LBFM Pt. 04


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"Now then Cookie ... or should I call you 'Jess' seeing as lover boy does. I'm going to remove your gag and if you make any noise Stepov here will use his little toy on your tits and cunt. I'm led to believe it's quite painful in both places. Then we're going to have a little party when Mr. King has recovered. I know you won't have done this in your former life as you don't do anal but we're going to make you airtight as they say in the trade. Mr. King will have the pleasure of your virgin ass as a going away present."

I could start to feel some control coming back into my body and tested out my voice with a croak and then hoarsely shouted at him.

"No I won't you stupid Russian fuckwit. I'm not going to do that and I don't plan on going anywhere."

Lavrov came back and looked down at me his sneering grin even broader.

"Ah, you are almost back in the land of the living. Good, then we can start the party. Let me explain something Mr. King. You are going to end up dead whatever happens. My Russian bosses are severely pissed off with me because of you and I intend to eliminate that source of embarrassment. The only questions that remain are how much pain you suffer before you die and whether you want Jess to suffer pain as well. Or should I say pain beyond that associated with a violent gang-bang."

He laughed cruelly at that and fear gripped me, not for my own safety but for what he might do to Jess.

"What assurances do I have that you won't hurt her?"

"My Triad friends would be a little upset if I was to permanently damage one of their important bits of merchandise don't you think? Mr. Chen has made it quite clear to me that he wants Cookie ... err ... Jess back in one piece. He'll also be most grateful if she can get use to doing anal as that would increase her value. You can look at the process as being 'value added' for her future."

His mocking sneering laugh was getting to me and I wanted to smash the rock into his face. I could feel control starting to return to my limbs but not to the extent that I could do anything really physical just yet. I decided to play for time.

"Ok, but I'm not going to join in your sick rape. For one thing I see no reason to help you out and I certainly won't be able to get an erection."

He smiled mockingly at me and leant closer so that only I could hear.

"I just gave you a Viagra pill that will certainly help with that problem and Stepov will use his little toy on her just to give you encouragement. You won't want to see your beloved suffer will you? No, you will butt fuck her as a sign of betrayal and be enthusiastic about it. Either way she gets hurt. Take your pick."

Realising I was in a no-win situation for Jess I decided to wind him up a bit further to see what his reaction would be. I also felt the start of an erection as the Viagra began to work.

I thought I'd try the mature approach.

"You really are a sick fuck. Just like your gay-boy president. A small man with a small mentality and a small dick, probably."

Fury clouded his face and I could see the fist coming but could do nothing about it apart from slightly turning my head so it landed on my cheek instead of my nose. It still hurt and I grunted in pain. Fortunately I must have harder bones than Lavrov as he winced and shook his hand to ease his own pain. He leaned closer to whisper in my ear.

"Maybe I'll get Stepov to fuck you in the ass as you do Cookie. Then we can see who the gay-boy is around here. Stepov swings both ways and is happy so long as his cock finds a nice tight hole. He's cock matches his size by the way so unless you went to a British public school stand by for a life changing experience."

I could feel coordination and control returning as I flexed my arms and legs. I had no real plan of action but knew that I had to do something or Jess would be hurt and I'd be dead.

I replied in the previous mature vein.

"How would you know the size of his cock? Perhaps you've already taken it up the arse yourself?"

His head came round to look me in the eyes and, having read a number of Jack Reacher novels where he extols the virtue of a head-butt, I arched my back and launched my forehead to connect with Lavrov's nose. It wasn't the most powerful 'Liverpool Kiss' of all times but it was enough to make his eyes water and fall backwards away from me with a grunt of pain. At the same time I pulled the rock from my pocket and with a roundhouse swing I crashed it into the side of his head. This was a better contact and he fell sideways moaning and clutching his bloodied face.

Stepov had reacted to the commotion and was starting to pull the stun-gun from his pocket as I smashed the rock against his cheek. Apart from a brief shake of his head it had no discernible effect on him.

I was fucked!

I could hear Jess screaming through her gag telling me to run. I gave her a small smile and shook my head. I wasn't leaving her. She closed her eyes expecting the inevitable.

Stepov stopped as he had noticed the interchange and grinned evilly and placed the stun-gun against her breast and pulled the trigger. Jess screamed through the gag as her body convulsed and then went limp. Stepov just laughed and turned to me and said something in Russian making a motion for me to drop the rock.

I went to drop it but lobbed it towards him as a decoy and whilst he flinched and ducked I charged at him in an attempt to rugby tackle him to ground. Despite the fact I weigh 190 pounds I almost bounced off him as he tried to get me with the stun-gun. Fortunately it had not recharged sufficiently and whilst I got a mild jolt it did not disable me and I managed to step away from him as he lumbered towards me.

I looked around for a weapon but unfortunately Jess had not yet got to the stage of putting vases and lamps out so there was nothing available. By now Stepov's movements were forcing me into a corner and I had to step over Lavrov to try to get to the door to find something to use. He had been playing possum and shot out a hand and grabbed my ankle causing me to stumble and I fell down beside him. Stepov was on me in a flash with a kick that caught me on the elbow of my right arm as I tried to ward it off. The pain from my funny-bone was horrendous and I realised he was wearing steel capped shoes which had now rendered that arm useless. Lavrov was on his feet now and was also aiming kicks at me as I tried to get back to my feet. A kick from Stepov caught me on the side of the head and I went down again. I felt absolutely helpless as the barrage of kicks rained down and I rolled in to the foetal position to try and protect myself.

The blows kept coming and I could feel several hit me in the kidneys and along the spine and tried to arch away from them to no avail. I could hear the grunts coming from the two men as they continued to pound me mercilessly. Occasionally there would be a vile chuckle from Lavrov who seemed to be happy in his work.

The realisation that I was going to die here on the floor of this villa started to intrude and I tried to look over at Jess just one last time. I could see that she was conscious again and tears were streaming down her face. Our eyes locked and I tried to mouth 'I love you' at her but couldn't manage to make my mouth work. I think my jaw was dislocated or broken.

I felt pain everywhere and I could do nothing to fight back against the incessant attack although I no longer felt pain from individual kicks until one caught me in the testicles and I heard a high pitched scream which I realised came from my own lips. I retched and started to pass out, as I did so I saw a heel descending on my head and then there was a blinding flash of light and a loud bang and I slipped into unconsciousness.

To be continued...

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago

Please don't take too long with the next chapter.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago
More, more, more,... ;-)

Cliffhanger,... PLEASE CONTINUE ;-)

clearedtofuckclearedtofuckabout 7 years ago
Where's Chapter 5??


swedishreader1swedishreader1about 7 years ago
Wrong category.

There was nothing romantic about this chapter.

bruce22bruce22about 7 years ago
Great Film

This would make a fine grade A porn film.....

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