Liana, Vampire Hunter Ch. 01

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Half Succubus, Half Nephilim, All Vampire Hunter.
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This is my first NonHuman entry, and I would adore some reader feedback.


The Nephilim were on the earth in those days-and also afterward-when the sons of God went to the daughters of humans and had children by them. They were the heroes of old, men of renown.

Genesis 6:4


I recognized him for what he was almost immediately. It's not obvious if you don't know what you're looking for. The white, unhealthy pallor passes for normal pale most of the time in the dimly lit club setting, which is their modern preferred hunting ground. The fangs are retractable; you'll never see them until it's too late. They don't actually shy away from crosses or garlic, at least not any more than they avoid all other foods. There is only one food to them, and it is everything. Blood. The stories get a lot of stuff wrong. Most are too tame, leaving out the overtly sexual aspect of a vampire feeding. They have a certain something that attracts mortals to them like moths to a lamp. They can have sex with humans, and frequently do. No offspring ever result from this, mostly because the human never lives, but vampires are sterile anyway. That whole undead thing.

This one was using his supernatural charm on a group of girls. They were absolutely fawning over him, no doubt each was secretly despising the other girls for being there and forcing her to share the attention. A tall blonde girl laughed at something he said, placing her arm against his and fluttering her lashes. The other girls glared. Vampires have that effect on people. They're attractive, charming, charismatic, and the humans can't believe their luck when they're chosen by one - right up until the point the vampire rips their throat out and sucks them dry.

Movies and stories romanticize this aspect. Real vampires don't sparkle, they don't fall in love with mortals, and they never, ever stop feeding once they've started. That is, unless someone like me stops them. I have charms and skills of my own - I'm half succubus. My mother passed on the best of the succubus traits to me, and none of the flaws. Kind of like that Blade vampire in the movies. All I have to do is concentrate, and I can make any man fall under my spell. Any woman too, for that matter, but most of the time I prefer men. They are naturally stronger physically - sexist but true - and I can feed off of them longer.

Yes, I feed on them. Not blood or anything so crude as the vampires, but their life source, their energy. You can't see it, and the more sexual the relationship, the more I can take in. The sex is perfectly pleasant for them, I assure you. I never feed on them for too long; unlike vampires, I can stop. In fact, I can go for years without feeding, but I don't like to, as it slows down my reflexes and weakens me. As a vampire hunter, I need to be sharp. I'm stronger than mortals by nature, but a few months without feeding will reduce me to little more than an exceptionally charming and magnetically attractive human woman.

I have reason to believe that vampires killed my mother. Succubi and vampires don't feed on each other, but like most supernatural species, they hate each other. There are bigger politics at work in our secret underground than you might think. For a society that remains hidden from humans, we have surprisingly major issues. My mother was involved in many, and I believe the vamps sent an assassin to take her out. I'm not positive, but that's my suspicion. I don't need confirmation to validate my hunting; vampires are the scourge of our society, reviled by all other supernaturals. For the most part, killing humans is frowned upon, though our society does little to actually enforce it. When my mother died, I was raised by a human. Penny knew what my mother was, she knew what I was, yet she still took me in and gave me shelter. She was an extraordinary woman, and I still mourn her loss, but when you are as long-lived as most supernaturals, you can't get overly attached to mortal humans without expecting to lose them.

My relationship with humans is closer than the average supernatural, because of her. It's also partially because of Penny that I hunt down the vampires and try to stop them BEFORE they destroy another human life. It's not easy, you have to track them to whatever lair they bring the human back to and break in before the feeding begins, but preferably after the sex, so they're distracted and easier to stake. That part the movies get right. I never leave home at night without a wooden stake strapped into my ankle holster.

I watched the vamp across the room smiling at the girls They usually only take one human at a time, even with a vamp's speed and strength, two can be a lot to handle. As soon as one girl gets bit, the other freaks out and tries to escape, and the vampire is unable to tear themselves from the feed to rein the escapee in. I've seen it happen. Unfortunately I can't always get in to their lair in time to save the humans. The vamp appeared to zeroing in on the tall blonde who'd touched his arm earlier. It would appear his target was acquired.

I sighed. I should have fed earlier today, but I hadn't planned to be hunting tonight. As a succubus, it was easy for me to avoid the bore of having a 'day job'. I set myself up as the mistress of a few wealthy men in town, and they were only too happy to provide me with an apartment, car, and spending money. I used them, yes, but they also used me - for the best sex of their lives. I promise you not one of them regrets the arrangement, and they have more than enough money to spare. Thursdays I usually met with James, but he was out of town on a business trip this week. I'd been sitting at home, out of habit, restless and bored when I decided to go out. I hadn't planned to hunt, exactly, my thoughts had been leaning more toward finding a snack.

Yes, I have men on the side too. I like to feed often when I'm hunting, and I won't drain my main sources of all their energy. Succubi have nothing to fear from mortal diseases and infections, we're completely immune. I can sleep with the entire city condom free and I'll never catch anything. Our bio systems just aren't set up that way, although we look and feel perfectly normal, even in the bedroom. It's a good thing too, given that sex is our source of food. We can't get pregnant by full-blooded mortals either, although sometimes half or quarter blood supernatural and human mixes can impregnate us. They don't always know what they are either, so a girl has to be careful. Other races don't have the same safety from pregnancy with mortals that we have. Fae and human mixes are especially common, and most of them have no idea. Sometimes I can tell right away if they're half something, but not always. Better safe than sorry, and I pack condoms everywhere I go.

Tonight was not going to be a feeding night for me after all, but at least I could make sure it wouldn't be one for the vamp. He appeared to be coaxing the blonde into leaving with him, much to the chagrin of her friends, who looked on jealously. She was demurely flirting, dropping her eyes and playing hard to get. He cajoled some more, using every ounce of his vampiric charm, not that he needed to; she'd been his from the moment he'd said hello. No girl wants to be seen as easy, so hence the pretended reluctance. She turned to her friends, presumably saying goodbye. 'I'll call you,' she mouthed at them, holding up her hand with pinky and thumb extended in the universal sign for phone. The other girls smiled bitterly, envy written clearly across their faces. The vamp took her hand and led her across the room, smiling winningly. I quaffed the rest of my gin and tonic - succubus bio systems also mean I process alcohol quickly, so no worries about it impairing my abilities - and picked up my purse as I followed them from a distance.

The vamp and the blonde made their way outside, and stood on the sidewalk while he hailed a cab. I stepped forward as well, hoping there would be another one in quick succession so I wouldn't lose them. Luck was with me, and no sooner had they pulled away from the curb when another cheerful yellow cab appeared. I hopped in and buckled up.

"Follow that cab," I said. It was a cliché, but it was all too often the case in my life. I sighed a little inwardly. Here we go again. The cabbie didn't even blink at my request, just nodded and pulled away. We followed the vamp a few blocks before his cab pulled over. "Stop here," I requested. We were a block behind them, the better to escape the vamp's notice. I stayed seated, fishing out money, while the vampire led the blonde girl into an apartment building. I cursed silently. This made things more complicated. Handing the cabbie his fare and a generous tip, I bolted from the cab as soon as the door closed behind the vamp and the blonde, speed walking to the apartment building's door. Fortunately it wasn't a key access one, just an ordinary door. I opened it and stepped inside. The vamp was gone.

My succubus skills were of no help to me here. I could attract every human in the room of a crowded bar if I wanted, but seeking out someone specific was not a succubus gift. I would need my other set of skills for this. I made a conscious effort to release the succubus and focus on my other half. My skills were underdeveloped, but they were my only chance of finding the vamp. I closed my eyes and concentrated. Dimly I became I aware of the entities in the building. Here, an old one, there, a young child. Directly above me, a small being, probably a cat or a dog. I searched, probing with my mind. There, a youngish presence, tinged with excitement, next to her - my eyes snapped open. There he was. Vampires always read as dark spots, red and black swarming masses of hunger and demonic urges. The air itself seems to recoil from them when I look with my other sense.

I mounted the stairs, flying up two at a time to the apartment where the vamp was. The door was unlocked. Typical of a vampire, they always thought they were the biggest and baddest with no need to fear. Easing it open silently, I entered his lair.

"Oh! Oh god, yes!"

There were noises coming from the back of the apartment, presumably a bedroom. So the sex had started already, perfect. A vampire in sexual ecstasy was a much easier target. I walked carefully, placing the ball of my foot down first, followed by the gradual placement of the rest of the foot. I silently congratulated myself on not wearing heels tonight, as I had briefly considered. The girl in the bedroom made more noises of pleasure. The bedroom door was wide open, and I pressed myself against the wall as I peeked in.

Shit. The blonde was sprawled across the bed, her legs spread wide as the vamp eagerly lapped at her pussy. One hand held her right leg out and away, giving him easier access, while the other was busily fucking her with his fingers. The girl was whimpering, clearly close to cumming. I knew some vamps preferred the femoral artery in the thigh over going for the neck, but it always made it riskier for me. The girl could easily look up and see me, and the vampire not being mounted on the girl with his cock stuffed in meant he was more likely to be able to turn and face me in combat. Call it cowardly, but I much preferred sneaking up and stabbing them in the back.

"Oh, god, oh god oh god..." the girl was nearly at her climax, and for a moment my inner succubus wanted to join in. I would eagerly explore the blonde's body, her high, pert breasts and her warm, tight vagina. I could picture myself replacing the vamp, my own tongue eliciting even greater cries of pleasure from her. I'm a succubus and a woman, I really know what I'm doing when it comes to eating pussy. Bringing myself back to the moment, I reached down and pulled my trusty stake from its holster. Maybe after I killed this vamp I could console the girl. I laughed at myself. I really needed to get laid; there was no way this girl would be up for sex after I staked her lover on top of her, and I knew that.

Cautiously, I entered the room, walking quietly and keeping close the wall. My stake was in hand, ready to plunge through the cold, dead lump that served as the creature's heart. The blonde girl was thrashing about on the bed, her snowy thigh open and exposed. He would probably attack as soon as she came. Suddenly her head rolled to the side and her eyes fixed on me. She gave a little shriek and threw one hand over her breasts, the other shoving the vamp's head away as she made to cover her pussy. Quick as a flash, the vamp turned and saw me. He was on his feet in an instant, his eyes fixed on the stake. He made an abrupt head gesture, and his vampire teeth were on full view.

We circled each other in the bedroom amidst the girl's terrified cries, begging to know what was going on. The vampire feinted left and I stabbed at him, only to swing wide through the empty air. He took advantage of my turn to land a blow on my ribs, and I gasped for breath, making sure to keep my stake up and my eyes locked on him as I struggled to breathe. He feinted left again, but this time I was prepared for it, sinking my stake in. He moved at the last minute, and the wood harmlessly penetrated his shoulder. The vamp hissed at me and pulled out the stake, tossing it across the room.

Shit, shit. I should have fed tonight. My reflexes weren't as on-point as I needed them to be, and now I had lost my weapon. I dove for the stake, but the vamp was on top of me, pinning me to the floor. His eyes gleamed with triumph as he slammed my wrists to the floor, firmly pinned beneath his hand. All was not lost yet. I still had my trump card, thought I hated, HATED, using it. He was hard against my pelvis. Vamps get off on this stuff. He rubbed his erection against me and despite myself I felt a stirring inside. Blame it on the succubus genes. Feigning terror, I widened my eyes, then closed them and turned my head to the side, as if I was too afraid to look. My neck was arched up, exposed, and I knew it would be an irresistible temptation for the vamp. I braced myself.

Sure enough, his head dove in, his teeth ripping and searing my flesh. I grimaced but held my ground as his mouth closed around the hole he'd made and he started sucking. There's an enzyme in vamp saliva that creates sexual pleasure in humans. It's how they keep their kills still through the feeding process. In a succubus, that enzyme is multiplied ten-fold. I came almost immediately, every surge and draw of his mouth against my neck causing it to build. Withing seconds, I was cumming constantly, my whole being washed away into a glorious mind-numbing sexual euphoria. Wave after wave of pleasure swept through me, my mind telling me it was disgusting and wrong, but my body responding beautifully. My pelvis thrust upward, mashing against the vampire's erection as he fed.

Abruptly, he stopped and pulled away, his tongue working against the roof of his mouth like he'd tasted something bad. He licked his lips, his tongue still smacking against his mouth as he looked at me. His face was perplexed as he twinged a little and grabbed at his stomach.

"What ARE you?" He asked. He made a groaning sound and grabbed his stomach, rolling off of me and on to the floor. "Ahh, it burns, it burns!" he cried, and I rolled onto my side to watch him, holding a hand against my neck to stop the bleeding. I smiled as the vamp's cries increased, his hands groping at his stomach as if he could remove the source of his pain.

"I'm half Nephilim," I smilingly informed him. His eyes widened as realization set in. Nephilim are the children of human women and angels. Vampires are basically demons, and my angelic blood is poison to them. He was twitching and convulsing, his skin seeming to crawl. Actually, it WAS moving, his body already self destructing. In a few minutes he'd be nothing but a pile of ash to vacuum up. I stood, shaky from the blood loss, and turned my attention to the girl.

She was huddled in the corner, holding her clothes in her hands and trying to cover herself, while she shook with fear.

"No, please," she winced as I came closer.

"Shh, it's ok," My voice was soothing. Inhumanly soothing, in fact. Nephilim gifts added up to more than just sensing physical entities. She relaxed as I repeated that it was ok, that everything was going to be fine. I used another of my Nephilim gifts - which I called Erasing, but no doubt had a far more eloquent name amongst the full-blooded Nephilim - to modify her memories of the evening. She'd gone home with the wrong guy, I told her, who'd seemed so nice but had ended up being a jerk. He'd tried to sleep with her, but suddenly his girlfriend had walked in. She nodded, her eyes narrowing as if she could picture the vamp in front of her, making up excuses to his girlfriend. She probably could, I just provided the suggestion and the human's brains filled in the details. I helped her put her clothes on and walked her to the door, still slightly dazed.

I slumped against the wall as soon as she left. Erasing is exhausting for me under normal circumstances, and combined with the blood loss, I was feeling faint and weak. I needed to feed, and soon. I would recover from the vamp bite, but the faster I could feed, the faster it would start to heal, and the faster it healed, the less of a chance there was that it would end up scarring. I'm not opposed to scars on principle, but a great big neck one would draw questions, not only from my current lovers, but no doubt from the future ones as well. Not to mention I hated feeling weak like this. With a sigh, I pulled out my cell phone. I could go hunt down a human to feed off of, but with my bleeding neck they'd be more likely to take me to ER than the bedroom. Reluctantly I punched up the contact I was looking for and hit the little phone icon. I hoped he was around. The other end of the line rang twice, and then a deep masculine voice answered.

"Well, well, well. Liana. To what do I owe the pleasure?"

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
More please!

I loved finding out about her abilities! Can't wait for the next part!

astlaastlaalmost 9 years ago
More More More!!

Love it so far. Subject matter is great. Please write more :)

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago

Please continue!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
Love it!

Please continue this series it is wonderful!

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
This was AWESOME!!!

PLEASE continue it!!!

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