Kora's Punishment Ch. 02

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Kora is assessed before her community service.
6.8k words

Part 2 of the 3 part series

Updated 11/21/2023
Created 06/27/2023
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"You really are a lucky girl," said the short stocky lawyer in the rumpled brown suit. "You were smart enough to take the plea deal. And Judge Fukin went easy on you."

"Thank you so much for helping me, Mr. Kholod," Kora tried to sound as grateful as possible.

With clenched fingers, she pulled the sides of her her hospital gown together as tightly as possible. She shifted uncomfortably on the exam table.

"I guess three months of farm work isn't so bad," she said with cautious optimism.

"Molochnoye Proizvodstvo," Mr. Kholod interjected.


"Judge Fukin didn't say you'd be working on a farm," her lawyer reminded her. "Your punishment is three months doing Molochnoye Proizvodstvo."

"And what is that exactly?" Kora inquired.

"Dairy production," Mr. Kholod translated.

"So basically I am going to spend three months milking cows?"

"Possibly," Mr. Kholod shrugged.

Kora inwardly shuddered. Even if there were machines doing most of the work, the idea of having to handle a cow's teats disgusted her. Not to mention all of the manure she would probably have to shovel.

The look of disgust on Kora's face did not go unnoticed by her defense attorney.

"You know, you're not the first American girl I've defended. I've seen much worse punishments handed down. Would you prefer to be stripped naked, marched into the town square in front of hundreds of people, and have your bare buttocks paddled?"

Kora's eyes widened in horror. "Does that actually happen in this country?"

Mr. Kholod smirked at Kora's terrified expression. "Dairy production doesn't sound so bad anymore, does it? Aren't you glad I managed to negotiate that plea deal for you?"

Kora let out a long solemn exhale as she contemplated the sentence she might have been given if she had pled not guilty.

But there was still one thing that was puzzling her.

"If I'm going to be milking cows for three months, why do I need to undergo a medical exam?"

"If you're going to be doing any type of physical or manual labor, we need to make sure you don't have any serious medical issues."

"I guess that makes sense," Kora said. "But I promise I am perfectly healthy. Couldn't we just skip all of this?"

Her lawyer sternly shook his head. "It's required by law before you do any type of government issued work."

Kora slumped her shoulders and looked down. It would probably be just a standard physical exam, she told herself. It would not be that bad.

There was a knock at the door. Mr. Kholod called out in Vulmonian.

The door opened. In walked a tall attractive man who looked to be in his early thirties. He was wearing a long white lab coat. There was a stethoscope around his shoulders. He held a file folder in his right hand.

He openly eyed Kora from across the room, but did not speak to her.

He instead walked over to Mr. Kholod. The two men shook hands and greeted each other in their native language. They chatted briefly. A joke seemed to pass between them, because the next thing Kora knew, they were both heartily laughing about something.

Then the man finally turned his attention to Kora.

"Hello," he said with a slight Eastern European accent. "I'm Dr. Smurdir. And I will be conducting your physical exam."

He flipped open the medical file and quickly skimmed the top page. "So you're Korova," he stated, not bothering to look at her.

"Actually... my name is... Kora," she tentatively corrected him. "Kora Bainne."

"Ah, yes. I see," Dr. Smurdir nodded as he studied her file. "I had been looking at your community service job title - Chelovek Korova."

"Is that Vulmonian for 'milk maid?'" Kora asked earnestly.

The two men smirked.

"Yes, something like that," Mr. Kholod chuckled.

"Well, I guess it's my job to make sure this young 'milk maid' is physically fit. Korova, pull down the top of your gown," Dr. Smurdir instructed.

Kora was just about to correct the doctor again about her name. But she was so taken aback by his command, she immediately forgot about his mistake.

"I don't have a bra on," she mumbled.

"Well, that will certainly make the breast exam much easier," the physician chuckled.

With her cheeks turning bright pink, she looked over at Mr. Kholod. Then she turned back to the doctor. "My lawyer's here in the room. Shouldn't I have more privacy?"

"Of course, you're right," Dr. Smurdir conceded. "Why don't you just open the top of your gown for now, so I can check your heart beat. And then we'll use a privacy curtain and a modesty drape for the rest of the exam."

Kora heaved a sigh of relief and nodded.

"You know, I'm just here to make sure you're safe and your rights aren't being violated," her attorney pointed out.

"I know, Mr. Kholod. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to offend you. But this situation is kind of embarrassing for me," Kora tried to explain.

The defense law grunted as he begrudgingly acknowledged his client's apology.

Dr. Smurdir took the stethoscope from his shoulders and inserted the ear pieces. He clasped the bell and held up the chest-piece. "Alright Korova, please open the front of your gown."

Kora did not bother to point out the doctor's mistake. It did not matter if he got her name wrong. She just wanted the medical exam over with as quickly as possible.

She parted the top of her hospital gown. But she made certain not to expose her breasts.

The physician pressed the diaphragm of the stethoscope to Kora's skin. It was unexpectedly cold and she winced.

"Just relax," he smiled as he looked down at her. "Take in a deep breath for me. And exhale."

Kora followed his instructions, though her apprehension made her breath a bit shaky.

"And again. Inhale," the doctor directed, "And exhale."

Kora let out an unsteady stream of air.

"Good girl," he said approvingly. With his free hand he patted her affectionately on her slim upper thigh.

Kora looked down. She was too embarrassed to make eye contact.

"Now we're going to start the more intimate portion of the exam. Just give me a moment to retrieve the privacy curtain and modesty drape."

Kora could feel her stomach flip-flop. She was not looking forward to this.

The physician walked across the room and opened a closet. He got out two metal poles. They were connected to each other by a curtain, which consisted of about a meter of fabric.

Kora had assumed that he would use the curtain to give her privacy from Mr. Kholod.

But instead Dr. Smurdir placed each pole on either side of the exam table. The curtain hung down across the width of the table, next to where Kora sat.

"This way you won't have to look at my face while I am examining your private body parts," Dr. Smurdir explained. "Doesn't that make you feel more comfortable?"

"I guess so..." Kora said with uncertainty.

The doctor walked back over to the closet and retrieved a thick folded up sheet.

"We can use this drape to cover the lower half of your body if I need to pull up your gown."

Kora simply nodded, unable to shake the feeling of dread, which had come over her.

"Okay Korova, lay down so we can start the breast exam," Dr. Smurdir said in an upbeat tone. He lifted the curtain so Kora could more easily position her body.

She extended herself across the length of the table. Her head was towards the back of the room. Her feet faced the door.

Dr. Smurdir repositioned the poles so the curtain hung down across her neck and shoulders. Kora's view of her own body was completely obstructed.

But she was relieved to notice that from where Mr. Kholod was sitting, he could only see her head and face. Maybe this exam would not be so bad after all, she mused.

"In order to conduct the breast exam, I am going to remove your gown. But please don't be alarmed. I am going to use the drape to cover your body from the waist down."

The physician unfolded the thick sheet and placed it over the lower half of Kora's body. He then asked her to sit up slightly. He pulled the hospital gown down off of her shoulders and arms. And then he gently pulled it out from under her. He set the gown down on the back of his desk chair.

Dr. Smurdir turned back around and blatantly stared at Kora's bare chest.

"My goodness," he remarked, "Your breasts are positively tiny!"

Kora's face turned scarlet. She was mortified. What kind of a doctor would say such a thing?

"How old are you, Korova?"

"Twenty-two," Kora meekly replied.

"How old were you when you got your first period?"

"Thirteen and a half," Kora answered with a cringe.

"Hmmm..." Dr. Smurdir briskly palpated each miniscule mound of flesh. He then took her nipples between his thumbs and forefingers and pinched her little pink nubs.

Kora flinched. "Ah!"

"Just checking for discharge," he said dismissively. He then turned back toward his desk and picked up the phone.

"What are you doing?" Kora asked, confused.

"I think I need a second opinion," the doctor explained as he began pressing buttons on his phone.

"A second opinion? What for?" Kora asked in alarm.

However, she was promptly shushed my Mr. Kholod from his seat not far from her head. "Can't you see the doctor's on the phone? Don't pester him with questions."

Startled by her lawyer's brusque tone, Kora fell silent.

Soon Dr. Smurdir began talking to someone on the other end in Vulmonian. Kora could not make out a single world that was said other than "Korova," which the physician said several times.

The conversation eventually came to an end and the doctor placed the receiver back onto the cradle of the phone.

"Good news!" he announced proudly. "I just spoke to my former professor, and one of the top doctors at this hospital. Dr. Miloza has the afternoon free. And he is coming here now to examine you."

Kora did not like the idea of an additional man seeing her bare breasts. It was embarrassing enough having Dr. Smurdir see her naked from the waist up.

"Is that really necessary? I'm just going to be working on a dairy farm for a few months. I already know I'm totally healthy. I can do whatever work is assigned to me."

"In order for you to do that kind of work, we need to be very thorough in our examination. There are specific things we need to check for. And the health of your breasts is very important," the doctor explained.

Kora did not see what her breasts had to do with milking cows and shoveling manure. Should they not be checking to see how strong and physically fit she was?

Kora could not see the door because the modesty curtain obstructed her view. But she could hear it open. Then there was the distinct sound of footsteps as someone entered the room.

The individual walked up to the head of the exam table and looked down at Kora's face. He was a tall slender man with sandy blond hair and a mustache.

"Korova, this is Dr. Miloza," Dr. Smurdir said as he stood off to the right side of Kora's face.

"Hello, Korova," Dr. Miloza curtly greeted her.

"Dr. Miloza... um... actually... my name is Kora."

"Oh yes, I forgot," Dr. Smurdir said glibly. "This is Kora Bainne. She's going to be working as a Chelovek Korova for her community service in Molochnoye Proizvodstvo."

"Dairy production?" Dr. Miloza raised a skeptical eyebrow as he peeked behind the curtain at Kora's flat chest.

"Yes," Dr. Smurdir said with a frown.

Dr. Miloza stepped behind the curtain, out of Kora's view. He began examining and feeling Kora's left breast before moving onto the right. He did not spend long palpating her breast tissue. His touches felt brief and professional - the way a doctor should touch a patient. While Kora was certainly not at ease with the entire situation, Dr. Miloza did appear to simply be conducting a standard medical exam.

Just as Kora was starting to relax, the doctor then began rubbing the tips of her nipples. He did not pinch them like Dr. Smurdir had. And these touches were not brief and perfunctory. They felt more like caresses - soft, slow, sensual, titillating. Kora's cheeks burned as she felt her pink nubs stiffen into pointed peaks.

He then massaged her areolas in a circular motion, running his fingertips around the base of her nipples. Kora inhaled sharply. She was alarmed to realize that she could feel an intense tingling sensation between her legs.

Dr. Miloza and Dr. Smurdir began speaking to each other in Vulmonian. As the two physicians conversed, Dr. Miloza did not cease touching Kora's nipples. He continued to gently rub her taut nubs as he spoke to his younger colleague. To Kora, it seemed completely inappropriate. However, he did it in such a casual way.

After a few moments, Dr. Miloza finally withdrew his touch from Kora's body and stepped back around the curtain. But before Kora could feel any sense of reprieve, Dr. Smurdir had his hands back on Kora's nipples. He was gently pulling on them. His tugs were not hard enough to cause pain. In fact his ministrations contributed to the sensations that Kora was feeling between her legs.

Addressing his patient in English, Dr. Miloza said, "While your breasts are unusually small for a girl your age, your nipples are quite prominent."

Kora cringed with embarrassment.

"It's a good thing," Dr. Miloza asserted. "They protrude significantly."

And as if to prove his colleague's point, Dr. Smurdir gave her stiff peaks and firm tug, making Kora gasp.

"It's a sign of good health," Dr, Miloza continued. "However, I'm going to call Dr. Sokolov from The Nulmara Scientific Research Center. He's been working on hormone treatments for female mammary development. He will prescribe you a course of treatment, which will balance your hormones and improve your overall health."

Kora wondered how Dr. Miloza came to this conclusion. Since arriving at the hospital, a sample of her blood was never taken. How did Dr. Miloza determine that her hormones needed to be balanced? But before she could ask the question, Dr. Miloza walked over to the desk, picked up the phone and began pressing a series of buttons.

"Korova, I am now going to begin the examination of your abdomen," Dr. Smurdir informed her.

He finally released her nipples and pulled the drape down. He pulled it down so low, it was just barely covering her pelvis. Kora was sure that the top part of her pubic hair must be visible.

As Dr. Smurdir firmly pressed on her stomach, Kora tried to distract herself by listening to Dr. Miloza's phone call. Of course she could not decipher anything that was said. But Dr. Miloza seemed to say the phrase, "kormleniye grud'yu" five or six times.

"Kormleniye grud'yu." What on earth could that mean, she wondered.

Dr. Smurdir's fingers had now made their way down to the top of Kora's pubic mound. His examination of her abdomen was becoming worryingly intimate.

He then slipped two fingers under the drape and pressed the pads of his fingers into the crease between the top of her right thigh and her crotch.

"I'm just checking your pulse," she could hear him say from the other side of the curtain. "Hmm..." He sounded concerned.

She felt the fingers of his other hand make their way under the modesty drape and press into the crease above her left thigh. She felt the drape shift downwards. It was now only covering the tops of her legs. The skin of her pubic mound felt cold suddenly as it was exposed to the air of the examination room. Kora's entire body stiffened with the realization that Dr. Smurdir could see her naked vulva.

"Your pulse seems to have spend up," the physician observed. "I'm going to massage you on either side of your groin. It helps with lymphatic drainage." Dr. Smurdir proceeded to press deeply into Kora's flesh, just adjacent to her most private area.

"Oh!" Kora squealed.

"Some patients find this procedure to be a bit sensitive," Dr. Smurdir remarked, continuing to rub her tender tissue. "But I assure you it is very beneficial."

Dr. Miloza hung up the phone and walked over toward the head of the exam table. "Dr. Sokolov will be over shortly with some medication that will balance your hormones."

"But I don't understand," Kora said, troubled. "How do you know my hormones are unbalanced?"

"Your breasts and hips are seriously underdeveloped. Don't you want to look like an adult woman?"

To Kora, it sounded more like a statement than a question.

"But I do look like an adult woman. Some grown-up women are just slim," she countered.

"There's nothing wrong with being slim," Dr. Miloza conceded. "But you're twenty-two years old and you still look like a little girl. After we balance your hormones, you'll simply look a little more mature."

"Oh," Kora replied, not knowing what else to say.

Suddenly she felt Dr. Smurdir's fingers move from the creases above her thighs to her large outer nether lips. Her eyes widened in disbelief as she realized that he was massaging her labia majora.

Noticing the startled look on Kora's face, Dr. Miloza stepped behind the curtain to see what Dr. Smurdir was getting up to. "It looks like your nipples aren't the only things that are protruding," he observed. "Your clitoris is totally engorged." In a downward motion, he stroked the shaft of her sensitive bud.

"Uh!" Kora blurted out.

"Yes," he decisively said, softly rubbing her clitoral hood. "Completely erect."

"Mmm..." was all Kora could muster in reply. She could not believe professional medical doctors would touch a patient in this way. She was in total shock.

"What do you say we move onto the pelvic exam?" Dr. Smurdir suggested.

"I think that's a fine idea," Dr. Miloza concurred.

"How much longer is this going to take?" asked Mr. Kholod from his seat a few feet away. Kora had been so distracted by the way the two doctors had been touching her, she had almost completely forgotten about her lawyer in the wrinkled brown suit.

"Dr. Sokolov should be here soon," Dr. Miloza said. "He will give Korova medicine to balance her hormones. Then we'll put her down for a nap to give her body a chance to really absorb the medication. At that point you can leave."

"I didn't expect this to take all day," the defense attorney said, doing nothing to hide his annoyance.

"Then I guess we'd better get on with the pelvic exam, Dr. Smudir said with a little too much enthusiasm. He reached under the foot of the exam table and pulled out a pair of extendable gynecological stirrups. "Korova, scoot down so your buttocks is right at the end of the table," he instructed.

Kora inched down the exam table to comply with the doctor's orders.

Dr. Miloza picked up the pole on the left side of the exam table and Dr. Smurdir grabbed the pole on the right side. The two physicians moved the privacy curtain down the table and once again realigned it so it draped across Kora's shoulders and neck.

Dr. Smurdir guided Kora's feet into the gynecological stirrups. He then readjusted them farther apart. Kora's thighs were spread wide open. She felt completely open and exposed.

Dr. Miloza took hold of the modesty drape that covered Kora's legs. She expected him to pull it up to her waist. However, she was horrified as she felt the drape being pulled off of her legs and away from her body, leaving her completely naked.

She looked over at her lawyer. "Mr. Kholod," she whispered urgently. "I don't have anything covering me. Dr. Smurdir promised I'd have a modesty drape during the examination."

Mr. Kholod reluctantly got up from his chair with a heavy sigh. He walked around the curtain to where he had a full view of Kora's nude body from the neck down.

"You're so skinny," she could hear her lawyer say. "Honestly, there isn't that much to see."

The three men burst out laughing. Kora balled her hands up into fists, not knowing what else to do.

"These doctors are professionals. Just let them do their jobs," Mr. Kholod said as he stepped back around from the curtain and once again took his seat.