Kros Voyeh Ch. 17


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"Demons don't want their true names spoken." Krouth straightened his brown tunic.

"I'll get the truth of it from Burgath." Offering his other arm, they began walking toward the royal dining room.

"Should I have declined? Prince Burgath arranged to have flowers found for my rooms if I agreed to-"

He made a displeased sound. "That should have been the first warning. My brother wants something that Isonei won't be willing to offer freely."

"Hmm?" The Aran blinked up at him.

"I will try to keep you from having to carry the conversation at dinner, my Isonei."

"Thank you, my flower wine. All I want to do is go back to sleep."

"My brothers will tease you if you do not try to stay awake."

"I'm trying!" The Aran's tone was plaintive and childlike.

He made an amused sound and lifted his arm, drawing Isonei's hand up to his lips.

"Did your brother speak to you of the Lerian who's been following her maid? I spoke to him of it when he came to my rooms to speak to me." Lislora chose her words carefully trying not to use any names the Aran might inquire about.

"No. I spent most of my day at the Temple after I spoke to Rimathe. Rogath wanted to arrange for more storytelling with his girls, but he heard how ill my silver Duchess was after breakfast and found me to speak of it. I haven't had time to speak to Burgath."

"He went to have words with the man when I mentioned it. We were accosted on the street."

Draeseth gave her a grim look, "I'll speak to him of it. If it wasn't done to my satisfaction-"

Isonei stumbled and he stopped to help her. Lislora bit her tongue to keep from suggesting the woman be allowed to return to her rooms. It was the first time she'd seen the woman move less than gracefully.

"We are nearly there. You can sit between us. I will try to help keep you awake," Lislora offered gently.

"Thank you. I'm just so tired."

She had to suppress a smile as the woman yawned and pressed her face to Draeseth's arm like a child as he paused at the door.

Stepping inside, Prince Rogath was already mocking the tired woman. "I've never seen a face like it, father, unripe pudding fruit would be sweeter. If his sons are as sour on waking as their mother, Draeseth will lose his reputation as the dourest man in Torga."

Lislora looked to Draeseth to step in but the tiny Duchess was already giving the Torgan Crown Prince a look that could have shattered a shield.

"That's what I mean! She can make her husband look like the more sweet-natured of the two! Look at that face!"

The Aran put her hand on her hip, huffing back, "You're as mean as your wife! She pinches!"

Lislora couldn't hide her smile as the rest of the Torgans laughed. Even the Phaethian Princess looked amused.

"I do not think she has forgiven you for that, wife." Rogath grinned, glancing at his wife.

"So I see. Are you certain you wish to have her at your table tonight, your Majesty? She does not behave well when she is woken abruptly."

"I will guard her fork to keep her out of trouble, your Imperial Highness." Draeseth returned the jest as he guided Isonei to her seat.

Taking the seat on the other side of the Aran, Lislora watched her trying to appear less sour and more herself. It was clear that it took effort. The woman seemed stiffer than usual and the corners of her eyes were slightly crinkled as if it were an effort to focus her attention.

"There are no forks tonight."

Lislora stared at the King incredulously.

"I had some Lerians assist my cooks in preparing a meal that could be served at a Daga's table. Everything will be eaten with our hands."

She wasn't the only one taken aback. Princess Kresh muttered something in Phaethian and none of the Princes looked pleased.

"Everything is in delicate bites, Princess Kresh," Burgath coolly volunteered. "In Leria, they bring it out on tiered trays. It looks elegant and when they are not catering solely to an Aran palate, delicious. Your hands will not get dirty."

"Aran food is delicious." Surprisingly, the Phaethian seemed almost apologetic.

"Both Daga Gildith and my Daga always made certain I ate well." Isonei inclined her head slightly as if accepting the apology.

"I know you enjoyed the food Lothlaerith served." The Princess appeared smug about it as if it were some sort of jest that Isonei should understand.

"Daga Lothlaerith served some of the foods they enjoy most. The freshwater mussels were excellent and the-"

"He did not serve fish?" Draeseth interrupted her with a frown. "In Oyeth Lothlaeri, fish is as common as goat."

"The Daga wanted to impress her, brother. He made his son perform for her. I am not surprised he spared no expense on the meal he served." Burgath's smile seemed insincere. "Only the best should be served to the daughter of Liadith."

Lislora clasped her hands uncertain of how to intervene on the woman's behalf as she'd promised.

"He made his son perform?" King Orgath's face lit with a dangerously vicious smile. "The son who is now Daga?"

"Onsh-Lothlaerith was commanded to play an instrument and sing. He was not pleased." Burgath's was no better.

"It was a privilege. I've never heard a more beautiful voice or a more skillful player." Isonei spoke up plaintively on the absent man's behalf and Lislora nearly reached out to grip her arm and whisper for her to stay silent.

To her relief, Draeseth stepped in and pulled the woman's hand below the table to be able to subtly give her warnings, something Lislora's own father had done. "That was why he commanded it. You appreciate such things and he wished his son to appear less cold."

"He made an effort to be more pleasant after you left." Isonei offered him a grateful look.

"I was told Onsh is a title, not a name?" King Orgath began selecting morsels from the trays presented to him.

"That's true." Isonei seemed to summon some cheerfulness by force of will, putting on a bright smile. "Did they tell you that a Daga fills the plate of his match? It's where Draeseth picked up the habit."

The King's eyebrows rose and Lislora tried not to wince as he smiled the way he did when he had someone backed into a corner. "You must be very tired, you usually change the subject much more smoothly."

"You should have seen her rush to Draeseth, raising her arms to be picked up like Kas and whining that Burgath would not let her go back to sleep." Rogath's grin was no kinder.

Instead of seeming concerned, Draeseth made an amused sound in his throat, "I enjoyed being greeted that way."

"You will enjoy fatherhood," Rogath laughed, "if your wives put them down long enough for you to hold. I have heard they both dote on the orphan."

"Hodrim is a sweet boy," Lislora saw a way to enter the conversation and take some of the focus off of the tired Aran. "Looking after him is no hardship."

"Hodrim." King Orgath took a bite of one of the morsels on his plate as the trays were circulated. "A fine Torgan name. Have you chosen a name for your child, Lady Lislora?"

"No, your Majesty. The tradition in my family is to see the child first." Lislora inclined her head, already trying to think of the next thing to say.

"You should have names ready." The Queen gave her a disapproving look, "Many things can happen in childbirth."

The tilt of Burgath's head was subtle but she understood. This was the time she was intended to engage Isonei in conversation.

"I will consider your words, your Majesty." Lislora glanced at Isonei and then at Draeseth, hoping he would answer for her. "Do you have one chosen?"

Draeseth inclined his head subtly, "Mallath, Isonei had been thinking of names from the moment she visited the orphanage."

"It is common to change orphans' names when they are adopted. She was planning to adopt." The King waved his hand dismissively. "What will young Hodrim's name be changed to now that Mallath is intended for your own son?"

"Hodrim is a perfectly lovely name, I wouldn't change it." Isonei seemed more interested in the food being put on her plate than in the King's question.

Before Draeseth had finished filling both his and hers, Isonei took Lislora's plate and passed it to him. She nearly protested but her cousin gave her an amused look and began to fill it with bite sized pieces from the trays as well.

"Aran names are popular here in Torga among the nobility, but Lerian names are not uncommon in the Dalcur." Burgath sounded much as he had when he'd suggested they would be having a simple conversation about names.

Isonei pinned her eyes to the table and remained silent, something Lislora couldn't recall ever seeing her do. It was obvious she knew that something was wrong with the conversation.

There was a long awkward pause before Princess Kresh inquired, "They sound the same to me. What is the difference?"

It was clear she wasn't the only one who'd been asked to herd Isonei through this conversation. Lislora made certain her mouth was full so that she wouldn't be required to assist.

"The hardness of the ending, it is the difference between bath and bathe. The women's names, however, are almost Aran." Burgath sounded forcefully cheerful. "Maraphina, Arissa, Varenia..."

"Raighe, Aighe, and Daighe." Isonei murmured to herself as if unable to refrain before eating a cheese wafer.

"What did she say?" King Orgath's tone was amused but the look he was giving the Duchess was sharp.

"The names of the girls we met at the inn. The commoners in Leria seem to have more traditional Lerian names." Draeseth looked almost amused.

"And the men?"

Isonei ignored the King's question as if she didn't hear it. Lislora could feel her back begin to sweat.

Burgath waited until the Aran had finished chewing her mouthful of food. "What were the boys named, Isonei?"

"Raithe, Haithe, and Kaithe."

"Their names are nearly the same." The Phaethian narrowed her eyes as if the names were somehow distasteful. "Are the traditional names all that way?"

"Traditionally children are given a small piece of their mother's name. All of the children share the same little piece." Isonei wilted slightly under the King's mirthless smile.

"Is that a tradition of the Daga's as well?"

Inclining her head to him, Isonei began listing what sounded like women's names, "Arissa, Varenia, Maraphina, Tarathia, Ellara, Alvara..."

"And their brothers?" The King looked as if he were close to getting what he wanted.

"The daughters of Gildith have no brothers. When the time comes, Daga Gildith will choose an Onsh from his grandsons."

"You had a different mother than the current Daga Liadith, by any twist of fate, does your name share some similarities to his?" His Majesty's tone was much like Burgath's, suspiciously casual.

Lislora's fingers found nothing on her plate as she reached down without looking and she realized she'd managed to eat all of what her cousin had given her without noticing.

"A Daga's name is a very private thing. I would never speak of it," Isonei sounded careful but firm.

Burgath pressed, curiously, "But you know his name? And perhaps the names of some of the other Dagas?"

The Aran's answer barely changed. "Dear Burgath, a Daga's name is a very private thing. I would never speak of it."

"All of a Daga's sons are given titles." Draeseth tapped next to Isonei's plate. "I do not expect my wife would know the names of any Daga's son except her own and my wife is very loyal. She would not betray the trust of her Daga."

"Would she betray yours?" The Phaethian's change of subject earned her dark looks from both Burgath and Draeseth.

The larger Prince gave a measured reply, "I have broken my word to her often; if she chose to break hers, it would be understandable but surprising. My wife strives for honesty."

Isonei gave him a grateful, if exhausted look.

With a small smile he quietly commanded her to eat, "Clean your plate, Isonei."

"Perhaps this should wait until tomorrow?" Prince Ougath frowned and tilted his head toward the wilting Aran, "She's exhausted."

"We only need one name, brother. Trying to get it from her in conversation is kinder than demanding it." Burgath shook his head as Ougath gave him a dubious look. "With a Daga's name we can have trade restored."

"On the word of some Lerian tart?"

Isonei looked forlornly at her plate and then at Lislora's empty one. Lifting her plate slightly, she tried to suggest the woman clean hers just the same but the Aran seemed to take the gesture another way and looked relieved, swapping plates with her.

"She's a daughter of," there was a pause, "one of the more influential men in Leria. I know the girl. I believe her. She has a fondness for fine things and she wants trade to be restored."

"As tired as she is, the little Duchess will be more likely to stumble and give us what we want." The King made a dismissive gesture.

Draeseth glanced back to his wife's plate a moment later and then at the very deliberately innocent look on the woman's face with annoyance and incredulity.

"You were told to eat your food, woman, not to get rid of it."

"That's not what you said!" Isonei's eyes widened in an imitation of baffled innocence. "You said to clean my plate, you said nothing about eating it. Besides, you always give me too much."

He tried his best to keep a sour face. "How did your father never put you over his knees?"

"Every pregnancy will be difficult for her. Your wife will only give birth to troublemakers." Prince Ougath snorted.

Isonei made one of her faces, her delicate features crinkling and the tip of her tongue peeking from between her lips. Ougath broke into a broad genuine smile.

"We have no need of a jester when the little Duchess is at Court." King Orgath gave Burgath a meaningful look as the next trays were brought. "Did your Daga ask you to entertain guests?"

"He did. The young Daga asked me to entertain Prince Draeseth and Prince Burgath in his absence. He had matters to attend to." Isonei inclined her head, dropping her voice and stopping Draeseth's hand as he began to fill her plate. "I can't eat anymore, my flower wine."

"Is something wrong?" Burgath inquired carefully.

"She says she can't eat anything else. It would be kind-"

"She'll stay until the end of the meal." The King's tone brooked no argument.

"It won't be extended." The Queen gave the Aran a look that was almost pitying. "You can try again tomorrow if she declines."

"Knowing sooner would be better, mother. I need to make arrangements to speak privately with whichever of them I have a name for. I don't want to ruin relations by blurting it out publicly."

"He'll be leaving in the next few days, my jewel." The slight edge to the King's tone made her Majesty incline her head.

"Did you sing and play an instrument for them?" Princess Kresh asked with a vicious cheerfulness.

The Aran laughed as if the woman had made a clever jest, "Of course not. We lounged in the garden. I entertained them after breakfast not before dinner."

"You managed to both chide us and defend us that morning." Burgath gave her a wry smile. "We learned a great deal of Lerian etiquette that morning that our tutors had not known to teach us."

"Was your tutor acquainted with any Dagas?" Isonei inquired politely.

"No, perhaps that was the part of the difficulty. We had also disregarded him we he suggested we learn to lounge properly."

"It's part of who they are, Arans dance, Lerians lounge." The tiny woman gave him an almost doting smile.

For a moment, Lislora thought she saw a hint of regret on the Prince's face as he resumed eating.

"The naming tradition fascinates me." King Orgath began to press again. "The Dagas' sons are always called by their titles? Even the servant's don't know their names?"

"There are certain places that the names can be spoken, only among close family but certain highly trusted servants might overhear it. They would never speak the name and you would never be aware that they knew it." Isonei's smile was strained.

"I was told you had a room within the family chambers?" The King's eyes narrowed slightly.

"I still do. My Daga keeps it for me."

"The family chambers would be one of those certain places?" He glanced at Draeseth.

"I heard no name spoken during our stay." The Prince reached below the table where Isonei's hand still lay.

The woman remained silent, lifting a glass of wine to her lips but not drinking.

"I asked your wife." The question had a hard edge and Isonei inclined her head.

"A Daga's name is a very private thing. I would never speak of it, your Majesty."

"Not even to say if you know one or not?" The Phaethian gave her a measuring look.

"A Daga's name is a very private thing. I would never speak of it." Isonei inclined her head, repeating the words like a mantra.

"You're laying a siege when you need to draw her out." Rogath spoke quietly.

"Tell me more about Lerian traditions." King Orgath's determined smile made Lislora wish she knew something, anything at all, about the Lerians and could step in.

"Onsh, Rath, Keth, and Hesh," Draeseth spoke up grimly. "The titles of the first through fourth sons. If you impersonate one you die at the Daga's gate, the same if you impersonate a daughter."

Isonei leaned against his arm.

"That reminds me, after dinner, I need to speak to you of the boy you nearly killed in Leria." Burgath interlaced his fingers over his plate. "He's here."

Draeseth made a displeased sound. "I can kill him now."

"He's one of the most skilled Lerian smugglers. As the son of a Daga, even in disgrace, he has more contacts to draw on. If you kill him it will close one of the few ways we still have of obtaining anything from the south."

"What is his name?" The King frowned speculatively, "She said they all share the same piece. You might be able to guess the Daga's name."

"His father is the Daga, his name will be different than that of his sons. It would do no good." Burgath leaned back in his seat, "And I don't believe the name he's given is his own.

"Let's make one more attempt at the table and I can speak with her privately if it doesn't work."

"I can also make the attempt. She's been less sour this evening, I think she regrets her behavior." Princess Kresh eyed Isonei with smug amusement.

His Majesty said something quietly, all Lislora managed to catch was 'name' and 'graces'. The Phaethian looked pleased, however.

Ougath rubbed his eyes, looking down as he asked, "You mentioned that a mother gives all of her children the same piece of her own name?"

"Yes." Isonei offered him one of her heartbreakingly sad smiles.

He sighed and forged forward, "Sons and daughters?"


"That's too heavy handed." Rogath frowned at him.

"I'm trying to bring dinner to an end. Look at the woman, she can barely sit up." Ougath scowled at his eldest brother.