Kora's Punishment Ch. 02


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"Don't worry," she could hear Dr. Smurdir say from the other side of the privacy curtain. "The better we can view your body, the faster the exam will be over with. And you want it over with quickly, don't you?"

"Well... yes... but..."

"I have been working as a physician for many years," Dr. Miloza stated. "You are far from the first woman I've seen naked. Your anatomy is nothing special."

Kora didn't know how to respond, so she remained silent.

She could feel Dr. Smurdir stroke her labia minora. He ran his fingers up and down her hairless inner lips. "Oh my! Your vagina is secreting alot of fluid!" Dr. Smurdir observed in surprise. "You must be extremely aroused."

"American girls," said Dr. Miloza with a mixture of disapproval and amusement.

"Amerikanskiye shlyukhi," Mr. Kholod declared.

The three men burst out laughing.

Never in her life had Kora felt so humiliated. These three men were laughing at her expense. There was nothing she could do to stop them. And she could not even understand exactly what they were saying.

"Now I'm going to insert the speculum," said Dr. Smurdir.

Kora squealed in surprise as she felt the cold metal against her warm moist lips.

"You'll feel some pressure. But it shouldn't be painful," he said matter-of-factly.

"Don't tense up," she could here Dr. Miloza say. "Relax and let it slide in."

Then she felt fingers on her nipples. Once again Dr. Miloza was sensually rubbing the tips of her erect nipples.

"You seem to like that," he said as he looked around the curtain. He stared directly at her face as he stroked her sensitive nubs.

Kora's breathing quickened. She tried her best not to squirm.

"You really like that." Dr. Miloza's tone was smug.

Suddenly Kora gasped and grimaced in pain. The bills of the speculum were uncomfortably stretching the opening of her vagina. "Ow!" she groaned as the metal instrument relentlessly invaded her body.

"My goodness, you are tight!" Dr. Smurdir said in surprise as he continued to slowly insert the device.

"I certainly wasn't expecting that," Dr. Miloza chuckled.

After Dr. Smurder finally got the speculum deep enough in her vaginal canal, he began to open the bills.

"Oh! Ow!" Kora moaned.

"Just take deep breaths," Dr. Miloza instructed. The fingers of his left hand remained caressing her nipple. However, the fingers of his right hand moved downwards and began stroking the shaft of her clitoris. "Just focus of the pleasurable sensations."

Kora could not deny that Dr. Miloza's touches were physically pleasurable. But the situation was so uncomfortable, she wanted to scream.

"I cannot believe what I'm seeing," Dr. Smurdir gasped.

"What is it?" Dr. Miloza asked, continuing his ministrations.

"Come take a look at this!" Dr. Smurdir urged.

Reluctantly Dr. Miloza pulled his fingers away from Kora's nipple and clitoris and walked down to the end of the exam table. He stood between Kora's thighs and pulled a pen light out of the front pocket of his lab coat. He shone the light into Kora's vaginal opening as he peered inside.

"Korova," Dr. Miloza said in astonishment. "Your hymen is still intact!"

"You're a virgin!" said Dr. Smurdir incredulously.

"Not exactly," Mr. Kholod interjected. "Perhaps she's never had sex with a man. But she was caught by the police having oral sex with her girlfriend in the park behind Judge Thorsky's statue."

"Korova, have you ever had penetrative vaginal intercourse?" Dr. Smurdir asked.

"Well... no... I guess not. Not exactly."

"She still has her hymen. She's still a virgin," Dr. Miloza declared.

"Imagine, a twenty-two year old American virgin! Who would have thought?" laughed Dr. Smurdir.

"She's not a very innocent virgin, considering she was arrested naked in public having lesbian sex," Mr. Kholod grumbled. "It wasn't easy getting her this plea deal. The prosecution wanted her to serve one year of community service as a Chelovek Korova. But I argued it down to just three months."

"Well done," Dr. Miloza said dryly. "That's a vast improvement compared to the last time you defended an American girl."

"Don't remind me," Mr. Kholod grunted.

Dr. Smurdir closed the bills of the speculum and removed it from Kora's vagina. Kora sighed in relief as her vaginal walls once again contracted.

"Korova, now we're going to test your sexual response," said Dr. Smurder as he set the speculum down on the rolling cart next to the other gynecological instruments.

"Is that really necessary?" Kora could not imagine what practical purpose that could possibly serve.

"Of course it's necessary," Dr. Miloza snapped.

"Young lady, watch your tone," warned Mr. Kholod.

Dr. Smurder walked over to the desk and picked up the phone.

"Who are you calling?" asked Dr. Miloza.

"Dr. Vlangar. He's conducting a study specifically in the field of female sexual response. He's going to want to see this," explained Dr. Smurdir.

"Good thinking," Dr. Miloza said with a nod.

As Dr. Smurdir proceeded to make his phone call, Kora looked over at her lawyer. "Mr. Kholod, you said that you were here to make sure that my rights weren't being violated. I really don't want another person seeing me like this. I thought this sort of exam is supposed to be private."

"Dr. Vlangar is just another doctor. He's a professional medical expert. There's nothing to be embarrassed about." Then Mr. Kholod's face darkened. "Don't forget why you're here Miss Bainne. You stripped naked in the middle of a park and engaged in homosexual activity. Why are you so shy all of a sudden?"

"That wasn't my idea," Kora implored. "Alexa took my clothes off."

"You should have stopped her," Mr. Kholod chastised. "Miss Petrov didn't get naked. And she managed to get off with just a fine. In future, I strongly recommend you keep your clothes on in public. Especially when you're in such a conservative country."

Dr. Miloza walked around the curtain and looked at Kora. "I understand that this is embarrassing for you, Korova. But this is a teaching hospital. It isn't uncommon for examinations to be observed by other doctors and medical students. We also conduct a number of studies here. So it's important that we collect data for our research. Dr. Vlangar's study about female sexual response is important work."

"But it's just really embarrassing having another person see me naked!" Kora implored.

"Korova, how about we keep Dr. Vlangar behind the privacy curtain so he cannot see your face," Dr. Miloza suggested. "He'll still see your nude body. He must observe your anatomy for his research. But it will give you some anonymity. I think it will be far less embarrassing for you that way."

"I don't know..." Kora said uncertainly. "I guess. As long as I can remain anonymous."

"Of course," Dr. Miloza smiled.

Kora reluctantly nodded her head in agreement. What other choice did she have?

There was a knock at the door. Dr. Smurder walked over to open it. Kora could not see anything due to the privacy curtain obstructing her view. However she could hear several sets of footsteps and more than one deep male voice speaking in Vulmonian.

Kora looked up at Dr. Miloza. "Is that Dr. Vlangar?" she asked, her voice almost a whisper.

"No," Dr. Miloza replied. "That's Dr. Sokolov from The Nulmara Scientific Research Center. He's going to prescribe and administer the medication that will balance your hormones."

"Oh, right," Kora said. But she was sure she could here other voices. "Is there anyone else with him?"

"Yes," Dr. Miloza confirmed. "He brought his engineer, Mr. Uday. And his technologist, Mr. Dima."

"But why?" Kora asked in distress.

Dr. Miloza shrugged. "I'm sure he has his reasons."

Kora began to panic. The situation felt like it was quickly getting out of hand.

"Just make sure they stay on the other side of the privacy curtain. I really really don't want to look at any of them!"

Dr. Miloza chuckled. "Considering the naughty things you got up to in the park, its surprising how easily embarrassed you are."

There was another knock at the door. Dr. Smurder swung it open. There were more sets of heavy footsteps. And more gruff voices speaking in the harsh Eastern European language.

"Ah, Dr. Vlangar is finally here," Dr. Miloza informed her.

"It sounds like more people than that," Kora said anxiously.

"Yes, he brought along his colleagues Dr. Kaldoff and Dr. Yavlov. They're also overseeing the study about female sexual response."

"Oh." Kora sullenly stared up at the ceiling tiles.

"Don't worry, Korova. They're only going to see you from the shoulders down. I promise," Dr. Miloza assured her.

The men on the other side of the privacy curtain continued to converse in their mother tongue. As Kora listened to the indecipherable chatter, she kept telling herself that it would all be fine. Just as long as she could keep her anonymity.

Dr. Smurdir walked around the curtain and said to Kora, "I think we're now ready to test your sexual response. There's nothing to be afraid of. We're going to be completely professional. I will be stimulating your clitoris and other parts of your vulva."

"And I'll be stimulating your nipples," Dr. Miloza said. He smiled at her. But to Kora, it seemed more like a smirk. "You don't need to worry about anything. Don't do anything. Just let your body react naturally to the stimuli."

Kora nodded her head obediently.

The two physicians walked behind the privacy curtain and out of Kora's view. The other male voices eventually quieted down as Dr. Smurdir announced, "We'll now begin."

She bristled uncomfortably as she felt his hands rub her inner thighs.

Dr. Miloza gently cupped her small breasts and gave the a firm squeeze.

The hands on her thighs moved to her pubic mound and she could feel fingers comb through her pubic hair.

The hands on her breasts began firmly tweaking her nipples. It was not painful. But Kora did let out an audible gasp. She could hear some of the men on the other side of the curtain snicker.

Kora was startled to hear another knock on the door. She was unable to see, but someone in the room opened it. She could hear new male voices address the room in Vulmonian.

Then she could hear Dr. Miloza's voice. He must have invited the newcomers in, because she heard at least two sets of footsteps enter the exam room before the door shut.

Panicked, she looked over at her lawyer. "Who is that?" she asked in a hushed tone.

"It looks like Dr. Carolia and Dr. Brovachik," Mr. Kholod replied with disinterest.

"And who are they?"

"Dr. Brovachik was recently promoted to head of the gynecology department," explained Mr. Kholod. "Dr. Carolia is the director of the hospital. He also used to be the director of Nulmara University Medical School. But due to his age, he's semi-retired. Now he just lectures there part-time."

"But why are they here?" frustrated, Kora asked in exasperation.

"We are here," said a loud male voice from the other side of the curtain, "because I am the director of this hospital. And I have the authority to witness any examination or procedure if I choose to do so."

A short portly looking man stepped out from around the privacy curtain and looked Kora right in her face. He had white hair and a white beard.

"I... I... I'm sorry," Kora stuttered.

"I read your file," Dr. Carolia said. "Vandalism. Public nudity. Homosexuality. You Americans have absolutely no respect for other cultures. You come here to a conservative country and you behave like a degenerate. And now you're upset because you have to face the consequences of your bad behavior."

Kora did not know how to reply.

"I cannot believe you only got three months as a Chelovek Korova. If it were up to me, I would have given you two years."

Dr. Carolia walked back behind the privacy curtain. "I've been working as a gynecologist for over thirty-five years. I know a thing or two about female sexual response."

And with that, Kora felt a new set of cold fingers on her genitals. "Oh!" she cried out. However, despite the frigid touch, the fingers were undeniably skilled and experienced as they rubbed and stroked Kora's nether region. As Dr. Carolia slid his fingers against her moist slippery lips, Kora's cry of alarm soon turned into an amorous moan.

She could hear the men behind the curtain laugh.

Dr. Miloza resumed tweaking her nipples.

Then Dr. Carolia slipped two fingers up to her clitoris and began steadily stroking her.

Kora could not control herself anymore. She was unable to remain stoic or still. Her body writhed on the exam table as she cried out. "Oh... OH... OOOHHH!" she gasped.

The chatter in Vulmonian on the other side of the curtain became louder are more excited as Kora's legs began to tremble.

Dr. Carolia swirled his fingertips around the head of her clitoris.

Dr. Miloza relentlessly pinched and pulled on her nipples.

"Oh god!" she exclaimed.

In the background Kora could hear Dr. Smurdir's voice. He seemed to be engaged in a heated debate with one of the other men. But she could not see who it was. And she had no idea what they were saying. But the other man seemed to be quite insistent about something.

Dr. Carolia dipped his fingers into her vagina, coating them in her natural fluids. He then brought his fingers back to her clitoris and rubbed up and down her clitoral shaft.

Dr. Smurdir walked around the privacy curtain to speak to Kora. She was panting and moaning as Dr. Carolia masturbated her.

"I know Dr. Miloza promised you anonymity. But in order for Drs. Vlangar, Kaldoff and Yavlov to collect the best data, they really do need to see your facial expressions. So they can accurately gauge your reactions to the sexual stimuli."

"What?" Kora croaked.

"There's no reason to be ashamed," Dr. Smurdir assured her. "This is all in the name of scientific research."

He picked up the privacy curtain on the right side of the exam table and unhooked it from the metal pole. The right side of curtain fell. However, her view was still obstructed as Drs. Carolia and Miloza continued to manipulate her flesh.

Dr. Smurdir walked around to the left side of the exam table and unhooked the privacy curtain from the other pole. The curtain fell onto her chest and face. She was momentarily unable to see anything at all.

She was also quickly approaching climax.

Dr. Smurdir grabbed the curtain and pulled it away from her face and body.

Kora looked up in horror and saw a group of men crowded around the foot of the exam table as Dr. Carolia stroked her vigorously between her legs.

Three of the men appeared to be filming her on various devices. Another man was snapping photos with a large camera.

"Oh god! OH GOD! OH JESUS!!!" she screamed. All of her muscles clenched as her orgasm overtook her. "AHHHHHH!!!"

The men all cheered enthusiastically as the slim petite blond shook and trembled.

Kora's ecstasy soon turned to humiliation. Nearly a dozen men had witnessed her naked while she came. Mortified, she covered her face with her hands. Her pussy still throbbed from the aftershocks of her climax.

Clearly the men were all thoroughly entertained by the medical demonstration. And they all congratulated Dr. Carolia on his skillful technique.

Dr. Smurdir pulled Kora's hands away from her face. "Korova, it's alright. There's no reason to be ashamed. You responded extremely well to the sexual stimuli. That was an exceptional medical demonstration of female sexual response. We're all very pleased with you. And I think you're going to do very well with your community service."

"Speaking of which, this is Dr. Sokolov," Dr. Miloza said, gesturing to a man in his fifties standing near the foot of the exam table. "He's developed special hormonal medication that will help you perform your new role."

"Hello," said Dr. Sokolov, walking over so that he was standing directly over Kora's face. He looked down at her and smiled. "I think you'll find this treatment of hormone therapy extremely effective."

"Are they pills I have to take? Or an injection with a needle?" Kora asked apprehensively.

"Oh no!" said Dr. Sokolov shaking his head. "Nothing so invasive as that."

Kora heaved a sigh of relief. She hated needles.

"The hormone therapy consists of a series of vaginal and rectal suppositories that must be inserted multiple times a day during your duration as a Chelovek Korova."

"Vaginal and rectal suppositories?" Kora repeated in a whisper. Her face went white.

"Yes," Dr. Sokolov nodded. "The treatment is much more effective that way. And your body will absorb the maximum amount of hormones if your orifices are clean."

Kora's mind was racing with this new information. "Do I need to go shower?"

"No," Dr. Sokolov replied. "But we will need to give you a vaginal douche and a rectal enema."

"We'll do that right away," said Dr. Miloza. "We want her starting her community service as soon as possible."


Alexa sat glumly at the kitchen table in her great uncle's house. The old man eyed her sternly from across the table. His wife set a down three bowls of thin porridge. Those were soon followed by three mugs of black coffee.

Alexa dunked her spoon into her bowl and stirred around the watery beige slop. It was far from appetizing. She then took a sip of her coffee and almost spat it back out. She was not used to drinking such a bitter brew.

She looked over at her great aunt. "May I please have some milk or cream for my coffee?"

The old woman looked over at her husband and spoke at him in Vulmonian.

Alexa's great uncle turned to her and said, "No milk. No cream." And then he added, "And no butter. No cheese. No beef."

"Why?" Alexa asked.

"No cows," her great uncle replied.

"Why are there no cows?"

"All dead. Disease," he said simply.

"Oh?" said Alexa, genuinely surprised. She had no idea that there was an epidemic plaguing cattle in Eastern Europe. "So that's it then? No more beef or milk in Vulmonia?"

Her great aunt spoke up, seeming to provide some sort of an explanation in in her native language.

Her great uncle translated, "Soon milk again."

"Will they import cows from other countries?" Alexa guessed.

Her great uncle shook his head, "No. Too expensive. Local milk only."

"How can they produce local milk if all of the cows in Vulmonia are dead?"

"Not cows' milk," her great uncle explained.

"Oh, they're going to milk goats and sheep, obviously," Alexa reasoned.

Once again her great uncle shook his head.

"If they're not going to milk sheep and goats, what animals will they milk?" Alexa was truly puzzled.

"Chelovek," said her great aunt.

Alexa turned to her great uncle and gave him an inquisitive look.

Her great uncle sighed and then bluntly pointed at her chest, gesturing to each one of her large breasts.

"Human milk?" she asked with a look of disgust.

Her great aunt and uncle both nodded affirmatively.

"But how? What woman would volunteer to do such a thing?"

"Some women poor. Need money," her great uncle pointed out.

"True," Alexa conceded. For a moment she pondered how humiliating that would be. To be so desperate for money, a woman would allow herself to be milked like a cow.

Her great uncle continued. "And some women, no choice. Punishment. For breaking the law."

"What?" Alexa was shocked. "Women who break the law are sentenced to being milked like livestock?"

"Yes," her uncle shrugged. "Better than prison. Useful," he asserted.

Suddenly a horrible thought occurred to Alexa. Kora had been sentenced to three months of community service. Alexa was under the impression that her girlfriend would be working on a dairy farm for twelve weeks. But if all of the cows in Vulmonia were dead...