Kros Voyeh Ch. 17


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Sourly, the King gave a dismissive wave, "It can be attempted again."

"Thank you, father." Draeseth began to rise immediately gently helping the drooping Duchess to her feet. "Look after her a moment, Lislora. I need to speak to my brother about the Lerian."

"Of course."

Isonei stood close by smoothing her skirts as he took a short step away to speak quietly to Prince Burgath. Lislora was paying attention to him and when Princess Kresh spoke it was a surprise.

"Join me for breakfast tomorrow, Nei. The Princes have other things to attend to and will not be taking breakfast together."

The tiny Duchess looked exhausted and overwhelmed, and Lislora thought she saw dread on the woman's face. She moved closer to Isonei's side to answer for her, saying the first thing that came to mind. "We have already made plans for the morning. There will be early prayers and breakfast with Draeseth before we discuss the Arrangement at length between the two of us."

The Aran almost sighed with relief, "Perhaps another time, Kresh."

The Phaethian woman looked enraged. Lislora put an arm in front of Isonei protectively and Draeseth returned immediately to stare the infuriated woman down with a scowl.

Rogath pulled his wife aside to whisper something about ripe fruit but she seemed too angry to listen. With a furious glance at Draeseth she stalked out followed by her annoyed looking husband.

Draeseth offered his arms and walked them both out of the dining room asking softly in the hall, "What provoked her Imperial Highness to anger?"

"Isonei looked tired and filled with dread as Princess Kresh insisted they have breakfast so I gave an excuse on her behalf," Lislora answered in the same soft tone, half afraid the woman would be waiting around the corner.

"And I thank you with all my heart." Isonei didn't seem to share that fear as she continued, "The more I learn about the Empire the less I want to be under the same roof as the woman. She has some admirable qualities but the wretched ones far outnumber them."

He made an amused sound in his throat. "Krouth told me he had been prodded to speak of the past with you. You were more angry than after having been forced to travel in the barrel."

"How could anyone do such horrible things..."

"It is their way. Slaves are better treated in Torga."

"It shouldn't be allowed at all!"

Lislora squeezed her cousin's arm looking up at him in encouragement to hush the suddenly loud little woman.

"There are many who agree with you." Burgath's voice made her jump and she turned still holding her cousin's arm to give him a stern look. His lips twisted as if it amused him. "If you wish to escort your second Duchess to her chambers I can walk with Isonei, brother."

"I will escort them both." Draeseth's voice was as stern as he chided, "You seek out my silver Duchess more than you should."

The smaller Prince shrugged. "Have I been less than brotherly, Isonei?"

"No, but you were more like Ialath tonight at the table. Why don't you just tell me what you want so that I can either give it to you or refuse?"

The plaintiveness of her voice set him laughing and made Draeseth snort, but Lislora squeezed her cousin's arm turning her stern gaze up at him.

"It would spoil the game, my dearest borrowed sister." Burgath grinned. "But you did seem too tired to enjoy playing tonight." He lapsed into Torgan, "Father suggested I discover if her exhaustion at the table was feigned. I'm to speak with her of the matter further if I can. How you both behave will inform what I tell father."

Draeseth's jaw clenched, "You may walk with Burgath. I will be there shortly."

"There is no need to rush, brother. We have things to discuss."

"We do?" Isonei sounded baffled as Burgath offered his arm.

"Go, my Isonei. I will join you shortly." Draeseth pulled his arm away as he leaned to kiss the Aran's head. Scowling at his brother he corrected him, "Her exhaustion isn't feigned. She becomes easily upset and quarrels when she's tired."

Isonei wore a baffled frown as she took Burgath's offered arm. They walked in silence even after they split off toward Lislora's rooms.

Inviting him in now would do no good. Lislora stopped at her door. "When you've sent your brother away-"

"I'll be staying with Isonei tonight." The way he looked down the hall it felt as if he were already in the other woman's rooms. "She needs me."

"I'll join you for prayers in the morning." She tried to hide her disappointment.

The rooms were empty as she went inside but someone had brought water for her wash in. It was probably Krouth's doing, sending one of the other maids to have things prepared in case dinner was brought to an early end on the Duchess' behalf.

The rooms smelled pleasantly of bruise blossom, the ugly little flowers were tucked into larger bouquets of prettier, less fragrant blossoms, but somehow it made her feel guilty instead of better about the rooms. Dinner had been better for her and horrible for Isonei.

"I should never have agreed..." She muttered under her breath to herself. There was no way to go back and undo things. At least she'd tried to put things right.

Undressing and putting on her night clothes before she washed, Lislora felt exhausted herself as she climbed into bed. A hard lump beneath her pillow made her frown and flush as she pulled out the box and placed it on her nightstand. She'd need to give that more consideration but not tonight.

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