you, and the kids are great. I wouldn't care if they lived here. They've been here two days and they are already like family," said Kim.

Kim was a great daughter. She cared about others and I'm pretty sure she was telling me the truth. She was never afraid to speak her mind.

I went out in the yard and sat next to Molly. I noticed how beautiful she really was. She smiled at me and asked if I had talked to Kim.

"Yes, and we want you to stay here for as long as you need to. Kim thinks of you as an older sister. She never had one and she was little when her mom died." I didn't go into my second marriage.

Kim came out and sat with us. Molly spoke, "I can't just mooch off of you. Let me help pay for our staying here."

"You can be our cook and housekeeper," I said.

We had a woman, Mildred, who came in and cleaned once a week. We weren't that dirty but it was nice to have someone do the housework.

"No, Kim told me about Mildred and I'm not taking her job. I will clean up after my kids; she shouldn't have to do that. I don't mind cooking for you but you have to do your own laundry," laughed Molly. "I want to pay you to stay here. It's the only way I'll consider staying for awhile."

"Okay then, a hundred dollars a week," I said.

"Dad, you can't charge her," said Kim.

"No, Kim," said Molly. We all have to understand that we don't get a free ride through life. All I'm doing is to try to help pay my way and hold a little more dignity. You and your dad have helped me so much I could never pay you back. I'll give you a hundred and fifty dollars a week and I'll make sure we all get some home cooking. It's my final offer."

"Can you afford it, Molly?" asked Kim.

"I have some money saved from the sale of my house and I do get social security for the kids. Now since your dad has fixed my computer, I can do my medical billing again and help bring in a few bucks. Some day you'll understand, Kim. You'll want to be your own person. It's nice when people help you when you're in need, but it's also nice to try and help yourself."

We agreed and later I talked with Kim and told her to put the money aside that we got from Molly and we would see if we could give it back to her later. She was a very proud woman and we didn't want to take that from her. Besides, maybe she would stay longer now, seeing she was contributing.

Molly called her mom and told her she was staying with friends in Ohio but would be up to see her before long. I remember her telling her mother to say hi to her dad and to tell him she loved him. I know Molly and her dad have been on the outs but wasn't sure why.

The days and weeks went by. It was great coming home every night. Kim and I both agreed that Molly and her kids were the best thing to come into our lives in a long time.

Kim talked with Molly about life in general. She told me Molly showed her cooking hints and things to look forward to as a young lady. I was so glad that Kim had someone to talk about dating and girly things.

Molly was a great cook and showed Kim many of her kitchen secrets. It was wonderful coming home to a joyful house and once again seeing little kids playing. Annie and Andy were great kids. They would greet me every night when I came home. I loved getting hugs from these two carrot tops. They also hugged and kissed me on the cheek at bedtime.

I knew I was falling head over heels for Molly but I didn't know how to handle it. I know she was very thankful for what we had done for her but my feelings for her went further than that. She always referred to me as her Guardian Angel to anyone who asked.

My brothers Joe and Rich both thought she was a knockout. I had to agree with them but what about a relationship with her. She respected me, I know that. But respect isn't necessarily love, which is what I was feeling, and Kim always referred to her as her big sister or best friend. They would go shopping together every few days. I wish I had a relationship as close as Kim did with her.

The five of us would do things as a family: go to movies and even visit my relatives. Mom and Dad liked her and adored the kids. Other than joking no-one put us as a couple. It hurt me inside but I did my best not to show it. Why would a woman as gorgeous as Molly at thirty-one want with a twice married guy of forty-two?

A couple of months had passed and, with the medication, Molly was given a clean bill of health. Kim said Molly had talked about moving on and going back to her parents' place in Michigan. She felt she and her kids were a burden long enough on us.

Kim told me she had convinced her to stay time and time again. Molly wasn't sure what to do. Summer was almost over and it was about time to enroll her kids in the first grade. Kim had mentioned that the school bus would pick them up right in front of our house.

"Dad, I know Molly likes you. Why don't you ask her out on a real date? You know, just the two of you. Let her know that we want her to stay and that she isn't a burden on us."

That night I asked Molly if she would like to go out on a date. We could have dinner and maybe even a little dancing if she liked.

It was hard to read her. She stared for a few seconds and then said okay. I honestly didn't know if she said yes out of gratitude or if she really wanted to go out with me. I guess this would kind of decide our future together, if there was to be one.

Kim would be taking the kids to a friend's house. They would return later that night. I put on a suit and even wore a tie. I didn't know if I looked old fashioned or not. Kim told me I looked handsome.

Molly came out of her room in a blue sequined dress that was a few inches above her knees and low cut at the bust line. She wore a set of pearl earrings and necklace. With her red hair she looked like a movie star. Her kids were the first to tell her how nice she looked and then of course Kim went gaga over her outfit.

"Doesn't she look fab, Dad?"

What could I say? I told her she looked great and she told me I didn't look too bad myself. We headed out to dinner at one of the swankiest places I knew. She didn't drink any alcohol because of the medication. She thanked me over and over for saving her life, again calling me her Guardian Angel.

We went on the dance floor and I held her close. She smelled so good and I told her so. I tried to explain that I wasn't the best dancer but she told me I was doing fine. I loved holding her close and smelling the essence of her perfume. She was so nice and friendly.

I can tell you that most every person in the place noticed the beautiful woman I was with. A couple of men even came and asked her to dance but she refused. I wanted to get up and knock them on their asses. My problem was I was too afraid to make any advances toward her. I've dated women before but this was so much different. I wanted to do everything right.

I opened doors, pulled out her chair, stood when she got up to use the ladies room. I held her close and tight but tried not to go too far. The last thing I needed was for her to turn down any advances that I made. I didn't want to make her uncomfortable. I wanted her so badly but did my best to keep my cool.

I told her how much I enjoyed her cooking and the little ones always playing at the house. I mentioned how Kim said she learned so much from her and felt like she was her older sister. Whenever I complimented Molly, she always smiled.

When we got back home the kids were fast asleep and Kim's bedroom door was closed. I told Molly that she was the most beautiful woman I had ever had the pleasure of dating. I hugged her and she went to her bedroom and I went to mine.

I would have given anything to have made love to her but I was afraid. Afraid that any advances that weren't wanted would push her away. I didn't get much sleep. I was hoping that maybe, Molly had feelings for me other than gratitude.

The next morning I got up early for work and no one else was up. I made coffee and headed out. About noon, my phone rang. It was Kim.

"Dad! What did you do to Molly last night?" asked Kim.

"Nothing. I told her how nice she looked and how much we liked her. Why?" I asked.

"She said she is moving out tomorrow. She said she made a mistake in going out with you. What did you do, Dad?"

"Nothing, Kim. I treated her totally like a lady."

"Dad, you didn't even kiss her or make any sexual advances to her, did you?"

"No! I didn't. I didn't want her to not trust me."

"Dad, she's in love with you. She's been in love with you for months now. Couldn't you see it? I don't know how many times she has told me. She was expecting you to kiss her or even go further. Don't you love her, Dad? I was sure you did."

"Of course I love her. I thought she respected me but I had no Idea she had true feelings for me. God, I'm so stupid."

"Well, Dad, you better get home and repair this situation or we're going to lose her."

I headed for home. I wasn't exactly sure what I was going to do or say, but all I know is I didn't want to lose her.

End of Part 1

Part 2 will be submitted tomorrow.

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AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

So much trouble could be avoided just through effective communication...!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

You sure had a problem with Bill then Bob then Bill. That one character really got messed up.

oldtwitoldtwitabout 1 year ago

Yep a nice steady love story for now

Rancher46Rancher46almost 2 years ago

Excellent story, well written with a great romantic storyline. 5/5

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