All Comments on 'Life in Exile'

by Just_Words

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AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Whiny wimp

Pathertic whiny wimp. If the wife got over it she would realise that she's actually lucky to be rid of him and move on.

HighpikeHighpikeover 3 years ago

Your ending was perfect. I have taken the story forward in the way I choose. Thank you for giving me a start. G

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
The guy needs to grow some balls

Not just run away

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

I like your story. From the description of her tryst, I think she's a prime candidate for reconciliation. It's his choice: if he regrets leaving her, can't move on without her, then go back and get her. He deserves to be happy.

The problem will be that everything has changed. Everything. The dynamic between them is different. She cheated on him for no other reason than the opportunity to cheat was offered and she grabbed it. She's ashamed of what she did now, but it happened. She's a different person today, as is he, because of what she did.

I wish them both luck, it sounds as if they truly loved each other. There's a lot to work out and much will be hard, unpleasant work. Love conquers all? Maybe. But sometimes, love alone isn't enough.

Good story. 5 stars.

jazzharpjazzharpover 3 years ago
Another winner!

Thank you and keep them coming. Please.

Boyd PercyBoyd Percyover 3 years ago

I liked it! Ultimately, we decide our own happiness or misery.


012Say012Sayover 3 years ago
The story does not need to end

I liked it. Are you better off? Is not answerable. He goes back, nothing is the same. Time will heal them, or not. But to go back is to go back before, that is not possible. So exile and indecision seems the right end.

Harryin VAHarryin VAover 3 years ago

THIS IS FABULOUS - really . You see the premise is realistic/ believable. Everyone reading this story can easily something like this happening to them or a friend or a family member.. The lack of a strong ending should inspire writers for a follow up.

Instead e have all effort into shit like FEBRUARY SUCKS where a wife publicly humiliates her husband on their supposedly special night and decides to go off and fuck the famous football player and doesn't seem to think that anything is wrong. Or that silly JUST ANOTHER love shit where the wife has a two decades long affair with another man stealing his children engaging a mass deception and criminal conspiracy.

I suppose the appeal of those kinds of LW stories is that they are so shocking so over-the-top and so often features a husband who is unbelievably pathetic in handling a wife and the marriage situation that it provokes strong emotion with people who want to write a sequel or an alternate ending.

But this is a type of story that begs for an alternate ending

KaripetKaripetover 3 years ago

Good stuff. I've seen the angst brought on by an affair destroy good people. You did a good job of conveying his pain at that moment. And I like how it ended. Sometimes an open-ended tale can be very satisfying.

TajfaTajfaover 3 years ago

I liked this one. Well written and thought provoking. I'm not saying he should reconcile but for his sanity he should phone her and perhaps meet her to begin the healing for both of them. I always say it is possible to forgive one mistake where there is true contrition but as you say it is his decision.

chytownchytownover 3 years ago
I Love Short And Complete Stories***

Very entertaining read. Thanks for sharing.

johntcookseyjohntcookseyover 3 years ago

This reminds me of the final scene from 'The Verdict' with Paul Newman snd Charlotte Rampling. Newman (Frank Gavin) sits alone staring at a ringing phone call from the woman who betrayed him (Rampling). My not yet wife (36 years now, thank you very much) voted for no mercy while I voted for forgiveness. I mean, come on! The whole movie was about Gavin's redemption! We finally agreed to disagree. I guess I still vote for redemption - in both directions. A wonderful and powerful piece of writing. Bravo.

kage440kage440over 3 years ago
A really great start.

I really enjoyed the story. Does take a great deal of strength to reach for the phone like that. I know the BTB crowd will belittle you for having him call, but there has to be some resolution one way or the other. Like the comment says, is he better off with or without her.

If with, forgive and move on together, if not, at least resolve any remaining issues and move on alone. Running from your support group isn't the answer.

I'd like to hear what he eventually decided to do and how it went. This is also a story that can have a number of different endings.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Know thy audience

I don't see this being well received in this category. As you point out, this is neither fish nor fowl. He didn't BTB and they haven't RAAC'd. So the story ends where so many before you have ended - on the rocks in no man's land. "Dear Readers - make up your own ending". The worst of all possible endings. I'm among those that hate unfinished stories. So this story didn't make me happy. That said it's a painfully truthful and relevant story to so many men's circumstances. Well written. I recognized my best friend in Gene. But I remember another story written by another good writer RG. His ending was similar - "Are you better off alone without me or would it be better with me...."? In both cases the answer is unclear and would take another chapter(s) to discuss the pros and cons of reconnecting with a cheating spouse. I like to think that I'd follow Yoda's advice - "There is no try, there is only do." Whatever the fuck that means. Thanks for the effort. Keep after it.

Ironman52Ironman52over 3 years ago

Ending was fine! You said It was supposed to be short and the ending is wholly appropriate

26thNC26thNCover 3 years ago
Great story

Another great, sad, unsatisfying story. It really made me feel his pain and want to know what happens. I have to beg now. Please do a chapter 2. , if for nothing else than to get the man out of Providence.

swedishreader1swedishreader1over 3 years ago

"I know, I know, everyone wants the story to be resolved."

It's not a story until it's resolved, now it's at best a snippet of information.

As is it's meaningless, just like any and all 750 word attempts.

No score until a second part or until the one star I will give it the next time I see it in the random stories list if it is not finished.

brownmobbrownmobover 3 years ago
Nice ending

leaves it up to the individual's imagination.

mordbrandmordbrandover 3 years ago

I could see forgiveness here. A single drunk mistake and being dumb enough to listen to friends about hiding it.

Pappy7Pappy7over 3 years ago
The writing is good, as always, but the

premise is weak as far as I am concerned. If these people are his friends and family why can't they honor his decision to end the marriage, for whatever reason and let him move on. Why is the ex wife's well being more important than their supposed friend and relative? And this crap of is he better off with her or without her sounds like so much psychobabble that is so emotion driven that it shouldn't have any standing in the world of mental healing. Sometimes a things broken can't be fixed.

ChagrinedChagrinedover 3 years ago

Not every story needs an ending! Don’t let him give you any shit. I think this was well done just the way it is. And I’m glad to see more people looking into the emotional and restorative side of things. Looks like I’m gonna have to break down and write up sequel to one of my stories. And show that yes you can come back, maybe not all the way, Or maybe even better.

Good job!

Best regards,


AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
younused to be a good writer and i looked forward to your stories

....but you seem to have been bitten by teh Minimalistic bug....give readers just a little to keep them last two of your stories have bben pretty anticipating a four course meal and finding out that three of the courses are water glasses...

WhackdoodleWhackdoodleover 3 years ago
This was a well written and well told story

But it was the usual. Your protagonist cut bait and bailed, fled, ran away and spent a year feeling sorry for himself.

I have no patience for people like that. I get running away. I get fighting for the person you think you love. I don’t get feeling sorry for yourself. That is junior high bullshit and if that’s how he reacts to problems, no wonder she cheated on him. Then you make her pay penance for her affair? Well la-dee-fucking-da.

My first wife was a mistake and I don’t apologize for cheating on her. He’ll, she could have been cheating on me for all I care. And I don’t care. My second wife was a different ball game and I haven’t cheated on her because I actually like her. Well...there was that one tone I motorboatted a colleague humongous titties but thst was more for fun...regardless, I did what I did and I had a fantastic time with another woman and my first wife eventually went bye bye. Yeah it cost me a lot but you know what? It was WORTH IT!

So I wanted to give this a 5 star but I hated your protagonist so much, I wanted to beat up a puppy.

kelchakelchaover 3 years ago
Choose Love

The way you set up the story leaves no better option.

Some people can't forgive. This husband can. Simple. He chooses love.

PowersworderPowersworderover 3 years ago

"anger and pain is easy to write, but forgiveness is hard."

That's why so few reconciliation stories work.

Forgiveness in real life is very hard too and I'm not convinced that it's ever worth forgiving an unfaithful spouse. The sad reality is that the relationship has been permanently stained by her betrayal and things will never go back to how they were before she cheated. There's always the risk that if she cheated once when things were great, she could easily do so again now it's all a fucked up mess.

It takes a huge emotional toll to work through all that pain and try to fix a broken relationship... so why bother? There are literally millions of single women out there, so why waste so much effort on a woman that has proven that she doesn't truly love or respect you?

The best thing Henry could do, would be to move on. Focus on his new life, make lots of new friends, and start dating new women. When he's replaced the things missing in his life, he won't feel any temptation to go back to the old life he walked away from. Starting a family with a pretty younger replacement for the cheating ex-wife will make his old marriage just a bad memory.

Hardday1953Hardday1953over 3 years ago
Thank You

Life sometimes sucks, that when you have to put on your big boy pants. There are many situations where the other party has no idea they are causing a problem. In this case, there can be healing. Thank you for your effort "5".

BaggyUKBaggyUKover 3 years ago
You're absolutely right...

...the BTB 'and' RAAC jobs are not going to be happy. Well written, thought out and intelligent little tale. Definitely thought provoking, forgiveness is extremely difficult when cheated upon. We should probably all ask ourselves would I forgive in these circumstances? For me ...nope.

ReedRichardsReedRichardsover 3 years ago
Well, by leaving it where you did, you may have avoided . . .

. . . the 1* fag cuck shit comments, but I thought this was a brilliantly written story, but one which ended with a thud. It isn’t often I comment that the story needs to be finished, but this one cries out for a resolution.

Some will hate it. We all know that to some readers, calling his wife and even thinking about reconciliation is a surrender, and evidence of a testosterone free life.

ArediaArediaover 3 years ago

I don't know the answers to your questions, but I do know the only way he can move on is to forgive her.

Huedogg2Huedogg2over 3 years ago
ponder the question

am I any happier than when I left? Is he trying to be? is he moving on or as he put it. He relives it everyday. You know what happened, why relive it? Most people move on with their lives. If you moss her that much, buy a dog and either take her back or move on. Life's to short to worry about if she cheat again. Realize you married a cheater and most likely she'll cheat again.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
what the heck

just leave it at that. good read. thanks Just_Words

Baldy74Baldy74over 3 years ago

Very well written with good characters. Yeah the ending doesn't work for me, but you obviously know that's what most people will say. My two cents, he's not better off at the moment because he hasn't tried to be, he's mopping and feeling sorry for himself and living like a hermit.

MurfyMurfyover 3 years ago
No ending

Lower score!

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

This is a complete story IMO. Just because he picks up the phone to call her doesn't mean he's going to reconcile and yes when he left he did burn her. One thing is for sure he's no cuck. This will not be a RAAC because he won't put up with any of her BS. Plus, I think, they may not be able to get passed this in the long run.🤷🏼‍♂️ This ending was just fine, yes it's no fairytale but it is make believe.😁

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

I love to read your stories I can follow your thoughts, the pain, the anger, the love. I look for your name as one of my favorite authors that I read first before looking for something else. Finish the story make multiple ending if you like just don't leave us hanging.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

Asking the reader to finish the story for you is a bitch move.

It is the writer’s job to write and the readers’ job to read. It is not up to us to finish the story for you. It is your story pick an ending and move forward with it or try a few endings and use the one that best stays true to the characters you created.

This is a really well written story. unfortunately your asking us to figure out the ending and tell it to you turned a 4 star story into a 2 star.

If you had figured out an ending that was not btb or RAAC it would have easily been 5 stars.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
He just needs to get laid

He ties too much of his self worth into his wife.

That's his issue. He would make the perfect husband if he had a faithful woman.

Unfortunately hes stuck with her. But he doesn't have to be. Hes right that because she cannot explain the why, she'll never be able to repair his trust. It doesn't matter

How she handles things after. She cheated and lied about it. He has every right to level if that is his wish. He just needs to fuck someone. It'll boost his shattered self image. He may even start to enjoy women as friends again. Hell realize his wife isn't special. He will move on. I think a year of NC tells us all we need to know about him. He's done with her. He just went pull the trigger

Storyteller0112Storyteller0112over 3 years ago

Your warnings were quite true. Still, it does provide food for contemplation. Thank you for this sharing.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
FTDS 4 Stars

I was disappointed with the sudden ending. The story flowed well and was plausible. This should be at least an attempted reconciliation story. Henry needs to pick up the phone and call his wife. They need to talk. If the talk goes well, he should invite her to visit him. They need to be together without their friends.

Her drunken one night stand damaged their marriage but she didn't turn it into an affair. He reported the guy to HR and his wife. She went to a shrink to figure out why she did it without learning a reason. Maybe she was drugged by the asshole. She was then a victim of the snitch who heard her rebuke the sleazeball she fucked.

Henry left the window open by not ghosting everyone. His buddy did him a favor by setting him in motion. His exile is punishing himself and others. He is blessed with friends and family. His wife made a mistake that she is not likely to repeat. Henry in VA suggested that this could be the start of many potential stories. I agree that this scenario is much more plausible than February Sucks.

You are a great writer but have slipped into spinning short pieces of stories. Not all stories have to be finished but this one stopped too abruptly. I hope you finish it otherwise you will be deluged by lesser writers who will want to FTDS.

Thank you for your past efforts and this incomplete story,

reasonable man

ReedRichardsReedRichardsover 3 years ago
Mr Sworder said that . . .see it as

. . . replacing his wife with a prettier, younger model makes the problems go away, but as the wronged husband ages, the supply of available prettier, younger women who will be interested in an older, divorced man dwindles. Yeah, it’s a common LW story ender, but for most men, it doesn’t happen that way. For most men, the available women are divorced themselves.

Several comments sad hat her mistake is unforgivable and that it proves she didn’t love or respect him, but it was described as a one night drunken mistake she regretted the next morning. Mr Words has written this as what ought to be the easiest mistake to get past, but many still see it as a marriage ender.

In a time when people pick their own spouses, we pick them because we find them pretty and sexy and liking sex; why is it surprising that they still like sex after they’re married? Throw opportunity send alcohol in the mix, and yeah, there will always be temptation.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
what do you do?

"what a man goes through a year after the painful collapse to a loving marriage. Does he move on? Does he start over? Does the pain ever go away? I suspect the answer varies with the man."

Apparently, some of them get off on revenge fantasies posted on Literotica.

Some people never resolve issues or move on. In that sense, this story i finished, leaving the protagonist in no-man's-land, slowly being eaten away by a past he cannot escape from or leave behind.

HarddaysknightHarddaysknightover 3 years ago
The comment about "know thy audience"

is telling. Many readers believe the writers are writing to please them or to gain high scores. Most of the writers here are simply telling stories. We concentrate on the story we tell, not pleasing readers. This story smacked of realism. Many readers want to read how the lover had his balls crushed while the company was taken to court and paid millions to the wronged spouse. It's okay if readers want that story. They often get exactly that. This was a thoughtful story of a marriage and a man who was all in. How does he survive? Crushing balls and suing companies works in LW, but the writer was looking for reality here and he found it.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

Good build up. Shitty non-ending.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
I Liked It

I didn’t bother reading all of the comments. The few that I saw all berated it for one reason or another. I read for the story, not the ending. You wrote a very good, well crafted story. Thank you.

SKHPSKHPover 3 years ago

In my opinion, the ending was perfect

Those who object obviously lack imagination. And the BTB crowd miss the revenge and the punishment. But even Harry in VA found some praise for this contribution.

I liked it! ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

jmmj5jmmj5over 3 years ago


Great job delving in the 'malaise' the follows a breakup. As you said, forgiveness, true forgiveness, is hard.

Thanks for sharing.

sbrooks103xsbrooks103xover 3 years ago

I don't know how it will end, but I'm sure he's calling his wife.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

Is he better off no. You can’t win in a situation like this. What he can’t do is live with a wife that cheats. The fact she is miserable is of her own making. The trust is what you can never recover. She knew what she was doing at the time even if liquor was involved. What would be in the back of his mind is when will it happen again. Once a cheat it is easier to do it the next time just be more careful. They always think they will get away with it.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

Thanks for an interesting read.

Like many LW stories it is based on a romantic myth. There are NO 'one-man' women or 'one-woman' men. If there were the human race would have died out years ago. These two were simply too weak to get on with their lives and find the better options that are certainly out there.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
1 star

not bc its badly written but bc its unfinished. This is your story, end it however you see fit-- dont leave it up to us readers to have to imagine an ending

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

Good story, thanks for the read.

"Did she ever explain why she did it?"

"No. She goes to a shrink, but she doesn't seem any closer to an answer now than she was before."

Now, see this is a total bullshit excuse. Woman always no WHY they choose to have sex. The may have many numerous reasons WHY the choose to have sex at any given time or with any given person but they always know WHY.

Do things “just happen” to cheaters — or do they have agency?

Cheating is always about entitlement. Cheaters cheat because they feel entitled to cheat and because they can. You can’t cheat on someone without lying to them. Real remorse spits out the truth. All of the truth, and nothing but the truth. Real remorse answers the same questions over and over and over again and gives truthful, consistent answers. (None of which is “I don’t know.”). Since the cheating wife after a whole year can't be truthful about why she cheated then its doubtful she feels real remorse for her actions.

Is the cheating wife really sad for the betrayal , broken trust and hurt heaped upon the husband— or just sad for themselves?

Until the wife can admit to herself and others WHY she did it then there's no chance for reconciliation.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
For fuck's sake, are there any men left in the west?

Seriously, I'm not being facetious. Either it's retarded fuckboys who pump and dump and/or ruin others' relationships... Or it's pathetic bitches like this. "She cheated on me, but, you know, I'm not any happier without her! Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!"

Get a fucking grip, you baby-man! You'd be miserable WITH her, trying to recapture a fucking genie that's already halfway to a tropical island to live out the rest of its life. 'She made a mistake' is the single most absurd reason to reconcile. What happens when she makes it again, and then a third time? Does she get her own sitcom? I can see it now: 'The Clutzy Slutzy!' Would probably be a hit on Twitter, at least.

BearcatfozzyBearcatfozzyover 3 years ago

Kinda looks like he will give her another chance, under the circumstances she’s been punished and her cheating was a one time drunken affair that she didn’t repeat. I’m usually in the btb crowd but here I’d understand. Maybe invite others to pen alternative endings? The setup would lend itself to various outcomes

flatcar44flatcar44over 3 years ago
It's realistic

Not every story about life is wrapped up with a nice bow. Life is fickle like that.

Nice story, but any RAAC can't occur until she figures out WHY she did it. Otherwise he's right and it might happen again.

Either way. He needs closure so he can get on with his life.

ranec1ranec1over 3 years ago
Mean As!!

chur m8 awsum story


well said HDK & RR

pepepilotpepepilotover 3 years ago

A well-written story that could have so many different endings. With so many possible endings, I like what you did with this one, although, I would not want to read a lot of "no ending" stories!

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Yes very very real.

I suppose most of us reading this story have lived a day, a week, a month, a year, longer in this state of existence so the feelings are visceral.

For some, this is forever.

Unanticipated betrayal and the moment of realization touches the same complexes in our brain as do scary scenes in horror it real, is it fake....and there are plenty of folks who live that electric shock for extended periods of time and can’t get over the betrayal yet can’t move on. Disbelief, love, hatred.

Great job Words


AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
very real

To me this was very real and I liked the ending.

But I don't like his friend getting involved and saying he needs to call her and forgive her. If he feels he needs closure then fine do it in the call. If he feels he wants to help her by letting her talk then fine make the call.

Its only a year. Things like this can take longer and he will make more friends and he can date. He doesn't need to get married again and he doesn't need to go back with his wife. Every time he sees her he will remember her "mistake" and hurt all over again. So the better with her than without doesn't apply right now. How happy would he be that year had he stayed? She is racked with guilt and doesn't know why she did it so he would be in hell.

silentsoundsilentsoundover 3 years ago

Living as he was is a result of his internal issues. He doesn't need his ho ho to make him better.

Decent writing about a guy who could use some professional mental health help.

FireFox59FireFox59over 3 years ago

I'll have to agree that how this situation is handled will vary by the type of man. I'm a stand and fight type guy but your MC is pretty much the opposite. In this case running away from the problem certainly hasn't helped him. He really seems no better off now than he was when it happened. Continuing to live like that will eventually destroy him. He needs to either forgive her and take her back or he needs to get help moving on with his life without her. Very good story.

whateverittakeswhateverittakesover 3 years ago

If I were you I'd leave this as it is. Don't let anyone else finish it for you. Sometimes one has to ponder life and its events and deal with them. This is too good a story to allow the BTB or RAAC crowds to finish it.

Demosthenes384bcDemosthenes384bcover 3 years ago

Yes, I'd like to have the story resolved. Yes, it was very well written with great character development and the reader is pulled into sharing his pain (especially if we've been there). We don't know enough about this marriage history (you leave some points but not a complete picture) to fully understand the pros/cons of reconciliation. Was it really a drunken one time event? What was the buildup to her infidelity, was there some heavy flirting at the office before the trip? Was she drawing away from him, or other problems in hindsight, prior to the event? The commenters that proclaim BTB or RAAC or anything else are just being ignorant. If you've ever been truly in love and in a committed relationship you know it's never that simple. They also throw around the word "cuck" without understanding its true meaning. He's not a "cuck" unless he allows his wife to continue to have other men. When he walked out as soon as he found out, he was stating to her and the world he is not a cuck. Clearly he needs counseling and until she figures out "why" then he's nuts to reconcile. When all the emotional dust settles, maybe they can start from scratch or maybe they go their separate ways. At least a couple chapters/parts worth of work to end this tale. You write a pretty good story JW, it's up to you whether you want to tackle the end. 4*

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

For those that don't like the way the story ends, feel free to write YOUR story. Having read PLENTY of stories and MORE than enough comments / complaints its clear that at least half would have still not been happy and a portion of the rest would have found something else to complain about. This way the few of us who enjoy a story just for the pleasure of reading are happy. They may be "just words" but I enjoyed the story. Having been there I can still remember the emotions 20 years later. Thank you for once more gifting us with a great story or for the people who aren't happy if not whining, a target!

somewhere east of Omaha

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Simp city

yeah yeah it's a cliched word, but hell just get on with your life. My marriage fell apart and yes it was crap for a few months, but now years later I look back and just breath a huge sigh of relief I'm not involved with her anymore. I honestly believe I'll never want a long term thing again. I can do what I want, when I want and spend my money however I want.

MusicGuy4FunMusicGuy4Funover 3 years ago


I’m a RAAC kinda guy. The ending and setup was perfect.

Legio_Patria_NostraLegio_Patria_Nostraover 3 years ago

Anyone who doesn't like the story or the way it ended/didn't end, were forewarned! JW delivered as promised. Intriguing story, well-written! 5ive 5tars!

JustOneMansOpinionJustOneMansOpinionover 3 years ago
A real life in self imposed exile.

I wish you had an ending. I understand it's much easier not to have an ending. The number of us that hate this type of ending are greatly outnumbered by the BTB and RAAC crowd.

You say "If you figure it out, let me know." You're the only one who can really know because it's your story. When you don't write an ending then it is no longer your story. It's a great story, 5 stars or it could be a 1 star story if it doesn't have another part. It's like cleaning your grill, oiling the grate and getting it fired up and up to temp, then throwing a prime cut T-bone on, grilling the first side and then instead of turning it over you put it on the plate. Then you tell your dinner guest that if they want it well done put the grill marks up and if they want it rare put the grill marks down. You can still make it medium rare or as well done as you like. But you have to finish it!

Thanks and I hope you finish it. After all, it's your story to finish not mine.

OPrimeOPrimeover 3 years ago
Good Story

She knows why she did it. My phone call would be, "Call me when you are willing to tell me why you did it and why I should trust you again".

BillandKateBillandKateover 3 years ago

Enjoyed the story of two great friends and how Gene knows Henry well enough to wait until the proper moment to make his pitch. Very well written.

Why did she cheat? Because she was immature and drank too much, not realizing at the time how it would destroy their world. Those of us who have traveled for work know how you must be on your guard to prevent these situations. There are numerous temptations on the road; knowing the warning signs is key. Time for her to find a new therapist - hers is either incompetent or milking the situation.

Why won't she, most likely, ever cheat again? Because she now understands the penalty for cheating. He may forgive her once, but not twice.

The downside to her unfaithfulness is that, if they do reconcile, there will always be that little chip out of the relationship. Can Henry really forgive her and not want a little payback some day? We'll hope he's a better man than that.

So, put us down for a reconciliation, which is different from from a RAAC - because there was a cost.

Thanks for a short 5 star tale.

Driven2ReadDriven2Readover 3 years ago
Very well written and Realistic story - that get's 5*

I liked this, but while I too don't like a unfinished story, that is not the only reason I am disappointed. I can see how forgiveness is hard to write, but I've read all your stuff and you are one of the best authors on this site. Completing this story and completing it well is something you can do in spades. So I expect you to in the near future. I also expect to other authors attempts. I can see RAAC or just dropping her, but not really BTB. I see the MC as weak at this point but I can see his personal growth as a main part of the continuing story be it RAAC or something else. I have a best friend who never got over his divorce 25 years ago and basically wasted his life away - always sabotaging his later relationships - even his & mine at times. He has never grown up and dealt with his issues. Lucky for him, I am a tenacious forgiving ass, so we still hang around together. This could go that way too. Waiting for the finish with anticipation.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

"Ladies, if you're reading this, I'm sorry, but this is what guys say and do when you are not around."

In almost 70 years I have never encountered the kind of vulgarity among men that is described, and I've been with men from almost every walk of life and socio-economic class. No one I know or have know would even want to associate with such a person. I guess LW authors really are different.

secretsalsecretsalover 3 years ago

Nice vignette. Covers the situation so well that the resolution is almost irrelevant.

johnadpjohnadpover 3 years ago
5 Stars!

First, want to say this short story was beautifully done.

Second, IMHO, I think writing the phone call at the end was a mistake. Many LW stories put the period of the pain of the one cheated upon, as the glossed over in between section of the story that connects his finding out about the cheating and his resolution. This story was focusing and highlighting that pain period, and brought that aspect into focus. By writing in the phone call, like Pavlov's dog accustomed to a formula by LW, most readers will focus on wondering where the story goes, as opposed to your goal (I think) which is focusing on the man in limbo and his pain.

Good stories, well told (even though this one is very short), elicit thinking about many truisms. In this story, the MC tells us that his personality of taking things very hard, and feeling insulted by slights in youth, make his wife's betrayal harder for him to take.

Another truism the MC tells us, is that the betrayal brought out a lot of his insecurities. And this too is very true. That's a big part of why some men take cheating so much harder than others.

That the person telling on the cheater is often someone just trying to fuck up someone else's life, out of pettiness, and not out of nobility. It's one thing if the wife was a serial cheater (which should be disclosed), but this was a one time fuck up.

PeelercrabPeelercrabover 3 years ago

Some time it doesn't matter. Even when it does. Once the line gets crossed how can you ever trust again. Often when you do you find out about once one, always one. Then sometimes the one who does the hurting has a moment of clarity and never does it again but they are with someone else. Nothing good ever comes from itchy britches. I expect it has always been this way.

Drgnmstr97Drgnmstr97over 3 years ago
My one problem...

Good writing. He asked the only question that mattered and got the worst answer possible. He may want her back but he wants what he had, he does not want the person that could do something like this and STILL not know why a year later. Him reaching for the phone makes no sense after asking that question in the first place. Unless, it is to call her and tell her she needs to explain to him how she could make that choice AND convince him that she would not be capable of doing it again to have any chance for the two of them to talk.

He shouldn't offer any hope or even mention the word reconciliation but if he does miss her that much then trying to get the ball rolling for her to understand herself and fix herself would be the first step.

But honestly, what explanation changes the way betrayal makes you feel. What could she possibly say that could start trust all over again? Enough trust to risk your already broken heart. Choosing momentary sexual gratification over a lifelong commitment just highlights the moral wasteland that is your soul. The trade is so lopsided in the negative column there really is no way to compare it and when you compound that with the fact that you destroy the person you are suppose to love, honor and trust the most there is no defense of the act. You both need to move on and figure out how to heal.

Staying together is possible but the betrayal is such a weight on each persons soul. And that is assuming the cheater even has remorse and regret for their action and I mean true regret for the damage they caused another person, not regret because they have lost their comfortable lifestyle. You destroy someone's ability to trust and damage their self worth to the point that they usually have to deal with the repercussions of that for the rest of their lives because of a choice you made. Even true and honest remorse is not enough to heal the damage you caused your loved one. Nothing can heal that betrayal especially not when you didn't even have the integrity to confess. Not having the integrity to confess is the first sign that there is no true remorse and only fear of loosing your "happy" life.

I cannot possibly trust you with my heart a second time when you did not show the courage to face your transgression head on. But hears the thing, cheaters are such weak people in the first place by choosing the selfish path that they rarely even have the integrity or intestinal fortitude necessary to confess. If they possessed those traits, they never would have strayed in the first place.

Dittybopper6989Dittybopper6989over 3 years ago

Well done and the ending is perfect. Life and relationships don't have to be perfect to be enjoyable.

hindsight2020hindsight2020over 3 years ago

Sorry, the ending is just lazy. Not clever, not thought provoking, just lazy.


SouthdownSouthdownover 3 years ago
Good start... and then???

I disagree vehemently with "Aredia" The ONLY WAY their marriage can continue is with a solemn apology from the cheating bitch. from there onwards I think a short leash on the cheater and a post-nup where the cheater gets nailed and taken to the cleaners, not to mention some suitable electronic checking devices stationed around the slut! Make sure the cheating bitch doesn't suddenly get pregnant or want to buy a house and start a family... 'Family Law' is a man trap for low-life women like this. As for forgiving an 'only once' FORGET IT UNLESS you enact ALL THE ABOVE PRECAUTIONS!

SouthdownSouthdownover 3 years ago
Just a note

Aredia 's comment is so far out of order it is difficult to understand how a person who thinks that way can function in the World. Nobody 'forgives a spouse for wilful cheating, NOR SHOULD THEY! A sincere and deeply felt apology might start a dialogue but it's a long way back! 1* POOR ENDING (i.e NO ENDING) coupled with the sloppy storyline it should be in negative teritory

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

Note to commenters!!! Please keep your comments shorter than the story!!! LMFAO!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

About as good as it gets for a very short story able to capture the angst of being in the position of a wronged spouse dealing with a (presumably) remorseful partner after suffering a catastrophic betrayal of trust and love.


GrimmerGrimmerover 3 years ago

Nice job of capturing a bit of the emotion. The mistrust, the doubt, the unknown kills things quicker than the actual event. Poisoning the well.


KRD19254KRD19254over 3 years ago

My 2-cents.... He left her just over a year ago. Family/friends have intervened and not changes his mind due to he hit the nail on the head - WHY? Until she can truthfully state why she did it it will forever loom as the Sword of Damocles over that marriages head. He will never be able to trust her again and this not willing to take the chance of hell cometh back upon him. Actually, my advice is to put it all in the rear view mirror - move on to an unknown location and start over. Put on his big boy pants - life is not easy nor simple.


Once a cheater always a cheater.... Especially when she cannot face the truth of 'WHY'....


3*, was a solid 4.5* until he reached for the phone. Hooyah....

SomeOneTwoThreeSomeOneTwoThreeover 3 years ago

Well, what do you know?!

I've read quite a few Just_Words stories.

But nothing like this before.

This was simply excellent!

Both the writing and the plot.

Great work Just_Words!

Top ratings from me.

SemperSolus0198SemperSolus0198over 3 years ago

Better to die alone with a minuscule amount of self respect, than to die surrounded by people or a person that leeched it from your body like a parasite. Any man that doesn't realize the difference deserves to feltch another mans cum out of his WIFES cootch, or be forced to raise another mans child. Either way you die alone, die on your feet, or live on your knees.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

She doesnt deserve forgiveness. People always want the cheated on guy to forgive and take back a cheater but never think what the guy needs or deserves. Fuck cheaters.

njlaurennjlaurenover 3 years ago
Well written

It does show the character's pain, and we also learn why he did what he did, why he went away, that he had his own problems when dealing with betrayal. This is a complex story, if short, the wife obviously was not a cheating bitch, she got drunk and did something stupid, and the sad truth is she doesn't know why. It wasn't the alcohol, you can't blame that, it wasn't loneliness like she was away for a what was it? She obviously regrets it, which is the first sign of healing. She knows she hurt him, she knows what she did would devastate him. One thing intriguing about the story is it doesn't sound like she tries to reach him (could be oversight), did she even try sending him a letter or letters? Did she try going there to talk to him? if not, why?

This is actually a hard nut to crack because apparently she doesn't know why she did it, was she bored, was she in a rut at home, what happened? He is right about something, if a therapist cannot help her find an answer, then she needs another therapist. It is obvious he misses her, he hasn't exactly moved on, he doesn't bother to get divorced, he isn't really dating, so he still has the torch for her.

Me, I am the romantic, and I would hope for a reconciliation and this story has the potential for one. It is going to take work, it is going to take both of them willing to confront their own demons, and yes, there also needs in some ways to be amends, and yes, on both sides. It is true she hurt him, but he never even gives her the chance to explain, never listens to her, throws her away. He admits he tends to go to extremes when he senses betrayal. He is smart when he recognizes that his old wife is gone, she will never be that, because he will have the hurt, she will have the guilt, and both of them have some growing up to do. One thing that should work in her favor is that the husband admits he had his rough edges, that at times he could be hard to deal with, and she helped him through that, probably faced his wrath in ways well out of line with what she supposedly did. If she was so patient with him, maybe, just maybe, he owes her some patience, too?

This story doesn't deserve a BTB, because she is giving herself her own punishment. As far as RAAC goes, that is a bit of a fiction, a RAAC is when someone betrays you so badly that you are literally willing to eat shit to keep them (think about some of the versions of "February Sucks", but it doesn't apply in this case, this is more reconciliation with reasonable cost (to both people).

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

I like your work, but that was just a chapter in the middle of a story. Didn’t work for me at all

muskyboymuskyboyover 3 years ago

Need to finish this story. Not enough details to even have an opinion on what he should or should not do. I like most of your other stuff and really hope you finish this. Thanks

studyingstudyingover 3 years ago
Response to betrayal

"However, any sense of betrayal by a friend or coworker would bring destruction. It was an old problem driven by insecurity that had dogged me all my life."

No, it isn't driven by insecurity. It is driven by resentment that the other party doesn't want to make the same sacrifice that one makes in "forsaking all others."

iameaseliameaselover 3 years ago

It appears SouthDown has some testosterone driven anger issues. Guessing his wife cheated and he couldnt get up the spine to leave. Such are the, obviously, anger driven kids these days. Sorry little boy spouses forgive cheating quite frequently, both husbands and wives, take A LOT of work and many, like you would, curl up in a ball and live with it. That said, few make it through it. Im glad you can still stay with her, Im sure she doesnt smirk behind your back too often.

I'd love to see a second part to this, not that I want a RAAC or a BTB but I would love to see how it would shake out if you went all in.

WargamerWargamerover 3 years ago

Given the story as told and her attempt in redemption, he picks up the phone and he calls her.

He takes her back, after a discussion regarding future expectations of both of them.

I’m a BTB man, but your story cries out for redemption and forgiveness.

For Gods sake, knowing this, finish the damned story please.

Scores 4/5

Bear_TrainerBear_Trainerover 3 years ago

I give it four stars. It would have been five if it were finished. Oh well maybe someone else will finish it.

woodmanonewoodmanoneover 3 years ago
Liked the story

It made the reader get off his butt and think, figuratively. Sort of like the Lady or the Tiger from another era. Good job. Thanks.


woodmanonewoodmanoneover 3 years ago
One more thing from me

A reader suggested the only way reconciliation could be possible is with an abject apology by the wife..agreed. Then he goes on to say electronic monitoring and other draconian measures to insure no repeat.

Seriously, maybe some could life as a jailer or warden but I couldn't. What kind of life would that be? Either forgive and get on with you life, together or apart, or cut bait and leave. My opinion for what it is worth.


AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
So hard to come back from

How do you get back from that betrayal? How long till he does not get sick from looking at her. Studies say it takes 3 to 5 years. Will she be able to take it when he gets pissed off remembering the betrayal? Likegoodwine wrote a good story about it.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

Forgiveness is hard, to write and or to give.

But, even with forgiveness the marriage is permenently damaged. Less than 10% of couples who have a one time Incedent of cheating make a recovery and it is never a full recovery. Psychological and psychiatric counselors would be looking for new professsions if they gave the truth about couples being successful after this event.

But, hell go ahead pay 300+ an hour to be lied to and given reasons that fill your fantasies and dreams of recovery.

Hell do it the right way, forgive yourself any guilt and anger at being mistaken about the trustworthiness of someone you believed in. And if your are feeling magnanimous go ahead and include the guilty party if that makes putting it behind you easier. Just remember that their happiness after what they did is NOT YOUR RESPONSIBILTY. How they cope with what happened and move on is on them.

Actions have consequences, if you can’t handle the repercussions of your actions don’t do the action. And if this sounds to harsh to you snowflakes from the me generation just go to your quiet space or safe zone or what ever you call them now and quit being a burden on the rest of us.

Your not owed anything other then what you work for and earn. Get over yourselves and grow up. Once you reach the age of majority the only one responsible for you is you.

When this bullshit that is going on now crashes you will either be ready to take care of yourself or be left with the trash. All this political correctness and the bullshit going on is going to come to a sudden and harsh end. The dead weight will be left to their own demise and concern and or compassion for these deadbeats will be non existent.

red_woodred_woodover 3 years ago
Decision time

.....ring...ring....ring, 'Hi, Matt, yeah fine...have her served at work'



Ring....ring...ring...' Hi Lars, yes fine...., still looking for a engineer in Copenhagen?'

Nice story,

Be safe

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Good grief, what are you complaining about?

He told you, its Just Words.

Like the marriage and the adultery, it doesn't make any sense. Pointless, without merit, something that should never have been started.

The husband is weak, dependent, and well below the normal level of testosterone. If the wife is very fortunate the wimp will stay out of her life until she can find a man, for a change. Darwin applauds this loser for removing himself from the gene pool. Thank you.

And thanks for the effort.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Aredia is correct...

We live in a twisted silly society. Aredia is correct. His only shot at happiness is to forgive her. Whether he takes her back he will never move on or have a life if he does not. Just the way it is.

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I suppose I write for many of the same reasons that others do. First, I am exorcising my demons. I use writing to explore my thoughts and emotions, sometimes embracing, and perhaps ridding myself of, my darker thoughts and sometimes finding happier themes to celebrate. It s...