Life's Changes Ch. 09


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Considering what you were going though not to bad. Bill had a lot of help with Ginny there. I wasn't much help since you wouldn't let anyone give you oral sex." I felt like such a slut when I can't remember what I did. Then she said

"Miss Jenny will be here in an hour to drive you to work. I know you'll need to eat breakfast so I suggest you get started."

When I stood for the first time I legs cramped up. I walked stiff legged to the bathroom. Once I was done with my shower I put on my make-up and brushed my hair. The outfit Pam picked out for me was too conservative for my mood but I knew it was just right to wear to the office. I really wished I could have gone with out cloths entirely but that was out of the question.

Once I was dressed I when down stairs. Pam had a big bowl of fruit ready for me, and six slices of toast. Normally I only had two. Instead of butter she put on strawberry jam, which suited me just fine this morning. Jenny called and said she'd be right there. Pam handed me a small cooler and said

"In case you get hungry today." Inside the cooler was two bottles of juice, two apples, three bananas, a pair and an orange. Then she said. "I put the site address for The Circle in the cooler in case you want to check it out." I thanked her and went to wait for Jenny outside.

As I waited for Jenny to come I tried to recall what happen last night. I knew there was something I needed to remember but I couldn't. As I waited the construction crew showed up. Two men in shorts and tee shirts got out of the truck. They both said hello to me just as Jenny pulled up. After getting in her car she asked

"What's up with those two?"

"Their here to convert a small bedroom into walk in closet connected to my bedroom." I told her. Jenny nodded her head as she drove off. I could tell she wanted to say something but didn't know how to broach the subject. Finally I said

"Go ahead and ask. I know you want too. I would if I were you."

"Do you remember last night"? She asked

"After the pizzas came I talked with Pam about something to do with nymphs and the Internet. But after that I remember nothing. Why how bad was I?"

"So you don't remember what happen when you came out onto the patio?" She asked

"No, not a thing. In fact I didn't know I was out there."

"So you don't remember what you said?" She asked

"Oh god what did I say? I hope I did hurt anyone's feelings?" I asked as my face heated up with embarrassment.

"Well we don't know what you said. No one could understand you. And Pam was saying something about metaphase and you were speaking the language of the fairy folk. She was as confusing as you were. Ginny did say that every time you smiled at her she got an erection. She said you were simply irresistible."

"And how many times did I smile at her?" I asked

"She doesn't remember but she is sore today, but she can't stop smiling. The bitch she never smiled like that after screwing me. So you don't remember anything that happen?"

"No which really bugs me because I usually remember most of it, except when I'm actually getting screwed. But before and after it I remember that. The only times I have lapses of memory is when I go the first day with out any sex then the second day I usually wind up on some pool table in a bar getting fucked by every guy in the place. Even then I remember what happens after awhile."

"I'm sorry you don't remember what you did to me. I never had any one eat me the way you did. I passed out for a good thirty minutes."

"Well I hoped you enjoyed it?" I told her

"Oh I did in fact I was hoping you would do it again tonight. Bill invited us over for dinner and to help him with you. He said you'd be the same today as you where yesterday. And tomorrow you'll even be worse. I can imagine what's that like."

"Well he should know he's been though it for the last ten years. I'm glad he has help this time. I can be a bit overwhelming. After three days of this I can't even touch him he's so sore. Maybe you should have had that delivery guy come back last night." I told her and we both laughed.

Jenny dropped me off at my building. Janie caught up with me as I got on the elevator. I asked, " How was you weekend? Do anything worth gossiping about?"

"Oh it was wonderful. Are you going to the workout room today?"

"No I'm to exhausted. I'll probably just stay in my office for lunch today." I told her

"Can I come down and join you I like to tell you what happen this weekend. I think you like what I found out about my Kandy." I told her she could and then she handed me a folder and said. "That's Kim's resume she has an appointment with you at one this afternoon. I read it over it's quite impressive."

"You didn't tell her about you and me did you?" I asked

"No I know how you feel about that. I'd like to see her get the job; she's really a sweet person. But I'm not going to push you. In fact I won't mention it again."

"I didn't mean it that way. I know you like her. If I give her the job it will be on her qualifications and nothing else. I just don't want her coming on to me in the interview." I told her

"I don't think she would. She really wants this job so she can stay in town. She has a lot of family and friends here."

We said our good by's when the elevator stopped on my floor. I walked in to my office and found Ginger already there. She poured me a cup of coffee. My stomach turned over just thinking about it. As she handed it to me I wave her off. She said

"Is it that time of year already? I thought so there's juice in the refrigerator. Would you like one now?"

"Yes to both questions." I said as I sat down at my desk. Then asked, "What's today looking like?"

"Nothing to serious. You have two appointments, one with Jeff Franks and one with Kimberly Swan about the position in the Gym. Do you want me to cancel either of them?"

"No I need to fill that position as soon as possible. I just have to make the offer to Franks, I'm sure he'll accept. Miss Swan is another matter. Janie gave me her resume on the elevator; I haven't looked it over yet. I think I can handle her. Just try and run interference for me will you."

"I always do when you like this. Franks will be here in twenty minutes."

"That would be fine it gives me a few minutes to get settled." I told her as I sat down at my desk and turned on my computer. Ginger emptied my cooler putting the juice in the fridge and the fruit in a bowl she got out of one of the cabinets, and place it on the counter behind me. Then she asked

"Do you need this paper? It look's like a web address." She handed me the paper that Pam put in the cooler. I told her I did. Ginger left my office right after that.

Looking at the address I figured what the hell. I type the address into my web browser and hit the go button. The page open to a picture of a girl with almond shape eyes short hair and pointy ears, sitting on a rock in the forest. She was completely naked; she had very small breasts and was hairless between her legs.

The site said it was a meeting place for nymphs and other fairy folk that found their way there. All entrance into the site was by password only. No fee was charged for membership only requirement was a questionnaire that had to be filled out, to gauge the true nature of the person requesting membership. I hit the request membership icon. The next screen opened to ask me for my E-mail address. After typing it in I was told I would be contacted. I minimize my web browser just as Ginger came back in the office.

"Franks is waiting in the outer office. Are you ready for him?" She asked

"Yes send him in." I said as I stood up. My knees hurt as well as my inner thighs. Then I asked, "Do we have any aspirin?" Ginger gave me a worried look seeing as I never felt ill or complained about aches or pains.

"I have some, I'll get them for you." She said as she went back to her office. After getting me the aspirins she showed Franks in.

"Jeff I'd like to offer you the position of department head. Do you still want it?" I asked after Jeff had a seat.

"Yes ma'am I would. I know I could do good job."

"Ok it's yours under one stipulation. I want to meet who you hire as your secretary. Just so they know that if you make any sexual remarks, they should come to me."

"That's fine, I won't be doing that anymore."

"Ok, You can move into my old office any time. I would like to see you hire someone from the secretary pool but you don't have to." I told him

"Do you have anyone in mind?" He asked

"No if you want some recommendations talk to Ginger on your way out. If you can find one as good as she is then you'll be as lucky as I was when I found her." I told him "Also what are you doing Friday night?" I asked seeing the surprised look on his face

"I have nothing plan right now."

"Would you like to come to a party at my house? I having some people over and there's some one I would like you to meet."

"Yes Ma'am I'd love to come. What time would you like me to be there." I took one of my business card and wrote my address on the back and said

"Seven thirty will be fine. Dress is causal, but I would be disappointed if you didn't show up in a sports coat."

"Yes ma'am I'll be there." He said taking the card from me. He looked like he could cream himself just for getting the invitation. I heard my e-mail box ring as I sat back down at my desk. Jeff excused himself and left the office.

Just thinking about Jeff cumming in his pants because I invited him to my home got me thinking about screwing him. But I knew I wouldn't stop at one and I don't think that would be a good message to send to him. Why was I even thinking about fucking him I would never do it would I? But that was part of the problem. Every man I saw today would be a potential sex partner for me. A guy I wouldn't give the time of day to. I would consider as a sex partner if I didn't keep my wits about me.

I open my mailbox and found a message from The Circle. It read

Your request for membership has been received you pass word is Fairy Folk. Please proceed to the web address below to fill in the questionnaire. Please answer all questions truthful no matter how intimate or sensitive they are.

I clicked on the address and went to the site. After typing in my password I went to the questionnaire. The first ten questions or so where pretty standard. Height weight real hair color, skin color, month of birth.

Once the standard questions were out of the way the next thirty or so came one at a time these reflected my sexual habits. What sexual orientation I was, I clicked on bisexual. The final question was have I ever performed a sex act I didn't like, or was asked to perform a sex act that I refused. I clicked on no. Then the question became very probing. The first one was. Have you ever preformed a sex act that involved urination or fecal matter. When I clicked on no the next question asked

What would be your answer if asked to pee on some one or have someone pee on you? The answers were

A) That's the most disgusting thing I ever heard. Get away from me before I punch your lights out

B) To each his own but that's not for me.

C) Hey I'll try anything once.

D) Aim for my mouth

I chose A. The next question asked how many times a day did I bath. I put down a five. The questions after that had more to do with my mother and my heath. After I answered about a hundred questions Ginger came in the office and asked

"Are you going to the Gym today?" I told her I wasn't then she asked "If it's okay with you I'll go to lunch then?"

"Already?" I asked then looking at my watch I realized it was noon already "Oh yea go ahead. I didn't realize it was that late." She smiled then thanked me and left. I minimized my web browser as I heard Janie knock on my door. Sticking her head in she asked

"Okay to come in?"

"Sure come in and have a seat," I told her as I stood and got a juice out of the fridge and offered one to Janie. We sat on the couch and I asked

"So did you stop at Brenda's?"

"Oh yes she a very nice person. I got one of those strap-on's like you got and two of those butt plugs. And Brenda talked me into a paddle and some nipple clamps. I went home and Kenny was still at the office. So I checked out the history and cookie folders you told me about. You where right he was going to some bisexual sites and some female domination sites."

"When he came home I made him put on a dress and heels I've been saving. Usually he only wears nightgowns and sexy underwear. I did his make-up and his nails. Then tied an apron around his waist and had him cook me dinner. You should have seen him; his cock was hard thought the whole thing. I even caught him humming in the kitchen while he was cooking. I couldn't believe how easy it was."

"Then he did the dishes and cleaned up the kitchen. Then we sat and talked for two hours. The whole time he was checking out his nails and he made sure his dress was always straight and neat. I never had to get up to refill my drink glass. It was like I had a new girl friend."

"Well it sounds like you do have a new girl friend. How did she like your new toy?" I asked

"Oh that, well he blew me away. I though I get some resistance from him on that. Boy was I wrong. After we talked for a while I said it was time for bed. Kandy knew we were going to have sex. It was written all over my face. We went into the bedroom I had him shower first and I made him shave all over. Then I gave him a baby doll nightie to wear. I went into take my shower then I put on the strap-on. When I came in wearing a pair of his briefs and one of his strap tee shirts and the dildo was sticking out the top of the briefs. Kandy creamed her panties; there was a wet spot the size of Atlanta. She didn't cum but it was close."

"I laid down on the bed with her and we started making out. I kept rubbing my hand all over his tits and ass and playing with the crack. Finally I said 'come on baby give me one of those blow job you love so much.' I really didn't expect him to do it, at least not right away. He surprised me he dove for it. He pulled my briefs down and took my cock in his mouth so fast I thought he was going to choke on it. He did at first but soon he found a rhythm. I knew he loved getting blow jobs but it seemed like he loved giving them too"

"After a few minutes he decided I need some pleasure too and tried to put his fingers up inside me that's when he realized that I had a dildo up me too. He started jerking the dildo as he sucked it giving me pleasure to. When I couldn't stand it any more I pushed him over onto his back yanked the dildo out of me and plunged down on his dick. I came as I hit bottom. Then I started riding him saying things like you love getting fuck by me, don't you girl. And Kandy kept saying yes and telling me to fuck him harder. Then I said wait till I fuck you in the ass with my cock then your going to squeal like a real girl. When I said that Kandy came hard, harder then I ever felt him cum before. He kept cumming and cumming; I didn't think he was ever going to stop. When he did we were both panting like we just ran a marathon. "

" I laid down next to him till we caught our breath then I told him it was time for him to see what cum really tasted like. He looked at me and I pointed to my pussy and said. Go for it clean up the mess you made. Kandy tentatively went down and started licking up his cum. Then he really got into it. Before I knew it I was cumming again as more of his cum was pushed out of me and into his mouth. After I came a second time I pulled his mouth from me and pulled him up to lie next to me. I licked his face clean and we fell asleep."

"He obviously enjoyed it so I gather you did fuck him." I asked

"Oh yea Saturday night Sunday afternoon and night and three times on Monday. He's become a regular Suzie homemaker he did all the wash and made the beds, cooked all the meals cleaned the house. And waited on me hand and foot all weekend. And you were right I loved fucking him. And he loved getting fucked. I wish I started doing it sooner."

"So you are the mistress then?"

"That's what he calls me." She told me

"Well I'm glad you're happy. Do you think he'll do a real man?"

"I asked him if he wanted to he said he always did but was worried I'd find out and leave him because I would think he was gay. Hell I love eating pussy and I don't consider myself gay. I told him that some day we were going to get a man so he knows what it's like to have one cum in side his mouth and his ass. He's all for it as long as I'm there."

"Well good I think we should get together and let Kandy try a real cock. I'm sure Bill wouldn't mind." I said as I tried to keep my head straight. I could smell Janie's hot pussy and it was driving me crazy. "Why don't you and Kandy come to my house Friday. I having a party and I'd like you two to come."

"I'm not sure he's ready to go out dressed like a girl." Janie said

"They're never ready, you have to push them. Just let her know that she won't be the only cross dresser there and that we want her to come. Get her a pretty dress to wear and tell her it's for the party if she wants to wear it she'll have to go. She wants to go out in public you just have to convince her she wants to. Remember your the Mistress now what you say goes."

"Your right we'll be there. Even if I have to drag her there." I could see the conviction in her eyes I could also smell her arousal, she smelt so good I wanted to craw between her legs and eat her till it was time to go home. But I also knew Ginger would be back shortly and Kimberly would be coming in for her interview. This was getting harder to control now that I knew I like pussy as much as cock.

Ginger came in and said "Ms. Swan is waiting. Oh hi Janie I did see you sitting there."

"Hi Ginger did you enjoy your lunch." Janie asked Ginger shot Janie a look that told me they both had something on the other.

"Yes I did it was quite refreshing. And did you enjoy your lunch?"

"Not as much as you did apparently." Janie told her I wonder what that was all about. Janie stood and said "I guess I better get back up stairs before Fred comes back. So he thinks I was there the whole time. I'll talk to you later Sheri. Ginger I'll see you around." Janie picked up the two empty bottles of juice and deposited them in the wastebasket before leaving.

I stood my legs still stiff. And said to Ginger. "Hold her out there for a few minutes while I look over her resume."

After I memorized as much as I could of her resume I went out to the outer office and introduced myself to Kim. She was a strikingly beautiful woman. She stood five ten and was very thin. She weighed in at a hundred and ten if I had my guess. Her dark red hair was short but stylish and her legs looked very muscular but not overly so. She was wearing three-inch mules on her feet. Her dress was form fitting so that you could tell she was thin but not too thin and I'm sure her stomach was as tight as a drum. Her breasts were large for someone that thin and they stood high on her chest she obviously didn't need the bra she was wearing. Her makeup was tasteful; it didn't hide her natural beauty. Janie was right about her eyes, they were her best feature. I've never seen such green eyes on anyone they practically glowed. I asked her to go into my office. Once she was inside I turned to Ginger and said

"Make a copy of her resume and see if you can do a quick back ground check on her."

"She gave me a copy when she came in. I'll get right on it." Ginger told me.

I went in to my office glad I still had my copy of her resume. Sitting down across from her I was once again taken by her beauty. Then clearing my mind I said

"I've looked over your resume and you qualifications are excellent. Tell me why do you want to work here."