Leanna's Fantasy

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A young wife is asked to give husband's coworker a hand job.
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Note: Most of my stories are based upon fact, liberally peppered with a few of my own experiences. However, I wrote this one especially for Leanna, at her request. Leanna's email outlined a sexual encounter she'd either experienced - or wanted to experience during roleplaying with her husband. Sexual role-play is a must when broadening one's sexual enjoyment and every couple should include it in their sexual repertoire. Cleo.


"Bob's coming over to watch the game tonight," my husband told me on Sunday morning right after breakfast. I was busy clearing our soiled cups and plates and his words caused me to freeze, suddenly glaring back at him. He knew how I felt about that obnoxious creep! Bob was rude, crass and overbearing. I always felt like was undressing me with his eyes every time I was around him.

"Darling . . ." I began, faltered and then plunged on. "He flirts all the time. I don't even like for you to be around him, let alone me! He's a bad influence!"

Stu (not his real name) laughed, looking incredulous. "Leanna, all the men flirt with you! Get past it! You're a dish and they all want you. That just makes me proud that it's me who has you."

I knew my husband liked it when men stared hungrily at me. We'd sometimes used that theme when role-playing during sex. We liked to fanaticize that some guy with a big dick had just ravaged me and sent me home to him, still swollen and sopping wet with several loads of the guy's cum leaking out of me; or sometimes, that he was a stranger that I had picked up in a bar because I'd suddenly been overcome with desire for his big cock and could not resist it. But that was just roleplaying. We'd never do it for real.


took a deep breath and said, "That's not all. At the last office party he came up behind me, wrapped his arm around me so I couldn't get away, and . . . shoved his . . . his penis against my butt. It was when they were showing the slides and most of the lights were dimmed. He just held me, and then started pinching my nipples with his other hand. I struggled, but he was too strong and I didn't want to cause a big scene. I was totally helpless. He held me against his hard . . . penis . . . stuck his . . . fucking tongue in my ear! It was gross!"

Shock flashed across Stu's face, followed by something else that I couldn't read. Excitement, maybe? "Give Bob a break, honey. He's recently divorced and probably hasn't been laid in months. He was probably drinking too much, too. We all do some stupid stuff once in a while when we drink." Stu nodded, "Yeah, he was just drunk."

I was miffed! "Well I don't suppose it would've bothered you then if I'd gone into the men's room like he'd suggested and given him a quick blow-job. Would that have upset you?"

I was surprised by my husband of eight years', answer. "Maybe. But not as much as it would if you'd actually had sex! I don't want another man screwing my wife! These days, blow-jobs are almost as common as a French kiss was a few years ago. Not that I'd want you doing that either."

I was pretty stunned. I'd thought that sex was sex. Apparently, Stu didn't. Come to think of it, neither had ex-President Clinton. Well, I had no intention of doing either.

Stu reached out and took hold of my hand. "He finds you attractive, baby. Wear that short sundress that shows off your legs. Give the poor fellow a thrill. Shit, consider it your public service for the month." He laughed, pulling me down on his lap. His hand ran up my bare thigh under my robe, to cup my shaved vagina. "That's mine! Nobody else even gets to see it!"

My heart rate picked up a bit and I pushed back a little against his hand, but he stood, dumping me back on my feet. "Got to go buy some wings and beer for tonight. Hang onto that thought, though and I'll take care of business tonight."

After Stu left for the store, I thought about that big idiot Bob coming over later. I didn't like him at all. He was big and ugly, and crude beyond belief. I felt my face redden as I remembered the evening I'd just described to Stu. Bob's cock had felt hard as a piece of wood pressing into the crack of my butt. And, it'd felt really big!

If I'd admit it, his pinching my nipples had turned me on quite a bit and I'd actually considered going into the men's room with the idiot - for only a minute. I'd felt guilty later of course, but I hadn't actually gone with him, so no harm done. That big cock was probably the only thing the dumb-ass had going for him, because it surely wasn't personality or looks! When I came out of the shower later in the morning, I saw that Stu had returned and had already laid the short summer dress he'd suggested I wear, on the bed. He'd been serious after all.

Bob showed up with a case of beer under his arm, just walked in, giving me an appraising look and whistling softly. "My god, Stu! You certainly married well above yourself! She's totally hot!"

Stu laughed right along with him like I wasn't even there. "Yeah, but it's strictly look but don't touch, my friend. She's taken."

Bob couldn't seem to keep his eyes off me all evening, and it got on my nerves. By halftime when I brought out more snacks, he was stretched out on the couch, the soft material of his jersey sweatpants showing the outline of a hard cock. I suppressed an unwanted shiver as I remembered that office party again, his cock pressed against me. It'd felt huge and very thick. Seeing the bulge against his thigh now, I knew that it was.

I'd always been happy with the size of Stu's equipment and it seemed to be exactly the right size for any place I wanted him to put it. But something like what Bob was proudly displaying on my couch, inexplicably made my blood stir - uncomfortably so. I detected dampness between my legs and felt mildly disgusted. For Pete's sake! The guy was a Neanderthal! Later, standing at the sink mixing a drink, I felt movement behind me and jerked my head around, alarmed.

"Relax, baby," he laughed. "Don't be so jumpy."

I took a deep breath as I looked into my husband's eyes. "He makes me jumpy. Just lying there, watching me all the time."

Stu nodded. "Yeah, I can see that. He's had a hard-on all night. The ass hole doesn't even try to hide it either. I think he'd jump your bones in a second! " He laughed, pulling me against him. "You know you could take pity on him, give him a blow job. It'd be like a mercy killing, keep the poor guy from having blue-balls all night after he leaves here."

"Are you serious?"

"Well, if it was me, I'd sure appreciate it. Maybe you could give him a hand job. That'd be better, and do the trick just as well. If you do I promise I won't even look. You can tell me all about it when you come to bed." He winked and went back in to watch the game. So he was interested in roleplaying as we relived a hand job for Bob, afterward. We'd never taken roleplaying this far before, but I could see the thought excited him.

For the rest of the evening, Stu's comments were never far from my mind as I heard them speaking quietly each time I left the room, but couldn't tell what was being said. Stu had told me that blue-balls were extremely painful for a man, sometimes lasting for several days. He'd said when we dated it had happened to him a couple times and each time he'd wanted to die. Bob was a creep but I still didn't like the idea of him having to suffer like that.

Maybe I was just naïve, but I did consider doing something for him, even though I found him extremely repulsive. I felt my eyes being drawn back to Bob's splayed crotch, almost gasping aloud when I saw it move a bit. I jerked my eyes up to find his ugly face grinning back at me. What a slob!

Looking quickly at Stu, I saw he was apparently unaware of the little by-play going on between us, but it was beginning to make me squirm a little, my panties sticking to me. I realized that Stu's suggestion of role-playing later had turned me on too. A hand job wasn't too bad, I guessed. Just a few strokes with the hands and then, "clean-up on isle five," I thought humorlessly.

When the game ended, the Pats winning by a field goal, Stu stood and stretched. "I leave early for the airport in the morning, so don't think me rude if I'm off to bed. You two close up the place. Good night."

I caught his eye as he left the room, saw him nod subtly. I felt my face flushing and he knew me well enough to know that the sexual tension was finally getting to me, too. I stole a glance at Bob who was lying back on the couch, all his glory showing through the soft sweatpants, just staring at me like a predator as he had all night. His licked his thick lips and they looked wet, disgusting. I shivered again but I didn't exactly know from what.

I felt my face redden as Bob smiled back like a hungry wolf. He gave me an almost imperceptible nod toward his cock, never losing eye contact with me. I tried staring at the TV for a while, but then, feeling like I was remotely controlled, I simply stood and walked to the couch, sitting down beside him. After staring at the game's wrap-up interview for a minute I felt him stirring beside me, and glanced over.

He'd pulled the waistband of his sweats down, hooking it beneath his giant balls, the little eye in the spongy crown staring right back at me. His cock jerked a couple times and for some reason I felt my mouth water. His hand came around, slowly stroking his hard-on, making it grow even harder, now even more painful. My eyes were riveted on it, unable to look away. It was if I was fascinated by a giant Cobra that would soon bite me, injecting its poison.

Thick purple veins covered his huge cock, crisscrossing in all directions, making it appear ridged and knobby. Stu's cock had never looked like that! I mean this thing was huge and angry looking! A clear drop was forming at its tip and I found myself unconsciously licking my lips.

Okay, I thought, a hand job. Stu had said a hand job would be okay. I leaned closer and reached out, wrapping my fingers halfway around his meaty cock. Bob groaned softly. "Yeah, baby. That feels really good."

My heart pounding, I scooted closer so I could both hands to work on his throbbing cock. It felt like satin sliding over a slab of marble! Bob closed his eyes and laid his head back, breathing through an open mouth, occasionally grunting. I could reach my fingers almost around Stu's cock. There would still be a couple inches sticking out of my palm to suck.

This thing was a monster! It felt like it was alive, moving under my hands as I slid my fingers up and down his ridged bone, feeling it grow sticky from pre-cum. I was almost having an out of body experience, standing to one side, watching a stranger manipulate some man's giant cock as it jerked wildly and leaked down its length.

I hadn't planned to, truly I hadn't, but I suddenly found the large spongy head inside my mouth as I slid my loose lips all over and around it, licking his stickiness away with my tongue. I could tell by the sounds Bob was making that he enjoyed everything I was doing. I sucked nearly half of it down my throat, feeling his thigh muscles tightening, trembling under my hands.

What the hell was I doing? Stu had said a "hand job!" Oblivious to anything else, I continued anyway. I could no more stop sucking that sweet cock than I could stop breathing. I realized I was slurping loudly, and making little moaning sounds deep in my throat.

I felt his fingers tangling themselves in my hair, clutching tightly, and I knew he was close - I knew he wanted to cum in my mouth. My pussy lips felt thick and swollen between my thighs, well lubricated, wanting desperately to be touched. I vaguely wondered if Stu was asleep. Was he waiting for me? That thought slipped away as a gush of pre-cum washed over my tongue. Did I really want this big ugly creep's semen in my mouth? I swallowed his cock to the pubic hair, almost humming with pleasure as I felt a strand of slobbers land on my nipples.

He came with a flood, thick and sticky, glob after glob coating my tongue, the roof of my mouth, and sliding down to pool in my stomach. I hungrily pulled him deeper, wanting it all, slobbering like a bitch in heat.

Even when he'd finished, I couldn't stop, slowing down a little and nibbling the loose skin around his balls I licked the thick vein underneath it as I gently sucked and slobbered it back to life. With a grunt, he flipped me onto my back holding my legs widely spread, my blood-thickened pussy lips opened widely for him as he pushed my knees against my tits.

His mouth went to one nipple and I grunted with the unexpectedness of it. I loved having my nipples bit and sucked, and after only a moment I was clutching hair, pulling his face closer, moaning and twisting against him. I felt the head of his saliva-coated cock against my swollen lips and had just enough time to think, "no, no, no . . ." before he plowed into me, burying half of it inside my aching cunt!

I almost came apart at the seams, bucking and thrashing, pushing up to meet his violent thrusts as I cried out loudly! In an attempt to keep me quiet, he swallowed my mouth, sucking my lips, my tongue, biting them until they ached. I answered with my own tongue, lashing his, moaning, finally sobbing into his open mouth as I approached a climax.

I had never been so excited in my life! Whether it was just because we were doing the forbidden deed with my husband sleeping only a few feet away, or the fact I'd never had a cock of this size inside me before, I don't know. But I was almost out of my mind with the pleasure he was giving me, never wanting it to end!

I climaxed well before he did, shuddering and quacking as I pushed against him, soaking his cock with my juices, wanting it all inside me. My thighs were trembling so hard he had difficulty holding me down. Then I heard him grunt and his body stiffened as he went off, a warm endless flood of semen that bounced off the walls of my pussy, his giant cock forcing his slime farther inside my open womb. My orgasm was almost constant, like firecrackers, only much harder, louder and with roman candles and other stuff going off inside my head.

It left me powerless, totally listless, like a rag doll. Finally, unable to move I just lay there with my legs fallen apart, helpless and completely open to his assault, as he pounded me with a fencepost sized dick. Inexplicably, feeling his cum flowing over my cuntal lips as he withdrew the giant crown, made me climax again just as he popped out. Holding on and climbing him, I was whimpering like a small hurt animal at the end.

I somehow mustered the strength to slide off to one side, lying beside him and listening as we both gulped air into our tortured lungs. Reaching out suddenly, he took my hand and wrapped my fingers around his wet cock, just holding it there. Limp and fat, the wet spongy softness still sent thrills shooting through my belly! I wanted it inside me again!

He let me rest for a few minutes as I stroked him, but the thing remained about half-hard for a long time. Just as I considered getting up and going to bed with my husband, he pulled me over on top of his hard belly, inserting his cock once more.

As much as he'd pounded me, I wouldn't have thought it wouldn't hurt anymore going inside, but that thing was so swollen with blood he had to literally force the head of it past my engorged pussy lips. I placed both hands on his wide chest to control my rate of descent, but the image of that huge thing forcing its way inside me burned into my seething mind, and I suddenly stretched my legs as far apart as they would go, relaxed my elbows and simply impaled myself on his hard cock.

I don't know how many times he fucked me, or for how long, but when he finally wiped his cock on my breasts the last time, I almost had to crawl back to my bedroom.

I left him standing in the living room, his limp wet cock dangling halfway to his knees. Just before I left the room I looked back one last time. As exhausted as I was, a thrill shot through my loins at the sight of it and I suddenly wanted to go back and take hold of it again. Legs weak and trembling, I held onto the walls and other objects to keep from falling, as I wobbled toward my bedroom. I was happy to see the bedroom door was closed completely.

I prayed Stu was sound asleep. I didn't need him fooling around with my tender pussy, or pounding me anymore tonight. My vagina lips had been so badly battered that they were still thick and swollen, my engorged clit protruding farther than it had ever been. Bob's seed ran freely from between the tender lips of my vagina, coating my thighs and legs. It also left a lingering bitter after-taste in my mouth, which I hate to admit I enjoyed. My racked body, sticky, sweaty and smelly, still too weak to do anything else I crawled onto the bed, pulling a pillow under my head.

Stu suddenly turned toward me, reached out and pulled me close. I could feel his raging hard-on pressing against me. "Did you do it?" he whispered urgently. "Did you jerk him off?"

His fingers found my engorged clit and I think he almost lost his hand in my sopping pussy! "What the fuck?" he screamed, turning on the bedside lamp. "He fucked you? You let him fuck you?"

He stared at my drenched pubic area for a full minute and I knew it must look wet, raw and recently used. Then he jumped up, storming around the room, pulling his hair and cursing. "It feels like he ran a fucking truck up your pussy! How many times did he dump his load in you? You were supposed to just jerk him off, for crap's sake! Not let him dick you!"

I was just too exhausted, and at some point during his tirade I simple passed out, feeling completely used -and more fucked than ever in my life.

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Shaglus_ZieglerShaglus_Ziegler7 months ago

Dirty sexy! Cheers 🥂

Bill669JBill669Jover 1 year ago

Well, well, looks like hubby needs some humiliation too bad she’s too tired. Within a month they’ll be at the novelty shop and she’ll be picking out his cock cage

Careful what you wish for Dude. Unless you really want it

26thNC26thNCalmost 3 years ago

Cuck pumps whore to an asshole.

cindylynn34cindylynn34almost 5 years ago

Extremely erotic. I loved it 5

rodryder44rodryder44about 5 years ago

I agree with Trandall that the story deserves another chapter

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