Learn Your Place Ch. 02


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"That's it, bitch. You take every fucking bit of that load. Don't you miss a drop." He moaned as Nikki registered the new order despite feeling slightly lightheaded. Though when He finally came, most of the work was done for her as His cum shot right down her throat, spurt after spurt. Nikki still took the order literally, as the moment He released her, she immediately pounced on His cock again, jerking out every last drop she could milk out of Him.

"Thank you Master." Nikki sighed, looking intently up at Him before the mixture of drool and precum on the floor from the messy blowjob caught her eye. Nikki immediately seized it with her tongue, cleaning up every last bit only to notice a booming laughter, causing her to look up at Him again.

"Looks like someone has become something of a...clean freak." He taunted with a sly smirk.

"Yes Master." Nikki quickly nodded, sitting up as He put His cock back into His pants. "Did I...do a good job?"

"Yes." He confirmed, petting her head again. "Who's a good girl?"

Nikki's eyes widened slightly, her face blushing profusely. "...I...I am, Master."

"That's right." He smiled down at her. "Are you hungry?"

"Yes Master. I'm starving." Nikki answered, only now realizing how true that statement was.

"I guess you need to take my cock back out, so I can feed you some more then."

Nikki paused, trying her best not to let her disappointment show. She should have expected as much. "Yes Master. Thank you Master."

"Just kidding." He teased, pushing her back from His crotch with two fingers against her forehead. Kneeling down, He took the handle to Nikki's leash. "Let's head to the kitchen."

There were so many things that had preoccupied Nikki's mind that hunger hadn't really made the cut. But now that it had been mentioned, she felt like she could eat anything. Knowing Him, that was probably a good quality to have. Nikki tried not to audibly sigh as she followed Him in silence wondering what He would feed her. A can of dog food kept appearing in her mind. Nikki found it was best to set her expectations on the low side from now on. That way at least the shock wouldn't hit her so hard.

"Sit." He ordered once they reached the kitchen. Nikki felt as if she was beyond the concept of being embarrassed by taking such orders by this point and did as he said, the linoleum feeling cold against her bare rear. There was even a flash of contentment when He pet her head before going to the fridge.

Once again, Nikki did her best not to get her hopes up as He pulled out all the usual ingredients. Bacon, eggs, potatoes, sausage, the whole lot. Just yesterday, so much as seeing a knife would have driven Nikki into a plotting frenzy of ways to escape or at the very least, take Him out. But now she barely even registered it in His hands as He began cooking the meat. The smell of breakfast permeated the area, making Nikki audibly moan as she deeply inhaled the delicious scent. Her mouth began to water. She knew the food probably wasn't even for her, but she couldn't stop from lustfully staring at the pan as He worked.

He whistled to a tune only He knew as He began flipping the sausage in one pan and taking the bacon out of the other only to put more in. As hungry as she was, Nikki couldn't notice how...unguarded He seemed. She just couldn't get a handle on Him. Times like these He seemed just like any other person. Just a guy making breakfast while His dog patiently waited for scraps. It was only when she remembered that the "dog" in question was a kidnapped woman who'd been tortured for most of the previous day that the mental image fell apart. Even slight movements brought nagging pains from her time spent with Alpha. It made her visibly shudder.

Nikki was immediately distracted by a whistle, and as soon as she looked up, she saw a piece of bacon being tossed her way. "Thank you, Master." Nikki quickly said as she instinctively reached out for it. She only stopped because she could almost feel His disapproving glare and allowed the bacon to hit the floor. Oh right. No using hands like that. Without any hesitation, Nikki seized the meat with just her mouth, eating the warm bacon and cleaning up the remaining grease with her tongue before looking up again.

His attention was back on the food, taking some bacon for Himself. Nikki's mouth only watered more, her eyes intensely looking at the pans as if trying to get more through sheer force of will. Eventually she was tossed a little more, this time hungrily catching it in her mouth. Nikki moaned loudly as she savored the bacon. She ate it a lot slower this time since she didn't know how long it would take her to get another piece. Other pieces did come, bit by bit as Nikki caught most of them but had to get a fair share from the floor. When it was time for the eggs, even when she caught it, some of it still fell to the floor, so she only even attempted to because the ridiculousness of the situation seemed to entertain Him and entertaining Him kept her useful.

Little by little Nikki was fed her breakfast, having to choose whether to work for it or to just let it fall to the floor and eat it there. By the time she started to get full, she genuinely didn't care one way or the other. Sure, there was still this nagging voice in the back of her mind that thought it would have been infinitely easier not to mention faster to just put the food on a damn plate and have her eat it like a normal person but as He said earlier, she clearly needed to change the way she thought. If it entertained him and wasn't painful or emotionally traumatic then whatever, it didn't matter. "Thank you Master." Nikki said with a sigh.

"You have the look of someone who's truly realizing how much easier I am to get along with if you just do what I say." He said with a grin, finishing off his food, which he actually ate with a fork.

"Yes Master." Nikki replied, nodding.

"Want to have some fun?" He asked, raising an eyebrow that made it clear that whatever they'd be doing He would be the only one having fun.

Regardless, there was only one answer to the question because she was sure if she said no she'd regret it. "Yes Master. Whatever you want."

He grinned back, reaching down to reclaim her leash. "Good. Let's play a game." Leading her down the hallway again, this time Nikki was lead to what looked like a living room but with a large, open space in the middle. After sitting down on a very comfortable looking recliner, He motioned for Nikki to sit down on the floor next to Him, which she did, unconsciously letting out a contented sigh when He pet her head.

Reaching to His left, He pulled what looked like a baton from the wooden coffee table next to him. Nikki immediately winced. She just had this feeling that the baton was going to end up inside of her in a very uncomfortable place. But to her surprise, He threw the baton across the room and looked back at her with a mischievous grin and said, "Fetch."

Nikki sighed. On one side that was better than she expected. This whole extremely low expectations thing was working out for her. But on the other side, she was going to have get that baton and be happy about it because that's what a dog would do. "Yes Master." She feigned excitement and ran for it as much as being on all fours allowed and picked it up with her teeth before bringing it back to Him and dropping it in His lap.

"Good girl." He said with a grin. "Fetch." He ordered again, throwing it across the room once more. Nikki followed suit and went after it again, and so the game continued.

Nikki felt like she was being tested somehow. She no longer had her watch or a phone or any way of telling the time, but it felt like she'd been bringing that damn stick back for a solid forty minutes at least. Surely this had to be boring Him, no matter how much she tried to be excited and pant like the dog she was. The only other benefit that she could think of was that her boobs jiggled with each run she did and they were on full display each time she sat down waiting for the baton to be thrown again. But that couldn't have been it. Surely there were easier ways to make her jiggle for Him. But like with most things involving Him, it was best not to question it and just do what He wanted.

Eventually Nikki's panting wasn't just to appear more doglike. Going back and forth for the baton was taking a toll and even that short distance was starting to tire her out. But she kept going, dropping the baton in His lap again. But this time when He threw it, He didn't actually throw it. He just pretended to. Nikki knew enough about dogs to know she was supposed to go for it anyway, so she did, running across the room and looking for a baton she knew wasn't there.

Nikki sensed Him behind her before she saw the looming shadow. When she looked back, He was smirking and appeared to be unscrewing the baton. Seeing this made her cock her head to the side out of curiosity. She'd had that thing in her mouth more times than she could be bothered to count and hadn't even noticed it was a container for something. But when she started to turn around to get a better look, she received a hard spank for her efforts.

"Stay right where you are. Eyes forward." He ordered.

This filled Nikki with a feeling of dread. What could be in that baton that involved her on all fours facing away from him like that? Her mental question was answered when she felt two of His fingers, slick with something forcing their way into her asshole. "Master!" She protested, almost looking back as her entire body tensed.

"What? You don't want the lube? Because...I think you really do."

Nikki's eyes widened even further as she put two and two together and got an idea of what was about to happen. "...y-yes Master. I want the lube... Thank you, Master." Her breathing quickened, and her heart began pounding in her chest as He probed her asshole with his fingers, coating it with the lubricant that was housed inside the baton she'd been fetching for the past half hour or so.

"It's like you're trying to squeeze my fingers off." He stated, with an almost playful taunt to His voice. "As I'm sure you're aware, my dick is significantly larger than my fingers. What I'm about to do to you will be extremely painful if you stay this tight." His words were almost kind. Like He was warning her. But it was all in the tone. He didn't really care. In fact, in describing it the way He was, it was making her more nervous.

"S-s-sorry Master. I-I've never-...fuck!" Nikki winced as His fingers went deeper.

"I know. You already told me." He said with a grin. Nikki could feel Him leaning forward until His lips were right by her ear. "Unfortunately for you however, that does not by any means indicate that I'll take it easy on you."

Nikki shuddered at His words, panting harder as she tried not to panic. She tried to focus on relaxing. What was going to happen was going to happen. She had no control over it. All she could do was to make it easier on herself. Nikki gasped as the lube covered fingers pulled out of her but found herself tensing again when He grabbed her hips. She chanted in her head over and over to relax as she felt the head of His cock pressing against her virgin asshole.

She fully expected Him to just start pounding her but to her surprise despite His earlier statement, He eased into the tight entrance bit by bit. Nikki had to remind herself to breathe as He stretched out her asshole with His thick cock. It was no exaggeration when He said there would be a large difference from His fingers. Nikki's eyes rolled in the back of her head as she let out a guttural moan the more He filled her.

It seemed like it just wouldn't end until Nikki finally felt His hips touching her ass. She grit her teeth as she felt Him throbbing deep inside of her. Nikki's eyes widened when she felt Him using His other hand to get a grip on her leash, it immediately tightening around her neck. She could tell by the possessive way He gripped both the leash and her hip that the borderline gentle behavior she'd been getting was about to go out the window and she braced for it.

"Fuck..." He moaned as He felt Nikki's tension in the form of her squeezing His dick. It was then that He flipped the switch and proceeded to go to town on her. Nikki cried out and clawed at the floor as He thrust hard into her over and over, His hips unrelentingly forcing His manhood into her tight asshole. His grip on her remained firm. Her body was jolted with every thrust of His hips, driving her further and further down.

Soon Nikki was practically laying on the floor with nothing to do against it but to take the genital onslaught. She panted, groaned, and grunted as she was thoroughly dicked again and again. Her mind started going fuzzy again, but every time it began to drift away entirely, He always seemed to know and choked her with the leash to bring her back to the here and now. He clearly wanted her mind right where it was with Him. It wasn't the first time Nikki literally thought she would lose her mind with Him, but it did come with the benefit of her body relaxing as she fully surrendered to Him and what He wanted to do to her. It became more of an intense situation than a painful one.

"You're still with me, right?" He growled in her ear, His thrusts slowing down but somehow keeping their vicious nature.

"Y...yes...Ma...ster..." Nikki grunted out.

"Because going to that 'happy place' in your head means that you aren't happy with me. And I take that as an insult. And you wouldn't insult me, would you?" As He spoke, His teeth snapped at her ear, making her jump slightly.

"No Master...I'm here." She insisted. Nikki would have proved this by moving with Him, but she couldn't move but so much with the way he was fucking her. "I'm right here..."

"Good girl..." He stated lustfully pulling Nikki's earlobe with His teeth before focusing on the issue at hand once more, driving His dick as deep in her asshole as it could possibly go in with each powerful thrust.

The only noises Nikki made after that were further groans and gasps until she could tell from His pace that He was getting close. Maybe that had happened earlier, and she hadn't noticed because she was so out of it. But even now, her brain just wouldn't work the way she was accustomed to. It kept trying to drift to autopilot against His wishes. "Where...do you...want to...cum, Master?"

"In your mouth." He said with a grin.

Nikki's mind protested the idea vehemently for a variety of reasons, sanitary concerns among them. But the disconnect between her body and mind reasserted herself and she was already sucking His dick with no idea of when she even turned around. It was like when a DVD skips a scene. She was just there. Since she was already doing it, she put her all into it, trying to ignore the fact that what was in her mouth was just in her ass. Nikki merely bobbed her head, taking every inch of His cock down her throat until a grunt and her mouth filling with His cum brought the scene to an end.

As usual, Nikki swallowed all of it, murmuring a thank you as she tended to cleaning Him with her mouth, milking the remaining cum out of Him before turning her attention to the floor. Her asshole was throbbing, and her body was trembling as Nikki sat up, looking at Him exhaustedly.

He narrowed His eyes as He put away His cock and zipped up. "That was good, I suppose. When you were listening to me, anyway." He stated sternly.

Nikki couldn't help it after that. It was like a dam shattered and she began to cry as uncontrollably as she did this morning. "I...tried...I... did... My...brain wouldn't...work right..." She slunk to the floor in sobs. "Please...please...don't make me...me stay outside again...I'm sorry... My...b-brain...won't...it...it..." She lost track of what she was trying to say after that. She'd lost her mind. She just knew it. She'd literally been fucked silly. She looked up at Him pitifully hoping for mercy that He seemed thoroughly incapable of and praying that he could understand what she'd been trying to say even though the words wouldn't come together in the right order.

He looked down at her and let out an audible sigh. It scared her even more. It was like she was a lost cause and He'd just realized it. Her fuzzy brain just played the various threats He'd given her if she ever bored Him. "Go to the bathroom. Clean yourself up. I'll get something to drink." He said clearly, letting go of her leash.

Nikki looked up, confused. Did He realize just how hard He'd been pushing her? Was this a trap? Not that the answer to any of those questions mattered. He gave her an order, so she had to do it regardless of her confusion. "Yes Master." She sobbed, crawling back to the hallway, trying to remember her way to where the bathroom was. It wasn't that hard to find thankfully. She still couldn't focus the way she knew she should have been.

With a pained groan, Nikki pulled herself on two legs again. Just like last time, she looked at herself in the mirror and barely recognized herself. It was the look in her puffy eyes that terrified her more than anything else. She took a few deep breaths. It was going to be okay. She was in a room alone now. She could be human again if only for a little while. But the moment that thought crossed her mind, Nikki's eyes bulged, and she reached an epiphany that momentarily cleared her scattered mind.

He was in the whistling that tune that Nikki couldn't recognize while looking in the fridge when He acknowledged her in the doorway. His eyebrow raised in curiosity. "This had better be good for you to disobey me like that."

"I...hope so...Master..." Nikki blushed profusely as she spoke which only seemed to intrigue Him further. "I...was thinking..."

"Dangerous sentence..." He interrupted, a dark growl in His voice.

"I know...but...I was...just...if a dog needs to be really cleaned...they can try to do it themselves...but...usually their...Master...bathes them... If I'm...stepping out of line...I'll go and do it myself... You won't have to repeat yourself..."

There was a long pause as He looked at her. He then glanced at the handle of her leash and held out His hand. Nikki carefully grabbed the handle of the leash with her mouth and walked up to Him before dropping it in His hand. "Come along." He said, gently petting her head before heading back to the bathroom.

She knew that it was the right decision! That's what He'd been telling her that morning. As long as she took the opportunities to be human when they were given to her then it would always be that much harder when she had to go back to being a dog. She needed to just accept that she was what He had made her into and be that whether He was there or not. There was an odd...peacefulness in that surrender.

"Stand." He ordered, snapping His fingers to get her attention.

Nikki stood up again, but even this felt different. As if she was doing a trick because she was ordered to as opposed to it being her natural state. Following His indications, she stepped into the shower once He'd tested the water and released her from the leash. She looked over Him as He stepped in with her. It was an odd sensation. He'd fucked her so many times by this point and yet she realized that this was the first time she'd seen Him naked. Every time they'd had sex, He'd always been more or less clothed.

It definitely wasn't from shame of His body. There was nothing to be ashamed of. He was more toned and muscular than His clothing tended to let on. Despite her exhaustion and the fact that her asshole was still very unhappy with her, her body still reacted to a well-built nude man in the shower with her. When she reached His face, Nikki saw that He seemed to be quite amused by her gawking if His smirk was anything to go by. He ended the show by swirling His finger to indicate her to turn around, which she did, stepping into the falling water.