Let's Play a Game!


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"Would you like to tell that close female friend your problem?"

At that point we looked at each other; Claire's eyes were filled with mirth. The distance between us started to close.

"I had promised to myself that I wouldn't be doing this again," she said in a low voice.

Claire then rapidly closed the gap between us and gave me a fierce first kiss on the lips.

"I'll take that as a yes."

"Of course you will you dummy. Now kiss me again before I change my mind."

Our lips locked once more and I felt Claire's tongue softly probing my own. Her hands were gently caressing my neck whilst mine held her lower back. We kissed passionately for hours as if there was no tomorrow. I was completely lost in the moment; it wasn't my first kiss but it was my first with someone for whom I had this strong a feeling for.

Being inexperienced as I was, I took my lead from Claire who seemed much more at ease and in control. When her tongue invaded my mouth, I took her cue and sent mine to dance along with hers. Our hands started to roam over our lightly clothed bodies. Mine started to descend south of her neckline towards her pert breasts. I tentatively let them rest on the side of her cups waiting for some sort of silent acquiescence. Claire's renewed passion was just the answer I needed. I rubbed and gently squeezed her breasts through her bra and t-shirt getting soft sighs as a response to my efforts.

Things really started to get steamy between us when my right hand descended slowly towards her crotch. Once there I could feel the heat emanating from her clothes-covered vagina. Claire had no trouble to zero in her attention at my painfully obvious bulge.

We stayed like that, lightly petting and kissing all through the night right until the first light of dawn. Hand in hand, I walked her to her tent where we shared a last passionate kiss. I headed to my tent as happy as a person could be. This, my dear reader, is the nature of humans; all these pages of suffering and anxiety and only a few lines about the most heart warming episode of my life. But, I digress...There are more chapters to be told and other pages to be turned.

The next day things were a bit awkward; Claire was with her friends and I didn't want to make a wrong move by being affectionate in public. Claire broke the deadlock by briefly stopping by my sun bed and giving me a quick peck on the mouth. This was just what I needed to reassure me and to dispel the worry clouds from my mind.

However, always being over-analytical and I dare say a touch paranoid as the day progressed I got the feeling that she was avoiding me. By nightfall I was most definitely mortified. All my attempts at conversation had fallen through and I was almost ready to scratch yet another failure on my bed post. In my despair I went with a friend at a kebab shop and simply stuffed myself with all manners of spicy comfort food. Now that I think of it, this was probably comfort food for the devil's minions but at the moment it felt appropriate.

To wash everything down, I consumed a goodly amount of lager beer and the whole episode probably made my breath stink to the high heavens.

When I returned to the camp site, I was greeted by a smiling Claire.

"So...are you ready for another night at the beach?"


She came towards me for a kiss.

"Jason! What's that smell? Have you been eating garlic?"

"I...errr....well....errr...after today, I thought I wasn't going to be seeing you again. I thought you had changed your mind and had second thoughts."

"What made you think that?"

"I...well you kind of avoided me all day...the kiss in the morning was very sweet but after that I felt like you were keeping me at bay."

"Oh Jason...Oh dear...I'm really sorry you felt that way, that wasn't my intention. Listen, my friends do know that something is going on between us. I mean, consider: we went missing all night yesterday and I did kiss you this morning. I just didn't feel like being more public about us at this stage. I'd like to explore my feelings for you further if that's ok with you."

With that I gave her a hug and a light kiss on the cheek feeling mightily relieved.

"I guess that means I have to brush my teeth now doesn't it?"

We both shared a laugh and that immediately lightened the mood. After dressing appropriately for the night and grabbing a sleeping bag we headed for the beach once more. The night sky was ablaze with stars and the atmosphere was so clear that you could even spot the Milky Way.

Claire looked lovingly into my eyes. This time it was I who made the first move towards her. Claire closed her eyes and melted into my embrace as our tongues playfully danced. We kissed like that unhurriedly, breathing through our noses, savoring the uniqueness of the moment. Finally, Claire gently broke our kiss for some air. Our shallow breathing was an unmistakable sign of our passion.

Claire unzipped her wind breaker to reveal nothing but her bra underneath. She then unclasped it letting her two perfectly shaped cones to stand upright, defying all notions of gravity. Her nipples were large and the cool sea breeze made them stand to attention. My eyes locked on them and my mouth fell slightly open at the sight; this was the first set of breasts that I had ever seen and I wanted to emblaze the moment in my mind.

"Well...they might be a bit small but they'll have to do, I guess," said Claire in a hushed voice.

"They...they are just perfect..."

"You can touch them if you wish..."

Gingerly, I cupped her breasts with my palms. They felt exquisitely soft to the touch and Claire let a soft sigh as my hands begun to cautiously explore them. Her breasts were indeed small, her bra size was 32B as I would later learn, but they were perfectly shaped and stood firm. The most amazing features on them were their large areolas and nipples which were erect and proudly protruding towards me.

"You can kiss them if you like..."

Cautiously I brought a nipple to my mouth and gently licked around it. Claire put a hand on my head lightly tugging my hair. She was visibly squirming and shivering now and the sea breeze probably had nothing to do with it. After thoroughly running my tongue around her nipple, I proceeded to lightly suck on it.

"Oh yes...oh, that's wonderful..."

I could have stayed like that all night long but Claire gently tugged at my hair.

"This one is getting a bit over-sensitive. Why don't you try the other one now?"

I let her nipple out of my mouth with a popping sound; I could see it hard and glistening with my saliva. As I shifted about to reach her other breast I became painfully aware of my raging erection. My dick must have been hard for several hours now and it had leaked copious amounts of fluid which had stained through my underwear and on to my shorts. Some relief would have obviously been very nice but I only wanted to go as far as Claire would let me.

As I begun my ministrations on her breast, my free hand wondered down to her crotch. Once again, I could feel the heat emanating from the area, only this time my hand felt slightly damp to the touch. She must really like this, I thought as I continued to suckle her supple breast. Claire's breathing was coming in shorter intervals now and her hand holding my head was applying stronger pressure.

After a while, Claire tugged gently at my head and my mouth once more departed from the heavenly nectar it had been feasting upon. Claire looked lovingly into my eyes.

"Jason, you're doing really great, better than you can imagine, but I wouldn't want to go any further tonight."

"Sure thing, I'm totally OK with that. Just being with you is a privilege in its own right."

"You're a dear for saying that."

"I want to see you again after tonight. Will I?"

Claire looked at me with that heart melting smile of hers.

"Of course you will! You're my boyfriend now and I definitely want to see more of you. I'll tell you what: on Monday I unfortunately have something scheduled which was arranged way back and I can't postpone it. But on Tuesday I'm all yours."

The bright smile that lit up on my face spoke volumes about my happiness.

Tuesday came at a snail's pace but I didn't care anymore; I was in a constant the-cat-ate-the-canary mood. This was not about carnal lust, although that thought was always in my mind. This was about having strong feelings about a person and that person returning those feelings. Oh yes, love was in the air that was for sure; this was an entirely new experience for me and I was going to embrace it with two feet in.

On Tuesday night I went to pick Claire up from her place. She was truly beautiful; she wore a knot-tie shirt which revealed most of her toned stomach and a form hugging pair of Capri jeans. I had to literally force my jaw to close; drooling on her on our second date would simply not do.

"So, where are we headed tonight?"

"I would like you to choose. Where would you like to go?"

"I know of a quiet bar right by the sea. Would you like to go there?"

"Sure, anywhere you want."

Claire smiled and gave me a not-so-chaste kiss on the cheek. Actually it was closer to my ear and that sent my blood boiling in no time. The drive to the bar helped to cool things somewhat. There we sat opposite each other and we opened ourselves up.

I told her of my upbringing, of our comings and goings as a family and of my natural shyness. She told me more about herself, about her school, her friends and her passion for swimming. Claire was a very lively person, always meeting new people, always trying new things, always taking on new challenges. She was very bright too having just finished her degree with top honors, first of her class.

As the discussion slowly wound down I picked up the bill and paid for both our drinks. Heading towards the car, hand in hand, Claire forcefully pulled at my hand and turning me towards me plastered my mouth with a hungry kiss.

"So...where shall you take me now?"

"I...I know of a place near my house where it is dark and quiet...good view too."

"I'm not interested in the view Jason!"

"Ok...Ok...let me get the keys and let's go..."

Claire was certainly more assertive when it came to matters of intimate contact and I was fine with that, what with being totally inexperienced and not wanting to step over her limits. In any case, I was totally willing to follow her lead and respect her boundaries because that is what I felt was the right thing to do for someone you care about.

After a quiet drive we arrived at a spot I knew which was dark and secluded. There was a modest view of the sea and the city beneath us but that was the last thing on our mind at that moment. We started kissing and Claire begun to untie the knots of her shirt. She delightfully surprised me by not wearing a bra underneath, her breasts stood so firm that she really didn't need one. I cupped both of her breasts in hands gently squeezing them together.

Claire tilted her head back and closed her eyes. I begun rubbing and tugging at her nipples which immediately hardened in response to my efforts. Kisses followed, small butterfly kisses circling around her breasts but avoiding her swollen nipples and areolas. My kisses shifted to her neck and ears whilst my hands separated; one stayed up toying with her breasts while the other begun its descent towards her bellybutton.

As my hand went lower and lower Claire sucked in her breath as if to create space between her jeans and her stomach to allow me access. My fingers now rested on the edges of her denim; Claire opened her eyes:

"Are your hands clean?"

"No...but I have hand wipes in the glove compartment..."

"That...that will do..."

With trembling hands I sandwiched the cleaning tissue between my palms while Claire proceeded to unbutton her pants. Her panties were silvery in color and felt like velvet to the touch. I looked her in the eyes once more silently seeking her permission. She nodded and I let my fingers crawl beneath her waistband. There they met the first wisps of her pubic hair and a heavenly aroma filled my nostrils.

I felt my heart beating out of control and my ears ringing in anticipation. My fingers descended tantalizingly, brushing aside her curly hairs as they went. I knew where I wanted them to go and it was not very far away. After what seemed like eons but was probably a few seconds, my middle finger made contact with the hood of her clitoris and easily slid bellow; Claire's lips were puffy and very slick with her juices. My index finger took the opposite path of the fork and together with my middle finger made a pincer.

Sliding my fingers like that felt sublime; Claire had her eyes closed and her breathing was most definitely shot. It was the most erotic thing I had ever done and I intended to make the most of it. Now my considerable theoretical knowledge of the female anatomy came to my advantage; I knew where Claire's clitoris was and that it was the most sensitive point of her sex. I also knew that I had to be gentle because she might not enjoy direct stimulation. So I proceeded to slowly glide my fingers up and down the well lubricated folds between her inner and outer lips.

Occasionally, I would get bolder and let the tip of a finger twirl over the erect little nub sticking out of its hood. That would send Claire gasping for breath or tugging harder on my hair. Eventually, I used my thumb and my middle finger to split her lips open while my index finger made slow circular movements around her clitoris.

The atmosphere inside the car was absolutely electrifying; I could smell and feel Claire's arousal everywhere. My hands were in heavenly places previously unimagined. My lips were happily exploring the intricacies of Claire's upper body leaving a wet trail wherever they went. As for myself, I knew that I had leaked so much pre-cum that both my underwear and my jeans featured a telltale stain. And then Claire's hand gently landed on top of my own gradually bringing my ministration to a halt.

"Please...please stop...it's too sensitive now..."

"Did...did you finish?"

"I think so..."

"How did it feel?"

"Oh Jason, couldn't you tell? It was fantastic. You, sir, seem to have highly talented fingers and you certainly seem to know your way around!"

"Well...as I've said before...to do great things you need to have inspiration and you're the source for that."

"Flattery will get you everything Jason...that and those fingers of yours...Soooooo....what can I do for you then? I bet that poor fellow of yours is yearning for some attention for some time now..."

"You can do whatever you like but you don't have to if you don't feel like it."

"Oh, believe me I definitely want to feel it."

Claire proceeded to unbuckle and unbutton my jeans revealing my sodden briefs. With a swift move she pulled down the elastic band and my cock sprang free, finally able to leave its constricting habitat. My cock felt absolutely on fire I had never before seen or felt it swell like it did. Claire proceeded to rub the head with her fingers using my pre-cum as a lubricant.

The pace of her handling was agonizing slow and I felt as if I was going to faint from all the attention. Rivulets of sweat were beginning to bead my forehead as my whole body begun to tense in anticipation of a much needed massive release. When my orgasm came it struck me with previously unexperienced force; I shot four massive loads followed by at least seven pulses of diminishing intensity.

Claire's hand was covered with my sticky goo and my shirt would have to visit the washing machine real quick. But I didn't care; this was the most awesome orgasm I had ever experienced, administered to me by the most beautiful girl in the world. I would gladly ruin all my clothes to have one again.


"Uhhhh...you got to give me a few minutes to catch my breath here....This was phenomenally powerful...You get an eleven out of ten for your efforts..."

Claire happily smiled at that and gave me a kiss on the cheek. After helping me clean off as best as she could she turned towards me with a more somber look.

"I'm really glad you liked it. Listen...there is something I've got to tell you which really can't wait. I know that I'm ruining the moment but I have to tell you now...I shall be leaving in two days time for summer vacations to visit my best friend. I shall be going to the island of Rhodes where she works as a life-guard. Now, I want you to know this: I'm not running away, I'm not avoiding you and I like you very much. I definitely want to see you again, so I hope you won't worry about this. We had planned this many months in advance so I wouldn't want to cancel on her now."

"Uhhh...Okay...Could I come with you as well? I would stay at a different room...I wouldn't bother you..."

"Oh Jason...you're so sweet...It would be awkward...I'd be forced to split my time between you and Sheila and that's not fair for either of you. And besides, I would never want you to sleep at another room; I'd want you to sleep right beside me!"

I managed a sad smile at her. Claire nuzzled close to me. I held her head close and absentmindedly caressed her hair. Suddenly she stood upright, a bright smile on her face.

"I have an idea! I'll strike you a deal. I can't walk away on the trip I've told you about but I'll promise you two things: first, I'd like you to call me everyday while I'm away because I'll want to hear your voice. Second...After I come back we can go on a vacation all on our own and you can plan whatever you like. How does that sound? Deal?"

Her smile was infectious.

"I'll...seal....this...deal... with...many...many...kisses"

By the time she finished I was hard once more and ready to agree to anything.

We agreed to see each other again the next day and on Thursday I would drive her to the port for her to catch the ferry to Rhodes. On Wednesday we skipped the preliminaries and went straight to the spot we had gone the day before. Claire was steaming hot; she got my blood boiling in no time and her kissing could melt iron. Somehow she knew how to push all the proper buttons in order to make me a quivering mass of anticipation.

This time Claire took her figure hugging skirt all the way off. My eyes first focused on her toned stomach and then trailed down towards her genitals. Her pubic hair was lush and trimmed to the borders of her bikini line. Her outer lips were puffy and a thin sheen of her fluids could be seen coating her slit.

"Do you like what you see?" Said Claire with a coy smile.

"It's beautiful...breath-taking...It's just the way I fantasized about it..."

"Are your hands clean?"

Having read up on that particular issue I understood why Claire was being so insistent on that. A yeast infection or worse, a urinary tract infection could be as much of a party killer as anything I could think of. I quickly fished out of the glove compartment a packet of Dettol hand wipes and proceeded to make my hands squeaky clean.

"...you...you can insert a finger this time...if you like..."

"Are you sure? I'll only do whatever you like."

"I'm sure. Just be gentle and insert only one."

Following last night's routine I spread her inner lips using my thumb and index finger. Claire was fully lubricated and I could trace my fingers on her folds with ease. Every time I brushed a finger tip on her exposed clitoris her body would shiver and tense. Using my free hand I slowly moved my index finger towards the lower part of her slit were her entrance was bound to be.

Gingerly, I applied some pressure and my finger slowly entered her moist canal up to the first digit. A realization flashed through my mind; she was incredibly tight! The walls of her vagina where applying considerable pressure on my finger, how on earth was I going to insert my dick in there if it ever came to that. Slowly, I retrieved my finger and reinserted it. This time it slid a bit further but the feeling of tightness remained.