Life After Work Pt. 04

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One on one with Jill.
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Part 4 of the 6 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 11/04/2021
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Several hours later, the wine was gone and the ladies left. It was still early, only about 4 in the afternoon and well before the after-work crowd on their way home filling the streets. The women would have no trouble getting home.

Bill walked down to the store, whose bulletin board still held the notice that made his last few days with such sexy women possible, to get another bottle of wine. He planned on a quiet evening of TV watching and getting to bed early.

He finished his dinner, cleaned up the dishes, and set down in front of the TV with a glass of wine when the phone rang. He thought it strange since he had few friends and couldn't remember that last time anyone called him. It must be a telemarketer, he thought as he picked up the phone.

"Hello," he said into the receiver.

"Hi Bill, this is Jill from this afternoon and I just wanted to tell you how much I enjoyed our playtime today," the female voice on the phone responded.

"Hi Jill. This afternoon was unbelievable. I've never experienced anything like that before and I hope to see you again soon." Bill announced.

"You mean all of us together, or just me?" Jill asked with a bit of a laugh in her voice.

"Seeing as how you are the one who called me, I'd have to say I'd like to see you and could you wear that outfit you wore this afternoon?" Bill answered.

"You liked that, did you?" She asked, then added, "I liked showing off for you."

Bill could not allow this to pass without extending an invitation. "Are you busy tonight?" He asked.

Bill heard he laugh over the phone, "No, but I wouldn't want to wear you out. Besides it would be unfair of me to keep you all to myself. That said, I'll be at the senior center tomorrow if you want to invite me for coffee."

"I'll be there and thinking of you out of your street clothes," Bill responded.

"See you then," she replied and ended the call.

The next morning an excited Bill arrived at the senior center at 8 o'clock in the morning. Luckily it was only a few blocks from his home since the sign on the door indicated that they didn't open until 10 AM. He took the opportunity to follow his doctor's advice and go for a walk and a half hour later he stepped back into his house after walking at least a mile. He poured himself another cup of coffee and sat on his porch to watch the morning exercise nuts stroll by. He said hi to everyone and most returned the greeting.

He recognized one woman who walked by, but wasn't sure who she was until she said hi to him. It was Carol from yesterday; he didn't recognize her with her clothes on.

"Hi Carol," he replied, "are you planning on going to the senior center later?"

"No, today's not my day, but Jill should be there today," she answered.

"What do you mean by 'not your day'?" Bill asked.

"I'm not sure you noticed, but the senior center is boring, that's why several of us created our own little group and one or two of us are always at the center looking for protentional playmates. We can then call the others to let them know if anyone interesting is there. That's how we found you." Carol explained.

"Are you saying that I've already met all of the women who are interested in going for coffee?" Bill asked.

"Pretty much, there are a few guys who come to the center every once in a while, looking for some playtime and there are a few women who are sometimes interested, but for the most part the center if filled with bitter old women who complain about everything," she answered.

They chatted for a bit longer and Bill made sure he had her phone number before she continued on her walk.

Bill thought about the insight Carol had shared with him and concluded that if the only women that were interested in erotic playtime with him were the 6 or 7, he's already met, he'd be good with that. He still planned on heading down to the senior center at 10 when they opened.

He didn't remember giving Jill his phone number, but if, as Carol had said, this group shared information with each other, then Shirly must have given it to her. Shirly had asked for his phone number that first day.

Bill walked back to the Senior Center a little after 10 and was again greeted by Cindy, the young administrator of the center.

"Hi Bill, I'm happy to see you back. We missed you yesterday. I hope everything is alright," she greeted.

"Yes, everything is fine, I just got busy yesterday. What's on the agenda for today?" Bill asked.

"The group activities don't start until 1:00 PM and today we will be doing some directed exercises specifically developed for seniors. I'm sure you'll enjoy it," she answered, "Right now it's just getting to know the neighbors. There are games on the tables if you're interested."

Bill thanked her and started to walk around the center and seeing if he recognized anyone. He saw no one that he remembered meeting, so he decided to take a risk and start introducing himself to some of the ladies there. His doctor had instructed him to be more social, so off he went.

He noticed a not unattractive woman by the table full of games and walked over to her. She had a scowl on her face as if she wasn't happy with the choice of games available.

Bill approached her and announced his presence, "Hi, I'm Bill and I just started coming here because my doctor told me to get out and socialize more." He reached out his hand as if to shake hers.

She stared at his extended hand then looked up at his smiling face. The scowl seemed to be a permanent feature of her face. She then started to speak and Bill regretted approaching her, "Do you think it's right for a son to totally ignore his mother?"

Bill stammered, "Well, no. I think a son should at least phone his mother as often as he can."

"It's not too much to ask. After he married that woman, she took him away to another state and she's the reason he won't call," she paused to take a breath and it seemed to Bill that she was just getting started on a long rant. "And another thing, why did she insist he quit his job here to move clean across the country to take a god-knows-what job. She claimed it was so that he would make more money, but in reality, she's nothing but a gold-digger. She needed to get him as far away from his mother as she could," she took another breath and Bill took his opportunity.

"Excuse me for just a minute. I must have drunk too much coffee this morning. Is that the rest room over there?" Bill beat a hasty retreat, getting as far away from this woman as he could. He had to keep up his ruse so he went into the rest room.

Bill stepped out of the rest room and noticed that the woman was back to looking at the games, but this time she seemed to be mumbling something to herself. Bill didn't care if he was not the focus of her rant. He looked around for someone else to talk to and noticed a very attractive woman sitting by herself.

He approached her, "Hi, is this seat taken?" he asked indicating the seat next to her.

"No, help yourself," she replied with a smile.

Bill thought the smile was a good sign, "My name is Bill and I'm new to this center. My doctor told me to get out and be more social, so when I discovered this center, I decided to give it a try."

"There are a lot of seniors here and they have group activities in the afternoon too," she responded. "My name is Cynthia," she added reaching her hand out to shake his.

Another good sign Bill thought as he took her hand, "I'm pleased to meet you. I have seen the Bingo, and the yoga class. I also understand that there is also a group that likes to go out for coffee after the activities."

"Oh, I don't drink coffee. It makes me all nervous. My late husband drank coffee and it killed him. I miss him dearly, there will never be another like him," she then started to cry.

"I'm sorry to bring up sad memories. What else is there to do at this center?" Bill asked, but the sobbing woman did not hear him; she was lost in her sorrow.

Bill excused himself, and search the crowd for someone else to talk to. He ended up hearing about how the medical community wants everyone to die broke, about how the government is spying on all of us through our TV sets, and how all the water has been poisoned.

No one could say that he did not give this place a fair chance to impress him. He approached the exit intent on heading home when Jill walked through the door.

"Hi Bill," a cheerful Jill greeted him. Her expression changed as she saw his emotional state. "You look frustrated," she said.

"Sorry, it's just that I got here at 10 and thought that maybe I could meet some interesting people," he shared.

Jill stopped him, "We should have warned you to never come here before lunch. Let's go get a cup of coffee and talk about it."

Bill's expression changed instantly, "I'd love to."

Together they turned and walked out of the Senior Center.

Jill led the way towards her home, "How would you feel about exchanging full body massages?"

"That sounds like fun. A long time ago I took a couple of classes on giving massages. It might be fun to see how much I remember," Bill shared.

"I was thinking more in line with sensual massages. I'll explain more when we get to my house," Jill answered.

That concept intrigued Bill. Sensual, in his mind, translated into sexual and his arousal started to build.

Within mere moments they entered Jill's home.

"Make yourself comfortable. There's a bottle of wine on the counter in the kitchen and glasses in the cabinet," she announced as she stepped into the bedroom.

Bill opened the wine and poured two glasses. He handed one to Jill as she set down a large wooden box on her coffee table.

"What's this?" Bill asked.

"Let's call it a box of ideas to titillate," she answered. "You know that the skin is the largest sex organ on the body; the mind is the most powerful, but the skin is where all the erogenous zones are. What's in this box are items to stimulate that organ and give the mind a playground."

She opened the box and dumped the contents onto the coffee table. The contents consisted of several pieces of fabric, some smooth, some rough, some soft, plus other items that didn't seem to make sense, such as a hair brush and a soup spoon. There were also a couple of items that were known to have a sexual purpose such as a flogger and a vibrator.

Jill picked up a piece of fur, that appeared to be a small rabbit skin and rubbed it lightly across Bills cheek and neck.

Bill's memory immediately flooded his mind with images and sensations of warmth and softness as he was wrapped in soft blanket. His body relaxed deeper than it had in a long while.

Jill, noting the soft sigh from Bill, turned around the rabbit fur and lightly stoked him with the rougher side.

A tingle, complete with electric sparks, now awaked Bill's skin as if each and every nerve now stood at attention. The sensation was highly stimulating.

As Bill lifted his head higher to expose more of his neck to the new stimulation, he heard Jill say, "now, you do me."

He opened his eyes to see a smiling Jill, holding out the rabbit fur to him. His distress at having lost the enticing stimulation, was soon quelled by the thought of him stimulating Jill. He accepted the skin and watched as she learned forward and closed her eyes. He gently stroked her forehead with the fur side and then formed the fur unto a blunt point around his finger then traced her eyebrows then down the bridge of her nose to the tip. He followed up stimulating her upper lip. He remembered from the massage classes he had taken that this was a very sensitive area, but he could not remember the scientific name of the area above the lip, and under the nose.

He had remembered correctly because soon she let out a sigh of satisfaction. He continued to rub the fur over her cheeks and onto the tender areas of her neck, getting information of her state of arousal from her breathing.

He moved up to her ears, that point where most people ignore, but he knew they were extremely sensitive. The fur then followed a path down the side of her neck and onto her upper chest. Jill allowed her head to fall back and she thrust out her chest.

Bill pushed the fur just under her top, but not to her breasts, before he pulled away to turn the fur over and start again at her forehead. He had just reached the point where he was to place his hand under her top again when she sat upright and opened her eyes, "My turn," she said.

Reluctantly, Bill removed his hand and handed her the rabbit pelt.

"Take off your shirt," she instructed as she replaced the fur back in the box and withdrew a two-foot square piece of red silk.

Bill removed his shirt and sat facing an excited Jill. She had the silk balled up in her hand and started to softly rub the fabric over Bills chest starting at his shoulders and in a zig-zag pattern slowly worked her way down.

It felt so smooth, cool, and soft, but unlike the fur there was no friction between the silk and his skin. His nipples stood erect as the smooth fabric caressed them and every nerve ending relaxed. Jill covered his torso with this sensual cloth three times before she handed the material to him and started to unbutton her blouse.

She sat there almost topless. She still wore her bra and stared at him as if to indicate he was to start caressing her.

"No fair, I wasn't wearing a bra when you used that stimulus on me," Bill chastised.

Jill smiled," Quite true," she said as she removed her bra and allowed Bill a few moments to just gawk at her.

Bill, like Jill before him, balled up the silk fabric and slowly caressed her skin from her tinder neck, across her shoulders, and down onto her chest. When he allowed the smooth fabric to gently kiss her breasts she stiffened and by the time he reached her stomach she was arching her back and moaning softly.

Bill traced his path back up across her ribcage and towards her breasts. As he allowed the silk to tease her nipples, she thrust her arms around his neck stopping the sensual attack on her erogenous zones.

"Let's go into the bed room," she said breathlessly.

Bill gathered up the items, placed them all back in the box, and carried it into her bedroom. He set the box on the bed and watched her remove her clothing.

"Strip," she commanded, "and lie down on your stomach."

Bill quickly removed his clothes and lay face down in the middle of her bed. He saw that she picked up what appeared to be a small piece of a bridal veil, and lightly stared to use it on his back. It was scratchy, but not painful.

The slightly abrasive material was enough to awaking every cell on the surface his skin like hot sauce on the tongue.

She covered his back in the same zig-zag pattern she used on his chest. When she reached his buttocks, she shifted to a circular pattern. The mild scratching left him wanting more as Jill abandoned his but and addressed his legs. Once she reached his feet, she started her upwards trek along the inside of his leg and thigh. He automatically spread his legs and the scratchy fabric engulfed his balls.

Jill stopped her ministrations before his point of no return and exchanged positions with him. They continued caressing each other with various fabrics and the other items from the box. The spoon was something Bill had never considered to be capable of giving erotic pleasure, but the smooth back side of the spoon slid like a sleigh over fresh snow when allowed over the curves of their bodies. The flogger was not used in the way most would expect, instead it was dragged over the skin leaving trails of stimulation in its wake.

Bill positioned Jill onto her back then reached for the vibrator. He touched the vibrating toy lightly against the side of her neck and proceeded to use it as a magic marker to color every inch of her body save one--that being the location it normally calls home. He turned her over and repeated the process across her back, butt, and legs again avoiding the one place she wanted it most.

Bill then set the toy aside and leaned in close to the skin of her back. He gently blew his breath across her skin again addressing every inch of her. He remembered what she's said about the skin being the largest sex organ and he intended to explore all of it. He traveled down her back slowly then took his time with her butt until finally centering his breath down each of her legs. His finished by blowing on her inner thighs and as she spread her legs, he focused his attentions at her core before starting over at her shoulders but this time with his tongue. He licked her from top to bottom and again ending at her core turning her over to repeat the process on her front side.

Jill could not help squirming as Bill traveled up and down her body with his breath and by the time, he switching to using his tongue, he had to hold her down. He finished between her legs licking slowly and deeply from deep between her legs to her clit for several passes, until she shook as an intense orgasm overtook her.

He released her and she rolled him over onto his back. She attempted to move as slowly as he did with her, but within just a handful of seconds she had his cock deep inside her mouth. She allowed him out, but only so she could lick his underside before again taking all of him inside her mouth. She gave his balls a gentle squeeze, knowing that that drove most men crazy, and Bill was no exception. Within moments he emptied all the reserves he had into her willing mouth. She continued to suck even after he went limp in her mouth.

She released him and got up to pour them each another glass of wine. "I think we both need a break before we go again," she said handing him his wine.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

This story is about as hot as it can get without a graphic description of penetration.

ashlandlitashlandlitalmost 2 years ago

These stories are great and you really capture the spirit of senior sex. It’s slow and sensual and the journey is more important than the destination. I’ve learned the absolute thrill of being able to have intercourse without orgasm. When I was young I would’ve found that miserable. Now I relish the act more than the O! Off to your next tale. Thanks!

germilkgermilkover 2 years ago

Loving this series, makes me look forward to retirement that much more !!!

AtrampboyAtrampboyover 2 years ago

Very erotic Joe, great job! I for one am eager for pt 5

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

I like the imagination. I like the slow speed of the sex. I love the idea of the retirees getting it on in these manners. Good job.

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