Key Logger Surprise

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A wellness home business.
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It was late Thursday afternoon and I was standing at the front of the "Standby" line and I was certain to get a seat. I was beat. I was dressed in a sweat shirt, jeans and a baseball hat. I had been working straight since 7:00AM with only a bagel to hold me. I was starved. But I had finished a day early and that was a good thing. I was headed back to Orange County. I had been gone a week and I missed my wife. I'm Jack Murphy and work as a senior technical troubleshooter for my company. I only get called out when the "shit hits the fan" with our big clients. I am expected to hit it and quit it with zero tolerance for mistakes. The compensation is excellent and the stress is high.

Four years ago I meet Erica and six months later we were married. She was a knockout with a great figure and small tight ass that saw plenty of action from me and, no doubt, others along the way. When I married her, I was 30 and she was 26. We both ate lunch at the same soup and salad shop. The place had become quite popular and finding a table to sit was increasing difficult. One day, with no place to sit, I imposed myself on Erica and asked if I could sit at her table for lunch. From that day on, we always ate together. A week later, we went on our first date, a month later Erica was spending the weekends at my place, and two months later Erica moved in.

Erica wanted to wait awhile before having kids, but life with her was good. I enjoyed coming home to her in the evenings and there was hardly a weekend that went buy that we didn't spend time doing joint activities. We belonged to several clubs - softball, bowling, and bike riding. We would frequently dine out and see a movie or go to the theater and catch a musical. I was traveling less and less and enjoying my weekends more and more. Erica soon got out of the corporate world and decided to open a home business selling wellness products. She spent a lot of time on the Internet making contacts, designing her Web page, and advertising.

Erica had set up her office in our den which was not near the kitchen or bedroom phone so if I needed to call her during the day, I got in the habit of ringing her mobile. She certainly was well qualified to operate a home business. Erica had a business degree from Cal State and a MBA. I had graduated with a dual major - a degree in Computer Sciences and Electrical Engineering. I wasn't a computer geek. I played rugby in college because I just couldn't afford the time to play football. Yeah, I have big arms and legs and enjoyed American rugby. Here, it is more like a rolling brawl than a game of finesse. We never quiet learned how to play the game properly. All I told Erica was to keep good records and document her expenses because I didn't want any problems with the IRS from sloppy bookkeeping. I told her to hire a part-time, computer-literate clerk if she needed help in recording her daily transactions.

Things were going well and Erica business was slowly coming up to speed. She was steadily growing the business and developing a firm base of clients. I was proud of her. I am glad she was fulfilling one of my dreams - to be my own boss. Unfortunately, I was being paid too well and could not afford to quit. So I was stuck.

I must have zoned out thinking about Erica while standing in line because I jolted a little bit when I heard my name being called out. I handed my standby boarding pass to the attendant, boarded my flight, and sat down heavily in the first open seat. I had made the flight. We were soon in the air and I order a scotch to relax. I would be home in an hour and half. It wasn't a long flight from Reno to Orange County but I could take a cat nap. Before I knew it, the lights in the cabin went on and we were landing. I looked at my watch and it was already 8:00PM. I knew that Erica had long ago finished dinner and I didn't want to disturb her so I thought it would be best to stop at the Curley Joe's, bar and grill about 10 minutes from home, and grab a bite to eat. They have pretty good rib eyes and I was starved. Thursday night shouldn't be too crowded; not like Fridays, which are a zoo.

A half hour later I wheeled into the Curley Joe's parking lot. It was about half full. That's not bad. I won't have to wait and I can grab something quick and get on home. I walked in and sat down at a back table. I didn't need a menu; I just needed food. A cute little waitress came up and asked if I wanted a menu and I told her just a scotch on the rocks and a rib eye done rare. She came back with the scotch and I slumped back into my seat.

As I took a sip, I glanced up and thought I saw my wife walk through the door. I did a double take and there was no question about it. It was Erica. And right behind her was some guy I had never seen before. Something was a foot! Erica was wearing a mini skirt, high heels with no stockings, and a sweater. I could tell she wasn't wearing a bra from the way her C-cups were bobbling and wobbling with each stride.

Not only was I sitting in a dark back corner but I had my baseball had pull down in front. There was no way she would recognize me. I decided just to watch her and see if I could find out what in the hell was going on. I watched them scoot into a booth with there back to me. They both sat on the same side of the booth so I suspected that this was no business meeting.

A couple of minutes went by and then I noticed him lean over and kiss my wife. She turned her head and kissed him back. Very soon they had each other's tongues buried in their tonsils. I was now starting to see red, but I was cool enough to run through various scenarios of how I should play this out.

I could sit here, eat my rib eye, and do nothing. That would buy me time to investigate who this guy was and how long this had been going on without Erica knowing that I knew. Or I could bring it to a head right now, cause a scene, probably wind up punching the guy out, get arrested for battery, and sued in civil court. That would leave my wife free to go on her merry way with whomever she please and while I am sitting in the can, she could wipe me out financially.

Just then, the waitress asked me if I wanted another drink. I looked at her and impulsively said, "Bring me a couple of pitchers of beer and three glasses. I have friends coming to join me." A couple of minutes later she returned and set the two pitchers and glasses on the table and wondered off. I stared at the pitchers for a little while and then glanced up. The guy was leaning into Erica now and I suspected he was giving her tits a good working over. So I said to myself, "Fuck it!"

I thought to myself, 'The action is getting a little to hot. It's time to cool them down a little." I walked over to their booth and stood behind them. I raised the pitchers and said, "Surprise!" as I poured the contents on their heads. They were so startled that they froze in place. The beer was that cold. The guy turned around quickly and I told him he had 30 seconds to get the fuck out of the bar. Apparently, he was no hero because he scrambled out of the booth and quickly left. I didn't even look at my wife as I strode past the booth and dropped a $100 in front of the bartender who had a big smile on his face. I guess that made up for the time he would spend with the mop.

I heard my wife screaming, 'Where the fuck do you think you are going!" I turned back and tipped my cap and walked out the door. Little did Erica know that I was going home to confiscate her computer and take it over to my friend to download every bit of information I could find on her hard drive. My gut feeling told me she spent her time hooking up with guys from the chat rooms rather than conscientiously working her home business. In my mind, there was no question she was fucking behind my back; I just didn't know the extent of her fucking, but I would shortly find out.

She also didn't know that I had attached a key logger to her keyboard before it plugged into the back of her computer. I always do this in case because it is easy to forget passwords and a key logger will record passwords. Unfortunately for me, I had no reason to check the key logger.

Although a key logger records every key stroke, it is not inherently a bad thing. It only becomes a bad thing when one spouse is doing things on the computer that he or she shouldn't be doing.

I drove back home and noticed Erica's car in the garage. The stupid bitch must have let her boyfriend drive her to Curley Joe's. It serves her right. She can call a cab or call her boyfriend or call the Mayor of Newport Beach. Quite frankly, I no longer gave a damn who she called or where she went.

I arrived home and disconnected her computer and carried it out to my car. I stuffed it in the backseat and drove over to Bill Jackson, my best buddy. Bill said he would down load the information on the key logger and copy the hard drive. He would stop by in the morning on his way to work and drop the computer off.

I returned and Erica had just arrived moments before. She looked at me with daggers, went into our bedroom, and slammed the door. I thought to myself, "Great! Bill will drop the computer off early before she even gets up. She'll never even know it was downloaded.

I went into the guest bedroom and set the alarm for 5:00AM. I knew Bill would be by around 6:00AM and I didn't want him ringing the door and waking Erica up. The next morning went off without a hitch. Bill came by and I reconnected Erica's computer with the key logger in place. Erica was still asleep so I also left for work.

It was a long day at work because I couldn't wait to leave and sit down with Bill to see what he found. Finally 4:00PM rolled around and I split for Bill's house. Bill was already home and handed me a print out of the key logger data. It had her secret email address,, and her password. Bill motioned me over to his computer. He had found a file that contained dozens of photos of guys. Some photos were face shots, some were full body shots and a couple photos were nude shots. The mystery was really starting to deepen. Who in the hell were these guys? And what in the hell was Erica up to?

Bill and I sat down and logged on to her email account. We started reading Erica's emails and simultaneously yelled, "Oh my Gawd!" Erica was working as a call girl out of our home and these guys were her clients that she had met over the Internet. It turns out that she had been meeting these guys in various chat rooms over the last three years. She was meeting these guys at our home, in various motels across the city, at their homes, in parking structures and, when I was out of town, at private parties. This slut had all day to play at her "home wellness business." I told Bill that it may be a legitimate wellness business if she is ensuring that no men in our town have to suffer 'blue balls,' and she may qualify for a tax break as a charity or community service organization. Bill stared at me in disbelief until I told him I was being sarcastic.

But then I could see a light bulb go on in Bill's head. He said, "Fuck me, I think we got her!" I answered, "What do you mean?" Bill glared, "Has Erica been reporting all her income to the IRS? All the money she has made from whoring around? You would still be liable for the shortfall because you are married to her and filed a joint return, but she would go to jail for tax fraud if she purposely failed to report it with the intent to deceive and you had no knowledge of the unreported income. But then again who could she tell if we found a way to grab her money!"

I told Bill I better get home and see what Erica was up to. I didn't want to be gone too long. Bill told me if there was anything on the hard drive or the key logger that contained information about hidden bank accounts, he would let me know. He said by tomorrow he would know more.

I drove home pretty wound up. It's bad enough to be having an affair but to be selling her ass on the Internet and then hiding the money while I supported her and fed her face was a whole different matter. I mean we are talking big time deception, here. What was she thinking! I then decided my revenge would be something she would remember the rest of her life. Thank Gawd there were no children!

As I approached the house, I notice the lights in the living room on. I parked my car in the driveway and went inside. Erica was sitting on the couch watching TV. She didn't look at me as I walked by and went into the kitchen. I grabbed a beer and went upstairs into the guest bedroom and turned on the TV. I really didn't feel like talking to her; and she, apparently, felt the same way. I didn't see how yelling and screaming at each other was going to accomplish anything.

I started to think about what Bill had said about the IRS. That would be a long road - not only in dealing with the IRS to pay back taxes but also dealing with the Federal prosecutor if she ever went to trial on tax evasion. It could go on for years. Having to have contact with her for years to come just wasn't appealing.

I looked around and decided that I would leave but first I was going to wipe out her bank accounts and split the money with Bill. I was surprised how little I really new her and how little I had spent on myself over the marriage. It really pissed me off that I had been so generous towards her to the point of depriving myself.

The next day I drove up to Bill's and rang the door. He was not surprised when he greeted me at the door. Bill then told me that he had uncovered Erica's overseas accounts and passwords. I told him that today I would open up a new account locally and we would transfer Erica's money from her accounts into my new account. Then we could transfer it to an overseas account we needed to set up ASAP.

Bill and I worked all day long and by the end of the day had succeeded in transferring Erica's money to my new account and then again to an overseas account for me. Bill was paid 25% of the funds transferred for without his help I could not have pulled it off.

I then went back home and walked upstairs, grabbed a suit case and packed. Erica was in the den on her computer. She didn't even notice me - no doubt setting up appointments with her clients. Well, it didn't bother me. That dumb bitch would soon find out her banks accounts were wiped clean and she had spent three years sucking cock for nothing. Well, maybe that was not true. After all she did get three years of free protein shakes, which had done wonders in helping her maintain her good figure. So there is a silver cloud in every lining.

I then walked out the door and into a new life not bothering to waste my breath and say goodbye. Two hours later I was headed to the West Coast and from there to the Philippines. I was now retired and on my way to a new career - banging as many hot Filipinos as I could before my cock fell off!

A few years later Bill wrote me and told me that Erica had divorced me and that she was serving a 6 year term in State prison for tax evasion. Apparently, Erica had recruited other local wives and was doing quiet well until she was busted by a cop whose wife she had recruited. The cop got suspicious and bugged his phone. The cop is now also in jail for rearranging his ex's body. She now wears her ass for a hat...

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AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Not sure why this has such a high score. Very light in detail and all one sided. No character development at all.

orion2bear2orion2bear26 months ago

Not much of a story

DickSnugfitDickSnugfit6 months ago

Great little story! O.K, several people have already passed comment on the shaky and incorrect detailing of finance laws here which, to me is positively dwarfed by far and away the vastly bigger sin, and nit-pick of the standard fare, with a typo-ridden mish-mash of piss-poor grammar and parochial dialectic slang that is only relevant to a relatively small area of redneck Hicksville!

26thNC26thNC7 months ago

Another good story. He has a lot of them.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Transfer back into states. Any deposits etc over x$ reported to the government. Transfer to another country that doesn't have reporting requirements. He would be in prison also.

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