Lamar's Game Pt. 02


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After meeting Thomas and Ann, it soon became apparent to Julian that it wasn't Thomas who wanted the money back. On the contrary, the old guy could of cared less. No it was Ann who wanted her pound of flesh. Ann had taken Julian aside and told him that she didn't want Julian to hurt Lamar, merely to find him, then she would tell him what to do. Julian took the work, the money was good and the job easy.

Julian found Lamar in just two weeks. When he called Thomas he found out the couple had separated and that Thomas would no longer require Julian's services. So now Julian found himself without work, but decided a little freelancing might be in order. Julian was now free to squeeze money out of Lamar and he wouldn't have to share. Now it was just a question of when.

Cris was caught completely off guard by Lamar's arrival. Dressed in a t-shirt and shorts she had been cleaning the house.

"Lamar what are you doing here?"

"Are you going to ask me in?"

"Lamar I specifically asked you not to come over."

"Girl you look good you know that." Lamar took Cris by the waist and pulled her close. Lamar could feel Cris's body tremble at his touch.

"Lamar don't."

But Lamar knew Cris didn't mean it. "You don't want me to stop, we're meant for each other. After last night you know you belong to me."

Cris pulled away, she didn't care for the way Lamar was talking to her. "Lamar i want you to leave now."

Cris had backed herself into the hallway leading to the bedrooms. lamar smiled and walked towards her. Lamar softened his tone. "Baby I'm sorry, it's just that i'm so crazy about you. Come on just let me hold you."

Lamar was close again. Cris didn't know what to do, lamar had frightened her. "Lamar please go."

This time Cris sounded less persuasive, less sure of herself and Lamar moved closer. Reaching out he took her arm and pulled her towards him. "If you want me to go I will." Lamar said this in a whisper as he kissed Cris's ear. The kiss sent shock waves coursing through Cris's body. The next thing Cris knew lamar had removed her t-shirt and his hand had slipped into her shorts were his fingers were busy on her slit. Cris had been busy too. Cris had unfastened Lamar's belt and was working feverishly on his trousers.

"Take me to your bed Cris."

"Without hesitation Cris pulled Lamar into her bedroom and on to the bed. the couple were completely nude in moments. Cris's cunt was awash with her lubricant as Lamar massaged her clit. When Lamar positioned himself between Cris's legs to insert his cock, Cris stopped him. Then Cris leaned over and pulled out a condom from the night stand. Lamar had already placed the head of his cock into Cris wet slit.

"Lamar we need to use this."

Lamar response was to work more of his cock into Cris's inflamed pussy. Lamar looked down between their legs signaling Cris to also look. Cris involuntarily looked as Lamar's black cock sunk ever deeper into her pussy. Every time Lamar would withdraw his blue-black cock it shinned wet with her juices. Cris cunt pulsed with the movement of Lamar's cock, expanding and contracting with each stroke.

"Dam Cris that feels so good doesn't it. See how good we fit together." Lamar had no intention of putting a rubber on, he wanted to plant more of his sperm in her womb, he wanted Cris pregnant with his child.

Cris couldn't believe how good it felt to have Lamar buried deep in her pussy. Cris could feel Lamar penetrating deeper with each thrust. Cris let the condom drop to the bed as she grab Lamar's ass and pulled him deeper.

"God Lamar this feels so right."

"That's my girl, now tell me, you want me to cum don't you. you want my black cock in you deep, when I cum don't you."

"Yes, yes fuck me with your big cock."

Just the idea that he might impregnate Cris brought Lamar to the brink of cuming. "Fuck, I'm going to cum so hard." Lamar's cock began to expand.

Lamar's exclamation in turn brought Cris to a numbing orgasm. "Cum Lamar baby, cum."

Lamar came hard, pounding his cock deep, forcing jet after jet of his black seed into Cris. After the first spurts of cum were released from his cock, Lamar stopped pumping, content to keep his cock deep in Cris's velvet sheath. Lamar kept pulsing cum deep into her womb for a good two minute's after the first wave of pleasure.

Lying beneath Lamar Cris could not believe that once again she had succumbed to Lamar and the thrill of unprotected sex. Cris could feel Lamar's cock gradually softening and with it the cum oozing out of her slit. What had she done, what if she were to have a black baby. Would that really be so bad, it certainly would mean the end of her marriage.

Reading her mind Lamar said,"Cris baby, don't worry, no matter what happens I'll stick by you, you understand." Lamar wondered were that came from, he had fallen for this women, fallen hard.

"Lamar you won't be saying that if I end up pregnant." Cris was testing now, unsure about Lamar's sincerity.

"I ain't going anywhere Cris."

"Lamar I"

The lovers were startled by the door bell. "God who could that be," said Cris, as she pushed Lamar off of her. Lamar didn't move as Cris slipped on her shorts and t-shirt.

Cris looked out the side light before opening the door. A large familiar looking black man stood before her. Without opening the door, Cris asked, "may I help you?"

"Yes, I'm looking for Lamar Dubois."

Christ thought Cris, what the hell do I do now. Just then Lamar walked up in his boxer's.

"What's going on."

Whispering, "Lamar he's looking for you."

Lamar looked out the window and had a bad feeling, though he didn't know why. Lamar's car was parked out front so he was left little alternative but to answer.

"Cris tell him I'll be right along." Returning to the room Lamar got dressed.

Cris opened the door, "Lamar will be right out." The black man stepped in and looked Cris over, his eye's lingering on her protruding nipples. Cris subconsciously crossed her arms covering her breast's. Something about the man was familiar, but she couldn't place him.

"He should be right out, please sit down, can I get you anything?"

"No Cris, I'm fine thanks, is Steve home."

Cris who was about to leave the room , froze in her tracks. "I'm sorry do I know you?"

"We met last night remember, we danced, my name is Julian. I was sitting by your husband last night at the bar, we talked." Julian had caught a good look at those dark protruding nipples, very nice. Now the woman had crossed her arms, which only served to accent the size of her tits.

Panic was setting in, Cris didn't know what to think or say. then almost reading her thought's Julian said, "don't worry I won't say anything." Julian gave her a knowing smile.

Cris blushed. "Please make yourself comfortable, Lamar will be write out." Cris felt nude in front of Julian. The big black man had disrobed her with his eye's. There was something strange and scary about him too, yet Cris felt he was good looking, attractive in a dangerous way.

Cris retired to her bedroom and passed Lamar in the hall. Mouthing words to Lamar Cris asked who Julian was, but Lamar just shrugged.

When Lamar walked up to Julian he extended his hand and began to introduce himself. Julian uncoiled a blow to Lamar's midsection like a cobra strike, lightning fast and lethal. Lamar would have fallen to the ground except Julian caught him in his bear like arms. Lamar tried to talk, but the blow left him searching for air.

"That's all right Lamar, let me do the talking. Ann and Tom send there regards. You know who I'm talking about don't you?"

Lamar still trying to breath, nodded yes.

"Good. Hey I like that Porsche you drive. What do those cost new, about seventy five thousand?"

Lamar appraised the situation. Tybo hadn't prepared him for this. Obviously the man was insane and extremely dangerous. "Yes," he answered.

"Now I'm going to let you go, your not going to try something stupid like running."


Julian released Lamar who was still bent over in pain.

"Ann wants her money back Lamar, when can you give it to me."

"I don't owe anyone any money."

"Ann and tom say you forced Ann to withdraw the money, blackmail, understand."

"That's bullshit man."

"The way I se it is either you give me the money, nice and easy or i kick your fucking ass and turn you over to the police. What's it going to be."

"Fuck that shit man."

Julian stepped towards Lamar, it had the desired affect.

"It will take me awhile to get it."

"When Lamar?"

"A couple of weeks."

"One week Lamar, it's all you get. You understand?"


"I'll be in touch. By the way, her husband know you fucking his wife?"


"One week Lamar."

Lamar watched the massive man leave. Returning to the bedroom Lamar was relieved to hear the shower running. Good he thought, his nerves shattered, his body still trembling, at least Cris hadn't over heard what had just transpired. What a cunt that Ann was and her wimp ass husband, one week, not much time he thought. Lamar heard the water shut off, Cris appeared with a towel wrapped around her.

"Jesus Lamar did you tell him to come here, he knows Steve, and he knows about us."

"Don't worry baby, just a friend who recognized my car. How does he know Steve?"

"They met last night at the club, you didn't see him."

"No or I would have introduced you. I've got to run, I'll call you later."

Lamar knew he could get the money up but it would mean selling a few things. He needed to buy a little time, but how was the question. Maybe Cris was the answer, maybe she had some money. One week was not much time. Worse still, Lamar realized the man had been watching him, fuck.

Chap. 16

Julian laid in the king size bed watching the news, when the his cell phone rang.


"Julian it's Ann are you still in West Palm."

Ann was the last person Julian expected to here from. "Yes."

"Any luck?"

"As in." Julian wasn't sure if he should tell Ann about finding Lamar.

"Lamar, did you find him?"

"Your husband told me to stop looking, besides he owes me some money."

"Julian I just came this morning, I'm staying at the National down in South Beach, know were it's at?"


"Meet me at the hotel, say eight, dinners on me. We can discuss your fee,"

"Eight, the National, I'll be there."

Seeing Mrs Harris in that t-shirt had left Julian horny. Which brought up the dinner date with Ann. Julian had caught Ann looking on more than one occasion, now the invitation to dinner. Pussy and money the trip to South Florida was getting better by the minute.

Ann Wiles hung up, turning towards the mirror, she checked herself out. The new bikini showed off her new tits beautifully. Dr Williams was an artist. Ann didn't look a day over thirty, at forty the years had been kind, so had Dr. Williams. The new boob job had removed any sag and her work ethic at the gym saw to the rest of her body.

Ann was a slender 5'4" with olive complexion and green eyes, a gift from her Jewish parents. Ann reached up and caressed her new breast's. Julian Rodgers, now he was a hunk and her X said he was dangerous. Julian didn't seem dangerous, but so what if he was. That just made him all the more interesting.

Ann reflected on the time she had spent with Lamar, the fucker. Ann smiled, he was a good fuck actually, to good. What a school girl she had been with Lamar. Lamar had been her first black lover and she had become deeply infatuated with the man and the open life style he had introduced her to.

Ann met Lamar when he went to work for her husband Thomas. That was a little more than a year ago. Boy things had changed since then. Almost two years ago Ann was a frumpy housewife of thirty -eight. Thomas was making a lot of money and Ann had all the nice cloths and jewelry a woman could want. Neither Thomas nor Ann wanted children, so they traveled a bit, but Thomas was less than exciting. After eleven years of marriage Ann and Thomas rarely had sex and when they did, well there were no fireworks. Enter Lamar.

Lamar started working as an intern for the same company as Thomas. They met at a party and Thomas introduced her to Lamar. Ann still remembered how Lamar had stared at her the remainder of the party. Ann made the decision that night she would change her life. The next day Ann purchased a computer and called Lamar at work and asked him if he could show her how to use it.

"I had a feeling you would call Mrs Wiles."

"Please call me Ann. Lamar I've never done this before."

"Computers? Just kidding, when would you like me to come by?"

That Saturday while Thomas was playing golf Lamar was fucking Ann in their marital bed. Once released from her inhibitions Ann became a different woman. Ann was willing to try anything and Lamar was just the guy to show her. At first it started out straight sex, but that changed. Ann's appetite for sex was voracious. Ann had always had strong sexual fantasies, that is to say she was curious about all kinds of sex. Ann's affair with Lamar merely opened the flood gates.

Lamar too acted out many a fantasy with Ann. Ann was willing to do anything. Once Lamar suggested that she come to the office with out any underwear on, Ann complied, then fucked Lamar at his desk with Thomas in the next office. Ann too made suggestion. One weekend Ann and Lamar snuck off to New York for a long weekend. Thomas thought Ann was shopping. The very first night the couple had hit one of the popular night spots. Ann saw her first. Red hair, fair skinned, early twenties. Attractive, but poorly dressed, the girl was staring at Lamar.

Ann was the one that suggested Lamar pick the girl up. The girl Emily, was new to the city. Lamar bought her some drinks and had her quite drunk in a very short time. Lamar introduced Ann to Emily claiming Ann was an old friend. The two conspirators kept the booze coming, then suggested they retire to the Plaza for some additional drinks. For the first time in Ann's life she knew what it felt like to be the predator, Ann loved it.

Two drinks at the Oak Bar and Emily could hardly walk. Retiring to the room, Ann helped Emily out of her cloths. The poor child never realized what was happening. Once in bed Lamar wasted little time. Going down on Emily he had her squirming for cock in moments. Spreading Emily's legs Ann guided his huge cock head into position. Emily's eye's darted from Lamar to Ann repeatedly, panic setting in as she sobered a little bit. Sensing reluctance Ann in a soothing voice told the young girl to relax.

Emily had had only one other man before that evening , her high school sweet heart, back in Boise, all that was about to change. Rubbing Lamar's cock head across Emily's wet cunt lips was a thrill for Ann. Ann loved watching the girl wiggle and squirm as the huge cock invaded her tight young pussy. Then Ann began playing with Emily's budding clit, Emily's lush red hair tangling in her fingers. Emily asked her to stop, that things weren't right, but Ann wouldn't hear of it. Rubbing her clit even faster Ann and Lamar brought Emily her first orgasm.

"You've never cum before have you dear. You like that don't you, you like black cock and you like me playing with your pussy. Now do you want me to stop?"

"Noooooooooo, but please pull out, I'm not on any thing."

"Before Lamar could answer, Ann lied, "your lucky day honey my husband is fixed, you know a vasectomy, so don't worry no babies."

Ann came hard, as Emily acquiesce to her touch, the seduction almost better than the sex. Ann had never had a bi-sexual experience, but having tried it, Ann loved it. Ann thought about Emily her first, wondering if Lamar had impregnated her.

Ann picked up the phone and made a call. Hanging up, Ann was sure Julian would be pleasantly surprised.

Chap. 17

Steve walked into Lamar's office that afternoon. Steve had been pondering the situation all day and felt like he had arrived at a solution.

"Lamar I have an idea, this might work out perfect. Cris and I have a place at the beach near Sarasota. I could invite you there for the weekend. You could drive up with Cris, I'll make up an excuse about work. I'll come up later, that will give you all the privacy you will need."

Lamar couldn't believe the guy. "You sure about this?"

"Yeah, not a problem, will work out the details later. This way I'll be able to see if something happens. Okay."

"Okay, I never turn down a weekend a the beach."

"When Steve walked out, Lamar picked up the phone and called Cris. "Guess what, your husband just invited me to your place at the beach for this weekend."


"Yes, I'm telling you Cris, I think he really wants us to get together, what a perv."

"No way Lamar and please stop saying that."

"Okay, but you know what my job is here right, computer maintenance."


"Just between us, part of my job is to make sure the employees don't spend all there time surfing the net."

"Okay, so."

"You can never say anything or it could mean my job."


Lamar then proceeded to explain to Cris how to network into the office and her husbands computer. "If you go to Steve's history it's all there for you to see, just check. I've got to run, call you later." hanging up Lamar was content with the way the game was going. The only problem remaining was Julian and that really wasn't much of a problem. Lamar didn't like the idea of paying the money back, but the fact of the matter was he had invested some of it and had done quite well. Lamar decided he would pay the money back and put that problem behind him. The answer of course was Cris, the remaining question how much money could she get her hands on.

Steve on the way back to his office congratulated himself. No longer would he have to rely on Lamar for the full story. Besides there was something about Lamar he didn't feel right about. Yes he would have Lamar and Cris drive to the beach together and yes he would fake problems at work. What Steve didn't tell Lamar was that he planed to spy on the couple by hiding in the loft which provided unencumbered views of the living room as well as the master bedroom. Steve couldn't wait, now he would get the full story.

Closing the window Cris wondered how long Steve had harbored these fantasies. Goodness, Cris would never have guessed a man would actually fantasized about watching his wife make love to another man. From the number of sites visited by Steve he wasn't the only man with similar thoughts. Cris couldn't help but notice that a number of the sites Steve had recently visited were interracial sites. Almost always the wife, white, would fall into an intensely sexual relationship with a well hung black man. Cris had no problem identifying with those women, she couldn't stop thinking of Lamar.

The problem was Steve, Cris was at a complete loss as to what to do about Steve. Maybe Steve already knew, if he didn't know what would he do when he found out. After thinking about it for sometime Cris realized that not once had the thought of breaking it off with Lamar entered her mind. The reason for that was simple Cris believed she was already in love with Lamar.

Chap 18

Julian arrived at the National a few minutes late and found Ann waiting at the bar. Ann was wearing a plain black dress and black heels. Deeply tanned she looked different, no longer mousey, she looked good. The black dress clung to her body, outlining every curve. Ann's breast's spilled out of the top and the out line of her nipples accented the fact she wore no bra.

"Good evening Ann how are you."

"Fine Julian, you look nice, glad you could come. Please sit down."

"My pleasure, so how can I help you?"


"I do business, not revenge."

"Julian you found Lamar, didn't you?"


"I did very well in the divorce, so money is not the issue and violence is so boorish. No I was thinking of something that might damage that ego, I want to hurt him some how. I need to know what he does, what he likes, who he loves, if he's capable of that emotion and your just the man for the job."