Kate's Capture Ch. 08

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Kate gets training and is rescued.
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Part 8 of the 10 part series

Updated 11/01/2022
Created 05/14/2005
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Time became immaterial to her. The pain became a haze and she tried to let her mind escape this hell. For a time, she would manage to float away, to distance herself, only to be dragged back by some sharp pain or Doc pouring more water into the tube.

When the tube was removed, she barely noticed. She had gone beyond screaming, she was close to no longer even caring what happened as long as the torture stopped. The plastic was cut away as well as the ropes holding her. Kate fell to the sand like a rag doll. She tried to move an arm or leg, but nothing would respond.

She felt a boot poke her in the side painfully. There was a voice, but she couldn't seem to make out the words. The boot kicked her again. Overcome with exhaustion and pain, she found herself kissing the tip of the boot fervently, praying to herself that whoever it was would take pity on her and let the pain stop.

Someone pulled her to her knees and held her there as she lacked the strength to hold herself up. She felt a hand stroke her tangled hair. There were more words – just an audible blur and then someone picked her up. The words blurred more to a buzz and then there was darkness.

When she came to again, it took some time for her mind to fully understand what was happening. She could move, but not much. The first thing she realized was that she was in a cage of some sort. It was small and made of a bamboo-like wood. She could feel the cold breeze of the night air. Her body throbbed with pain and aches from the cramped position, but she didn't care. No one was currently hurting her. She let the exhaustion take her again.

At some point in the night, she was forced to drink again and the watching men took turns poking at her through the wooden bars with a cattle prod. They played some complicated game involving dice and how long she would be shocked. Her world was just one of pain and exhaustion.

The Captain approached the clearing with concern. Malachi had kept him locked up until this morning. He had come back last night saying that Kate was bending nicely to his will. Knowing Malachi's nasty side, the Captain worried what he had done to Kate. The wooden cage hung in the morning light, twisting slowly a few feet off the ground.

"Kate?" he steadied the cage and reached in, touching her skin., "Kate?"

There was a low moan that made his insides twist. Hurriedly, he unlocked the lock on the cage. It took a few minutes, but he was able to get Kate out. She was whispering something. He held her close to hear her and finally caught her soft begging, "Please, no more...please..."

Furious beyond words, he carried her back to the main compound to clean her up and put her back in her cell.

The next day, Exhausted and aching all over, Kate forced herself to her knees as she heard the footsteps approaching her cell and the rattle of the lock. With the blindness, she couldn't tell who it was, but after the horrors of the tree and the bamboo cage, she wasn't going to take the chance of pissing anyone off.

"Very nice, Kate. Your obedience is very pleasing."

She closed her eyes for a long moment of relief at the sound of the Captain's voice. She didn't care who it was, as long as it wasn't Malachi.

The Captain looked at Kate, bruised and exhausted, swaying with the effort to hold her position and his heart twisted painfully. This had to end. Somehow, he had to find a way to get his sister and destroy Malachi. But right now, he needed to take care of Kate. He would have to keep training her least Malachi suspect anything. He was watching both of them very carefully now.

"You must be hungry," he said to her, "You can relax for right now. Get up on your bunk."

He went out to the main room and brought back a bowl of warm oatmeal. He wanted it to be more, but this was the standard. Changes from his usual plan would get them caught. He handed the bowl to her and watched her eat.

"Today you are going to train with me in the morning and with Lady Crystal in the afternoon. I will be working with you on serving. Your Master has requested you be trained to serve food and drink. I think he plans to take care of your sexual training himself."

Kate stopped eating as the reality that she was sold to Ahmed hit her again. He would be coming for her and there would be no chance of escape ever. She put the bowl down as her stomach turned queasily.

"You will finish the food." The Captain's tone left no room for debate.

Too worn to fight, she picked up the bowl again and forced herself to eat the plain, flavorless oatmeal.

The Captain continued, "Lady Crystal will be training you in dance. Your uncle informed us that you have study dance before. Being able to please your Master with dance will help you greatly. The more you are able to please your Master, the better things will be for you. He likes your spirit, but he will expect obedience."

When she was done eating, he took the bowl from her and hooked a leash to her collar. He led her out of the cell block, outside and up to the main house. Carefully, he explained to her the guidelines for serving a beverage. He put a pitcher and a tray of glasses in front of her.

"Ahmed may or may not choose to keep you sightless. Either way, you can learn now. Better to learn it under your worst possible circumstances."

It took all his will power to keep making Kate practice over and over, perfecting her movements, correcting her with a quick tap of his crop. He pushed away his emotions as her exhaustion had her trembling. He corrected her sharply for spilling and she bit back a cry, turning it into a low moan that made him stir. He moved and began to tease her pussy with the crop.

Kate moved, trying to get away from the persistent crop but his voice snapped commandingly, "Be still!"

Moving closer behind her, he reached around and cupped a breast, gently teasing Kate's nipple, working on arousing her. Kate moaned softly as the unexpected pleasure, her head leaning back as she savored the gentle touch and erotic feelings.

"Please..." she gasped as the sensations grew stronger.

"Please what?" he teased her with a whisper.

"Please...don't. Don't make me like you." She struggled to keep still.

He leaned against her back, pressing his body against hers, letting her feel the hardness of his arousal, "It's not wrong to enjoy the pleasure, Kate. Give yourself to it, embrace it." He kept teasing her, savoring each moan, gasp and whimper. "Do not orgasm without permission. You always must ask, always, especially with your Master. Do you understand?"

Kate nodded and gasped a "Yes! Yes!" as he increased the teasing to a level that was driving her mad.

She began to loose her battle with holding still and squirmed hungrily against the Captain. She wouldn't ask... she wouldn't beg. A sob of need and frustration burst from her as the throbbing pleasure became almost too much to bear. Vehemently shaking her head no, hating herself for her weakness, she spoke, "Please Sir.. Captian... please –" her voice broke

"Please what, Girl?" He caught her earlobe in his teeth and began to nip at it, teasing her ruthlessly.

Kate became almost frantic as his teeth tormented her, forcing her to a new level of arousal, "Let me cum!"

He released her ear and whispered into it, "You do not order me, Girl. Beg me, plead with me, convince me how much you need this."

She shook her head again, struggling harder now to get free of him, but he held her fast. "Please let me cum, please! I beg you, please!"

"Cum for me, Girl," he ordered and nipped her ear again, sending her over the edge.

Some hours later, the Captain left an orgasm-dazed Kate in the control of Lady Crystal and headed to his room. He was now able to turn his mind toward his problem. How was he going to find out where his sister was? Previous attempts to gain that information had led to him being loaned to Lady Crystal for several days. There was no paper trail that he had been able to find in Malachi's office. He had to figure out a way to get Malachi to tell him of his own free will.

He stopped walking and a strange smile spread over his face as he looked at the generator house. What was good for the goose would surely be good for the gander. He headed back to the house making a stop by Doc's office to pick up a vital part of his plan. Malachi was on the deck having his lunch. Missy knelt at his feet blindfolded. Her back, buttocks and thighs showed that Malachi had been flogging the girl. The Captain could see the sexual tension in the girl by how she sat. Girl still probably had not been allowed to orgasm yet.

"How's our Kate?" Malachi asked as the Captain approached.

The Captain took a chair and poured himself a glass of ice water. It was going to be quiet warm today. "She's responding well. In a few days, she will be ready for Ahmed to pick her up. She learns quickly."

Malachi gave a low laugh of pleasure, "Excellent. I was worried she was too stubborn to train, but the softening up seems to have worked well. As for this girl," he poked Missy with his foot, "I have found a buyer for her as well. There is an underground film company that wants her. The head of the company was here for Kate's auction and he is rather taken with our sex toy here."

The Captain sipped his water, contemplating how Missy would have an excellent career ahead of her. He listened to Malachi chatter about the guests for a few minutes. He considered the risk he was taking with not only his life, but that of his sister. It had gone on long enough.

"Malachi, I thought you should know that I put Cecelia in the pit." They had been having problems with the house slave Cecelia for a few weeks. It was a logical lie. And it was one that would have Malachi catching his bait.

Malachi perked up. It was true, Cecelia had been stepping out of line lately. "Let's go see how she is doing. Paolo, come take Missy. I think she needs to suck you. There were some complaints about her technique."

They ambled over to the generator shed. The Captain held the door for Malachi. As Malachi stepped into the small room, the Captain plunged a syringe into Malachi's leg and pressed the plunger.

Malachi turned, furious, "What the hell did you do?"

The Captain stepped in and shut the door, "It's over, Malachi. You are going to tell me where my sister is."

"Like hell I will!" he swung to punch the Captain, but the drug was already starting to work and he swayed enough that he missed. It was a one sided fight with the Captain dodging the blows as Malachi grew more and more uncoordinated until he finally collapsed on the floor with a solid thump.

Knowing the drug did not last long, the Captain quickly went to work. He removed all of Malachi's clothing and dragged him over to the pit that Kate had recently been made to suffer in for long hours. Once he was in the pit, the Captain secured the cover and set the control panel. Within a few seconds he heard the first scream of pain. He turned off the microphone sound and left the building, securely locking the door behind him.

He thought back to when he first met Malachi, that afternoon on the boat when his whole life changed. Their motor had gone out and at first they thought the approaching ship was going to help them. Instead, he learned that there really were pirates and his sister would be their prize. He had begged for his sister to be spared, promising anything he could think of in his desperation. And the nightmare had begun. What he once did with pleasure, he now did to keep his own sister from the same fate as the girls he trained.

With Malachi occupied for the time being, the Captain returned to the main house and arranged for Günter to take Malachi's ship to one of the bigger islands for supplies. Anyone looking now for Malachi would assume he had gone along. Now it was a race against time.

The first problem came up when the buyer for Missy arrived at the island and asked for Malachi. Smoothly, the Captain assured him that he could finish the transaction for him. Familiar with the wire transfer system, he oversaw the transfer of the substantial sum to his private bank account and not to Malachi's account. He had hoped to rescue Missy from her fate, but he could not jeopardize his sister's life or his own. At this point, Malachi would probably kill him.

On the other hand, he rationalized with himself as he watched Missy eagerly follow her new owner back to his private helicopter; maybe she didn't want to be rescued.

Lady Crystal was the second problem. At 5:30 she showed up at the main house, leading Kate on a leash. Kate looked like she might pass out any second. Her usually lively eyes were dull with exhaustion. He motioned for her to kneel at his side.

Lady Crystal smiled predatorily at him as she slid into chair, "Working with her has made me very hungry."

"Cook should have dinner out in a few minutes. I believe we are having Jambalaya tonight," he replied coolly.

"You know what I mean, Captain Richards, but then, my time with you is seldom pleasurable for you, so I doubt you would look forward to it as I do. Maybe once you get the slave locked up for the night, Malachi will let you stay with me."

"Malachi is off the island, Lady Crystal," the Captain let Kate lean against his leg and he stroked her hair, "He said he was going to be gone for several days. He's hunting down leads for our next bit of merchandise, I believe."

Lady Crystal looked miffed, "Well then, I think I will have dinner in my room with Cecelia. She's always good for a scream or two." She stalked off, her high heels clicking menacingly across the floor.

Dinner took longer than the Captain had planned. Kate kept dozing off against his leg. He kept waking her and making her eat until she fell into a deep sleep that he didn't want to wake her from. Tenderly he carried her into his room and secured her to the bed. He doubted that she would try to escape, but he had to keep to his routine.

Once he had Kate taken care of, he headed to the generator shed. He shut off the power to the pit where Malachi had been all afternoon, then activated the two way intercom.

"How do you like being in there, Malachi, feeling what the girls felt, finding yourself so exhausted you have to lean against the walls, but you know what pain there will be. Did you enjoy fouling yourself, standing in it, smelling it? I can leave you in there for several days. Everyone thinks you are off the island."

"What do you want?" Malachi's voice was laced with desperation.

"Where is my sister?"

"Your sister is sucking cocks in hell," Malachi spat back.

"Where is she!" The Captain yelled into the microphone.

There was a long silence before Malachi answered, "I would tell you to get out of this hole, but she's dead."

The Captain stepped back from the speaker, shaking his head. It couldn't be true. All this time and she was dead?

"When..." he croaked at the screen, fighting back a lump in his throat, "When, you fucking bastard!"

"Last year," he heard Malachi gasp with pain, "She killed herself. I had her cremated. Please, let me out and I'll let you go."

"Fuck you, Malachi. You can die in here for all I care." He switched off the speaker, cutting off Malachi's pleas. He locked the metal cover of the pit and stalked out of the room. He went down to the shore and threw the key as far out as he could. He knew if he didn't that he would go back and kill him.

He had no idea how long he paced along the shore before he realized, he had to leave tonight. There was too much of a chance that someone would find out what he had done with Malachi.

Kate struggled to wake up. Exhaustion and the soft, warm bed fought beck to keep her sleeping. There was a humming noise, a gentle rumbling and movement that intruded on her sleep. Was she back on a boat?

Running her fingers against the wall, she recognized the texture of the fabric wallpaper. Despair filled her. They must be delivering her to Ahmed. She rolled onto her side, curling up in a sickening feeling of anguish and fear.

After a few minutes, she realized something else. She had no cuffs on, no collar and there were no chains restraining her to the bunk. Kate sat up confused. Even more unusual, she was dressed in what appeared to be one of the Captain's shirts.

She slipped out of the bunk and felt her way quietly to the door, feeling like any second she would be attacked or punished. She hesitated a long moment with her hand just over the doorknob before she got the courage to try it.

The door swung open. Straining for any sound that would indicate a problem she moved toward the upper deck. There were no sounds other than that of the motor and the water. The cool air of the ocean danced around her as she emerged on the upper deck, still, no sounds of people. Bewildered, Kate continued her exploration heading toward the bridge.

The only different sound on the bridge was the chatter of the radio. Her heart beating fast, she found the mike and keyed it, "Mayday! Mayday! Please someone! Help me!"

The sound of static seemed to take forever and then there was a crackle on the radio, "This is the coast guard. Please identify yourself and give your location."

Kate sank to the floor, clutching the mike and began to cry. The nightmare was over.



Kate surveyed her small New York apartment. What she saw was still fairly blurry, but the doctor had assured her that in time, her vision should get back to normal. Her nervousness would take longer. They were still out there. The only one that had gotten arrested was her uncle. Malachi had been found dead and the island was empty of other people. As to the Captain, he had disappeared into the night. The surmise was that he had taken her out in the boat, set it on course and then left in the small outboard.

The noises of the apartment startled her regularly. Perhaps she would get a roommate. That would help. She went into the kitchen to make her dinner.

Outside, in the darkness, a figure watched her silhouette in the window. She was safe now, he thought, but for how long? Would Ahmed be able to track her here? He had failed his sister, he would not fail Kate in protecting her.

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socalgyrl08socalgyrl08almost 4 years ago
simply excellent

A fantastically erotic and well-crafted short story. Not a flaw to be found. Alas, it came to an end.

StridernorthStridernorthover 6 years ago
Please finish...

This excellent story need more!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago

An amazing story with an amazing ending keep it up!

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

Found myself skimming quickly through the whole story....Kate's treatment is just too awful to read about and after a certain point, the story stops being titillating and becomes torcherous. But I was rooting for Kate the entire way through and I wanted to see Malachi get a taste of his own medicine; so I kept skimming. So happy you brought Kate to a happy ending. Thank you.

Maybe this story should've gone in the noncon section? Just a thought...

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago

Not being funny but did anyone else find Jott50 comment a little mudery. Would of slept a whole lot better before you said that.

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