Life on the Farm Ch. 03-04


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Shortly they emerged wearing nothing but sandals. Paul said, "Wow, You two don't waste any time do you."

Ron replied, "Paul, it's in for a penny in for a pound. Care to join us?"

Macie pulled her dress over hear head, she had completely shaved her pussy for this trip and that's where Ron and Ginny's eyes went. Soon Paul was naked, and the foursome went out to the beach. Neither of the guys had a boner which was surprising, they couples walked arm in arm, Ron had his arm around Ginny at one point, his hand resting on her bare hip, Paul and Macie was about the same with both stealing looks at their kids wondering if this trip was a good idea. They thought seeing the two kids actually getting a long was worth it in the end.

The sun was sitting and Paul was getting tired so they decided to go back to their room and hit the bed. The evening was still young for Ginny and Ron so they walked a ways further. Ginny turned to Ron and said, "What do you think brother?"

"I wish you would not call me that, and what I think is that I love you." Ron said as he kissed her on the lips pulling her naked body into his. Soon his cock was hard, and hammocks were tied to trees about every 100 feet. He was wanting, and she was in need. So they went off to find a hammock that was not occupied, the first one had a couple in it already that was going at it like rabbits. They wanted to watch almost as much as they needed each other. The next one was open so they helped themselves. They found Sex in a hammock was not as easy as it seems, and after a few attempts that lasted maybe 45 seconds each decided it was best to go find their cabin back.

On their way back to the cabin they passed several people in hammocks that seem to have figured it out, one couple on a blanket under a coconut tree, and a woman out in the surf giving some guys a blowjob. Getting closer, they saw that the guy was their dad and the girl was their mom.

Ginny said, "Now that looks fun." dropped to her knees and sucked his cock into her mouth, still damp with her own juices from their earlier attempts. Ron loved the feel of the ocean spray on him as he quickly filled his lover's mouth.

Ron wasn't sure but thinks his father saw them, but neither said a thing to one another. Walking back with Ron's arm wrapped around Ginny they caught up with their parents. Paul made a comment, "You two really do look like two young lovers on the beach. No wonder that lady upgraded you."

Ginny said, "We are going to turn in, it's been a long day."

Ron Said, "It's weird being naked but I like it really. I'm not sure what the big hang up is with people. I'm even getting used to my other half too."

Ginny said, "It's actually nice as much attention that he's been giving me, who would have thought to get close to my brother all it would take is getting naked with him."

Macie said, "It is nice seeing you two like this. You two do make a cute couple."

Ron said, "Later guys."

Paul said, "Don't do anything we wouldn't"

Back at their room Ron and Ginny slipped into the hot tub, sitting across from each other chatting. Ginny said, "What a day, what a week, I think everything I know about anything has changed."

Ron asked, "How so, I think we just opened our eyes."

Ginny said, "I think Mom and Dad, I mean Paul and Macie, saw us on the beach."

Ron said, "Yeah, I kinda do also, but I think they will believe that as close as we have been since we got naked here would almost lead us to being closer, if not something more."

Ginny said, "Do you think we should tell them?"

Ron said, "Yes, but I think maybe let them actually see we are in love, you know this is very different for them too."

Ginny asked, "Any Ideas? I mean really."

Ron said, "Let's keep up the closeness, and let our hands do what they want when they are around. I saw on the calendar a clothing free couples dance tomorrow night."

Ginny said, "I'll talk to mom about it. I think she will be game to go dancing."

The hot tub and a few drinks had them both relaxed and ready for bed. They showered together to get the chemicals from the hot tub off their skin and lay in bed kissing and fondling each other for a while, intending to make love all night long. When the phone ring it was Paul and Macie wondering if they wanted to go for breakfast at the one of the hotels restaurants.

Ginny asked, "Sure, we can do that in the morning."

Macie told her, "Honey it is morning, lt's 7am and light again outside, I think yesterday wore you out."

Ginny said, "Well it is dark in here and we soaked in the hot tub last night before we went to bed. Oh.. and this bed is so comfortable."

Macie asked, "So you guys got along good last night then."

Ginny said, "Great, I may never want to sleep alone again. Actually with this big bed, we could have not touched all night, but it was nice waking up with someone, even my dorky brother snuggled up next to me."

Macie said, "Ah.. Okay.. But yes it is nice to have someone there."

Ginny told her mom, "I can't believe how much we really have in common, I've never really got to know him this much before."

Macie responded, "I'm glad you all are talking."

Ginny said, "Mom, we want to go to the couples dance tonight, you guys want to come?"

Macie said, "Sure I do, I'll ask Paul when he gets out of the shower."

Ginny asked, "You didn't join him?"

Macie said, "No but he just started the water, and that sounds like a good idea, what do you say we meet in about an hour for breakfast."

Ginny replied, "Sure thing mom, we need to get a shower too."

They hung up and Ginny decided to take Ron up since her fell back to sleep while she was talking on the phone. She dove her head under the sheets, locating his flaccid penis and engulfing it into her mouth. Working a little magic with her tongue she soon felt her mouth getting fuller as his wonderful cock hardened in her mouth. Ginny thought to herself, "This is so wild, I've never felt it do this before." Continuing her magic, she feel Ron's hand on her ass and he is soon lifting one of her legs up over his head so that while she sucks him he has unbridled access to her dripping pussy. Ron's hand rub up and down her body, feeling every curve of her ass, and back and her wonderful breast pressed into his stomach as she expertly sucks his cock.

Ron licks her clit and fucks her pussy with his tongue driving her mad. At one point he fears she might bite off his penis. He settles on her clit, his nose buried in her pussy as he continues to lick her. He soon has her convulsing on top of him, pressing her pussy down hard over his face as she cums. When she settle down her flips her over, rubs his cock at the entrance of her pussy a couple time and she squirms, so sitting between her legs he continues to rub the head of his cock on her little nub, as she nears another orgasm he plungers into the luscious warmth of her pussy. As soon as their pubic mound meet Ginny starts her orgasm, Ron continues his pounding prolonging her orgasm and starts his own. Filling her with rope after rope of his cum.

Ron rolls off of her saying the only thing he can, "WOW..."

When Ginny could speak she said, "Shit.. We gotta shower real quick and go meet Paul and Macie for breakfast."

In record time the two showered, and was out the door stark naked. Their parents were running late also so all was good. When there got there Macie told Ginny, "Thanks for the suggestion. You should try that sometimes, showering with someone it is fun."

Ginny blushed, "Maybe sometime but don't you think Paul would freak."

Macie laughed, "God he would probably drop dead in the shower, you don't want to kill him you know. I wasn't taking about him silly."

Ginny blushed a deeper shade of red, "Oh... oh... you.. oh..." Taking the meaning as showering with her brother.

They ate and then went to hang out around the pool for a while, everyone getting their eyes full of the other guests. Ginny and Ron were as always friendly with one another. Ginny, of course, teasing Ron a little when she bent over to get a towel showing off her open pussy to him causing a hardon turned around and said, "Oh look, someone saw something he liked."

Macie chimed in, "I kinda like his reaction." Pointing at his erection as if just having it was not bad enough his own mom and sister had to call him out on it.

The rest of the day was spent just having fun like that, Even Paul got a little ribbing when he got an erection. Macie saying, "I wonder what you saw that you like?" Knowing damn well he got a view of his daughters pussy.

Paul lied, "I was just thinking about last night on the beach dear when you..."

Macie cut him off, "I think I want to go out on the jet-ski's anyone else game?"

Ron chimed in saying, "I'm game. What about you my dear Ginny?"

With that the four went down to the ocean where they were at, getting two Jet-Skis. Being a couples resort they were all two seat versions.

The girls of course rode being the guys at first. Ginny wrapped her arms around Ron's waist hold on tightly at first, the water was smooth and they had a great time. Ginny would reach down from time to time and grab Ron's cock, or run her hands over his chest. Eventually they switched places, and Ron had a blast with his bare cock bouncing up and down Ginny's back. They came up on their parents, Paul was in back with Macie in his lap, and it looked like from a distance she was riding his cock. As the got a little closer Ron and Ginny could tell that was the case. Pauls' hands were all over their mother, Ron and Ginny just turned away and kept going their own way.

It was getting close to dinner time and they all headed in. When they got off, Macie said to Ginny, "There's something on your back, here let me get it off.. oh.." Wiping her hand on Ginny's back she brought her hand to her nose, smelling it. "I think this is .. oh..."

Ron embarrassed, "I couldn't help it, it was trapped between us and it just happened, sorry sis."

Ginny said, "I felt it you hard, but didn't pay any attention to it I'm sorry."'

Paul said, "No problem, being part of a couple things happen like that. We hit a wave and I accidently impaled your Macie."

Macie said, "Accidently my ass, you lifted my ass up onto you."

Paul answered, "I like my explanation better."

Macie whispered to Ginny, "I helped a little too."

Ron ask, "We all going to the dance later?"

Ginny added, "Come on guys, it will be fun!"

Paul gave in, "Your Mom, I mean Macie, wants to go to the dance too so that means yes."

Ron said, "Great, we will see you there, we are going to go exploring some if that's cool with you,"

Paul said, "Sure, you two have fun. I think we are going to go take a nap, those jet-skis wore me out."

With that the Ron and Ginny went walking around the resort, they were right tons of stuff to do. What amazed them both was how open people were about sex. Ginny wanted to go Snorkeling, so that's how they spent the afternoon after a short class, naked and underwater.

Ron was in awe at how graceful Ginny looked underwater. Her sleek naked body seemed to come alive in the blue sunlit salt water around the reef. To his credit Ron did try to mount her once but the water did not help any with lubrication. Finally wearing themselves out they go get dinner, and back to their cabin for a quick shower together and a nap snuggled up in that big king-sized bed.

While the kids were napping, Paul and Macie found a hammock on the beach after about their 4th try, finding several already in use. Unlike Ron and Ginny, they had experience with hammocks and quickly got entangled with one another. Paul found the smooth feel of his wife's shave pussy to be a major turn on. He loved her beautiful red pubic hair, and misses the feel of her soft fur on his nose when he goes down on her, however the soft skin of her pubic mound is something that he has never experience. Paul is torn between what he likes best. He caught himself staring at Ginny's pussy earlier, and even got a slight boner, for which him and Ron both got busted for.

Paul wonders what Ron is thinking of this. Ron and his sister were not really that close and here they are now acting like lovers. He knows at Ron's age he would already be hitting that piece. The fact that Ron came all over her back leaves him with doubt that he hasn't.

Paul and Macie continued to enjoy one another for about an hour when Macie started to really fuck him, grinding her pussy on his cock until she came, and then pulling out saying, "You can wait until after the dance, you were a BAD boy and I might have to spank you later even."

Kissing her deeply Paul Smiled saying, "I look forward to it! Let's go shower and get a move on."

Paul and Macie met the kids at the cabin, they were a little early so the all had a few drinks, the kids were sitting on the loveseat, Ginny's legs were tucked under her like they have been a thousand times at home her knees barely touching her brother's leg. Everyone totally naked and just talking like nothing is out of the normal. Macie made a comment about the situation, "It's nice seeing you two get along so well, and I love this freedom from clothes. I wish we had done this a long time ago on vacation. I've not even unpacked my clothes."

Ginny said, "When I heard clothing free at first, I was afraid, but I'm glad I went for it. I want to say I'm even glad that Ron's around for it. I've enjoyed the time here so far with him."

Ron said, "It's been a blast for sure. The dance tonight sounds fun, but I don't know how to dance really."

Paul said, "Just follow me, Drink during the fast songs and only dance the slow ones."

Ron said, "Sounds like a plan to me."

Ginny said, "You guys about ready to head over to the club house?"

Macie exclaimed, "I was ready when we got here! Let's go."

Everyone rose up and got ready to go, Ginny grabbed her father in a big bear hug, pressing her breasts into his chest. Without thinking, Paul lifted her off her feet and spun her around once. Ginny saying, "Thank you so much for this trip." Feeling his cock pulse slightly against her stomach before he released her made him want to take his wife back to the room right then. Then Mom that the same treatment from Ginny without the spin. Ron not to be left out got a big hug from Ginny, his hands naturally going down her back and her lips met his for a second before Ginny realized it and broke it off, saying, "And Thank you too Ron."

The two couples walked arm in arm, the parents leading the way. Ginny's thoughts going back to the kiss they shared just minutes ago, the feeling of her father's cock as they hugged, and how much his ass looked like Ron's. Paul was thinking how nice Ginny's breast felt, Macie was thinking about getting Paul alone and fucking his brains out, which is about what Ron was thinking of doing to Ginny.

At the dance they were doing picture of the couples as they came in, Ron and Ginny went first, followed by Paul and Macie, then they ask for a group shot which the resort was glad to accommodate. The music was just staring up as the couple found an out of the way booth, slid a couple towels over the seats and sat down and they ordered drinks. Before the drinks arrived the DJ played some popular dance music, the electric slid, cupid shuffle, and some other. The YMCA was Ron's favorite, with all the arm movements he was in booby heaven! Paul liked one song that repeated "How low can you go" because he could see the variety of pussies on display and they went lower "to the floor" low even.

Taking his cue Ron sat and watched with his father as the girls danced, taking breaks for a drink here and there. Everyone was starting to feel no pain as a slow song started. Macie grasped Paul by the hand and Ginny pleaded with Ron and he gave in and joined her. The dance floor was a sea of naked flesh pressed against one another. Ron's cock was aimed down towards the lush growth of his sister's pussy, with their parents dancing beside them Ron was trying to keep from getting hard but that only served to make him get harder. Ginny's breast against his chest was driving him more nuts than he though possible.

Paul was having about the same luck as Ron was as his wife, she had him standing at attention in no time, his cock pointing up almost between her breasts. The DJ played a second slow song with more of a swaying beat. This proved too much for him and he lost his load. When the song ended the parted and went back to their booth. Ron and Ginny slid in as Paul wiped his member off leaving Macie to wipe off the cum off her stomach.

Macie spoke up over the music, "See Ron you are not the only one that can have a mishap with things."

The next round of dancing came around and the girls went dancing again, more drinks flowed, some appetizers showed up, and everyone was feeling pretty good when the next round of slow dancing started. Just like before the parents teamed up and Ginny and Ron paired up. When the second dance started Ginny ask her mom to trade partners. So they swapped, it was different for them. Ron held his mother in his arm and the danced back and forth, her body was nice but all he could really think about was Ginny. Ginny was actually missing her Ron too, she loves her dad, just not in the same way and to be honest it was like dancing with her dad. The naked father daughter dance playing out was not a sexual thing for either of them. They talked and she confessed to her father that was in love with Ron and he loved her too. Ron all but told his mother the same thing. His mom kissed him on the cheek and said, "I'm glad you told me but believe me a mother can tell! I'm happy for you two."

None of the foursome thought anything more of swapping partners than what it was, just spending time with your family. A mother dancing with her son, a daughter dancing with her father is not uncommon and does not have to be a sexual encounter.

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AkpervertAkpervert3 months ago

Still HOT, with potential for HOTTER! I think it's going to happen.

Still no mention of protection. Hmmm, this would have me worried.

tjorgensontjorgensonover 3 years ago

It was alright but as it was written it seemed as if I was back in first grade reading dick and Jane book . sort of, Dick said, Jane said. But beside that a very good plot.

bshell47bshell47almost 4 years ago
Nice story

Can’t wait for the next chapter.

Hope the parents switch with the kids.

Perfect vacation

prop69prop69almost 5 years ago
AWESOME story. A family dream where all enjoy.

Each episode is better with love and tenderness.

Looking forward to the next evening.

worshipper622worshipper622over 5 years ago
Too weird!

What started as a typical "Life on the Farm" story, has turned into an absolute farce. It's beyond fantasy. Couple that with having to reread every other sentence due to grammatical/spelling/gender errors, well, it's a chore to read. Sorry, get an editor or stop writing!

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