All Comments on 'Last Man: Brian's Tale'

by GeorgeAnderson

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nestorb30nestorb30about 4 years ago

Not just no but he'll no. I have said it before and I will say it again. "LOVE does not make you a doormat" he should have spoken up and taken action and then ditched the faithless wench

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
Great writing

But that was depressing. I need a drink.

blackrandl1958blackrandl1958about 4 years ago
Yay! George has posted a new story.

Not a happy story, but one I fear is more often than not, more true to life than our happy little karma adjustment stories. Write another please, Randi.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
Share Ellie

He should have demanded to fuck Ellie...

silentsoundsilentsoundabout 4 years ago

You are perplexing. You can write but you pick the damnedest stories to continue.

Michael wrote a pathetic bitch story that didn't address some very key points. You are clever like he isn't and explored this aspect.

I hated his original and will not be able to bring myself to read yours because it doesn't appear Brian dealt the damage due to the assholes in the first story.

God bless you I wish you wrote more originals and some that I could relate to better because you have talent.

If you ever want to write about men with spines, not murderous thugs mind you, as well as you write about faltering and fairly weak victim men, I will be very grateful.

Hope you and yours are doing well during this crisis.

silentsoundsilentsoundabout 4 years ago

Didn't the original author consider artificial insemination instead of adultery?

Didn't you?

Simon can afford a lot of things it seems, even a trip for his slut and her cuck to go to Alaska but not artificial insemination?

Too many cuck and whore sized holes my friend.

ranec1ranec1about 4 years ago
Mean As!!

chur m8 awsum story


iameaseliameaselabout 4 years ago
Absolutely stupid

No wife is that f-ing ridiculous and no husband is that pathetic. Totally unrealistic to any degree. Im sad for having read the whole thing thinking maybe it would pull up some, but sadly this drivel just kept nose diving.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
Cuck garbage

This husband lacked a spine. He was better off with a bullet in his head.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
Well written but ...

I was grinding my teeth by the end.

CreeperclawCreeperclawabout 4 years ago
Well I have to be honest...

All this did for me was paint the three of them as a bunch of self centered adulterous assholes. He lost his wife and is going to die old and alone because she wanted to be some bastards broodmare. Ya could have at least given him a better post divorce ending than that. The character we barely even thought of in the original is revealed to be a brow beaten cuckold who literally had his life stolen from him by selfish delusional jerks. This gets a 1 star from me, it read like a Matt Moreau story and I deliberately avoid his stuff because it's depressing/rage inducing dreck using pretty words to disguise that fact that a guy is getting repeatedly cheated on by a wife who doesn't respect him in the slightest.

Seriously a dog? Couldn't even give him an attractive neighbor or someone to grow old with instead of a beast that'll eat him if he dies before it.

P.S. I don't care how long ago it was if a guy had done that to me I'd visit his grave and lay down a nice thick spread of manure that I made myself, and what the hell since I'm generous a liberal watering for the lady's tombstone too.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
Sorry, but no

I couldn't empathize with Brian from the moment the person he married manipulated him in such a cruel way (the phone call while driving, etc.), admitted it, and the sick wimp not only didn't kick her out of the house but even sent her back to the asshole. According to the original story, this would have happened in the 60s. At that time, if he divorced her for infidelity and mental cruelty he'd have a very high probability of getting the children's custody and the lion share of their assets, and she'd be free to fuck the asshole-in-law as much as she wanted, so that wouldn't have played a part in his reasoning.

And even if it was now and she'd get the better in a divorce, I don't see how any normal man would accept the lies, the blatant deception, the manipulation, the huge insult that is fucking someone he dislikes in such a obnoxious way. Any normal person would have ended the marriage there, and would have tried for some kind of revenge. Brian is not credible as a person.

ForensicFossilForensicFossilabout 4 years ago

Top notch story. Can question some decisions of all concerned, but moving in a quiet way.

sbrooks103xsbrooks103xabout 4 years ago

Brian should fuck Ellie for every time Simon fucks Mairi. Or, now that it's out in the open, do it AI or IVF.

Since she can't get pregnant for now, why CAN'T she fuck Brian for now?

"It was different, especially having another woman love me, and having two people at once." - Whoa, whoa, whoa! Where did THAT come from? I thought Ellie was just "there," that sounds like a threesome.

"She was right; I'd done this for her before, neither Simon nor Ellie would have done as well." - Horse puckey! He hadn't done it before he did it the first time. Ellie could have gone to birthing classes and been her coach.

The other advantage with IVF, I think, is that you can choose the sex, can't you?

What if the net child is a girl?

"You didn't say no." - Sigh, only because they've already shown that his saying no won't make any difference, plus, as he says, he shouldn't have to.

"Go halves with me on in vitro fertilization." - Bingo!

"you'd have been better prepared for the second time." - There never should have been a second tine! After seeing how the first time affected him, even THINKING of doing it again should have been off the table.

How in the fuck do Ellie and Mairi justify Jessica?

onbothsidesonbothsidesabout 4 years ago
And the second child....

What guarantee did they have that the second child would be a boy? Or the third? How many ways did Mairi have to convince herself that Brian would come around to what she wanted?

She promised that she wouldn't swallow for Simon. How was fellatio going to get her pregnant anyway?

Also, how did the extended family feel about Brian being a (don't want to use this word) cuck? What were Brian's relations like with them, when they all knew that he was a crippled, bean counting loser?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
Weak husband

He should have divorced her after the Annapolis fuck session and saved himself a lot of misery. Yes divorce sucks but it would had shown Mairi that she didn’t always know what he wanted.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
Gosh another evil cheating slut and wimpy husband story

Sorry didnt like this at all. They need to change or create a category for cheating wives as i would actually like to read a story where there is actually a loving wife in the freakin story.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago

Get a gun and shoot urself

LVGirlLVGirlabout 4 years ago
I Hate This

He’s put in an intolerable situation and cannot find a way out.

Xzy89c1Xzy89c1about 4 years ago
Devoid of logic and common sense

Characters devoid of logic and common sense do not make a good story. Just a silly story. Who would stay with their spouse after she admitted she went to Annapolis quickly because she knew he would not agree. Once trust is gone so is marriage. What kind of father let's his kids go like that. He could easily prove the living arrange,emts were not conducive to raising of his children. Devoid of logic and common sense.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
Good follow up

Extremely well written and emotional follow up. But damn sad. 4 stars. Too sad for me to give 5.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
Poor Idiot

Why did he agree in the first place. The rest is a forgone conclusion.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
Not no but Hell No!

Sorry, but why would you write this kind of crap? You are a better writer than this. Surely you have more imagination than this.

stev2244stev2244about 4 years ago

Top notch writing, as always, but a very difficult and painful topic. 5*, of course.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
Leaves a sour taste ...

This was one of the worst endings to a story that an author with a cuck and wimp attitude to life could write in his character...

I normally grade wimps based on Matt Morea-isms...and this story of yours takes the cake...

My a man can even behave like Brian where his wife Mairi has shown him every bit of disrespect from the first time till later and continually continues to delude himself till the second time is beyond what I would consider a normal male response..

So forgive me if I want to give u the lowest possible rating for this shit piece that you have managed to produce..

Less then 1 if possible...

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago

Yet another Anderson wimpy husband cuckold story - no surprises here. Yuck. 1 star.

tizwickytizwickyabout 4 years ago

Horrible on so many levels. To paraphrase Shakespeare from Romeo & Juliet: "A pox on all their houses"!

chuckysmariachuckysmariaabout 4 years ago
He deserve his fate

At this point, it is already a given that Mairi is a self justifying slut. The problem is the protag not only tolerated it, worse he accepted it. He deserve being shat on. He should have put his foot down and said FUCK NO. If they persist then, he could have save his time instead of ignoring the elephant in the room.

Knowing a person is despicable is one thing. Insisting on associating yourselve with despicable people is another. An individual has very little power over another, but you have more control on your own choices on what to do with them. And he chise poorly.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
Much better than the original story

Thinking from the husbands perspective , when he wasn't in the original story. Wife is truly delusional, and not at all receptive to his frelings. Well written , painful story. I need to find a happy one now !

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
Hallmark story - part 2

If the original was a Hallmark story, then this is Mills and Boon paperback tragic romance.

I thought the original was good, but this is just morbid and depressing, and bears little relationship to the original story. The only thing missing were violins and a choir of angels holding hankies to wipe away the tears.

It actually reminded me of a far better story - Fredoberto's "Gifted".

Good writing as usual, but not a satisfying read.

WillieWolfeWillieWolfeabout 4 years ago


Mairi made her choices and lived her life, ending up in some fucked up polyamorous marriage. Simon and Ellie died a day or so apart. Story does not say if was in their old age but assume it was. Is Mairi still kicking around? A few unanswered question. Found this story hard to like but happy to vote 5 stars.

YouamiYouamiabout 4 years ago

GA you've done it again!

Why is it that after reading one of your tales I find both my blood pressure and anger levels are going through the roof! The simple answer is that you write plot and characters with just the right balance of believeability. This one was like watching a train wreck in slow motion. You bloody well know what will happen eventually but try as you might you find it impossible to turn your head away. I absolutely loathed Mairi and her manipulative ways of turning her husbands emotions inside out so she could achieve her objectives. The problem for me was that I felt this degree of loathing for her long after I finished reading. I guess the hub was a cuck but probably an unwilling one. It was the sly underminning of him by his wife who stated she knew him more than he knew himself. I was just pleased that he ended up finding sufficent cajones to piss the three co-conspiritors off for keeps. Well done.

Bebop3Bebop3about 4 years ago

Glad to see you posting again, GA. I look forward to your next story.

TajfaTajfaabout 4 years ago

OK, it was well written but really a lot of nonsense. As soon as it happened the first time he should have walked. However, having stayed he should have insisted on having the sister keep him company. I also though her pleading her love was nonsense. Agreeing to be a surrogate might have been acceptable where it was artificial insemination but their reasoning for natural insemination was just bullshit. I also didn't care for your comments on my country of Scotland. Totally unnecessary. Despite that I gave 4 stars for a well written story.

alfiemoon1alfiemoon1about 4 years ago
Great little story

Interesting little story, enjoyed it , very entertaining and a great companion to the original. Thank you for sharing your talent.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
There was a simple answer....

Brain should have been fucking Ellie the entire time from the first of his wife's fuck w Simon. He should have been able to have his way with her through the pregnancy and for another 9 months. Then Mairi would have really been tested as to how love and faith and trust work in a true relationship.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
Only vaguely related to the original

In the original story, I just figured that Mairi had children out of wedlock or was divorced. Adding a husband and all this drama seems really...contrived. You're trying to make something bigger than it was. All of this makes me less invested in the story.

kmreaderkmreaderabout 4 years ago
Too many Simons and Brians

The original story had three different Simons (deceased father, main character, and son) and an Uncle Brian (also deceased in the original, brother to the deceased father, and uncle to the main character). So when you spin the tale of the unnamed brother in law you could have chosen any name, but why Brian? Talk about complicating things for the beginning of this story. Once I finally sorted out which Simon and which Brian this tale was about I did enjoy your spinoff.

groundrod52groundrod52about 4 years ago
Sad story

Such a hateful wife, thinking she loved her husband. While it’s written well I didn’t like it. But that’s what writing is about. To get reactions from a story.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago

Why must the husband always suffer and end up alone and still suffering?!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
One could pick holes in it

But this was a great story. Got the emotions going. 5 stars.

DominantYetServile22DominantYetServile22about 4 years ago

Well written, full of emotion, and much better than the original story. I STILL gave it a 1 star rating because fuck every character in this story. Ultra-wimp husbands, mentally deranged cumslut wives, lunatic family members, just another cuck and bull story except everyone tries to convince the cuck that he's not really a cuck when in reality what they are doing to him is even worse than most other cucky stories, and even then after the divorce the goddamn wimp is too much of a gutless bitch to admit he married a piece of shit, to him it's "nobody's" fault that she decided to be a slut and "nobody's" fault that he put up with it 2 years longer than she should have.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
Why did I open this story

The women you write are utterly despicable.

MollydaKatMollydaKatabout 4 years ago
Milquetoast Fuq'n Cucks

Someone mentioned Matt Mureau , it was an apt comparison .

P.S. if someone wants to read how a real Kilt wear'n Scotsman acts in these situations , read Gifted by Fredberto . It's head and shoulders above this crap .


silentsoundsilentsoundabout 4 years ago
P.S. again.

Sorry if I missed the era this took place can in and artificial insemination wasn't available.

Still a disgusting premise.

Harryin VAHarryin VAabout 4 years ago
WHY the FUCK would anyone WANT to do a follow to a Michael Fitzgerald story? yeeeech

Every story George Anderson as written has been a masterpiece. He is one of my favorite authors and anybody who has followed my post and rantings over the years knows that I don't give out praise very easily.

But this story was vile pointless and stupid. Since this story was not only write only got to do is see the side of the story from brian who was initially drawn up as a pathetic loser and a wimp and still comes across the same way.

WHY would anybody CARE to read about the emotions or the thinking of a person like Brian? In REAL LIFE the story ended when the wife openly admitted that she set up the whole thing so that Brian would not have time to react -- set up the phone call so he would be modded and not get a word in edge wise and called at other times when she knew he could not talk openly or freely.


There never should have been a seconds worth of hesitation about Brian walking out of the marriage. In the original story or in this version. And no amount of bullshit by George Anderson is going to change that .

It is absurd laughable and deranged to think that a wife who Claims to love her husband very much could make that decision without allowing him to have even one word of say or conversation. That's not a marriage and to intentionally manipulate things so the husband was shut out is just unacceptable.

A complete waste of time .Sure its amazingly well written as every story is by George Anderson but a complete waste of time .


Harryin VAHarryin VAabout 4 years ago
To all the STUPID people out there-- the fact that story draws strong emotion does NOT mean it is a GOOD story

at 50 comments I have notice several readers say something like ...."well this difficult story to read but I am giving it a 5 because it pissed me off"

is everyone in the USA retarded?

on page 5 at the end of the story Brian ACTUALLY says -- "It was no ones' fault. It just happened"

even worse .. how how come it never that Brain could fuck Elle?

No wonder so many morons voted for trump.

Richie4110Richie4110about 4 years ago
Depressingly, delusionallly, wonderful story.

Now I must read the prequel to expand my understanding or this relationship. You have done a masterful job of expanding the efforts of another. We always want this when we’ve read a great story but it seldom rises to the expectations. You have succeeded where others have failed.

Thanks for sharing your outstanding effort. I will read this one again. I always get a little more from the second read.

Just_WordsJust_Wordsabout 4 years ago
Well written, but obscenely painful.

He never should have gone along with it in the first place, but I suppose he had his kids to think about. She truly is the most selfish character I have read in this site. I doubt she ever felt the pain of loss that she inflicted on her husband. Very well told, but not a joy to read.

terraknorterraknorabout 4 years ago

Awesome writing. Definitely spiked various emotions. If you don't like needles for IV, there's always the turkey baster method. Ellie gets Simon off to get the deposit, Brian gets Mairi off orally, then uses the turkey baster with Simon's sperm. All 4 are involved in the process. If Brian wants privacy, uses two adjoining hotel rooms (or two separate rooms in the house). I don't think Mairi would have even gone for that, so, time to be done. I would have told her not to come home from Annapolis.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
Only an idiot thinks this is a great story

Yes, an author can write as he likes, but the story needs to create a willing suspension of disbelief - at least in some measure for the story to work. In this case we have a character who was written originally as a normal man. This slop morphs him into the stereotypical, LW, low-T cuck husband. No one, but no one, who isn't already panty-waist, cum slurping cuck would put up with any of this. It would have been over the after the trip to Annapolis. Mairi didn't even have the excuse of going to get pregnant. Women know where they are in their cycles and how the pill works. Any husband would know his wife just went off to have sex. Instead, we get a technically well written sad-sack cuck who wallows in his weakness and ends up living with his dogs. Perhaps some will write an ending that actually is believable.

PowersworderPowersworderabout 4 years ago

"Would anything have changed her mind, or even made her reconsider?"

The pathetic husband never even tried to stop his wife from destroying their marriage. On the phonecall he said nothing! How hard is it to scream "NO FUCKING WAY!" into the telephone. If he'd driven over there and told her that if she had sex with a guy he hated, he'd immediately file for divorce, then he might have been able to change her mind before she got emotionally attached to Simon.

At the bare minimum, he should have insisted that Ellie be his fuck-buddy before Mairi started having sex with Simon, just so that they all had an idea what sacrifice they were asking Brian to make. After rocking Ellie's world with a no-holes-barred fuckathon, he should have reneged on the deal. Simply wait until Mairi came off the pill then screw her senseless until she was pregnant with another one of his children. That would have nipped this bullshit in the bud.

Mairi couldn't have one of Simon's bastards if she was already knocked up. What's she going to do at that point? Abort her husband's baby? Report him for rape and have the father of her children locked up? Of course not, especially in the 1960's. The concept of marital rape didn't even exist back then, in fact, it wasn't even considered a crime until the 1970's. Brian could have kept Mairi barefoot and pregnant for the next decade and the law wouldn't have said or done shit to stop him.

Brian had loads of options. When put in this kind of shitty situation, you fight dirty to protect what's yours. Instead, he took the passive whiny bitch option and let his dumbass wife ruin their marriage and family. It was hard to have any sympathy for a pitiful cuckold.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
This is a dressed up cuck story!1.

1. Why did they have to run off and have sex with Simon. Wasn't he with another woman at the time, and that didn't make sense.

2. Why are the women so delusional devoid of common sense. All the thing said never registered.

3. How can a wife of two claimed over and over how she loved her husband, but her actions spoke otherwise.

3. How can a man love his kid, but never see them.

I don't like cuckhold stories, and that is what this ended up being.

BaggyUKBaggyUKabout 4 years ago
Apparently I'm an idiot☺

Because I think it was a good story, well written and constructed and certainly worth 4*. Did I like the the type of story...absolutely not my thing at all, but it doesn't stop it being a good story. I don't particularly like Grapes of wrath but it's an excellent story, if you have to comment why not make it useful? Literotica has some great writers and some awful ones but they are trying to entertain us ...for free.

sbrooks103xsbrooks103xabout 4 years ago

@Anonymous Re: "Other woman" - That was Jessica, and after he told her the story, she called Ellie, and Mairi happened to be there when she took the call.

sbrooks103xsbrooks103xabout 4 years ago

@Powersworder, he tried. "Every time I tried to get a word in edgewise, I'd have to concentrate on avoiding some lunkhead in a semi or a kamikaze in a Beemer."

@terrknor, I agree. I think it was because Brian was right and Mairi WERE in love, how else to explain them remaining together after the son was born, giving him ANOTHER son, then allowing Jessica int the "harem?"

@silentsound, I believe it was 60's-70's. While IVF was mentioned, I'm not sure if it was available them, but I'm sure Artificial Insemination was.

onlythelonelyloveonlythelonelyloveabout 4 years ago
I guess I feel unsatisfied

Well written story but the emotions don’t make a lot of sense. I like the point about self deception but the husband’s self deception is pretty appalling. But that was part of the package I suppose.

What was unsatisfying was the fact that she never spoke with him again. Life has a way of making us face things we don’t want to do. And there are so many ways they could do so ... they share TWO biological children. You specialize in writing pathologically narcissistic women, incapable of self-reflection. And though this makes for initial high drama, it means that nuance—apart from what your male characters show dealing with the situation—flies out the window. So, this becomes another one of those irritating tales you write that leave folks gritting their teeth saying “it makes no sense!” What happened afterwards?

I just wonder if it is that you lose interest in the tale when the BIG emotion roiling is done, and all that is left is the unraveled messiness caused by the fork in the road of his divorce. Where nuance matters. If nothing else, the sister’s and obnoxious a hole’s death would set off a major sea change because the self absorbed one is now ALONE ...

I guess we will wait for the sequels written by others to clean it up...

26thNC26thNCabout 4 years ago
Agree with Just_Words

You are one of the best writers around, but I am damn sorry that I read this story. Made me more depressed than I already was. If I don’t shoot the guy in the Bed story, I may shoot myself. Give us something a little more uplifting next time.

HappyvetHappyvetabout 4 years ago

I can understand from experience how he could hate everyone except his kids. My and I think most men how their kids above everyone else He should have kept up with his kids just to make sure they were not as fucked up as the rest

BaddestmanaliveBaddestmanaliveabout 4 years ago
Good Story

The outcome was predictable. When she rejected artificial insemination the die was cast .

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago

i can see why he left his whore wife but he should have fought for the kids at least ben if not both what a position to be raised in where the so called parents committed adultery all the time how would they know who was supposed to be mom or dad what a screwed up family a slut her sister and the sisters moron husband its a wonder if the kids turned out good or just screwed up as much as the rest he was the smart one he got out but should have left the first time that was the star of making a whore wife

SystemShockSystemShockabout 4 years ago

Reads like Matt Moreau garbage, skipped ahead to the ending after page 2. I clearly didn't miss anything of merit.

While the liars, manipulators and cheaters got the fairy tale ending, the main character ends up bitter and alone, still pining for a conniving cunt with several loose screws. Punished by the narrative for the ghastly crime of standing up for himself after being repeatedly shit on by everyone around him.

If this is your idea of a "companion piece", perhaps you should stick to original works. Being a poor man's FTDS doesn't suit you.

MattblackUKMattblackUKabout 4 years ago
Damn. Heart rending,

Ad 5* of course.

llyfrllyfrabout 4 years ago

Mairi was deluded and the MC didn't put up much of a fight

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
Sad, Love was a word tossed around like a sack of potato chips in this story

Mairi should have been kicked to the curb the first time. That’s not love that’s wanting to fuck another man and eat your cake too. He was stupid for staying. Glutton for punishment and Mairi got off on dishing it out to him. Fuck her. I hope she rots in hell right along with the duck head, Simon.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
Stop writing

You.gultess spineless fag jesus I hope you die from aids

aptonthe503aptonthe503about 4 years ago
Decent but Disappointing Tale

Others have made similar critical comments.

Mostly well written. The story had moments of good tension, but really fizzled at the end.

This "terrific" father - Brian, completely gives up at the end. While he talked highly of his principles, he took far to long to demonstrate them.

I understand he loved her, but the first time she abandons her children to go fuck simon, what rational man would remain in such a relationship?

He should have divorced his wife by using infidelity and work to maintain authority over his children?! Instead he abandons them. Pathetic.

And the end just fizzled. Ellie dies, then simon? What's that all about? Not a word about the state of his cheating, lying bitch of an ex-wife?

Definitely less than full marks.

wonder203wonder203about 4 years ago
Just pure crap

No way any real man would put up with this shit.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
Every one is right.

All he ever had to do was say he wanted to fuck Ellie, and watch the rats run for cover.


AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
What's wrong with adoption?

At least the dogs were rescued from the pound.

I'm reminded of the charactature of the large fat wife and the skinny short henpecked husband...

Mairi liked to talk, but not listen. What women doesn't know/remember that they are still on the pill? That was a give away of things to come. Did anyone think of condoms? Not that I as Brian would use them, but it is an option? And running off to bed to get a blowjob? Yeah, nice, but it's not a cure all to relationship problems. Stop thinking with your dick.

Simon was an ass. Making fun of someone who was severely hurt on the job is evil, yet that was never mentioned.

Yes, Brian should have slept with Ellie. Where did Jesdica come from? No need to even bring her into it. EVERYTHING revolved around Ellie's feelings. Why?

Nice writing style and easy to follow. Though I have no idea how to pronounce the song or some of the names.

kelchakelchaabout 4 years ago
Ah No

Did not feel good about this one at all. So four stars is it.

dc6370dc6370about 4 years ago
Nice to read a GA story but...

One thing that sticks in my craw is Brian just walked away from his children. Any man who does that should be flogged to death. Oh, he has some type of relationship with them later in life, but not when he was needed.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
true too the cockold way

let wife and lover shit on me and walk away crying like a little girl.

tkh3nkey2110tkh3nkey2110about 4 years ago
From a happy Trump voter

How politics has anything to do with story comments is beyond me. Only a moron makes that leap. Mairi gave him no choice. It just took him longer than it would take most of us to realize that he is only a meal ticket. I gave this a five rating though because I like the story telling. The story itself totally depressed me. Not what I read Literotica for. This author is among my favorites and I thank him for entertaining me.

Hooked1957Hooked1957about 4 years ago
Wonderful and terrible

The writer gets to pick the direction he wants to go, which is not always the way the reader wants it to be, but it's how he gets there that determines if it is a great story.

This one had me in knots the whole way. One of the absolute best stories I've ever read on this site. Did it end the way I wanted it to, no, but it was incredibly well written.

You, sir, are a master craftsman. ***** because they won't let me give more.


dragonmann72dragonmann72about 4 years ago

George, no one can ever claim you can't write, but you said he talked to her on his cell phone and it went to voice mail as she drove to Annapolis. For there to be voice mail or texts it would have to been in the early 90's. In the original story MacTavish graduated college in 1958. he traveled the US and went to work a short while after that. He would have been married to Ellie for roughly 25+ years when cell phones came around. He would have also been over 80 when he died.

The only up side to your tale was the first kid had Brian's name in it. Because you were writing on open ground going from Brian's side you didn't have to leave him not only out in the cold but with out the love of HIS daughter. I'm sorry but I can't give you full points for the time blunders.

tennesseeredtennesseeredabout 4 years ago

Both the story and the comments! I think Harry in VA has just outed himself by writing "a complete waste of time" while foaming at the mouth. How many anonymous comments have been written just that way? Now we know. It's okay, Harry, just kidding you. Enjoy these stories in your own way, man!

The thing about these types of stories is that at least one of the characters has to have a serious personality disorder. This story featured an extreme case but I've known marriages in which one partner was an insufferable SOB, yet the marriage somehow survived. My great-aunt was married to one for 70 years! They got married because she got pregnant. Then the baby died. Still, they soldiered on together. Not many people liked the guy but he finally mellowed in his 90s. You never know what goes on inside a marriage unless you are in it.

Great job, GA. I thought the wifey character gave the same speech a time or two too many, and hubby was more passive than 99% of men would be. Still, believable enough. The story was well told. So five stars from me.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
better end it

bullets get poured for a reason. It is not always about the target, nor distance, but the penetration.


pugetmanpugetmanabout 4 years ago
Can’t remember which story, but the line “I believe this will be the end of us”

... seems appropriate.

Author’s toughest challenge was to write the response to his offer of IVF. Ellie’s response was horse excrement and completely inconsistent with her supposed empathy & compassion.

Story is nothing but selfish cheating wrapped up in some supposed ‘noble’ motivation.

But Brian is pretty pathetic for never saying No in a loud voice in front of all three of them. Letting them hide behind ‘but you never said No’ is also horse excrement.

Frankly, the story should be about how Brian left her after the first time she cheated. Wouldn’t be a very interesting story, but at least sensible.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago

I don't think he is as bad as matt, there are reasons that I avoid anything he writes, but you are right they do both write about male leads that they don't exactly want to be happy if it's not raac.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago

If I want to torture myself and read about a submissive, masochistic man who lets his wife do anything she wants with other men while telling him how much she loves him (🤮), I’ll read Goodhusband. At least he’s honest about his cuckold needs: the wives in his stories spank their husbands like children and make them wear pastel Tshirts that preteen girls would wear.

But keep trying, GeorgeAnderson. You’re well on your way to becoming one of the more successful cuck authors here.

imanononeimanononeabout 4 years ago
How to Score?

G A is one of the best LW writers still writing. My first reaction was a 4 or 5*; however, upon reflection and more thought I gave it a 3, which is unusual for me for a G A story. It might have been a 5 on another day. The story, as usual was well written and I read it through with interest but the dark ridiculous ending and behaviors of the characters left me down. I like the good guy to win or at least turn out OK. In this story all the bad guys win, wife who was narcissistic selfish woman ends up unscathed living and raising her poor husband's children with a weird family of women loving a Rasputin like male figure. Just too much for me to feel good about and hence my lower score for a good writer and story. Of course in all these stories there has to be ridiculous elements, such as the refusal of artificial insemination with Brian's sperm, not inviting/allowing Brian to participate in the threesomes so he could feel a part of it, etc. etc. One final comment, I like Matt Moreau for what it is. He rights with a certain light hearted style that is meant to be a parody or obviously far fetched plot so I can live with the cuckold aspect of his stories and they don't leave me depressed as this one did.


imanononeimanononeabout 4 years ago
2nd thoughts

After thinking about this story a little more I think GA intentionally tried to make Marie or whatever wife's name was an unsympathetic idiot. It could not have been by accident: wife is infatuated with sister's H although he insults and knocks down her husband, wife decides to have sex with sister's husband and manipulates H so he cannot stop it and has sex with him when there was no chance to get pregnant, wants to continue even when not fertile, doesn't hide and even admits to loving her sister's husband, excludes H from the extended family, and on and on. In my prior post I compared sister's H, George I believe, to Rasputin, but on further consideration, I believe the three wives he had living with him and the multiple children is more akin to Charlie Manson's cult/


andyinozandyinozabout 4 years ago
Well written...train wreck of a situation.

Hubby should have insisted on sex with the younger sister every time wife and brother-in-law did the deed, or NO DEAL. Then see how committed they all were.

swedishreader1swedishreader1about 4 years ago
What absolutely mindless drivel.

That was a really pathetic attempt at story telling.

What are you even doing here George?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago

If someone love you enough, she won't do what she did.

And you idea of ending your story as him broken man

not fair. Even in real life thing are not that bad at the end.

management91399management91399about 4 years ago

Went back and read the original, didn't like it too much, this guys bloodline is so fuckin' important he has to continue it at all costs? Here's an idea, divorce Ellie and marry someone with a working uterus! That way all the damage is contained in the one family. But what is likeable about this is Mairi knocks him over at the beginning of the story and then mocks him when he can't get up. That set the stage for whats to come because once Simon planted his flag in their home, knocking him over, playing with his kids in ways he couldn't because of his disability and eyeing up his wife that was that. The sisters would always obey Simon and the sacred importance of his bloodline. What about Brian's bloodline? So I guess Simons children now have to reproduce at all costs no matter what, be nice somehow if fate intervened and made the male offspring sterile wouldn't it? You up for another stab at this and give Simon a proper ass kicking in eternity as his bloodline comes to halt with his illegitimate children? Come on lets get Brians kids to exact a little revenge on the genes of old horndog Simon and watch his bloodline fade from the world once and for all. Please?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago

comment. waste of time.

skruff101skruff101about 4 years ago

An absolute fact of life is that no husband is going to give his wife to permission to have another mans baby.

Using altruism as the wife’s justification is a ridiculous argument.

Five pages when one would have sufficed, the husband simply says NO!!!

Still where was the fun in basing a story on reality lol

blackrandl1958blackrandl1958about 4 years ago
The comments are quite illuminating.

There is a group who understand good writing, even if you don't admire any of the characters, and give it a good score. There is a group who understand good writing, but can't get past the content, so give it a low score. Then there is the vitriolic ranter group and weird creepy assholes who spout insults and invitations to suicide.

To the latter: Damn, peasants, can't you at least be creative? Break out a fire clapback. No one really cares if you call them a cuck, anymore. Do you imagine that the thousandth time you scream "CUCK!" someone is like, "Oh, I'm so ashamed. He called me a cuck! She told me to kill myself!" *weeping.* I don't know why you even bother at this point. No one cares. You got big FB balls, tho. Congratulations.

Flar1958Flar1958about 4 years ago

Not for the plot but for a well written story. You dont have to like the outcome but you have to honor a good writing

whateverittakeswhateverittakesabout 4 years ago
Easier to ask...

...for forgiveness than permission. The hubby is a chump who let his wife push him around with that old adage. He couldn't have been with his sister in law since she was in the 3-way. He's a complete loser.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
Every story comes down to technical writing skill and plot

GA writes very well technically, but the plotting is awful - nothing about it is plausible enough to draw a reader in. It's as if GA wants to see how pathetic he can make the MC - even to the point that no one would believe anyone would behave that way.

jd3608jd3608about 4 years ago

It started out great, but it was like a car wreck that I couldn't look away from. I could tell because my heart rate was up and so was my blood pressure. With each paragraph I got more angry and kept waiting for the MC to take a stand against his wife, not just in his head, but with each chapter, I lost respect for him as he just accepted the eventuality of being alone. At first I was ready to give it a 5 and make it a favorite. I knew the first baby would be a girl and there would be a round two.

The love his life went from being selfish to being self-centered and able to justify anything. She "knew" that he'd always love her and accept anything she did without any regard for him or his feelings.

If there is justice, my one and only wish would be that Simon had only been able to sire girls.

mattenwmattenwabout 4 years ago

Please don't be angry with me, but your story is nicely told, but absolutely idiotic! Do you really think any man in this world has his wife fucked by someone else so that she can give birth to their children? You must be very crazy! This is a pure cuckold comedy! Weak, very weak and doesn't deserve 1 *!

tennesseeredtennesseeredabout 4 years ago
@skruff101 RE: Undiscovered step-siblings

Au contraire, my good man. Your certitude may be strongly felt but you are quite wrong. I work with a woman who carried twins (!) for her infertile sister and her husband. I heard via the grapevine that the insemination was carried out the old fashioned way! The children are in college, now. All is well in both families. Both couples are altruistic, church going folks.

How do you suppose infertility was dealt with by desperate couples in the long ago? Especially back when children were needed to help work the land and feed the family? And to provide for one's old age? These arrangements were more common than we think.

DNA testing is providing answers to parentage. Another woman of my acquaintance told me her husband discovered via recreational DNA testing he wasn't fully related to his brothers. Long story short, mommy had had an affair 50 years ago. My friend's hubby found his biological father living the high life in Sun City, AZ. The man had been a 'close friend of the family' when he was a boy. Mommy was initially chagrined to have had her long-ago affair brought into the open, but no one really cares at this stage of life, and all has been forgiven. Her other sons have even kidded mommy about her racy past. It's all good now.

luedonluedonabout 4 years ago
Indeed I do, Mattenw

You ask "Do you really think any man in this world has his wife fucked by someone else so that she can give birth to their children?"

Mr Red gave one excellent example of such a situation. (Also, 'Charlie's Children' by Jenny Gently is a great story of a relative providing that type of service.)

And in Upper Namibia there is a people (the Himba) where 48% of the children are sired by a man who is not the husband in the family and all the children are treated equally within that family.

So there are indeed "men in this world" who think and act quite differently from the constricted attitudes we see so often in the LW commentaries.


BaggyUKBaggyUKabout 4 years ago
Absolutely agree with Blackrandl

On both comments, but particularly the latter. I hope the moronic commentators just stop for all our sakes before lit loses any more quality writers. I don't offer much criticism as I know I'm hardly qualified to do so, just a guy that likes a story...but I've received death threats from anons on feedback!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago

That’s it

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
Painfully good

Really painful to read this story. Warm , compassionate husband whose main fault seems to be accepting his wife's behavior without trying to decide it for her. Everyone but him seem to be operating in a selfish ' I want what I want, and the world wil! Be good with it in the end '. Only Ellie seems to really try to understand Brian's feelings , if not his concerns. But ultimately , she doesn't care. While Brian never says no , he does everything but voice the words. Maybe his one fault was not leaving sooner in the story, but, like the other characters , love wants what it wants.

You had to work within the parameters of the original story , which made this particularly painful to read. No revenge, no true justice at the end , just a sadder but wiser lonely man, and his dog. A newer better relationship would not make it , but maybe a less delusional note from Maire at the end , a death note , owning up to her faults and delusions would be good. I mean this whole story is people telling other people how they feel and will react, send presumptuous and self-serving , and caused the end of one relationship that thought it was indestructible , one in a million. That she ends with I thought you were superman , but found you were a mere mortal .

Read this three times already , and hate these three cheating people more each time

Glad to see you back writing ! But hope for happier endings !

This story reminded me a lot of the story gifted, where the wife felt the need to have a loving relationship outside of her marriage, to fulfill a cultural expectation , and excluded her husband from the decision. Somehow, the ending there didn't pain me as much , even though each wife felt justified in her actions , and surprised by the divorce, and maera felt she knew they would survive a second child and be fine. She had to believe that , otherwise she cou!dnt live with herself. Well, in my telling , she comes to realize she was wrong and faces some true self realization. No death, just facing up to truth. That loving last letter was the only thing that grated me , and felt unnecessary in th his story, although it did illustrate to me just how delusional and se!f absorbed she was.

Sorry to ramble , but story left me keyed up ,!

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