Kaitlin's Wedding Fantasy

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An exhibitionist wedding incest fantasy.
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Note: this is a self-indulgent little tale of exhibitionism and father-daughter love. It isn't meant to be realistic or believable. The absurdity of it is what appeals to me. I wrote this as a one-off, though if people want more after reading it, I might do another chapter.


In her fantasy, she marries her father.

Out in the real world, the culture she lives in doesn't understand. Her family could never accept what she feels in her heart. The laws of the people forbid what she's about to do.

But here, in her fantasy, she can make anything happen -- and she's about to.

Today is Kaitlin's wedding day. Her heart thumps in her chest as she walks toward the double doors, arm-in-arm with her brother, Rob. Rob is walking her down the aisle because her father can't. He's waiting at the altar.

"Ready?" Rob whispers to her, a smile on his face.

"Oh my god," Kaitlin whispers back. She can't wipe the nervous grin off her own face, even though she feels like her heart is going to burst. Her whole body tingles with anticipation. She's going to marry the man of her dreams.

Together, they turn the corner and walk through the open double doors.

The wedding attendance is small -- even in her dream world, not everyone gets an invitation. But close family and friends are there: almost thirty people. Her mother, her aunt Caroline, her best friend Alana and her friends from high school and work. They all turn to watch her walk down the aisle. She takes a moment to think about how her life will never be the same after this.

Kaitlin feels beautiful. Her dress is both traditional and not: silky, off-white, strapless, shoulders bare, the neckline plunging to show off plentiful cleavage. Silk gloves on both hands. In an everyday wedding, the cut might be considered scandalous or even trashy, but she wears it with complete confidence. Her light blonde curls are held in an intricate updo, two perfect spirals framing her heart-shaped face.

Her friends and family nod and smile as she passes by. They're all nervous, too. They know what's coming, how strange this gorgeous spring afternoon is going to get.

She looks to the end of the aisle, not letting her gaze wander to her husband-to-be just yet.

There's no altar, of course, and this is not a church. Kaitlin and her father are tying the knot in the sumptuous ballroom of a grand hotel. The "altar" is a sturdy wooden table with a white cloth laid across it. Behind it stands her uncle Charles, looking crisp and formal in a dark suit. He's the officiant, but no priest: his ordination comes from some iconoclastic mail-order organization.

To his left stands Alana, her best friend since grade school. She's dark-skinned, long-haired, gorgeous in a dark green dress. She hops on the balls of her feet in glee as Kaitlin approaches. They exchange a sly glance, and Kaitlin blushes, thinking of the rehearsal only days ago.

Everyone in the wedding party knows what's going to happen. They've been informed and given the right to opt out. Almost everyone showed up anyway.

Off to the other side is Erika, her uncle's girlfriend and the wedding photographer. A tripod and camera records everything. Erika is young, dark-haired, tattooed and pierced; the kind of girl Uncle Charles would go for. When they'd first met, Kaitlin had reservations about about age-appropriateness, but that would be hypocritical of her on many levels.

To her uncle's right is Nolan. Her father. Her fiancée. Her stomach flutters with the audacity of the idea. He's tall, distinguished. He's in good shape from years of taking care of himself. His shoulders are broad and muscular, his stomach trim, pale blonde hair only thinning a little at fifty-one. Normally, he grows a well-groomed beard, but today he's clean-shaven. He looks young, happy, exhilarated.

They look at each other, and the whole world fades away for a moment. She gazes on him with a love that's aching and total. Nothing held back.

She steps up next to him as the music swells in the background. She barely hears it. She's aware of nothing but her father's handsome face, his kind expression, the handsome figure he cuts in his suit. She knows she's the luckiest girl in the world.

Rob walks behind Nolan and stands. Her brother is the best man. It's a family affair all around.

So weird, she thinks, and giggles helplessly, making eye contact with her dad. His smile broadens, and he takes her hands in his.

"Ready?" he whispers to her. The second time someone has asked. She'll never be ready. She's always been ready. Emotions run circles inside her.

"So ready," she says back.

Uncle Charles takes a breath. Time seems to stretch out. She thinks of the long road it took for them to get here. The first nervous, terrifying realizations. The storm of emotions that followed. The impassioned letters she wrote to her father and then burned. The fantasies and imagined conversation. The weekend getaway where she finally decided to confess her feelings for her father in a late-night one-on-one -- and the thrill in her heart when he confessed, reluctantly, he felt the same.

Their family had never been normal. Nolan's marriage to her mother Johanna had largely been one of convenience. They both wanted children but had never felt like a traditional family was for them. Johanna's feeling for Kaitlin's father had always been more practical than romantic, and their divorce during Kaitlin's early childhood had been amicable and friendly.

Kaitlin had been worried that her mother wouldn't understand, but Johanna had received the news with tranquility and grace, even explaining this wasn't the first occurrence of incestuous attraction in the family. No one had in their family had a child by incest (Johanna clarified to Kaitlin's relief), but sexual trysts were not uncommon.

In fact, a number of the relatives here today had slept with one of their own relations. But this would be the first wedding.

She hears Uncle Charles speaking, and it snaps her back to the present.

"Friends and family, welcome, and thank you for attending on this wonderful day. We're here to celebrate the unique and powerful love between Nolan and Kaitlin -- father and daughter -- by bringing them together in marriage."

Kaitlin feels a thrill. She squeezes her father's hands tighter. He beams at her. Everyone does.

Uncle Charles lifts his hands. She can see the tattoos on the inside of his wrists. "Nolan and Kaitlin have shared a very special love all their lives. Their love is so strong it transcends cultural boundaries, goes beyond accepted norms. A love such as theirs has long existed in secret. But today, they join their souls together and show the world that love truly conquers all."

There's more -- they've both heard it already. Uncle Charles wrote it himself, and Kaitlin thinks it's sweet and beautiful. She turns to look at him, and he winks at her as he speaks.

She blushes again. His words about love being secret hold special meaning for them. Kaitlin's father will not be the first man she's been with, or even the first family member. She and Charles had had a single incendiary fling five years ago, when she was twenty and he forty-four. During a family barbecue at her aunt's cabin in the hills, they had snuck away from the campfire circle into the woods after an hour's worth of furtive glances across the flames. They'd barely edged out of sight before his hands were on her, pulling up her skirt, the hardness of his cock pressing against her thigh.

"Is this okay?" Kaitlin had asked breathlessly as she braced her hands against the rough bark of a tree, her whole body vibrating with nervous energy.

"Do you want it?" she heard him say in the dark.

"Yes," she breathed. "Please, yes."

"Then it's okay," Uncle Charles said, and she felt his cock slide into her. Her cry of pleasure and disbelief would have brought family running if he hadn't put his hand over her mouth to muffle it.

Kaitlin slept with her uncle a half-dozen times that weekend -- furtively, secretly, in empty bedrooms, in the quiet of the forest, in the back of his SUV. After that, they'd simply gone back to being two semi-normal family members.

She'd only told one other person about their tryst: her dad, on the same evening she confessed her feelings for him. Kaitlin had feared he would be angry with her, maybe yell at her or worse, but he'd only chuckled and nodded. _That sounds like Chuck, all right._

She feels her face get hot thinking of it -- she's being married to her dad by the uncle she's slept with. It's nothing compared to what's about to come, and she pushes the thought away. She doesn't want to miss a moment of what's happening now.

"And now, the couple would like to exchange vows," Charles says. "Nolan?"

Nolan lifts his daughter's hands, looks her straight in the eye. Kaitlin feels high with the love she feels for him.

He brushes a stray strand of hair back from his forehead nervously. "Kaitlin, I'll make this simple. I've loved you all my life. I've watched you grow into a beautiful young woman. I promise I will always love you, look after you, and grow with you, and cherish you our whole lives."

The words are brief and simple. They make her heart melt. She takes a breath and almost starts speaking before Charles prompts her. She stops, giggles, blushes hotly. A wave of quiet laughter ripples through the crowd.

"Dad," she says, and giggles again. This is all so strange, so taboo. She can't believe they're actually going through with it. "Dad. You're the most wonderful, smart, gentle, and caring man I've ever known. I love you more than anything. I want to be by your side, always. You're my father, my first love, and the man I want to share my whole life with."

The words feel awkward in Kaitlin's mouth. She's so nervous she wonders if she even said them in the correct order. But she looks in his eyes and sees only love and gratitude, and she knows it doesn't matter. She can go back over the wedding video later and agonize over every little mistake -- or just laugh with joy.

Besides... there are much more interesting moments ahead.

"Then by the power vested in me, I now pronounce you, Nolan and Kaitlin, father and daughter, husband and wife."

The audience applauds, whistles. Kaitlin and her father stand with hands clasped, looking into each other's eyes. She sees eagerness and excitement there, the same thrill she feels. There's a reason they haven't kissed yet.

"And now," Uncle Charles says, "Nolan and Kaitlin have chosen to demonstrate their love for each other in a very special way. With your permission, they will consummate their union in view of their family and friends."

A murmur runs through the audiences. People laugh, hide their hands behind their faces. Many break out cameras. Everyone knew this was coming -- it was in the invitations, in confidential phone calls and intimate conversations. A few, Kaitlin suspects, thought it might have been a joke all along. It wasn't.

Kaitlin stands quietly, hands clasped in front of her, looking in her dad's eyes. Her best friend Alana steps up behind her.

"Ready?" she whispers in Kaitlin's ear.

"So ready," Kaitlin says for the second time that day.

She feels Alana tug on the ties that hold her dress up. She feels the hooks being undone one by one. It takes only a few motions -- this was part of her design from the beginning, the dress chosen especially for this function.

A few more tugs, and it slips off her body to the floor. A gasp goes up from the audience. Kaitlin wears nothing underneath, and stands naked before the crowd. Only her white stockings and shoes remain -- the rest is tawny, exposed flesh. Kaitlin has spent a year preparing for this day. Her abs are sleek and defined, her arms and legs toned, pubic hair perfectly trimmed. She knows she looks good naked.

With a happy noise, he cups her face in his hands and kisses her. Cameras snap and flashes erupt. Erika zooms in with the video camera.

The kiss is perfect. It's what she always wanted. It seems to last forever.

When they part at last, she looks in her father's eyes. Now it's her turn to ask.

"Are you ready?"

He grins that grin that's remained boyish and charming through all the years. "Ready, sweetheart."

With a look that's both shy and carnal, she goes down on her knees in front of him.

Another collective exclamation goes up from the onlookers -- not a gasp, but a murmur of delight and disbelief. A few quiet chuckles, a handful of appreciative whispers.

As she fumbles with the buttons on his pants, she's vaguely aware of Erika moving to get a new angle with the camera. She positions herself between the officiant and the audience. From here, the camera will catch everything.

Kaitlin's fingers are shaking. It takes her a few moments to get the buttons undone. She can feel him, underneath the soft cloth. He's already hard, the outline of his cock visible to the naked eye. She feels a little shiver of joy. It's fitting: she's already wet with anticipation, the thrill of her exhibitionist nuptials making her weak with arousal.

Still, she can't seem to get the buttons loose.

Her father reaches down. "Let me help," he says, drawing a ripple of laughter from the crowd. He unbuttons and adjusts himself, and suddenly his cock is there in front of her, rock-hard and eager.

It's not her first time seeing it, but part of her feels as if it is. She touches it gingerly, her hands still in silk gloves. She relishes every instant: his slow exhalation as she strokes his cock lightly, the nervous titters from the onlookers. She grins up at him, savoring the taboo of this scene between them: on her knees in front of her father, her husband, touching him so intimately in front of friends and family.

She doesn't want to wait any more. She takes it in her mouth.

Later, when she watches the videos and sorts through the hundreds of photos, she'll be able to tune in on the reactions around her: the gasps of delight and arousal, the scattering of applause. But in this moment, the world fades to just the two of them. They had concocted this scheme together, the two of them, but this part in particular is his.

I want you to go down on me in front of everyone, he'd confessed to her one late night after a few drinks. I want everyone to see you go on your knees in front of me.

Okay, she'd said, feeling giddy at the thought.

Kaitlin doesn't hold back now. She focuses on his pleasure, following every shiver and movement of his body. She knows what he likes, and she uses it all to her advantage. He sighs her name under his breath and reaches down to touch her cheek and neck. She savors it. As his arousal increases, he slips his fingers into her hair, closing a fist around it, taking control. She lets him, bracing her gloved hands against his thighs.

Neither of them had intended for him to come like this, but before either of them is fully aware of it, it's happening. He thrusts into her mouth, a choked exclamation escaping him. Kaitlin has been blessed with an almost total lack of gag reflex, and she takes the fullness of his cock down her throat.

Her father picks up speed now. "Fuck," he whispers fiercely. "Kaitlin..."

She murmurs her assent, knowing what's coming. The crowd knows it too. Cries and cheers of approval reach her ears. Anticipatory applause. It's amazing and exhilarating, an indescribable emotion. Friends and family cheering for her father to come in her mouth. Kaitlin barely believes it herself.

Her eyes water a little; her mascara runs like black tears. But she doesn't choke or cough as his cock suddenly pulses in her mouth, then releases a flood of come. She thinks for a moment about swallowing it all, then changes her mind. If they want to see, let them see. She draws back and lets it sluice down her tongue. He isn't finished coming yet, and a thick spray spatters her neck and breasts. There's no doubt in anyone's mind: she made her father come.

The onlookers applaud and whistle as she leans back, letting the cameras get a good look at her: wet, teary-eyed, ecstatic. She looks up at her dad with a helpless smile of satisfaction.

"Oops," she says.

Her father laughs. "It's okay. Come here."

He reaches down and takes her hand, pulls her to her feet. He's still hard. He looks both ridiculous and magnificent with his cock sticking out of his trousers like an exclamation point.

She can see it in his eyes: he's not done.

As the audience hoots and whistles, he slips his hands under her ass and hoists her onto the table. This is what they'd originally planned: for him to take her like a husband takes a wife, while her uncle and brother and best friends stand nearby. That it didn't go according to plan makes it better. That he's still hard for her makes her overjoyed.

Erika moves around with the camera again. People are out of their seats now, walking closer to get a better angle with cameras and smartphones. Being so exposed makes her heart pound. She loves it.

Her father spreads her stocking-clad thighs apart with his hands. He steps forward, leans in.

"I love you, sweetheart," he whispers in her ear, loud enough to be heard.

"I love you so much, Dad," she whispers back.

Her sentence trails off to a moan as he slips into her. Her exclamation is loud, helpless, completely without restraint. She gives in to it.

"Oh... God! Dad!" Kaitlin's whole body shudders as he thrusts inside her. She's one of the lucky ones; she can come from penetration alone -- and her orgasm is near already, her arousal so complete and overpowering that she wonders for a moment if it might be too much. She feels Alana stroke her hair, feels a quick kiss on the cheek. Someone touches her arm lightly. They're all there with her.

Then it happens. Kaitlin bursts into helpless groaning laughter as orgasm overtakes her, reducing her body to quivering jelly. Her father sees it. He touches her face, stroking her cheek with a rough hand.

"Sweetheart," he says with affection. Other people are talking too, voicing encouragement and approval. She can't hear any of it. It's all reduced to gibberish by the waves of pleasure that pulse through her. She only has eyes for him.

In the midst of her ecstatic delirium, thinks about the other things she and her father talked about -- about what might happen at the reception. About how wild it might get. Now, surrounded by the admiring gazes of those closest to her as her dad fucks her on her wedding day, she hopes it will be every bit as wild and unrestrained. She hopes this isn't the only unlikely carnal fantasy that comes true today.

After all, doesn't every daughter deserve the perfect wedding?

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RodThrustinRodThrustinover 1 year ago

Outstanding. I would like a part two, in which those other carnal activities are described in loving detail. But even without them, this story is just 5-star good.

brad1000brad1000over 1 year ago

and they lived happily ever after. Unconditional love and insatiable incestuous lust.

redcaddydaddy_1redcaddydaddy_1over 3 years ago

This is a fantasy come true- F/D marriage & public sex for a thrilled audience- I'm rock hard! Just enough detail to put the reader there, then hot, well-written sex! I might have liked the fucking to have more detail, but otherwise FANTASTIC!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago
Mmmm m. Yes!

I just read this while sitting at my desk at work. My panties are wet. I am so horny from this story! You write very well. Your imagination is perfect! I want more!

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