All Comments on 'Last Call'

by Ahazura

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266xxyz266xxyzover 7 years ago
She said...

That she would keep her vows during the separation. I would presume that meant until they were divorced. Far as I'm concerned, he's an ass but she's a liar and a cheat. My thinking, I'm sure, is not for everyone.

chytownchytownover 7 years ago
Your Aim Was Off***

Good writing but you just missed giving the story any meaning.

stev2244stev2244over 7 years ago

His turn-around was a bit sudden for my taste. But her situation was described very realistic. I think nobody can blame her for having sex with another man after being neglected so long and having filed for divorce. Thanks for an interesting story. I won´t blame you for the missing ending as this is obviously the basis for a sequel or an invitation to other authors.

tazz317tazz317over 7 years ago

and these 2 proved it beyond the Nth. TK U MLJ LV NV

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
@Ximand - How the fuck is she a cheater?

The suit for divorce was filed and the husband was served!

Read the story, dumb-ass.

CrkcpprCrkcpprover 7 years ago
So you went from a female moron to a male moron

OK , other than pleasing certain very prolific commenters on this site , what lesson did your story teach us ?

That certain men can be stubborn , narcissistic fools ? Never knew that one before .

Look , I get you trying to branch out , and Hell , we all get tired of listening to the cliche band of commentators , but there's nothing Earth shattering here.

I know probably close to a dozen couples just like this. Oh , and it's not always the husband who's the stubborn narcissist either.

Could have been more , but it's your creation . Look forward to more stories from you .


AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
never wrote a story before

Mind is i write up this story might be fun.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
HOLLY FREEHOLLIS BOSS these comment (I cant spell)

Hi there peoples! Truly this story needs a finish up or a part two! Some of the comments state she cheated on him DO YOU THINK SO? I DON'T! Hell I would have dumped him also what a bastard! She offered to join the group he is in! He shut her down like he was ashamed of her! FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCCCCCKKKKKIN HEEEEEEEEEEELLLLLL MAN LET HER ENJOY LIFE! Now he wants her back! Fuck Elvis has left the building? Love you all! GREG. OH 100 % OF READING ENJOYMENT BYE.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

Sorry, needs to be finished, just another writer who thinks posting an unfinished story is okay if they call it a flash.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Her word was kept

266xxyz/Ximand, she kept her word. The separation was for the 3 month period, she said she would honor their vows during that time and if she did not hear from him in that time she would proceed with the divorce. IN THE STORY she comments that the 3 month period had passed 4 days prior, she had the papers drawn up and was notified 2 days after he was served. So 4 days after the 3 months, 2-3 days to do the papers and be served, couple days later she's notified...good 3 months and over a week after the separation started. She was good to her word, she said she would honor their vows DURING the separation and she did. He would have nobody or nothing to blame but his own stubborn pride.

tazz317, if you are referring to the famous "stupid is as stupid does" quote, the only stupid was the husband. Everything she did was reasonable and above board.

As usual though if the male is not made to be the supreme warrior and gets his revenge, then it should just be swept away and disregarded as non worthy reading.

This was not ground breaking novel level writing but it did for a change reverse the roles and showed not all women are lying cheaters and that husbands can be non caring stuck in their ways fools. This site has a long history of it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, then it is a lying cheating stupid woman that thought "it was just sex" or that "it didn't mean anything" and she needs to be burned at the stake.

This site is so filled with males that have such disregard for women or the opposites that want to be humiliated, emasculated that all we ever see posted is either cuck to death do you part or burn the bitch to the ground. How the hell are any of those stories remotely related to a loving wife.

If a story is written that leaves any opening or hope for reconciliation it seems to be immediately attacked. If those of you that are not happy with the ending then take the authors offer and write an ending you find fitting.

dissmissdissmissover 7 years ago
Marriage is a partnership !

Jerry had pretty much left this marriage. Shannon tried to point out they were in a bit of a rut, but he was happy enough to stay there.

So what was Shannon supposed to do, just put up and shut up ?

She tried to fight for it, and even though it seems everyone else could see Jerry needed to open up some dialogue, he just couldnt do it.

Shannon didnt cheat. As she saw it, her marriage was over, Jerry had made his choices, and now it was time for her to make hers.

Pretty good story ..... short, needed a bit of a longer finish if that makes sense .. 4*

PearDrop3PearDrop3over 7 years ago
Great story

But reading it and turning the page, was like running into a brick wall. I'm afraid it's not finished.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Let the divorce continue

That way Jerry can be rid of her for good.

lance_spearmanlance_spearmanover 7 years ago
Nicely done

I liked it. And I think the ending was appropriate. Though the page break is awkward.

sbrooks103xsbrooks103xover 7 years ago
Not Bad

Probably 3.5 rounded up to 4.

You didn't want to write a moron wife, so you wrote a moron husband instead!

He's already in a 4-some? What's wrong with playing on both Saturday AND Sunday?

It's not a mixed league? Either change leagues or join a second league!

A manly-man turning down sex with an attractive wife? Ain't gonna happen!

Well-written, don't know where this can go, MAYBE she gives him another chance, MAYBE if he finds out about the sex he'll understand, maybe he'll get pissed off!

sbrooks103xsbrooks103xover 7 years ago

True they weren't divorced, but separated over 3 months and divorce papers filed?

And any BTB'r here think that a husband cut off for 3 months, then separated for 3 more months and divorce papers filed ain't gonna get some? Didn't think so!

thunderfoot1959thunderfoot1959over 7 years ago
Well done!

She's intelligent and reasonable, thoughtful and even appreciates her husband despite his tragic faults. He's not a moron, but he is a classic Popeye "I yam what I yam" kind of guy who took too long to see things from another perspective - either despite or because his male buddies urging him to do so.

By contemporary definitions of fidelity, she was faithful - no inappropriate activity during legal separation, sex only after post-separation filing for divorce (with an element of his abandoning her through no contact thrown in for good measure).

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
This guy is too selfish and stupid to continue being a husband. He let her walk, and did nothing.

She communicated, she begged, she pleaded, she discussed it with her children. This dumb shit shut out his wife and children, for over three months. He's got a smokin' hot wife who's trying to seduce him weekly and he's Paying for porn? And he doesn't see a need for counseling? He's right, it looks like this guy is already beyond fixing, and you can't fix . . ., well, you know.

Now, days after he is served with divorce papers, 3 months after she filed legal separation papers, he wants to talk? Fine, but the discussion is no longer about saving the marriage, that marriage is over. You don't file for divorce to consider ending a marriage, you file for divorce because in your mind the marriage is already over, and you just need to complete the paper work. Who she has sex with is now none of his business; they are no longer man and wife. From this point on its about establishing a new relationship. They just need to decide if that new relationship will be with each other, or with somebody new. For both, its now a matter of alternative options and choices.

This story isn't about how those options work out. That would be an interesting story, if its well written, but that's not this story. This story is really just a glimpse of how one couple dealt with the end of their relationship. Its really painful and sad, but I think it is honest. It could have been better to understand more from Jerry's point of view. But just like the character was described, Jerry appeared to retreat to his new wife-less child-less world of buddies and bars and porn. His failure to communicate during the separation is a very real and stark form of communication. He didn't just let her go, he ignored her. Stupid. He deserves to lose her.

I compliment the writing, but it is a painful and sad story. Hard to say thanks for writing it, but I guess someone had to do it. Well done.


MullendersMullendersover 7 years ago

so you write about a woman who is finaly not as stopid as a horses ass but then you wright in a man who fits the bill i am sorry but this did not set out what you tried to acomplish you just shifted the worlds

lance_spearmanlance_spearmanover 7 years ago
Another Last Call on this site

written by Slirpuff. Same concept, but from the man's point of view.

silentsoundsilentsoundover 7 years ago
I liked it.

But don't really know if she cheated.

Kind of grey area before divorce but she was separated 3 months with no calls.

I don't really see it as cheating but it will absolutely pour shit on reconciliation attempts.

If you want to have a chance with someone, don't fuck other people.

I would love to see a continuation of this story and thought it was well written.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Good story. 5 syars

And this is far too common an event. He's had 3 months and what has he done to romance his wife? Nada.

It's only when divorce papers are signed that he is willing to do what she wants? Screw that and screw him.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Finish the story

Good read so far but it needs an ending

hindsight2020hindsight2020over 7 years ago

For half of a story.

magmamanmagmamanover 7 years ago
Another interesting tale

The lesson learned here is communication is the key.

This story to me is about the inevitable results of that being lacking.

Sometimes real communication is difficult, even between mated partners.

Emotions, stubbornness, all entered in.

No one waits forever, not really.

Some would suggest this needs an ending, to me, the ending is obvious.

And not a happy one.


Well done.


amyyumamyyumover 7 years ago
He who hesitates is lost

She did nothing wrong and should dump her asshole husband; don't relent on the divorce; good story!

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago


LordSlamdawggLordSlamdawggover 7 years ago
Wow !

A discontent wife and attractive woman who seems to own a triple digit IQ , has a viable career with communication skills, decent self discipline in both her personal and carnal life, fairly valid grounds to pull the plug on her long term marriage and doesn't want to disembowel husband in divorce settlement. I mean this has been known to occur in real life, but memory fails me of this occurring in Loving Wives.

Should this story continue further ? Sure. Jerry reconsider last ditch effort to salvage the marriage in favor of eking out a fiscal struggling but spiritually munificent living on Senior Golf Tour Fred Couples' caddy. The narrator meets Brad Pitt at high school reunion , the two setup housekeeping are very happy until she gets an eye clawed out by Ms. Jolie in jealous rage .

Shannon sues the fading cinema queen and after prolonged court battle is awarded 4 million dollars and full custody of 5 out the ex- couple's 6 kids. The end.

HankWTullamoreHankWTullamoreover 7 years ago
still one sided.

Instead of a moron wife, we have a moron husband.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

Sometime you wait too long. There is a song from the 1960’s by a group named “Bread” entitled “Everything I own” about somebody who waited too long.

“Is there someone you know

You're loving them so

But taking them all for granted

You may lose them one day

Someone takes them away

And they don't hear the words you long to say”

BuzzCzarBuzzCzarover 7 years ago

We have a smart caring wife that tries to salvage a failing marriage. A "Loving Wife" but a dumbass husband though. I gave it the 5* I believe the story deserves but would like to have seen the author give us a better understanding of the husband and how things went so far. Nice read. Thanks.

javmor79javmor79over 7 years ago
Enjoyed the shift

In my opinion, the story is still the same as before told, just with a gender shift. Still, I enjoy the creativity to think outside of the box. I've tried that myself with one or two of my stories. All in all, I enjoyed it. Nicely done.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
now the story really begins

Lot of debate on whether she cheated or not--I tend to think not, but maybe more interesting is whether the husband will consider it cheating? Or will he ever find out? Will she tell him (if she still wants to reconcile). Maybe the husband does learn, and become more sympathetic and she starts responding.... maybe she moves back in with him . . . has she told him? does she tell him? So this story could go down different roads, and obviously folks want you to take your best shot, given the characters you have.

Of course, the characters can change... for instance, maybe she tells the husband, and he manages, despite the great pain he feels, deals with it and they reconcile. But one day, she finds herself out on another girl's night out and . . . well, you see what I mean, but of course, you can work out your own set of contradictions that the characters find themselves in.

Looking forward to your next round!

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
missing an end

On one hand the story is a complete one shot but like many a JPB story your really missing a full ending. Now having done the dirty will she go back, will he still take her back; will knowledge of the fling eat away at him or her? I can think of a half dozen alternate scenarios without touching the fantasy ones. Also what about the husband? Is he actually the moron he seems or is there more to him and his actions than we know? The written story has ended but the real story has just begun. Personally I'd prefer through authors perspective on this.

swingerjoeswingerjoeover 7 years ago

A lot of people here seem to believe that if you don't like a "consequences" story then you must hate all consequences stories and/or you must enjoy stories where cheaters get away with cheating. Nonsense.

Personally, what I don't like about so many consequences stories is that they all follow a predictable pattern and include the same one-dimensional characters. I can't relate to these characters because I've never met or known anyone who is 100% good or 100% evil (except for the two people currently running for president.)

It doesn't matter whether it is the wife or husband who is the saint or demon. If one spouse is a saint and the other a demon, why on earth should I care what happens to their marriage? I don't derive any pleasure from seeing a marriage die, and I don't find it interesting when a marriage that should die does just that!

I also detest this repeated pattern where the evil demon spouse suddenly has an epiphany as soon as the marriage dies and begs the beleaguered spouse for forgiveness. This is a fantasy for divorced men. It's been done to death.

I don't know if there is an interesting angle for "Chapter Two", but if I can think of one, maybe I'll take you up on that offer, Ahazura!

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
What everyone hates about Swingerjoe

He makes the same fucking comment on every story. Are you so stupid that you think you're fresh? You only know those same hundred words? As for you writing anything interesting, what a side splitter.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
I really like her and him...idiot asshole

What is the old saying...'You made your own bed so...'!

I can relate to her wanting to keep what she had for so long and I can relate to her two years of his red necked bullshit conduct.

She is still young, really wanted her husband and family, was faithful to the end but after he signs the divorce papers, what else has she got...her freedom to rethink her future.

I like how she finally decided to have a companion and I like the way it happened...good for her. Do I think they'll get back together? They MIGHT try but it will not work out. Sadly, she is going to be a Cougar for awhile, she'll get used to it, eventually enjoy it and ultimately...she'll be swept off her feet by a real man and - I like that for her. She was and is a good woman, his loss, she gains a good life.

The children and her will get along and eventually she'll be friends with but distant from the idiot!

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Well told story.

The story works and you get enough of a taste for the characters, although still a bit one dimensional. The husband has things the way he likes, doing what he wants to do and just does not include his wife.

But I do understand his reasoning, implied is a large amount of frustration that he always was sacrificing for his kids, but part of that's also being a father. Don't have kids then or find some balance and share your frustration with your wife and make compromises now and then and do things that you want to.The fact that he won't even return her calls or go to counseling and she has top separate shows how insulated he is, that's too bad.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
You had a good story going, why the hell didn't you finish it?

If your only goal was to show an intelligent woman then yes, you succeeded. The problem is you showed the husband as a dufuss. I was hoping for a story that showed two intelligent people. That's the problem with most of the stories here. Of course if both protagonists were reasonable, intelligent people it would make it much harder to write the story.

There are a couple I've read that do it and do a good job of it. LTW has several.

Even though you portrayed the husband as a jackass I was ready to give this story 5 stars until I got to the so called, end. You lost 2 stars from me by not following through.

patilliepatillieover 7 years ago

A bit hard to believe someone could be so clueless (ie the hubby) or stubborn, but other than that well done.

LickideesplitLickideesplitover 7 years ago


Why not take ONE more (short) paragraph, and give a better ambiguous, but 'leaning', ending?

I called Jerry and said "Kinda late ... unless you can tell me when you apologized to your kids for blowing them off when they were in town ... because NEITHER one has mentioned that to me!" After a short silence on the other end of the line, I said "I thought not. Thanks for the first 20 great years!" and hung up.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

really strange story. She did not cheat, she made a big effort in moving out (lol really big effort). she is still loving him but tried not once, after what 20 years of marriage, to see him ? a really huge effort. I have to say " the wife is not a moron "

And the night when the divorce is final ( she still really loved her husband) she picked up a man and had the night of her life.

so it's not about sex we know she is not a moron.

what does a sane human being do the night of her divorce ? I mean if that person still loves the ex spouse ? I would guess maybe have a drink to much or 2, maybe meet the kids or brother, sister or even the parents if still alive, for comfort.

only low lifes go with buddies in a whorehouse or just pick up the next best. oh and not to forget people who are not morons of course :-)

bruce22bruce22over 7 years ago
Sudden Ending

which makes sense since the story is about an addicted man who seems to have lost the ability to recognize the priorities in a balanced life. Strangely enough I do think she should have been on him as soon as she detected that he preferred masturbation because reality no long limited his fantasy. She is on the way to finding a new partner.

666iceman666icemanover 7 years ago
Very good out of the box tale

I think you have another chapter to go on this before it is concluded. That is just my thinking, The husband acted like many I know have done, the wives of those husbands did not act like the one in your tale. I say write more and lets see what road it takes you.

christmas_apechristmas_apeover 7 years ago

i loved this.

the husbands side of the tale probably reads :"The wife cheats on the husband and the husband get revenge on all parties, then gets a better girl and lives happily ever after."

thank you!

SelqSelqover 7 years ago
Decent role swap.

Now it would be interesting to see a story where both are intelligent.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
You Did It

You achieved your goal of giving us a thoughtful, caring, intelligent wife. She is likeable and believable. Trouble is, her husband does not deserve her. He's either clueless or a complete jerk -- or both.

Nice job on the overall story, too. I found the development pretty complete without a whole history of their sex lives in high school/college to clutter things up. I wanted to take the stubborn oaf of a husband and hit him. I've hung out with guys like that, but they're too self-absorbed even for their buddies.

sdc97230sdc97230over 7 years ago
The only part of this I don't buy

Is where the husband has this sudden epiphany after reading her letters. From the way he was portrayed before that, I think he'd stay dumb and just go out griping about how she was a bitch who was impossible to satisfy.

AhazuraAhazuraover 7 years agoAuthor

This was pretty much just a writing exercise I did for myself ..... Apparently I should have humanized Jerry a bit more. I will probably follow up with Jerry's side in a bit.

Thanks for the feedback!


Rockyderek_caRockyderek_caover 7 years ago

Good characters,... but ... finish the story. There can be only one JPBob

VickieTernVickieTernover 7 years ago
Easy finish

He stops sinking golf balls on the fifty yard line and pays appropriate -- sexual -- attention to her. She is so grateful to resume her marriage that she no longer tries being a MILF cougar (and he never learns she was one once, because he can't handle it whatever her need). They live together and gradually learn to pay more attention to each other's needs.

Though he never sells his golf clubs, and she keeps her sexiest undies and outfit noticeable in their closet. THEIR closet.

Alternatively, they live together, he watches porn and improves his handicap, and she goes out with "the girls" now and then for whatever she feels she needs. They each understand each other.

tendernsweet2tendernsweet2over 7 years ago

We as readers know that you can still save this story ~~ so let us know when you are going to finish and we will be there 100% ..!!**** Please.^

Thank you.

Impo_64Impo_64over 7 years ago
This was a good story, with believable plot and characters...but...

This was a good story, with believable plot and characters...but in the end the writer left the ending for the readers to decide...The characters are his, from his imagination...So he is the only one to know how they would behave after what happened...For this reason just 3*

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
The story was good up until the so-called ending.

You wrote a set-up without really ending it.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Don't know...

Like another comment - "ending" was a little empty.

She technically committed adultery as divorce wasn't final; does she want to go back? would he want her back, does she comes clean about one night stand??

Again, too much of an open ended story with unanswered questions.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

Someone just filing, after going thru all that turmoil, would just have random sex like that unless she was a true slut.

MattblackUKMattblackUKover 7 years ago
That worked well. A good 5* start

But now you have to finish it off! Please?

sugnasugnaover 7 years ago
Too Little, too late

The relationship was a mess as many marriages are. She decided to bring it to a head. She got what she asked for - a divorce, whether it was what she wanted or not. He sat there and did nothing, and in essence he got what he asked for - to be left alone. Too many people expect too much from their marriage. They think it is supposed to be their ticket to a fantasy that they do not really have to work to achieve.

Nice portrayal of a ruined relationship - the only question is why? As a warning?

jocko_smithjocko_smithover 7 years ago
Nice work

She tried for years to fix things. There comes a time when it's time to move on.

And picking up that guy ? Totally believable. Grief makes one do odd things, some life-affirming, some destructive.

Really good job

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

She is a self centered skank only thinking of herself. A woman is the life support system for a cunt. He should dump the bitch and take her to the cleaners. Hire a couple of hard core drug chicks to beat the dog shit out her. Make her a gimp.

chilleywilleychilleywilleyover 7 years ago
The Marriage is dead and gone

She acted reasonable, did what was possible, and her husband couldn't be bothered. Takes two make a marriage, and she was the one with a pulse DTMF!

Sickness and in health. But now a days, we arn't chained to a goober. Good thing too, who wants to spend the next 20 or 30 years with someone who does nothing with you, or your adult children.

She kept her vows for three months (a ridiculously long time for him to come around), and more than enough time for her to imagine the thrill in fucking after nine months of celibacy!

In criticism, you made him to be a truly uncaring fool, unwilling to do anything to save the marriage, no sex for six months, turns her down for sex for sixteen times in a row while he jerks off to porn. Who wouldn't dump him?

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Good start , but we need a finish from you.

Sorry you ended a pretty good without a finish.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Good Effort

Good story. 4 stars.

She did what she could. He missed the message repeatedly. Stubbornly ignore the deadline. Hard to believe he would not have read the letters earlier.

I am sure she could get back into the relationship if he changes and agrees to get counseling help. Not sure he will be able to accept she had another man....even if it is his own fault. But she is the type that would feel the need to tell him.

Interestingly, I don't know that trust would be an issue if they got back together in a case like this. But would hubby resent her or himself so much that the relationship could not recover fully.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

i see a lot of its all his fault but than a gain she new he was depressed and didnt know how to tell here ie his friend telling her at lunch and it doesnt ones say she tryed to call him in the 3 months just the kids sooo my conclusion is she can give him 20 years but cant wait to finsh the divorce before getting fucked shows she didnt really care as much as she tells everyone so in the end shes just not worth it just another cheating slut!!!!!!!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

She did try but she also knew how he felt from the friend and after serving the divorce papers she should of gone to him one last time and given him the chance to open up before she went and. Fucked some guy. Now she will feel like she has to tell him out of guilt and the marriage will be over . I know it would be for me and hubbys character seems to be really self absorbed ass so I can't see him forgiving her fucking some random guy. She also loved it and she might want to be the slut again and fuck different guys . I can't understand how a good woman even being married a long time with grown kids that gets divorced can go fuck guys and not feel ashamed because the kids are older and will know what she's doing. I think now that first time with a new body in bed might be to much to give up. That's why affairs are usually described as hot and exciting. It's always great the first couple of months or years so it could get addicting to want a new man or woman to fuck after experience if that for the first time in over 23 years. You could write two alternate endings.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

Next time put a big fat "UNFINISHED" warning at the beginning. Thanks.

miscacc201501miscacc201501over 7 years ago
Are you okay?

Because the last three stories you've written have been LW. A massive departure from the fantasy genre you excel in. In the process you've totally neglected The Warlock - the very story you built your fan base on. And for what? This unfinished nonsense? You can do far, far better.


AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

It is a good story but it does end abruptly. She was a good wife but in my mind should not have fucked another guy until divorce was final. Now she becomes the wrong party because who would believe it was the first time , hubby was acting like a jerk with to big an ego to apologize but even if I were him and I find out she fucked that guy than I would never trust her again and wouldn't believe it started at that point. Hubby did push her but his friend told her how he felt but his bruised ego would let him beg her back. Now she's tainted forever if hubby finds out. Just another fucked up family where the kids and grand kids get it the worst. A mom or grandma who's with a different guy and a father/ grandfather who's life goes down the drain or he dies early out of the stress or pain he feels after his wife moves on. He made this motion happen but the after affects suck for the rest of the family.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

Not exactly the best. It started out great but it ended way too fast. The hubby was in the wrong, with his ego so massive it was bigger than his privates. But the wife ended it by having intercourse with another guy while knowing how her husband felt after Bud told her. If I was Jerry I wouldn't try to stop the divorce now. You may be getting a divorce but you can't be having relations until it's over.


AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

To argue with the previous anonymous comments:

The dick had three fucking months to get his head out of his ass. She has no blame because his call came after she had taken the edge off. She can still love him, but it is up to her if she wants to open the can of worms by admitting what she did. She gave him AMPLE opportunity (I should know about that BTFW).

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
May it be you are out of your normal??!!

What an idiotic story!!He is stubborn she is stubborn; he has to many pride she has no volition to break his shell!! But after more than 20 years of marriage they should know another!!! And on come to an end she is a slut who willingly cheated!!! So where is the need to stay married - love??!! Laughable!!!

0zed0zedover 7 years ago

Finish The Damn Story!

EddboyEddboyover 7 years ago
as others said

why would you not finish it?

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

Does one of the spouses have to be stupid in these stories. You just reversed roles. And left with a twist at the end. They are not officially divorced, so stupid her is the cheater. So really just same old and old.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
I gave it *****, because......

It's not great, and it's unfinished, but it's so much better than all but one of the stories posted in the last few days that it deserved the rating by comparison.

Dont_miss_meDont_miss_meover 7 years ago
4 stars from me...

Great job on the female perspective. One thing that I would have added was her deleting the voicemail and going back to her lover (just for finality). Other wise, awesome read.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

Just hope she made that call and marriage continued on a better footing. forget your lapse dear it was understandable after such a long time if your husband doesn't know it's better he didn't know so as not to complicate your return, after it all it took him long enough to read what you left him so he is partially to blame.

Well written enjoyed it, hope the story will be completed.

McAnonMcAnonover 7 years ago
Brain Dead

She should delete the call and get laid. He thinks he can torture his wife, for 3 months plus, and yes he knew she was hurting, so he deserves a bit of pay-back.

Stupid is not the word for him. He knew she was a devoted wife and took advantage and certainly should not get an easy ride.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

You didn't want to write a story in which the wife is a moron, so you wrote one in which the husband is the moron. Wow, what a switch.

tazz317tazz317over 7 years ago

too little, always late, its like the Wiz of Oz and search for missing organs ie' HEART AND BRAIN tk u mlj lv nv

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
so maybe wife is not a moron

but why make the husband a dumb shit?

stillaonewomanmstillaonewomanmover 7 years ago
Wife was a bitch

What she should have done is try to work on him. When hes reading go to him, show her stuff. Move out, divorce. Bad vibes. Its all about her. He provided for the family for 23 years and gets shit on. Nice story...not.

curiousvisitorcuriousvisitorover 7 years ago
so sad....

I don't understand you people...

Arguing about who won in this situation, who is dumb who is moron who did the right thing...

All I see is 2 people who lost. Nobody won anything.

The wife did the only thing she could do... still she lost... she did not want to cheat, she did not want to lose her husband. She lost him... not with the divorce, but during the marriage... by him blowing off everyone. Yes, she needed to get someone who doesn't take her for granted.

But if you think about it, if she could change that last day, do you doubt for a moment that she would?

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

next time you write an UNFINISHED story put the warning at the BEGINNING.

cyferxcyferxover 7 years ago
What an inversion!

You made the wife not a moron for sure, but made the husband a moron instead. It really doesn't matter who you make the moron, you know.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Good story, for sure

Can't blame the wife. Life is to short to spend it in a loveless marriage, this isn't the 1950's (thank heavens) where the woman had few choices. She gave the husband the chance to work on their marriage and he couldn't be bothered. Some couples loose the sexual desire, but their marriages survive as a companionate ones, but absent companionship, it's a dead marriage.

She'd have been a fool not to move on.

stillaonewomanmstillaonewomanmover 7 years ago
Fourth time reading this

What I want to know is this: why didn't the wife try to get the husband to go out on a date with her to go bowling? And why didn't she learn how to golf? I know for sure that people can go to the bowling alley to just watch...why didn't she do that? If she was so unhappy, she could/should have made extra effort. Nope, what this sad tale is about is neglect from her to him, and him to her. However, after 23 years and raising two kids and giving up his fun things, what did she expect? I realize she thought she was being neglected, but what about him for 23 years? Sorry, but cheating even though she served him divorce papers, the divorce still had not gone through. So no matter what, she is cheating on him. Maybe if she makes the effort he makes the effort back. What he saw was that she basically didn't give two hoots about him and his desires. So whatever the lawyer said, Jerry could and should have countersued for a divorce due to neglect and asked for everything. Although, that doesn't seem like the character portrayed here. Nope the wife got a snit up her butt from one of her co-workers and just couldn't let it go. Someone really should rewrite this showing the neglect on both of their parts. But if it wasn't neglect, I wouldn't have even read this four times. Something just wasn't right with it and me, and I had to just figure it out. I have been neglected for a period of something like 25 years and then a couple of times when I have been neglected as a husband. It isn't nice and I don't think she did it on purpose. I don't believe neglect is on purpose except in the case of a child.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
you gonna finish it?

needs an ending.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago
sad story

I'm glad the wife cheated. The husband seems like a total asswipe loser. She give the dumb husband every opportunity to repair their marriage, and he was too bone headed and prideful to help fix things. If she does go back to him, don't tell him about the great sex with the guy from the bar, just keep the secret and enjoy the memory. And don't feel guilty about it at all. It's the dumb ass husbands fault anyway.

bworth1943bworth1943about 7 years ago
fantasy guy

Call to late. she was not cheating, but getting on with life. Ass deserves no consideration. If anything he cheated on her for two years and six months when he relegated her to being a maid and roommate and not a wife.

Chief3BlanketChief3Blanketabout 7 years ago
Quite good up to this point

However, it is now just another of many unfinished stories on Lit.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago
Because it's unfinished I gave it a 2

Finish it, and I may change that appraisal.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
Too late

Is sometimes just... too late.

JbRobertssonJbRobertssonalmost 7 years ago
Wife did what she could, still not too late...

The wife did what she could, but the husband was determined to be a complete butthead. She tried to get him to talk, tried to get him into counseling with her. Failing that, she gave him the separation papers and her personal, written thoughts on what had happened to their marriage and what she wanted to see happen. At no time was she confrontational, rude, or denigrating. She gave the impression she was unhappy about resorting to this level and that she loved him and truly wanted to stay with him. He ignored her efforts.

When the time limit was up, she filed the divorce papers and moved on. I personally thought she was a bit too eager for a one night stand, and technically she was committing adultery, but her husband had shown no interest thus far - so she felt no guilt about seeking the company of another man - and not many would blame her. After having sex she notices the voicemail from her husband - what will she do now?

Well, it's NOT too late to try and put her marriage back together. Her husband has caved unconditionally so he should be serious about fixing the problems. Also, the husband should forgive this "transgression", if you can call it that, because he was so recalcitrant during the separation period - but who knows? Does she still want to try?

We don't know if she still loves him because the author stopped writing at that point. We don't know what she thought about the sex or how it compared with what she was accustomed to. Was it a disappointment or incredible? Was she thrilled or disgusted? What are her thoughts? Has she suddenly realized there's another world waiting to be enjoyed? Or did it just make her nostalgic for what she used to have? I guess we'll never know.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago

reminds you to much of your dead ex wife did it?

sbrooks103xsbrooks103xalmost 7 years ago

I don't know how it would figure in the few states that still have "fault" divorces, but in my own MOST humble opinion, after a three month separation, where she WAS faithful, and after the filing of divorce papers, while it's true that there COULD still be a reconciliation, for all practical purposes the marriage is over, and EITHER party can have sex with whomever they want, without it being cheating.

boatbummboatbummover 6 years ago
What Part Of "Read This"

Didn't butthead Jerry understand? It took him being served? Now Shannon has another big decision in front of her... and I wish her well.

You definitely hit the mark with her character! Thoughtful, savvy, considerate, loving, and determined. No self-centered cheating slut, but a real woman who wants a life WITH her spouse, not a roommate situation.

Loved it, even though I'd like a chapter 2! ;-)

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
And then...?

And then what happened? Did she go for round 2 and 3 with stud of the evening or did she run out the room?

You left it open.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

was cheating pure and simple. They were not divorced.

Its not uncommon for the papers to be a severe wakeup call.

No she wanted to cheat and she did.

The story just isnt finished though.

BaddestmanaliveBaddestmanaliveover 6 years ago


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