Kate and Jake Ch. 13

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Fuck buddy, Madeleine meets ex-girlfriend, Cassie.
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Part 13 of the 18 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 07/29/2015
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Madeleine meets Cassie

It was lunch time at university and Madeleine was sitting on her own at a table in the refectory, eating a sandwich, and reading a textbook.

"Hello," said a voice from above. Madeleine looked up at the girl who had just approached her table, and the girl went on to say, "Could I talk to you for a moment, please?"

"Sure," replied Maddy. "Sit down," she offered with a welcoming hand gesture. When the girl was seated, Maddy said, "You're Cassie aren't you - Jake's ex-girlfriend?"

"Yes, that's right" replied Cassie, and Madeleine saw her eyes become watery, as if she might cry any moment.

"I'm sorry, Cassie", said Madeleine, briefly covering her hand, as she realised it must have been the 'ex-' that upset her. "That was thoughtless of me. It looks like you still carry a flame for him, huh?"

Cassie was close to tears, as Madeleine had guessed, and simply nodded her head in agreement, and then looked down in embarrassment. Then, after a pregnant silence, during which time Madeleine simply waited, Cassie eventually composed herself and was able to say, "I was a silly, silly girl, Maddy. For two whole years we were madly in love, and then, when we thought it was time to take the next step, I buggered it up because I didn't know what to do."

"Are you up for a bit of girl-talk?" asked Madeleine.

"Sure!" said Cassie. "I don't really know why I came over to your table, but deep down I was hoping you wouldn't give me the cold shoulder. I'd love to talk - thank you."

"Okay, well since we're prick relatives, let's not beat around the bush..."

Cassie interrupted her by repeating the words: "Prick relatives?"

Madeleine laughed and said, "That's an old saying of my father's. It means either, two women who have shared the same prick, you know, cock, or two guys who have had sex with the same woman."

"Oh, I see," replied Cassie, "So it is serious between you and Jake. I mean, you are having sex?"

"I don't know about being serious, but yes, we're having sex... well, at least some of the time. Most of the time we, make love - much better description!" said Madeleine, and then noticed Cassie's eyes well up again. "What's wrong, Cassie?"

"I'm sorry, Maddy. I'm being silly. I suppose you just confirmed what one of my girlfriends told me - you really are his new girlfriend."

"What did your friend tell you?" asked Madeleine.

"That she saw you and Jake walking arm around waist, and then stop in a private corner and have a cuddle and kiss - according to her, not just a hello-goodbye type of kiss, but the real thing. I know you're in fifth year and Jake's in second year, so I was hoping you two were just friends, until she told me that, but then you can't trust gossip, so I wanted to hear it from your own lips, and I just did," and this time a tear did escape her eye, and ran down her cheek.

Madeleine leant across the table and wiped the tear away with her thumb and said, "You're quite right in not taking your friend's gossip as gospel. She probably did see what she said she saw. Jake is a very warm person and likes to cuddle, and with him I enjoy it too, but we don't do it in public because we aren't boyfriend and girlfriend. I didn't actually say, to you, that we were. All I admitted to was the sex."

"I don't understand," said Cassie, desperately wanting to, because something in what Madeleine just said suggested there might still be a chance for her.

"Jake and I met in the library, and then kept bumping into each other there. We became friends and started having coffee together in our breaks, but as you quite correctly pointed out, I'm four years older than he is - I had a gap year, in case you are wondering - so it's just friendship, but we do have one thing in common."

"What's that?" asked a curious Cassie.

"We're both totally committed to getting the best grades we can. As you know, Jake has a single mum who is making financial sacrifices to put him through uni. He knows that, and wants to repay her by doing as well as he can. We both need to get good marks so we have a chance at the best jobs. So, neither of us want to waste study time chasing after sex, or going to parties, pubs, or other pick-up joints to meet people for that purpose... but, at the same time, we're both sexually active young adults and need sex to balance our lives - so we've agreed to be fuck buddies. You know what that means, don't you, Cassie?" asked Madeleine in a kindly tone, simply because Cassie didn't know what a prick relative was.

"Yes I do. Since you said up front, let's not beat around the bush, can I ask if the sex is good?"

"Cassie, I lost my virginity at age sixteen; I've had several boyfriends since then, and lots and lots of sex; so trust me when I say the sex with Jake is the best I've ever had, and that first day and night with him is still my fondest and most erotic memory, and always will be."

"Day and night?!" Cassie both queried and exclaimed, "How did you manage that? Did he come to your place?"

"No, I stayed the night at his place."

"What? How? Was his mother away or something?" queried Cassie.

"No. We had lunch together, the three of us, and then she went to work, and when she came home at about 9.30pm we all had a cuppa and she wanted to know how it went, and what we did," said Madeleine with a smile, amused at Cassie's raised eyebrows, wide eyes, and hand-over-mouth astonishment. "Kate's the most amazing woman I've ever met," said Madeleine. We discussed the fuck buddy arrangement Jake and I were planning, over lunch, and she was pleased. She likes me, and thought it was a great idea. She wants Jake to study hard and get good marks, but as a caring mother, she doesn't want him to miss out on what other young adults are doing and enjoying. She also understood my needs. In fact, she and I have become best friends," and when Madeleine noticed Cassie's eyebrows shoot up again, she added, "Well, being older than you and Jake there's only a little over ten years between Kate and me. Some girls I know have a sister ten years older than them."

"She's an amazing woman," agreed Cassie, "and Jake loves her very much. He even wanted us to talk to her about losing our virginity together, and see if she had any hints or tips, but I said no. I suppose I was thinking of my mum and how embarrassed and ashamed I'd feel if she knew."

"You should've listened to Jake, and then you and he would still be lovers and I wouldn't be on the scene at all."

"I know that now," agreed Cassie, "but tell me, Maddy, how could it be so awful for me and so over-the-moon wonderful for you, especially since you are experienced and have got something to compare him with? I can't imagine a little talk over lunch could have made such a dramatic difference to how Jake does it?"

Madeleine laughed, and said, "You're quite right, Cassie, a conversation over lunch didn't set us up for heaven-on-a-stick. All that happened over lunch was that we girls sent Jake down the street for a while and discussed mainly the practical issues, like condoms, the fact that Kate didn't want us sneaking around, so we could meet there any time we wanted to, whether she was home or not, and so on. She was mainly concerned that it would be nice for us, especially her son."

"Amazing!" exclaimed Cassie. "So how did he get so good at it."

"Don't take this the wrong way, Cassie, but, as you say, Jake and his mum have no secrets from each other, and he told her you two had broken up, and why. He said it was all his fault. He said he was like a kid with a new toy, and doing it with you was, for him, the consummation of a wonderful romance... he just assumed if it was good for him, it was good for you, too. To her credit, Kate told him it was his fault, and no girl wants a wham bam thank you ma'am lover. Then, weeks before I came on the scene, she talked him through what he did wrong and what he could have done instead. She's obviously a great teacher because I am his very happy, contented, satisfied, and fulfilled, fuck buddy."

"Jake and his mum said it was his fault?" asked Cassie. When Madeleine confirmed with a nod, Cassie went on to say, "That's very nice of them, although I'm not surprised - they're both such wonderful persons. But, it isn't all his fault. I didn't know anything. I should have let Jake take me to his mother and let her teach me too... and also, it was me who broke it off! I should have told Jake what the problem was, so we could at least talked it through."

"What was the problem, other than Jake not knowing what to do? Was it all his idea in the first place - maybe, deep down, you didn't really want to do it?"

"Oh, no, Maddy. I was the one who said I thought we were old enough to take the next step, cos a lot of my friends had, and because I loved Jake so much, I really wanted to do it. It was just such a disappointment after all the build up. We used condoms so we didn't have an unwanted pregnancy, and they chafed a bit. Sometimes I would get quite sore, especially if we did it more than once on the same day, or even on consecutive days... and sex didn't do anything for me at all! I thought I was just asexual. The bottom line is I didn't like it, didn't want to do it any more, couldn't tell Jake, so I asked if we could have a break."

"If you hated sex so much, then why did you get into a sexual relationship with another guy, so soon after breaking up with Jake?"

"How did you know?" asked Cassie.

"You obviously know a lot about me, including my name, even though I haven't introduced myself yet. So it is not unreasonable I know something about you too - perhaps not for the same reasons. Anyway, you haven't answered my question."

"Yes, well... he courted me and I suppose it was a rebound thing. I was feeling down about breaking up with Jake, so I went out with Pete when he asked me. As for the sex, well, after a few dates he sorta talked me into it, and since I didn't want another break up so soon after leaving Jake, I agreed. I thought I'd put up with a bit more pain and disappointment just to keep the peace. As it turned out it was wonderful. I had my first ever orgasm, and there were no negatives. I was in love, or at least I thought I was, but I was only in lust, as it turned out. He got bored with me and moved on. At least Jake didn't get bored with me, and there was no question of him dumping me."

"So, that's why you want Jake back, huh? Because your boyfriend's dumped you, and you don't have anyone else at the moment?"

"That's a cruel thing to say, Maddy, and not true at all. I admitted it was all my fault that Jake and I didn't work out sexually. He wanted to consult his mum, and I wouldn't let him. It's not his fault he didn't know what to do, or mine, for that matter, but I should've made an effort to talk it through with him and see if we could both find out what we were doing wrong. Pete didn't ever criticise me for not taking the initiative, but told me what guys like, and what he wanted me to do for him. That's what made me really understand how clueless I was when I was with Jake - I didn't do anything for him. No, I don't want Jake back on the rebound, or because I don't have any other options. Three guys have made it clear they want to be my boyfriend, so I'm not abandoned and desperate. I'm a free agent who can have a devoted boyfriend tomorrow if I want, but Jake's the only one I've ever loved, and I still love him. Sorry. You probably didn't want to hear that."

"I did need to hear that - sorry if you thought I was being cruel. As I said, Jake and I are fuck buddies, not engaged to each other, but he and Kate have become my best friends, and I wouldn't let you near him if I thought you weren't sincere. There was a lot in what you just said. You should have let him take you to talk to Kate. Kate has nothing but nice things to say about you, and was delighted when she heard you and Jake finally lost your virginities to each other, so she definitely would have helped. What did this Pete teach you?"

"It's a bit personal," replied Cassie with a blush.

"C'mon Cassie!" exclaimed Madeleine. "We're prick relatives, remember... and I've told you a lot more about me and my sex life than I've told anyone else, except Kate."

"Okay, then." said Cassie, warming to her new confidant. "Well, oral sex, for one thing. It was heaven when he did it to me - that's how I had my first orgasm. Of course he wanted me to do it to him. At first I baulked at the idea, but he insisted, and I got used to it, and eventually liked it. He was smart enough not to come in my mouth until I was happy with fellating him, but one day he put the hard word on me to suck him off, all the way! Since he was doing all sorts of wonderful things to give me orgasms I felt I couldn't say no. I hated it at first, but got used to it, and eventually even got to like the taste of it, and was thrilled at the pleasure it gave him - it made me feel wanted and useful. And then there are all the other things you obviously would know all about - want me to go on?"

"No, I get the idea, but what about the chafing and soreness?" asked Madeleine.

"No problem. Whenever he gave me an orgasm first, I was so hot and wet down there, it was no problem when he put it in, and on the occasions he wanted a quickie, he would feel me first, and if I was a bit dry, use a lubricant. There were no negatives, and I really started to enjoy sex. Now I actually miss it."

"But he left you, anyway?"

"Yes, I heard that while he loved fucking me, he wanted a girl who was more adventurous, and especially one who took the initiative, and did things without being asked."

"It does have to be mutual, and the girl does have to do at least some of the work," agreed Madeleine.

"Why are you being so nice to me, Maddy?" asked Cassie.

"Why shouldn't I? We've got a common interest: Jake. We're prick relatives. We're both women, and you're a girl in need of a cuddle right now. You're not trying to steal my boyfriend because Jake isn't my boyfriend, but he is my best male friend, so as long as your intentions are honourable, and it's good for Jake as well, it's not up to me to stop you seeing him if you want to - that's up to him."

"You're amazing. I'm so glad we had this conversation," said Cassie, and then pondered for a moment before adding, "but where do we go from here?"

"I think we should have a stakeholders meeting: you, me, Jake, and Kate should get together and see how we all feel, and take it from there."

"Between Kate and you, Jake is in very good hands. I still can't believe you are so generous, Maddy."

"Don't put me on too high a pedestal. I might not be Jake's girlfriend, but if you think you can stop me seeing my fuck buddy between now and when I do my final exams, you've got another think coming, young lady - and I'm confident Kate will back me up on that one. Once I've graduated I'm going to Queensland to work, and after that you can marry him, have his kids, or whatever - but in the meantime the best I can offer is that we share; okay? That's just how I feel - I can't speak for Jake. If you want him that much, you'll have to work to get him, and be prepared to do more than just lie on the bed with your legs open - understand?"

"I do, I do!" replied a happy Cassie "Thank you, thank you, thank you, Maddy. I'm so glad I plucked up the courage to speak to you. My life is 100 percent happier now, than it was before I approached you. I know you're not guaranteeing anything, but at least there's hope now."

Madeleine said, "I'll organise a meeting at Jake and Kate's house, and let you know. I'll pick you up and take you there."

"That's so kind of you, on both counts, but I can drive myself - save you the trouble."

"No trouble, and I think it would be a good move, for you, I mean, if we arrive together. It'll show there's no competitive jealousies between us."

"I can't believe this is happening," said an incredulous Cassie.

----- oOo -----

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Foxterot7aFoxterot7aalmost 3 years ago

I can actually picture this conversation happening between women. There is no ego. self-esteem nor pride involved. Just an honest, frank discussion. Hell would freeze over before such a conversation it would happen between men.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
yeah, another subtle twist....

I've got a feeling that they're all going to get along like a house on fire! Kate is going to have two lovely young ladies to share Jake with, and what a truly lucky boy Jake is going to be...at least I hope that's how it pans out, but you can never tell with James...lol I might need a spare tube of lube tho' ;)

Mymantoy999Mymantoy999almost 9 years ago
Yeah I agree but also understand!

Yeah I agree with a couple of the others about it being disappointing with a very short chapter suddenly thrown in, **BUT** I also understand that you really needed to set up the next chapters so that there was a fairly even flow as things progressed. Good job in that respect!

RasmatRasmatalmost 9 years ago
Yes. An interesting and unexpected turn of events.

I have enjoyed everything you have submitted to date. However, I am, in no way, into SM behavior of any sort and such a short chapter, like a pinky-size slice of cheesecake (tasty as both may be) is sadistic, pure and simple! LOL!

billyjim55billyjim55almost 9 years ago

What an interesting twist hahahaha ,,, good job.

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