Lexxy Baby Pt. 01


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WYD tonite?

Monique couldn't help but smile. If Toni was asking about her plans, it was because she had some sort of night of debauchery in mind. Taking the bait, Monique responded.

Nothing. Y?

It took a few moments before her phone dinged again with another text. This time, it read: We going out.

Monique: Where?

Antonia: 2 a club. We haven't hung out in a while and I need to shake my ass. (To top it off, she sent a funny GIF with a gay guy twerking)

Monique: LMAO!!!

Despite yearning to hang out with her girl, Monique wasn't sure she was up for going out. Especially not to a club. There would probably be a bunch of thirsty guys there trying to press up on her. Since her breakup with he-who-will-not-be-named, she'd been on a man hiatus.

Monique: I'm gonna have 2 pass.

Monique was expecting a rebuttal text. What she was not expecting was for her phone to suddenly ring. And guess whose name was on her screen.

After a serious debate of whether or not to answer, Monique sighed and pressed the green soft button. Before she could even greet her, Antonia went in on her.

"Girl, uh-uh! Why can't you come out and play? You already said you don't have anything planned!"

"I'm just not feeling it tonight. I'm tired, and..."

"Bullshit!" Toni cut her off with. "You haven't felt like going out since you broke up with that no-good bum!"

Feeling an inexplicable need to defend herself (and by proxy, Trey) she chimed in with, "Ummm...that bum was my fiancé."

"Right. WAS your fiancé. As in, not anymore! How long have you been single now? A year?"

"It's only been eight months, two weeks, three days..."

"Whatever!" Toni said, cutting her off. "This is an intervention. I'm sorry to break it to you Mo, but it's time. It's time for you to get out of that damn apartment with that damn dog."

With a chuckle, Monique said, "Don't be coming for Mr. Pugsly! He's more loyal than any man!"

On the other end of the phone, Monique could hear Toni let out an exasperated breath. "Do you hear yourself? Fuck that dog! You've been cooped up long enough now. It's time to get you out of the house and into a sexy dress."

She paused for effect before adding, "Mo, it's time to go dick-hunting."

Monique shouldn't have been shocked by her friend's course language. After all, they'd been girls since high school. Still, hearing Toni say "dick-hunting" made her gasp.


"Oh, shut up!"

Looking up at the clock in the breakroom, she saw that she had another client appointment in about 5 minutes. Putting the uneaten portion of her lunch back into the refrigerator, she said, "Hey Ton, I have to get back to work. I'll call you later."

"We're going out!" Toni yelled out in a last-ditch effort.


"Mo! We are..."

That's all she heard because she was hanging up the phone. There was a good probability that Toni would be texting her for the rest of the day, so she put it on silent and tucked it into her sports bra. Then she headed out to meet her new client.


Why did I let her talk me into coming out? Why, oh why, didn't I stay my black ass at home tonight?

Monique let out a sigh as she sat at the table nursing her drink. By now, the ice had melted, so her long island was a watered-down mess.

She watched her best friend out on the dance floor. A mixture of envy and amazement filled her. Toni wasn't small, petite, and fit like Monique was. No, she was a little more on the plus sized side of things. Before Monique lost all the weight, the two of them looked like sisters.

The wonderful thing about Antonia was that she never once felt any shame about her weight. She never really had to, honestly. She was one of the most beautiful women Monique had ever seen. And that wasn't a "all women are beautiful" statement. That was a "Antonia was physically attractive" statement.

She was a hairdresser by day, so that meant that her "do" was always on point. Makeup was flawless. On top of that, she had a style that accentuated her bigger curves and gave her added sex appeal. Her blouses, shirts, and dresses always showed off her naturally enhanced cleavage. Slimming colors gave her an hourglass look.

On top of that, her confidence added so much sex appeal to her.

Men flocked to her. For instance, the guy she was grinding at this moment was FINE! And there was no doubt in Monique's mind that he was attracted to her. His hands were rubbing all over her big tits as he practically impregnated her on the dancefloor.

Toni always had fun, no matter where she was or who she was with. Why couldn't Monique do that? She used to have just as much fun. Why did she have to be such a stick in the mud now?

Tonight, she squeezed her body into a hot little black number that showed off her model-like figure. Her hair was loose and flowing, like a lion's mane. Her caramel complexion, full lips, slender face, and deep, expressive eyes made her drop-dead gorgeous. Truthfully, she was probably one of the prettiest women in the building.

Yet, she saw something different when she looked in the mirror. She saw a woman who couldn't keep a man. Every boyfriend she'd ever had either cheated on her or stopped treating her with respect the moment they became complacent with fucking her. In the beginning, they'd be telling her how beautiful she was while they were worshipping her. Towards the end, they were ignoring her text messages, letting her phone calls go to voicemail, ghosting her for days at a time, and flirting with women right in front of her face.

Trey was supposed to be different. He loved her. At least, that's what he told her. But he wasn't different; just more cunning.

Tonight, countless guys had clamored to get at her. They bought her drinks, they asked her to dance, they offered their phone numbers...

And she turned every last one of them down. To add insult to injury, she wasn't even particularly nice when she did it.

It was like every guy was wearing Trey's face. They all talked like him, walked like him, wore the same fucking cologne he did.

She hated them all.

There is always that one stuck-up bitch with the turned-up nose at every party. She thinks she's too good to give anyone the time of day, so she sits off by herself looking like she's sucking on lemons.

There was a time when she would have been laughing at that girl. Now, irony and heartbreak had turned her into a person she didn't even like.

Honestly, she was ready to go. She wasn't having any fun, and she felt worse than she did before she came out. A night with her two best friends, Netflix and Mr. Pugsly, was looking rather good right about now. The only thing that kept her from calling an Uber was loyalty to that girl on the dancefloor.

Finally, after what seemed like hours of bumping and grinding, Toni found her way back to the table. She stopped and looked at her sour puss friend, sitting there stirring her drink with a straw.

With a shake of her head, she said, "Mo, why are you over here by yourself instead of out there? Do you see all of these men in here?"

Monique rolled her eyes, sucked her teeth, and said, "Girl, I don't want any of these fools!"

Toni gave her friend a deadpanned look of irritation. This stank attitude was not cute. Here she was, surrounded by some of the finest men in this area, and she was over here in self-seclusion.

She was almost ready to explode and tell her how pathetic it was to still be hung up over a loser like Trey. But she remembered what it was like for her not too long ago. She met a guy on a dating app, and the two of them hit it off instantly. At least, she thought so.

After a couple of months, she started to notice alarming behavior from him. He never wanted to talk about relationships, the future, or even his life. It wasn't like Toni wanted to run away with him, but she at least wanted to talk about what he saw in his future. He didn't want any parts of that conversation.

That wasn't too concerning. After all, they'd only been dating for a couple of months. Those can be considered heavy conversations, and many people don't want to be bogged down with relationship-y talk when they are in the "just having fun" phase.

However, what was confusing was his hot and cold temperature extremes. He was the most loving guy she could ever dream of...when they were alone. He would tell her how much he liked her, how he never met anyone like her, and how much he couldn't get enough of being with her.

But when they were around other people, he constantly reminded everyone that they weren't together "as a couple".

Annoying, but okay. He was technically right. Neither one had defined what they were, or even if they were a thing.


After a while, he started ghosting her. Texts went unanswered, calls were sent straight to voicemail, and he dropped all contact for days at a time.

But suddenly, he'd show up out the blue with a 2 am booty call begging for one of her "timeless blowjobs".

Oh yes. When it came to BJ's, Toni was the best there was. She loved sucking dick and didn't mind swallowing or getting sprayed in the face.

Most girls suck dick, even if they deny it. Some of them don't mind doing it if it makes their guy happy, others hate it but do it anyway. However, there are very few that actually enjoy sucking dick.

When you find one that does, she is usually a beast at it.

She shouldn't have been too surprised when he just ghosted her altogether. After a couple of weeks, she realized that this was it. It stung, but it was nothing compared to when she saw him a month later in Walmart. He had his arms wrapped around a woman's shoulders, and they were walking and laughing like a couple in love.

To top it off, the woman was pushing a stroller with a baby that looked JUST LIKE HIM.

Did Toni love him? Not really. Still, the pain of rejection hit her hard. On top of that, she felt stupid for allowing herself to get played.

So yeah, she knew what Mo was going through. Anyone whose had their heart broken knows that no one can make you get over it. The healing process takes time, and there isn't a timer that goes off to tell you when to be whole again.

"Okay." Toni said, empathy now filling her voice with understanding. "We can go."

Monique was expecting something completely different. She was ready to defend herself against hostility. But she wasn't ready for calm niceness.

"You sure?" She asked, now feeling like a complete ass for ruining her friend's night out.

With a comforting smile, Toni nodded and said, "Yeah."

As the two ladies were gathering up their purses to go, the guy Toni was dancing with strolled over. Gently tapping her on the shoulder to get her attention amiss the loud, booming music, he waited for her to turn to him.

"Hey." She said with a bright smile.

The way this guy was looking at her was hypnotic. There was sex written all in his eyes, and truthfully, Toni didn't hate the idea of a one-night stand right now.

Leaning in close to her ear, he asked, "You leaving?"

"Yeah. My girl has to get up early in the morning."

The guy looked at Monique and gave her a courteous smile with a head nod. She, in turn, scowled at him.

Fucking bitch! He thought to himself, though he was smart enough to not say it aloud. Returning his attention to Toni, he asked, "What about you? You gotta get up early?"

"No. But I still gotta go. I drove."

The guy nodded with disappointment, but he was classy enough to not push it. Instead, he pulled out his cell phone, unlocked it, and handed it to her. Needing no more prompting, she punched her number in.

Looking at the two of them, Monique couldn't have felt more like a wet blanket if she tried. The lust between them was palpable. No doubt Toni would be having way more fun tonight if she didn't come here with her stick-in-the-mud friend.

With a sigh, Monique shimmied out of the booth she was sitting in and pulled Toni by the arm. When she was out of earshot of the guy, she said, "You stay. I'm gonna catch an Uber."

Toni started to protest, but before she could get a word out Monique was already shaking her head. "It's alright. I'll be okay. You just have you some fun tonight. Tell me if he has a big dick, tomorrow."

Toni laughed and playfully shoved Monique, but she didn't give any more of an argument. The two girls kissed on the cheek, and Monique headed out of the club. She turned to look back once more. When she saw Toni giggling in the guy's ear, she knew she made the right decision.

As she stood out on the curb waiting for her Uber, she couldn't help thinking over her life. On the one hand, she had a fulfilling job that she was successful at, was financially independent, and lived a rather comfortable life.

Yet, on the other hand, she felt emotionally stunted and cold-hearted. She was content, but nothing really excited her anymore. She had nothing to look forward to; nothing to anticipate.

Was this another result of life post-Trey, or just her life in general?

A Honda Civic pulled up to the curb, and she knew it was her ride the moment it stopped. The passenger window rolled down, and the driver leaned over and asked, "You call for an Uber?"

Without so much as an acknowledgement, she opened the back door and got in

The car smelled good, and it was super clean. Soft, soothing R&B from the 90's played over the speakers. She LOVED 90's R&B. It wasn't too loud, which made it even more pleasant and relaxing.

Her app said that her driver's name was Alexander. Typical white guy name. By all stereotypical appearances, he looked like the typical white guy. He wasn't ugly, and could even be considered cute in an extremely dorky sort of way; but he was no Chris Hemsworth.

It was kind of surprising that he would know anything about this music. It wasn't only the fact that he was white. It was also his age. He was young (about her age). A lot of black people her age didn't get into 90's R&B, let alone white people. You don't just casually come across it. A person has to actually go looking for it if they wanted it.

As the two drove, Monique sat back, kept her head down, and busied herself with her phone. She wasn't feeling particularly social right now, and she found that eye contact was often mistaken for interest. In most cases, she would stick her headphones in to further discourage conversation, but she was rather enjoying the music.

Luckily for her, Alexander could pick up the cold, leave-me-alone temperature she was giving off. He wisely gave her space and didn't try to engage her in small chit-chat.

She did a quick check on Facebook to see what kind of foolishness people were up to. It was always good for a smile. There were a few funny posts, but nothing much. As she was ready to log off, something caught her eye on her timeline.

It was a picture of Trey...AND A WOMAN! They were hugged and smiling. The caption read: Me and my new boo.

His new boo? HIS NEW FUCKING BOO?!

She needed to log off. This was something that she was not equipped to handle right now. Pressing on will do nothing but drudge up those feelings and make her feel even more like shit than she already did.

But she had to know.

5 minutes later, she felt like she was going to throw up. Seeing him with another woman was heartbreaking enough, but the smile on his face did something to Monique that she couldn't really explain. Here she was, trying to piece the fragments of her shattered heart back together with Elmer's Glue while he was off living his best life.

Yes, it was eight months later. Yes, he had a right to move on and be happy. But, how could he? How could he kill the future that they were destined to have together and move on like nothing happened?

Had he ever loved her?

She let out a loud sigh without realizing it as she put her phone away. She shouldn't have looked.

When she looked up, she found that her driver was looking at her through the rearview mirror. His eyes looked concerned.

"Everything okay?"

"I'm good." She said, waving off the question, but added, "Thanks for asking, though."

He nodded, but his eyes looked unconvinced. A couple of quiet moments passed before he asked, "You wanna talk about it? We have a few minutes to kill. This train doesn't look like it's ending anytime soon."

That was the first time she noticed that they had stopped driving. And sure enough, there was a very long, slow train in front of them, blocking traffic.

Great! She thought to herself. Aloud, she said, "No offense, but I don't go around talking about my problems with strangers. I don't think anyone does that."

"Sure they do." He said matter-of-factly. Before she could disagree, he added, "Why do you think therapists get paid so much money?"

She had to give him that one. Still, she put on a condescending smirk and asked, "So, are you a therapist when you aren't driving?"

"No. I work at Best Buy."

Chuckling, she said, "Let me guess...The Geek Squad."

"Don't I look like a geek?"

The two of them shared a laugh at that. By now, the train had cleared and he put the car in drive.

She turned to look out of her window with her arms crossed. She tried not to think about Trey and his new bitch, but those smiling images wouldn't go away.

A single tear streamed down her face, despite her efforts to keep it trapped.

Suddenly, the music in the car changed. Instead of the R&B that was playing, a country song was coming through the speakers.

Monique really didn't pay it any mind at first. Country music wasn't her thing, but this song was kind of catchy.

It wasn't until she heard the driver singing along that she started to pay attention. She looked up and found him looking right at her as he was singing.

That's when she took notice of the words, the hook in particular.

Everything's gonna beee alllriiiight.

Everything's gonna beee alllriiiight.

And nobooody's gotta worry 'bout nuthin'

Don't go hittin' that panic button

Everything's gonna beee alllriiiight.

Even she couldn't help cracking a smile at that, as he was clearly singing to her.

"Who sings that?" she asked.

It was obvious she was setting him up for the old "let him sing it" joke, so he simply replied, "Me."

All she could do was shake her head and chuckle to herself. As she sat back and listened, she fell more and more in love with the song. For one, it was catchy as hell. For two, it was something different that what she normally listened to.

Answering her original question, the driver said, "His name is Kenny Chesney."

"Spell his last name." she said, pulling out her phone.

He did, and she looked him up on iTunes. After finding the song that was currently playing, she downloaded it to listen to later. Then she went to the Uber app to remind herself of her driver's name.

By now, the two of them were pulling up to her building. He parked along the curb. Before she got out, her eyes found his once again in the rear-view mirror. With a silly, colonial British accent he said, "Here you are, Milady. Safe and sound."

She gave him a smile, and then opened the door. As she was sliding out of her seat, he added, "I hope you feel better."