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When I woke up it was almost Noon. I had a headache and my body hurt. Trey was still in the bed beside me and snoring. I went to the bathroom to pee and find my toothbrush to wash out last nights supper and all that wine and booze I drank. I found some headache pills and took three of them.

When I got back to the bed I wanted to get dressed but Trey was waking up and he had a giant erection and wanted to use it. Before I knew it I was on my hands and knees and his cock was finding my pussy. He slid in easily and I could feel him banging against my cervix. It did feel good. His cock is thick and fills me so good.

Trey dumped a big load in me and then pulled out and went to the bathroom. I could hear the shower running and so I went in. I slid the door back and got under the hot spray. Trey's hands went to my breasts and he was soaping me up and then pushed me back against the shower wall. He lifted my right leg and then he lined up the head of his cock with my pussy and pushed up. Before I had a chance to think he was deep in me and humping me for all he was worth. With my back to the shower wall I wrapped my legs around his waist and rode his cock until he shot another load deep inside my vagina.

That was twice and I'd only been awake for thirty minutes.

After the shower he took me again on the bed, on my back this time, and his third load stayed.

We went out for some food and I was both very tired from the very late night and the sex just now and also wondering if we would see someone that I know and might wonder who I was with. Until then I didn't really think of Rob or the kids.

The rest of the day evaporated into food, sex, more sex and more sex again. Sunday I woke a up about 10 and Trey was ready to fuck me again. The man has stamina, I'll say that. We fucked several times and then I went to the shower to get cleaned up. The last time he took me from behind as the hot water washed us.

We had a bagel and some coffee at his apartment and then I packed my things to go home. It was almost 2 o'clock and I needed to get moving.



I planned that the kids and I wouldn't be home when Laura returned; if she returned. I planned a hike for us after Andy's soccer practice so I packed sandwich's and treats and water. I planned to reward them after the hike with a stop a their favourite fast-food emporium. I took my good NIKON camera to get some pictures and let them try it out. I think we all had fun.

While we were walking the trail out to a look-off point, Gracie asked where Mom was. I stopped to think about that for a moment (I was trying my best to not think about it) and so answered her by saying that she was helping a friend for the weekend. Gracie asked when she would be home. I told her that I thought it would probably be today but that if Mum wan't there when we got home she could call her. That was the end of that.

I went back to trying not to think about the person who was supposed to be my wife.



When I got home it was obvious that Rob and the kids were out. I went to our bedroom and to unpack my small overnight bag and get my clothing in the wash. When I went in the bedroom it somehow looked a bit different, but it wasn't until I opened the door to the closet that I saw what was different. All my clothing had been taken out. WTF!

I went in the bathroom and all of my toiletries were gone. Shit!

I ran to the kids rooms and nothing was different and then I went to the spare room and found all of my things were in the closet and all of my toiletries were in a box on the bed. Fuck.

I sat on the bed to try to think what to do. Rob needs to realize that what I do with Trey has nothing to do with him. He is a completely separate from us and our marriage. I decided to move my things back to where they normally were. It took me a while to get the bulk of it moved and while I was just finishing up about supper time I heard the door open and the voices of the kids.

I went down to the kitchen and the kids both gave me a big hug and started to tell me about what a great hike I missed. They told me how Rob had let them use his expensive Nikon camera and take photos of the hike.

Rob told them to go get cleaned up and he would start some supper. He looked at me as if I were invisible and said nothing. He went to the kitchen, opened the refrigerator and started to take some things out for dinner. I decided to try to talk to him without the kids being there.

"I saw what you did with my things."

"Un-huh, and...."

"I put everything back."

"Great." He said it with an exasperated tone.

"It was only one weekend, Rob. One weekend out of our entire lives together."

He looked at me with an expression that I'd rarely seen. "When are you going back to him?"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean (he lowered his voice so that the kids couldn't hear) when are you going to be fucking him again?"

When I didn't answer right away, he turned away from me and said, "that's what I thought. Fuck off and leave me alone to feed the kids."

I went back to the bedroom to put my things away. While I was there Gracie came in the bedroom and asked me where I was all weekend. I was a bit surprised by her question. So I just told her that I was helping a friend. She looked at me, nodded and left.



After supper Laura got the kids ready for bed and while she did that I went to our master bedroom and started moving things again. I took armloads of Lauras clothing on hangers and dumped them on the bed in the spare bedroom. I got that box back from the hallway and tossed all her toiletries in them, again. I slid her bureau down the hall and into the bedroom. Then I went in the mater bedroom, closed the door and sat in the chair trying my best to remember what Jordan had advised me to do: don't push too hard, just yet, but let her know that her decisions and actions have consequences.

I didn't care if I had to move her shit every day, I was determined to do it and I was determined that I would never share a bed with her as long as she wanted to chose to be with another man. If I'm not good enough for her, then she can leave me the fuck alone.



When I finished getting the kids in bed I knew that Rob had been moving things again. I figured that he was moving his things but was I surprised when I saw that he'd piled my things on the bed. Shit. I tried to get in the bedroom to talk to him but he quietly said 'fuck off' to me through the door. I had to figure what to do to get back in our bed and back to our normal life.



I went to my work (I'm an engineer that designs buildings) and closed my office door to think about what I was going to do. Fuck! Why did Laura decide that she wanted a different man from me? What had I done wrong to drive her away into the arms of some other guy? Was she going to leave me and the kids? When was she going to leave us?

I had a million questions running around in my mind and no answers at all. I decided to use some of the tactics that being an engineer taught me; write shit down. Make copious notes and then put it all in order and try to figure out a solution to the problem. So, for the entire morning I wrote down my thoughts and rewrote it all at the end into what I thought might help find a solution.

I knew that at some point I would have to confront Laura and maybe even Treyvon Williams. Somehow I figured him for an opportunist. He knew that Laura was married and had two children; that I was certain of. But he did what he did anyway; no concern for the damage that he was doing to Laura's family, especially her children. I knew that when push-comes-to-shove he will toss her out with the trash and move on to another woman and victim. I hated people like him.


Several weeks later


I'm spending the weekend with Trey. I told Rob that I was. I told him that since he didn't want me I would go to a man that wanted me. Rob just looked at me like I was a giant piece of dog shit on his shoe. He wanted to get rid of me. But I wanted back in his life. I wanted to make him jealous of Trey and to fight for me, take me back, reclaim me. But he didn't.

Lately I've been with Trey for almost every-other weekend and a few nights during the week. We go out eating, drinking and dancing with his friends. Some of the girlfriends have asked me about my kids; what do I do about them when I'm with Trey. I told them that their father is taking care of them. One of them even asked me for his phone number. Seems that she is less than thrilled with her boyfriend; she said she was looking to trade up. I didn't give her Rob's phone number.

The weekends always followed a pattern. Food, partying and lots of fucking. I still love the feel of Trey's cock as it fills me. He's big and rock hard and fills my pussy to the point where I almost pass out when I orgasm. Then he rolls me onto my stomach and I get on my hands and knees and he pounds my pussy from behind.

Trey is a magician with his cock. But that's about all the game he's got. He is good looking and can charm women but at the end of the day he's not much else. How much longer we can do this, I don't know.

When I'm done with Trey I'll have to work to get back into Rob's good books. I know he's pissed at me right now but I know he loves me and I know he will want me back. I'm still his wife. I'm still the mother of our children. It will all be just fine.


Several months later


I've been doing exactly what Jordan advised me to do. Keep silent and keep records. I record every night and weekend that Laura spends with her boyfriend. I record every missed event for the kids that happens: the school activities and the kids organized recreation events. I record every single missed family event. I write it all down and about once a month I review it with Jordan. At our last meeting he told me that he was very certain that I would get custody of the kids when we go to a family law court. He had seen other clients get screwed over because they failed to show substantive cause to back up claims that the cheating spouse was not the best parent to look after the kids.

I thought it over and decided that I'd had enough. Now was as good a time as any to put a stop to the travesty that my marriage to a woman that I'd once loved enough to willingly take a bullet for. It was time for me to tell Laura that she was no longer good enough for me.

I told Jordan to go ahead and prepare the documents and have her served. I would tell her beforehand and have the documents brought to our house to save her the indignity of having someone come to the bank.

I chose a Sunday after Laura got home from being with her boyfriend. The kids were in bed and I got myself a beer from the refrigerator and actually poured a glass of wine for Laura. She looked at me like I was passing her a glass of poison.

"Laura, we need to talk."

"Rob, ah, what do you want to talk about? I mean, we don't talk much anymore..."

"Well, we need to talk now. I want to talk about us, our marriage; you remember that, don't you?"

I got a deer-in-the-headlights look from her. She took a big gulp of the wine that I passed her.

"So, you've made it very clear to me what your priorities are. I'm not a priority for you and the kids are not a priority for you. It's time we got on with the next step and put an end with what our marriage has become." I took a small drink.

Laura said nothing so I carried on. "You should stay home tomorrow morning."


"There will be a person coming to deliver some important documents for you. It's a request for Dissolution of Marriage. I don't want to be married to you any more." I took another drink. Laura said nothing.

"You've spent sufficient time with Treyvon Williams over the last year and half that you've been very clear that you don't want to be married to me and you don't want to be a mother to Andy and Gracie. I want you to move out."

"You move out?"

"Yes. That's normally how divorces work. You can go and be with Treyvon Williams all you want from now on and not be concerned with me or the kids. We can get on with not being concerned about you."


"Oh my fuck, are you brain dead? You've been fucking your boyfriend since last year and you don't know why I want to be rid of you? Figure it to fuck out!"

I had to remember to be calm and not shout (Jordan's advice) and so I took a drink and went on.

"We will split all of our assets evenly and the house will go up for sale. I will have custody of Andy and Gracie and I will ask that you pay some child support and contribute to the education account that we have for them. Beyond that you can have whatever furniture in the house that you want except the kids things."

I took another drink. "It's all spelled out in the document package that you'll get tomorrow. Take it to a lawyer and let them contact my lawyer. His business card will be in the package. I don't want to talk about anything more at this point. You've been crystal clear in the last months about what you want, well, now you can have it." I got up and walked away.

Laura was still sitting at the table. I finished my beer and went to my bedroom.



Rob dropped the kids off at school and I waited in the kitchen for the person dropping off the documents that Rob talked about last night. I called in to work to tell my boss that I needed to take a day off. Right at 9 o'clock the door bell rang. I opened the door to see a woman in a sport jacket and jeans standing there.

"Laura Brady?"


"Mrs. Brady, could I see some identification please to confirm that you are actually Laura Brady?"

"Okay." I went and got my purse and pulled out my drivers license to show her. She took and photographed it, then handed me the large brown envelope under her arm. "Laura Brady, you have been served." She stepped back a few feet, took another photo of me holding the envelope and before I could say anything she was gone back to her car on the street. Fuck.

I slowly closed the front door and went back to the kitchen. I needed a glass of water, so put the envelope on the table and went to get the water. I sat at the table staring at the envelope hoping that it would go away. This was the product of my need for Trey and the fantastic feeling he gives with his huge cock. Was that feeling worth my family and life? Fuck.



I got a call from Jordan's office about 10 AM to advise me that the divorce documents had been delivered to Laura at 9 AM. They offered to text me the photos to show proof of service if I wanted them. I thanked them but told them that it wasn't necessary. This was the first day of the rest of my life.

I called the bank that Laura worked at about 3 PM and asked for her. The reception person said that she was off for the day. I knew what time they all left for the day so I drove to the bank and waited. I wanted to talk to Treyvon Williams. I found his car and sat my ass against the hood, and my arms folded, waiting for him to appear. Sure enough about 5:15 I saw him walking to his car. Then he saw me. He stopped.

I figured that he was very hesitant to come near me, notwithstanding he had three inches in height on me and probably twenty pounds. He looked very fit and at that exact moment, very afraid.

As he got close I started. "You must be Treyvon Williams?"

"Who wants to know?"

"My name is Robert Brady. You know my wife Laura Brady very well. I suppose you should since she's been your girlfriend for a year and a half."

"What do you want?"

"I came here to tell you that you've won. She's all yours now."

"Huh...what...what the fuck are you talking about?"

"It's really simple; you wanted her, you got her. She wants you instead of me so she is free to be with you full time. That's what I'm talking about."

"Fuck off, man. I don't want a full time woman. Yes, I do like fucking her - she's very good - but I don't want another full time girlfriend."

He had piqued my curiosity with that comment. "Please explain, 'another' if you would. Laura led me to believe that you two were exclusive."

Treyvon suddenly had a 'sheepish' look about him and I realized instantly that he was fucking more women than just Laura. But now it wasn't my problem. I laughed out loud and stood up off the hood of his shiny BMW.

"Well, Treyvon, that's your problem. I hope you have space in your closet because she has lots of clothing and shoes." I laughed again and walked back to my old Subaru Outback.

My next stop was home. Now, Laura being a banker, I figured that she'd be quick off the mark to get into our bank accounts and move money to accounts that I couldn't touch. But I got inside that loop and moved half of everything we had to my own account at another bank. So, I slowly drove home.

When I got in the house I pulled in to my usual spot in front of the garage and slowly made my way inside. In the kitchen I saw the kids at the counter working on something that I guessed might be homework. "Where's Mum?"

Gracie looked at me and said, "I think she's upstairs."


I walked up the stairs and went to my bedroom to get changed. I could hear Laura blowing her nose in her bedroom. I intended to ignore her in much the same way that she'd ignored me and the kids for the last months. I got changed and went back to the kitchen and started to get some supper ready for us. A few minutes later Laura came down, said not one word and left in her car. I looked at the kids and said, "I think she's off to help that friend of hers." They both shrugged their shoulders and went back to what they were doing.



Trey wasn't answering my text messages so I drove to his apartment. He let me in but wanted to know why I was there. I told him that Rob had filed for divorce and was citing adultery as the reason and that he had named Trey as the person that I was being adulterous with. Trey just answered 'what the fuck' and turned away from me and went to his kitchen and got a beer from his refrigerator.

He looked at me and said, "so what do you want me to do?"

When I didn't answer he continued, "your husband tracked me down outside the bank today to tell me that he was kicking you out. He actually asked me how much closet space I had for your shit."


"I didn't answer him. What the fuck am I supposed to tell him. That we only fuck and that's it. "

"You've passed me off to your friends as your girlfriend; am I your girlfriend and just someone that you like to fuck?"

"What the fuck do you want from me? We've had a lot of fun but that's it. Just fun." He paused then added, "I don't want a wife or a girlfriend living with me. Sorry."

"Thanks for nothing, you fucking asshole." I got up and left.

I needed a plan. I needed a lawyer. I needed help. I needed to keep my family. Fuck!


Two weeks later


So, my lawyer, Jordan, had been contacted by Laura's lawyer and we were getting ready to get down to the nitty-gritty of things. Her lawyer, a shark in a blue skirt, had asked that we go to the family law court to sort out some of the details. First amongst those was that Laura wanted she and I to go to marriage counselling and use that as a means of sorting out what she characterized as a big misunderstanding and a mental health episode on her part that resulted in some bad decisions that led to her affair.

I'm not sure what the mental health episode was but Jordan was fairly certain that Laura was going to claim that she was suffering depression that resulted in her need to feel wanted and when she wasn't getting that from me she was highly susceptible to the overtures of Treyvon Williams, who was being held up as essentially a sexual opportunist looking to prey on vulnerable women. That and there might be a hint of sex addiction added in to spice things up and really confuse issues. Hey; it kinda worked for that famous golfer, maybe Laura could find something in there that a family law court would buy off on. Who knows.