Life's Changes Ch. 09


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"I love Georgia. I love the heat of summer and the mild winters. My family has live in this town since before the Civil War. And really there aren't to many jobs in my particular area. I could have gone with my old coach. But I didn't want to leave here. My father would fret over me being so far from home. And yes I am a daddy's girl. I know it's not fashionable to be one but I like it and so does daddy."

"How come you didn't go on to med school you had the grades?" I asked

"To tell you the truth I got tired of school. I like what I do. Helping people stay fit. I don't aspire to be anything else." She stopped then thought and said "Mrs. Macon I'm a lesbian. I don't try and hide it. I think it's better to let others know so they don't try and use it against me. So if that's a problem we should stop this interview now."

"I don't have a problem with it. I don't want you forcing your self on anyone here."

"I wouldn't force anyone, I have enough lovers I don't need to force someone that doesn't want me. I just mentioned it so you couldn't say I didn't tell you. Some people feel threaten by the fact I am one and I don't try and hide. I don't walk around with a sign that says, "I'm a lesbian." But if a guy asks me out I'll let him know straight out I'm one so he doesn't try again. Which some times didn't work, they think they can change me. I don't want to be changed I love my life if they can't understand that then it's their problem."

Well she definitely didn't hold her punches. I had to respect that I didn't think I could go around and tell people I didn't know I was bisexual. I wasn't ashamed of it; it's just not anyone else's business. We talked some more about her qualifications. Then I said

"What I'm looking for is someone who can work well with others. I need you to be in the gym when there are people there to help them. Like spotting for them and maybe act as a personnel trainer if they want one. Also I need you to take care of the equipment keep it running. And also I want you to try and get more people in there to use it. Can you handle that?"

"Would I be answering to you or is there someone else I would need to talk to."

"No I'm your only superior. And I have an open checkbook when it comes to the gym the only thing is we need to get more people using it. So I was thinking we could start an aerobic class after normal working hours. Can you handle that?"

"So far I like what I hear and yes I'm a trained aerobic instructor. What would be my hours?"

"That I would leave up to you. You'll have to put in forty hours a week but when you want to work them is up to you."

"I'm your girl. As long as I can get some help with setting up the equipment. I strong but not that strong."

"Well I still have to check out your references and we have to discus salary."

"There may be a problem with my references. My old coach may not give you as good a one as I hope. She's still trying to get me to come and be her assistant. Money's not a problem. Daddy will more than make up for anything I need or want as long as I don't leave."

Ginger came in and handed me a note, it said. All her references said you couldn't get a better trainer. She is dedicated to her work. Former coach said not to hire her. She wants her back. She'll pay you not to hire her." I looked up at Ginger and said.

"Is this true? Did she really say this?"

"Well not in those word, but I refuse to write what she really said. I'm to much of a lady" I put the paper in the file folder and said to Kim.

"Let's go down and see what you be getting yourself into."

"Does that mean your hiring me?"

"If I don't I may be able to get some money out of you former coach." I told

"What ever she offered you, my father will double." She told me as she laughed

As we rode down to the gym I said "Your one luck girl to have a father that loves you so much. I take it he knows about you sexual preferences."

"Yes I told him when I was eighteen. The poor dear blames himself. He said if he was a better father I would be normal. I tried to tell him he didn't do anything wrong but he won't listen. I'm beginning to believe he says it to play on my sympathy so I won't leave."

We went into the shower area first, then into the work out area." As you can see there isn't much to work with down here. The two stair masters work and that one tread mill other wise that's it. I think we should start by junking every thing and starting from scratch."

"I wouldn't junk it. I know a Girl and Boy's club in Atlanta that a friend of mine work's at, that would love to get their hands on all this. If you gave it to him he'd be your slave for life."

"No thanks I have plenty of them." I let slip out. I couldn't believe I just said that. Kim gave me a look and then I saw surprise come to her face.

"Your her. Your Mistress Sheri. Anton told me you live down here." I was going to deign it but for some reason I knew she would see right though me. So I asked

"Who's Anton?"

"Anton Phillips you know him as the Master." She told me

"You know the master?"

"Yes he's the guy that works at the Girl and Boy's club in Atlanta. He really volunteers there. He says he wants to give back to the community. So he volunteer's at the club fixing any broken equipment and teaches the kids in the inner city to use them. At the same time he instills pride in them. He's really a saint."

"The man I saw punishing that slave on the stage on Saturday isn't what I would call a saint." I told her

"You know as well as I do that he loved it. The slave I mean. Anton doesn't hold any of them against their will. They want to be there and feel privileged to be a slave to him. His greatest punishment is to give them their male cloths back and a thousand dollars and a ride to where ever they want to go. To them that's the real punishment."

"You really like him. How come?" I asked

"Anton took him self from the poorest ghetto in the country and became the leading sacker in the NFL. He's done it with out drugs or getting mixed up in any sex scandals. He helps underprivileged kids and his only vice is he loves white men that want to be his slaves. That mansion that you went to it was the plantation his great grandmother was born on as a slave. Now he lives there with his own slaves but these want to be there and they can leave at any time."

"Getting back to the subject. If I were you, I'd get rid of all this equipment and contact a few vendors. Tell them you'll buy everything from one vendor and see who come up with the best price. If you're planning on an aerobics classes your going to need a lot more open space. Do you have a larger room some where close by."

I took her to a storage room that I kept all the old computer equipment. Most of it could be thrown out. And said "I could have this room cleaned out and we could use it"

"This would do you'll need some carpeting, better lighting and mirrors on the walls, but this would do just fine. And of cause you'll need me to run it." She finished with a slight grin on her lips.

"Sounds like a plan to me. But I don't want it getting around I frequent Dominators and Anton doesn't find out I work here, or I gave him the equipment."

"You really don't have to worry about Anton he knows how to keep a secret. You wouldn't believe who are members of his club and of cause I won't tell you. I really think you should tell him. The more you try to keep it from him the more he'll want to know. He doesn't like mysteries."

"I guess it's ok, he knows I mean he isn't going to black mail me. Do you think that club can use some old computer equipment too?"

"I think they could find a home for it." She said I could see the excitement in her eyes

"Let me clear it with the president and then I'll make arrangement to get it shipped up there." I told her. And of cause we'll have to get you hired. That is if you want the job."

"When can I start?" She asked

"How about next Monday. Then we can get all the paper work through personnel."

"That would be great. Are you going to be taking my aerobics class?" She asked after we got back on the elevator.

"I probably will at least a couple times a week." I told her.

"I also teach a dance aerobics class that is quite strenuous I'd have to be careful on who takes it. But it's great if you want to lose weight and still eat like a horse." She hit a sensitive area for me

"Do I look like I need to lose weight?" I asked sounding more hurt then I felt.

"No, no you look perfect. Like a little nymph I didn't mean anything by it." I could see she was troubled that I took it the wrong way. But why did she call me a nymph. We got back to my office and I said to Ginger

"Ginger can you get the paper work started on Ms. Swan she's coming to work for us."

"All ready have." She said as she handed me the paper work in question. "I figured after that reference from her former coach you'd have hired her before you went down stairs." This woman knew me too well. Taking the paper work I said

"One of these days I'm going to do just the opposite of what you think I'll do just to throw you"

"Huh that'll be the day. You're too predictable. Besides you always do the smart thing kind of like me." She said with a smug grin

"Just remember you can always be replaced."

"Yes I can be but that wouldn't be the smart thing." She was right of cause.

Kim and I when back in my office and I called Fred to ask about donating the equipment. He thought it was a great idea. He told me to make sure I got a receipt for taxes. I called down to Personnel and asked when I could start a new employee. When I told her what position Kim was filling Personnel told me she could start tomorrow. And they told me what she would be making. Then I called Mike Davenport and asked him

"Mike do we have a spare office near the gym for my new Physical education instructor?"

"For you Sheri I'll move someone if I have too. I'm sure I can find her some thing close by."

"Ok Mike do that for me will you and we'll be empting out that computer storage area for an aerobics' room. Can you get some one to give her a hand with that"?

"Have her get in touch with me when she needs help and I'll get the right people to help her."

"Thanks Mike you're the best."

"Don't mention it I have to take care of my number one boss." We said our good bys then I turned to Kim and said

"You can start tomorrow if you'd like. Or your can wait for Monday."

"Tomorrow will be great. I'm getting tired of sitting around the house."

"You can call Anton and tell him, he'll will be getting the computers and the equipment as soon as I can arrange a truck to drive them up. The only thing I would like you to leave the two stair master and the one working tread mill until we get the new equipment."

"Of cause and as for the truck. I'm sure Anton will arrange that. If I know him he'll be here tomorrow to pick it up in case you change your mind. If you don't mind I could give him a call now." I told her to go ahead. While she was dialing she said, "This conversation can get a little racy. Is that ok with you?" I told her it was

"Anton lover I have some wonderful news for you. Now don't get too excited I wouldn't want you to rip those lovely leather jeans your wearing. Oh how do I know your wearing them? Because you big hunk of black meat that's all you wear unless your not wearing anything at all. Well love I finally have a new job. Yes I found someone gullible enough to hire me" She gave me a wink with those green eyes.

"If you keep saying those nasty things to me I won't tell you the really good news. That's better now since they're redoing the entire gym here I talked them into give you the old equipment. Some of it is broke and some you'll have to scavenge for useable parts but you can have it all. Yes love for free. And I have even better news. My new boss said you could even have all the old computer equipment she has as long as you put it to good use. My new bosses name is are you ready for this. Sheri Macon. Yes the very one. No I'm not kidding you. So when can you come down for it. Tomorrow will be fine." Kim gave him the address and said. "Ask for Ms. Macon seeing I don't know where I'll be yet. Yes love I tell her you pledge your undying love. I'll see you tomorrow. By now" She said as she hung up. Then to me she said

"He's ecstatic you have a friend for life he'll never forget this."

"After the wine he sent to my table it's the least I can do. You seem pretty friendly with him. Do you always talk like that or was it for my benefit."

"Ms. Macon I never put on airs for any one. Anton and I go way back and we can say just about anything to each other. And soon you will too."

"Please call me Sheri. We're going to be working closely together for the next couple of months. I think first names will be easier. Your pretty open minded sexually aren't you" Kim laughed and said

"Sheri I'm a lesbian with a slave master for a best friend how much more open minded do you want me to be." I laughed thinking how absurd my statement was.

"I was wondering if you would like to come to a party I'm throwing Friday night?"

"Is this a party, party or a party that's going to turn into a orgy?"

"Well it's going to start out as a party, party but if cloths start coming off I won't stop it."

"Ok since you open this discussion. And I know you showed up at dominators with two slaves in tow one a cross dressing male and the other a female. I'm assuming your bisexual." I nodded my head. "I'd like to know what the relationship the two of us are going to have. Is it going to be just smoldering looks passing between us like we've been doing all after noon? Or can there be more. I know here at work it has to be no sexual contact, but when were away from the office. Can we have more?"

I knew I wasn't in the right frame of mind to be making any decisions about sex and whom I was going to have it with. But my body was taking over. And I wanted to see what was under that dress. Holding my sexual impulses in check I said

"I am married and my husband always comes first. But we do have a open marriage and when I have parties I can do as I please as long as Bill, my husband has someone to play with." Then I thought, "You don't know any bisexual men you can bring with you?" Kim Laughed

"As it so happens I have a friend that happens to be bi but leans heavily to the gay side. We use each other when we have to go to parties and Benefits that we need escorts for. And he just loves cross dressers especially if they really look female. And he's always in the mood to party. But he's a perfect gentleman, never pushy or force full."

"Sounds just what I'm looking for. Now I need to get back to work. And you need to go down to personnel. When you come in tomorrow come up and see me. And we'll find you some place to get started."

"Ok until tomorrow, Ah where's personnel?" She asked I asked Ginger to take her. And I got back to the questionnaire.

The questions were getting harder, and some I just didn't know the answer. It seem like I should know the answer, but I just couldn't remember. Pam had said she answered fifty or so, I know I've answered at least a hundred and fifty.

The final question asked. Does the name Mechi mean anything to you? I thought about it. It seemed I knew someone by that name but who. It was like I read it in a story or someone told me a story with that name in it. Finally I typed in sounds like a Wizard's name.

The screen flashed and the next page showed a picture of a forest from above with a circle clearing in the center. In the circle was written

Welcome fellow nymph welcome to the circle. You are the three thousandth five hundred and eighty third nymphs to find her way here. You are probable thinking this is a joke or we are looking to make money off of you but it is no joke. And you will never be asked to contribute money to the activities of the circle. That's what Leprechaun's gold is for.

Mechi was a powerful Mage that wanted the Queen of the Fairy Folk to become his sole consort. He demanded that she have nothing to do with any other male. That she devote she life to him. The Fairy Queen knew that she couldn't do this it would mean death to her and the Fairy people. Mechi was in raged and in a fit of jealousy he caste a spell that would make all fairy folk forget who they were.

The spell holds to this day except during the metaphase for each nymph. You nymph, your metaphase happens when spring gives way to summer. When spring gives way to summer where you were born your metaphase will take place even if you are on the other side of the world your metaphase will take place.

The metaphase is the renewal of life to the nymph. You must receive large amounts of sperm from the male human. Be it from one or many. During copulation you will remember what it's like to be a nymph. Once the male human inject his seed you will forget again till you receive enough sperm to remain in the world of the fairies till the sunrises in the world of the human.

Now that you know about nymph and Fairy Folk you next metaphase will be a trying time for you and your mates. When your male human injects his seed into you and you return to the world of the human you will remember that you are a nymph. But you will not be able to speak to the humans you will only be able to speak fairy speak. And you will not be able to understand the humans. Such is the nature of the spell.

To break the spell you must remember the name of the Fairy Queen that Mechi loved and you must remember your own Fairy name that you were given on you first metaphase. Once you remember these two Names then the spell will be broken for you and you can help the rest of us remember as well.

Please hit the new member icon below to put in a password so you can return to this screen. There is some background information on nymphs and Mages that we've been able to uncover. Due to Two nymphs that when thought their metaphase a week apart.

"Sheri are you okay." Ginger asked startling me I didn't hear her come in.

"What, oh yes I'm fine. I was just reading something." I told her getting my wits under control.

"Are you sure, I said I was leavening now it's six o'clock, but you didn't hear me." Ginger said as she waked around the desk and placed her hand on my forehead. "You've been engrossed with that computer all day what are you reading." She asked. She looked at the screen and said, "What language is that."

I looked at the screen and reread the first part of the script then said "It's English."

"Sheri I've been reading English all my life. That is not any English I've ever read. Can you understand it?"

"Oh cause." I said and started reading what was on the screen. She put her hand on my shoulder to stop me and said

"Sheri I can't understand what your saying can you read it in English." I must have looked dumb founded.

"Ginger your telling me, what I just said wasn't English?"

"No. I understand you now but what you were reading before I couldn't understand you. I don't know what you were saying but it sounded very pretty, almost musical." She looked at me very confused then said, "This is all very interesting but I really must go I have an appointment I really can't miss."

"I have to go too, Jenny will be picking me up shortly." I told her then I typed in a password that I use on all my web pages and closed the screen and shut down the computer.

Ginger and I rode down in the elevator together. On the sixth floor we picked up Jeff Franks.

"Oh Jeff that storage room were we're keeping the old computer equipment I empting it out to make room for a aerobics room. I giving the old equipment to a charity if there's anything in there that we might need please get it out in the morning." I told him. I should have said something earlier