Lie Easy


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"I just hope your toes don't get too cold," Jack said. "Feel free to move over by the fireplace."

"We might all want to move over there in a bit," added Maggie. "I can't wait."

They all laughed, and Jack privately agreed with Maggie, though he suspected her necklace and rings meant she would be the last one to have to worry about a chill.

Randy was the next to lose, and his sock joined both of Kathleen's on the pile. He took the opportunity to rub his barefoot over both of hers, and she welcomed the touch as she perused her next hand, which wasn't a good one at all. To her relief, Maggie's cards were even worse, and she lost her necklace. Then Jack lost his watch and Randy lost his other sock, and for the first time in a while Kathleen was cautiously optimistic. But she added a splash of Kahlua to what was left of her cocoa just in case she needed the Dutch courage.

Once again it looked like she mightn't need it just yet, for she drew a pair of eights. Confidently she lay them on the table, and waited to see who had the dud hand this time. But Maggie put down a diamond flush, and Randy had three fours. "Sorry, Kathleen," Jack said, laying down a pair of fives and a pair of threes.

"It had to be one of us, didn't it?" Smiling through her mild embarrassment, Kathleen stood up and untucked her shirt from her jeans, and unbuttoned it bottom to top. As she pulled it off and deposited it on top of the socks, she welcomed the round of applause and kudos for being a good sport with a slight bow before retaking her seat in her bra. Not at all surprised to see Randy admiring the view, she smiled to let him know it was all right.

Maggie lost the next two rounds, and two of her three rings with them. Then Jack lost both socks in a row and then his shirt, but he was wearing an undershirt. As Kathleen had been hoping, Randy was the next to join her in showing any skin, as he was not wearing an undershirt. "Welcome to the club," she said as she admired his chest.

"They do make a cute pair, don't they?" Maggie asked Jack.

"And how!" Jack agreed.

"Can't wait to see you join them," Maggie added, and they all laughed. But she lost her last ring on the next round, giving Jack a brief reprieve before his undershirt bit the dust.

He smiled back at Kathleen as she gazed unabashedly at him. "Now you can admire it openly, huh?" he asked.

"I'm certainly dressed for the occasion," Kathleen said, looking through her new hand, which was worthless. She put down two cards, but the two new ones were just as bad. "Crap, there goes my bra," she chuckled.

"Don't you love the feeling of taking it off anyway?" Maggie asked.

"Can't deny that," Kathleen said. When they all put their cards down and her fears were confirmed, she bravely turned and presented her back to Randy. "Care to do the honors?" she asked, doing her best to sound fearless and almost succeeding.

"My pleasure," Randy said, and he undid the clasp.

As Kathleen swung it off and tossed it beside the chair, she couldn't bring herself to look at any of them. But she found herself more turned on than embarrassed, just as she had hoped. "Who needs that when I won't be going outside for days, huh?" she asked.

"Excellent attitude," said Jack. "And lovely breasts."

"Thank you!" Jack was looking deliciously ruddy himself, she thought. To think they'd kept all this to themselves for a year! She got the best hand to date on the next round, and was mollified to know she probably wouldn't be the barest one for long.

Randy was the unlucky one this time around, just as Kathleen had hoped. "Your turn, I guess," he said to her as he stood up.

"You get used to it, I promise!" Kathleen said as she watched him pull his sweats down. She was flattered to see his boxers were bulging, and she gave him a saucy grin as she tore her gaze away back up to his eyes. He laughed quietly back at her.

Maggie lost her top on the next round, and showed no reservations at all as she pulled it off. "I was almost starting to feel sorry for you all!" she said, settling back on the couch and welcoming Jack's lusty gaze at her generous breasts, still cupped tightly in a crimson bra. That sight had always been enough for Kathleen to thank her lucky stars that she wasn't big, but Maggie showed no sign of discomfort. She did, though, turn to Kathleen and say, "I'm almost jealous of you, dear."

"Careful what you wish for!" Kathleen replied. And as if on cue, Maggie did in fact lose her bra on the next round. Once again showing no inhibition, she swung it playfully over her head a few times before tossing it aside.

"They're beautiful all right," Jack said.

"Thank you!" Maggie took them in her hands and held them up for him to get a good look. Everyone could see Jack wanted to play with them, and Maggie looked willing. But the game wasn't over yet.

Next it was off with Jack's jeans. Maggie looked just as pleased at the view as he'd been with her. "Don't you feel more comfortable without those anyway?" she asked.

"Well, they were getting awfully tight thanks to you," Jack admitted, and they all howled with laughter.

Just when Kathleen was reassured that she wouldn't be the first one to end up naked, she lost the next round and her jeans with it. "I'm in good company anyway, aren't I?" she asked as she revealed her blue plaid panties, thanking heavens they weren't more brightly colored as that would have revealed how wet she was for sure.

"Welcome to the club," Randy said.

"Thank you!" She longed to at least cross her legs, but figured that would make it look like she had something to hide.

Maggie, the only one with more than one piece of clothing left, teased, "I wonder which of you is going to lose it all this round."

"You and your rings, Mom," Randy said. But then he slammed down a full house. "Hah!"

Kathleen and Jack exchanged wry looks and each set down their cards; she had only a pair of sixes, he had a high ten.

"Me and my big mouth." Maggie had only a high eight, and it was off with her skirt.

There was no talk of stopping now, though an air of awkwardness prevailed. When the next cards were dealt and Kathleen drew nothing of note, she decided to bite the bullet and not exchange anything. The sooner she lost, the sooner she might get Randy alone, after all.

Sure enough, she did lose. "Sorry, Kathleen," Jack said.

"Sorry for what?" Maggie needled him. "Hasn't she seen you in the buff?"

"Fair is fair, isn't it?" Kathleen stood up and forced a smile, and slid her panties off, drawing good natured applause from the other three. "Oooh, it is chilly in here, isn't it?" she quipped, and she pranced over to the fireplace and stood beside it, her body on unapologetic display.

"Is it really losing if you enjoy it this much?" asked Randy.

"Feel free to join her if that's how you feel," Maggie told him. "The two of you've been making eyes at each other all this time anyway."

"If you would like to come to my room, Randy..." Kathleen offered.

"And you're welcome in mine!" Jack bit the bullet with Maggie.

"Yes, please, and let's get me out of these tights!" Maggie stood up and let Jack guide her down the hall.

"Well, our car ought to break down every day!" Randy snickered, standing up.

"You read my mind!" Kathleen took his hand and led him up the stairs.

Jack had a photograph of Crystal on his bedside table. He set it face down. "She doesn't need to see this," he said.

"No, but I do!" Maggie pulled her tights and panties down, and stood back up straight to give Jack a first look at her lush, matronly bush. "Hope you weren't expecting a bikini wax," she said. "I'm no spring chicken and I like the body God gave me!"

"I like it just fine, too!" Jack pulled his boxers down, and Maggie could see just how much he liked it. He stepped back around the bed, and she met him halfway at the foot and welcomed his eager hands on both of her breasts.


Kathleen didn't think it right to ask if Randy was a virgin, but the way he gazed adoringly at her pussy as she lay back on her bed had her nearly sure he was. "Thank you for being such a good loser," he said as he climbed onto the bed.

"I sure don't feel like a loser now," she said, and she welcomed his first kiss. His light, teasing caresses through her bush had her reconsidering his inexperience. "Oh, that feels so good," she murmured between kisses, and she returned the favor by gripping his hard cock gently.

"You like it slow? Gentle?" he whispered in her ear.

"To start, yeah," she replied.


"How long has it been for you?" Maggie asked between kisses on Jack's neck.

"Too long. Much too long."

"Do I need to go gentle on you?" she asked.

"Only if you want to."

"No thank you!" She tackled him on the bed and had him pinned down and her breasts hanging in his face before he knew what happened. "You know you want to kiss 'em, dear!"

"And how!" He latched on to one plump nipple and licked at it passionately, sending up a howl of joy from Maggie.


Randy and Kathleen, still gently exploring one another's body, heard Maggie's roar upstairs. "Your godmother sure knows how to have a good time," Kathleen said, enjoying Randy's own lips on her breasts. "Hope it's hereditary."

"You're welcome to find out," Randy quipped.

"I'd better find out!" Kathleen replied. She spread her legs wide. "Get in there already!"

"My pleasure!" Randy said. He scooted down and wrapped his arms around Kathleen's thighs, and buried his face in her bush.

"Ooooh! That's not..." Kathleen gasped in pleasure as his tongue found her clit. "But it's better! Ohh, yessss!"


Maggie had Jack firmly in her hand as he went to town on her breasts, and she rubbed his head teasingly around her wet lips. "Want to come inside?" she cooed.


"How badly?"


Maggie drew him just inside her, eliciting a grunt of delight. "Easy, tiger," she teased, drawing him back out. "You want to come all the way in?"

"You know it!" He lay his head back on the pillow.

"Don't you forget about these!" She shifted so her other breast hovered over him, and he went to town on it. "That's more like it." And once again she slid him just a touch inside. "Oh, Jack," she cooed. "You're good with your lips all right. Hope you're half as good with this!" And with that she enveloped him completely and pinned him down with all her weight.


"Oooooh! Ooohoohoohoohoo!" Kathleen shrieked and laughed and wiggled about as Randy's tongue tickled her pussy and two of his fingers stroked her gently within. "Don't stop!" He didn't, and Kathleen was hanging onto the edges of the mattress for dear life when she came with a joyous scream. "Thank you!" she said with a deep sigh as he finally drew back. "Merry Christmas."

"Christmas came early, huh?" Randy said. "But I didn't."

"Must do something about that! Come here!" She welcomed him in her arms, and guided him inside her with her hands. "Ohhhh, that was worth waiting for!" she said, gazing into his eyes.

"You said it!" Randy agreed. Recalling she'd said she liked it slow at first, he gave it to her that way -- slow and supple and gentle, kissing her neck as he bobbed in and out.

"Ohhh, that's lovely!" Kathleen sighed.


Jack couldn't move his hips an inch, but in that moment he couldn't imagine why he'd ever want to. Maggie leaned back and thrust hard, and her breasts jiggled majestically in Jack's face, perfect for him to play with them again. With his left hand he did, while he reached his right hand into the cleft of their bodies and found her clit.

"AOOOOOOWOOOOHOOO!" Maggie yelped. "More of that please!"

Jack gladly delivered, and felt himself getting close, which got him all the more determined to get Maggie off first. She did come with a roar that left no doubt they could hear her upstairs. Jack didn't care in the least.

Neither did Maggie. As she came back down to earth, she sat back up and leaned down toward him, and kept up her thrusting. "Come for me, Jack!" she grunted. "That's an order!"

He didn't yelp as loudly as she did, but he did leave no doubt a moment later when he came as well.


Randy picked up the pace slowly, bit by bit, and Kathleen scarcely noticed as she indulged in his delicious thrusts. Soon he was flailing away at a healthy pace. "Do it Randy!" Kathleen said again and again in rhythm. "So good!"

"Come again!" he grunted.

"With you!"

"Okay!" And he picked up the pace some more.

"Unh...Ohhhh...." She squeezed her eyes shut. "Here I come!" she yelped.

"Me too!" As promised, he came with her, and Kathleen opened her eyes again just in time to share the deeply intense moment with him. As he finally went slack in her arms, they kissed triumphantly.

After showering and dressing, Kathleen and Randy went downstairs to find Maggie and Jack at the kitchen table. They all shared a laugh to dissolve the awkwardness, and everyone's attention turned to dinner. They made pasta and garlic toast, and Jack broke out a bottle of red wine for the long-delayed movie marathon. Kathleen curled up in Randy's lap on her chair while Maggie and Jack snuggled on the couch, and they watched in quiet contentment until nearly midnight.

The snow had stopped at some point, but a glance out the window as they finally got up to go to bed made it clear the roads wouldn't be clear for some time. "Imagine if we hadn't stopped here," Randy said.

"Someone up there likes us," Maggie agreed.

"About time," Randy said.

"Oh, it hasn't been that bad!" Maggie said.

"I guess," Randy said.

Kathleen and Jack looked at one another and wondered was it safe to ask. But neither of them did.

Neither of the spare bedrooms were needed, as it turned out.

In the morning, Jack treated them to waffles and ham, and a call to the mechanic brought assurance that Maggie and Jack's car would be ready to roll by noon. "That jerk," Jack said, hanging up the phone.

"Why do you say that?" Maggie asked. "That's a lot faster than they said it might be yesterday."

"That's because I was the one asking this time," Jack explained. "Sometimes it pays to have the townies just a little bit afraid of you."

"What have you done to make anyone afraid of you?" Maggie asked.

"He hasn't done anything," Kathleen said. "He just hasn't denied any of the rumors that go around."

"That's right," Jack said. "You do your part to cut down on drunk driving, and everyone assumes you lost your wife and kids to a drunk driver. Not that it ought to matter, of course."

"You mean you didn't?" Randy asked.

"Randy!" Maggie snapped.

"I'm sorry, Jack!" Randy said. "That was out of line. I'm sorry."

"It's okay, Randy." Jack gulped down the last of his coffee. "But no, I didn't. My wife and kids are alive and well, and living in London. I see them once a year if I'm lucky. The kids, that is. I never need to see Crystal again, thank you very much."

"Oh, Jack!" Kathleen said. "I didn't know!"

"I appreciate you never asking," Jack said. "But it's not like we've got a lot of secrets in this house anymore, have we?" He laughed, and seeing the coast was clear, the others did as well.

"Speaking of no secrets," Maggie said. "I guess I ought to tell you just why we're on the road right now, especially when our car so clearly isn't up to the task. Randy's real father, well, he just got out of prison and he's been demanding a reunion neither of us wants. So I'm on my way to New York to shack up with a friend from college there until things blow over."

"And I go back to school in January," Randy added. "She didn't want me to have to always be looking over my shoulder for my dad until then."

"I'll deal with him when I get back if I have to," Maggie said. "I've been coping with him since before Randy was born, you know."

"You are welcome to stay here for the holidays, you know," Jack said.

"That's very tempting, Jack," Maggie said, looking at Jack and then at Kathleen. "But I think the two of you should have your home to yourself."

"I really want to see New York at Christmas anyway," Randy said. "I never have."

"You'll love it." Jack tamped down his disappointment. "At least let me drive you into town to get your car, though."

"I don't see how else we'd get it!" Maggie laughed.

Kathleen joined them for the ride into town. There were hugs and encouragements and promises to stay in touch, but no tears as Maggie and Randy piled into their old car and cheered when it started on the first try. Jack and Kathleen stood side by side on the curb and waved as they drove off.

"Think we'll ever see them again?" Kathleen asked once they were gone.

"I've got my doubts," Jack said. "That was definitely a once in a lifetime experience, wouldn't you say?"

"And how!" Kathleen let out a girlish giggle as she settled herself in the passenger seat. "Tell me, Jack, how'd you like the view yesterday?"

"Of you? Beautiful!" He leaned over and kissed her cheek. "You are a beautiful person inside and out, Kathleen. And no hard feelings about that time I left my door ajar."

"Oh, Jack, I have a confession to make," Kathleen said. "I made that up."

Jack laughed. "You just wanted to steer the conversation that way?"

"I'm afraid so."

"Well, I'm glad you did. Now what about wearing out your vibrator batteries thinking of me?"

"Oh, that was real," Kathleen allowed, and she was sure she was blushing.

"Remind me to buy you some more batteries next time I go to town," Jack quipped. The skies were clear and the roads mostly cleared, but it was too cold to think of going anywhere but home. "So tell me, what do you plan to do with another day shut in from the cold?"

"Well, Jack," Kathleen said. "I didn't get a chance to shower this morning, did you?"

"Why no," Jack said. "And you do have that double shower upstairs."

"It shouldn't go to waste, should it?"

"Especially not at Christmas."

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WraysburyWraysburyover 4 years ago
I entered a story too

After submitting a story; thought I'd go and read the other entries. Have been really quite disappointed with the quality I found. Until I read yours! It did escalate rather too quickly and continuity confused me momentarily where you wrote "upstairs" instead of "downstairs" at one point, but well constructed, well related and an excellent story! Well done, five stars from me!

Eric_ShiftEric_Shiftover 4 years ago
A really very well put together story

This was a pleasure to read.

5 stars, more if I could

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