All Comments on 'Karen Ch. 06'

by Blue88

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AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
A nice wrap up!

Hi -

I understand your struggles as a new author... I've just gone through the same thing. There should be some sort of TLC for new authors for their first story or so. I would suggest an experienced author "adopt" a new author for the first couple of stories. I have no idea how this would work out.

I liked the way you wrapped it up. Life goes on and life changes. A spouse can forgive a lot of things, but I feel disrespect is the worst.

Hang in there - you clearly have a lot of talent and a good imagination. Don't let the "naysayers" take your talent away from us!

Best of luck!

wetapapwetapapover 18 years ago
not my ending, but

a damn good one. you left a big door open for the possible return to this couple in the future. i really liked that. of course, there's that old saying "it's not over until the fat lady sings". there was a fat lady in this story wasn't there? brilliant start on your writing career. whatever you do, don't let a gift like that lie dormant. hope to see your next story soon. a fan always.

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
Good Job

You did a good job on your first story. I would suggest that fewer chapters might be better.

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
I'm Conflicted

I feel let down. Here you introduced two new characters as bridges to your conclusion and yet the conclusion was rushed. You can't simply introduce characters at the eleventh hour and then given them an importsnt role in the story. It dilutes the content.

I would have preferred a definitive ending, not another adultery and a convenient shrink to further divert attention. This was a good first story, just not a good ending to it.

Average-JoeAverage-Joeover 18 years ago
Good Story

I really liked the husband's reaction and that the wife didnt just turn into some mindless sex zombie like happens in some of these stories. Karen being so sure that he would be willing to let her cuckold him would have been a deal breaker for me as well so Im happy that Jack didnt gloss it over.

I dont think that writing about Sara was necessary though. I thought the story was about Jack and Karen but some chapters were almost as much about Sara and she wasnt really that interesting to me since she took everything in stride and moved on so easily. Maybe you were trying to show the difference between someone who sees it coming (Sara) and someone who is hit with it out of the blue. If so, you still should have put her story in the beginning or middle of chapters and maybe not devoted so much time to it.

Even with my minor Sara criticism, it was still a very good story. Thanks for writing.

p.s. you also uses people's names too much in some spots - Jerry said this. Jerry did that. "Jerry, yada yada yada". I know you have to keep things clear but in a scene between two people, you can use pronouns. You also dont need to always use a person's given name in a quoted conversation when only two people are in the room. Minor point I know but I was already starting to get sick of Jerry in the half page he was around (or at least tired of hearing his name :)

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago

Good wrap up..

'nuff said


noone269noone269over 18 years ago
Liked the story...

even though I was hoping for a happy ending, this ending did make sense. Maybe in the future you can come back to this story since the ending was left open ended.

On other thing, this story would have been better as a three chapter story, even a complete submission would have worked. However you decide to write your next story, do make the chapters longer. It'll keep us picky readers happier.

phoenix764phoenix764over 18 years ago
This was the Ending?

Blue, I loved your story up to this point, but as someone said earlier you introduced two new characters and cut it short. There are too many questions left unaswered: Does Sara divorce Jim? Does Sara take up with the new guy? What does Jack face down the road? What about Karen - does she self-destruct? I would have appreciated a better ending - unless you plan to revisit these characters later.

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago

you introduce a new lover for sara and yhe sister and quit....if so i will never read another thing you read...this is no ending but a new beginning...gee

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
Good, but...

I have to agree it isn't much of an ending. Too many dangling questions unanswered.

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
Very Good ! ! !

This was an excellent ending. Jack made up his mind and told his sister-in-law that his marriage to Karen was over. To those people who said too many loose strings, speaking of Karen's lover and Sara's Lover, the story is about Karen and Jack. Yes, Jack was humiliated and treated like a low life by Karen, so it is time they go their seperate ways. They have no more respect for each other. Now Karen can live and sleep with her boyfriend and does not have to worry about Jack. Jack, REVENGE IS SO SWEET, ISN'T IT?

thebulletthebulletover 18 years ago
Uh, I don't think so

The witing of this series has improved, so that's a good thing, right? Still, the 'ending' didn't feel like an ending to me. Of course, the "LW Nazis" will be happy with it, but they are usually unconcerned about the story itself. They only care about the conclusion: was there a divorce or not? If yes, then the story is a good one.

Sorry, but this story begs for a conclusion.

And yes, she asked him to acquiesce in her infidelity, but not because she wanted to cuckold him. It was because she didn't want to go behind his back; it was because she knew her feelings for the other guy were unreasonable; it was because she thought she could get over the other guy quickly. She didn't see that she was making him a cuckold, even though she was.

This was not a long term affair. This was a brief infatuation with a one and done fuck. There is room for the wife to plead temporary insanity and for the husband to buy it.

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
I felt the ending and the story needed more

Like some of the others I found the chapters and the ending short. The characters added (Sara, Kate)leave it open. Also, the quick ending of Jack saying it is over to Kate doesn't give the pain and the emotions directly between him and Karen. The ending doesn't show what their lives will be like.

I would like to see Karen and Jack's relationship (pain of separation, what this actually meant to each explored, changes in their lives) without the others, whether the stay together or divorce. I would like other stories of Sara and of Kate. Possible: Kate gets Jack?

Thank you for your story and I'll look for more from you.

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
Is This The End

I feel that something is missing.

Average-JoeAverage-Joeover 18 years ago
Maybe there is/was room for forgiveness

but there is also a very good case for the husband to decide to end things. I said in the last chapter that I was happy the wife had good points as well as bad and its still true now. Real life is rarely as cut and dried as is portrayed in these stories with one good person and one bad person.

I think there are enough stories where the cheated on party is almost a saint and goes out of their way to swallow all their pain and resentment to allow and relatively quick reconciliaition. Its about time that someone who gets cheated on isnt perfect and decides to take the easier way out imo.

Again, Im not saying reconciliation is bad (when the author can pull it off in a satisfying manner, reconciliations are about my favorite endings) or that there was no possible room for the husband to have ever forgiven his wife in this case. All Im saying is that this reaction is at least as likely as trying to cling on to whats lost.

This was a very good story because it does more to blur the lines than most in this genre. The wife isnt totally without redeeming qualities and the husband isnt picture perfect and willing to always go the extra mile to make up for his wife's mistake.

There has to at least some people irl who would say "I do believe you are sorry & that it would never happen again but Im still going to divorce you. We can never again have the type of marriage I want and thought we had so Im moving on."

I also liked the ending unlike some other people. At first I was a bit rankled that Sara moved on so quickly yet the author let Jack wallow at the end. When you look at it as a straw that broke the camel's back situation though, it makes sense. Sara had been going through the motions and knew her husband wasnt much of a person. This final incident gave her the push she needed to move on.

Jack, on the other hand, was hit with a shocking revelation that destroyed what he thought was a good marriage in one blow (not going to debate again whether it should have destroyed the marriage or not - its enough that it did for Jack even if some would have tried to repair things). He cant be expected to pick up the pieces and move on like nothing had happened in just a matter of days can he? This was out of the blue and turned his whole life upsidedown.

The author left things at a point that would allow a second story in the series and could also be a good stand alone story if he decides never to revisit these characters. There are lots of options available including Jack deciding he was too hasty & wanting Karen back, Jack finding someone else and Karen being hung-up with guilt, both finding someone else, etc. or he could just leave it as they are and move on to other stories (notice Im assuming that he will continue to write :)

All in all, I think it was a great first story.

Lou NuttickLou Nuttickover 18 years ago
It was conclusive enough

This was an excellent story, especially from a new author.

The conclusion was sufficient. You showed that Jack and Sara had moved on, emotionally, and that for them, their marriages were effectively over. Spelling out the gory details would have been unimportant, and probably detrimental to the story.

As for the late introduction of Kate and Jerry, I see little problem with it. Their roles were to portray that Jack and Sara had indeed moved on, albeit in different ways. Expanding on their roles would probably have changed the tenor of the story, to little benefit.

Perhaps those who are complaining about the conclusion have become too used to reading the unrealistic stories here, where the characters, with sudden, unforeseen, and unsupported changes of heart, are compelled to do something completely uncharacteristic that changes the written ending from its logical conclusion, all in the name of a plot twist--I call it lying to the reader. (By the way, I especially appreciated that you did not have Kate, the psychologist, spewing psychobabble and completely changing Jack's mind, despite his core beliefs.)

As to theullet's assertion that this was not a long-term affair, perhaps he should reread the story. First it was just lunch, then just a one-time assignation. Who's to say that she wasn't still lying to herself about the longevity of the affair? After all, despite knowing that Jack was suspicious, she still went ahead and cheated. That hardly sounds like someone who could or would cut it off after just a few times.

thebullet was also wrong in stating that she did not go behind his back. Nowhere did I read that she had his permission to proceed with the affair. Nowhere did I find a hint that she thought an affair would be acceptable to Jack, before she did the deed. After all, if he was okay with it, why lie?

No, it was only afterward, that she "confessed." She knew he was suspicious. She knew she would do it again. She probably knew she would be caught, sooner or later. She tried to get permission retroactively. That hardly sounds like "coming clean" to me.

Blue88, You show real talent in portraying characters and emotions, while maintaining a coherent storyline. Thank you for sharing your writing with us. I hope that you see fit to do so again.

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
I'm Impressed Author

As your first learning effort this was a very good start in in any type story let alone a difficult and intriguing theme - that of marital consequence. Where like most of life's realities, the disrespect of infidelity doesn't always unfold with pleasant closure, but with reasonable consequence for selfish actions taken without care or consideration for the possible eventual outcome.

Some will say they wished the author would have taken us through the total graphic gamut of closure emotions. The deep why, when, how and the reconciliation dance of bending, flexing and the possible considered compromises to facilitate going forward with the marriage. People, there are many variations of real life's realities and this was one of an unforgiveable premise. She considered and felt a deeply sorid assumption of his acceptance without a care for a long time partner who thought he knew his loved(?)one.

Yet, many felt it would be good to try reconciliation in this her selfish flagrant disregard of marital respect, honor, love and long term commitment that he knew they had signed up for and that he had lived up to.

Author, you gave us glimpses of other characters as it fit the template of understanding some of the what ifs or variants to his decision of the finality of closure that worked for him. Is the door left open to further considerations?

Possibly, but I don't think so as it goes to credibility. Bending, twisting and contorting past estabolished character characteristics shreds credibility for the story and its author. The reader isn't stupid and recognizes an attempt to do this or likewise the plumping up paragraphs and pages of inane words and actions to extend a story. Again, it goes to credibility or the lack thereof.

Author it was a fine first effort and you are appreciated for your talent, time and courage in this theme! Thanks again - with high Regard

fumunda cheezefumunda cheezeover 18 years ago

for at least a couple of more chapters.

Although Jack has every right to feel and act as he did, I believe that the story needs closure rather than the abrupt ending that it came to. Kind of like Blue88 was late for a Labor Day picnic, or perhaps a golf

They had spent a lot of years together, and by all indications, very good years. That' a lot of time and memories to be suddenly erased by one fuck to an old boyfriend. Another thing that Jack didn't take into consideration was the fact that she did not do the natural cheating thing and have him learn about it from a friend or a colleage,saved humiliation in the matter. I for one like a story of the forgive one time rule. The long running ones where the wife or the husband, for that matter,is looking for a better deal financially, are the ones I have no place in my heart for any type of forgiveness.

My appreciation goes to him however for this attempt at a story. Good plot, good emotionally charged story line for comments by readers. excellent character delelopment and posturing up until this last chapter.

This work was not full of grammatical errors and spelling,paragraph construction, using quotes, etc. was very good.

I look forward to seeing more from Blue88. I for one will look for his next story daily in the "new' stories here, and in particular for another chapter or two of "Karen" fter the holiday. lol

Thanks again for the story.

cloacascloacasover 18 years ago
You've obviously thought about what a story is

Many readers here believe that a story must tie up all loose ends. That is description, not a story. Ambiguity is the essence of art. What is Mona Lisa thinking? What happens after Elizabeth marries D'Arcy? Will Jack eventually get back with Karen? Will Sara divorce Jim? Will she have a longer-lasting affair? Readers have imaginations and can fill in the blanks for themselves.

You've followed a good model of story construction. My only criticism is that you might have played with intertwining the episodes that wind up the story. Having them laid out in order didn't maintain the tension you built in the previous chapters. You did a nice job creating anticipation. Endings are hard.

Minor point, but Sara would not have had unprotected sex with a stranger, at least not without discussing it. That's not in the character you wrote. Having him put on a condom would not have detracted because they're both being careful while open with the other.

gizzmo301gizzmo301over 18 years ago

I am very impressed with your first story. It was a great one I will be looking for more from you.

phoenix764phoenix764over 18 years ago
Loving Wives Nazi's???

I have to wonder who the bullett is refering to by using the derogatory statement "LW Nazis"? This is the second time he has used it in the readers comments area within 24 hours.

Authors write what they want to, and the readers write comments on it. Sometimes the readers catch spelling or grammar error, while at other times inconsistencies. People also like different types of stories. I like a story to have a good plot as it's basis, and build on that. For me I like a Loving wives tale to either have a reconciliation or a divorce, but that is just me. I don't like the stories where the husband is a wimp/cuckold, doesn't know about the affair, or even worse wants his wife to be with other people (why get married in the first place?).

Blue has told a great story, and I look forward to future tales from her. I just wish it had a better endding.

Am I a Troll ( someone who logs in anonymously, and just attacks the author with foul language)? I certainly am not. I am waiting for The Bullet to explain his comment, and for him to appologize on the board to anyone he offended. It is sad to see what I thought was a good author use potentially racist remarks when the entire english language is available.

DeadWouldDeadWouldover 18 years ago
Hey phoenix, get with the flow here

The scenario is quite obvious.

If you disagree with Bullet you are a Nazi - plain and simple.

His take on any story is the correct and ONLY one allowed. Burn all the other books, gas the dissenters etc - we already know the system...

BTW - I loved the outcome of this story and make no excuss for prefering an ending liker this to those wimp cream pie endings so prevalent on Literotica

TiggerTooTiggerTooover 18 years ago
Loving Wives Nazi's?

I enjoyed the story and gave it a five but I'm going to defend thebullet even though I myself might be considered a LWN. To illustrate that, before my fifties, I would have responded to a cheating wife with brutal and terminal violence, no questions asked. Since then, I have had to face the possibility twice and decide what was really important. Hint: it wasn't fidelity.

There are a number of factors that would mitigate a husband's response. One is the wife's attitude towards the husband and her voluntary confession.

Another is the age of the husband and wife. Once a wife is past childbearing age, she is not going to have another man's baby and she is not going to leave the husband. Men age better than women do. Let's be blunt, there is little marital sexual excitement left on the husband's part. If someone else uses what the husband really isn't too interested in and the wife gets an emotional boost at a fragile point in her life, is the husband harmed if the wife is upfront about it? I'm not justifying it but I'm pointing out that it is a legitimate question that a husband needs to think about.

I suspect in real life, husbands in their fifties are going to be a lot more conciliatory than they were when they were younger.

Perhaps some authors could explore this odd paradox in husbands' attitudes.


AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
Enjoyed your story a great deal

But I for one would like the ending to at least clsoe the cse on JIm and his wife. Will she leave him for the other man,and will he know it? If you write more, at least close this part of the story. Thanks for a good story!

MinigalesMinigalesover 18 years ago
Great Story, Abrupt End

This is a great story. However, the end was so abrupt it rendered the last paragraph completely irrelevant. You could have either added a paragraph to close it up or done without the last paragraph. It added nothing.


RussHRussHover 18 years ago
For a first, very good

If your next is as good, then it will a good one. There were issues with this story, but in the long run, it was very good.

The major issue, for me, was the short chapters. This could have been submitted as one story. I hate short, choppy tales with a long wait between snippets.

Oh, by the way, the ending was superb. I liked it.

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
Well done Blue88!

I really like your style and the story which had plenty of emotion.

I have a small confession in as much I read, and commented, on your first chapter then for some reason the next time I past by your name you were on chapter6. Perhaps reading the, in between, chapters in one go lessened the impact of short chapters, though in itself that never bothers me.

It would do some readers well to be aware of the length of time some writers spend thinking about the plot. I know that I do. The question of outcome, to stay or to leave, is not an easy choice unless you have had an experience and thus are biased one way.

Good luck and I hope to read more from you.

My best regards.

R_AscalR_Ascalover 18 years ago
Better than OK first effort

This was better than OK for a first effort. There were some flaws, and clearly the ending didn't leave everyone happy. But it got them thinking.

Personally I tended towards the no-hesitation-boot-her-ass-out-the-door side, yet strangely, once this was done, was left hoping that there might be a sequel, where Karen might be given another chance, or at least a hearing.

One of the other comments here rather perceptively I thought, suggested that guys over 50 might react differently than younger men to this kind of betrayal. Being nearly 50 myself, I think there's some truth in this.

I'm experiencing an ageist response in that at the end of the story I feel a certain amount of sympathy for Karen, certainly a lot more than I had for her in the beginning. It's the author's ability to induce in me this sense of ambivalence, that makes it a successful story.

I look forward with interest to reading the next effort by this author.

NeedYouNeedYouover 18 years ago
Really good job for first shot at at

Love the story and hope you'll write more of the same. I love it when the good guy wins or there is a realistic chance for the couple to get back together. Again great job!

Xman72357Xman72357over 18 years ago
Great Story!!!!!!!!

You tell a very good story. I don't care about the LWN or there opposites. The point I would like to make is that everyone will have a different response to a spouses infidelity.

There will be Cuckolds, Reconciliation’s, Divorces and of course Revenge plus a slew of options that can include a couple of items from above or even all. The bottom line is that all responses are possible and the people who post here should just review the stories giving their opinion about the storyline and the authors ability to write and keep their personal preferences how the story should have ended to themselves. The writer has a story to tell that he needs to get out. He neither has asked for peoples preferences or solicited them so why does his story suck just because you did not like the way he ended it.

My opinion on the story is as follows. The first five chapters were good and left us in suspense how it was going continue and at that point any ending was possible. The last chapter started out good but you started to throw in new variables and characters, which are okay but it seemed that you left things hanging. Here are a few that I feel should have been cleared up.

1) Does Jack actually get the divorce? If yes, Can he learn to Trust other women again? If No, Do the have a reconciliation? Or do they just get a separation and try to move on in their life?

2) Depending on the answers to the first question, How does Karen handle what happens to them?

3) Does the sister, Kate, stay involved with in the whole process with Jack & Karen?

4) Does Sara get divorced? Either way if she does or doesn’t does the affair continue with Jerry or others men?

5) Meanwhile what has happened to Jim, Sara’s husband. He has dropped out of the story entirely.

These are just some of the questions I was left with. Hopefully who continue the story and let us know what happens. Personally my opinion we to break off the two couples into different stories and deal with them separately. There seemed to be no interaction between the characters once everything came out into the open.

Your writing style and flair is very god in my opinion and considering that this is your first story I think it is great. I definitely look forward to your next story. I hope it is the sequel but I will understand if you don’t continue it after all your are the author and the decisions are solely yours. However you do decide I just hope that you continue to write as you are very good and should only get better with experience.

saw_man1saw_man1over 18 years ago
Open Ended Finish

That was in my opinion your best chapter and finished off an excellent first effort. The open ended finish was a great idea and a certain conversation starter. Hollywood has used the ambiguous ending or the unanswered question since silent movies and often with great success. Challenging the imagination of the viewer, or in this case reader, is an art unto itself. The ending of the movie Unfaithful comes to mind. Richard Gere and Diane Lane are sitting in their Jeep in front of the police station. Did he turn himself in for the murder of her lover? What did Bill Murray whisper into Scarlett Johansson’s ear in Lost In Translation?

The fact that we don’t know is what makes these scenes all the more memorable.

Congratulations again on a fine first effort.

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago

At the risk of being repetitive, I found chapters 5 and 6 disappointing. After doing such a wonderful creative job in chapters 1-4 Jack's rage and rush to divorce in chapters five and six was disappointing. Sure, Karen was an idiot, but after 24 years of happy marriage you would expect some emotional interaction between she and Jack before he left. The rather cold impersonal divorce action on Jack's part was not up to the standard of excellence you displayed in chapters 1-4.-- I guess I'm just one of those who likes happy endings. Great writing though. 60 year old George

Kanga40Kanga40over 18 years ago

by having Sara cheat.

What was that bullshit all about? It only seriously weakened a formerly strong character, and what did it achieve in the outcome of the story?? Nothing, I believe.

But it did divert attention from Jack and Karen's part of the story - the real story.

Given the story, as it was told, I don't believe there was much choice for Jack.

I was interested to see if the author could/would craft a reconciliation.

The story didn't "grab me" though - I felt little involvement with any of the characters except Jack, and he did what he saw he had to do with very little passion.

We had a sensible Sara for a few chapters, but Blue couldn't help but follow the tried and true Literotica formula and ensure he finished off with both women brain dead. Oh well.

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
Bravo to Jack: Sara's A Big Disappointment

I'm surprised the author has decided to make Sarah turned out to be as shallow as her cheating husband, when she started out so calm and decent.

Jumping into bed with the first man that compliment you is a good idea? (Besides the fact that that's not related to what the husband did to her, such impulses might just get her some STD or worst! She: Oh, come in me, deeper, deeper, no one ever fucked me like you do! He: Oh, Sarah, you're so beautiful; I've never a woman like you before. My god, can I call you once we get back home?


Jack's character, on the other hand, metamorphosed into a decisive person, after the momentary anger's over with, with is very normal.

This is a guy who doesn't jump into bed with the first person he comes across after having found out his wife fucking her fomer college boyfriend.

His REASONING is exactly the most SOUND one: after all these good years, perhaps it is time to call it quits; the kids are grown. This is a woman who is not only NOT HONEST, she is doubly so. She not only fucks her old boyfriend but lies to him AFTERWARD that she wants to do it and if it would be "okay" with the husband?

As Jack said, it would STILL BE AN INSULT (if he truly loved her; if not, I guess the insult is not too big, as he couldn't careless) if your spouse came to you and say, "Honey, can I go to bed with my college boyfriend? I never did it with him and after some 20 years, I really miss it. I just want to have a brief affair with him; I think I'll get over in a matter of a couple weeks or a couple months"!!

Jack's right: That would be quite insulting ENOUGH. But for her to have actually fucked the guy already and then came to ask the husband if it'd be okay for her to do it? Taht's double insulting.

Jack's course of action --- depending on HIS OWN thinking of what's best for him alone --- is the correct one: Life is too short to spend with someone like Karen. Yes, they had some 20 odd years; but as Jack said, THAT'S probably enough. That trusting life, if ever it existed, as Jack suspects, if no more. It is time to move on resolutely. Will tears be shed? Sure. But is it the right course of action? Yes!

Let's not have him, errr, fuck around like that woman, Sarah. It's unfortunate that Sara's character's made into a cheap, uncontrolled personality, thinking the way to get "back" at the cheating husband is to cheat herself, and with a strange man, too!

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
Great Build Up

but fell down at the end; you left us hanging on the future of all of the central players. I'd like to see a follow up where we see what happend to them all.

aliaspeterjaliaspeterjover 18 years ago
Uncomfortably Good

This is a very nice story because in the end it leaves me uncomfortable -- and I think, looking at the public message board, this is a common reaction -- because I can't dismiss the participants and turn them into stock characters -- Sainted Wife/Husband and Slut Husband/Slut Wife. Even Jim comes off as a dull, somewhat detestable, but still human character.

That said the ending still fell on me from out of the sky. Two thirds of the way through I could tell -- by the length of the piece and knowing this was a conclusion -- that I wasn't going to get deep soul satisfying answers. Still I think the story gives the answers.

I was interested in Xman's comment because he asked what I thought were good questions. I'd like to give not an absolute answer to them, but just my take on the story. In this just think of my head as a Magic 8 Ball.

1) Does Jack actually get the divorce?

//All signs point to yes.//

If yes, Can he learn to Trust other women again?

//Um ... ask again later. Actually, here I don't think the answer to that question is important to the story. What we have is (1) a cautionary tale and (2) a story of two marriages. So in the first case the important thing is that Karen screwed up her marriage by her infidelity and her half open marriage solution to her infidelity. In the second case the point is that the events ended two marriages and thus ended the story. I say ended two marriages because even if Karen and Jack get back together it will have to be a new marriage. In the case of Jim and Sara, the marriage was DOA. This in my mind absolves Sara of any deep guilt on her trip. From the moment she got the phonecall from Jack, she knew her marriage was over. She just hasn't gotten around to admitting this to herself.//

If No, Do the have a reconciliation?

//As nice as these characters are the damage has been done and in this story that is the focus, not the character's long term mental health and dating prospects.//

Or do they just get a separation and try to move on in their life?

//Read above.//

2) Depending on the answers to the first question, How does Karen handle what happens to them?

//Read above. But also I'm not that interested she made her own bed.//

3) Does the sister, Kate, stay involved with in the whole process with Jack & Karen?

//Kate's an interesting character who walks on the stage suddenly -- therapist ex machina? -- but I don't think it matters how good a therapist or sister she is. I think she may even say this. She says it's up to Jack and at the end, proud, rational committed Jack has told us that the marriage has no future. I think we should believe him.//

4) Does Sara get divorced?

//Um ... yuh-huh. Sara is a nice, smart, loyal, pretty, interesting woman and as a 44 year old can still fit into the dress she wore to the junior prom. Why should she keep her star hitched to Jim, a man who in a couple years will be doing a Hair Club for Men commercial as well as be an amateur social health worker tracking down all the women he has slept with for the last few years? Oh yeah and he's a rat too. Also more to the point, we know that she hasn't loved him for awhile and has now finally been slapped in the face and she's going to end a marriage that was kept going only by inertia.//

Either way if she does or doesn’t does the affair continue with Jerry or others men?

//I think what happened with Jerry was something like a drunken hook-up. She had a need; she filled it. She now knows she can find sexual satisfaction without Jim. If she continues with Jerry it will probably be once her divorce is well underway.//

5) Meanwhile what has happened to Jim, Sara’s husband. He has dropped out of the story entirely.

//Good riddance.//

It's a shame I didn't read this story until just now because no one is going to read this comment.

Oh well.

Bluee88 thank you for an entertaining story. I look forward to seeing more of your work.

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
Finally got around to it

I'd read ch. 1-4 and for some reason it got away from me.

When I rounded up the last two chapters I found I had to start from scratch to really get into the flow of your story.

Your ending left a lot of questions hanging in the air as others have commented about. Personally I'd have preferred for you to carry it to the end, but you chose to end it at the point you did and that's your choice. At least you didn't end it with a whimpering cuckhold. Well done and Thank You. Ronnie W.

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
why after being fuck over you want her taking care

someone breaks your heart and you want them to have money for them to live good.if you read what she said about her hubby was he understand her wanting to fuck the other man.see the hubby wimp like present cause her to think he was a wimp.for future stories stop being so nice, betrayal and adultery make a man angry and mad and not so forgiving.payback to the other man is a must.

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago
Chapters 5 AND 6--THE BEST!

Yo! Great work. I liked this one as much as the previous. I (like a previous poster) was disappointed in Sara. She's definitely a LOSER with capital letters. She knew the husband was a cheater, but reconciled. Therefore--she's a loser, by definition. That she'd also cheat just made her look worst.

Jack needs to collect some retribution from BOTH perpetrators!

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago
Thank you

From my point of view you are one of the very

best writers in the loving wives category and I

can never get enough of your tales, this one included.

anonymousreaderanonymousreaderover 16 years ago
This score is for the whole series

Very believable characters, all of them humanly flawed. Well done.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 16 years ago

I don't know. In real life I would expect them to freak out more than they did here. To well formulated and controlled. No I don't believe in it. Sorry

bruce22bruce22almost 16 years ago
Basically he said

that he might have gotten over the one-time adultery if she had not tried to save herself by proposing that she be allowed to have an affair. For me that would not be anything other than the final nail in the coffin. A lie is a lie, he really should have jumped all over her lie and perhaps ended the problem there (proactive position). But as Kate pointed out, She was suffering from getting old and there was practically nothing that Jack could do about it!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 16 years ago
Intruiging, and unfortunately realistic

If I were Jack, what I would have never recovered from was her first lie: "no--I didn't go out for lunch at all today". From that point forward we saw the story go where it HAD to, with Karen getting the painful ending she richly deserved!

The "indiscretions" of Jim--and susequently HIS wife--pale in scope, serving only to nicely provide a "backup plot"...

The only "winner" in this entire saga is possibly the smooth-talking attorney who was in the conveniently perfect time/place to receive the hot, hot Sara!

In all, it's a well written, uncomfortably realistic story... thanks, I think.

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
a proper ending

she acted on a false hope that she wanted something - would have it - and thereafter all would be as she wanted.

it doesn't work that way at times.

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
The woman despite her sister say is mentally off

so mentally off she didnt know who she was married to nor what she was giving up. He did nothing, she did it all, from the lunch to the lie to ruining her marriage and her life. She works, it is stupid for the husband to give to her more than her share. He is the wronged party not her, it is for her to give it up for him to not suffer. I hate braindead things. You dont forgive a person cheating, taking risk, and destroying a marriage, you get away from them as soon as possible.

xtremeddxtremeddalmost 15 years ago
Very good indeed, well developed and clear.

Really enjoyed it, the story, not the subject. Very clear feelings you developed with the charactors response (not reaction) to the situation. Look forward to reading your stories! Don't stop.


AnonymousAnonymousabout 14 years ago
Nicely Put

Good story.

norcal62norcal62almost 14 years ago
Sara's trip was an unnecessary distraction to the main story.

At least you didn't have her get together with Jack for a revenge fuck. Too many LW authors have done that and it's way too unrealistic to put into a story. The best part of the story was the discussion between Kate and Karen.

Please use better naming in future stories. Also, while your writing is good, I'd like to see more conversation language used. Some of the sentences were too formal and "literary" rather than spoken.

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
Jack will get...

his creampie in the end, stay tuned

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
Enjoyed very much.

Characters built quickly but logically and convincingly. The actions followed the characterisations believably. I prefer a happy ending but then, this would not have been a logical conclusion. I agree with the fellow who thought that Sarah's trip was an unnecessary diversion. It didn't do much damage but was an irrelevance to the main thread. Excellent piece of work, thank you.

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
Good storey

An excellent fast paced storey, once started couldn't put it down. My only critisism is the use of rarely used words. When reading I don't want to have to refer to the dictionary or Roget's Thesaurus.

C_frommnC_frommnover 13 years ago
Epilogue aka Follow-Up

There has to be a Conclusion. What about sara and Jim.

Did she leave him and fall for her New Guy or did she Reconcile and let Jim know she had Great Sex away from him to get him to Knuckle under.

How did Karen and Jack handle the Divorce?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago
in the epilogue

he returns to a life of cuckdom and creampies reconciling with the slut

FD45FD45about 13 years ago

I like your writing. I like your rationalizations. Unfortunately, this shut down too quickly to rate more then 4 stars

RePhilRePhilalmost 13 years ago

A man walks away and keeps his junk intact. Perfectly written and balanced

huedogghuedoggalmost 13 years ago
nice ending not you norm

but good story over all

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
refill, bluedogg and the other wannabe cucks

love this RAAC crap, not their fault I guess since the author hid the subsequent chapters in a new series...

huedogghuedoggover 12 years ago
wow a statement from another moronic anon

I like the story because for once the man says fuck you i'm out and as far as the anon that call me bluedogg, if I had to sleep with your wife I would have not balls.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
blewdog is DWmoroncok

making idiotic posts on every story, too funny

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
blewdog is DWmoroncok

making idiotic posts on every story, too funny

tazz317tazz317over 12 years ago

for help and its her SIS. TK U MLJ LV NV

Huedogg2Huedogg2over 12 years ago
Read it again

Nice tale blue88, to bad that she realized to late that he was a proud man.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
cuckdogg jizzing at a creampie story

Not really news, WBC love the RAAC because it guarantees sloppy seconds and creampies for the foreseeable future. Authors just like to split up stories so chumps and dunces spurt before reconciling them in the next chapters.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
Sara's as big a slut as Jim and karen

But at least Jack has some self respect even though he has been portrayed as a bit thick.

BTTapBTTapalmost 12 years ago

This series has been on this site for a while, but I never read it. I liked your story outline and the different reactions to the situation by the different characters. It appears you are no longer an active author, which is too bad. I liked the polish of the editing, and you drew a compelling tale. The dialogue seemed rather wooden and artificial, to me, however.

UndrApprctdUndrApprctdalmost 12 years ago
Last 3 Chapters Just a Waste of Time

Oh well, at least it's over...

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago

Well it could have had a better ending.... Sara and Jack getting together.

karan9876karan9876over 11 years ago
could have had a better ending.

He dint wimp out so thats good news. However it could have had a better ending in my humble opinion. I feel he should not have been generous with her in the divorce settlement. He could have rationalized it by saying that he would need the extra money to spend on women, now that she was out of his life. Due to her infidelity they were parting so its only fair he saves his money for his future gf/wife.

cantbuymycantbuymyover 11 years ago
it was perfect

this was a great ending. it was perfect. she got her statutory amound and he got rid of her. sometimes not having what you had is punishement enough. i am more of a burn the bitch down sort of guy but this was perfect for the story. gave it a 5.

ThabesThabesover 11 years ago

I hate how some people insist that an author has to stretch time and write about old age and death for understanding. To me, those are the ones that browse stories.

Great read, and well done. I'll go back and 5* each now. Oh, and perfect ending, even though others couldn't get the husband's conviction.

tazz317tazz317over 11 years ago

and the gallows trap door is sprung, TK U MLJ LV NV

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
Great read but ...

Feel like I've been left hanging ....

BobNbobbiBobNbobbiabout 11 years ago
An interesting series . . .

. . . but if for a course in creative writing I would grade incomplete. Only Jack's position is adequately developed. Sara's quick affair on travel turns into romance far too fast without the garden ready for planting. For all of the focus on Karen in this series, I still don't have a feel for her as wife let alone complete understanding of how she let herself go so far so fast as lover. Jim is totally incomplete as a character; he could as easily be a dildo.

That said as criticism, I encourage Blue88 to keep on writing. Intertwining two families as completely as attempted is a worthwhile, if difficult, undertaking. If this is a first effort it isn't a total waste of time and effort.

BfreetorunBfreetorunabout 11 years ago
Perfect ending, fuck the bitch.

I would not have been quite as generous as he is with the money. I would not leave her broke but I would not be quite as fair as he said he would. Let her find another sucker. I have found it true that woman of that age get strange but she was a fucking idiot to just tell him that she WAS GOING TO HAVE a short term affair. How damn stupid can a woman (or man) get, who had no respect for him at all. I would just tell the kids to ask their mother why they got divorced, I would not have been as generous as he was. He is a better man than I am, for sure.

cantbuymycantbuymyabout 11 years ago

well that was an itch not worth scratching. loved it. 5.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago

The story isn't quite over. Close, but not quite. It needs a true ending.

Karen nearly got everything she deserved. Not a penny would be perfect.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago
Always with Emotion

You would think in today's age when women cannot commit to shit anymore they would stop the whining bullshit they continue to spew with tears and sadness after whoring themselves out. Lets do it in black and white. The whore got caught, she cheated ,she's done. Put a fork in her. Best end to a story I've seen in a while.

OneShotOneOneShotOneover 10 years ago
I'm stunned shocked even

That the writer didn't come back with a conclusion that forced some sort of convoluted reconcilliation. Good ending not great but good; because the kids and everyone else will blame him for the divorce.

Drbeamer3333Drbeamer3333over 10 years ago
Loved it

What a sad ending. Five stars.

phil2213phil2213over 10 years ago
A whore treated like a lady?

Why would he give a rat's ass about Karen's welfare when she shit in his face? The author was too passive in his treatment of Karen in my humble opinion. She never discussed her actions prior to her betrayal nor did she reach mutual assent to her decision to have sex outside of her marriage. Her husband was disrespected in the most offensive way that a faithful wife could muster.

MadBrownMadBrownover 10 years ago


AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
What a waste of time!

Author lacks gumption to explore all the loose ends of this tragedy.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Good story, well written.

You have recognized your start up chapter organizational needs, but your real need is after all the plot development, the story just dropped with no follow through. It left me feeling "why did I just spend so much time reading this?". That is a shame because you wrote the story beautifully and developed it well. You really need to

see? I can drop my unfinished ideas, too.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

Jack should not take care of her. Instead, she deserves to be burned and burned badly.

TMSPTGR3TMSPTGR3over 10 years ago
Agree With Nope

Why is the fact that a cheating wife will be devastated by divorce appear to be a significant factor in the author's mind that should be considered by the husband?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
What an excellently told and written story, but

I was surprised how quickly both Sara and Jack concluded their marriages were over. In stories like these, my first thought is for the two cheated spouses to get together. It would have been interesting for the author to tell us where the four of them were in one or two years.


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago
I gave this story a five

The main character was Jack. Karen's betrayal was thought through and carried out with due deliberation, self denial and delusion maybe, yet still tragically determined and carried out. That Jack decides to divorce her is also tragic, but real. She left him with gaping wounds that will never really heal. That's the nature of infidelity. Sure the story ends badly. Everyone wants something more. There's the forlorn hope something might still happen, but it won't. Karen stepped in front of a truck. She got run over. The marriage is dead.

PTraumPTraumalmost 10 years ago
Good story all in all

Though a bit brief in my opinion. The author already pointed out that the chapters were a bit on the short side and though their erratic posting may have been a detractor when first posted as I came upon it after the fact it's only their brevity that I'll call out of the two.

I think that this story could have been much more detailed and longer. That said, I think they did a very good job of conveying the story and the characters, even if some of their decisions were not what I'd have made whether personally or as an author. As another poster stated, it's not my story.

In summary, well told and with enough variance of the point of view/focus to keep the tale from getting too stale. I look forward to reading more of your work.

impo_58impo_58almost 10 years ago

I waited for the last part to vote and comment...A very difficult situation, but realy she showed no respect for him...she took him for granted...A big mistake that destroyed all her life.

NWlifterNWlifteralmost 10 years ago
Considering the circumstances...

...this was truly the only solution that makes any sense.

sugnasugnaover 9 years ago

Overall, a good story but could have used a little more development of what led to her cheating - it didn't "just happen". The marriage must have had some weakness to start with. I hate cheaters, but there must have been something in the relationship that gave her the idea that she COULD cheat.

The rest of the story progressed in a realistic manner. The end was fine, but an epilogue would have been nice to see how things worked out for them - for better or worse.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
way to easy on them


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
Reality check

Karen is really stupid. She had to know that divorce was the only option. Sending her sister only solidified his decision.

xtchrxtchrover 8 years ago
What Did She Expect!

Let's see. Honey, I screwed my old boyfriend and I'm going to have an affair for only 1 or 2 months. She was married to this guy for 20 plus years and didn't know him. Didn't they ever talk? I think she may have read some Literotica stories where this is acceptable behavior. (Apparently the wrong stories.) Good for this guy, he was a man and moved on. Thanks for the story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
This is not the end of the story.

FYI, the author wrote two more chapters back in '05. Look at the other stories by this author for two chapters entitled "Jack Bell Redux." No idea why they aren't listed as "Also in this series."

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Clandestine Affair?

I really enjoyed your writing and I hope this wont be the last of it. So do they ever get back together? What about Sara and her attorney friend do they get together? If not. Does Karen get together with her partner in crime?

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Good story, well written...

This is the second time I've read this story and I'm still struck by the cold, calloused, and determined manner of announcing her planned affair. Delivered as if Jack had no choice in the matter, no input required, no approval necessary, and certainly no recourse. In my mind, everything that happened before her "discussion" with Jack and everything afterwards, all of it was hinged, directly or indirectly, to those few words:

"Jack, I need to get this out of my system. I'm going to have a brief affair with Jim..."

Those words belie everything else she said before and after. All the talk of love, happiness, being the luckiest woman in the world to have him for a husband; all that was tossed out the window as soon as she spoke the two sentences above.

She only considered herself in that plan; "I need..., I'm going to..." Jack wasn't included at any point, she was only concerned about his response. In her mind, this was a done deal because she wanted it. Jack would have to go along, which means she never really took the time or made the effort to know him - that or her eagerness to have the affair blinded her to what she should have seen coming. In either case, Jack was not her primary concern - and that spelled the end.

If Jim B. hadn't joined her company she may have been able to continue on in her life with Jack and never stumbled. It gives one pause to wonder if something like that could happen to any of us - or was it simply a flaw in her character that would have eventually been exposed in some other fashion? 24 years of marriage thoughtlessly kicked aside like a wet towel on the bathroom floor. All over an itch that needed scratched. Very sad.

Very well written. Good job, I enjoyed it. Thanks.

DrSemblanceDrSemblanceover 7 years ago

First I am discovering that I have a hard time believing that you (the author) are male much less over 60.

You keep referring to "pride" being hurt by a cheating cunt's actions as almost the most important thing.

That is so low down the list.. it is the betrayal, the self doubt, the anger, the need for retribution, the sense of utter disrespect and dishonor.

Other than that you seem to get most of it.

I don't understand why we don't get to find out what happens with Sarah and douchebag. Hopefully she finds happiness, seems like Jerry is a decent bloke.

Again, seeing if he follows through with it as I see you continued the story in Jack redux, so maybe you tie up the loose ends there. Though I have no idea why it isn't included in the series.

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